path: root/chromium/ash/system/tray/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/ash/system/tray/')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/ash/system/tray/ b/chromium/ash/system/tray/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1aa60bc5541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/ash/system/tray/
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "ash/system/tray/system_tray_bubble.h"
+#include "ash/shell.h"
+#include "ash/system/tray/system_tray.h"
+#include "ash/system/tray/system_tray_delegate.h"
+#include "ash/system/tray/system_tray_item.h"
+#include "ash/system/tray/tray_bubble_wrapper.h"
+#include "ash/system/tray/tray_constants.h"
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
+#include "ui/aura/window.h"
+#include "ui/compositor/layer.h"
+#include "ui/compositor/layer_animation_observer.h"
+#include "ui/compositor/scoped_layer_animation_settings.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
+#include "ui/views/layout/box_layout.h"
+#include "ui/views/view.h"
+#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
+using views::TrayBubbleView;
+namespace ash {
+namespace {
+// Normally a detailed view is the same size as the default view. However,
+// when showing a detailed view directly (e.g. clicking on a notification),
+// we may not know the height of the default view, or the default view may
+// be too short, so we use this as a default and minimum height for any
+// detailed view.
+const int kDetailedBubbleMaxHeight = kTrayPopupItemHeight * 5;
+// Duration of swipe animation used when transitioning from a default to
+// detailed view or vice versa.
+const int kSwipeDelayMS = 150;
+// A view with some special behaviour for tray items in the popup:
+// - optionally changes background color on hover.
+class TrayPopupItemContainer : public views::View {
+ public:
+ TrayPopupItemContainer(views::View* view,
+ bool change_background,
+ bool draw_border)
+ : hover_(false),
+ change_background_(change_background) {
+ set_notify_enter_exit_on_child(true);
+ if (draw_border) {
+ set_border(
+ views::Border::CreateSolidSidedBorder(0, 0, 1, 0, kBorderLightColor));
+ }
+ views::BoxLayout* layout = new views::BoxLayout(
+ views::BoxLayout::kVertical, 0, 0, 0);
+ layout->set_spread_blank_space(true);
+ SetLayoutManager(layout);
+ SetPaintToLayer(view->layer() != NULL);
+ if (view->layer())
+ SetFillsBoundsOpaquely(view->layer()->fills_bounds_opaquely());
+ AddChildView(view);
+ SetVisible(view->visible());
+ }
+ virtual ~TrayPopupItemContainer() {}
+ private:
+ // Overridden from views::View.
+ virtual void ChildVisibilityChanged(View* child) OVERRIDE {
+ if (visible() == child->visible())
+ return;
+ SetVisible(child->visible());
+ PreferredSizeChanged();
+ }
+ virtual void ChildPreferredSizeChanged(View* child) OVERRIDE {
+ PreferredSizeChanged();
+ }
+ virtual void OnMouseEntered(const ui::MouseEvent& event) OVERRIDE {
+ hover_ = true;
+ SchedulePaint();
+ }
+ virtual void OnMouseExited(const ui::MouseEvent& event) OVERRIDE {
+ hover_ = false;
+ SchedulePaint();
+ }
+ virtual void OnPaintBackground(gfx::Canvas* canvas) OVERRIDE {
+ if (child_count() == 0)
+ return;
+ views::View* view = child_at(0);
+ if (!view->background()) {
+ canvas->FillRect(gfx::Rect(size()), (hover_ && change_background_) ?
+ kHoverBackgroundColor : kBackgroundColor);
+ }
+ }
+ bool hover_;
+ bool change_background_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TrayPopupItemContainer);
+// Implicit animation observer that deletes itself and the layer at the end of
+// the animation.
+class AnimationObserverDeleteLayer : public ui::ImplicitAnimationObserver {
+ public:
+ explicit AnimationObserverDeleteLayer(ui::Layer* layer)
+ : layer_(layer) {
+ }
+ virtual ~AnimationObserverDeleteLayer() {
+ }
+ virtual void OnImplicitAnimationsCompleted() OVERRIDE {
+ base::MessageLoopForUI::current()->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, this);
+ }
+ private:
+ scoped_ptr<ui::Layer> layer_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AnimationObserverDeleteLayer);
+} // namespace
+namespace internal {
+// SystemTrayBubble
+ ash::SystemTray* tray,
+ const std::vector<ash::SystemTrayItem*>& items,
+ BubbleType bubble_type)
+ : tray_(tray),
+ bubble_view_(NULL),
+ items_(items),
+ bubble_type_(bubble_type),
+ autoclose_delay_(0) {
+SystemTrayBubble::~SystemTrayBubble() {
+ DestroyItemViews();
+ // Reset the host pointer in bubble_view_ in case its destruction is deferred.
+ if (bubble_view_)
+ bubble_view_->reset_delegate();
+void SystemTrayBubble::UpdateView(
+ const std::vector<ash::SystemTrayItem*>& items,
+ BubbleType bubble_type) {
+ scoped_ptr<ui::Layer> scoped_layer;
+ if (bubble_type != bubble_type_) {
+ base::TimeDelta swipe_duration =
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kSwipeDelayMS);
+ scoped_layer.reset(bubble_view_->RecreateLayer());
+ // Keep the reference to layer as we need it after releasing it.
+ ui::Layer* layer = scoped_layer.get();
+ DCHECK(layer);
+ layer->SuppressPaint();
+ // When transitioning from detailed view to default view, animate the
+ // existing view (slide out towards the right).
+ if (bubble_type == BUBBLE_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
+ ui::ScopedLayerAnimationSettings settings(layer->GetAnimator());
+ settings.AddObserver(
+ new AnimationObserverDeleteLayer(scoped_layer.release()));
+ settings.SetTransitionDuration(swipe_duration);
+ settings.SetTweenType(gfx::Tween::EASE_OUT);
+ gfx::Transform transform;
+ transform.Translate(layer->bounds().width(), 0.0);
+ layer->SetTransform(transform);
+ }
+ {
+ // Add a shadow layer to make the old layer darker as the animation
+ // progresses.
+ ui::Layer* shadow = new ui::Layer(ui::LAYER_SOLID_COLOR);
+ shadow->SetColor(SK_ColorBLACK);
+ shadow->SetOpacity(0.01f);
+ shadow->SetBounds(layer->bounds());
+ layer->Add(shadow);
+ layer->StackAtTop(shadow);
+ {
+ // Animate the darkening effect a little longer than the swipe-in. This
+ // is to make sure the darkening animation does not end up finishing
+ // early, because the dark layer goes away at the end of the animation,
+ // and there is a brief moment when the old view is still visible, but
+ // it does not have the shadow layer on top.
+ ui::ScopedLayerAnimationSettings settings(shadow->GetAnimator());
+ settings.AddObserver(new AnimationObserverDeleteLayer(shadow));
+ settings.SetTransitionDuration(swipe_duration +
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(150));
+ settings.SetTweenType(gfx::Tween::LINEAR);
+ shadow->SetOpacity(0.15f);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DestroyItemViews();
+ bubble_view_->RemoveAllChildViews(true);
+ items_ = items;
+ bubble_type_ = bubble_type;
+ CreateItemViews(
+ Shell::GetInstance()->system_tray_delegate()->GetUserLoginStatus());
+ // Close bubble view if we failed to create the item view.
+ if (!bubble_view_->has_children()) {
+ Close();
+ return;
+ }
+ bubble_view_->GetWidget()->GetContentsView()->Layout();
+ // Make sure that the bubble is large enough for the default view.
+ if (bubble_type_ == BUBBLE_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
+ bubble_view_->SetMaxHeight(0); // Clear max height limit.
+ }
+ if (scoped_layer) {
+ // When transitioning from default view to detailed view, animate the new
+ // view (slide in from the right).
+ if (bubble_type == BUBBLE_TYPE_DETAILED) {
+ ui::Layer* new_layer = bubble_view_->layer();
+ // Make sure the new layer is stacked above the old layer during the
+ // animation.
+ new_layer->parent()->StackAbove(new_layer, scoped_layer.get());
+ gfx::Rect bounds = new_layer->bounds();
+ gfx::Transform transform;
+ transform.Translate(bounds.width(), 0.0);
+ new_layer->SetTransform(transform);
+ {
+ ui::ScopedLayerAnimationSettings settings(new_layer->GetAnimator());
+ settings.AddObserver(
+ new AnimationObserverDeleteLayer(scoped_layer.release()));
+ settings.SetTransitionDuration(
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kSwipeDelayMS));
+ settings.SetTweenType(gfx::Tween::EASE_OUT);
+ new_layer->SetTransform(gfx::Transform());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void SystemTrayBubble::InitView(views::View* anchor,
+ user::LoginStatus login_status,
+ TrayBubbleView::InitParams* init_params) {
+ DCHECK(bubble_view_ == NULL);
+ if (bubble_type_ == BUBBLE_TYPE_DETAILED &&
+ init_params->max_height < kDetailedBubbleMaxHeight) {
+ init_params->max_height = kDetailedBubbleMaxHeight;
+ } else if (bubble_type_ == BUBBLE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION) {
+ init_params->close_on_deactivate = false;
+ }
+ bubble_view_ = TrayBubbleView::Create(
+ tray_->GetBubbleWindowContainer(), anchor, tray_, init_params);
+ bubble_view_->set_adjust_if_offscreen(false);
+ CreateItemViews(login_status);
+ if (bubble_view_->CanActivate()) {
+ bubble_view_->NotifyAccessibilityEvent(
+ ui::AccessibilityTypes::EVENT_ALERT, true);
+ }
+void SystemTrayBubble::FocusDefaultIfNeeded() {
+ views::FocusManager* manager = bubble_view_->GetFocusManager();
+ if (!manager || manager->GetFocusedView())
+ return;
+ views::View* view = manager->GetNextFocusableView(NULL, NULL, false, false);
+ if (view)
+ view->RequestFocus();
+void SystemTrayBubble::DestroyItemViews() {
+ for (std::vector<ash::SystemTrayItem*>::iterator it = items_.begin();
+ it != items_.end();
+ ++it) {
+ switch (bubble_type_) {
+ (*it)->DestroyDefaultView();
+ break;
+ (*it)->DestroyDetailedView();
+ break;
+ (*it)->DestroyNotificationView();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void SystemTrayBubble::BubbleViewDestroyed() {
+ bubble_view_ = NULL;
+void SystemTrayBubble::StartAutoCloseTimer(int seconds) {
+ autoclose_.Stop();
+ autoclose_delay_ = seconds;
+ if (autoclose_delay_) {
+ autoclose_.Start(FROM_HERE,
+ base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(autoclose_delay_),
+ this, &SystemTrayBubble::Close);
+ }
+void SystemTrayBubble::StopAutoCloseTimer() {
+ autoclose_.Stop();
+void SystemTrayBubble::RestartAutoCloseTimer() {
+ if (autoclose_delay_)
+ StartAutoCloseTimer(autoclose_delay_);
+void SystemTrayBubble::Close() {
+ tray_->HideBubbleWithView(bubble_view());
+void SystemTrayBubble::SetVisible(bool is_visible) {
+ if (!bubble_view_)
+ return;
+ views::Widget* bubble_widget = bubble_view_->GetWidget();
+ if (is_visible)
+ bubble_widget->Show();
+ else
+ bubble_widget->Hide();
+bool SystemTrayBubble::IsVisible() {
+ return bubble_view() && bubble_view()->GetWidget()->IsVisible();
+bool SystemTrayBubble::ShouldShowLauncher() const {
+ for (std::vector<ash::SystemTrayItem*>::const_iterator it = items_.begin();
+ it != items_.end();
+ ++it) {
+ if ((*it)->ShouldShowLauncher())
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void SystemTrayBubble::CreateItemViews(user::LoginStatus login_status) {
+ std::vector<views::View*> item_views;
+ views::View* focus_view = NULL;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < items_.size(); ++i) {
+ views::View* view = NULL;
+ switch (bubble_type_) {
+ view = items_[i]->CreateDefaultView(login_status);
+ if (items_[i]->restore_focus())
+ focus_view = view;
+ break;
+ view = items_[i]->CreateDetailedView(login_status);
+ break;
+ view = items_[i]->CreateNotificationView(login_status);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (view)
+ item_views.push_back(view);
+ }
+ bool is_default_bubble = bubble_type_ == BUBBLE_TYPE_DEFAULT;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < item_views.size(); ++i) {
+ // For default view, draw bottom border for each item, except the last
+ // 2 items, which are the bottom header row and the one just above it.
+ bubble_view_->AddChildView(new TrayPopupItemContainer(
+ item_views[i], is_default_bubble,
+ is_default_bubble && (i < item_views.size() - 2)));
+ }
+ if (focus_view)
+ focus_view->RequestFocus();
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace ash