path: root/chromium/ash/wm/dock/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/ash/wm/dock/')
1 files changed, 1056 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/ash/wm/dock/ b/chromium/ash/wm/dock/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..49aeca25318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/ash/wm/dock/
@@ -0,0 +1,1056 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "ash/wm/dock/docked_window_resizer.h"
+#include "ash/ash_switches.h"
+#include "ash/launcher/launcher.h"
+#include "ash/launcher/launcher_model.h"
+#include "ash/root_window_controller.h"
+#include "ash/screen_ash.h"
+#include "ash/shelf/shelf_layout_manager.h"
+#include "ash/shelf/shelf_types.h"
+#include "ash/shelf/shelf_widget.h"
+#include "ash/shell.h"
+#include "ash/shell_window_ids.h"
+#include "ash/test/ash_test_base.h"
+#include "ash/test/cursor_manager_test_api.h"
+#include "ash/test/shell_test_api.h"
+#include "ash/test/test_launcher_delegate.h"
+#include "ash/wm/dock/docked_window_layout_manager.h"
+#include "ash/wm/drag_window_resizer.h"
+#include "ash/wm/panels/panel_layout_manager.h"
+#include "ash/wm/window_properties.h"
+#include "ash/wm/window_util.h"
+#include "base/command_line.h"
+#include "ui/aura/client/aura_constants.h"
+#include "ui/aura/root_window.h"
+#include "ui/aura/test/test_window_delegate.h"
+#include "ui/base/hit_test.h"
+#include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
+#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
+namespace ash {
+namespace internal {
+class DockedWindowResizerTest
+ : public test::AshTestBase,
+ public testing::WithParamInterface<aura::client::WindowType> {
+ public:
+ DockedWindowResizerTest() : model_(NULL), window_type_(GetParam()) {}
+ virtual ~DockedWindowResizerTest() {}
+ virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
+ CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitch(
+ ash::switches::kAshEnableStickyEdges);
+ CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitch(
+ ash::switches::kAshEnableDockedWindows);
+ AshTestBase::SetUp();
+ UpdateDisplay("600x400");
+ test::ShellTestApi test_api(Shell::GetInstance());
+ model_ = test_api.launcher_model();
+ }
+ virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
+ AshTestBase::TearDown();
+ }
+ protected:
+ enum DockedEdge {
+ };
+ aura::Window* CreateTestWindow(const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
+ aura::Window* window = CreateTestWindowInShellWithDelegateAndType(
+ &delegate_,
+ window_type_,
+ 0,
+ bounds);
+ if (window_type_ == aura::client::WINDOW_TYPE_PANEL) {
+ test::TestLauncherDelegate* launcher_delegate =
+ test::TestLauncherDelegate::instance();
+ launcher_delegate->AddLauncherItem(window);
+ PanelLayoutManager* manager =
+ static_cast<PanelLayoutManager*>(
+ Shell::GetContainer(window->GetRootWindow(),
+ internal::kShellWindowId_PanelContainer)->
+ layout_manager());
+ manager->Relayout();
+ }
+ return window;
+ }
+ static WindowResizer* CreateSomeWindowResizer(
+ aura::Window* window,
+ const gfx::Point& point_in_parent,
+ int window_component) {
+ return CreateWindowResizer(
+ window,
+ point_in_parent,
+ window_component,
+ aura::client::WINDOW_MOVE_SOURCE_MOUSE).release();
+ }
+ void DragStart(aura::Window* window) {
+ initial_location_in_parent_ = window->bounds().origin();
+ resizer_.reset(CreateSomeWindowResizer(window,
+ initial_location_in_parent_,
+ ASSERT_TRUE(resizer_.get());
+ }
+ void DragStartAtOffsetFromwindowOrigin(aura::Window* window,
+ int dx,
+ int dy) {
+ initial_location_in_parent_ =
+ window->bounds().origin() + gfx::Vector2d(dx, dy);
+ resizer_.reset(CreateSomeWindowResizer(window,
+ initial_location_in_parent_,
+ ASSERT_TRUE(resizer_.get());
+ }
+ void ResizeStartAtOffsetFromwindowOrigin(aura::Window* window,
+ int dx,
+ int dy,
+ int window_component) {
+ initial_location_in_parent_ =
+ window->bounds().origin() + gfx::Vector2d(dx, dy);
+ resizer_.reset(CreateSomeWindowResizer(window,
+ initial_location_in_parent_,
+ window_component));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(resizer_.get());
+ }
+ void DragMove(int dx, int dy) {
+ resizer_->Drag(initial_location_in_parent_ + gfx::Vector2d(dx, dy), 0);
+ }
+ void DragEnd() {
+ resizer_->CompleteDrag(0);
+ resizer_.reset();
+ }
+ void DragRevert() {
+ resizer_->RevertDrag();
+ resizer_.reset();
+ }
+ // Panels are parented by panel container during drags.
+ // All other windows that are tested here are parented by dock container
+ // during drags.
+ int CorrectContainerIdDuringDrag() {
+ if (window_type_ == aura::client::WINDOW_TYPE_PANEL)
+ return internal::kShellWindowId_PanelContainer;
+ return internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer;
+ }
+ // Test dragging the window vertically (to detach if it is a panel) and then
+ // horizontally to the edge with an added offset from the edge of |dx|.
+ void DragRelativeToEdge(DockedEdge edge,
+ aura::Window* window,
+ int dx) {
+ DragVerticallyAndRelativeToEdge(
+ edge,
+ window,
+ dx,
+ window_type_ == aura::client::WINDOW_TYPE_PANEL ? -100 : 20);
+ }
+ void DragToVerticalPositionAndToEdge(DockedEdge edge,
+ aura::Window* window,
+ int y) {
+ DragToVerticalPositionRelativeToEdge(edge, window, 0, y);
+ }
+ void DragToVerticalPositionRelativeToEdge(DockedEdge edge,
+ aura::Window* window,
+ int dx,
+ int y) {
+ gfx::Rect initial_bounds = window->GetBoundsInScreen();
+ DragVerticallyAndRelativeToEdge(edge, window, dx, y - initial_bounds.y());
+ }
+ // Detach if our window is a panel, then drag it vertically by |dy| and
+ // horizontally to the edge with an added offset from the edge of |dx|.
+ void DragVerticallyAndRelativeToEdge(DockedEdge edge,
+ aura::Window* window,
+ int dx,
+ int dy) {
+ aura::RootWindow* root_window = window->GetRootWindow();
+ gfx::Rect initial_bounds = window->GetBoundsInScreen();
+ if (window_type_ == aura::client::WINDOW_TYPE_PANEL) {
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStart(window));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetProperty(kPanelAttachedKey));
+ // Drag enough to detach since our tests assume panels to be initially
+ // detached.
+ DragMove(0, dy);
+ EXPECT_EQ(CorrectContainerIdDuringDrag(), window->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(initial_bounds.x(), window->GetBoundsInScreen().x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(initial_bounds.y() + dy, window->GetBoundsInScreen().y());
+ // The panel should be detached when the drag completes.
+ DragEnd();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(window->GetProperty(kPanelAttachedKey));
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer,
+ window->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(root_window, window->GetRootWindow());
+ }
+ // avoid snap by clicking away from the border
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStartAtOffsetFromwindowOrigin(window, 25, 5));
+ // Drag the window left or right to the edge (or almost to it).
+ if (edge == DOCKED_EDGE_LEFT)
+ dx += window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().x() - initial_bounds.x();
+ else if (edge == DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT)
+ dx += window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right() - initial_bounds.right();
+ DragMove(dx, window_type_ == aura::client::WINDOW_TYPE_PANEL ? 0 : dy);
+ EXPECT_EQ(CorrectContainerIdDuringDrag(), window->parent()->id());
+ // Release the mouse and the panel should be attached to the dock.
+ DragEnd();
+ // x-coordinate can get adjusted by snapping or sticking.
+ // y-coordinate could be changed by possible automatic layout if docked.
+ if (window->parent()->id() != internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer)
+ EXPECT_EQ(initial_bounds.y() + dy, window->GetBoundsInScreen().y());
+ }
+ bool test_panels() const {
+ return window_type_ == aura::client::WINDOW_TYPE_PANEL;
+ }
+ private:
+ scoped_ptr<WindowResizer> resizer_;
+ LauncherModel* model_;
+ aura::client::WindowType window_type_;
+ aura::test::TestWindowDelegate delegate_;
+ // Location at start of the drag in |window->parent()|'s coordinates.
+ gfx::Point initial_location_in_parent_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DockedWindowResizerTest);
+// Verifies a window can be dragged and attached to the dock.
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, AttachRightPrecise) {
+ if (!SupportsHostWindowResize())
+ return;
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> window(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ DragRelativeToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT, window.get(), 0);
+ // The window should be attached and snapped to the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, window->parent()->id());
+// Verifies a window can be dragged and attached to the dock
+// even if we overshoot the screen edge by a few pixels (sticky edge)
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, AttachRightOvershoot) {
+ if (!SupportsHostWindowResize())
+ return;
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> window(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ DragRelativeToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT, window.get(), +4);
+ // The window should be attached and snapped to the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, window->parent()->id());
+// Verifies a window can be dragged and then if not quite reaching the screen
+// edge it does not get docked to a screen edge and stays in the desktop.
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, AttachRightUndershoot) {
+ if (!SupportsHostWindowResize())
+ return;
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> window(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ DragRelativeToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT, window.get(), -1);
+ // The window should not be attached to the dock.
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right() - 1,
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer,
+ window->parent()->id());
+// Verifies a window can be dragged and attached to the dock.
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, AttachLeftPrecise) {
+ if (!SupportsHostWindowResize())
+ return;
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> window(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ DragRelativeToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_LEFT, window.get(), 0);
+ // The window should be attached and snapped to the left dock.
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().x(),
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, window->parent()->id());
+// Verifies a window can be dragged and attached to the dock
+// even if we overshoot the screen edge by a few pixels (sticky edge)
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, AttachLeftOvershoot) {
+ if (!SupportsHostWindowResize())
+ return;
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> window(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ DragRelativeToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_LEFT, window.get(), -4);
+ // The window should be attached and snapped to the left dock.
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().x(),
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, window->parent()->id());
+// Verifies a window can be dragged and then if not quite reaching the screen
+// edge it does not get docked to a screen edge and stays in the desktop.
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, AttachLeftUndershoot) {
+ if (!SupportsHostWindowResize())
+ return;
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> window(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ DragRelativeToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_LEFT, window.get(), 1);
+ // The window should not be attached to the dock.
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().x() + 1,
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer,
+ window->parent()->id());
+// Dock on the right side, change shelf alignment, check that windows move to
+// the opposite side.
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, AttachRightChangeShelf) {
+ if (!SupportsHostWindowResize())
+ return;
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> window(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ DragRelativeToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT, window.get(), 0);
+ // The window should be attached and snapped to the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, window->parent()->id());
+ // set launcher shelf to be aligned on the right
+ ash::Shell* shell = ash::Shell::GetInstance();
+ shell->SetShelfAlignment(SHELF_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT,
+ shell->GetPrimaryRootWindow());
+ // The window should have moved and get attached to the left dock.
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().x(),
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, window->parent()->id());
+ // set launcher shelf to be aligned on the left
+ shell->SetShelfAlignment(SHELF_ALIGNMENT_LEFT,
+ shell->GetPrimaryRootWindow());
+ // The window should have moved and get attached to the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, window->parent()->id());
+ // set launcher shelf to be aligned at the bottom
+ shell->SetShelfAlignment(SHELF_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM,
+ shell->GetPrimaryRootWindow());
+ // The window should stay in the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, window->parent()->id());
+// Dock on the right side, try to undock, then drag more to really undock
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, AttachTryDetach) {
+ if (!SupportsHostWindowResize())
+ return;
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> window(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ DragRelativeToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT, window.get(), 0);
+ // The window should be attached and snapped to the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, window->parent()->id());
+ // Try to detach by dragging left less than kSnapToDockDistance.
+ // The window should stay docked.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStart(window.get()));
+ DragMove(-4, -10);
+ // Release the mouse and the window should be still attached to the dock.
+ DragEnd();
+ // The window should be still attached to the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, window->parent()->id());
+ // Try to detach by dragging left by kSnapToDockDistance or more.
+ // The window should get undocked.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStart(window.get()));
+ DragMove(-32, -10);
+ // Release the mouse and the window should be no longer attached to the dock.
+ DragEnd();
+ // The window should be floating on the desktop again.
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right() - 32,
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer,
+ window->parent()->id());
+// Minimize a docked window, then restore it and check that it is still docked.
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, AttachMinimizeRestore) {
+ if (!SupportsHostWindowResize())
+ return;
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> window(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ DragRelativeToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT, window.get(), 0);
+ // The window should be attached and snapped to the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, window->parent()->id());
+ // Minimize the window, it should be hidden.
+ window->SetProperty(aura::client::kShowStateKey, ui::SHOW_STATE_MINIMIZED);
+ RunAllPendingInMessageLoop();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(window->IsVisible());
+ // Restore the window; window should be visible.
+ window->SetProperty(aura::client::kShowStateKey, ui::SHOW_STATE_NORMAL);
+ RunAllPendingInMessageLoop();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(window->IsVisible());
+// Dock two windows, undock one, check that the other one is still docked.
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, AttachTwoWindows)
+ if (!SupportsHostWindowResize())
+ return;
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> w1(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> w2(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ DragToVerticalPositionAndToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT, w1.get(), 20);
+ DragToVerticalPositionAndToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT, w2.get(), 50);
+ // Both windows should be attached and snapped to the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ w1->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(w2->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ w2->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w2->parent()->id());
+ // Detach by dragging left (should get undocked).
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStart(w2.get()));
+ // Drag up as well to avoid attaching panels to launcher shelf.
+ DragMove(-32, -100);
+ // Release the mouse and the window should be no longer attached to the edge.
+ DragEnd();
+ // The first window should be still docked.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ w1->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ // The second window should be floating on the desktop again.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w2->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right() - 32,
+ w2->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer,
+ w2->parent()->id());
+// Dock one window, try to dock another window on the opposite side (should not
+// dock).
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, AttachOnTwoSides)
+ if (!SupportsHostWindowResize())
+ return;
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> w1(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> w2(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ DragToVerticalPositionAndToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT, w1.get(), 20);
+ DragToVerticalPositionAndToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_LEFT, w2.get(), 50);
+ // The first window should be attached and snapped to the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ w1->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ // The second window should be near the left edge but not snapped.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w2->GetRootWindow()->bounds().x(), w2->GetBoundsInScreen().x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer, w2->parent()->id());
+// Reverting drag
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, RevertDragRestoresAttachment) {
+ if (!SupportsHostWindowResize())
+ return;
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> window(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ DragRelativeToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT, window.get(), 0);
+ // The window should be attached and snapped to the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, window->parent()->id());
+ // Drag the window out but revert the drag
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStart(window.get()));
+ DragMove(-50, 0);
+ DragRevert();
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, window->parent()->id());
+ // Detach window.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStart(window.get()));
+ DragMove(-50, 0);
+ DragEnd();
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer,
+ window->parent()->id());
+// Move a docked window to the second display
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, DragAcrossDisplays) {
+ if (!SupportsMultipleDisplays())
+ return;
+ UpdateDisplay("800x800,800x800");
+ Shell::RootWindowList root_windows = Shell::GetAllRootWindows();
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> window(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ gfx::Rect initial_bounds = window->GetBoundsInScreen();
+ EXPECT_EQ(root_windows[0], window->GetRootWindow());
+ DragRelativeToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT, window.get(), 0);
+ // The window should be attached and snapped to the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, window->parent()->id());
+ // Undock and move to the right - enough to get it peeking at the other screen
+ // but not enough to land in the other screen
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStart(window.get()));
+ DragMove(70, 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(CorrectContainerIdDuringDrag(), window->parent()->id());
+ DragEnd();
+ EXPECT_NE(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer,
+ window->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(root_windows[0], window->GetRootWindow());
+ // Move back left - should dock again.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStart(window.get()));
+ DragMove(-70, 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(CorrectContainerIdDuringDrag(), window->parent()->id());
+ DragEnd();
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer,
+ window->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(root_windows[0], window->GetRootWindow());
+ // Undock and move to the right - enough to get the mouse pointer past the
+ // edge of the screen and into the second screen. The window should now be
+ // in the second screen and not docked.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStartAtOffsetFromwindowOrigin(
+ window.get(),
+ window->bounds().width()/2 + 10,
+ 0));
+ DragMove(window->bounds().width()/2 - 5, 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(CorrectContainerIdDuringDrag(), window->parent()->id());
+ DragEnd();
+ EXPECT_NE(window->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer,
+ window->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(root_windows[1], window->GetRootWindow());
+ // Keep dragging it to the right until it docks. The window should now be
+ // in the second screen.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStartAtOffsetFromwindowOrigin(
+ window.get(),
+ window->bounds().width()/2 + 10,
+ 0));
+ DragMove(window->GetRootWindow()->GetBoundsInScreen().x() -
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().x(),
+ 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(CorrectContainerIdDuringDrag(), window->parent()->id());
+ DragEnd();
+ EXPECT_EQ(window->GetRootWindow()->GetBoundsInScreen().x(),
+ window->GetBoundsInScreen().x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, window->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(root_windows[1], window->GetRootWindow());
+// Dock two windows, undock one.
+// Test the docked windows area size and default container resizing.
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, AttachTwoWindowsDetachOne)
+ if (!SupportsHostWindowResize())
+ return;
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> w1(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> w2(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 210, 201)));
+ // Work area should cover the whole screen.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ScreenAsh::GetDisplayBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width(),
+ ScreenAsh::GetDisplayWorkAreaBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width());
+ DragToVerticalPositionAndToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT, w1.get(), 20);
+ // A window should be attached and snapped to the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ w1->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ DockedWindowLayoutManager* manager =
+ static_cast<DockedWindowLayoutManager*>(w1->parent()->layout_manager());
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, manager->alignment_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->bounds().width(), manager->docked_width_);
+ DragToVerticalPositionRelativeToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT, w2.get(), 0, 100);
+ // Both windows should now be attached and snapped to the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w2->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ w2->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w2->parent()->id());
+ // Dock width should be set to a wider window.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, manager->alignment_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(std::max(w1->bounds().width(), w2->bounds().width()),
+ manager->docked_width_);
+ // Try to detach by dragging left a bit (should not get undocked).
+ // This would normally detach a single docked window but since we have another
+ // window and the mouse pointer does not leave the dock area the window
+ // should stay docked.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStartAtOffsetFromwindowOrigin(w2.get(), 60, 0));
+ // Drag up as well as left to avoid attaching panels to launcher shelf.
+ DragMove(-40, -40);
+ // Release the mouse and the window should be still attached to the edge.
+ DragEnd();
+ // The first window should be still docked.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ w1->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ // The second window should be still docked.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w2->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ w2->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w2->parent()->id());
+ // Detach by dragging left more (should get undocked).
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStartAtOffsetFromwindowOrigin(
+ w2.get(),
+ w2->bounds().width()/2 + 10,
+ 0));
+ // Drag up as well to avoid attaching panels to launcher shelf.
+ DragMove(-(w2->bounds().width()/2 + 20), -100);
+ // Release the mouse and the window should be no longer attached to the edge.
+ DragEnd();
+ // The second window should be floating on the desktop again.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w2->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right() -
+ (w2->bounds().width()/2 + 20),
+ w2->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer, w2->parent()->id());
+ // Dock width should be set to remaining single docked window.
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, manager->alignment_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->bounds().width(), manager->docked_width_);
+// Dock one windows. Maximize other testing desktop resizing.
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, AttachWindowMaximizeOther)
+ if (!SupportsHostWindowResize())
+ return;
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> w1(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> w2(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 210, 201)));
+ // Work area should cover the whole screen.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ScreenAsh::GetDisplayBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width(),
+ ScreenAsh::GetDisplayWorkAreaBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width());
+ DragToVerticalPositionAndToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT, w1.get(), 20);
+ // A window should be attached and snapped to the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ w1->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ DockedWindowLayoutManager* manager =
+ static_cast<DockedWindowLayoutManager*>(w1->parent()->layout_manager());
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, manager->alignment_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->bounds().width(), manager->docked_width_);
+ DragToVerticalPositionRelativeToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT,
+ w2.get(),
+ -(w2->bounds().width()/2 + 20),
+ 50);
+ // The first window should be still docked.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ w1->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ // The second window should be floating on the desktop.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w2->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right() -
+ (w2->bounds().width()/2 + 20),
+ w2->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer, w2->parent()->id());
+ // Dock width should be set to remaining single docked window.
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, manager->alignment_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->bounds().width(), manager->docked_width_);
+ // Desktop work area should now shrink.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ScreenAsh::GetDisplayBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width() -
+ manager->docked_width_ - DockedWindowLayoutManager::kMinDockGap,
+ ScreenAsh::GetDisplayWorkAreaBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width());
+ // Maximize the second window - Maximized area should be shrunk.
+ const gfx::Rect restored_bounds = w2->bounds();
+ wm::MaximizeWindow(w2.get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ScreenAsh::GetDisplayBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width() -
+ manager->docked_width_ - DockedWindowLayoutManager::kMinDockGap,
+ w2->bounds().width());
+ // Detach the first window (this should require very little drag).
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStart(w1.get()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, manager->alignment_);
+ DragMove(-35, 10);
+ // Alignment is set to "NONE" when drag starts.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_NONE, manager->alignment_);
+ // Release the mouse and the window should be no longer attached to the edge.
+ DragEnd();
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_NONE, manager->alignment_);
+ // Dock should get shrunk and desktop should get expanded.
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer, w2->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_NONE, manager->alignment_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, manager->docked_width_);
+ // The second window should now get resized and take up the whole screen.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ScreenAsh::GetDisplayBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width(),
+ w2->bounds().width());
+ // Dock the first window to the left edge.
+ // Click at an offset from origin to prevent snapping.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStartAtOffsetFromwindowOrigin(w1.get(), 10, 0));
+ DragMove(-w1->bounds().x(), 0);
+ // Alignment set to "NONE" during the drag of the window when none are docked.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_NONE, manager->alignment_);
+ // Release the mouse and the window should be now attached to the edge.
+ DragEnd();
+ // Dock should get expanded and desktop should get shrunk.
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, manager->alignment_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->bounds().width(), manager->docked_width_);
+ // Second window should still be in the desktop.
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer, w2->parent()->id());
+ // Maximized window should be shrunk.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ScreenAsh::GetDisplayBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width() -
+ manager->docked_width_ - DockedWindowLayoutManager::kMinDockGap,
+ w2->bounds().width());
+ // Unmaximize the second window.
+ wm::RestoreWindow(w2.get());
+ // Its bounds should get restored.
+ EXPECT_EQ(restored_bounds, w2->bounds());
+// Dock one window. Test the sticky behavior near screen or desktop edge.
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, AttachOneTestSticky)
+ if (!SupportsHostWindowResize())
+ return;
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> w1(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> w2(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 210, 201)));
+ // Work area should cover the whole screen.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ScreenAsh::GetDisplayBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width(),
+ ScreenAsh::GetDisplayWorkAreaBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width());
+ DragToVerticalPositionAndToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_LEFT, w1.get(), 20);
+ // A window should be attached and snapped to the left edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->GetRootWindow()->bounds().x(),
+ w1->GetBoundsInScreen().x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ DockedWindowLayoutManager* manager =
+ static_cast<DockedWindowLayoutManager*>(w1->parent()->layout_manager());
+ // The first window should be docked.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->GetRootWindow()->bounds().x(),
+ w1->GetBoundsInScreen().x());
+ // Dock width should be set to that of a single docked window.
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, manager->alignment_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->bounds().width(), manager->docked_width_);
+ // Position second window in the desktop just to the right of the docked w1.
+ DragToVerticalPositionRelativeToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_LEFT,
+ w2.get(),
+ w1->bounds().right() + 20,
+ 50);
+ // The second window should be floating on the desktop.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w2->GetRootWindow()->bounds().x() + (w1->bounds().right() + 20),
+ w2->GetBoundsInScreen().x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer, w2->parent()->id());
+ // Dock width should be set to that of a single docked window.
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, manager->alignment_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->bounds().width(), manager->docked_width_);
+ // Drag w2 almost to the dock, the mouse pointer not quite reaching the dock.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStartAtOffsetFromwindowOrigin(w2.get(), 10, 0));
+ DragMove(1 + manager->docked_width_ - w2->bounds().x(), 0);
+ // Alignment set to "LEFT" during the drag because dock has a window in it.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, manager->alignment_);
+ // Release the mouse and the window should not be attached to the edge.
+ DragEnd();
+ // Dock should still have only one window in it.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, manager->alignment_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->bounds().width(), manager->docked_width_);
+ // The second window should still be in the desktop.
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer, w2->parent()->id());
+ // Drag w2 by a bit more - it should resist the drag (stuck edges)
+ int start_x = w2->bounds().x();
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStartAtOffsetFromwindowOrigin(w2.get(), 100, 5));
+ DragMove(-2, 0);
+ // Window should not actually move.
+ EXPECT_EQ(start_x, w2->bounds().x());
+ // Alignment set to "LEFT" during the drag because dock has a window in it.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, manager->alignment_);
+ // Release the mouse and the window should not be attached to the edge.
+ DragEnd();
+ // Window should be still where it was before the last drag started.
+ EXPECT_EQ(start_x, w2->bounds().x());
+ // Dock should still have only one window in it
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, manager->alignment_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->bounds().width(), manager->docked_width_);
+ // The second window should still be in the desktop
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer, w2->parent()->id());
+ // Drag w2 by more than the stuck threshold and drop it into the dock.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStart(w2.get()));
+ DragMove(-100, 0);
+ // Window should actually move.
+ EXPECT_NE(start_x, w2->bounds().x());
+ // Alignment set to "LEFT" during the drag because dock has a window in it.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, manager->alignment_);
+ // Release the mouse and the window should be attached to the edge.
+ DragEnd();
+ // Both windows are docked now.
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w2->parent()->id());
+ // Dock should get expanded and desktop should get shrunk.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, manager->alignment_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(std::max(w1->bounds().width(), w2->bounds().width()),
+ manager->docked_width_);
+ // Desktop work area should now shrink by dock width.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ScreenAsh::GetDisplayBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width() -
+ manager->docked_width_ - DockedWindowLayoutManager::kMinDockGap,
+ ScreenAsh::GetDisplayWorkAreaBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width());
+// Dock two windows, resize one or both.
+// Test the docked windows area size and remaining desktop resizing.
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, ResizeTwoWindows)
+ if (!SupportsHostWindowResize())
+ return;
+ // Wider display to start since panels are limited to half the display width.
+ UpdateDisplay("1000x400");
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> w1(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> w2(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 210, 201)));
+ // Work area should cover the whole screen.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ScreenAsh::GetDisplayBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width(),
+ ScreenAsh::GetDisplayWorkAreaBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width());
+ DragToVerticalPositionAndToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT, w1.get(), 20);
+ // A window should be attached and snapped to the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ w1->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ DockedWindowLayoutManager* manager =
+ static_cast<DockedWindowLayoutManager*>(w1->parent()->layout_manager());
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, manager->alignment_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->bounds().width(), manager->docked_width_);
+ DragToVerticalPositionRelativeToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT, w2.get(), 0, 100);
+ // Both windows should now be attached and snapped to the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w2->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ w2->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w2->parent()->id());
+ // Dock width should be set to a wider window.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, manager->alignment_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(std::max(w1->bounds().width(), w2->bounds().width()),
+ manager->docked_width_);
+ // Resize the first window left by a bit and test that the dock expands.
+ int previous_width = w1->bounds().width();
+ const int kResizeSpan1 = 30;
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(ResizeStartAtOffsetFromwindowOrigin(w1.get(),
+ 0,
+ 20,
+ DragMove(-kResizeSpan1, 0);
+ // Alignment set to "RIGHT" during the drag because dock has a window in it.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, manager->alignment_);
+ // Release the mouse and the window should be attached to the edge.
+ DragEnd();
+ // Dock should still have both windows in it.
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w2->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, manager->alignment_);
+ // w1 is now wider than w2 and the dock should expand and be as wide as w1.
+ EXPECT_EQ(previous_width + kResizeSpan1, w1->bounds().width());
+ EXPECT_GT(w1->bounds().width(), w2->bounds().width());
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->bounds().width(), manager->docked_width_);
+ // Desktop work area should shrink.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ScreenAsh::GetDisplayBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width() -
+ manager->docked_width_ - DockedWindowLayoutManager::kMinDockGap,
+ ScreenAsh::GetDisplayWorkAreaBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width());
+ // Resize the first window left by more than the dock maximum width.
+ // This should cause the window to overhang and the dock to shrink to w2.
+ previous_width = w1->bounds().width();
+ const int kResizeSpan2 = 250;
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(ResizeStartAtOffsetFromwindowOrigin(w1.get(),
+ 0,
+ 20,
+ DragMove(-kResizeSpan2, 0);
+ // Alignment set to "RIGHT" during the drag because dock has a window in it.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, manager->alignment_);
+ // Release the mouse and the window should be attached to the edge.
+ DragEnd();
+ // Dock should still have both windows in it.
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w2->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, manager->alignment_);
+ // w1 is now wider than the maximum dock width and the dock should shrink to
+ // the next widest window (w2).
+ EXPECT_EQ(previous_width + kResizeSpan2, w1->bounds().width());
+ EXPECT_GT(w1->bounds().width(), w2->bounds().width());
+ EXPECT_EQ(w2->bounds().width(), manager->docked_width_);
+ // Desktop work area should shrink.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ScreenAsh::GetDisplayBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width() -
+ manager->docked_width_ - DockedWindowLayoutManager::kMinDockGap,
+ ScreenAsh::GetDisplayWorkAreaBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width());
+ // Resize the first window right to get it completely inside the docked area.
+ previous_width = w1->bounds().width();
+ const int kResizeSpan3 = 100;
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(ResizeStartAtOffsetFromwindowOrigin(w1.get(),
+ 0,
+ 20,
+ DragMove(kResizeSpan3, 0);
+ // Alignment set to "RIGHT" during the drag because dock has a window in it.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, manager->alignment_);
+ // Release the mouse and the window should be attached to the edge.
+ DragEnd();
+ // Dock should still have both windows in it.
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w2->parent()->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, manager->alignment_);
+ // w1 is still wider than w2 so the dock should expand and be as wide as w1.
+ EXPECT_EQ(previous_width - kResizeSpan3, w1->bounds().width());
+ EXPECT_GT(w1->bounds().width(), w2->bounds().width());
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->bounds().width(), manager->docked_width_);
+ // Desktop work area should shrink.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ScreenAsh::GetDisplayBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width() -
+ manager->docked_width_ - DockedWindowLayoutManager::kMinDockGap,
+ ScreenAsh::GetDisplayWorkAreaBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width());
+ // Resize the first window left to be overhang again.
+ previous_width = w1->bounds().width();
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(ResizeStartAtOffsetFromwindowOrigin(w1.get(),
+ 0,
+ 20,
+ DragMove(-kResizeSpan3, 0);
+ DragEnd();
+ EXPECT_EQ(previous_width + kResizeSpan3, w1->bounds().width());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ // Docked area should be as wide as the second window - the first is too wide.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w2->bounds().width(), manager->docked_width_);
+ // Undock the second window. Docked area should shrink to its minimum size.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStart(w2.get()));
+ // Drag up as well to avoid attaching panels to launcher shelf.
+ DragMove(-40, -100);
+ // Alignment set to "RIGHT" since we have another window docked.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, manager->alignment_);
+ // Release the mouse and the window should be no longer attached to the edge.
+ DragEnd();
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DefaultContainer, w2->parent()->id());
+ // Dock should get shrunk to minimum size.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, manager->alignment_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(manager->kMinDockWidth, manager->docked_width_);
+ // The first window should be still docked.
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ // Desktop work area should be inset.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ScreenAsh::GetDisplayBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width() -
+ manager->docked_width_ - DockedWindowLayoutManager::kMinDockGap,
+ ScreenAsh::GetDisplayWorkAreaBoundsInParent(w2.get()).width());
+TEST_P(DockedWindowResizerTest, DragToShelf)
+ if (!SupportsHostWindowResize())
+ return;
+ scoped_ptr<aura::Window> w1(CreateTestWindow(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 201, 201)));
+ // Work area should cover the whole screen.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ScreenAsh::GetDisplayBoundsInParent(w1.get()).width(),
+ ScreenAsh::GetDisplayWorkAreaBoundsInParent(w1.get()).width());
+ DragToVerticalPositionAndToEdge(DOCKED_EDGE_RIGHT, w1.get(), 20);
+ // A window should be attached and snapped to the right edge.
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->GetRootWindow()->bounds().right(),
+ w1->GetBoundsInScreen().right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(internal::kShellWindowId_DockedContainer, w1->parent()->id());
+ DockedWindowLayoutManager* manager =
+ static_cast<DockedWindowLayoutManager*>(w1->parent()->layout_manager());
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, manager->alignment_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(w1->bounds().width(), manager->docked_width_);
+ // Detach and drag down to shelf.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStart(w1.get()));
+ DragMove(-40, 0);
+ // Alignment is set to "NONE" when drag starts.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_NONE, manager->alignment_);
+ // Release the mouse and the window should be no longer attached to the edge.
+ DragEnd();
+ EXPECT_EQ(DOCKED_ALIGNMENT_NONE, manager->alignment_);
+ // Drag down almost to shelf. A panel will snap, a regular window won't.
+ ShelfWidget* shelf = Launcher::ForPrimaryDisplay()->shelf_widget();
+ const int shelf_y = shelf->GetWindowBoundsInScreen().y();
+ const int kDistanceFromShelf = 10;
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(DragStart(w1.get()));
+ DragMove(0, -kDistanceFromShelf + shelf_y - w1->bounds().bottom());
+ DragEnd();
+ if (test_panels()) {
+ // The panel should be touching the shelf and attached.
+ EXPECT_EQ(shelf_y, w1->bounds().bottom());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(w1->GetProperty(kPanelAttachedKey));
+ } else {
+ // The window should not be touching the shelf.
+ EXPECT_EQ(shelf_y - kDistanceFromShelf, w1->bounds().bottom());
+ }
+// Tests run twice - on both panels and normal windows
+ DockedWindowResizerTest,
+ testing::Values(aura::client::WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL,
+ aura::client::WINDOW_TYPE_PANEL));
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace ash