path: root/chromium/ash/wm/panels/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/ash/wm/panels/')
1 files changed, 895 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/ash/wm/panels/ b/chromium/ash/wm/panels/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ec7027b6129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/ash/wm/panels/
@@ -0,0 +1,895 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "ash/wm/panels/panel_layout_manager.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <map>
+#include "ash/launcher/launcher.h"
+#include "ash/screen_ash.h"
+#include "ash/shelf/shelf_layout_manager.h"
+#include "ash/shelf/shelf_types.h"
+#include "ash/shelf/shelf_widget.h"
+#include "ash/shell.h"
+#include "ash/shell_window_ids.h"
+#include "ash/wm/window_animations.h"
+#include "ash/wm/window_state.h"
+#include "ash/wm/window_util.h"
+#include "base/auto_reset.h"
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
+#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
+#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPaint.h"
+#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPath.h"
+#include "ui/aura/client/activation_client.h"
+#include "ui/aura/client/focus_client.h"
+#include "ui/aura/client/window_tree_client.h"
+#include "ui/aura/root_window.h"
+#include "ui/aura/window.h"
+#include "ui/aura/window_tracker.h"
+#include "ui/compositor/scoped_layer_animation_settings.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/vector2d.h"
+#include "ui/views/background.h"
+#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
+namespace ash {
+namespace internal {
+namespace {
+const int kPanelIdealSpacing = 4;
+const float kMaxHeightFactor = .80f;
+const float kMaxWidthFactor = .50f;
+// Duration for panel animations.
+const int kPanelSlideDurationMilliseconds = 50;
+const int kCalloutFadeDurationMilliseconds = 50;
+// Offset used when sliding panel in/out of the launcher. Used for minimizing,
+// restoring and the initial showing of a panel.
+const int kPanelSlideInOffset = 20;
+// Callout arrow dimensions.
+const int kArrowWidth = 18;
+const int kArrowHeight = 9;
+class CalloutWidgetBackground : public views::Background {
+ public:
+ CalloutWidgetBackground() : alignment_(SHELF_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM) {
+ }
+ virtual void Paint(gfx::Canvas* canvas, views::View* view) const OVERRIDE {
+ SkPath path;
+ switch (alignment_) {
+ path.moveTo(SkIntToScalar(0), SkIntToScalar(0));
+ path.lineTo(SkIntToScalar(kArrowWidth / 2),
+ SkIntToScalar(kArrowHeight));
+ path.lineTo(SkIntToScalar(kArrowWidth), SkIntToScalar(0));
+ break;
+ path.moveTo(SkIntToScalar(kArrowHeight), SkIntToScalar(kArrowWidth));
+ path.lineTo(SkIntToScalar(0), SkIntToScalar(kArrowWidth / 2));
+ path.lineTo(SkIntToScalar(kArrowHeight), SkIntToScalar(0));
+ break;
+ path.moveTo(SkIntToScalar(0), SkIntToScalar(kArrowHeight));
+ path.lineTo(SkIntToScalar(kArrowWidth / 2), SkIntToScalar(0));
+ path.lineTo(SkIntToScalar(kArrowWidth), SkIntToScalar(kArrowHeight));
+ break;
+ path.moveTo(SkIntToScalar(0), SkIntToScalar(0));
+ path.lineTo(SkIntToScalar(kArrowHeight),
+ SkIntToScalar(kArrowWidth / 2));
+ path.lineTo(SkIntToScalar(0), SkIntToScalar(kArrowWidth));
+ break;
+ }
+ // Hard code the arrow color for now.
+ SkPaint paint;
+ paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style);
+ paint.setColor(SkColorSetARGB(0xff, 0xe5, 0xe5, 0xe5));
+ canvas->DrawPath(path, paint);
+ }
+ ShelfAlignment alignment() {
+ return alignment_;
+ }
+ void set_alignment(ShelfAlignment alignment) {
+ alignment_ = alignment;
+ }
+ private:
+ ShelfAlignment alignment_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CalloutWidgetBackground);
+struct VisiblePanelPositionInfo {
+ VisiblePanelPositionInfo()
+ : min_major(0),
+ max_major(0),
+ major_pos(0),
+ major_length(0),
+ window(NULL),
+ slide_in(false) {}
+ int min_major;
+ int max_major;
+ int major_pos;
+ int major_length;
+ aura::Window* window;
+ bool slide_in;
+bool CompareWindowMajor(const VisiblePanelPositionInfo& win1,
+ const VisiblePanelPositionInfo& win2) {
+ return win1.major_pos < win2.major_pos;
+void FanOutPanels(std::vector<VisiblePanelPositionInfo>::iterator first,
+ std::vector<VisiblePanelPositionInfo>::iterator last) {
+ int num_panels = last - first;
+ if (num_panels == 1) {
+ (*first).major_pos = std::max((*first).min_major, std::min(
+ (*first).max_major, (*first).major_pos));
+ }
+ if (num_panels <= 1)
+ return;
+ if (num_panels == 2) {
+ // If there are two adjacent overlapping windows, separate them by the
+ // minimum major_length necessary.
+ std::vector<VisiblePanelPositionInfo>::iterator second = first + 1;
+ int separation = (*first).major_length / 2 + (*second).major_length / 2 +
+ kPanelIdealSpacing;
+ int overlap = (*first).major_pos + separation - (*second).major_pos;
+ (*first).major_pos = std::max((*first).min_major,
+ (*first).major_pos - overlap / 2);
+ (*second).major_pos = std::min((*second).max_major,
+ (*first).major_pos + separation);
+ // Recalculate the first panel position in case the second one was
+ // constrained on the right.
+ (*first).major_pos = std::max((*first).min_major,
+ (*second).major_pos - separation);
+ return;
+ }
+ // If there are more than two overlapping windows, fan them out from minimum
+ // position to maximum position equally spaced.
+ int delta = ((*(last - 1)).max_major - (*first).min_major) / (num_panels - 1);
+ int major_pos = (*first).min_major;
+ for (std::vector<VisiblePanelPositionInfo>::iterator iter = first;
+ iter != last; ++iter) {
+ (*iter).major_pos = std::max((*iter).min_major,
+ std::min((*iter).max_major, major_pos));
+ major_pos += delta;
+ }
+bool BoundsAdjacent(const gfx::Rect& bounds1, const gfx::Rect& bounds2) {
+ return bounds1.x() == bounds2.right() ||
+ bounds1.y() == bounds2.bottom() ||
+ bounds1.right() == bounds2.x() ||
+ bounds1.bottom() == bounds2.y();
+gfx::Vector2d GetSlideInAnimationOffset(ShelfAlignment alignment) {
+ gfx::Vector2d offset;
+ switch (alignment) {
+ offset.set_y(kPanelSlideInOffset);
+ break;
+ offset.set_x(-kPanelSlideInOffset);
+ break;
+ offset.set_x(kPanelSlideInOffset);
+ break;
+ offset.set_y(-kPanelSlideInOffset);
+ break;
+ }
+ return offset;
+} // namespace
+class PanelCalloutWidget : public views::Widget {
+ public:
+ explicit PanelCalloutWidget(aura::Window* container)
+ : background_(NULL) {
+ InitWidget(container);
+ }
+ void SetAlignment(ShelfAlignment alignment) {
+ gfx::Rect callout_bounds = GetWindowBoundsInScreen();
+ if (alignment == SHELF_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM ||
+ alignment == SHELF_ALIGNMENT_TOP) {
+ callout_bounds.set_width(kArrowWidth);
+ callout_bounds.set_height(kArrowHeight);
+ } else {
+ callout_bounds.set_width(kArrowHeight);
+ callout_bounds.set_height(kArrowWidth);
+ }
+ GetNativeWindow()->SetBounds(callout_bounds);
+ if (background_->alignment() != alignment) {
+ background_->set_alignment(alignment);
+ SchedulePaintInRect(gfx::Rect(gfx::Point(), callout_bounds.size()));
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ void InitWidget(aura::Window* parent) {
+ views::Widget::InitParams params;
+ params.type = views::Widget::InitParams::TYPE_POPUP;
+ params.opacity = views::Widget::InitParams::TRANSLUCENT_WINDOW;
+ params.can_activate = false;
+ params.keep_on_top = true;
+ params.ownership = views::Widget::InitParams::WIDGET_OWNS_NATIVE_WIDGET;
+ params.parent = parent;
+ params.bounds = ScreenAsh::ConvertRectToScreen(parent, gfx::Rect());
+ params.bounds.set_width(kArrowWidth);
+ params.bounds.set_height(kArrowHeight);
+ // Why do we need this and can_activate = false?
+ set_focus_on_creation(false);
+ Init(params);
+ DCHECK_EQ(GetNativeView()->GetRootWindow(), parent->GetRootWindow());
+ views::View* content_view = new views::View;
+ background_ = new CalloutWidgetBackground;
+ content_view->set_background(background_);
+ SetContentsView(content_view);
+ GetNativeWindow()->layer()->SetOpacity(0);
+ }
+ // Weak pointer owned by this widget's content view.
+ CalloutWidgetBackground* background_;
+// PanelLayoutManager public implementation:
+PanelLayoutManager::PanelLayoutManager(aura::Window* panel_container)
+ : panel_container_(panel_container),
+ in_add_window_(false),
+ in_layout_(false),
+ dragged_panel_(NULL),
+ launcher_(NULL),
+ shelf_layout_manager_(NULL),
+ last_active_panel_(NULL),
+ weak_factory_(this) {
+ DCHECK(panel_container);
+ aura::client::GetActivationClient(Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindow())->
+ AddObserver(this);
+ Shell::GetInstance()->display_controller()->AddObserver(this);
+ Shell::GetInstance()->AddShellObserver(this);
+PanelLayoutManager::~PanelLayoutManager() {
+ Shutdown();
+void PanelLayoutManager::Shutdown() {
+ if (shelf_layout_manager_)
+ shelf_layout_manager_->RemoveObserver(this);
+ shelf_layout_manager_ = NULL;
+ for (PanelList::iterator iter = panel_windows_.begin();
+ iter != panel_windows_.end(); ++iter) {
+ delete iter->callout_widget;
+ }
+ panel_windows_.clear();
+ if (launcher_)
+ launcher_->RemoveIconObserver(this);
+ launcher_ = NULL;
+ aura::client::GetActivationClient(Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindow())->
+ RemoveObserver(this);
+ Shell::GetInstance()->display_controller()->RemoveObserver(this);
+ Shell::GetInstance()->RemoveShellObserver(this);
+void PanelLayoutManager::StartDragging(aura::Window* panel) {
+ DCHECK(!dragged_panel_);
+ dragged_panel_ = panel;
+ Relayout();
+void PanelLayoutManager::FinishDragging() {
+ dragged_panel_ = NULL;
+ Relayout();
+void PanelLayoutManager::SetLauncher(ash::Launcher* launcher) {
+ DCHECK(!launcher_);
+ DCHECK(!shelf_layout_manager_);
+ launcher_ = launcher;
+ launcher_->AddIconObserver(this);
+ if (launcher_->shelf_widget()) {
+ shelf_layout_manager_ = ash::internal::ShelfLayoutManager::ForLauncher(
+ launcher_->shelf_widget()->GetNativeWindow());
+ WillChangeVisibilityState(shelf_layout_manager_->visibility_state());
+ shelf_layout_manager_->AddObserver(this);
+ }
+void PanelLayoutManager::ToggleMinimize(aura::Window* panel) {
+ DCHECK(panel->parent() == panel_container_);
+ wm::WindowState* window_state = wm::GetWindowState(panel);
+ if (window_state->IsMinimized())
+ window_state->Restore();
+ else
+ window_state->Minimize();
+views::Widget* PanelLayoutManager::GetCalloutWidgetForPanel(
+ aura::Window* panel) {
+ DCHECK(panel->parent() == panel_container_);
+ PanelList::iterator found =
+ std::find(panel_windows_.begin(), panel_windows_.end(), panel);
+ DCHECK(found != panel_windows_.end());
+ return found->callout_widget;
+// PanelLayoutManager, aura::LayoutManager implementation:
+void PanelLayoutManager::OnWindowResized() {
+ Relayout();
+void PanelLayoutManager::OnWindowAddedToLayout(aura::Window* child) {
+ if (child->type() == aura::client::WINDOW_TYPE_POPUP)
+ return;
+ if (in_add_window_)
+ return;
+ base::AutoReset<bool> auto_reset_in_add_window(&in_add_window_, true);
+ if (!wm::GetWindowState(child)->panel_attached()) {
+ // This should only happen when a window is added to panel container as a
+ // result of bounds change from within the application during a drag.
+ // If so we have already stopped the drag and should reparent the panel
+ // back to appropriate container and ignore it.
+ // TODO(varkha): Updating bounds during a drag can cause problems and a more
+ // general solution is needed. See .
+ aura::Window* old_parent = child->parent();
+ aura::client::ParentWindowWithContext(
+ child, child, child->GetRootWindow()->GetBoundsInScreen());
+ wm::ReparentTransientChildrenOfChild(child, old_parent, child->parent());
+ DCHECK(child->parent()->id() != kShellWindowId_PanelContainer);
+ return;
+ }
+ PanelInfo panel_info;
+ panel_info.window = child;
+ panel_info.callout_widget = new PanelCalloutWidget(panel_container_);
+ if (child != dragged_panel_) {
+ // Set the panel to 0 opacity until it has been positioned to prevent it
+ // from flashing briefly at position (0, 0).
+ child->layer()->SetOpacity(0);
+ panel_info.slide_in = true;
+ }
+ panel_windows_.push_back(panel_info);
+ child->AddObserver(this);
+ wm::GetWindowState(child)->AddObserver(this);
+ Relayout();
+void PanelLayoutManager::OnWillRemoveWindowFromLayout(aura::Window* child) {
+void PanelLayoutManager::OnWindowRemovedFromLayout(aura::Window* child) {
+ if (child->type() == aura::client::WINDOW_TYPE_POPUP)
+ return;
+ PanelList::iterator found =
+ std::find(panel_windows_.begin(), panel_windows_.end(), child);
+ if (found != panel_windows_.end()) {
+ delete found->callout_widget;
+ panel_windows_.erase(found);
+ }
+ child->RemoveObserver(this);
+ wm::GetWindowState(child)->RemoveObserver(this);
+ if (dragged_panel_ == child)
+ dragged_panel_ = NULL;
+ if (last_active_panel_ == child)
+ last_active_panel_ = NULL;
+ Relayout();
+void PanelLayoutManager::OnChildWindowVisibilityChanged(aura::Window* child,
+ bool visible) {
+ Relayout();
+void PanelLayoutManager::SetChildBounds(aura::Window* child,
+ const gfx::Rect& requested_bounds) {
+ gfx::Rect bounds(requested_bounds);
+ const gfx::Rect& max_bounds = panel_container_->GetRootWindow()->bounds();
+ const int max_width = max_bounds.width() * kMaxWidthFactor;
+ const int max_height = max_bounds.height() * kMaxHeightFactor;
+ if (bounds.width() > max_width)
+ bounds.set_width(max_width);
+ if (bounds.height() > max_height)
+ bounds.set_height(max_height);
+ // Reposition dragged panel in the panel order.
+ if (dragged_panel_ == child) {
+ PanelList::iterator dragged_panel_iter =
+ std::find(panel_windows_.begin(), panel_windows_.end(), dragged_panel_);
+ DCHECK(dragged_panel_iter != panel_windows_.end());
+ PanelList::iterator new_position;
+ for (new_position = panel_windows_.begin();
+ new_position != panel_windows_.end();
+ ++new_position) {
+ const gfx::Rect& bounds = (*new_position).window->bounds();
+ if (bounds.x() + bounds.width()/2 <= requested_bounds.x()) break;
+ }
+ if (new_position != dragged_panel_iter) {
+ PanelInfo dragged_panel_info = *dragged_panel_iter;
+ panel_windows_.erase(dragged_panel_iter);
+ panel_windows_.insert(new_position, dragged_panel_info);
+ }
+ }
+ SetChildBoundsDirect(child, bounds);
+ Relayout();
+// PanelLayoutManager, ShelfIconObserver implementation:
+void PanelLayoutManager::OnShelfIconPositionsChanged() {
+ // TODO: As this is called for every animation step now. Relayout needs to be
+ // updated to use current icon position instead of use the ideal bounds so
+ // that the panels slide with their icons instead of jumping.
+ Relayout();
+// PanelLayoutManager, ash::ShellObserver implementation:
+void PanelLayoutManager::OnShelfAlignmentChanged(aura::Window* root_window) {
+ if (panel_container_->GetRootWindow() == root_window)
+ Relayout();
+// PanelLayoutManager, WindowObserver implementation:
+void PanelLayoutManager::OnWindowShowTypeChanged(
+ wm::WindowState* window_state,
+ wm::WindowShowType old_type) {
+ // If the shelf is currently hidden then windows will not actually be shown
+ // but the set to restore when the shelf becomes visible is updated.
+ if (restore_windows_on_shelf_visible_) {
+ if (window_state->IsMinimized()) {
+ MinimizePanel(window_state->window());
+ restore_windows_on_shelf_visible_->Remove(window_state->window());
+ } else {
+ restore_windows_on_shelf_visible_->Add(window_state->window());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (window_state->IsMinimized())
+ MinimizePanel(window_state->window());
+ else
+ RestorePanel(window_state->window());
+void PanelLayoutManager::OnWindowVisibilityChanged(
+ aura::Window* window, bool visible) {
+ if (visible)
+ wm::GetWindowState(window)->Restore();
+// PanelLayoutManager, aura::client::ActivationChangeObserver implementation:
+void PanelLayoutManager::OnWindowActivated(aura::Window* gained_active,
+ aura::Window* lost_active) {
+ // Ignore if the panel that is not managed by this was activated.
+ if (gained_active &&
+ gained_active->type() == aura::client::WINDOW_TYPE_PANEL &&
+ gained_active->parent() == panel_container_) {
+ UpdateStacking(gained_active);
+ UpdateCallouts();
+ }
+// PanelLayoutManager, DisplayController::Observer implementation:
+void PanelLayoutManager::OnDisplayConfigurationChanged() {
+ Relayout();
+// PanelLayoutManager, ShelfLayoutManagerObserver implementation:
+void PanelLayoutManager::WillChangeVisibilityState(
+ ShelfVisibilityState new_state) {
+ // On entering / leaving full screen mode the shelf visibility state is
+ // changed to / from SHELF_HIDDEN. In this state, panel windows should hide
+ // to allow the full-screen application to use the full screen.
+ bool shelf_hidden = new_state == ash::SHELF_HIDDEN;
+ if (!shelf_hidden) {
+ if (restore_windows_on_shelf_visible_) {
+ scoped_ptr<aura::WindowTracker> restore_windows(
+ restore_windows_on_shelf_visible_.Pass());
+ for (aura::WindowTracker::Windows::const_iterator iter =
+ restore_windows->windows().begin(); iter !=
+ restore_windows->windows().end(); ++iter) {
+ RestorePanel(*iter);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (restore_windows_on_shelf_visible_)
+ return;
+ scoped_ptr<aura::WindowTracker> minimized_windows(new aura::WindowTracker);
+ for (PanelList::iterator iter = panel_windows_.begin();
+ iter != panel_windows_.end(); ++iter) {
+ if (iter->window->IsVisible()) {
+ minimized_windows->Add(iter->window);
+ wm::GetWindowState(iter->window)->Minimize();
+ }
+ }
+ restore_windows_on_shelf_visible_ = minimized_windows.Pass();
+// PanelLayoutManager private implementation:
+void PanelLayoutManager::MinimizePanel(aura::Window* panel) {
+ views::corewm::SetWindowVisibilityAnimationType(
+ ui::Layer* layer = panel->layer();
+ ui::ScopedLayerAnimationSettings panel_slide_settings(layer->GetAnimator());
+ panel_slide_settings.SetPreemptionStrategy(
+ panel_slide_settings.SetTransitionDuration(
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kPanelSlideDurationMilliseconds));
+ gfx::Rect bounds(panel->bounds());
+ bounds.Offset(GetSlideInAnimationOffset(
+ launcher_->shelf_widget()->GetAlignment()));
+ SetChildBoundsDirect(panel, bounds);
+ panel->Hide();
+ PanelList::iterator found =
+ std::find(panel_windows_.begin(), panel_windows_.end(), panel);
+ if (found != panel_windows_.end()) {
+ layer->SetOpacity(0);
+ // The next time the window is visible it should slide into place.
+ found->slide_in = true;
+ }
+ if (wm::IsActiveWindow(panel))
+ wm::DeactivateWindow(panel);
+ Relayout();
+void PanelLayoutManager::RestorePanel(aura::Window* panel) {
+ panel->Show();
+ Relayout();
+void PanelLayoutManager::Relayout() {
+ if (!launcher_ || !launcher_->shelf_widget())
+ return;
+ if (in_layout_)
+ return;
+ base::AutoReset<bool> auto_reset_in_layout(&in_layout_, true);
+ ShelfAlignment alignment = launcher_->shelf_widget()->GetAlignment();
+ bool horizontal = alignment == SHELF_ALIGNMENT_TOP ||
+ gfx::Rect launcher_bounds = ash::ScreenAsh::ConvertRectFromScreen(
+ panel_container_, launcher_->shelf_widget()->GetWindowBoundsInScreen());
+ int panel_start_bounds = kPanelIdealSpacing;
+ int panel_end_bounds = horizontal ?
+ panel_container_->bounds().width() - kPanelIdealSpacing :
+ panel_container_->bounds().height() - kPanelIdealSpacing;
+ aura::Window* active_panel = NULL;
+ std::vector<VisiblePanelPositionInfo> visible_panels;
+ for (PanelList::iterator iter = panel_windows_.begin();
+ iter != panel_windows_.end(); ++iter) {
+ aura::Window* panel = iter->window;
+ iter->callout_widget->SetAlignment(alignment);
+ // Consider the dragged panel as part of the layout as long as it is
+ // touching the launcher.
+ if (!panel->IsVisible() ||
+ (panel == dragged_panel_ &&
+ !BoundsAdjacent(panel->bounds(), launcher_bounds))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If the shelf is currently hidden (full-screen mode), minimize panel until
+ // full-screen mode is exited.
+ if (restore_windows_on_shelf_visible_) {
+ wm::GetWindowState(panel)->Minimize();
+ restore_windows_on_shelf_visible_->Add(panel);
+ continue;
+ }
+ gfx::Rect icon_bounds =
+ launcher_->GetScreenBoundsOfItemIconForWindow(panel);
+ // If both the icon width and height are 0 then there is no icon in the
+ // launcher. If the launcher is hidden, one of the height or width will be
+ // 0 but the position in the launcher and major dimension is still reported
+ // correctly and the panel can be aligned above where the hidden icon is.
+ if (icon_bounds.width() == 0 && icon_bounds.height() == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (panel->HasFocus() ||
+ panel->Contains(
+ aura::client::GetFocusClient(panel)->GetFocusedWindow())) {
+ DCHECK(!active_panel);
+ active_panel = panel;
+ }
+ icon_bounds = ScreenAsh::ConvertRectFromScreen(panel_container_,
+ icon_bounds);
+ gfx::Point icon_origin = icon_bounds.origin();
+ VisiblePanelPositionInfo position_info;
+ int icon_start = horizontal ? icon_origin.x() : icon_origin.y();
+ int icon_end = icon_start + (horizontal ? icon_bounds.width() :
+ icon_bounds.height());
+ position_info.major_length = horizontal ?
+ panel->bounds().width() : panel->bounds().height();
+ position_info.min_major = std::max(
+ panel_start_bounds + position_info.major_length / 2,
+ icon_end - position_info.major_length / 2);
+ position_info.max_major = std::min(
+ icon_start + position_info.major_length / 2,
+ panel_end_bounds - position_info.major_length / 2);
+ position_info.major_pos = (icon_start + icon_end) / 2;
+ position_info.window = panel;
+ position_info.slide_in = iter->slide_in;
+ iter->slide_in = false;
+ visible_panels.push_back(position_info);
+ }
+ // Sort panels by their X positions and fan out groups of overlapping panels.
+ // The fan out method may result in new overlapping panels however given that
+ // the panels start at least a full panel width apart this overlap will
+ // never completely obscure a panel.
+ // TODO(flackr): Rearrange panels if new overlaps are introduced.
+ std::sort(visible_panels.begin(), visible_panels.end(), CompareWindowMajor);
+ size_t first_overlapping_panel = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < visible_panels.size(); ++i) {
+ if (visible_panels[i - 1].major_pos +
+ visible_panels[i - 1].major_length / 2 < visible_panels[i].major_pos -
+ visible_panels[i].major_length / 2) {
+ FanOutPanels(visible_panels.begin() + first_overlapping_panel,
+ visible_panels.begin() + i);
+ first_overlapping_panel = i;
+ }
+ }
+ FanOutPanels(visible_panels.begin() + first_overlapping_panel,
+ visible_panels.end());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < visible_panels.size(); ++i) {
+ if (visible_panels[i].window == dragged_panel_)
+ continue;
+ bool slide_in = visible_panels[i].slide_in;
+ gfx::Rect bounds = visible_panels[i].window->GetTargetBounds();
+ switch (alignment) {
+ bounds.set_y(launcher_bounds.y() - bounds.height());
+ break;
+ bounds.set_x(launcher_bounds.right());
+ break;
+ bounds.set_x(launcher_bounds.x() - bounds.width());
+ break;
+ bounds.set_y(launcher_bounds.bottom());
+ break;
+ }
+ bool on_launcher = visible_panels[i].window->GetTargetBounds() == bounds;
+ if (horizontal) {
+ bounds.set_x(visible_panels[i].major_pos -
+ visible_panels[i].major_length / 2);
+ } else {
+ bounds.set_y(visible_panels[i].major_pos -
+ visible_panels[i].major_length / 2);
+ }
+ ui::Layer* layer = visible_panels[i].window->layer();
+ if (slide_in) {
+ // New windows shift up from the launcher into position.
+ gfx::Rect initial_bounds(bounds);
+ initial_bounds.Offset(GetSlideInAnimationOffset(alignment));
+ SetChildBoundsDirect(visible_panels[i].window, initial_bounds);
+ // Set on launcher so that the panel animates into its target position.
+ on_launcher = true;
+ }
+ if (on_launcher) {
+ ui::ScopedLayerAnimationSettings panel_slide_settings(
+ layer->GetAnimator());
+ panel_slide_settings.SetPreemptionStrategy(
+ panel_slide_settings.SetTransitionDuration(
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kPanelSlideDurationMilliseconds));
+ SetChildBoundsDirect(visible_panels[i].window, bounds);
+ if (slide_in)
+ layer->SetOpacity(1);
+ } else {
+ // If the launcher moved don't animate, move immediately to the new
+ // target location.
+ SetChildBoundsDirect(visible_panels[i].window, bounds);
+ }
+ }
+ UpdateStacking(active_panel);
+ UpdateCallouts();
+void PanelLayoutManager::UpdateStacking(aura::Window* active_panel) {
+ if (!active_panel) {
+ if (!last_active_panel_)
+ return;
+ active_panel = last_active_panel_;
+ }
+ ShelfAlignment alignment = launcher_->alignment();
+ bool horizontal = alignment == SHELF_ALIGNMENT_TOP ||
+ // We want to to stack the panels like a deck of cards:
+ // ,--,--,--,-------.--.--.
+ // | | | | | | |
+ // | | | | | | |
+ //
+ // We use the middle of each panel to figure out how to stack the panels. This
+ // allows us to update the stacking when a panel is being dragged around by
+ // the titlebar--even though it doesn't update the launcher icon positions, we
+ // still want the visual effect.
+ std::map<int, aura::Window*> window_ordering;
+ for (PanelList::const_iterator it = panel_windows_.begin();
+ it != panel_windows_.end(); ++it) {
+ gfx::Rect bounds = it->window->bounds();
+ window_ordering.insert(std::make_pair(horizontal ?
+ bounds.x() + bounds.width() / 2 :
+ bounds.y() + bounds.height() / 2,
+ it->window));
+ }
+ aura::Window* previous_panel = NULL;
+ for (std::map<int, aura::Window*>::const_iterator it =
+ window_ordering.begin();
+ it != window_ordering.end() && it->second != active_panel; ++it) {
+ if (previous_panel)
+ panel_container_->StackChildAbove(it->second, previous_panel);
+ previous_panel = it->second;
+ }
+ previous_panel = NULL;
+ for (std::map<int, aura::Window*>::const_reverse_iterator it =
+ window_ordering.rbegin();
+ it != window_ordering.rend() && it->second != active_panel; ++it) {
+ if (previous_panel)
+ panel_container_->StackChildAbove(it->second, previous_panel);
+ previous_panel = it->second;
+ }
+ panel_container_->StackChildAtTop(active_panel);
+ if (dragged_panel_ && dragged_panel_->parent() == panel_container_)
+ panel_container_->StackChildAtTop(dragged_panel_);
+ last_active_panel_ = active_panel;
+void PanelLayoutManager::UpdateCallouts() {
+ ShelfAlignment alignment = launcher_->alignment();
+ bool horizontal = alignment == SHELF_ALIGNMENT_TOP ||
+ for (PanelList::iterator iter = panel_windows_.begin();
+ iter != panel_windows_.end(); ++iter) {
+ aura::Window* panel = iter->window;
+ views::Widget* callout_widget = iter->callout_widget;
+ gfx::Rect current_bounds = panel->GetBoundsInScreen();
+ gfx::Rect bounds = ScreenAsh::ConvertRectToScreen(panel->parent(),
+ panel->GetTargetBounds());
+ gfx::Rect icon_bounds =
+ launcher_->GetScreenBoundsOfItemIconForWindow(panel);
+ if (icon_bounds.IsEmpty() || !panel->layer()->GetTargetVisibility() ||
+ panel == dragged_panel_) {
+ callout_widget->Hide();
+ callout_widget->GetNativeWindow()->layer()->SetOpacity(0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ gfx::Rect callout_bounds = callout_widget->GetWindowBoundsInScreen();
+ gfx::Vector2d slide_vector = bounds.origin() - current_bounds.origin();
+ int slide_distance = horizontal ? slide_vector.x() : slide_vector.y();
+ int distance_until_over_panel = 0;
+ if (horizontal) {
+ callout_bounds.set_x(
+ icon_bounds.x() + (icon_bounds.width() - callout_bounds.width()) / 2);
+ distance_until_over_panel = std::max(
+ current_bounds.x() - callout_bounds.x(),
+ callout_bounds.right() - current_bounds.right());
+ } else {
+ callout_bounds.set_y(
+ icon_bounds.y() + (icon_bounds.height() -
+ callout_bounds.height()) / 2);
+ distance_until_over_panel = std::max(
+ current_bounds.y() - callout_bounds.y(),
+ callout_bounds.bottom() - current_bounds.bottom());
+ }
+ switch (alignment) {
+ callout_bounds.set_y(bounds.bottom());
+ break;
+ callout_bounds.set_x(bounds.x() - callout_bounds.width());
+ break;
+ callout_bounds.set_x(bounds.right());
+ break;
+ callout_bounds.set_y(bounds.y() - callout_bounds.height());
+ break;
+ }
+ callout_bounds = ScreenAsh::ConvertRectFromScreen(
+ callout_widget->GetNativeWindow()->parent(),
+ callout_bounds);
+ SetChildBoundsDirect(callout_widget->GetNativeWindow(), callout_bounds);
+ panel_container_->StackChildAbove(callout_widget->GetNativeWindow(),
+ panel);
+ callout_widget->Show();
+ ui::Layer* layer = callout_widget->GetNativeWindow()->layer();
+ // If the panel is not over the callout position or has just become visible
+ // then fade in the callout.
+ if ((distance_until_over_panel > 0 || layer->GetTargetOpacity() < 1) &&
+ panel->layer()->GetTargetTransform().IsIdentity()) {
+ if (distance_until_over_panel > 0 &&
+ slide_distance >= distance_until_over_panel) {
+ layer->SetOpacity(0);
+ // If the panel is not yet over the callout, then delay fading in
+ // the callout until after the panel should be over it.
+ int delay = kPanelSlideDurationMilliseconds *
+ distance_until_over_panel / slide_distance;
+ layer->SetOpacity(0);
+ layer->GetAnimator()->StopAnimating();
+ layer->GetAnimator()->SchedulePauseForProperties(
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(delay),
+ ui::LayerAnimationElement::OPACITY);
+ }
+ {
+ ui::ScopedLayerAnimationSettings callout_settings(layer->GetAnimator());
+ callout_settings.SetPreemptionStrategy(
+ callout_settings.SetTransitionDuration(
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(
+ kCalloutFadeDurationMilliseconds));
+ layer->SetOpacity(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// keyboard::KeyboardControllerObserver implementation:
+void PanelLayoutManager::OnKeyboardBoundsChanging(
+ const gfx::Rect& keyboard_bounds) {
+ // This bounds change will have caused a change to the Shelf which does not
+ // propogate automatically to this class, so manually recalculate bounds.
+ OnWindowResized();
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace ash