path: root/chromium/cc/resources/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/cc/resources/')
1 files changed, 1413 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/cc/resources/ b/chromium/cc/resources/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af70f297ed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/cc/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,1413 @@
+// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "cc/resources/picture_layer_tiling.h"
+#include <limits>
+#include "cc/base/math_util.h"
+#include "cc/resources/picture_layer_tiling_set.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_picture_layer_tiling_client.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/rect_conversions.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/size_conversions.h"
+namespace cc {
+namespace {
+static gfx::Rect ViewportInLayerSpace(
+ const gfx::Transform& transform,
+ gfx::Size device_viewport) {
+ gfx::Transform inverse;
+ if (!transform.GetInverse(&inverse))
+ return gfx::Rect();
+ gfx::RectF viewport_in_layer_space = MathUtil::ProjectClippedRect(
+ inverse, gfx::RectF(gfx::Point(0, 0), device_viewport));
+ return ToEnclosingRect(viewport_in_layer_space);
+class TestablePictureLayerTiling : public PictureLayerTiling {
+ public:
+ using PictureLayerTiling::SetLiveTilesRect;
+ using PictureLayerTiling::TileAt;
+ static scoped_ptr<TestablePictureLayerTiling> Create(
+ float contents_scale,
+ gfx::Size layer_bounds,
+ PictureLayerTilingClient* client) {
+ return make_scoped_ptr(new TestablePictureLayerTiling(
+ contents_scale,
+ layer_bounds,
+ client));
+ }
+ protected:
+ TestablePictureLayerTiling(float contents_scale,
+ gfx::Size layer_bounds,
+ PictureLayerTilingClient* client)
+ : PictureLayerTiling(contents_scale, layer_bounds, client) { }
+class PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest() {}
+ virtual ~PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest() {}
+ void Initialize(gfx::Size tile_size,
+ float contents_scale,
+ gfx::Size layer_bounds) {
+ client_.SetTileSize(tile_size);
+ tiling_ = TestablePictureLayerTiling::Create(contents_scale,
+ layer_bounds,
+ &client_);
+ }
+ void SetLiveRectAndVerifyTiles(gfx::Rect live_tiles_rect) {
+ tiling_->SetLiveTilesRect(live_tiles_rect);
+ std::vector<Tile*> tiles = tiling_->AllTilesForTesting();
+ for (std::vector<Tile*>::iterator iter = tiles.begin();
+ iter != tiles.end();
+ ++iter) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(live_tiles_rect.Intersects((*iter)->content_rect()));
+ }
+ }
+ void VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(
+ float rect_scale,
+ gfx::Rect request_rect,
+ gfx::Rect expect_rect) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(request_rect.Contains(expect_rect));
+ // Iterators are not valid if this ratio is too large (i.e. the
+ // tiling is too high-res for a low-res destination rect.) This is an
+ // artifact of snapping geometry to integer coordinates and then mapping
+ // back to floating point texture coordinates.
+ float dest_to_contents_scale = tiling_->contents_scale() / rect_scale;
+ ASSERT_LE(dest_to_contents_scale, 2.0);
+ Region remaining = expect_rect;
+ for (PictureLayerTiling::CoverageIterator
+ iter(tiling_.get(), rect_scale, request_rect);
+ iter;
+ ++iter) {
+ // Geometry cannot overlap previous geometry at all
+ gfx::Rect geometry = iter.geometry_rect();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expect_rect.Contains(geometry));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(remaining.Contains(geometry));
+ remaining.Subtract(geometry);
+ // Sanity check that texture coords are within the texture rect.
+ gfx::RectF texture_rect = iter.texture_rect();
+ EXPECT_GE(texture_rect.x(), 0);
+ EXPECT_GE(texture_rect.y(), 0);
+ EXPECT_LE(texture_rect.right(), client_.TileSize().width());
+ EXPECT_LE(texture_rect.bottom(), client_.TileSize().height());
+ EXPECT_EQ(iter.texture_size(), client_.TileSize());
+ }
+ // The entire rect must be filled by geometry from the tiling.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(remaining.IsEmpty());
+ }
+ void VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(float rect_scale, gfx::Rect rect) {
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(rect_scale, rect, rect);
+ }
+ void VerifyTiles(
+ float rect_scale,
+ gfx::Rect rect,
+ base::Callback<void(Tile* tile, gfx::Rect geometry_rect)> callback) {
+ VerifyTiles(tiling_.get(),
+ rect_scale,
+ rect,
+ callback);
+ }
+ void VerifyTiles(
+ PictureLayerTiling* tiling,
+ float rect_scale,
+ gfx::Rect rect,
+ base::Callback<void(Tile* tile, gfx::Rect geometry_rect)> callback) {
+ Region remaining = rect;
+ for (PictureLayerTiling::CoverageIterator iter(tiling, rect_scale, rect);
+ iter;
+ ++iter) {
+ remaining.Subtract(iter.geometry_rect());
+ callback.Run(*iter, iter.geometry_rect());
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(remaining.IsEmpty());
+ }
+ void VerifyTilesCoverNonContainedRect(float rect_scale, gfx::Rect dest_rect) {
+ float dest_to_contents_scale = tiling_->contents_scale() / rect_scale;
+ gfx::Rect clamped_rect = gfx::ScaleToEnclosingRect(
+ tiling_->ContentRect(), 1.f / dest_to_contents_scale);
+ clamped_rect.Intersect(dest_rect);
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(rect_scale, dest_rect, clamped_rect);
+ }
+ protected:
+ FakePictureLayerTilingClient client_;
+ scoped_ptr<TestablePictureLayerTiling> tiling_;
+ private:
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest);
+TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, LiveTilesExactlyCoverLiveTileRect) {
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(100, 100), 1, gfx::Size(1099, 801));
+ SetLiveRectAndVerifyTiles(gfx::Rect(100, 100));
+ SetLiveRectAndVerifyTiles(gfx::Rect(101, 99));
+ SetLiveRectAndVerifyTiles(gfx::Rect(1099, 1));
+ SetLiveRectAndVerifyTiles(gfx::Rect(1, 801));
+ SetLiveRectAndVerifyTiles(gfx::Rect(1099, 1));
+ SetLiveRectAndVerifyTiles(gfx::Rect(201, 800));
+TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, IteratorCoversLayerBoundsNoScale) {
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(100, 100), 1, gfx::Size(1099, 801));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect());
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1099, 801));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(52, 83, 789, 412));
+ // With borders, a size of 3x3 = 1 pixel of content.
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(3, 3), 1, gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1, 1));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 2, 2));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(1, 1, 2, 2));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(3, 2, 5, 2));
+TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, IteratorCoversLayerBoundsTilingScale) {
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(200, 100), 2.0f, gfx::Size(1005, 2010));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect());
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1005, 2010));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(50, 112, 512, 381));
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(3, 3), 2.0f, gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect());
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1, 1));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 2, 2));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(1, 1, 2, 2));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(3, 2, 5, 2));
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(100, 200), 0.5f, gfx::Size(1005, 2010));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1005, 2010));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(50, 112, 512, 381));
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(150, 250), 0.37f, gfx::Size(1005, 2010));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1005, 2010));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(50, 112, 512, 381));
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(312, 123), 0.01f, gfx::Size(1005, 2010));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1005, 2010));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(50, 112, 512, 381));
+TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, IteratorCoversLayerBoundsBothScale) {
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(50, 50), 4.0f, gfx::Size(800, 600));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(2.0f, gfx::Rect());
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(2.0f, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1600, 1200));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(2.0f, gfx::Rect(512, 365, 253, 182));
+ float scale = 6.7f;
+ gfx::Size bounds(800, 600);
+ gfx::Rect full_rect(gfx::ToCeiledSize(gfx::ScaleSize(bounds, scale)));
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(256, 512), 5.2f, bounds);
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(scale, full_rect);
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(scale, gfx::Rect(2014, 1579, 867, 1033));
+TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, IteratorEmptyRect) {
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(100, 100), 1.0f, gfx::Size(800, 600));
+ gfx::Rect empty;
+ PictureLayerTiling::CoverageIterator iter(tiling_.get(), 1.0f, empty);
+TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, NonIntersectingRect) {
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(100, 100), 1.0f, gfx::Size(800, 600));
+ gfx::Rect non_intersecting(1000, 1000, 50, 50);
+ PictureLayerTiling::CoverageIterator iter(tiling_.get(), 1, non_intersecting);
+TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, LayerEdgeTextureCoordinates) {
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(300, 300), 1.0f, gfx::Size(256, 256));
+ // All of these sizes are 256x256, scaled and ceiled.
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1.0f, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 256, 256));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(0.8f, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 205, 205));
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1.2f, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 308, 308));
+TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, NonContainedDestRect) {
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(100, 100), 1.0f, gfx::Size(400, 400));
+ // Too large in all dimensions
+ VerifyTilesCoverNonContainedRect(1.0f, gfx::Rect(-1000, -1000, 2000, 2000));
+ VerifyTilesCoverNonContainedRect(1.5f, gfx::Rect(-1000, -1000, 2000, 2000));
+ VerifyTilesCoverNonContainedRect(0.5f, gfx::Rect(-1000, -1000, 2000, 2000));
+ // Partially covering content, but too large
+ VerifyTilesCoverNonContainedRect(1.0f, gfx::Rect(-1000, 100, 2000, 100));
+ VerifyTilesCoverNonContainedRect(1.5f, gfx::Rect(-1000, 100, 2000, 100));
+ VerifyTilesCoverNonContainedRect(0.5f, gfx::Rect(-1000, 100, 2000, 100));
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectEqual) {
+ gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(-1000, -1000, 10000, 10000);
+ int64 target_area = 100 * 200;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_EQ(in.ToString(), out.ToString());
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectSmaller) {
+ gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(-1000, -1000, 10000, 10000);
+ int64 target_area = 100 * 100;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_EQ(out.bottom() - in.bottom(), in.y() - out.y());
+ EXPECT_EQ(out.right() - in.right(), in.x() - out.x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(out.width() - in.width(), out.height() - in.height());
+ EXPECT_NEAR(100 * 100, out.width() * out.height(), 50);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(bounds.Contains(out));
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectUnbounded) {
+ gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(-1000, -1000, 10000, 10000);
+ int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_EQ(out.bottom() - in.bottom(), in.y() - out.y());
+ EXPECT_EQ(out.right() - in.right(), in.x() - out.x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(out.width() - in.width(), out.height() - in.height());
+ EXPECT_NEAR(200 * 200, out.width() * out.height(), 100);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(bounds.Contains(out));
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedSmaller) {
+ gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(50, 60, 40, 30);
+ int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_EQ(bounds.ToString(), out.ToString());
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedEqual) {
+ gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
+ gfx::Rect bounds = in;
+ int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_EQ(bounds.ToString(), out.ToString());
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedSmallerStretchVertical) {
+ gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(45, 0, 90, 300);
+ int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_EQ(bounds.ToString(), out.ToString());
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedEqualStretchVertical) {
+ gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(40, 0, 100, 300);
+ int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_EQ(bounds.ToString(), out.ToString());
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedSmallerStretchHorizontal) {
+ gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(0, 55, 180, 190);
+ int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_EQ(bounds.ToString(), out.ToString());
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedEqualStretchHorizontal) {
+ gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(0, 50, 180, 200);
+ int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_EQ(bounds.ToString(), out.ToString());
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedLeft) {
+ gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(20, -1000, 10000, 10000);
+ int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_EQ(out.bottom() - in.bottom(), in.y() - out.y());
+ EXPECT_EQ(out.bottom() - in.bottom(), out.right() - in.right());
+ EXPECT_LE(out.width() * out.height(), target_area);
+ EXPECT_GT(out.width() * out.height(),
+ target_area - out.width() - out.height() * 2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(bounds.Contains(out));
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedRight) {
+ gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(-1000, -1000, 1000+120, 10000);
+ int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_EQ(out.bottom() - in.bottom(), in.y() - out.y());
+ EXPECT_EQ(out.bottom() - in.bottom(), in.x() - out.x());
+ EXPECT_LE(out.width() * out.height(), target_area);
+ EXPECT_GT(out.width() * out.height(),
+ target_area - out.width() - out.height() * 2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(bounds.Contains(out));
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedTop) {
+ gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(-1000, 30, 10000, 10000);
+ int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_EQ(out.right() - in.right(), in.x() - out.x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(out.right() - in.right(), out.bottom() - in.bottom());
+ EXPECT_LE(out.width() * out.height(), target_area);
+ EXPECT_GT(out.width() * out.height(),
+ target_area - out.width() * 2 - out.height());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(bounds.Contains(out));
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedBottom) {
+ gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(-1000, -1000, 10000, 1000 + 220);
+ int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_EQ(out.right() - in.right(), in.x() - out.x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(out.right() - in.right(), in.y() - out.y());
+ EXPECT_LE(out.width() * out.height(), target_area);
+ EXPECT_GT(out.width() * out.height(),
+ target_area - out.width() * 2 - out.height());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(bounds.Contains(out));
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectSquishedHorizontally) {
+ gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(0, -4000, 100+40+20, 100000);
+ int64 target_area = 400 * 400;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_EQ(20, out.right() - in.right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(40, in.x() - out.x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(out.bottom() - in.bottom(), in.y() - out.y());
+ EXPECT_LE(out.width() * out.height(), target_area);
+ EXPECT_GT(out.width() * out.height(),
+ target_area - out.width() * 2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(bounds.Contains(out));
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectSquishedVertically) {
+ gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(-4000, 0, 100000, 200+50+30);
+ int64 target_area = 400 * 400;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_EQ(30, out.bottom() - in.bottom());
+ EXPECT_EQ(50, in.y() - out.y());
+ EXPECT_EQ(out.right() - in.right(), in.x() - out.x());
+ EXPECT_LE(out.width() * out.height(), target_area);
+ EXPECT_GT(out.width() * out.height(),
+ target_area - out.height() * 2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(bounds.Contains(out));
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectOutOfBoundsFarAway) {
+ gfx::Rect in(400, 500, 100, 200);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(0, 0, 10, 10);
+ int64 target_area = 400 * 400;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(out.IsEmpty());
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectOutOfBoundsExpandedFullyCover) {
+ gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 100);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(0, 0, 10, 10);
+ int64 target_area = 400 * 400;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_EQ(bounds.ToString(), out.ToString());
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectOutOfBoundsExpandedPartlyCover) {
+ gfx::Rect in(600, 600, 100, 100);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(0, 0, 500, 500);
+ int64 target_area = 400 * 400;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_EQ(bounds.right(), out.right());
+ EXPECT_EQ(bounds.bottom(), out.bottom());
+ EXPECT_LE(out.width() * out.height(), target_area);
+ EXPECT_GT(out.width() * out.height(),
+ target_area - out.width() - out.height());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(bounds.Contains(out));
+TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, EmptyStartingRect) {
+ // If a layer has a non-invertible transform, then the starting rect
+ // for the layer would be empty.
+ gfx::Rect in(40, 40, 0, 0);
+ gfx::Rect bounds(0, 0, 10, 10);
+ int64 target_area = 400 * 400;
+ gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
+ in, target_area, bounds);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(out.IsEmpty());
+static void TileExists(bool exists, Tile* tile, gfx::Rect geometry_rect) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(exists, tile != NULL) << geometry_rect.ToString();
+TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, TilesExist) {
+ gfx::Size layer_bounds(1099, 801);
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(100, 100), 1.f, layer_bounds);
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1.f, gfx::Rect(layer_bounds));
+ VerifyTiles(1.f, gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), base::Bind(&TileExists, false));
+ tiling_->UpdateTilePriorities(
+ layer_bounds, // device viewport
+ gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), // viewport in layer space
+ gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), // visible content rect
+ layer_bounds, // last layer bounds
+ layer_bounds, // current layer bounds
+ 1.f, // last contents scale
+ 1.f, // current contents scale
+ gfx::Transform(), // last screen transform
+ gfx::Transform(), // current screen transform
+ 1.0, // current frame time
+ 10000); // max tiles in tile manager
+ VerifyTiles(1.f, gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), base::Bind(&TileExists, true));
+ // Make the viewport rect empty. All tiles are killed and become zombies.
+ tiling_->UpdateTilePriorities(
+ layer_bounds, // device viewport
+ gfx::Rect(), // viewport in layer space
+ gfx::Rect(), // visible content rect
+ layer_bounds, // last layer bounds
+ layer_bounds, // current layer bounds
+ 1.f, // last contents scale
+ 1.f, // current contents scale
+ gfx::Transform(), // last screen transform
+ gfx::Transform(), // current screen transform
+ 2.0, // current frame time
+ 10000); // max tiles in tile manager
+ VerifyTiles(1.f, gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), base::Bind(&TileExists, false));
+TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, TilesExistGiantViewport) {
+ gfx::Size layer_bounds(1099, 801);
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(100, 100), 1.f, layer_bounds);
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1.f, gfx::Rect(layer_bounds));
+ VerifyTiles(1.f, gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), base::Bind(&TileExists, false));
+ gfx::Rect giant_rect(-10000000, -10000000, 1000000000, 1000000000);
+ tiling_->UpdateTilePriorities(
+ layer_bounds, // device viewport
+ giant_rect, // viewport in layer space
+ gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), // visible content rect
+ layer_bounds, // last layer bounds
+ layer_bounds, // current layer bounds
+ 1.f, // last contents scale
+ 1.f, // current contents scale
+ gfx::Transform(), // last screen transform
+ gfx::Transform(), // current screen transform
+ 1.0, // current frame time
+ 10000); // max tiles in tile manager
+ VerifyTiles(1.f, gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), base::Bind(&TileExists, true));
+ // If the visible content rect is empty, it should still have live tiles.
+ tiling_->UpdateTilePriorities(
+ layer_bounds, // device viewport
+ giant_rect, // viewport in layer space
+ gfx::Rect(), // visible content rect
+ layer_bounds, // last layer bounds
+ layer_bounds, // current layer bounds
+ 1.f, // last contents scale
+ 1.f, // current contents scale
+ gfx::Transform(), // last screen transform
+ gfx::Transform(), // current screen transform
+ 2.0, // current frame time
+ 10000); // max tiles in tile manager
+ VerifyTiles(1.f, gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), base::Bind(&TileExists, true));
+TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, TilesExistOutsideViewport) {
+ gfx::Size layer_bounds(1099, 801);
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(100, 100), 1.f, layer_bounds);
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1.f, gfx::Rect(layer_bounds));
+ VerifyTiles(1.f, gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), base::Bind(&TileExists, false));
+ // This rect does not intersect with the layer, as the layer is outside the
+ // viewport.
+ gfx::Rect viewport_rect(1100, 0, 1000, 1000);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(viewport_rect.Intersects(gfx::Rect(layer_bounds)));
+ tiling_->UpdateTilePriorities(
+ layer_bounds, // device viewport
+ viewport_rect, // viewport in layer space
+ gfx::Rect(), // visible content rect
+ layer_bounds, // last layer bounds
+ layer_bounds, // current layer bounds
+ 1.f, // last contents scale
+ 1.f, // current contents scale
+ gfx::Transform(), // last screen transform
+ gfx::Transform(), // current screen transform
+ 1.0, // current frame time
+ 10000); // max tiles in tile manager
+ VerifyTiles(1.f, gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), base::Bind(&TileExists, true));
+static void TilesIntersectingRectExist(gfx::Rect rect,
+ bool intersect_exists,
+ Tile* tile,
+ gfx::Rect geometry_rect) {
+ bool intersects = rect.Intersects(geometry_rect);
+ bool expected_exists = intersect_exists ? intersects : !intersects;
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_exists, tile != NULL)
+ << "Rects intersecting " << rect.ToString() << " should exist. "
+ << "Current tile rect is " << geometry_rect.ToString();
+ TilesExistLargeViewportAndLayerWithSmallVisibleArea) {
+ gfx::Size layer_bounds(10000, 10000);
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(100, 100), 1.f, layer_bounds);
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1.f, gfx::Rect(layer_bounds));
+ VerifyTiles(1.f, gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), base::Bind(&TileExists, false));
+ gfx::Rect visible_rect(8000, 8000, 50, 50);
+ tiling_->UpdateTilePriorities(
+ layer_bounds, // device viewport
+ gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), // viewport in layer space
+ visible_rect, // visible content rect
+ layer_bounds, // last layer bounds
+ layer_bounds, // current layer bounds
+ 1.f, // last contents scale
+ 1.f, // current contents scale
+ gfx::Transform(), // last screen transform
+ gfx::Transform(), // current screen transform
+ 1.0, // current frame time
+ 1); // max tiles in tile manager
+ VerifyTiles(1.f,
+ gfx::Rect(layer_bounds),
+ base::Bind(&TilesIntersectingRectExist, visible_rect, true));
+static void CountExistingTiles(int *count,
+ Tile* tile,
+ gfx::Rect geometry_rect) {
+ if (tile != NULL)
+ ++(*count);
+ TilesExistLargeViewportAndLayerWithLargeVisibleArea) {
+ gfx::Size layer_bounds(10000, 10000);
+ Initialize(gfx::Size(100, 100), 1.f, layer_bounds);
+ VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1.f, gfx::Rect(layer_bounds));
+ VerifyTiles(1.f, gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), base::Bind(&TileExists, false));
+ tiling_->UpdateTilePriorities(
+ layer_bounds, // device viewport
+ gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), // viewport in layer space
+ gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), // visible content rect
+ layer_bounds, // last layer bounds
+ layer_bounds, // current layer bounds
+ 1.f, // last contents scale
+ 1.f, // current contents scale
+ gfx::Transform(), // last screen transform
+ gfx::Transform(), // current screen transform
+ 1.0, // current frame time
+ 1); // max tiles in tile manager
+ int num_tiles = 0;
+ VerifyTiles(1.f,
+ gfx::Rect(layer_bounds),
+ base::Bind(&CountExistingTiles, &num_tiles));
+ // If we're making a rect the size of one tile, it can only overlap up to 4
+ // tiles depending on its position.
+ EXPECT_LE(num_tiles, 4);
+ VerifyTiles(1.f, gfx::Rect(), base::Bind(&TileExists, false));
+TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, AddTilingsToMatchScale) {
+ gfx::Size layer_bounds(1099, 801);
+ gfx::Size tile_size(100, 100);
+ client_.SetTileSize(tile_size);
+ PictureLayerTilingSet active_set(&client_, layer_bounds);
+ active_set.AddTiling(1.f);
+ VerifyTiles(active_set.tiling_at(0),
+ 1.f,
+ gfx::Rect(layer_bounds),
+ base::Bind(&TileExists, false));
+ active_set.UpdateTilePriorities(
+ layer_bounds, // device viewport
+ gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), // viewport in layer space
+ gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), // visible content rect
+ layer_bounds, // last layer bounds
+ layer_bounds, // current layer bounds
+ 1.f, // last contents scale
+ 1.f, // current contents scale
+ gfx::Transform(), // last screen transform
+ gfx::Transform(), // current screen transform
+ 1.0, // current frame time
+ 10000); // max tiles in tile manager
+ // The active tiling has tiles now.
+ VerifyTiles(active_set.tiling_at(0),
+ 1.f,
+ gfx::Rect(layer_bounds),
+ base::Bind(&TileExists, true));
+ // Add the same tilings to the pending set.
+ PictureLayerTilingSet pending_set(&client_, layer_bounds);
+ Region invalidation;
+ pending_set.SyncTilings(active_set, layer_bounds, invalidation, 0.f);
+ // The pending tiling starts with no tiles.
+ VerifyTiles(pending_set.tiling_at(0),
+ 1.f,
+ gfx::Rect(layer_bounds),
+ base::Bind(&TileExists, false));
+ // UpdateTilePriorities on the pending tiling at the same frame time. The
+ // pending tiling should get tiles.
+ pending_set.UpdateTilePriorities(
+ layer_bounds, // device viewport
+ gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), // viewport in layer space
+ gfx::Rect(layer_bounds), // visible content rect
+ layer_bounds, // last layer bounds
+ layer_bounds, // current layer bounds
+ 1.f, // last contents scale
+ 1.f, // current contents scale
+ gfx::Transform(), // last screen transform
+ gfx::Transform(), // current screen transform
+ 1.0, // current frame time
+ 10000); // max tiles in tile manager
+ VerifyTiles(pending_set.tiling_at(0),
+ 1.f,
+ gfx::Rect(layer_bounds),
+ base::Bind(&TileExists, true));
+TEST(UpdateTilePrioritiesTest, VisibleTiles) {
+ // The TilePriority of visible tiles should have zero distance_to_visible
+ // and time_to_visible.
+ FakePictureLayerTilingClient client;
+ scoped_ptr<TestablePictureLayerTiling> tiling;
+ gfx::Size device_viewport(800, 600);
+ gfx::Rect visible_layer_rect(0, 0, 200, 200);
+ gfx::Size last_layer_bounds(200, 200);
+ gfx::Size current_layer_bounds(200, 200);
+ float last_layer_contents_scale = 1.f;
+ float current_layer_contents_scale = 1.f;
+ gfx::Transform last_screen_transform;
+ gfx::Transform current_screen_transform;
+ double current_frame_time_in_seconds = 1.0;
+ size_t max_tiles_for_interest_area = 10000;
+ gfx::Rect viewport_in_layer_space = ViewportInLayerSpace(
+ current_screen_transform, device_viewport);
+ client.SetTileSize(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ tiling = TestablePictureLayerTiling::Create(1.0f, // contents_scale
+ current_layer_bounds,
+ &client);
+ tiling->UpdateTilePriorities(
+ device_viewport,
+ viewport_in_layer_space,
+ visible_layer_rect,
+ last_layer_bounds,
+ current_layer_bounds,
+ last_layer_contents_scale,
+ current_layer_contents_scale,
+ last_screen_transform,
+ current_screen_transform,
+ current_frame_time_in_seconds,
+ max_tiles_for_interest_area);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(0, 0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(0, 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(1, 0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(1, 1));
+ TilePriority priority = tiling->TileAt(0, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(0, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(1, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(1, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+TEST(UpdateTilePrioritiesTest, OffscreenTiles) {
+ // The TilePriority of offscreen tiles (without movement) should have nonzero
+ // distance_to_visible and infinite time_to_visible.
+ FakePictureLayerTilingClient client;
+ scoped_ptr<TestablePictureLayerTiling> tiling;
+ gfx::Size device_viewport(800, 600);
+ gfx::Rect visible_layer_rect(0, 0, 0, 0); // offscreen; nothing is visible.
+ gfx::Size last_layer_bounds(200, 200);
+ gfx::Size current_layer_bounds(200, 200);
+ float last_layer_contents_scale = 1.f;
+ float current_layer_contents_scale = 1.f;
+ gfx::Transform last_screen_transform;
+ gfx::Transform current_screen_transform;
+ double current_frame_time_in_seconds = 1.0;
+ size_t max_tiles_for_interest_area = 10000;
+ current_screen_transform.Translate(850, 0);
+ last_screen_transform = current_screen_transform;
+ gfx::Rect viewport_in_layer_space = ViewportInLayerSpace(
+ current_screen_transform, device_viewport);
+ client.SetTileSize(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ tiling = TestablePictureLayerTiling::Create(1.0f, // contents_scale
+ current_layer_bounds,
+ &client);
+ tiling->UpdateTilePriorities(
+ device_viewport,
+ viewport_in_layer_space,
+ visible_layer_rect,
+ last_layer_bounds,
+ current_layer_bounds,
+ last_layer_contents_scale,
+ current_layer_contents_scale,
+ last_screen_transform,
+ current_screen_transform,
+ current_frame_time_in_seconds,
+ max_tiles_for_interest_area);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(0, 0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(0, 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(1, 0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(1, 1));
+ TilePriority priority = tiling->TileAt(0, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(0, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(1, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(1, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ // Furthermore, in this scenario tiles on the right hand side should have a
+ // larger distance to visible.
+ TilePriority left = tiling->TileAt(0, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ TilePriority right = tiling->TileAt(1, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(right.distance_to_visible_in_pixels,
+ left.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+ left = tiling->TileAt(0, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ right = tiling->TileAt(1, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(right.distance_to_visible_in_pixels,
+ left.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+TEST(UpdateTilePrioritiesTest, PartiallyOffscreenLayer) {
+ // Sanity check that a layer with some tiles visible and others offscreen has
+ // correct TilePriorities for each tile.
+ FakePictureLayerTilingClient client;
+ scoped_ptr<TestablePictureLayerTiling> tiling;
+ gfx::Size device_viewport(800, 600);
+ gfx::Rect visible_layer_rect(0, 0, 100, 100); // only top quarter.
+ gfx::Size last_layer_bounds(200, 200);
+ gfx::Size current_layer_bounds(200, 200);
+ float last_layer_contents_scale = 1.f;
+ float current_layer_contents_scale = 1.f;
+ gfx::Transform last_screen_transform;
+ gfx::Transform current_screen_transform;
+ double current_frame_time_in_seconds = 1.0;
+ size_t max_tiles_for_interest_area = 10000;
+ current_screen_transform.Translate(705, 505);
+ last_screen_transform = current_screen_transform;
+ gfx::Rect viewport_in_layer_space = ViewportInLayerSpace(
+ current_screen_transform, device_viewport);
+ client.SetTileSize(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ tiling = TestablePictureLayerTiling::Create(1.0f, // contents_scale
+ current_layer_bounds,
+ &client);
+ tiling->UpdateTilePriorities(
+ device_viewport,
+ viewport_in_layer_space,
+ visible_layer_rect,
+ last_layer_bounds,
+ current_layer_bounds,
+ last_layer_contents_scale,
+ current_layer_contents_scale,
+ last_screen_transform,
+ current_screen_transform,
+ current_frame_time_in_seconds,
+ max_tiles_for_interest_area);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(0, 0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(0, 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(1, 0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(1, 1));
+ TilePriority priority = tiling->TileAt(0, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(0, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(1, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(1, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+TEST(UpdateTilePrioritiesTest, PartiallyOffscreenRotatedLayer) {
+ // Each tile of a layer may be affected differently by a transform; Check
+ // that UpdateTilePriorities correctly accounts for the transform between
+ // layer space and screen space.
+ FakePictureLayerTilingClient client;
+ scoped_ptr<TestablePictureLayerTiling> tiling;
+ gfx::Size device_viewport(800, 600);
+ gfx::Rect visible_layer_rect(0, 0, 100, 100); // only top-left quarter.
+ gfx::Size last_layer_bounds(200, 200);
+ gfx::Size current_layer_bounds(200, 200);
+ float last_layer_contents_scale = 1.f;
+ float current_layer_contents_scale = 1.f;
+ gfx::Transform last_screen_transform;
+ gfx::Transform current_screen_transform;
+ double current_frame_time_in_seconds = 1.0;
+ size_t max_tiles_for_interest_area = 10000;
+ // A diagonally rotated layer that is partially off the bottom of the screen.
+ // In this configuration, only the top-left tile would be visible.
+ current_screen_transform.Translate(400, 550);
+ current_screen_transform.RotateAboutZAxis(45);
+ last_screen_transform = current_screen_transform;
+ gfx::Rect viewport_in_layer_space = ViewportInLayerSpace(
+ current_screen_transform, device_viewport);
+ client.SetTileSize(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ tiling = TestablePictureLayerTiling::Create(1.0f, // contents_scale
+ current_layer_bounds,
+ &client);
+ tiling->UpdateTilePriorities(
+ device_viewport,
+ viewport_in_layer_space,
+ visible_layer_rect,
+ last_layer_bounds,
+ current_layer_bounds,
+ last_layer_contents_scale,
+ current_layer_contents_scale,
+ last_screen_transform,
+ current_screen_transform,
+ current_frame_time_in_seconds,
+ max_tiles_for_interest_area);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(0, 0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(0, 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(1, 0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(1, 1));
+ TilePriority priority = tiling->TileAt(0, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(0, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(1, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(1, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ // Furthermore, in this scenario the bottom-right tile should have the larger
+ // distance to visible.
+ TilePriority top_left = tiling->TileAt(0, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ TilePriority top_right = tiling->TileAt(1, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ TilePriority bottom_left = tiling->TileAt(0, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ TilePriority bottom_right = tiling->TileAt(1, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(top_right.distance_to_visible_in_pixels,
+ top_left.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+ EXPECT_GT(bottom_left.distance_to_visible_in_pixels,
+ top_left.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+ EXPECT_GT(bottom_right.distance_to_visible_in_pixels,
+ bottom_left.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+ EXPECT_GT(bottom_right.distance_to_visible_in_pixels,
+ top_right.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+TEST(UpdateTilePrioritiesTest, PerspectiveLayer) {
+ // Perspective transforms need to take a different code path.
+ // This test checks tile priorities of a perspective layer.
+ FakePictureLayerTilingClient client;
+ scoped_ptr<TestablePictureLayerTiling> tiling;
+ gfx::Size device_viewport(800, 600);
+ gfx::Rect visible_layer_rect(0, 0, 0, 0); // offscreen.
+ gfx::Size last_layer_bounds(200, 200);
+ gfx::Size current_layer_bounds(200, 200);
+ float last_layer_contents_scale = 1.f;
+ float current_layer_contents_scale = 1.f;
+ gfx::Transform last_screen_transform;
+ gfx::Transform current_screen_transform;
+ double current_frame_time_in_seconds = 1.0;
+ size_t max_tiles_for_interest_area = 10000;
+ // A 3d perspective layer rotated about its Y axis, translated to almost
+ // fully offscreen. The left side will appear closer (i.e. larger in 2d) than
+ // the right side, so the top-left tile will technically be closer than the
+ // top-right.
+ // Translate layer to offscreen
+ current_screen_transform.Translate(400.0, 630.0);
+ // Apply perspective about the center of the layer
+ current_screen_transform.Translate(100.0, 100.0);
+ current_screen_transform.ApplyPerspectiveDepth(100.0);
+ current_screen_transform.RotateAboutYAxis(10.0);
+ current_screen_transform.Translate(-100.0, -100.0);
+ last_screen_transform = current_screen_transform;
+ // Sanity check that this transform wouldn't cause w<0 clipping.
+ bool clipped;
+ MathUtil::MapQuad(current_screen_transform,
+ gfx::QuadF(gfx::RectF(0, 0, 200, 200)),
+ &clipped);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(clipped);
+ gfx::Rect viewport_in_layer_space = ViewportInLayerSpace(
+ current_screen_transform, device_viewport);
+ client.SetTileSize(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ tiling = TestablePictureLayerTiling::Create(1.0f, // contents_scale
+ current_layer_bounds,
+ &client);
+ tiling->UpdateTilePriorities(
+ device_viewport,
+ viewport_in_layer_space,
+ visible_layer_rect,
+ last_layer_bounds,
+ current_layer_bounds,
+ last_layer_contents_scale,
+ current_layer_contents_scale,
+ last_screen_transform,
+ current_screen_transform,
+ current_frame_time_in_seconds,
+ max_tiles_for_interest_area);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(0, 0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(0, 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(1, 0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(1, 1));
+ // All tiles will have a positive distance_to_visible
+ // and an infinite time_to_visible.
+ TilePriority priority = tiling->TileAt(0, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(0, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(1, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(1, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ // Furthermore, in this scenario the top-left distance_to_visible
+ // will be smallest, followed by top-right. The bottom layers
+ // will of course be further than the top layers.
+ TilePriority top_left = tiling->TileAt(0, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ TilePriority top_right = tiling->TileAt(1, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ TilePriority bottom_left = tiling->TileAt(0, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ TilePriority bottom_right = tiling->TileAt(1, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(top_right.distance_to_visible_in_pixels,
+ top_left.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+ EXPECT_GT(bottom_right.distance_to_visible_in_pixels,
+ top_right.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+ EXPECT_GT(bottom_left.distance_to_visible_in_pixels,
+ top_left.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+TEST(UpdateTilePrioritiesTest, PerspectiveLayerClippedByW) {
+ // Perspective transforms need to take a different code path.
+ // This test checks tile priorities of a perspective layer.
+ FakePictureLayerTilingClient client;
+ scoped_ptr<TestablePictureLayerTiling> tiling;
+ gfx::Size device_viewport(800, 600);
+ gfx::Rect visible_layer_rect(0, 0, 0, 0); // offscreen.
+ gfx::Size last_layer_bounds(200, 200);
+ gfx::Size current_layer_bounds(200, 200);
+ float last_layer_contents_scale = 1.f;
+ float current_layer_contents_scale = 1.f;
+ gfx::Transform last_screen_transform;
+ gfx::Transform current_screen_transform;
+ double current_frame_time_in_seconds = 1.0;
+ size_t max_tiles_for_interest_area = 10000;
+ // A 3d perspective layer rotated about its Y axis, translated to almost
+ // fully offscreen. The left side will appear closer (i.e. larger in 2d) than
+ // the right side, so the top-left tile will technically be closer than the
+ // top-right.
+ // Translate layer to offscreen
+ current_screen_transform.Translate(400.0, 970.0);
+ // Apply perspective and rotation about the center of the layer
+ current_screen_transform.Translate(100.0, 100.0);
+ current_screen_transform.ApplyPerspectiveDepth(10.0);
+ current_screen_transform.RotateAboutYAxis(10.0);
+ current_screen_transform.Translate(-100.0, -100.0);
+ last_screen_transform = current_screen_transform;
+ // Sanity check that this transform does cause w<0 clipping for the left side
+ // of the layer, but not the right side.
+ bool clipped;
+ MathUtil::MapQuad(current_screen_transform,
+ gfx::QuadF(gfx::RectF(0, 0, 100, 200)),
+ &clipped);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(clipped);
+ MathUtil::MapQuad(current_screen_transform,
+ gfx::QuadF(gfx::RectF(100, 0, 100, 200)),
+ &clipped);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(clipped);
+ gfx::Rect viewport_in_layer_space = ViewportInLayerSpace(
+ current_screen_transform, device_viewport);
+ client.SetTileSize(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ tiling = TestablePictureLayerTiling::Create(1.0f, // contents_scale
+ current_layer_bounds,
+ &client);
+ tiling->UpdateTilePriorities(
+ device_viewport,
+ viewport_in_layer_space,
+ visible_layer_rect,
+ last_layer_bounds,
+ current_layer_bounds,
+ last_layer_contents_scale,
+ current_layer_contents_scale,
+ last_screen_transform,
+ current_screen_transform,
+ current_frame_time_in_seconds,
+ max_tiles_for_interest_area);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(0, 0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(0, 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(1, 0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(1, 1));
+ // Left-side tiles will be clipped by the transform, so we have to assume
+ // they are visible just in case.
+ TilePriority priority = tiling->TileAt(0, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(0, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ // Right-side tiles will have a positive distance_to_visible
+ // and an infinite time_to_visible.
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(1, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(1, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+TEST(UpdateTilePrioritiesTest, BasicMotion) {
+ // Test that time_to_visible is computed correctly when
+ // there is some motion.
+ FakePictureLayerTilingClient client;
+ scoped_ptr<TestablePictureLayerTiling> tiling;
+ gfx::Size device_viewport(800, 600);
+ gfx::Rect visible_layer_rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ gfx::Size last_layer_bounds(200, 200);
+ gfx::Size current_layer_bounds(200, 200);
+ float last_layer_contents_scale = 1.f;
+ float current_layer_contents_scale = 1.f;
+ gfx::Transform last_screen_transform;
+ gfx::Transform current_screen_transform;
+ double last_frame_time_in_seconds = 1.0;
+ double current_frame_time_in_seconds = 2.0;
+ size_t max_tiles_for_interest_area = 10000;
+ // Offscreen layer is coming closer to viewport at 1000 pixels per second.
+ current_screen_transform.Translate(1800, 0);
+ last_screen_transform.Translate(2800, 0);
+ gfx::Rect viewport_in_layer_space = ViewportInLayerSpace(
+ current_screen_transform, device_viewport);
+ client.SetTileSize(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ tiling = TestablePictureLayerTiling::Create(1.0f, // contents_scale
+ current_layer_bounds,
+ &client);
+ // previous ("last") frame
+ tiling->UpdateTilePriorities(
+ device_viewport,
+ viewport_in_layer_space,
+ visible_layer_rect,
+ last_layer_bounds,
+ last_layer_bounds,
+ last_layer_contents_scale,
+ last_layer_contents_scale,
+ last_screen_transform,
+ last_screen_transform,
+ last_frame_time_in_seconds,
+ max_tiles_for_interest_area);
+ // current frame
+ tiling->UpdateTilePriorities(
+ device_viewport,
+ viewport_in_layer_space,
+ visible_layer_rect,
+ last_layer_bounds,
+ current_layer_bounds,
+ last_layer_contents_scale,
+ current_layer_contents_scale,
+ last_screen_transform,
+ current_screen_transform,
+ current_frame_time_in_seconds,
+ max_tiles_for_interest_area);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(0, 0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(0, 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(1, 0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(1, 1));
+ TilePriority priority = tiling->TileAt(0, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(0, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ // time_to_visible for the right hand side layers needs an extra 0.099
+ // seconds because this tile is 99 pixels further away.
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(1, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(1, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+TEST(UpdateTilePrioritiesTest, RotationMotion) {
+ // Each tile of a layer may be affected differently by a transform; Check
+ // that UpdateTilePriorities correctly accounts for the transform between
+ // layer space and screen space.
+ FakePictureLayerTilingClient client;
+ scoped_ptr<TestablePictureLayerTiling> tiling;
+ gfx::Size device_viewport(800, 600);
+ gfx::Rect visible_layer_rect(0, 0, 0, 0); // offscren.
+ gfx::Size last_layer_bounds(200, 200);
+ gfx::Size current_layer_bounds(200, 200);
+ float last_layer_contents_scale = 1.f;
+ float current_layer_contents_scale = 1.f;
+ gfx::Transform last_screen_transform;
+ gfx::Transform current_screen_transform;
+ double last_frame_time_in_seconds = 1.0;
+ double current_frame_time_in_seconds = 2.0;
+ size_t max_tiles_for_interest_area = 10000;
+ // Rotation motion is set up specifically so that:
+ // - rotation occurs about the center of the layer
+ // - the top-left tile becomes visible on rotation
+ // - the top-right tile will have an infinite time_to_visible
+ // because it is rotating away from viewport.
+ // - bottom-left layer will have a positive non-zero time_to_visible
+ // because it is rotating toward the viewport.
+ current_screen_transform.Translate(400, 550);
+ current_screen_transform.RotateAboutZAxis(45);
+ last_screen_transform.Translate(400, 550);
+ gfx::Rect viewport_in_layer_space = ViewportInLayerSpace(
+ current_screen_transform, device_viewport);
+ client.SetTileSize(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ tiling = TestablePictureLayerTiling::Create(1.0f, // contents_scale
+ current_layer_bounds,
+ &client);
+ // previous ("last") frame
+ tiling->UpdateTilePriorities(
+ device_viewport,
+ viewport_in_layer_space,
+ visible_layer_rect,
+ last_layer_bounds,
+ last_layer_bounds,
+ last_layer_contents_scale,
+ last_layer_contents_scale,
+ last_screen_transform,
+ last_screen_transform,
+ last_frame_time_in_seconds,
+ max_tiles_for_interest_area);
+ // current frame
+ tiling->UpdateTilePriorities(
+ device_viewport,
+ viewport_in_layer_space,
+ visible_layer_rect,
+ last_layer_bounds,
+ current_layer_bounds,
+ last_layer_contents_scale,
+ current_layer_contents_scale,
+ last_screen_transform,
+ current_screen_transform,
+ current_frame_time_in_seconds,
+ max_tiles_for_interest_area);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(0, 0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(0, 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(1, 0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tiling->TileAt(1, 1));
+ TilePriority priority = tiling->TileAt(0, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.f, priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(0, 1)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds, 0.f);
+ priority = tiling->TileAt(1, 0)->priority(ACTIVE_TREE);
+ EXPECT_GT(priority.distance_to_visible_in_pixels, 0.f);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
+ priority.time_to_visible_in_seconds);
+} // namespace
+} // namespace cc