path: root/chromium/cc/trees/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/cc/trees/')
1 files changed, 8310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/cc/trees/ b/chromium/cc/trees/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fa5450d45f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/cc/trees/
@@ -0,0 +1,8310 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host_common.h"
+#include "cc/animation/layer_animation_controller.h"
+#include "cc/base/math_util.h"
+#include "cc/layers/content_layer.h"
+#include "cc/layers/content_layer_client.h"
+#include "cc/layers/heads_up_display_layer_impl.h"
+#include "cc/layers/layer.h"
+#include "cc/layers/layer_impl.h"
+#include "cc/layers/render_surface.h"
+#include "cc/layers/render_surface_impl.h"
+#include "cc/output/copy_output_request.h"
+#include "cc/output/copy_output_result.h"
+#include "cc/test/animation_test_common.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_impl_proxy.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_layer_tree_host.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_layer_tree_host_impl.h"
+#include "cc/test/geometry_test_utils.h"
+#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_impl.h"
+#include "cc/trees/proxy.h"
+#include "cc/trees/single_thread_proxy.h"
+#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/quad_f.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/size_conversions.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
+namespace cc {
+namespace {
+class LayerTreeHostCommonTestBase {
+ protected:
+ template <typename LayerType>
+ void SetLayerPropertiesForTestingInternal(
+ LayerType* layer,
+ const gfx::Transform& transform,
+ const gfx::Transform& sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF anchor,
+ gfx::PointF position,
+ gfx::Size bounds,
+ bool preserves3d) {
+ layer->SetTransform(transform);
+ layer->SetSublayerTransform(sublayer_transform);
+ layer->SetAnchorPoint(anchor);
+ layer->SetPosition(position);
+ layer->SetBounds(bounds);
+ layer->SetPreserves3d(preserves3d);
+ }
+ void SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(Layer* layer,
+ const gfx::Transform& transform,
+ const gfx::Transform& sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF anchor,
+ gfx::PointF position,
+ gfx::Size bounds,
+ bool preserves3d) {
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTestingInternal<Layer>(layer,
+ transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ preserves3d);
+ }
+ void SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(LayerImpl* layer,
+ const gfx::Transform& transform,
+ const gfx::Transform& sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF anchor,
+ gfx::PointF position,
+ gfx::Size bounds,
+ bool preserves3d) {
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTestingInternal<LayerImpl>(layer,
+ transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ preserves3d);
+ layer->SetContentBounds(bounds);
+ }
+ void ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(Layer* root_layer,
+ float device_scale_factor,
+ float page_scale_factor,
+ Layer* page_scale_application_layer,
+ bool can_use_lcd_text) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(page_scale_application_layer || (page_scale_factor == 1.f));
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::Size device_viewport_size =
+ gfx::Size(root_layer->bounds().width() * device_scale_factor,
+ root_layer->bounds().height() * device_scale_factor);
+ render_surface_layer_list_.reset(new RenderSurfaceLayerList);
+ // We are probably not testing what is intended if the root_layer bounds are
+ // empty.
+ DCHECK(!root_layer->bounds().IsEmpty());
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root_layer, device_viewport_size, render_surface_layer_list_.get());
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_factor = page_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_application_layer = page_scale_application_layer;
+ inputs.can_use_lcd_text = can_use_lcd_text;
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ }
+ void ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(LayerImpl* root_layer,
+ float device_scale_factor,
+ float page_scale_factor,
+ LayerImpl* page_scale_application_layer,
+ bool can_use_lcd_text) {
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ LayerImplList dummy_render_surface_layer_list;
+ gfx::Size device_viewport_size =
+ gfx::Size(root_layer->bounds().width() * device_scale_factor,
+ root_layer->bounds().height() * device_scale_factor);
+ // We are probably not testing what is intended if the root_layer bounds are
+ // empty.
+ DCHECK(!root_layer->bounds().IsEmpty());
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root_layer, device_viewport_size, &dummy_render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_factor = page_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_application_layer = page_scale_application_layer;
+ inputs.can_use_lcd_text = can_use_lcd_text;
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ }
+ template <class LayerType>
+ void ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(LayerType* root_layer) {
+ LayerType* page_scale_application_layer = NULL;
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(
+ root_layer, 1.f, 1.f, page_scale_application_layer, false);
+ }
+ template <class LayerType>
+ void ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(LayerType* root_layer,
+ float device_scale_factor) {
+ LayerType* page_scale_application_layer = NULL;
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root_layer,
+ device_scale_factor,
+ 1.f,
+ page_scale_application_layer,
+ false);
+ }
+ template <class LayerType>
+ void ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(LayerType* root_layer,
+ float device_scale_factor,
+ float page_scale_factor,
+ LayerType* page_scale_application_layer) {
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root_layer,
+ device_scale_factor,
+ page_scale_factor,
+ page_scale_application_layer,
+ false);
+ }
+ private:
+ scoped_ptr<RenderSurfaceLayerList> render_surface_layer_list_;
+class LayerTreeHostCommonTest : public LayerTreeHostCommonTestBase,
+ public testing::Test {
+class LayerWithForcedDrawsContent : public Layer {
+ public:
+ LayerWithForcedDrawsContent() : Layer() {}
+ virtual bool DrawsContent() const OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ virtual ~LayerWithForcedDrawsContent() {}
+class LayerCanClipSelf : public Layer {
+ public:
+ LayerCanClipSelf() : Layer() {}
+ virtual bool DrawsContent() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool CanClipSelf() const OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ virtual ~LayerCanClipSelf() {}
+bool LayerWithForcedDrawsContent::DrawsContent() const { return true; }
+bool LayerCanClipSelf::DrawsContent() const { return true; }
+bool LayerCanClipSelf::CanClipSelf() const { return true; }
+class MockContentLayerClient : public ContentLayerClient {
+ public:
+ MockContentLayerClient() {}
+ virtual ~MockContentLayerClient() {}
+ virtual void PaintContents(SkCanvas* canvas,
+ gfx::Rect clip,
+ gfx::RectF* opaque) OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void DidChangeLayerCanUseLCDText() OVERRIDE {}
+scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> CreateDrawableContentLayer(
+ ContentLayerClient* delegate) {
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> to_return = ContentLayer::Create(delegate);
+ to_return->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ return to_return;
+#define EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(expected, layer) \
+ do { \
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(expected, layer->contents_scale_x()); \
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(expected, layer->contents_scale_y()); \
+ } while (false)
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, TransformsForNoOpLayer) {
+ // Sanity check: For layers positioned at zero, with zero size,
+ // and with identity transforms, then the draw transform,
+ // screen space transform, and the hierarchy passed on to children
+ // layers should also be identity transforms.
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child = Layer::Create();
+ parent->AddChild(child);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(parent);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(parent.get());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(identity_matrix, child->draw_transform());
+ child->screen_space_transform());
+ grand_child->draw_transform());
+ grand_child->screen_space_transform());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, TransformsForSingleLayer) {
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> layer = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(1, 2),
+ false);
+ root->AddChild(layer);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ // Case 1: setting the sublayer transform should not affect this layer's draw
+ // transform or screen-space transform.
+ gfx::Transform arbitrary_translation;
+ arbitrary_translation.Translate(10.0, 20.0);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(layer.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ arbitrary_translation,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ gfx::Transform expected_draw_transform = identity_matrix;
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_draw_transform,
+ layer->draw_transform());
+ layer->screen_space_transform());
+ // Case 2: Setting the bounds of the layer should not affect either the draw
+ // transform or the screenspace transform.
+ gfx::Transform translation_to_center;
+ translation_to_center.Translate(5.0, 6.0);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(layer.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 12),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(identity_matrix, layer->draw_transform());
+ layer->screen_space_transform());
+ // Case 3: The anchor point by itself (without a layer transform) should have
+ // no effect on the transforms.
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(layer.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.25f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 12),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(identity_matrix, layer->draw_transform());
+ layer->screen_space_transform());
+ // Case 4: A change in actual position affects both the draw transform and
+ // screen space transform.
+ gfx::Transform position_transform;
+ position_transform.Translate(0.0, 1.2);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(layer.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.25f),
+ gfx::PointF(0.f, 1.2f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 12),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(position_transform, layer->draw_transform());
+ layer->screen_space_transform());
+ // Case 5: In the correct sequence of transforms, the layer transform should
+ // pre-multiply the translation_to_center. This is easily tested by using a
+ // scale transform, because scale and translation are not commutative.
+ gfx::Transform layer_transform;
+ layer_transform.Scale3d(2.0, 2.0, 1.0);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(layer.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 12),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(layer_transform, layer->draw_transform());
+ layer->screen_space_transform());
+ // Case 6: The layer transform should occur with respect to the anchor point.
+ gfx::Transform translation_to_anchor;
+ translation_to_anchor.Translate(5.0, 0.0);
+ gfx::Transform expected_result =
+ translation_to_anchor * layer_transform * Inverse(translation_to_anchor);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(layer.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(0.5f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 12),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_result, layer->draw_transform());
+ layer->screen_space_transform());
+ // Case 7: Verify that position pre-multiplies the layer transform. The
+ // current implementation of CalculateDrawProperties does this implicitly, but
+ // it is still worth testing to detect accidental regressions.
+ expected_result = position_transform * translation_to_anchor *
+ layer_transform * Inverse(translation_to_anchor);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(layer.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(0.5f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(0.f, 1.2f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 12),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_result, layer->draw_transform());
+ layer->screen_space_transform());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, TransformsAboutScrollOffset) {
+ const gfx::Vector2d kScrollOffset(50, 100);
+ const gfx::Vector2dF kScrollDelta(2.34f, 5.67f);
+ const gfx::Vector2d kMaxScrollOffset(200, 200);
+ const gfx::PointF kScrollLayerPosition(-kScrollOffset.x(),
+ -kScrollOffset.y());
+ const float kPageScale = 0.888f;
+ const float kDeviceScale = 1.666f;
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> sublayer_scoped_ptr(
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 1));
+ LayerImpl* sublayer = sublayer_scoped_ptr.get();
+ sublayer->SetContentsScale(kPageScale * kDeviceScale,
+ kPageScale * kDeviceScale);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(sublayer,
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::Point(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(500, 500),
+ false);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> scroll_layerScopedPtr(
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 2));
+ LayerImpl* scroll_layer = scroll_layerScopedPtr.get();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(scroll_layer,
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 20),
+ false);
+ scroll_layer->SetScrollable(true);
+ scroll_layer->SetMaxScrollOffset(kMaxScrollOffset);
+ scroll_layer->SetScrollOffset(kScrollOffset);
+ scroll_layer->SetScrollDelta(kScrollDelta);
+ gfx::Transform impl_transform;
+ scroll_layer->AddChild(sublayer_scoped_ptr.Pass());
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root(LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 3));
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(3, 4),
+ false);
+ root->AddChild(scroll_layerScopedPtr.Pass());
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(
+ root.get(), kDeviceScale, kPageScale, scroll_layer->parent());
+ gfx::Transform expected_transform = identity_matrix;
+ gfx::PointF sub_layer_screen_position = kScrollLayerPosition - kScrollDelta;
+ sub_layer_screen_position.Scale(kPageScale * kDeviceScale);
+ expected_transform.Translate(MathUtil::Round(sub_layer_screen_position.x()),
+ MathUtil::Round(sub_layer_screen_position.y()));
+ sublayer->draw_transform());
+ sublayer->screen_space_transform());
+ gfx::Transform arbitrary_translate;
+ const float kTranslateX = 10.6f;
+ const float kTranslateY = 20.6f;
+ arbitrary_translate.Translate(kTranslateX, kTranslateY);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(scroll_layer,
+ arbitrary_translate,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 20),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(
+ root.get(), kDeviceScale, kPageScale, scroll_layer->parent());
+ expected_transform.MakeIdentity();
+ expected_transform.Translate(
+ MathUtil::Round(kTranslateX * kPageScale * kDeviceScale +
+ sub_layer_screen_position.x()),
+ MathUtil::Round(kTranslateY * kPageScale * kDeviceScale +
+ sub_layer_screen_position.y()));
+ sublayer->draw_transform());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, TransformsForSimpleHierarchy) {
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child = Layer::Create();
+ root->AddChild(parent);
+ parent->AddChild(child);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ // One-time setup of root layer
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(1, 2),
+ false);
+ // Case 1: parent's anchor point should not affect child or grand_child.
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.25f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 12),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(16, 18),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(76, 78),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(identity_matrix, child->draw_transform());
+ child->screen_space_transform());
+ grand_child->draw_transform());
+ grand_child->screen_space_transform());
+ // Case 2: parent's position affects child and grand_child.
+ gfx::Transform parent_position_transform;
+ parent_position_transform.Translate(0.0, 1.2);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.25f),
+ gfx::PointF(0.f, 1.2f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 12),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(16, 18),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(76, 78),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(parent_position_transform,
+ child->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(parent_position_transform,
+ child->screen_space_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(parent_position_transform,
+ grand_child->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(parent_position_transform,
+ grand_child->screen_space_transform());
+ // Case 3: parent's local transform affects child and grandchild
+ gfx::Transform parent_layer_transform;
+ parent_layer_transform.Scale3d(2.0, 2.0, 1.0);
+ gfx::Transform parent_translation_to_anchor;
+ parent_translation_to_anchor.Translate(2.5, 3.0);
+ gfx::Transform parent_composite_transform =
+ parent_translation_to_anchor * parent_layer_transform *
+ Inverse(parent_translation_to_anchor);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ parent_layer_transform,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.25f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 12),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(16, 18),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(76, 78),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(parent_composite_transform,
+ child->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(parent_composite_transform,
+ child->screen_space_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(parent_composite_transform,
+ grand_child->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(parent_composite_transform,
+ grand_child->screen_space_transform());
+ // Case 4: parent's sublayer matrix affects child and grandchild scaling is
+ // used here again so that the correct sequence of transforms is properly
+ // tested. Note that preserves3d is false, but the sublayer matrix should
+ // retain its 3D properties when given to child. But then, the child also
+ // does not preserve3D. When it gives its hierarchy to the grand_child, it
+ // should be flattened to 2D.
+ gfx::Transform parent_sublayer_matrix;
+ parent_sublayer_matrix.Scale3d(10.0, 10.0, 3.3);
+ // Sublayer matrix is applied to the anchor point of the parent layer.
+ parent_composite_transform =
+ parent_translation_to_anchor * parent_layer_transform *
+ Inverse(parent_translation_to_anchor) * parent_translation_to_anchor *
+ parent_sublayer_matrix * Inverse(parent_translation_to_anchor);
+ gfx::Transform flattened_composite_transform = parent_composite_transform;
+ flattened_composite_transform.FlattenTo2d();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ parent_layer_transform,
+ parent_sublayer_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.25f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 12),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(16, 18),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(76, 78),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(parent_composite_transform,
+ child->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(parent_composite_transform,
+ child->screen_space_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(flattened_composite_transform,
+ grand_child->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(flattened_composite_transform,
+ grand_child->screen_space_transform());
+ // Case 5: same as Case 4, except that child does preserve 3D, so the
+ // grand_child should receive the non-flattened composite transform.
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ parent_layer_transform,
+ parent_sublayer_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.25f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 12),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(16, 18),
+ true);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(76, 78),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(parent_composite_transform,
+ child->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(parent_composite_transform,
+ child->screen_space_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(parent_composite_transform,
+ grand_child->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(parent_composite_transform,
+ grand_child->screen_space_transform());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, TransformsForSingleRenderSurface) {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> grand_child =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ root->AddChild(parent);
+ parent->AddChild(child);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ // One-time setup of root layer
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(1, 2),
+ false);
+ // Child is set up so that a new render surface should be created.
+ child->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ child->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ gfx::Transform parent_layer_transform;
+ parent_layer_transform.Scale3d(1.0, 0.9, 1.0);
+ gfx::Transform parent_translation_to_anchor;
+ parent_translation_to_anchor.Translate(25.0, 30.0);
+ gfx::Transform parent_sublayer_matrix;
+ parent_sublayer_matrix.Scale3d(0.9, 1.0, 3.3);
+ gfx::Transform parent_composite_transform =
+ parent_translation_to_anchor * parent_layer_transform *
+ Inverse(parent_translation_to_anchor) * parent_translation_to_anchor *
+ parent_sublayer_matrix * Inverse(parent_translation_to_anchor);
+ gfx::Vector2dF parent_composite_scale =
+ MathUtil::ComputeTransform2dScaleComponents(parent_composite_transform,
+ 1.f);
+ gfx::Transform surface_sublayer_transform;
+ surface_sublayer_transform.Scale(parent_composite_scale.x(),
+ parent_composite_scale.y());
+ gfx::Transform surface_sublayer_composite_transform =
+ parent_composite_transform * Inverse(surface_sublayer_transform);
+ // Child's render surface should not exist yet.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(child->render_surface());
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ parent_layer_transform,
+ parent_sublayer_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.25f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 120),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(16, 18),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(8, 10),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ // Render surface should have been created now.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(child->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_EQ(child, child->render_target());
+ // The child layer's draw transform should refer to its new render surface.
+ // The screen-space transform, however, should still refer to the root.
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(surface_sublayer_transform,
+ child->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(parent_composite_transform,
+ child->screen_space_transform());
+ // Because the grand_child is the only drawable content, the child's render
+ // surface will tighten its bounds to the grand_child. The scale at which the
+ // surface's subtree is drawn must be removed from the composite transform.
+ surface_sublayer_composite_transform,
+ child->render_target()->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ // The screen space is the same as the target since the child surface draws
+ // into the root.
+ surface_sublayer_composite_transform,
+ child->render_target()->render_surface()->screen_space_transform());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, SublayerTransformWithAnchorPoint) {
+ // - we were always applying the sublayer transform about
+ // the center of the layer, rather than the anchor point.
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ root->AddChild(parent);
+ parent->AddChild(child);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::Transform parent_sublayer_matrix;
+ parent_sublayer_matrix.ApplyPerspectiveDepth(2.0);
+ gfx::PointF parent_anchor_point(0.2f, 0.8f);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(1, 2),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ parent_sublayer_matrix,
+ parent_anchor_point,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ gfx::Transform expected_child_draw_transform;
+ expected_child_draw_transform.Translate(20.0, 80.0);
+ expected_child_draw_transform.ApplyPerspectiveDepth(2.0);
+ expected_child_draw_transform.Translate(-20.0, -80.0);
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_child_draw_transform,
+ child->draw_transform());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, SeparateRenderTargetRequirementWithClipping) {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child = make_scoped_refptr(new LayerCanClipSelf());
+ root->AddChild(parent);
+ parent->AddChild(child);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child);
+ parent->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ child->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::Transform parent_layer_transform;
+ gfx::Transform parent_sublayer_matrix;
+ gfx::Transform child_layer_matrix;
+ // No render surface should exist yet.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(parent->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grand_child->render_surface());
+ // One-time setup of root layer
+ parent_layer_transform.Scale3d(1.0, 0.9, 1.0);
+ parent_sublayer_matrix.Scale3d(0.9, 1.0, 3.3);
+ child_layer_matrix.Rotate(20.0);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(1, 2),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ parent_layer_transform,
+ parent_sublayer_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.25f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 120),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ child_layer_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(16, 18),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(8, 10),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ // Render surfaces should have been created according to clipping rules now
+ // (grandchild can clip self).
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(parent->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grand_child->render_surface());
+ SeparateRenderTargetRequirementWithoutClipping) {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ // This layer cannot clip itself, a feature we are testing here.
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ root->AddChild(parent);
+ parent->AddChild(child);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child);
+ parent->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ child->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::Transform parent_layer_transform;
+ gfx::Transform parent_sublayer_matrix;
+ gfx::Transform child_layer_matrix;
+ // No render surface should exist yet.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(parent->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grand_child->render_surface());
+ // One-time setup of root layer
+ parent_layer_transform.Scale3d(1.0, 0.9, 1.0);
+ parent_sublayer_matrix.Scale3d(0.9, 1.0, 3.3);
+ child_layer_matrix.Rotate(20.0);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(1, 2),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ parent_layer_transform,
+ parent_sublayer_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.25f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 120),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ child_layer_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(16, 18),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(8, 10),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ // Render surfaces should have been created according to clipping rules now
+ // (grandchild can't clip self).
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(parent->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grand_child->render_surface());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, TransformsForReplica) {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child_replica = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> grand_child =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ root->AddChild(parent);
+ parent->AddChild(child);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child);
+ child->SetReplicaLayer(child_replica.get());
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ // One-time setup of root layer
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(1, 2),
+ false);
+ // Child is set up so that a new render surface should be created.
+ child->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ gfx::Transform parent_layer_transform;
+ parent_layer_transform.Scale3d(2.0, 2.0, 1.0);
+ gfx::Transform parent_translation_to_anchor;
+ parent_translation_to_anchor.Translate(2.5, 3.0);
+ gfx::Transform parent_sublayer_matrix;
+ parent_sublayer_matrix.Scale3d(10.0, 10.0, 3.3);
+ gfx::Transform parent_composite_transform =
+ parent_translation_to_anchor * parent_layer_transform *
+ Inverse(parent_translation_to_anchor) * parent_translation_to_anchor *
+ parent_sublayer_matrix * Inverse(parent_translation_to_anchor);
+ gfx::Transform replica_layer_transform;
+ replica_layer_transform.Scale3d(3.0, 3.0, 1.0);
+ gfx::Vector2dF parent_composite_scale =
+ MathUtil::ComputeTransform2dScaleComponents(parent_composite_transform,
+ 1.f);
+ gfx::Transform surface_sublayer_transform;
+ surface_sublayer_transform.Scale(parent_composite_scale.x(),
+ parent_composite_scale.y());
+ gfx::Transform replica_composite_transform =
+ parent_composite_transform * replica_layer_transform *
+ Inverse(surface_sublayer_transform);
+ // Child's render surface should not exist yet.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(child->render_surface());
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ parent_layer_transform,
+ parent_sublayer_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.25f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 12),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(16, 18),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(-0.5f, -0.5f),
+ gfx::Size(1, 1),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_replica.get(),
+ replica_layer_transform,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ // Render surface should have been created now.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(child->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_EQ(child, child->render_target());
+ replica_composite_transform,
+ child->render_target()->render_surface()->replica_draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(replica_composite_transform,
+ child->render_target()->render_surface()
+ ->replica_screen_space_transform());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, TransformsForRenderSurfaceHierarchy) {
+ // This test creates a more complex tree and verifies it all at once. This
+ // covers the following cases:
+ // - layers that are described w.r.t. a render surface: should have draw
+ // transforms described w.r.t. that surface
+ // - A render surface described w.r.t. an ancestor render surface: should
+ // have a draw transform described w.r.t. that ancestor surface
+ // - Replicas of a render surface are described w.r.t. the replica's
+ // transform around its anchor, along with the surface itself.
+ // - Sanity check on recursion: verify transforms of layers described w.r.t.
+ // a render surface that is described w.r.t. an ancestor render surface.
+ // - verifying that each layer has a reference to the correct render surface
+ // and render target values.
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> render_surface1 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> render_surface2 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child_of_root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child_of_rs1 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child_of_rs2 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> replica_of_rs1 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> replica_of_rs2 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child_of_root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> grand_child_of_rs1 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> grand_child_of_rs2 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ root->AddChild(parent);
+ parent->AddChild(render_surface1);
+ parent->AddChild(child_of_root);
+ render_surface1->AddChild(child_of_rs1);
+ render_surface1->AddChild(render_surface2);
+ render_surface2->AddChild(child_of_rs2);
+ child_of_root->AddChild(grand_child_of_root);
+ child_of_rs1->AddChild(grand_child_of_rs1);
+ child_of_rs2->AddChild(grand_child_of_rs2);
+ render_surface1->SetReplicaLayer(replica_of_rs1.get());
+ render_surface2->SetReplicaLayer(replica_of_rs2.get());
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ // In combination with descendant draws content, opacity != 1 forces the layer
+ // to have a new render surface.
+ render_surface1->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ render_surface2->SetOpacity(0.33f);
+ // One-time setup of root layer
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(1, 2),
+ false);
+ // All layers in the tree are initialized with an anchor at .25 and a size of
+ // (10,10). matrix "A" is the composite layer transform used in all layers,
+ // centered about the anchor point. matrix "B" is the sublayer transform used
+ // in all layers, centered about the center position of the layer. matrix "R"
+ // is the composite replica transform used in all replica layers.
+ //
+ // x component tests that layer_transform and sublayer_transform are done in
+ // the right order (translation and scale are noncommutative). y component
+ // has a translation by 1 for every ancestor, which indicates the "depth" of
+ // the layer in the hierarchy.
+ gfx::Transform translation_to_anchor;
+ translation_to_anchor.Translate(2.5, 0.0);
+ gfx::Transform layer_transform;
+ layer_transform.Translate(1.0, 1.0);
+ gfx::Transform sublayer_transform;
+ sublayer_transform.Scale3d(10.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ gfx::Transform replica_layer_transform;
+ replica_layer_transform.Scale3d(-2.0, 5.0, 1.0);
+ gfx::Transform A =
+ translation_to_anchor * layer_transform * Inverse(translation_to_anchor);
+ gfx::Transform B = translation_to_anchor * sublayer_transform *
+ Inverse(translation_to_anchor);
+ gfx::Transform R = A * translation_to_anchor * replica_layer_transform *
+ Inverse(translation_to_anchor);
+ gfx::Vector2dF surface1_parent_transform_scale =
+ MathUtil::ComputeTransform2dScaleComponents(A * B, 1.f);
+ gfx::Transform surface1_sublayer_transform;
+ surface1_sublayer_transform.Scale(surface1_parent_transform_scale.x(),
+ surface1_parent_transform_scale.y());
+ // SS1 = transform given to the subtree of render_surface1
+ gfx::Transform SS1 = surface1_sublayer_transform;
+ // S1 = transform to move from render_surface1 pixels to the layer space of
+ // the owning layer
+ gfx::Transform S1 = Inverse(surface1_sublayer_transform);
+ gfx::Vector2dF surface2_parent_transform_scale =
+ MathUtil::ComputeTransform2dScaleComponents(SS1 * A * B, 1.f);
+ gfx::Transform surface2_sublayer_transform;
+ surface2_sublayer_transform.Scale(surface2_parent_transform_scale.x(),
+ surface2_parent_transform_scale.y());
+ // SS2 = transform given to the subtree of render_surface2
+ gfx::Transform SS2 = surface2_sublayer_transform;
+ // S2 = transform to move from render_surface2 pixels to the layer space of
+ // the owning layer
+ gfx::Transform S2 = Inverse(surface2_sublayer_transform);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(render_surface1.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(render_surface2.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_of_root.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_of_rs1.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_of_rs2.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child_of_root.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child_of_rs1.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child_of_rs2.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(replica_of_rs1.get(),
+ replica_layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(replica_of_rs2.get(),
+ replica_layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ // Only layers that are associated with render surfaces should have an actual
+ // RenderSurface() value.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(root->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(child_of_root->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(grand_child_of_root->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(render_surface1->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(child_of_rs1->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(grand_child_of_rs1->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(render_surface2->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(child_of_rs2->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(grand_child_of_rs2->render_surface());
+ // Verify all render target accessors
+ EXPECT_EQ(root, parent->render_target());
+ EXPECT_EQ(root, child_of_root->render_target());
+ EXPECT_EQ(root, grand_child_of_root->render_target());
+ EXPECT_EQ(render_surface1, render_surface1->render_target());
+ EXPECT_EQ(render_surface1, child_of_rs1->render_target());
+ EXPECT_EQ(render_surface1, grand_child_of_rs1->render_target());
+ EXPECT_EQ(render_surface2, render_surface2->render_target());
+ EXPECT_EQ(render_surface2, child_of_rs2->render_target());
+ EXPECT_EQ(render_surface2, grand_child_of_rs2->render_target());
+ // Verify layer draw transforms note that draw transforms are described with
+ // respect to the nearest ancestor render surface but screen space transforms
+ // are described with respect to the root.
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(A, parent->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(A * B * A, child_of_root->draw_transform());
+ grand_child_of_root->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(SS1, render_surface1->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(SS1 * B * A, child_of_rs1->draw_transform());
+ grand_child_of_rs1->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(SS2, render_surface2->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(SS2 * B * A, child_of_rs2->draw_transform());
+ grand_child_of_rs2->draw_transform());
+ // Verify layer screen-space transforms
+ //
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(A, parent->screen_space_transform());
+ child_of_root->screen_space_transform());
+ A * B * A * B * A, grand_child_of_root->screen_space_transform());
+ render_surface1->screen_space_transform());
+ child_of_rs1->screen_space_transform());
+ grand_child_of_rs1->screen_space_transform());
+ render_surface2->screen_space_transform());
+ child_of_rs2->screen_space_transform());
+ grand_child_of_rs2->screen_space_transform());
+ // Verify render surface transforms.
+ //
+ // Draw transform of render surface 1 is described with respect to root.
+ A * B * A * S1, render_surface1->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ A * B * R * S1,
+ render_surface1->render_surface()->replica_draw_transform());
+ A * B * A * S1,
+ render_surface1->render_surface()->screen_space_transform());
+ A * B * R * S1,
+ render_surface1->render_surface()->replica_screen_space_transform());
+ // Draw transform of render surface 2 is described with respect to render
+ // surface 1.
+ SS1 * B * A * S2, render_surface2->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ SS1 * B * R * S2,
+ render_surface2->render_surface()->replica_draw_transform());
+ A * B * A * B * A * S2,
+ render_surface2->render_surface()->screen_space_transform());
+ A * B * A * B * R * S2,
+ render_surface2->render_surface()->replica_screen_space_transform());
+ // Sanity check. If these fail there is probably a bug in the test itself. It
+ // is expected that we correctly set up transforms so that the y-component of
+ // the screen-space transform encodes the "depth" of the layer in the tree.
+ parent->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+ 2.0, child_of_root->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+ 3.0,
+ grand_child_of_root->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+ 2.0, render_surface1->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+ 3.0, child_of_rs1->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+ 4.0,
+ grand_child_of_rs1->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+ 3.0, render_surface2->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+ 4.0, child_of_rs2->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+ 5.0,
+ grand_child_of_rs2->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, TransformsForFlatteningLayer) {
+ // For layers that flatten their subtree, there should be an orthographic
+ // projection (for x and y values) in the middle of the transform sequence.
+ // Note that the way the code is currently implemented, it is not expected to
+ // use a canonical orthographic projection.
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> grand_child =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ gfx::Transform rotation_about_y_axis;
+ rotation_about_y_axis.RotateAboutYAxis(30.0);
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ rotation_about_y_axis,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ rotation_about_y_axis,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ root->AddChild(child);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child);
+ child->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ // No layers in this test should preserve 3d.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(root->preserves_3d());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(child->preserves_3d());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(grand_child->preserves_3d());
+ gfx::Transform expected_child_draw_transform = rotation_about_y_axis;
+ gfx::Transform expected_child_screen_space_transform = rotation_about_y_axis;
+ gfx::Transform expected_grand_child_draw_transform =
+ rotation_about_y_axis; // draws onto child's render surface
+ gfx::Transform flattened_rotation_about_y = rotation_about_y_axis;
+ flattened_rotation_about_y.FlattenTo2d();
+ gfx::Transform expected_grand_child_screen_space_transform =
+ flattened_rotation_about_y * rotation_about_y_axis;
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ // The child's draw transform should have been taken by its surface.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(child->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_child_draw_transform,
+ child->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ expected_child_screen_space_transform,
+ child->render_surface()->screen_space_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(identity_matrix, child->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_child_screen_space_transform,
+ child->screen_space_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_grand_child_draw_transform,
+ grand_child->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_grand_child_screen_space_transform,
+ grand_child->screen_space_transform());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, TransformsForDegenerateIntermediateLayer) {
+ // A layer that is empty in one axis, but not the other, was accidentally
+ // skipping a necessary translation. Without that translation, the coordinate
+ // space of the layer's draw transform is incorrect.
+ //
+ // Normally this isn't a problem, because the layer wouldn't be drawn anyway,
+ // but if that layer becomes a render surface, then its draw transform is
+ // implicitly inherited by the rest of the subtree, which then is positioned
+ // incorrectly as a result.
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> grand_child =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ // The child height is zero, but has non-zero width that should be accounted
+ // for while computing draw transforms.
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 0),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ root->AddChild(child);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child);
+ child->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(child->render_surface());
+ // This is the real test, the rest are sanity checks.
+ child->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(identity_matrix, child->draw_transform());
+ grand_child->draw_transform());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, TransformAboveRootLayer) {
+ // Transformations applied at the root of the tree should be forwarded
+ // to child layers instead of applied to the root RenderSurface.
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ child->SetScrollable(true);
+ root->AddChild(child);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(20, 20),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(20, 20),
+ false);
+ gfx::Transform translate;
+ translate.Translate(50, 50);
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), translate, &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_EQ(translate, root->draw_properties().target_space_transform);
+ EXPECT_EQ(translate, child->draw_properties().target_space_transform);
+ EXPECT_EQ(identity_matrix, root->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ }
+ gfx::Transform scale;
+ scale.Scale(2, 2);
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), scale, &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_EQ(scale, root->draw_properties().target_space_transform);
+ EXPECT_EQ(scale, child->draw_properties().target_space_transform);
+ EXPECT_EQ(identity_matrix, root->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ }
+ gfx::Transform rotate;
+ rotate.Rotate(2);
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), rotate, &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_EQ(rotate, root->draw_properties().target_space_transform);
+ EXPECT_EQ(rotate, child->draw_properties().target_space_transform);
+ EXPECT_EQ(identity_matrix, root->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ }
+ gfx::Transform composite;
+ composite.ConcatTransform(translate);
+ composite.ConcatTransform(scale);
+ composite.ConcatTransform(rotate);
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), composite, &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_EQ(composite, root->draw_properties().target_space_transform);
+ EXPECT_EQ(composite, child->draw_properties().target_space_transform);
+ EXPECT_EQ(identity_matrix, root->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ }
+ // Verify it composes correctly with device scale.
+ float device_scale_factor = 1.5f;
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), translate, &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ gfx::Transform device_scaled_translate = translate;
+ device_scaled_translate.Scale(device_scale_factor, device_scale_factor);
+ EXPECT_EQ(device_scaled_translate,
+ root->draw_properties().target_space_transform);
+ EXPECT_EQ(device_scaled_translate,
+ child->draw_properties().target_space_transform);
+ EXPECT_EQ(identity_matrix, root->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ }
+ // Verify it composes correctly with page scale.
+ float page_scale_factor = 2.f;
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), translate, &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.page_scale_factor = page_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_application_layer = root.get();
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ gfx::Transform page_scaled_translate = translate;
+ page_scaled_translate.Scale(page_scale_factor, page_scale_factor);
+ EXPECT_EQ(translate, root->draw_properties().target_space_transform);
+ EXPECT_EQ(page_scaled_translate,
+ child->draw_properties().target_space_transform);
+ EXPECT_EQ(identity_matrix, root->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ }
+ // Verify that it composes correctly with transforms directly on root layer.
+ root->SetTransform(composite);
+ root->SetSublayerTransform(composite);
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), composite, &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ gfx::Transform compositeSquared = composite;
+ compositeSquared.ConcatTransform(composite);
+ gfx::Transform compositeCubed = compositeSquared;
+ compositeCubed.ConcatTransform(composite);
+ EXPECT_EQ(compositeSquared, root->draw_properties().target_space_transform);
+ EXPECT_EQ(compositeCubed, child->draw_properties().target_space_transform);
+ EXPECT_EQ(identity_matrix, root->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ }
+ RenderSurfaceListForRenderSurfaceWithClippedLayer) {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> render_surface1 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(parent);
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(render_surface1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(30.f, 30.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ parent->AddChild(render_surface1);
+ parent->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ render_surface1->AddChild(child);
+ render_surface1->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ parent.get(),
+ parent->bounds(),
+ gfx::Transform(),
+ &render_surface_layer_list);
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // The child layer's content is entirely outside the parent's clip rect, so
+ // the intermediate render surface should not be listed here, even if it was
+ // forced to be created. Render surfaces without children or visible content
+ // are unexpected at draw time (e.g. we might try to create a content texture
+ // of size 0).
+ ASSERT_TRUE(parent->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(render_surface1->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, RenderSurfaceListForTransparentChild) {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> render_surface1 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(parent);
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(render_surface1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ parent->AddChild(render_surface1);
+ render_surface1->AddChild(child);
+ render_surface1->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ render_surface1->SetOpacity(0.f);
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ parent.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Since the layer is transparent, render_surface1->render_surface() should
+ // not have gotten added anywhere. Also, the drawable content rect should not
+ // have been extended by the children.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(parent->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0U, parent->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(parent->id(),>id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(), parent->drawable_content_rect());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, ForceRenderSurface) {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> render_surface1 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ render_surface1->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(parent);
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(render_surface1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ parent->AddChild(render_surface1);
+ render_surface1->AddChild(child);
+ // Sanity check before the actual test
+ EXPECT_FALSE(parent->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(render_surface1->render_surface());
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ parent.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // The root layer always creates a render surface
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parent->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(render_surface1->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_EQ(2U, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ }
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ render_surface1->SetForceRenderSurface(false);
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ parent.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parent->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(render_surface1->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ }
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, ClipRectCullsRenderSurfaces) {
+ // The entire subtree of layers that are outside the clip rect should be
+ // culled away, and should not affect the render_surface_layer_list.
+ //
+ // The test tree is set up as follows:
+ // - all layers except the leaf_nodes are forced to be a new render surface
+ // that have something to draw.
+ // - parent is a large container layer.
+ // - child has masksToBounds=true to cause clipping.
+ // - grand_child is positioned outside of the child's bounds
+ // - great_grand_child is also kept outside child's bounds.
+ //
+ // In this configuration, grand_child and great_grand_child are completely
+ // outside the clip rect, and they should never get scheduled on the list of
+ // render surfaces.
+ //
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> great_grand_child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> leaf_node1 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> leaf_node2 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ parent->AddChild(child);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child);
+ grand_child->AddChild(great_grand_child);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(parent);
+ // leaf_node1 ensures that parent and child are kept on the
+ // render_surface_layer_list, even though grand_child and great_grand_child
+ // should be clipped.
+ child->AddChild(leaf_node1);
+ great_grand_child->AddChild(leaf_node2);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(500, 500),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(20, 20),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(45.f, 45.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(great_grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(leaf_node1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(500, 500),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(leaf_node2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(20, 20),
+ false);
+ child->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ child->SetOpacity(0.4f);
+ child->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ grand_child->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ great_grand_child->SetOpacity(0.4f);
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ parent.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ ASSERT_EQ(2U, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(parent->id(),>id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(child->id(),>id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, ClipRectCullsSurfaceWithoutVisibleContent) {
+ // When a render surface has a clip rect, it is used to clip the content rect
+ // of the surface. When the render surface is animating its transforms, then
+ // the content rect's position in the clip rect is not defined on the main
+ // thread, and its content rect should not be clipped.
+ // The test tree is set up as follows:
+ // - parent is a container layer that masksToBounds=true to cause clipping.
+ // - child is a render surface, which has a clip rect set to the bounds of
+ // the parent.
+ // - grand_child is a render surface, and the only visible content in child.
+ // It is positioned outside of the clip rect from parent.
+ // In this configuration, grand_child should be outside the clipped
+ // content rect of the child, making grand_child not appear in the
+ // render_surface_layer_list. However, when we place an animation on the
+ // child, this clipping should be avoided and we should keep the grand_child
+ // in the render_surface_layer_list.
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> leaf_node =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ parent->AddChild(child);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child);
+ grand_child->AddChild(leaf_node);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(parent);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(20, 20),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(200.f, 200.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(leaf_node.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ parent->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ child->SetOpacity(0.4f);
+ child->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ grand_child->SetOpacity(0.4f);
+ grand_child->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ parent.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Without an animation, we should cull child and grand_child from the
+ // render_surface_layer_list.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1U, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(parent->id(),>id());
+ }
+ // Now put an animating transform on child.
+ AddAnimatedTransformToController(
+ child->layer_animation_controller(), 10.0, 30, 0);
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ parent.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // With an animating transform, we should keep child and grand_child in the
+ // render_surface_layer_list.
+ ASSERT_EQ(3U, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(parent->id(),>id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(child->id(),>id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(grand_child->id(),>id());
+ }
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, IsClippedIsSetCorrectly) {
+ // Layer's IsClipped() property is set to true when:
+ // - the layer clips its subtree, e.g. masks to bounds,
+ // - the layer is clipped by an ancestor that contributes to the same
+ // render target,
+ // - a surface is clipped by an ancestor that contributes to the same
+ // render target.
+ //
+ // In particular, for a layer that owns a render surface:
+ // - the render surface inherits any clip from ancestors, and does NOT
+ // pass that clipped status to the layer itself.
+ // - but if the layer itself masks to bounds, it is considered clipped
+ // and propagates the clip to the subtree.
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child1 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child2 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> leaf_node1 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> leaf_node2 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ root->AddChild(parent);
+ parent->AddChild(child1);
+ parent->AddChild(child2);
+ child1->AddChild(grand_child);
+ child2->AddChild(leaf_node2);
+ grand_child->AddChild(leaf_node1);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ child2->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(leaf_node1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(leaf_node2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ // Case 1: nothing is clipped except the root render surface.
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(root->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(child2->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root->render_surface()->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(parent->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child1->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child2->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child2->render_surface()->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grand_child->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(leaf_node1->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(leaf_node2->is_clipped());
+ }
+ // Case 2: parent masksToBounds, so the parent, child1, and child2's
+ // surface are clipped. But layers that contribute to child2's surface are
+ // not clipped explicitly because child2's surface already accounts for
+ // that clip.
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ parent->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(root->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(child2->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root->render_surface()->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parent->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child1->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child2->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child2->render_surface()->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grand_child->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(leaf_node1->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(leaf_node2->is_clipped());
+ }
+ // Case 3: child2 masksToBounds. The layer and subtree are clipped, and
+ // child2's render surface is not clipped.
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ parent->SetMasksToBounds(false);
+ child2->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(root->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(child2->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root->render_surface()->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(parent->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child1->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child2->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child2->render_surface()->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grand_child->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(leaf_node1->is_clipped());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(leaf_node2->is_clipped());
+ }
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, DrawableContentRectForLayers) {
+ // Verify that layers get the appropriate DrawableContentRect when their
+ // parent masksToBounds is true.
+ //
+ // grand_child1 - completely inside the region; DrawableContentRect should
+ // be the layer rect expressed in target space.
+ // grand_child2 - partially clipped but NOT masksToBounds; the clip rect
+ // will be the intersection of layer bounds and the mask region.
+ // grand_child3 - partially clipped and masksToBounds; the
+ // DrawableContentRect will still be the intersection of layer bounds and
+ // the mask region.
+ // grand_child4 - outside parent's clip rect; the DrawableContentRect should
+ // be empty.
+ //
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child1 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child2 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child3 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child4 = Layer::Create();
+ parent->AddChild(child);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child1);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child2);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child3);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child4);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(parent);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(500, 500),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(20, 20),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(5.f, 5.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(15.f, 15.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child3.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(15.f, 15.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child4.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(45.f, 45.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ child->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ grand_child3->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ // Force everyone to be a render surface.
+ child->SetOpacity(0.4f);
+ grand_child1->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ grand_child2->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ grand_child3->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ grand_child4->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ parent.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(5, 5, 10, 10),
+ grand_child1->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(15, 15, 5, 5),
+ grand_child3->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(15, 15, 5, 5),
+ grand_child3->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grand_child4->drawable_content_rect().IsEmpty());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, ClipRectIsPropagatedCorrectlyToSurfaces) {
+ // Verify that render surfaces (and their layers) get the appropriate
+ // clip rects when their parent masksToBounds is true.
+ //
+ // Layers that own render surfaces (at least for now) do not inherit any
+ // clipping; instead the surface will enforce the clip for the entire subtree.
+ // They may still have a clip rect of their own layer bounds, however, if
+ // masksToBounds was true.
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child1 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child2 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child3 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child4 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> leaf_node1 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> leaf_node2 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> leaf_node3 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> leaf_node4 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ parent->AddChild(child);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child1);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child2);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child3);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child4);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(parent);
+ // the leaf nodes ensure that these grand_children become render surfaces for
+ // this test.
+ grand_child1->AddChild(leaf_node1);
+ grand_child2->AddChild(leaf_node2);
+ grand_child3->AddChild(leaf_node3);
+ grand_child4->AddChild(leaf_node4);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(500, 500),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(20, 20),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(5.f, 5.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(15.f, 15.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child3.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(15.f, 15.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child4.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(45.f, 45.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(leaf_node1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(leaf_node2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(leaf_node3.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(leaf_node4.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ child->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ grand_child3->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ grand_child4->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ // Force everyone to be a render surface.
+ child->SetOpacity(0.4f);
+ child->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ grand_child1->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ grand_child1->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ grand_child2->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ grand_child2->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ grand_child3->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ grand_child3->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ grand_child4->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ grand_child4->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ parent.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(grand_child1->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(grand_child2->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(grand_child3->render_surface());
+ // Because grand_child4 is entirely clipped, it is expected to not have a
+ // render surface.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grand_child4->render_surface());
+ // Surfaces are clipped by their parent, but un-affected by the owning layer's
+ // masksToBounds.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 20, 20),
+ grand_child1->render_surface()->clip_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 20, 20),
+ grand_child2->render_surface()->clip_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 20, 20),
+ grand_child3->render_surface()->clip_rect());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, AnimationsForRenderSurfaceHierarchy) {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> render_surface1 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> render_surface2 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child_of_root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child_of_rs1 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child_of_rs2 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child_of_root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> grand_child_of_rs1 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> grand_child_of_rs2 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ parent->AddChild(render_surface1);
+ parent->AddChild(child_of_root);
+ render_surface1->AddChild(child_of_rs1);
+ render_surface1->AddChild(render_surface2);
+ render_surface2->AddChild(child_of_rs2);
+ child_of_root->AddChild(grand_child_of_root);
+ child_of_rs1->AddChild(grand_child_of_rs1);
+ child_of_rs2->AddChild(grand_child_of_rs2);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(parent);
+ // Make our render surfaces.
+ render_surface1->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ render_surface2->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ gfx::Transform layer_transform;
+ layer_transform.Translate(1.0, 1.0);
+ gfx::Transform sublayer_transform;
+ sublayer_transform.Scale3d(10.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(2.5f, 0.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(render_surface1.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(2.5f, 0.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(render_surface2.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(2.5f, 0.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_of_root.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(2.5f, 0.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_of_rs1.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(2.5f, 0.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_of_rs2.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(2.5f, 0.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child_of_root.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(2.5f, 0.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child_of_rs1.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(2.5f, 0.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child_of_rs2.get(),
+ layer_transform,
+ sublayer_transform,
+ gfx::PointF(0.25f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(2.5f, 0.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ // Put an animated opacity on the render surface.
+ AddOpacityTransitionToController(
+ render_surface1->layer_animation_controller(), 10.0, 1.f, 0.f, false);
+ // Also put an animated opacity on a layer without descendants.
+ AddOpacityTransitionToController(
+ grand_child_of_root->layer_animation_controller(), 10.0, 1.f, 0.f, false);
+ // Put a transform animation on the render surface.
+ AddAnimatedTransformToController(
+ render_surface2->layer_animation_controller(), 10.0, 30, 0);
+ // Also put transform animations on grand_child_of_root, and
+ // grand_child_of_rs2
+ AddAnimatedTransformToController(
+ grand_child_of_root->layer_animation_controller(), 10.0, 30, 0);
+ AddAnimatedTransformToController(
+ grand_child_of_rs2->layer_animation_controller(), 10.0, 30, 0);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(parent.get());
+ // Only layers that are associated with render surfaces should have an actual
+ // RenderSurface() value.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(parent->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(child_of_root->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(grand_child_of_root->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(render_surface1->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(child_of_rs1->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(grand_child_of_rs1->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(render_surface2->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(child_of_rs2->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(grand_child_of_rs2->render_surface());
+ // Verify all render target accessors
+ EXPECT_EQ(parent, parent->render_target());
+ EXPECT_EQ(parent, child_of_root->render_target());
+ EXPECT_EQ(parent, grand_child_of_root->render_target());
+ EXPECT_EQ(render_surface1, render_surface1->render_target());
+ EXPECT_EQ(render_surface1, child_of_rs1->render_target());
+ EXPECT_EQ(render_surface1, grand_child_of_rs1->render_target());
+ EXPECT_EQ(render_surface2, render_surface2->render_target());
+ EXPECT_EQ(render_surface2, child_of_rs2->render_target());
+ EXPECT_EQ(render_surface2, grand_child_of_rs2->render_target());
+ // Verify draw_opacity_is_animating values
+ EXPECT_FALSE(parent->draw_opacity_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_of_root->draw_opacity_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grand_child_of_root->draw_opacity_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(render_surface1->draw_opacity_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(render_surface1->render_surface()->draw_opacity_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_of_rs1->draw_opacity_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grand_child_of_rs1->draw_opacity_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(render_surface2->draw_opacity_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(render_surface2->render_surface()->draw_opacity_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_of_rs2->draw_opacity_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grand_child_of_rs2->draw_opacity_is_animating());
+ // Verify draw_transform_is_animating values
+ EXPECT_FALSE(parent->draw_transform_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_of_root->draw_transform_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grand_child_of_root->draw_transform_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(render_surface1->draw_transform_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(render_surface1->render_surface()
+ ->target_surface_transforms_are_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_of_rs1->draw_transform_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grand_child_of_rs1->draw_transform_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(render_surface2->draw_transform_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(render_surface2->render_surface()
+ ->target_surface_transforms_are_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_of_rs2->draw_transform_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grand_child_of_rs2->draw_transform_is_animating());
+ // Verify screen_space_transform_is_animating values
+ EXPECT_FALSE(parent->screen_space_transform_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_of_root->screen_space_transform_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grand_child_of_root->screen_space_transform_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(render_surface1->screen_space_transform_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(render_surface1->render_surface()
+ ->screen_space_transforms_are_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_of_rs1->screen_space_transform_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grand_child_of_rs1->screen_space_transform_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(render_surface2->screen_space_transform_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(render_surface2->render_surface()
+ ->screen_space_transforms_are_animating());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_of_rs2->screen_space_transform_is_animating());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grand_child_of_rs2->screen_space_transform_is_animating());
+ // Sanity check. If these fail there is probably a bug in the test itself.
+ // It is expected that we correctly set up transforms so that the y-component
+ // of the screen-space transform encodes the "depth" of the layer in the tree.
+ parent->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+ 2.0, child_of_root->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+ 3.0,
+ grand_child_of_root->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+ 2.0, render_surface1->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+ 3.0, child_of_rs1->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+ 4.0,
+ grand_child_of_rs1->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+ 3.0, render_surface2->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+ 4.0, child_of_rs2->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+ 5.0,
+ grand_child_of_rs2->screen_space_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3));
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, VisibleRectForIdentityTransform) {
+ // Test the calculateVisibleRect() function works correctly for identity
+ // transforms.
+ gfx::Rect target_surface_rect = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ gfx::Transform layer_to_surface_transform;
+ // Case 1: Layer is contained within the surface.
+ gfx::Rect layer_content_rect = gfx::Rect(10, 10, 30, 30);
+ gfx::Rect expected = gfx::Rect(10, 10, 30, 30);
+ gfx::Rect actual = LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateVisibleRect(
+ target_surface_rect, layer_content_rect, layer_to_surface_transform);
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(expected, actual);
+ // Case 2: Layer is outside the surface rect.
+ layer_content_rect = gfx::Rect(120, 120, 30, 30);
+ actual = LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateVisibleRect(
+ target_surface_rect, layer_content_rect, layer_to_surface_transform);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(actual.IsEmpty());
+ // Case 3: Layer is partially overlapping the surface rect.
+ layer_content_rect = gfx::Rect(80, 80, 30, 30);
+ expected = gfx::Rect(80, 80, 20, 20);
+ actual = LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateVisibleRect(
+ target_surface_rect, layer_content_rect, layer_to_surface_transform);
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(expected, actual);
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, VisibleRectForTranslations) {
+ // Test the calculateVisibleRect() function works correctly for scaling
+ // transforms.
+ gfx::Rect target_surface_rect = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ gfx::Rect layer_content_rect = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 30, 30);
+ gfx::Transform layer_to_surface_transform;
+ // Case 1: Layer is contained within the surface.
+ layer_to_surface_transform.MakeIdentity();
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Translate(10.0, 10.0);
+ gfx::Rect expected = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 30, 30);
+ gfx::Rect actual = LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateVisibleRect(
+ target_surface_rect, layer_content_rect, layer_to_surface_transform);
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(expected, actual);
+ // Case 2: Layer is outside the surface rect.
+ layer_to_surface_transform.MakeIdentity();
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Translate(120.0, 120.0);
+ actual = LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateVisibleRect(
+ target_surface_rect, layer_content_rect, layer_to_surface_transform);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(actual.IsEmpty());
+ // Case 3: Layer is partially overlapping the surface rect.
+ layer_to_surface_transform.MakeIdentity();
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Translate(80.0, 80.0);
+ expected = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 20, 20);
+ actual = LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateVisibleRect(
+ target_surface_rect, layer_content_rect, layer_to_surface_transform);
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(expected, actual);
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, VisibleRectFor2DRotations) {
+ // Test the calculateVisibleRect() function works correctly for rotations
+ // about z-axis (i.e. 2D rotations). Remember that calculateVisibleRect()
+ // should return the g in the layer's space.
+ gfx::Rect target_surface_rect = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ gfx::Rect layer_content_rect = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 30, 30);
+ gfx::Transform layer_to_surface_transform;
+ // Case 1: Layer is contained within the surface.
+ layer_to_surface_transform.MakeIdentity();
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Translate(50.0, 50.0);
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Rotate(45.0);
+ gfx::Rect expected = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 30, 30);
+ gfx::Rect actual = LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateVisibleRect(
+ target_surface_rect, layer_content_rect, layer_to_surface_transform);
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(expected, actual);
+ // Case 2: Layer is outside the surface rect.
+ layer_to_surface_transform.MakeIdentity();
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Translate(-50.0, 0.0);
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Rotate(45.0);
+ actual = LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateVisibleRect(
+ target_surface_rect, layer_content_rect, layer_to_surface_transform);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(actual.IsEmpty());
+ // Case 3: The layer is rotated about its top-left corner. In surface space,
+ // the layer is oriented diagonally, with the left half outside of the render
+ // surface. In this case, the g should still be the entire layer
+ // (remember the g is computed in layer space); both the top-left
+ // and bottom-right corners of the layer are still visible.
+ layer_to_surface_transform.MakeIdentity();
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Rotate(45.0);
+ expected = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 30, 30);
+ actual = LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateVisibleRect(
+ target_surface_rect, layer_content_rect, layer_to_surface_transform);
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(expected, actual);
+ // Case 4: The layer is rotated about its top-left corner, and translated
+ // upwards. In surface space, the layer is oriented diagonally, with only the
+ // top corner of the surface overlapping the layer. In layer space, the render
+ // surface overlaps the right side of the layer. The g should be
+ // the layer's right half.
+ layer_to_surface_transform.MakeIdentity();
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Translate(0.0, -sqrt(2.0) * 15.0);
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Rotate(45.0);
+ expected = gfx::Rect(15, 0, 15, 30); // Right half of layer bounds.
+ actual = LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateVisibleRect(
+ target_surface_rect, layer_content_rect, layer_to_surface_transform);
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(expected, actual);
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, VisibleRectFor3dOrthographicTransform) {
+ // Test that the calculateVisibleRect() function works correctly for 3d
+ // transforms.
+ gfx::Rect target_surface_rect = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ gfx::Rect layer_content_rect = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ gfx::Transform layer_to_surface_transform;
+ // Case 1: Orthographic projection of a layer rotated about y-axis by 45
+ // degrees, should be fully contained in the render surface.
+ layer_to_surface_transform.MakeIdentity();
+ layer_to_surface_transform.RotateAboutYAxis(45.0);
+ gfx::Rect expected = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ gfx::Rect actual = LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateVisibleRect(
+ target_surface_rect, layer_content_rect, layer_to_surface_transform);
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(expected, actual);
+ // Case 2: Orthographic projection of a layer rotated about y-axis by 45
+ // degrees, but shifted to the side so only the right-half the layer would be
+ // visible on the surface.
+ // 100 is the un-rotated layer width; divided by sqrt(2) is the rotated width.
+ double half_width_of_rotated_layer = (100.0 / sqrt(2.0)) * 0.5;
+ layer_to_surface_transform.MakeIdentity();
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Translate(-half_width_of_rotated_layer, 0.0);
+ layer_to_surface_transform.RotateAboutYAxis(45.0); // Rotates about the left
+ // edge of the layer.
+ expected = gfx::Rect(50, 0, 50, 100); // Tight half of the layer.
+ actual = LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateVisibleRect(
+ target_surface_rect, layer_content_rect, layer_to_surface_transform);
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(expected, actual);
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, VisibleRectFor3dPerspectiveTransform) {
+ // Test the calculateVisibleRect() function works correctly when the layer has
+ // a perspective projection onto the target surface.
+ gfx::Rect target_surface_rect = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ gfx::Rect layer_content_rect = gfx::Rect(-50, -50, 200, 200);
+ gfx::Transform layer_to_surface_transform;
+ // Case 1: Even though the layer is twice as large as the surface, due to
+ // perspective foreshortening, the layer will fit fully in the surface when
+ // its translated more than the perspective amount.
+ layer_to_surface_transform.MakeIdentity();
+ // The following sequence of transforms applies the perspective about the
+ // center of the surface.
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Translate(50.0, 50.0);
+ layer_to_surface_transform.ApplyPerspectiveDepth(9.0);
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Translate(-50.0, -50.0);
+ // This translate places the layer in front of the surface's projection plane.
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Translate3d(0.0, 0.0, -27.0);
+ gfx::Rect expected = gfx::Rect(-50, -50, 200, 200);
+ gfx::Rect actual = LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateVisibleRect(
+ target_surface_rect, layer_content_rect, layer_to_surface_transform);
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(expected, actual);
+ // Case 2: same projection as before, except that the layer is also translated
+ // to the side, so that only the right half of the layer should be visible.
+ //
+ // Explanation of expected result: The perspective ratio is (z distance
+ // between layer and camera origin) / (z distance between projection plane and
+ // camera origin) == ((-27 - 9) / 9) Then, by similar triangles, if we want to
+ // move a layer by translating -50 units in projected surface units (so that
+ // only half of it is visible), then we would need to translate by (-36 / 9) *
+ // -50 == -200 in the layer's units.
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Translate3d(-200.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ expected = gfx::Rect(gfx::Point(50, -50),
+ gfx::Size(100, 200)); // The right half of the layer's
+ // bounding rect.
+ actual = LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateVisibleRect(
+ target_surface_rect, layer_content_rect, layer_to_surface_transform);
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(expected, actual);
+ VisibleRectFor3dOrthographicIsNotClippedBehindSurface) {
+ // There is currently no explicit concept of an orthographic projection plane
+ // in our code (nor in the CSS spec to my knowledge). Therefore, layers that
+ // are technically behind the surface in an orthographic world should not be
+ // clipped when they are flattened to the surface.
+ gfx::Rect target_surface_rect = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ gfx::Rect layer_content_rect = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ gfx::Transform layer_to_surface_transform;
+ // This sequence of transforms effectively rotates the layer about the y-axis
+ // at the center of the layer.
+ layer_to_surface_transform.MakeIdentity();
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Translate(50.0, 0.0);
+ layer_to_surface_transform.RotateAboutYAxis(45.0);
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Translate(-50.0, 0.0);
+ gfx::Rect expected = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ gfx::Rect actual = LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateVisibleRect(
+ target_surface_rect, layer_content_rect, layer_to_surface_transform);
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(expected, actual);
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, VisibleRectFor3dPerspectiveWhenClippedByW) {
+ // Test the calculateVisibleRect() function works correctly when projecting a
+ // surface onto a layer, but the layer is partially behind the camera (not
+ // just behind the projection plane). In this case, the cartesian coordinates
+ // may seem to be valid, but actually they are not. The visible rect needs to
+ // be properly clipped by the w = 0 plane in homogeneous coordinates before
+ // converting to cartesian coordinates.
+ gfx::Rect target_surface_rect = gfx::Rect(-50, -50, 100, 100);
+ gfx::Rect layer_content_rect = gfx::Rect(-10, -1, 20, 2);
+ gfx::Transform layer_to_surface_transform;
+ // The layer is positioned so that the right half of the layer should be in
+ // front of the camera, while the other half is behind the surface's
+ // projection plane. The following sequence of transforms applies the
+ // perspective and rotation about the center of the layer.
+ layer_to_surface_transform.MakeIdentity();
+ layer_to_surface_transform.ApplyPerspectiveDepth(1.0);
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Translate3d(-2.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ layer_to_surface_transform.RotateAboutYAxis(45.0);
+ // Sanity check that this transform does indeed cause w < 0 when applying the
+ // transform, otherwise this code is not testing the intended scenario.
+ bool clipped;
+ MathUtil::MapQuad(layer_to_surface_transform,
+ gfx::QuadF(gfx::RectF(layer_content_rect)),
+ &clipped);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(clipped);
+ int expected_x_position = 0;
+ int expected_width = 10;
+ gfx::Rect actual = LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateVisibleRect(
+ target_surface_rect, layer_content_rect, layer_to_surface_transform);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_x_position, actual.x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_width, actual.width());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, VisibleRectForPerspectiveUnprojection) {
+ // To determine visible rect in layer space, there needs to be an
+ // un-projection from surface space to layer space. When the original
+ // transform was a perspective projection that was clipped, it returns a rect
+ // that encloses the clipped bounds. Un-projecting this new rect may require
+ // clipping again.
+ // This sequence of transforms causes one corner of the layer to protrude
+ // across the w = 0 plane, and should be clipped.
+ gfx::Rect target_surface_rect = gfx::Rect(-50, -50, 100, 100);
+ gfx::Rect layer_content_rect = gfx::Rect(-10, -10, 20, 20);
+ gfx::Transform layer_to_surface_transform;
+ layer_to_surface_transform.MakeIdentity();
+ layer_to_surface_transform.ApplyPerspectiveDepth(1.0);
+ layer_to_surface_transform.Translate3d(0.0, 0.0, -5.0);
+ layer_to_surface_transform.RotateAboutYAxis(45.0);
+ layer_to_surface_transform.RotateAboutXAxis(80.0);
+ // Sanity check that un-projection does indeed cause w < 0, otherwise this
+ // code is not testing the intended scenario.
+ bool clipped;
+ gfx::RectF clipped_rect =
+ MathUtil::MapClippedRect(layer_to_surface_transform, layer_content_rect);
+ MathUtil::ProjectQuad(
+ Inverse(layer_to_surface_transform), gfx::QuadF(clipped_rect), &clipped);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(clipped);
+ // Only the corner of the layer is not visible on the surface because of being
+ // clipped. But, the net result of rounding visible region to an axis-aligned
+ // rect is that the entire layer should still be considered visible.
+ gfx::Rect expected = gfx::Rect(-10, -10, 20, 20);
+ gfx::Rect actual = LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateVisibleRect(
+ target_surface_rect, layer_content_rect, layer_to_surface_transform);
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(expected, actual);
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, DrawableAndVisibleContentRectsForSimpleLayers) {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child1 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child2 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child3 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ root->AddChild(child1);
+ root->AddChild(child2);
+ root->AddChild(child3);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(75.f, 75.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child3.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(125.f, 125.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100),
+ root->render_surface()->DrawableContentRect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), root->drawable_content_rect());
+ // Layers that do not draw content should have empty visible_content_rects.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), root->visible_content_rect());
+ // layer visible_content_rects are clipped by their target surface.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 50, 50), child1->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 25, 25), child2->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child3->visible_content_rect().IsEmpty());
+ // layer drawable_content_rects are not clipped.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 50, 50), child1->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(75, 75, 50, 50), child2->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(125, 125, 50, 50), child3->drawable_content_rect());
+ DrawableAndVisibleContentRectsForLayersClippedByLayer) {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> grand_child1 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> grand_child2 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> grand_child3 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ root->AddChild(child);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child1);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child2);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child3);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(5.f, 5.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(75.f, 75.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child3.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(125.f, 125.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ child->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(child->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100),
+ root->render_surface()->DrawableContentRect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), root->drawable_content_rect());
+ // Layers that do not draw content should have empty visible content rects.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), root->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), child->visible_content_rect());
+ // All grandchild visible content rects should be clipped by child.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 50, 50), grand_child1->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 25, 25), grand_child2->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grand_child3->visible_content_rect().IsEmpty());
+ // All grandchild DrawableContentRects should also be clipped by child.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(5, 5, 50, 50),
+ grand_child1->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(75, 75, 25, 25),
+ grand_child2->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grand_child3->drawable_content_rect().IsEmpty());
+ DrawableAndVisibleContentRectsForLayersInUnclippedRenderSurface) {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> render_surface1 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child1 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child2 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child3 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ root->AddChild(render_surface1);
+ render_surface1->AddChild(child1);
+ render_surface1->AddChild(child2);
+ render_surface1->AddChild(child3);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(render_surface1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(3, 4),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(5.f, 5.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(75.f, 75.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child3.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(125.f, 125.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ render_surface1->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(render_surface1->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100),
+ root->render_surface()->DrawableContentRect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), root->drawable_content_rect());
+ // Layers that do not draw content should have empty visible content rects.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), root->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ render_surface1->visible_content_rect());
+ // An unclipped surface grows its DrawableContentRect to include all drawable
+ // regions of the subtree.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(5, 5, 170, 170),
+ render_surface1->render_surface()->DrawableContentRect());
+ // All layers that draw content into the unclipped surface are also unclipped.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 50, 50), child1->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 50, 50), child2->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 50, 50), child3->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(5, 5, 50, 50), child1->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(75, 75, 50, 50), child2->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(125, 125, 50, 50), child3->drawable_content_rect());
+ DrawableAndVisibleContentRectsForLayersWithUninvertibleTransform) {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ root->AddChild(child);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::Transform uninvertible_matrix(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ uninvertible_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(5.f, 5.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child->visible_content_rect().IsEmpty());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child->drawable_content_rect().IsEmpty());
+ DrawableAndVisibleContentRectsForLayersInClippedRenderSurface) {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> render_surface1 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child1 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child2 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child3 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ root->AddChild(render_surface1);
+ render_surface1->AddChild(child1);
+ render_surface1->AddChild(child2);
+ render_surface1->AddChild(child3);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(render_surface1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(3, 4),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(5.f, 5.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(75.f, 75.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child3.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(125.f, 125.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ root->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ render_surface1->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(render_surface1->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100),
+ root->render_surface()->DrawableContentRect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), root->drawable_content_rect());
+ // Layers that do not draw content should have empty visible content rects.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), root->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ render_surface1->visible_content_rect());
+ // A clipped surface grows its DrawableContentRect to include all drawable
+ // regions of the subtree, but also gets clamped by the ancestor's clip.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(5, 5, 95, 95),
+ render_surface1->render_surface()->DrawableContentRect());
+ // All layers that draw content into the surface have their visible content
+ // rect clipped by the surface clip rect.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 50, 50), child1->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 25, 25), child2->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child3->visible_content_rect().IsEmpty());
+ // But the DrawableContentRects are unclipped.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(5, 5, 50, 50), child1->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(75, 75, 50, 50), child2->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(125, 125, 50, 50), child3->drawable_content_rect());
+ DrawableAndVisibleContentRectsForSurfaceHierarchy) {
+ // Check that clipping does not propagate down surfaces.
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> render_surface1 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> render_surface2 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child1 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child2 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child3 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ root->AddChild(render_surface1);
+ render_surface1->AddChild(render_surface2);
+ render_surface2->AddChild(child1);
+ render_surface2->AddChild(child2);
+ render_surface2->AddChild(child3);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(render_surface1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(3, 4),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(render_surface2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(7, 13),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(5.f, 5.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(75.f, 75.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child3.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(125.f, 125.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ root->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ render_surface1->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ render_surface2->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(render_surface1->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(render_surface2->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100),
+ root->render_surface()->DrawableContentRect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), root->drawable_content_rect());
+ // Layers that do not draw content should have empty visible content rects.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), root->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ render_surface1->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ render_surface2->visible_content_rect());
+ // A clipped surface grows its DrawableContentRect to include all drawable
+ // regions of the subtree, but also gets clamped by the ancestor's clip.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(5, 5, 95, 95),
+ render_surface1->render_surface()->DrawableContentRect());
+ // render_surface1 lives in the "unclipped universe" of render_surface1, and
+ // is only implicitly clipped by render_surface1's content rect. So,
+ // render_surface2 grows to enclose all drawable content of its subtree.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(5, 5, 170, 170),
+ render_surface2->render_surface()->DrawableContentRect());
+ // All layers that draw content into render_surface2 think they are unclipped.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 50, 50), child1->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 50, 50), child2->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 50, 50), child3->visible_content_rect());
+ // DrawableContentRects are also unclipped.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(5, 5, 50, 50), child1->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(75, 75, 50, 50), child2->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(125, 125, 50, 50), child3->drawable_content_rect());
+ DrawableAndVisibleContentRectsWithTransformOnUnclippedSurface) {
+ // Layers that have non-axis aligned bounds (due to transforms) have an
+ // expanded, axis-aligned DrawableContentRect and visible content rect.
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> render_surface1 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child1 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ root->AddChild(render_surface1);
+ render_surface1->AddChild(child1);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::Transform child_rotation;
+ child_rotation.Rotate(45.0);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(render_surface1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(3, 4),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child1.get(),
+ child_rotation,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(0.5f, 0.5f),
+ gfx::PointF(25.f, 25.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ render_surface1->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(render_surface1->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100),
+ root->render_surface()->DrawableContentRect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), root->drawable_content_rect());
+ // Layers that do not draw content should have empty visible content rects.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), root->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ render_surface1->visible_content_rect());
+ // The unclipped surface grows its DrawableContentRect to include all drawable
+ // regions of the subtree.
+ int diagonal_radius = ceil(sqrt(2.0) * 25.0);
+ gfx::Rect expected_surface_drawable_content =
+ gfx::Rect(50.0 - diagonal_radius,
+ 50.0 - diagonal_radius,
+ diagonal_radius * 2.0,
+ diagonal_radius * 2.0);
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(expected_surface_drawable_content,
+ render_surface1->render_surface()->DrawableContentRect());
+ // All layers that draw content into the unclipped surface are also unclipped.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 50, 50), child1->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(expected_surface_drawable_content,
+ child1->drawable_content_rect());
+ DrawableAndVisibleContentRectsWithTransformOnClippedSurface) {
+ // Layers that have non-axis aligned bounds (due to transforms) have an
+ // expanded, axis-aligned DrawableContentRect and visible content rect.
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> render_surface1 = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child1 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ root->AddChild(render_surface1);
+ render_surface1->AddChild(child1);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::Transform child_rotation;
+ child_rotation.Rotate(45.0);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(render_surface1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(3, 4),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child1.get(),
+ child_rotation,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(0.5f, 0.5f),
+ gfx::PointF(25.f, 25.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ root->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ render_surface1->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(render_surface1->render_surface());
+ // The clipped surface clamps the DrawableContentRect that encloses the
+ // rotated layer.
+ int diagonal_radius = ceil(sqrt(2.0) * 25.0);
+ gfx::Rect unclipped_surface_content = gfx::Rect(50.0 - diagonal_radius,
+ 50.0 - diagonal_radius,
+ diagonal_radius * 2.0,
+ diagonal_radius * 2.0);
+ gfx::Rect expected_surface_drawable_content =
+ gfx::IntersectRects(unclipped_surface_content, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 50, 50));
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(expected_surface_drawable_content,
+ render_surface1->render_surface()->DrawableContentRect());
+ // On the clipped surface, only a quarter of the child1 is visible, but when
+ // rotating it back to child1's content space, the actual enclosing rect ends
+ // up covering the full left half of child1.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 26, 50), child1->visible_content_rect());
+ // The child's DrawableContentRect is unclipped.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(unclipped_surface_content, child1->drawable_content_rect());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, DrawableAndVisibleContentRectsInHighDPI) {
+ MockContentLayerClient client;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> render_surface1 =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&client);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> render_surface2 =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&client);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> child1 = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&client);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> child2 = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&client);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> child3 = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&client);
+ root->AddChild(render_surface1);
+ render_surface1->AddChild(render_surface2);
+ render_surface2->AddChild(child1);
+ render_surface2->AddChild(child2);
+ render_surface2->AddChild(child3);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(render_surface1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(5.f, 5.f),
+ gfx::Size(3, 4),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(render_surface2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(5.f, 5.f),
+ gfx::Size(7, 13),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(5.f, 5.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(75.f, 75.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child3.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(125.f, 125.f),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ float device_scale_factor = 2.f;
+ root->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ render_surface1->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ render_surface2->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get(), device_scale_factor);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(render_surface1->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(render_surface2->render_surface());
+ // drawable_content_rects for all layers and surfaces are scaled by
+ // device_scale_factor.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 200, 200),
+ root->render_surface()->DrawableContentRect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 200, 200), root->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(10, 10, 190, 190),
+ render_surface1->render_surface()->DrawableContentRect());
+ // render_surface2 lives in the "unclipped universe" of render_surface1, and
+ // is only implicitly clipped by render_surface1.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(10, 10, 350, 350),
+ render_surface2->render_surface()->DrawableContentRect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(10, 10, 100, 100), child1->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(150, 150, 100, 100),
+ child2->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(250, 250, 100, 100),
+ child3->drawable_content_rect());
+ // The root layer does not actually draw content of its own.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), root->visible_content_rect());
+ // All layer visible content rects are expressed in content space of each
+ // layer, so they are also scaled by the device_scale_factor.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 6, 8),
+ render_surface1->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 14, 26),
+ render_surface2->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), child1->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), child2->visible_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), child3->visible_content_rect());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, BackFaceCullingWithoutPreserves3d) {
+ // Verify the behavior of back-face culling when there are no preserve-3d
+ // layers. Note that 3d transforms still apply in this case, but they are
+ // "flattened" to each parent layer according to current W3C spec.
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> front_facing_child =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> back_facing_child =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> front_facing_surface =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> back_facing_surface =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent>
+ front_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent>
+ back_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent>
+ front_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent>
+ back_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ parent->AddChild(front_facing_child);
+ parent->AddChild(back_facing_child);
+ parent->AddChild(front_facing_surface);
+ parent->AddChild(back_facing_surface);
+ front_facing_surface->AddChild(front_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface);
+ front_facing_surface->AddChild(back_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface);
+ back_facing_surface->AddChild(front_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface);
+ back_facing_surface->AddChild(back_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(parent);
+ // Nothing is double-sided
+ front_facing_child->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ back_facing_child->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ front_facing_surface->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ back_facing_surface->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ front_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ back_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ front_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ back_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ gfx::Transform backface_matrix;
+ backface_matrix.Translate(50.0, 50.0);
+ backface_matrix.RotateAboutYAxis(180.0);
+ backface_matrix.Translate(-50.0, -50.0);
+ // Having a descendant and opacity will force these to have render surfaces.
+ front_facing_surface->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ back_facing_surface->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ // Nothing preserves 3d. According to current W3C CSS gfx::Transforms spec,
+ // these layers should blindly use their own local transforms to determine
+ // back-face culling.
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(front_facing_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(back_facing_child.get(),
+ backface_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(front_facing_surface.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(back_facing_surface.get(),
+ backface_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(front_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(back_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface.get(),
+ backface_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(front_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(back_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface.get(),
+ backface_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ parent.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Verify which render surfaces were created.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(front_facing_child->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(back_facing_child->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(front_facing_surface->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(back_facing_surface->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(front_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(back_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(front_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(back_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface->render_surface());
+ // Verify the render_surface_layer_list.
+ ASSERT_EQ(3u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(parent->id(),>id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(front_facing_surface->id(),>id());
+ // Even though the back facing surface LAYER gets culled, the other
+ // descendants should still be added, so the SURFACE should not be culled.
+ EXPECT_EQ(back_facing_surface->id(),>id());
+ // Verify root surface's layer list.
+ 3u,
+ EXPECT_EQ(front_facing_child->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(front_facing_surface->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(1)->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(back_facing_surface->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(2)->id());
+ // Verify front_facing_surface's layer list.
+ 2u,
+ EXPECT_EQ(front_facing_surface->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(front_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(1)->id());
+ // Verify back_facing_surface's layer list; its own layer should be culled
+ // from the surface list.
+ 1u,
+ EXPECT_EQ(front_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, BackFaceCullingWithPreserves3d) {
+ // Verify the behavior of back-face culling when preserves-3d transform style
+ // is used.
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> front_facing_child =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> back_facing_child =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> front_facing_surface =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> back_facing_surface =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent>
+ front_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent>
+ back_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent>
+ front_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent>
+ back_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> dummy_replica_layer1 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> dummy_replica_layer2 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ parent->AddChild(front_facing_child);
+ parent->AddChild(back_facing_child);
+ parent->AddChild(front_facing_surface);
+ parent->AddChild(back_facing_surface);
+ front_facing_surface->AddChild(front_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface);
+ front_facing_surface->AddChild(back_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface);
+ back_facing_surface->AddChild(front_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface);
+ back_facing_surface->AddChild(back_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(parent);
+ // Nothing is double-sided
+ front_facing_child->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ back_facing_child->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ front_facing_surface->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ back_facing_surface->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ front_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ back_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ front_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ back_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ gfx::Transform backface_matrix;
+ backface_matrix.Translate(50.0, 50.0);
+ backface_matrix.RotateAboutYAxis(180.0);
+ backface_matrix.Translate(-50.0, -50.0);
+ // Opacity will not force creation of render surfaces in this case because of
+ // the preserve-3d transform style. Instead, an example of when a surface
+ // would be created with preserve-3d is when there is a replica layer.
+ front_facing_surface->SetReplicaLayer(dummy_replica_layer1.get());
+ back_facing_surface->SetReplicaLayer(dummy_replica_layer2.get());
+ // Each surface creates its own new 3d rendering context (as defined by W3C
+ // spec). According to current W3C CSS gfx::Transforms spec, layers in a 3d
+ // rendering context should use the transform with respect to that context.
+ // This 3d rendering context occurs when (a) parent's transform style is flat
+ // and (b) the layer's transform style is preserve-3d.
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false); // parent transform style is flat.
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(front_facing_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(back_facing_child.get(),
+ backface_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(
+ front_facing_surface.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ true); // surface transform style is preserve-3d.
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(
+ back_facing_surface.get(),
+ backface_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ true); // surface transform style is preserve-3d.
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(front_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(back_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface.get(),
+ backface_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(front_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(back_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface.get(),
+ backface_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ parent.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Verify which render surfaces were created.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(front_facing_child->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(back_facing_child->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(front_facing_surface->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(back_facing_surface->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(front_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(back_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(front_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(back_facing_child_of_back_facing_surface->render_surface());
+ // Verify the render_surface_layer_list. The back-facing surface should be
+ // culled.
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(parent->id(),>id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(front_facing_surface->id(),>id());
+ // Verify root surface's layer list.
+ 2u,
+ EXPECT_EQ(front_facing_child->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(front_facing_surface->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(1)->id());
+ // Verify front_facing_surface's layer list.
+ 2u,
+ EXPECT_EQ(front_facing_surface->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(front_facing_child_of_front_facing_surface->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(1)->id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, BackFaceCullingWithAnimatingTransforms) {
+ // Verify that layers are appropriately culled when their back face is showing
+ // and they are not double sided, while animations are going on.
+ //
+ // Layers that are animating do not get culled on the main thread, as their
+ // transforms should be treated as "unknown" so we can not be sure that their
+ // back face is really showing.
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> animating_surface =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child_of_animating_surface =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> animating_child =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child2 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ parent->AddChild(child);
+ parent->AddChild(animating_surface);
+ animating_surface->AddChild(child_of_animating_surface);
+ parent->AddChild(animating_child);
+ parent->AddChild(child2);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(parent);
+ // Nothing is double-sided
+ child->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ child2->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ animating_surface->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ child_of_animating_surface->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ animating_child->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ gfx::Transform backface_matrix;
+ backface_matrix.Translate(50.0, 50.0);
+ backface_matrix.RotateAboutYAxis(180.0);
+ backface_matrix.Translate(-50.0, -50.0);
+ // Make our render surface.
+ animating_surface->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ // Animate the transform on the render surface.
+ AddAnimatedTransformToController(
+ animating_surface->layer_animation_controller(), 10.0, 30, 0);
+ // This is just an animating layer, not a surface.
+ AddAnimatedTransformToController(
+ animating_child->layer_animation_controller(), 10.0, 30, 0);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ backface_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(animating_surface.get(),
+ backface_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_of_animating_surface.get(),
+ backface_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(animating_child.get(),
+ backface_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ parent.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(animating_surface->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_of_animating_surface->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(animating_child->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child2->render_surface());
+ // Verify that the animating_child and child_of_animating_surface were not
+ // culled, but that child was.
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(parent->id(),>id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(animating_surface->id(),>id());
+ // The non-animating child be culled from the layer list for the parent render
+ // surface.
+ 3u,
+ EXPECT_EQ(animating_surface->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(animating_child->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(1)->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(child2->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(2)->id());
+ 2u,
+ EXPECT_EQ(animating_surface->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(child_of_animating_surface->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(1)->id());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child2->visible_content_rect().IsEmpty());
+ // The animating layers should have a visible content rect that represents the
+ // area of the front face that is within the viewport.
+ EXPECT_EQ(animating_child->visible_content_rect(),
+ gfx::Rect(animating_child->content_bounds()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(animating_surface->visible_content_rect(),
+ gfx::Rect(animating_surface->content_bounds()));
+ // And layers in the subtree of the animating layer should have valid visible
+ // content rects also.
+ EXPECT_EQ(child_of_animating_surface->visible_content_rect(),
+ gfx::Rect(child_of_animating_surface->content_bounds()));
+ BackFaceCullingWithPreserves3dForFlatteningSurface) {
+ // Verify the behavior of back-face culling for a render surface that is
+ // created when it flattens its subtree, and its parent has preserves-3d.
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> parent = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> front_facing_surface =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> back_facing_surface =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child1 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> child2 =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ parent->AddChild(front_facing_surface);
+ parent->AddChild(back_facing_surface);
+ front_facing_surface->AddChild(child1);
+ back_facing_surface->AddChild(child2);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(parent);
+ // RenderSurfaces are not double-sided
+ front_facing_surface->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ back_facing_surface->SetDoubleSided(false);
+ gfx::Transform backface_matrix;
+ backface_matrix.Translate(50.0, 50.0);
+ backface_matrix.RotateAboutYAxis(180.0);
+ backface_matrix.Translate(-50.0, -50.0);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ true); // parent transform style is preserve3d.
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(front_facing_surface.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false); // surface transform style is flat.
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(back_facing_surface.get(),
+ backface_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false); // surface transform style is flat.
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ parent.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Verify which render surfaces were created.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(front_facing_surface->render_surface());
+ back_facing_surface->render_surface()); // because it should be culled
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child1->render_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child2->render_surface());
+ // Verify the render_surface_layer_list. The back-facing surface should be
+ // culled.
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(parent->id(),>id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(front_facing_surface->id(),>id());
+ // Verify root surface's layer list.
+ 1u,
+ EXPECT_EQ(front_facing_surface->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+ // Verify front_facing_surface's layer list.
+ 2u,
+ EXPECT_EQ(front_facing_surface->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(child1->id(),
+ ->render_surface()->layer_list().at(1)->id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, HitTestingForEmptyLayerList) {
+ // Hit testing on an empty render_surface_layer_list should return a null
+ // pointer.
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ gfx::Point test_point(0, 0);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(10, 20);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, HitTestingForSingleLayer) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 12345);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ gfx::PointF position;
+ gfx::Size bounds(100, 100);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ root->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ // Hit testing for a point outside the layer should return a null pointer.
+ gfx::Point test_point(101, 101);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(-1, -1);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit testing for a point inside should return the root layer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(1, 1);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+ test_point = gfx::Point(99, 99);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, HitTestingForSingleLayerAndHud) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 12345);
+ scoped_ptr<HeadsUpDisplayLayerImpl> hud =
+ HeadsUpDisplayLayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 11111);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ gfx::PointF position;
+ gfx::Size bounds(100, 100);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ root->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ // Create hud and add it as a child of root.
+ gfx::Size hud_bounds(200, 200);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(hud.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ hud_bounds,
+ false);
+ hud->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ host_impl.active_tree()->set_hud_layer(hud.get());
+ root->AddChild(hud.PassAs<LayerImpl>());
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), hud_bounds, &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ // Hit testing for a point inside HUD, but outside root should return null
+ gfx::Point test_point(101, 101);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(-1, -1);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit testing for a point inside should return the root layer, never the HUD
+ // layer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(1, 1);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+ test_point = gfx::Point(99, 99);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, HitTestingForUninvertibleTransform) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 12345);
+ gfx::Transform uninvertible_transform;
+ uninvertible_transform.matrix().setDouble(0, 0, 0.0);
+ uninvertible_transform.matrix().setDouble(1, 1, 0.0);
+ uninvertible_transform.matrix().setDouble(2, 2, 0.0);
+ uninvertible_transform.matrix().setDouble(3, 3, 0.0);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(uninvertible_transform.IsInvertible());
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ gfx::PointF position;
+ gfx::Size bounds(100, 100);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ uninvertible_transform,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ root->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(root->screen_space_transform().IsInvertible());
+ // Hit testing any point should not hit the layer. If the invertible matrix is
+ // accidentally ignored and treated like an identity, then the hit testing
+ // will incorrectly hit the layer when it shouldn't.
+ gfx::Point test_point(1, 1);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(10, 10);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(10, 30);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(50, 50);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(67, 48);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(99, 99);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(-1, -1);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, HitTestingForSinglePositionedLayer) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 12345);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ // this layer is positioned, and hit testing should correctly know where the
+ // layer is located.
+ gfx::PointF position(50.f, 50.f);
+ gfx::Size bounds(100, 100);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ root->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ // Hit testing for a point outside the layer should return a null pointer.
+ gfx::Point test_point(49, 49);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Even though the layer exists at (101, 101), it should not be visible there
+ // since the root render surface would clamp it.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(101, 101);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit testing for a point inside should return the root layer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(51, 51);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+ test_point = gfx::Point(99, 99);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, HitTestingForSingleRotatedLayer) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 12345);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::Transform rotation45_degrees_about_center;
+ rotation45_degrees_about_center.Translate(50.0, 50.0);
+ rotation45_degrees_about_center.RotateAboutZAxis(45.0);
+ rotation45_degrees_about_center.Translate(-50.0, -50.0);
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ gfx::PointF position;
+ gfx::Size bounds(100, 100);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ rotation45_degrees_about_center,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ root->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ // Hit testing for points outside the layer.
+ // These corners would have been inside the un-transformed layer, but they
+ // should not hit the correctly transformed layer.
+ gfx::Point test_point(99, 99);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(1, 1);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit testing for a point inside should return the root layer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(1, 50);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+ // Hit testing the corners that would overlap the unclipped layer, but are
+ // outside the clipped region.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(50, -1);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(-1, 50);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(result_layer);
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, HitTestingForSinglePerspectiveLayer) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 12345);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ // perspective_projection_about_center * translation_by_z is designed so that
+ // the 100 x 100 layer becomes 50 x 50, and remains centered at (50, 50).
+ gfx::Transform perspective_projection_about_center;
+ perspective_projection_about_center.Translate(50.0, 50.0);
+ perspective_projection_about_center.ApplyPerspectiveDepth(1.0);
+ perspective_projection_about_center.Translate(-50.0, -50.0);
+ gfx::Transform translation_by_z;
+ translation_by_z.Translate3d(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ gfx::PointF position;
+ gfx::Size bounds(100, 100);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(
+ root.get(),
+ perspective_projection_about_center * translation_by_z,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ root->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ // Hit testing for points outside the layer.
+ // These corners would have been inside the un-transformed layer, but they
+ // should not hit the correctly transformed layer.
+ gfx::Point test_point(24, 24);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(76, 76);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit testing for a point inside should return the root layer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(26, 26);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+ test_point = gfx::Point(74, 74);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, HitTestingForSingleLayerWithScaledContents) {
+ // A layer's visible content rect is actually in the layer's content space.
+ // The screen space transform converts from the layer's origin space to screen
+ // space. This test makes sure that hit testing works correctly accounts for
+ // the contents scale. A contents scale that is not 1 effectively forces a
+ // non-identity transform between layer's content space and layer's origin
+ // space. The hit testing code must take this into account.
+ //
+ // To test this, the layer is positioned at (25, 25), and is size (50, 50). If
+ // contents scale is ignored, then hit testing will mis-interpret the visible
+ // content rect as being larger than the actual bounds of the layer.
+ //
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root = LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 1);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ {
+ gfx::PointF position(25.f, 25.f);
+ gfx::Size bounds(50, 50);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> test_layer =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 12345);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(test_layer.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ // override content bounds and contents scale
+ test_layer->SetContentBounds(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ test_layer->SetContentsScale(2, 2);
+ test_layer->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ root->AddChild(test_layer.Pass());
+ }
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ // The visible content rect for test_layer is actually 100x100, even though
+ // its layout size is 50x50, positioned at 25x25.
+ LayerImpl* test_layer = root->children()[0];
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100),
+ test_layer->visible_content_rect());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ // Hit testing for a point outside the layer should return a null pointer (the
+ // root layer does not draw content, so it will not be hit tested either).
+ gfx::Point test_point(101, 101);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(24, 24);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(76, 76);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit testing for a point inside should return the test layer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(26, 26);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+ test_point = gfx::Point(74, 74);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, HitTestingForSimpleClippedLayer) {
+ // Test that hit-testing will only work for the visible portion of a layer,
+ // and not the entire layer bounds. Here we just test the simple axis-aligned
+ // case.
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root = LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 1);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ {
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> clipping_layer =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 123);
+ // this layer is positioned, and hit testing should correctly know where the
+ // layer is located.
+ gfx::PointF position(25.f, 25.f);
+ gfx::Size bounds(50, 50);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(clipping_layer.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ clipping_layer->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> child =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 456);
+ position = gfx::PointF(-50.f, -50.f);
+ bounds = gfx::Size(300, 300);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ child->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ clipping_layer->AddChild(child.Pass());
+ root->AddChild(clipping_layer.Pass());
+ }
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(456, root->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+ // Hit testing for a point outside the layer should return a null pointer.
+ // Despite the child layer being very large, it should be clipped to the root
+ // layer's bounds.
+ gfx::Point test_point(24, 24);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Even though the layer exists at (101, 101), it should not be visible there
+ // since the clipping_layer would clamp it.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(76, 76);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit testing for a point inside should return the child layer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(26, 26);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(456, result_layer->id());
+ test_point = gfx::Point(74, 74);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(456, result_layer->id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, HitTestingForMultiClippedRotatedLayer) {
+ // This test checks whether hit testing correctly avoids hit testing with
+ // multiple ancestors that clip in non axis-aligned ways. To pass this test,
+ // the hit testing algorithm needs to recognize that multiple parent layers
+ // may clip the layer, and should not actually hit those clipped areas.
+ //
+ // The child and grand_child layers are both initialized to clip the
+ // rotated_leaf. The child layer is rotated about the top-left corner, so that
+ // the root + child clips combined create a triangle. The rotated_leaf will
+ // only be visible where it overlaps this triangle.
+ //
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root = LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 123);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ gfx::PointF position;
+ gfx::Size bounds(100, 100);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ root->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ {
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> child =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 456);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> grand_child =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 789);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> rotated_leaf =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 2468);
+ position = gfx::PointF(10.f, 10.f);
+ bounds = gfx::Size(80, 80);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ child->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ gfx::Transform rotation45_degrees_about_corner;
+ rotation45_degrees_about_corner.RotateAboutZAxis(45.0);
+ // remember, positioned with respect to its parent which is already at 10,
+ // 10
+ position = gfx::PointF();
+ bounds =
+ gfx::Size(200, 200); // to ensure it covers at least sqrt(2) * 100.
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ rotation45_degrees_about_corner,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ grand_child->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ // Rotates about the center of the layer
+ gfx::Transform rotated_leaf_transform;
+ rotated_leaf_transform.Translate(
+ -10.0, -10.0); // cancel out the grand_parent's position
+ rotated_leaf_transform.RotateAboutZAxis(
+ -45.0); // cancel out the corner 45-degree rotation of the parent.
+ rotated_leaf_transform.Translate(50.0, 50.0);
+ rotated_leaf_transform.RotateAboutZAxis(45.0);
+ rotated_leaf_transform.Translate(-50.0, -50.0);
+ position = gfx::PointF();
+ bounds = gfx::Size(100, 100);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(rotated_leaf.get(),
+ rotated_leaf_transform,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ rotated_leaf->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ grand_child->AddChild(rotated_leaf.Pass());
+ child->AddChild(grand_child.Pass());
+ root->AddChild(child.Pass());
+ }
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ // The grand_child is expected to create a render surface because it
+ // MasksToBounds and is not axis aligned.
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ 1u,
+ ASSERT_EQ(789,
+ 0)->id()); // grand_child's surface.
+ 1u,
+ 2468,
+ render_surface_layer_list[1]->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+ // (11, 89) is close to the the bottom left corner within the clip, but it is
+ // not inside the layer.
+ gfx::Point test_point(11, 89);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Closer inwards from the bottom left will overlap the layer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(25, 75);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2468, result_layer->id());
+ // (4, 50) is inside the unclipped layer, but that corner of the layer should
+ // be clipped away by the grandparent and should not get hit. If hit testing
+ // blindly uses visible content rect without considering how parent may clip
+ // the layer, then hit testing would accidentally think that the point
+ // successfully hits the layer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(4, 50);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // (11, 50) is inside the layer and within the clipped area.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(11, 50);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2468, result_layer->id());
+ // Around the middle, just to the right and up, would have hit the layer
+ // except that that area should be clipped away by the parent.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(51, 51);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Around the middle, just to the left and down, should successfully hit the
+ // layer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(49, 51);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2468, result_layer->id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, HitTestingForNonClippingIntermediateLayer) {
+ // This test checks that hit testing code does not accidentally clip to layer
+ // bounds for a layer that actually does not clip.
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root = LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 1);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ {
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> intermediate_layer =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 123);
+ // this layer is positioned, and hit testing should correctly know where the
+ // layer is located.
+ gfx::PointF position(10.f, 10.f);
+ gfx::Size bounds(50, 50);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(intermediate_layer.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ // Sanity check the intermediate layer should not clip.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(intermediate_layer->masks_to_bounds());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(intermediate_layer->mask_layer());
+ // The child of the intermediate_layer is translated so that it does not
+ // overlap intermediate_layer at all. If child is incorrectly clipped, we
+ // would not be able to hit it successfully.
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> child =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 456);
+ position = gfx::PointF(60.f, 60.f); // 70, 70 in screen space
+ bounds = gfx::Size(20, 20);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ child->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ intermediate_layer->AddChild(child.Pass());
+ root->AddChild(intermediate_layer.Pass());
+ }
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(456, root->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+ // Hit testing for a point outside the layer should return a null pointer.
+ gfx::Point test_point(69, 69);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(91, 91);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit testing for a point inside should return the child layer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(71, 71);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(456, result_layer->id());
+ test_point = gfx::Point(89, 89);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(456, result_layer->id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, HitTestingForMultipleLayers) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root = LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 1);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ gfx::PointF position;
+ gfx::Size bounds(100, 100);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ root->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ {
+ // child 1 and child2 are initialized to overlap between x=50 and x=60.
+ // grand_child is set to overlap both child1 and child2 between y=50 and
+ // y=60. The expected stacking order is: (front) child2, (second)
+ // grand_child, (third) child1, and (back) the root layer behind all other
+ // layers.
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> child1 =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 2);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> child2 =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 3);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> grand_child1 =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 4);
+ position = gfx::PointF(10.f, 10.f);
+ bounds = gfx::Size(50, 50);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ child1->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ position = gfx::PointF(50.f, 10.f);
+ bounds = gfx::Size(50, 50);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ child2->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ // Remember that grand_child is positioned with respect to its parent (i.e.
+ // child1). In screen space, the intended position is (10, 50), with size
+ // 100 x 50.
+ position = gfx::PointF(0.f, 40.f);
+ bounds = gfx::Size(100, 50);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ grand_child1->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ child1->AddChild(grand_child1.Pass());
+ root->AddChild(child1.Pass());
+ root->AddChild(child2.Pass());
+ }
+ LayerImpl* child1 = root->children()[0];
+ LayerImpl* child2 = root->children()[1];
+ LayerImpl* grand_child1 = child1->children()[0];
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(child1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(child2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(grand_child1);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ RenderSurfaceImpl* root_render_surface = root->render_surface();
+ ASSERT_EQ(4u, root_render_surface->layer_list().size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, root_render_surface->layer_list().at(0)->id()); // root layer
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, root_render_surface->layer_list().at(1)->id()); // child1
+ ASSERT_EQ(4, root_render_surface->layer_list().at(2)->id()); // grand_child1
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, root_render_surface->layer_list().at(3)->id()); // child2
+ // Nothing overlaps the root_layer at (1, 1), so hit testing there should find
+ // the root layer.
+ gfx::Point test_point = gfx::Point(1, 1);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, result_layer->id());
+ // At (15, 15), child1 and root are the only layers. child1 is expected to be
+ // on top.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(15, 15);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, result_layer->id());
+ // At (51, 20), child1 and child2 overlap. child2 is expected to be on top.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(51, 20);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, result_layer->id());
+ // At (80, 51), child2 and grand_child1 overlap. child2 is expected to be on
+ // top.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(80, 51);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, result_layer->id());
+ // At (51, 51), all layers overlap each other. child2 is expected to be on top
+ // of all other layers.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(51, 51);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, result_layer->id());
+ // At (20, 51), child1 and grand_child1 overlap. grand_child1 is expected to
+ // be on top.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(20, 51);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(4, result_layer->id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, HitTestingForMultipleLayerLists) {
+ //
+ // The geometry is set up similarly to the previous case, but
+ // all layers are forced to be render surfaces now.
+ //
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root = LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 1);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ gfx::PointF position;
+ gfx::Size bounds(100, 100);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ root->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ {
+ // child 1 and child2 are initialized to overlap between x=50 and x=60.
+ // grand_child is set to overlap both child1 and child2 between y=50 and
+ // y=60. The expected stacking order is: (front) child2, (second)
+ // grand_child, (third) child1, and (back) the root layer behind all other
+ // layers.
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> child1 =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 2);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> child2 =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 3);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> grand_child1 =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 4);
+ position = gfx::PointF(10.f, 10.f);
+ bounds = gfx::Size(50, 50);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ child1->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ child1->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ position = gfx::PointF(50.f, 10.f);
+ bounds = gfx::Size(50, 50);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child2.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ child2->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ child2->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ // Remember that grand_child is positioned with respect to its parent (i.e.
+ // child1). In screen space, the intended position is (10, 50), with size
+ // 100 x 50.
+ position = gfx::PointF(0.f, 40.f);
+ bounds = gfx::Size(100, 50);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child1.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ grand_child1->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ grand_child1->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ child1->AddChild(grand_child1.Pass());
+ root->AddChild(child1.Pass());
+ root->AddChild(child2.Pass());
+ }
+ LayerImpl* child1 = root->children()[0];
+ LayerImpl* child2 = root->children()[1];
+ LayerImpl* grand_child1 = child1->children()[0];
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(child1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(child2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(grand_child1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(child1->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(child2->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(grand_child1->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_EQ(4u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ // The root surface has the root layer, and child1's and child2's render
+ // surfaces.
+ ASSERT_EQ(3u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ // The child1 surface has the child1 layer and grand_child1's render surface.
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, child1->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, child2->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, grand_child1->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1,>id()); // root layer
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, render_surface_layer_list[1]->id()); // child1
+ ASSERT_EQ(4,>id()); // grand_child1
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, render_surface_layer_list[3]->id()); // child2
+ // Nothing overlaps the root_layer at (1, 1), so hit testing there should find
+ // the root layer.
+ gfx::Point test_point = gfx::Point(1, 1);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, result_layer->id());
+ // At (15, 15), child1 and root are the only layers. child1 is expected to be
+ // on top.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(15, 15);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, result_layer->id());
+ // At (51, 20), child1 and child2 overlap. child2 is expected to be on top.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(51, 20);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, result_layer->id());
+ // At (80, 51), child2 and grand_child1 overlap. child2 is expected to be on
+ // top.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(80, 51);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, result_layer->id());
+ // At (51, 51), all layers overlap each other. child2 is expected to be on top
+ // of all other layers.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(51, 51);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, result_layer->id());
+ // At (20, 51), child1 and grand_child1 overlap. grand_child1 is expected to
+ // be on top.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(20, 51);
+ result_layer = LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPoint(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(4, result_layer->id());
+ HitCheckingTouchHandlerRegionsForEmptyLayerList) {
+ // Hit checking on an empty render_surface_layer_list should return a null
+ // pointer.
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ gfx::Point test_point(0, 0);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(10, 20);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, HitCheckingTouchHandlerRegionsForSingleLayer) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 12345);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ Region touch_handler_region(gfx::Rect(10, 10, 50, 50));
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ gfx::PointF position;
+ gfx::Size bounds(100, 100);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ root->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ // Hit checking for any point should return a null pointer for a layer without
+ // any touch event handler regions.
+ gfx::Point test_point(11, 11);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ root->SetTouchEventHandlerRegion(touch_handler_region);
+ // Hit checking for a point outside the layer should return a null pointer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(101, 101);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(-1, -1);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit checking for a point inside the layer, but outside the touch handler
+ // region should return a null pointer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(1, 1);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(99, 99);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit checking for a point inside the touch event handler region should
+ // return the root layer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(11, 11);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+ test_point = gfx::Point(59, 59);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+ HitCheckingTouchHandlerRegionsForUninvertibleTransform) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 12345);
+ gfx::Transform uninvertible_transform;
+ uninvertible_transform.matrix().setDouble(0, 0, 0.0);
+ uninvertible_transform.matrix().setDouble(1, 1, 0.0);
+ uninvertible_transform.matrix().setDouble(2, 2, 0.0);
+ uninvertible_transform.matrix().setDouble(3, 3, 0.0);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(uninvertible_transform.IsInvertible());
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ Region touch_handler_region(gfx::Rect(10, 10, 50, 50));
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ gfx::PointF position;
+ gfx::Size bounds(100, 100);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ uninvertible_transform,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ root->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ root->SetTouchEventHandlerRegion(touch_handler_region);
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(root->screen_space_transform().IsInvertible());
+ // Hit checking any point should not hit the touch handler region on the
+ // layer. If the invertible matrix is accidentally ignored and treated like an
+ // identity, then the hit testing will incorrectly hit the layer when it
+ // shouldn't.
+ gfx::Point test_point(1, 1);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(10, 10);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(10, 30);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(50, 50);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(67, 48);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(99, 99);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(-1, -1);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ HitCheckingTouchHandlerRegionsForSinglePositionedLayer) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 12345);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ Region touch_handler_region(gfx::Rect(10, 10, 50, 50));
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ // this layer is positioned, and hit testing should correctly know where the
+ // layer is located.
+ gfx::PointF position(50.f, 50.f);
+ gfx::Size bounds(100, 100);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ root->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ root->SetTouchEventHandlerRegion(touch_handler_region);
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ // Hit checking for a point outside the layer should return a null pointer.
+ gfx::Point test_point(49, 49);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Even though the layer has a touch handler region containing (101, 101), it
+ // should not be visible there since the root render surface would clamp it.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(101, 101);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit checking for a point inside the layer, but outside the touch handler
+ // region should return a null pointer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(51, 51);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit checking for a point inside the touch event handler region should
+ // return the root layer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(61, 61);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+ test_point = gfx::Point(99, 99);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+ HitCheckingTouchHandlerRegionsForSingleLayerWithScaledContents) {
+ // A layer's visible content rect is actually in the layer's content space.
+ // The screen space transform converts from the layer's origin space to screen
+ // space. This test makes sure that hit testing works correctly accounts for
+ // the contents scale. A contents scale that is not 1 effectively forces a
+ // non-identity transform between layer's content space and layer's origin
+ // space. The hit testing code must take this into account.
+ //
+ // To test this, the layer is positioned at (25, 25), and is size (50, 50). If
+ // contents scale is ignored, then hit checking will mis-interpret the visible
+ // content rect as being larger than the actual bounds of the layer.
+ //
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root = LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 1);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ {
+ Region touch_handler_region(gfx::Rect(10, 10, 30, 30));
+ gfx::PointF position(25.f, 25.f);
+ gfx::Size bounds(50, 50);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> test_layer =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 12345);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(test_layer.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ // override content bounds and contents scale
+ test_layer->SetContentBounds(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ test_layer->SetContentsScale(2, 2);
+ test_layer->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ test_layer->SetTouchEventHandlerRegion(touch_handler_region);
+ root->AddChild(test_layer.Pass());
+ }
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ // The visible content rect for test_layer is actually 100x100, even though
+ // its layout size is 50x50, positioned at 25x25.
+ LayerImpl* test_layer = root->children()[0];
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), test_layer->visible_content_rect());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ // Hit checking for a point outside the layer should return a null pointer
+ // (the root layer does not draw content, so it will not be tested either).
+ gfx::Point test_point(76, 76);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit checking for a point inside the layer, but outside the touch handler
+ // region should return a null pointer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(26, 26);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(34, 34);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(65, 65);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(74, 74);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit checking for a point inside the touch event handler region should
+ // return the root layer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(35, 35);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+ test_point = gfx::Point(64, 64);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+ HitCheckingTouchHandlerRegionsForSingleLayerWithDeviceScale) {
+ // The layer's device_scale_factor and page_scale_factor should scale the
+ // content rect and we should be able to hit the touch handler region by
+ // scaling the points accordingly.
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root = LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 1);
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ // Set the bounds of the root layer big enough to fit the child when scaled.
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ {
+ Region touch_handler_region(gfx::Rect(10, 10, 30, 30));
+ gfx::PointF position(25.f, 25.f);
+ gfx::Size bounds(50, 50);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> test_layer =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 12345);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(test_layer.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ test_layer->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ test_layer->SetTouchEventHandlerRegion(touch_handler_region);
+ root->AddChild(test_layer.Pass());
+ }
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ float device_scale_factor = 3.f;
+ float page_scale_factor = 5.f;
+ gfx::Size scaled_bounds_for_root = gfx::ToCeiledSize(
+ gfx::ScaleSize(root->bounds(), device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor));
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), scaled_bounds_for_root, &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_factor = page_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_application_layer = root.get();
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ // The visible content rect for test_layer is actually 100x100, even though
+ // its layout size is 50x50, positioned at 25x25.
+ LayerImpl* test_layer = root->children()[0];
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ // Check whether the child layer fits into the root after scaled.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(test_layer->content_bounds()),
+ test_layer->visible_content_rect());
+ // Hit checking for a point outside the layer should return a null pointer
+ // (the root layer does not draw content, so it will not be tested either).
+ gfx::PointF test_point(76.f, 76.f);
+ test_point =
+ gfx::ScalePoint(test_point, device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit checking for a point inside the layer, but outside the touch handler
+ // region should return a null pointer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(26, 26);
+ test_point =
+ gfx::ScalePoint(test_point, device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(34, 34);
+ test_point =
+ gfx::ScalePoint(test_point, device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(65, 65);
+ test_point =
+ gfx::ScalePoint(test_point, device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(74, 74);
+ test_point =
+ gfx::ScalePoint(test_point, device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit checking for a point inside the touch event handler region should
+ // return the root layer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(35, 35);
+ test_point =
+ gfx::ScalePoint(test_point, device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+ test_point = gfx::Point(64, 64);
+ test_point =
+ gfx::ScalePoint(test_point, device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, result_layer->id());
+ HitCheckingTouchHandlerRegionsForSimpleClippedLayer) {
+ // Test that hit-checking will only work for the visible portion of a layer,
+ // and not the entire layer bounds. Here we just test the simple axis-aligned
+ // case.
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::PointF anchor;
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root = LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 1);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ {
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> clipping_layer =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 123);
+ // this layer is positioned, and hit testing should correctly know where the
+ // layer is located.
+ gfx::PointF position(25.f, 25.f);
+ gfx::Size bounds(50, 50);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(clipping_layer.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ clipping_layer->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> child =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.active_tree(), 456);
+ Region touch_handler_region(gfx::Rect(10, 10, 50, 50));
+ position = gfx::PointF(-50.f, -50.f);
+ bounds = gfx::Size(300, 300);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ anchor,
+ position,
+ bounds,
+ false);
+ child->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ child->SetTouchEventHandlerRegion(touch_handler_region);
+ clipping_layer->AddChild(child.Pass());
+ root->AddChild(clipping_layer.Pass());
+ }
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // Sanity check the scenario we just created.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(456, root->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+ // Hit checking for a point outside the layer should return a null pointer.
+ // Despite the child layer being very large, it should be clipped to the root
+ // layer's bounds.
+ gfx::Point test_point(24, 24);
+ LayerImpl* result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit checking for a point inside the layer, but outside the touch handler
+ // region should return a null pointer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(35, 35);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ test_point = gfx::Point(74, 74);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result_layer);
+ // Hit checking for a point inside the touch event handler region should
+ // return the root layer.
+ test_point = gfx::Point(25, 25);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(456, result_layer->id());
+ test_point = gfx::Point(34, 34);
+ result_layer =
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerThatIsHitByPointInTouchHandlerRegion(
+ test_point, render_surface_layer_list);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_layer);
+ EXPECT_EQ(456, result_layer->id());
+class NoScaleContentLayer : public ContentLayer {
+ public:
+ static scoped_refptr<NoScaleContentLayer> Create(ContentLayerClient* client) {
+ return make_scoped_refptr(new NoScaleContentLayer(client));
+ }
+ virtual void CalculateContentsScale(float ideal_contents_scale,
+ float device_scale_factor,
+ float page_scale_factor,
+ bool animating_transform_to_screen,
+ float* contents_scale_x,
+ float* contents_scale_y,
+ gfx::Size* content_bounds) OVERRIDE {
+ // Skip over the ContentLayer to the base Layer class.
+ Layer::CalculateContentsScale(ideal_contents_scale,
+ device_scale_factor,
+ page_scale_factor,
+ animating_transform_to_screen,
+ contents_scale_x,
+ contents_scale_y,
+ content_bounds);
+ }
+ protected:
+ explicit NoScaleContentLayer(ContentLayerClient* client)
+ : ContentLayer(client) {}
+ virtual ~NoScaleContentLayer() {}
+scoped_refptr<NoScaleContentLayer> CreateNoScaleDrawableContentLayer(
+ ContentLayerClient* delegate) {
+ scoped_refptr<NoScaleContentLayer> to_return =
+ NoScaleContentLayer::Create(delegate);
+ to_return->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ return to_return;
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, LayerTransformsInHighDPI) {
+ // Verify draw and screen space transforms of layers not in a surface.
+ MockContentLayerClient delegate;
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> parent = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> child = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(2.f, 2.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> child_empty =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_empty.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(2.f, 2.f),
+ gfx::Size(),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<NoScaleContentLayer> child_no_scale =
+ CreateNoScaleDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_no_scale.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(2.f, 2.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ parent->AddChild(child);
+ parent->AddChild(child_empty);
+ parent->AddChild(child_no_scale);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(parent);
+ float device_scale_factor = 2.5f;
+ float page_scale_factor = 1.f;
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ parent.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_factor = page_scale_factor;
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor, parent);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor, child);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor,
+ child_empty);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(1, child_no_scale);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ // Verify parent transforms
+ gfx::Transform expected_parent_transform;
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_parent_transform,
+ parent->screen_space_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_parent_transform,
+ parent->draw_transform());
+ // Verify results of transformed parent rects
+ gfx::RectF parent_content_bounds(parent->content_bounds());
+ gfx::RectF parent_draw_rect =
+ MathUtil::MapClippedRect(parent->draw_transform(), parent_content_bounds);
+ gfx::RectF parent_screen_space_rect = MathUtil::MapClippedRect(
+ parent->screen_space_transform(), parent_content_bounds);
+ gfx::RectF expected_parent_draw_rect(parent->bounds());
+ expected_parent_draw_rect.Scale(device_scale_factor);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_RECT_EQ(expected_parent_draw_rect, parent_draw_rect);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_RECT_EQ(expected_parent_draw_rect, parent_screen_space_rect);
+ // Verify child and child_empty transforms. They should match.
+ gfx::Transform expected_child_transform;
+ expected_child_transform.Translate(
+ device_scale_factor * child->position().x(),
+ device_scale_factor * child->position().y());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_child_transform,
+ child->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_child_transform,
+ child->screen_space_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_child_transform,
+ child_empty->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_child_transform,
+ child_empty->screen_space_transform());
+ // Verify results of transformed child and child_empty rects. They should
+ // match.
+ gfx::RectF child_content_bounds(child->content_bounds());
+ gfx::RectF child_draw_rect =
+ MathUtil::MapClippedRect(child->draw_transform(), child_content_bounds);
+ gfx::RectF child_screen_space_rect = MathUtil::MapClippedRect(
+ child->screen_space_transform(), child_content_bounds);
+ gfx::RectF child_empty_draw_rect = MathUtil::MapClippedRect(
+ child_empty->draw_transform(), child_content_bounds);
+ gfx::RectF child_empty_screen_space_rect = MathUtil::MapClippedRect(
+ child_empty->screen_space_transform(), child_content_bounds);
+ gfx::RectF expected_child_draw_rect(child->position(), child->bounds());
+ expected_child_draw_rect.Scale(device_scale_factor);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_RECT_EQ(expected_child_draw_rect, child_draw_rect);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_RECT_EQ(expected_child_draw_rect, child_screen_space_rect);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_RECT_EQ(expected_child_draw_rect, child_empty_draw_rect);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_RECT_EQ(expected_child_draw_rect, child_empty_screen_space_rect);
+ // Verify child_no_scale transforms
+ gfx::Transform expected_child_no_scale_transform = child->draw_transform();
+ // All transforms operate on content rects. The child's content rect
+ // incorporates device scale, but the child_no_scale does not; add it here.
+ expected_child_no_scale_transform.Scale(device_scale_factor,
+ device_scale_factor);
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_child_no_scale_transform,
+ child_no_scale->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_child_no_scale_transform,
+ child_no_scale->screen_space_transform());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, SurfaceLayerTransformsInHighDPI) {
+ // Verify draw and screen space transforms of layers in a surface.
+ MockContentLayerClient delegate;
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::Transform perspective_matrix;
+ perspective_matrix.ApplyPerspectiveDepth(2.0);
+ gfx::Transform scale_small_matrix;
+ scale_small_matrix.Scale(1.0 / 10.0, 1.0 / 12.0);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> parent = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> perspective_surface =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(perspective_surface.get(),
+ perspective_matrix * scale_small_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(2.f, 2.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> scale_surface =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(scale_surface.get(),
+ scale_small_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(2.f, 2.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ perspective_surface->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ scale_surface->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ parent->AddChild(perspective_surface);
+ parent->AddChild(scale_surface);
+ root->AddChild(parent);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ float device_scale_factor = 2.5f;
+ float page_scale_factor = 3.f;
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_factor = page_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_application_layer = root;
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor, parent);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor,
+ perspective_surface);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor,
+ scale_surface);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ gfx::Transform expected_parent_draw_transform;
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_parent_draw_transform,
+ parent->draw_transform());
+ // The scaled surface is rendered at its appropriate scale, and drawn 1:1
+ // into its target.
+ gfx::Transform expected_scale_surface_draw_transform;
+ expected_scale_surface_draw_transform.Translate(
+ device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor * scale_surface->position().x(),
+ device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor * scale_surface->position().y());
+ expected_scale_surface_draw_transform,
+ scale_surface->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ gfx::Transform expected_scale_surface_layer_draw_transform =
+ scale_small_matrix;
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_scale_surface_layer_draw_transform,
+ scale_surface->draw_transform());
+ // The scale for the perspective surface is not known, so it is rendered 1:1
+ // with the screen, and then scaled during drawing.
+ gfx::Transform expected_perspective_surface_draw_transform;
+ expected_perspective_surface_draw_transform.Translate(
+ device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ perspective_surface->position().x(),
+ device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ perspective_surface->position().y());
+ expected_perspective_surface_draw_transform.PreconcatTransform(
+ perspective_matrix);
+ expected_perspective_surface_draw_transform.PreconcatTransform(
+ scale_small_matrix);
+ gfx::Transform expected_perspective_surface_layer_draw_transform;
+ expected_perspective_surface_draw_transform,
+ perspective_surface->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ expected_perspective_surface_layer_draw_transform,
+ perspective_surface->draw_transform());
+ LayerTransformsInHighDPIAccurateScaleZeroChildPosition) {
+ // Verify draw and screen space transforms of layers not in a surface.
+ MockContentLayerClient delegate;
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> parent = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(133, 133),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> child = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(13, 13),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<NoScaleContentLayer> child_no_scale =
+ CreateNoScaleDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_no_scale.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(13, 13),
+ true);
+ parent->AddChild(child);
+ parent->AddChild(child_no_scale);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(parent);
+ float device_scale_factor = 1.7f;
+ float page_scale_factor = 1.f;
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ parent.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_factor = page_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_application_layer = parent.get();
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor, parent);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor, child);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(1, child_no_scale);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ // Verify parent transforms
+ gfx::Transform expected_parent_transform;
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_parent_transform,
+ parent->screen_space_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_parent_transform,
+ parent->draw_transform());
+ // Verify results of transformed parent rects
+ gfx::RectF parent_content_bounds(parent->content_bounds());
+ gfx::RectF parent_draw_rect =
+ MathUtil::MapClippedRect(parent->draw_transform(), parent_content_bounds);
+ gfx::RectF parent_screen_space_rect = MathUtil::MapClippedRect(
+ parent->screen_space_transform(), parent_content_bounds);
+ gfx::RectF expected_parent_draw_rect(parent->bounds());
+ expected_parent_draw_rect.Scale(device_scale_factor);
+ expected_parent_draw_rect.set_width(ceil(expected_parent_draw_rect.width()));
+ expected_parent_draw_rect.set_height(
+ ceil(expected_parent_draw_rect.height()));
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_RECT_EQ(expected_parent_draw_rect, parent_draw_rect);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_RECT_EQ(expected_parent_draw_rect, parent_screen_space_rect);
+ // Verify child transforms
+ gfx::Transform expected_child_transform;
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_child_transform,
+ child->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_child_transform,
+ child->screen_space_transform());
+ // Verify results of transformed child rects
+ gfx::RectF child_content_bounds(child->content_bounds());
+ gfx::RectF child_draw_rect =
+ MathUtil::MapClippedRect(child->draw_transform(), child_content_bounds);
+ gfx::RectF child_screen_space_rect = MathUtil::MapClippedRect(
+ child->screen_space_transform(), child_content_bounds);
+ gfx::RectF expected_child_draw_rect(child->bounds());
+ expected_child_draw_rect.Scale(device_scale_factor);
+ expected_child_draw_rect.set_width(ceil(expected_child_draw_rect.width()));
+ expected_child_draw_rect.set_height(ceil(expected_child_draw_rect.height()));
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_RECT_EQ(expected_child_draw_rect, child_draw_rect);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_RECT_EQ(expected_child_draw_rect, child_screen_space_rect);
+ // Verify child_no_scale transforms
+ gfx::Transform expected_child_no_scale_transform = child->draw_transform();
+ // All transforms operate on content rects. The child's content rect
+ // incorporates device scale, but the child_no_scale does not; add it here.
+ expected_child_no_scale_transform.Scale(device_scale_factor,
+ device_scale_factor);
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_child_no_scale_transform,
+ child_no_scale->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_child_no_scale_transform,
+ child_no_scale->screen_space_transform());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, ContentsScale) {
+ MockContentLayerClient delegate;
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::Transform parent_scale_matrix;
+ double initial_parent_scale = 1.75;
+ parent_scale_matrix.Scale(initial_parent_scale, initial_parent_scale);
+ gfx::Transform child_scale_matrix;
+ double initial_child_scale = 1.25;
+ child_scale_matrix.Scale(initial_child_scale, initial_child_scale);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ root->SetBounds(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> parent = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ parent_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> child_scale =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(2.f, 2.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> child_empty =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_empty.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(2.f, 2.f),
+ gfx::Size(),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<NoScaleContentLayer> child_no_scale =
+ CreateNoScaleDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_no_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(12.f, 12.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ root->AddChild(parent);
+ parent->AddChild(child_scale);
+ parent->AddChild(child_empty);
+ parent->AddChild(child_no_scale);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ float device_scale_factor = 2.5f;
+ float page_scale_factor = 1.f;
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_factor = page_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_application_layer = root.get();
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ initial_parent_scale, parent);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ child_scale);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ child_empty);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(1, child_no_scale);
+ // The parent is scaled up and shouldn't need to scale during draw. The
+ // child that can scale its contents should also not need to scale during
+ // draw. This shouldn't change if the child has empty bounds. The other
+ // children should.
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1.0, parent->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1.0, parent->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ child_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ child_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ child_empty->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ child_empty->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ child_no_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ child_no_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ }
+ // If the device_scale_factor or page_scale_factor changes, then it should be
+ // updated using the initial transform as the raster scale.
+ device_scale_factor = 2.25f;
+ page_scale_factor = 1.25f;
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_factor = page_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_application_layer = root.get();
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor * initial_parent_scale, parent);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ child_scale);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ child_empty);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(1, child_no_scale);
+ }
+ // If the transform changes, we expect the raster scale to be reset to 1.0.
+ double second_child_scale = 1.75;
+ child_scale_matrix.Scale(second_child_scale / initial_child_scale,
+ second_child_scale / initial_child_scale);
+ child_scale->SetTransform(child_scale_matrix);
+ child_empty->SetTransform(child_scale_matrix);
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_factor = page_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_application_layer = root.get();
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ initial_parent_scale,
+ parent);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor,
+ child_scale);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor,
+ child_empty);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(1, child_no_scale);
+ }
+ // If the device_scale_factor or page_scale_factor changes, then it should be
+ // updated, but still using 1.0 as the raster scale.
+ device_scale_factor = 2.75f;
+ page_scale_factor = 1.75f;
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_factor = page_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_application_layer = root.get();
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ initial_parent_scale,
+ parent);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor,
+ child_scale);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor,
+ child_empty);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(1, child_no_scale);
+ }
+ ContentsScale_LayerTransformsDontAffectContentsScale) {
+ MockContentLayerClient delegate;
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::Transform parent_scale_matrix;
+ double initial_parent_scale = 1.75;
+ parent_scale_matrix.Scale(initial_parent_scale, initial_parent_scale);
+ gfx::Transform child_scale_matrix;
+ double initial_child_scale = 1.25;
+ child_scale_matrix.Scale(initial_child_scale, initial_child_scale);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ root->SetBounds(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> parent = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ parent_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> child_scale =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(2.f, 2.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> child_empty =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_empty.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(2.f, 2.f),
+ gfx::Size(),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<NoScaleContentLayer> child_no_scale =
+ CreateNoScaleDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_no_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(12.f, 12.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ root->AddChild(parent);
+ parent->AddChild(child_scale);
+ parent->AddChild(child_empty);
+ parent->AddChild(child_no_scale);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ float device_scale_factor = 2.5f;
+ float page_scale_factor = 1.f;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_factor = page_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_application_layer = root.get(),
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor, parent);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor,
+ child_scale);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor,
+ child_empty);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(1, child_no_scale);
+ // Since the transform scale does not affect contents scale, it should affect
+ // the draw transform instead.
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(initial_parent_scale,
+ parent->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(initial_parent_scale,
+ parent->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ child_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ child_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ child_empty->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ child_empty->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ child_no_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ child_no_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, SmallContentsScale) {
+ MockContentLayerClient delegate;
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::Transform parent_scale_matrix;
+ double initial_parent_scale = 1.75;
+ parent_scale_matrix.Scale(initial_parent_scale, initial_parent_scale);
+ gfx::Transform child_scale_matrix;
+ double initial_child_scale = 0.25;
+ child_scale_matrix.Scale(initial_child_scale, initial_child_scale);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ root->SetBounds(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> parent = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ parent_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> child_scale =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(2.f, 2.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ root->AddChild(parent);
+ parent->AddChild(child_scale);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ float device_scale_factor = 2.5f;
+ float page_scale_factor = 0.01f;
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_factor = page_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_application_layer = root.get();
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ initial_parent_scale,
+ parent);
+ // The child's scale is < 1, so we should not save and use that scale
+ // factor.
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor * 1,
+ child_scale);
+ }
+ // When chilld's total scale becomes >= 1, we should save and use that scale
+ // factor.
+ child_scale_matrix.MakeIdentity();
+ double final_child_scale = 0.75;
+ child_scale_matrix.Scale(final_child_scale, final_child_scale);
+ child_scale->SetTransform(child_scale_matrix);
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_factor = page_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_application_layer = root.get();
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ initial_parent_scale,
+ parent);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ initial_parent_scale * final_child_scale,
+ child_scale);
+ }
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, ContentsScaleForSurfaces) {
+ MockContentLayerClient delegate;
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::Transform parent_scale_matrix;
+ double initial_parent_scale = 2.0;
+ parent_scale_matrix.Scale(initial_parent_scale, initial_parent_scale);
+ gfx::Transform child_scale_matrix;
+ double initial_child_scale = 3.0;
+ child_scale_matrix.Scale(initial_child_scale, initial_child_scale);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ root->SetBounds(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> parent = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ parent_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> surface_scale =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(surface_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(2.f, 2.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> surface_scale_child_scale =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(surface_scale_child_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<NoScaleContentLayer> surface_scale_child_no_scale =
+ CreateNoScaleDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(surface_scale_child_no_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<NoScaleContentLayer> surface_no_scale =
+ CreateNoScaleDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(surface_no_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(12.f, 12.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> surface_no_scale_child_scale =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(surface_no_scale_child_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<NoScaleContentLayer> surface_no_scale_child_no_scale =
+ CreateNoScaleDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(surface_no_scale_child_no_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ root->AddChild(parent);
+ parent->AddChild(surface_scale);
+ parent->AddChild(surface_no_scale);
+ surface_scale->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ surface_scale->AddChild(surface_scale_child_scale);
+ surface_scale->AddChild(surface_scale_child_no_scale);
+ surface_no_scale->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ surface_no_scale->AddChild(surface_no_scale_child_scale);
+ surface_no_scale->AddChild(surface_no_scale_child_no_scale);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ double device_scale_factor = 5;
+ double page_scale_factor = 7;
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_factor = page_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_application_layer = root.get();
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor * initial_parent_scale, parent);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ surface_scale);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(1, surface_no_scale);
+ device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor * initial_parent_scale *
+ initial_child_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ surface_scale_child_scale);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(1, surface_scale_child_no_scale);
+ device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor * initial_parent_scale *
+ initial_child_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ surface_no_scale_child_scale);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(1, surface_no_scale_child_no_scale);
+ // The parent is scaled up and shouldn't need to scale during draw.
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1.0, parent->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1.0, parent->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ // RenderSurfaces should always be 1:1 with their target.
+ 1.0,
+ surface_scale->render_surface()->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0,
+ 0));
+ 1.0,
+ surface_scale->render_surface()->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1,
+ 1));
+ // The surface_scale can apply contents scale so the layer shouldn't need to
+ // scale during draw.
+ surface_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ surface_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ // The surface_scale_child_scale can apply contents scale so it shouldn't need
+ // to scale during draw.
+ 1.0,
+ surface_scale_child_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ 1.0,
+ surface_scale_child_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ // The surface_scale_child_no_scale can not apply contents scale, so it needs
+ // to be scaled during draw.
+ device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor * initial_parent_scale *
+ initial_child_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ surface_scale_child_no_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor * initial_parent_scale *
+ initial_child_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ surface_scale_child_no_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ // RenderSurfaces should always be 1:1 with their target.
+ 1.0,
+ surface_no_scale->render_surface()->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(
+ 0, 0));
+ 1.0,
+ surface_no_scale->render_surface()->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(
+ 1, 1));
+ // The surface_no_scale layer can not apply contents scale, so it needs to be
+ // scaled during draw.
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ surface_no_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor *
+ initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ surface_no_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ // The surface_scale_child_scale can apply contents scale so it shouldn't need
+ // to scale during draw.
+ 1.0,
+ surface_no_scale_child_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ 1.0,
+ surface_no_scale_child_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ // The surface_scale_child_no_scale can not apply contents scale, so it needs
+ // to be scaled during draw.
+ device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor * initial_parent_scale *
+ initial_child_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ surface_no_scale_child_no_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0,
+ 0));
+ device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor * initial_parent_scale *
+ initial_child_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ surface_no_scale_child_no_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1,
+ 1));
+ ContentsScaleForSurfaces_LayerTransformsDontAffectContentsScale) {
+ MockContentLayerClient delegate;
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::Transform parent_scale_matrix;
+ double initial_parent_scale = 2.0;
+ parent_scale_matrix.Scale(initial_parent_scale, initial_parent_scale);
+ gfx::Transform child_scale_matrix;
+ double initial_child_scale = 3.0;
+ child_scale_matrix.Scale(initial_child_scale, initial_child_scale);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ root->SetBounds(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> parent = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ parent_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> surface_scale =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(surface_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(2.f, 2.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> surface_scale_child_scale =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(surface_scale_child_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<NoScaleContentLayer> surface_scale_child_no_scale =
+ CreateNoScaleDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(surface_scale_child_no_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<NoScaleContentLayer> surface_no_scale =
+ CreateNoScaleDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(surface_no_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(12.f, 12.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> surface_no_scale_child_scale =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(surface_no_scale_child_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<NoScaleContentLayer> surface_no_scale_child_no_scale =
+ CreateNoScaleDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(surface_no_scale_child_no_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ root->AddChild(parent);
+ parent->AddChild(surface_scale);
+ parent->AddChild(surface_no_scale);
+ surface_scale->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ surface_scale->AddChild(surface_scale_child_scale);
+ surface_scale->AddChild(surface_scale_child_no_scale);
+ surface_no_scale->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ surface_no_scale->AddChild(surface_no_scale_child_scale);
+ surface_no_scale->AddChild(surface_no_scale_child_no_scale);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ double device_scale_factor = 5.0;
+ double page_scale_factor = 7.0;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_factor = page_scale_factor;
+ inputs.page_scale_application_layer = root.get();
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor,
+ parent);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor,
+ surface_scale);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(1.f, surface_no_scale);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor,
+ surface_scale_child_scale);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(1.f, surface_scale_child_no_scale);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor,
+ surface_no_scale_child_scale);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(1.f, surface_no_scale_child_no_scale);
+ // The parent is scaled up during draw, since its contents are not scaled by
+ // the transform hierarchy.
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(initial_parent_scale,
+ parent->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(initial_parent_scale,
+ parent->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ // The child surface is scaled up during draw since its subtree is not scaled
+ // by the transform hierarchy.
+ initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ surface_scale->render_surface()->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0,
+ 0));
+ initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ surface_scale->render_surface()->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1,
+ 1));
+ // The surface_scale's RenderSurface is scaled during draw, so the layer does
+ // not need to be scaled when drawing into its surface.
+ surface_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ surface_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ // The surface_scale_child_scale is scaled when drawing into its surface,
+ // since its content bounds are not scaled by the transform hierarchy.
+ initial_child_scale,
+ surface_scale_child_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ initial_child_scale,
+ surface_scale_child_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ // The surface_scale_child_no_scale has a fixed contents scale of 1, so it
+ // needs to be scaled by the device and page scale factors, along with the
+ // transform hierarchy.
+ device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor * initial_child_scale,
+ surface_scale_child_no_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor * initial_child_scale,
+ surface_scale_child_no_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ // The child surface is scaled up during draw since its subtree is not scaled
+ // by the transform hierarchy.
+ initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ surface_no_scale->render_surface()->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(
+ 0, 0));
+ initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ surface_no_scale->render_surface()->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(
+ 1, 1));
+ // The surface_no_scale layer has a fixed contents scale of 1, so it needs to
+ // be scaled by the device and page scale factors. Its surface is already
+ // scaled by the transform hierarchy so those don't need to scale the layer's
+ // drawing.
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor,
+ surface_no_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor,
+ surface_no_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ // The surface_no_scale_child_scale has its contents scaled by the page and
+ // device scale factors, but needs to be scaled by the transform hierarchy
+ // when drawing.
+ initial_child_scale,
+ surface_no_scale_child_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
+ initial_child_scale,
+ surface_no_scale_child_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
+ // The surface_no_scale_child_no_scale has a fixed contents scale of 1, so it
+ // needs to be scaled by the device and page scale factors. It also needs to
+ // be scaled by any transform heirarchy below its target surface.
+ device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor * initial_child_scale,
+ surface_no_scale_child_no_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(0,
+ 0));
+ device_scale_factor * page_scale_factor * initial_child_scale,
+ surface_no_scale_child_no_scale->draw_transform().matrix().getDouble(1,
+ 1));
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, ContentsScaleForAnimatingLayer) {
+ MockContentLayerClient delegate;
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ gfx::Transform parent_scale_matrix;
+ double initial_parent_scale = 1.75;
+ parent_scale_matrix.Scale(initial_parent_scale, initial_parent_scale);
+ gfx::Transform child_scale_matrix;
+ double initial_child_scale = 1.25;
+ child_scale_matrix.Scale(initial_child_scale, initial_child_scale);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ root->SetBounds(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> parent = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ parent_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> child_scale =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_scale.get(),
+ child_scale_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(2.f, 2.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ root->AddChild(parent);
+ parent->AddChild(child_scale);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ // Now put an animating transform on child.
+ int animation_id = AddAnimatedTransformToController(
+ child_scale->layer_animation_controller(), 10.0, 30, 0);
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(initial_parent_scale, parent);
+ // The layers with animating transforms should not compute a contents scale
+ // other than 1 until they finish animating.
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(1, child_scale);
+ }
+ // Remove the animation, now it can save a raster scale.
+ child_scale->layer_animation_controller()->RemoveAnimation(animation_id);
+ {
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(initial_parent_scale, parent);
+ // The layers with animating transforms should not compute a contents scale
+ // other than 1 until they finish animating.
+ EXPECT_CONTENTS_SCALE_EQ(initial_parent_scale * initial_child_scale,
+ child_scale);
+ }
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, RenderSurfaceTransformsInHighDPI) {
+ MockContentLayerClient delegate;
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> parent = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(30, 30),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> child = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(2.f, 2.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ gfx::Transform replica_transform;
+ replica_transform.Scale(1.0, -1.0);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> replica = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(replica.get(),
+ replica_transform,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(2.f, 2.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ // This layer should end up in the same surface as child, with the same draw
+ // and screen space transforms.
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> duplicate_child_non_owner =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(duplicate_child_non_owner.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ true);
+ parent->AddChild(child);
+ child->AddChild(duplicate_child_non_owner);
+ child->SetReplicaLayer(replica.get());
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(parent);
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ float device_scale_factor = 1.5f;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ parent.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // We should have two render surfaces. The root's render surface and child's
+ // render surface (it needs one because it has a replica layer).
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ gfx::Transform expected_parent_transform;
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_parent_transform,
+ parent->screen_space_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_parent_transform,
+ parent->draw_transform());
+ gfx::Transform expected_draw_transform;
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_draw_transform,
+ child->draw_transform());
+ gfx::Transform expected_screen_space_transform;
+ expected_screen_space_transform.Translate(
+ device_scale_factor * child->position().x(),
+ device_scale_factor * child->position().y());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_screen_space_transform,
+ child->screen_space_transform());
+ gfx::Transform expected_duplicate_child_draw_transform =
+ child->draw_transform();
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(child->draw_transform(),
+ duplicate_child_non_owner->draw_transform());
+ child->screen_space_transform(),
+ duplicate_child_non_owner->screen_space_transform());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(child->drawable_content_rect(),
+ duplicate_child_non_owner->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_EQ(child->content_bounds(),
+ duplicate_child_non_owner->content_bounds());
+ gfx::Transform expected_render_surface_draw_transform;
+ expected_render_surface_draw_transform.Translate(
+ device_scale_factor * child->position().x(),
+ device_scale_factor * child->position().y());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_render_surface_draw_transform,
+ child->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ gfx::Transform expected_surface_draw_transform;
+ expected_surface_draw_transform.Translate(device_scale_factor * 2.f,
+ device_scale_factor * 2.f);
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(expected_surface_draw_transform,
+ child->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ gfx::Transform expected_surface_screen_space_transform;
+ expected_surface_screen_space_transform.Translate(device_scale_factor * 2.f,
+ device_scale_factor * 2.f);
+ expected_surface_screen_space_transform,
+ child->render_surface()->screen_space_transform());
+ gfx::Transform expected_replica_draw_transform;
+ expected_replica_draw_transform.matrix().setDouble(1, 1, -1.0);
+ expected_replica_draw_transform.matrix().setDouble(0, 3, 6.0);
+ expected_replica_draw_transform.matrix().setDouble(1, 3, 6.0);
+ expected_replica_draw_transform,
+ child->render_surface()->replica_draw_transform());
+ gfx::Transform expected_replica_screen_space_transform;
+ expected_replica_screen_space_transform.matrix().setDouble(1, 1, -1.0);
+ expected_replica_screen_space_transform.matrix().setDouble(0, 3, 6.0);
+ expected_replica_screen_space_transform.matrix().setDouble(1, 3, 6.0);
+ expected_replica_screen_space_transform,
+ child->render_surface()->replica_screen_space_transform());
+ expected_replica_screen_space_transform,
+ child->render_surface()->replica_screen_space_transform());
+ RenderSurfaceTransformsInHighDPIAccurateScaleZeroPosition) {
+ MockContentLayerClient delegate;
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> parent = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(33, 31),
+ true);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> child = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(13, 11),
+ true);
+ gfx::Transform replica_transform;
+ replica_transform.Scale(1.0, -1.0);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> replica = CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(replica.get(),
+ replica_transform,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(13, 11),
+ true);
+ // This layer should end up in the same surface as child, with the same draw
+ // and screen space transforms.
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> duplicate_child_non_owner =
+ CreateDrawableContentLayer(&delegate);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(duplicate_child_non_owner.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(13, 11),
+ true);
+ parent->AddChild(child);
+ child->AddChild(duplicate_child_non_owner);
+ child->SetReplicaLayer(replica.get());
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(parent);
+ float device_scale_factor = 1.7f;
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ parent.get(), parent->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // We should have two render surfaces. The root's render surface and child's
+ // render surface (it needs one because it has a replica layer).
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ gfx::Transform identity_transform;
+ parent->screen_space_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(identity_transform, parent->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(identity_transform, child->draw_transform());
+ child->screen_space_transform());
+ duplicate_child_non_owner->draw_transform());
+ identity_transform, duplicate_child_non_owner->screen_space_transform());
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(child->drawable_content_rect(),
+ duplicate_child_non_owner->drawable_content_rect());
+ EXPECT_EQ(child->content_bounds(),
+ duplicate_child_non_owner->content_bounds());
+ child->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ child->render_surface()->draw_transform());
+ identity_transform, child->render_surface()->screen_space_transform());
+ gfx::Transform expected_replica_draw_transform;
+ expected_replica_draw_transform.matrix().setDouble(1, 1, -1.0);
+ expected_replica_draw_transform,
+ child->render_surface()->replica_draw_transform());
+ gfx::Transform expected_replica_screen_space_transform;
+ expected_replica_screen_space_transform.matrix().setDouble(1, 1, -1.0);
+ expected_replica_screen_space_transform,
+ child->render_surface()->replica_screen_space_transform());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, SubtreeSearch) {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> mask_layer = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> replica_layer = Layer::Create();
+ grand_child->SetReplicaLayer(replica_layer.get());
+ child->AddChild(grand_child.get());
+ child->SetMaskLayer(mask_layer.get());
+ root->AddChild(child.get());
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ int nonexistent_id = -1;
+ EXPECT_EQ(root,
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerInSubtree(root.get(), root->id()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(child,
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerInSubtree(root.get(), child->id()));
+ grand_child,
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerInSubtree(root.get(), grand_child->id()));
+ mask_layer,
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerInSubtree(root.get(), mask_layer->id()));
+ replica_layer,
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerInSubtree(root.get(), replica_layer->id()));
+ 0, LayerTreeHostCommon::FindLayerInSubtree(root.get(), nonexistent_id));
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, TransparentChildRenderSurfaceCreation) {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ scoped_refptr<LayerWithForcedDrawsContent> grand_child =
+ make_scoped_refptr(new LayerWithForcedDrawsContent());
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(10, 10),
+ false);
+ root->AddChild(child);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child);
+ child->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(root.get());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child->render_surface());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, OpacityAnimatingOnPendingTree) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ host_impl.CreatePendingTree();
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root = LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.pending_tree(), 1);
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(100, 100),
+ false);
+ root->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> child = LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.pending_tree(), 2);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ child->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ child->SetOpacity(0.0f);
+ // Add opacity animation.
+ AddOpacityTransitionToController(
+ child->layer_animation_controller(), 10.0, 0.0f, 1.0f, false);
+ root->AddChild(child.Pass());
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // We should have one render surface and two layers. The child
+ // layer should be included even though it is transparent.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+typedef std::tr1::tuple<bool, bool> LCDTextTestParam;
+class LCDTextTest
+ : public LayerTreeHostCommonTestBase,
+ public testing::TestWithParam<LCDTextTestParam> {
+ protected:
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+ can_use_lcd_text_ = std::tr1::get<0>(GetParam());
+ root_ = Layer::Create();
+ child_ = Layer::Create();
+ grand_child_ = Layer::Create();
+ child_->AddChild(grand_child_.get());
+ root_->AddChild(child_.get());
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root_.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(1, 1),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child_.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(1, 1),
+ false);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child_.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(1, 1),
+ false);
+ child_->SetForceRenderSurface(std::tr1::get<1>(GetParam()));
+ host_ = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host_->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ }
+ bool can_use_lcd_text_;
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host_;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root_;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child_;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child_;
+TEST_P(LCDTextTest, CanUseLCDText) {
+ // Case 1: Identity transform.
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(
+ root_.get(), 1.f, 1.f, NULL, can_use_lcd_text_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, root_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, grand_child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ // Case 2: Integral translation.
+ gfx::Transform integral_translation;
+ integral_translation.Translate(1.0, 2.0);
+ child_->SetTransform(integral_translation);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(
+ root_.get(), 1.f, 1.f, NULL, can_use_lcd_text_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, root_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, grand_child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ // Case 3: Non-integral translation.
+ gfx::Transform non_integral_translation;
+ non_integral_translation.Translate(1.5, 2.5);
+ child_->SetTransform(non_integral_translation);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(
+ root_.get(), 1.f, 1.f, NULL, can_use_lcd_text_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, root_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grand_child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ // Case 4: Rotation.
+ gfx::Transform rotation;
+ rotation.Rotate(10.0);
+ child_->SetTransform(rotation);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(
+ root_.get(), 1.f, 1.f, NULL, can_use_lcd_text_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, root_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grand_child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ // Case 5: Scale.
+ gfx::Transform scale;
+ scale.Scale(2.0, 2.0);
+ child_->SetTransform(scale);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(
+ root_.get(), 1.f, 1.f, NULL, can_use_lcd_text_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, root_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grand_child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ // Case 6: Skew.
+ gfx::Transform skew;
+ skew.SkewX(10.0);
+ child_->SetTransform(skew);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(
+ root_.get(), 1.f, 1.f, NULL, can_use_lcd_text_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, root_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grand_child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ // Case 7: Translucent.
+ child_->SetTransform(identity_matrix);
+ child_->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(
+ root_.get(), 1.f, 1.f, NULL, can_use_lcd_text_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, root_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grand_child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ // Case 8: Sanity check: restore transform and opacity.
+ child_->SetTransform(identity_matrix);
+ child_->SetOpacity(1.f);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(
+ root_.get(), 1.f, 1.f, NULL, can_use_lcd_text_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, root_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, grand_child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+TEST_P(LCDTextTest, CanUseLCDTextWithAnimation) {
+ // Sanity check: Make sure can_use_lcd_text_ is set on each node.
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(
+ root_.get(), 1.f, 1.f, NULL, can_use_lcd_text_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, root_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, grand_child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ // Add opacity animation.
+ child_->SetOpacity(0.9f);
+ AddOpacityTransitionToController(
+ child_->layer_animation_controller(), 10.0, 0.9f, 0.1f, false);
+ ExecuteCalculateDrawProperties(
+ root_.get(), 1.f, 1.f, NULL, can_use_lcd_text_);
+ // Text AA should not be adjusted while animation is active.
+ // Make sure LCD text AA setting remains unchanged.
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, root_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EXPECT_EQ(can_use_lcd_text_, grand_child_->can_use_lcd_text());
+ LCDTextTest,
+ testing::Combine(testing::Bool(), testing::Bool()));
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, SubtreeHidden_SingleLayer) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ host_impl.CreatePendingTree();
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ root->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(40, 40),
+ false);
+ child->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(30, 30),
+ false);
+ grand_child->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ grand_child->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(true);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child);
+ root->AddChild(child);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // We should have one render surface and two layers. The grand child has
+ // hidden itself.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(root->id(), root->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(child->id(), root->render_surface()->layer_list().at(1)->id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, SubtreeHidden_SingleLayerImpl) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ host_impl.CreatePendingTree();
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root = LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.pending_tree(), 1);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ root->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> child = LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.pending_tree(), 2);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(40, 40),
+ false);
+ child->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> grand_child =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.pending_tree(), 3);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(30, 30),
+ false);
+ grand_child->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ grand_child->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(true);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child.Pass());
+ root->AddChild(child.Pass());
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // We should have one render surface and two layers. The grand child has
+ // hidden itself.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, root->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, root->render_surface()->layer_list().at(1)->id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, SubtreeHidden_TwoLayers) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ host_impl.CreatePendingTree();
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ root->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> child = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(40, 40),
+ false);
+ child->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ child->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(true);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> grand_child = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(30, 30),
+ false);
+ grand_child->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child);
+ root->AddChild(child);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // We should have one render surface and one layers. The child has
+ // hidden itself and the grand child.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(root->id(), root->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, SubtreeHidden_TwoLayersImpl) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ host_impl.CreatePendingTree();
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> root = LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.pending_tree(), 1);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ root->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> child = LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.pending_tree(), 2);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(40, 40),
+ false);
+ child->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ child->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(true);
+ scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> grand_child =
+ LayerImpl::Create(host_impl.pending_tree(), 3);
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(grand_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(30, 30),
+ false);
+ grand_child->SetDrawsContent(true);
+ child->AddChild(grand_child.Pass());
+ root->AddChild(child.Pass());
+ LayerImplList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsImplInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // We should have one render surface and one layers. The child has
+ // hidden itself and the grand child.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, root->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+void EmptyCopyOutputCallback(scoped_ptr<CopyOutputResult> result) {}
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, SubtreeHiddenWithCopyRequest) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ host_impl.CreatePendingTree();
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ root->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> copy_grand_parent = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(copy_grand_parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(40, 40),
+ false);
+ copy_grand_parent->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> copy_parent = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(copy_parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(30, 30),
+ false);
+ copy_parent->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ copy_parent->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> copy_layer = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(copy_layer.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(20, 20),
+ false);
+ copy_layer->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> copy_child = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(copy_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(20, 20),
+ false);
+ copy_child->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> copy_grand_parent_sibling_before = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(copy_grand_parent_sibling_before.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(40, 40),
+ false);
+ copy_grand_parent_sibling_before->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> copy_grand_parent_sibling_after = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(copy_grand_parent_sibling_after.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(40, 40),
+ false);
+ copy_grand_parent_sibling_after->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ copy_layer->AddChild(copy_child);
+ copy_parent->AddChild(copy_layer);
+ copy_grand_parent->AddChild(copy_parent);
+ root->AddChild(copy_grand_parent_sibling_before);
+ root->AddChild(copy_grand_parent);
+ root->AddChild(copy_grand_parent_sibling_after);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ // Hide the copy_grand_parent and its subtree. But make a copy request in that
+ // hidden subtree on copy_layer.
+ copy_grand_parent->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(true);
+ copy_grand_parent_sibling_before->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(true);
+ copy_grand_parent_sibling_after->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(true);
+ copy_layer->RequestCopyOfOutput(CopyOutputRequest::CreateRequest(
+ base::Bind(&EmptyCopyOutputCallback)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(copy_layer->HasCopyRequest());
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root->draw_properties().layer_or_descendant_has_copy_request);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(copy_grand_parent->draw_properties().
+ layer_or_descendant_has_copy_request);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(copy_parent->draw_properties().
+ layer_or_descendant_has_copy_request);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(copy_layer->draw_properties().
+ layer_or_descendant_has_copy_request);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(copy_child->draw_properties().
+ layer_or_descendant_has_copy_request);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(copy_grand_parent_sibling_before->draw_properties().
+ layer_or_descendant_has_copy_request);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(copy_grand_parent_sibling_after->draw_properties().
+ layer_or_descendant_has_copy_request);
+ // We should have three render surfaces, one for the root, one for the parent
+ // since it owns a surface, and one for the copy_layer.
+ ASSERT_EQ(3u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(root->id(),>id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(copy_parent->id(),>id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(copy_layer->id(),>id());
+ // The root render surface should have 2 contributing layers. The
+ // copy_grand_parent is hidden along with its siblings, but the copy_parent
+ // will appear since something in its subtree needs to be drawn for a copy
+ // request.
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(root->id(), root->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(copy_parent->id(),
+ root->render_surface()->layer_list().at(1)->id());
+ // Nothing actually drawns into the copy parent, so only the copy_layer will
+ // appear in its list, since it needs to be drawn for the copy request.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, copy_parent->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(copy_layer->id(),
+ copy_parent->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+ // The copy_layer's render surface should have two contributing layers.
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, copy_layer->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(copy_layer->id(),
+ copy_layer->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(copy_child->id(),
+ copy_layer->render_surface()->layer_list().at(1)->id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, ClippedOutCopyRequest) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ host_impl.CreatePendingTree();
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ root->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> copy_parent = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(copy_parent.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(),
+ false);
+ copy_parent->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ copy_parent->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> copy_layer = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(copy_layer.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(30, 30),
+ false);
+ copy_layer->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> copy_child = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(copy_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(20, 20),
+ false);
+ copy_child->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ copy_layer->AddChild(copy_child);
+ copy_parent->AddChild(copy_layer);
+ root->AddChild(copy_parent);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ copy_layer->RequestCopyOfOutput(CopyOutputRequest::CreateRequest(
+ base::Bind(&EmptyCopyOutputCallback)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(copy_layer->HasCopyRequest());
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // We should have one render surface, as the others are clipped out.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(root->id(),>id());
+ // The root render surface should only have 1 contributing layer, since the
+ // other layers are empty/clipped away.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(root->id(), root->render_surface()->layer_list().at(0)->id());
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostCommonTest, VisibleContentRectInsideSurface) {
+ FakeImplProxy proxy;
+ FakeLayerTreeHostImpl host_impl(&proxy);
+ host_impl.CreatePendingTree();
+ const gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(root.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ root->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ // The surface is moved slightly outside of the viewport.
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> surface = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(surface.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(-10, -20),
+ gfx::Size(),
+ false);
+ surface->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> surface_child = Layer::Create();
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(surface_child.get(),
+ identity_matrix,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::PointF(),
+ gfx::Size(50, 50),
+ false);
+ surface_child->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ surface->AddChild(surface_child);
+ root->AddChild(surface);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> host = FakeLayerTreeHost::Create();
+ host->SetRootLayer(root);
+ RenderSurfaceLayerList render_surface_layer_list;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalcDrawPropsMainInputsForTesting inputs(
+ root.get(), root->bounds(), &render_surface_layer_list);
+ inputs.can_adjust_raster_scales = true;
+ LayerTreeHostCommon::CalculateDrawProperties(&inputs);
+ // The visible_content_rect for the |surface_child| should not be clipped by
+ // the viewport.
+ EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(50, 50).ToString(),
+ surface_child->visible_content_rect().ToString());
+} // namespace
+} // namespace cc