path: root/chromium/cc/trees/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/cc/trees/')
1 files changed, 4353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/cc/trees/ b/chromium/cc/trees/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..55841e52e70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/cc/trees/
@@ -0,0 +1,4353 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "base/auto_reset.h"
+#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
+#include "cc/animation/timing_function.h"
+#include "cc/debug/frame_rate_counter.h"
+#include "cc/layers/content_layer.h"
+#include "cc/layers/content_layer_client.h"
+#include "cc/layers/io_surface_layer.h"
+#include "cc/layers/layer_impl.h"
+#include "cc/layers/picture_layer.h"
+#include "cc/layers/scrollbar_layer.h"
+#include "cc/layers/solid_color_layer.h"
+#include "cc/layers/video_layer.h"
+#include "cc/output/begin_frame_args.h"
+#include "cc/output/copy_output_request.h"
+#include "cc/output/copy_output_result.h"
+#include "cc/output/output_surface.h"
+#include "cc/resources/prioritized_resource.h"
+#include "cc/resources/prioritized_resource_manager.h"
+#include "cc/resources/resource_update_queue.h"
+#include "cc/scheduler/frame_rate_controller.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_content_layer.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_content_layer_client.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_layer_tree_host_client.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_output_surface.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_picture_layer.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_picture_layer_impl.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_proxy.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_scoped_ui_resource.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_scrollbar_layer.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_video_frame_provider.h"
+#include "cc/test/geometry_test_utils.h"
+#include "cc/test/layer_tree_test.h"
+#include "cc/test/occlusion_tracker_test_common.h"
+#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host_impl.h"
+#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_impl.h"
+#include "cc/trees/single_thread_proxy.h"
+#include "cc/trees/thread_proxy.h"
+#include "gpu/GLES2/gl2extchromium.h"
+#include "skia/ext/refptr.h"
+#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "third_party/khronos/GLES2/gl2.h"
+#include "third_party/khronos/GLES2/gl2ext.h"
+#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPicture.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/point_conversions.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/size_conversions.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/vector2d_conversions.h"
+using testing::_;
+using testing::AnyNumber;
+using testing::AtLeast;
+using testing::Mock;
+namespace cc {
+namespace {
+class LayerTreeHostTest : public LayerTreeTest {
+// Two setNeedsCommits in a row should lead to at least 1 commit and at least 1
+// draw with frame 0.
+class LayerTreeHostTestSetNeedsCommit1 : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestSetNeedsCommit1() : num_commits_(0), num_draws_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ num_draws_++;
+ if (!impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number())
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ num_commits_++;
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_GE(1, num_commits_);
+ EXPECT_GE(1, num_draws_);
+ }
+ private:
+ int num_commits_;
+ int num_draws_;
+// A SetNeedsCommit should lead to 1 commit. Issuing a second commit after that
+// first committed frame draws should lead to another commit.
+class LayerTreeHostTestSetNeedsCommit2 : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestSetNeedsCommit2() : num_commits_(0), num_draws_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE { PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread(); }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ ++num_draws_;
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ ++num_commits_;
+ switch (num_commits_) {
+ case 1:
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, num_commits_);
+ EXPECT_LE(1, num_draws_);
+ }
+ private:
+ int num_commits_;
+ int num_draws_;
+// Verify that we pass property values in PushPropertiesTo.
+class LayerTreeHostTestPushPropertiesTo : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ protected:
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ root->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root);
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ enum Properties {
+ };
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ index_ = STARTUP;
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ VerifyAfterValues(impl->active_tree()->root_layer());
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ SetBeforeValues(layer_tree_host()->root_layer());
+ VerifyBeforeValues(layer_tree_host()->root_layer());
+ ++index_;
+ if (index_ == DONE) {
+ EndTest();
+ return;
+ }
+ SetAfterValues(layer_tree_host()->root_layer());
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ void VerifyBeforeValues(Layer* layer) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Size(10, 10).ToString(), layer->bounds().ToString());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(layer->hide_layer_and_subtree());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(layer->DrawsContent());
+ }
+ void SetBeforeValues(Layer* layer) {
+ layer->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ layer->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(false);
+ layer->SetIsDrawable(false);
+ }
+ void VerifyAfterValues(LayerImpl* layer) {
+ switch (static_cast<Properties>(index_)) {
+ case STARTUP:
+ case DONE:
+ break;
+ case BOUNDS:
+ EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Size(20, 20).ToString(), layer->bounds().ToString());
+ break;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(layer->hide_layer_and_subtree());
+ break;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(layer->DrawsContent());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ void SetAfterValues(Layer* layer) {
+ switch (static_cast<Properties>(index_)) {
+ case STARTUP:
+ case DONE:
+ break;
+ case BOUNDS:
+ layer->SetBounds(gfx::Size(20, 20));
+ break;
+ layer->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(true);
+ break;
+ layer->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ int index_;
+// 1 setNeedsRedraw after the first commit has completed should lead to 1
+// additional draw.
+class LayerTreeHostTestSetNeedsRedraw : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestSetNeedsRedraw() : num_commits_(0), num_draws_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE { PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread(); }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number());
+ if (!num_draws_) {
+ // Redraw again to verify that the second redraw doesn't commit.
+ PostSetNeedsRedrawToMainThread();
+ } else {
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ num_draws_++;
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, num_draws_);
+ num_commits_++;
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_GE(2, num_draws_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, num_commits_);
+ }
+ private:
+ int num_commits_;
+ int num_draws_;
+// After setNeedsRedrawRect(invalid_rect) the final damage_rect
+// must contain invalid_rect.
+class LayerTreeHostTestSetNeedsRedrawRect : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestSetNeedsRedrawRect()
+ : num_draws_(0),
+ bounds_(50, 50),
+ invalid_rect_(10, 10, 20, 20),
+ root_layer_(ContentLayer::Create(&client_)) {
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ root_layer_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ root_layer_->SetBounds(bounds_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_layer_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(bounds_);
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual bool PrepareToDrawOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl,
+ LayerTreeHostImpl::FrameData* frame_data,
+ bool result) OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+ gfx::RectF root_damage_rect;
+ if (!frame_data->render_passes.empty())
+ root_damage_rect = frame_data->render_passes.back()->damage_rect;
+ if (!num_draws_) {
+ // If this is the first frame, expect full frame damage.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(root_damage_rect, gfx::Rect(bounds_));
+ } else {
+ // Check that invalid_rect_ is indeed repainted.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_damage_rect.Contains(invalid_rect_));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ if (!num_draws_) {
+ PostSetNeedsRedrawRectToMainThread(invalid_rect_);
+ } else {
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ num_draws_++;
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, num_draws_);
+ }
+ private:
+ int num_draws_;
+ const gfx::Size bounds_;
+ const gfx::Rect invalid_rect_;
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> root_layer_;
+class LayerTreeHostTestNoExtraCommitFromInvalidate : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ virtual void InitializeSettings(LayerTreeSettings* settings) OVERRIDE {
+ settings->layer_transforms_should_scale_layer_contents = true;
+ }
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ root_layer_ = Layer::Create();
+ root_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 20));
+ scaled_layer_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ scaled_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(1, 1));
+ root_layer_->AddChild(scaled_layer_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_layer_);
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ if (host_impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number() == 1)
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommit() OVERRIDE {
+ switch (layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number()) {
+ case 1:
+ // Changing the device scale factor causes a commit. It also changes
+ // the content bounds of |scaled_layer_|, which should not generate
+ // a second commit as a result.
+ layer_tree_host()->SetDeviceScaleFactor(4.f);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // No extra commits.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number());
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Size(4, 4).ToString(),
+ scaled_layer_->content_bounds().ToString());
+ }
+ private:
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root_layer_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> scaled_layer_;
+class LayerTreeHostTestNoExtraCommitFromScrollbarInvalidate
+ : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ virtual void InitializeSettings(LayerTreeSettings* settings) OVERRIDE {
+ settings->layer_transforms_should_scale_layer_contents = true;
+ }
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ root_layer_ = Layer::Create();
+ root_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 20));
+ bool paint_scrollbar = true;
+ bool has_thumb = false;
+ scrollbar_ = FakeScrollbarLayer::Create(paint_scrollbar,
+ has_thumb,
+ root_layer_->id());
+ scrollbar_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(0, 10));
+ scrollbar_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ root_layer_->AddChild(scrollbar_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_layer_);
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ if (host_impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number() == 1)
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommit() OVERRIDE {
+ switch (layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number()) {
+ case 1:
+ // Changing the device scale factor causes a commit. It also changes
+ // the content bounds of |scrollbar_|, which should not generate
+ // a second commit as a result.
+ layer_tree_host()->SetDeviceScaleFactor(4.f);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // No extra commits.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number());
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Size(40, 40).ToString(),
+ scrollbar_->content_bounds().ToString());
+ }
+ private:
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root_layer_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeScrollbarLayer> scrollbar_;
+ LayerTreeHostTestNoExtraCommitFromScrollbarInvalidate);
+class LayerTreeHostTestCompositeAndReadback : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestCompositeAndReadback() : num_commits_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE { PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread(); }
+ virtual void DidCommit() OVERRIDE {
+ num_commits_++;
+ if (num_commits_ == 1) {
+ char pixels[4];
+ layer_tree_host()->CompositeAndReadback(&pixels, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1, 1));
+ } else if (num_commits_ == 2) {
+ // This is inside the readback. We should get another commit after it.
+ } else if (num_commits_ == 3) {
+ EndTest();
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ int num_commits_;
+class LayerTreeHostTestCompositeAndReadbackBeforePreviousCommitDraws
+ : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestCompositeAndReadbackBeforePreviousCommitDraws()
+ : num_commits_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE { PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread(); }
+ virtual void DidCommit() OVERRIDE {
+ num_commits_++;
+ if (num_commits_ == 1) {
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsCommit();
+ } else if (num_commits_ == 2) {
+ char pixels[4];
+ layer_tree_host()->CompositeAndReadback(&pixels, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1, 1));
+ } else if (num_commits_ == 3) {
+ // This is inside the readback. We should get another commit after it.
+ } else if (num_commits_ == 4) {
+ EndTest();
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ int num_commits_;
+ LayerTreeHostTestCompositeAndReadbackBeforePreviousCommitDraws);
+// If the layerTreeHost says it can't draw, Then we should not try to draw.
+class LayerTreeHostTestCanDrawBlocksDrawing : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestCanDrawBlocksDrawing() : num_commits_(0), done_(false) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE { PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread(); }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ if (done_)
+ return;
+ // Only the initial draw should bring us here.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(impl->CanDraw());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number());
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ if (done_)
+ return;
+ if (num_commits_ >= 1) {
+ // After the first commit, we should not be able to draw.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(impl->CanDraw());
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommit() OVERRIDE {
+ num_commits_++;
+ if (num_commits_ == 1) {
+ // Make the viewport empty so the host says it can't draw.
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size(0, 0));
+ } else if (num_commits_ == 2) {
+ char pixels[4];
+ layer_tree_host()->CompositeAndReadback(&pixels, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1, 1));
+ } else if (num_commits_ == 3) {
+ // Let it draw so we go idle and end the test.
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size(1, 1));
+ done_ = true;
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ int num_commits_;
+ bool done_;
+// beginLayerWrite should prevent draws from executing until a commit occurs
+class LayerTreeHostTestWriteLayersRedraw : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestWriteLayersRedraw() : num_commits_(0), num_draws_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostAcquireLayerTextures();
+ PostSetNeedsRedrawToMainThread(); // should be inhibited without blocking
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ num_draws_++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_draws_, num_commits_);
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ num_commits_++;
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE { EXPECT_EQ(1, num_commits_); }
+ private:
+ int num_commits_;
+ int num_draws_;
+// Verify that when resuming visibility, Requesting layer write permission
+// will not deadlock the main thread even though there are not yet any
+// scheduled redraws. This behavior is critical for reliably surviving tab
+// switching. There are no failure conditions to this test, it just passes
+// by not timing out.
+class LayerTreeHostTestWriteLayersAfterVisible : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestWriteLayersAfterVisible() : num_commits_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE { PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread(); }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ num_commits_++;
+ if (num_commits_ == 2)
+ EndTest();
+ else if (num_commits_ < 2) {
+ PostSetVisibleToMainThread(false);
+ PostSetVisibleToMainThread(true);
+ PostAcquireLayerTextures();
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ int num_commits_;
+// A compositeAndReadback while invisible should force a normal commit without
+// assertion.
+class LayerTreeHostTestCompositeAndReadbackWhileInvisible
+ : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestCompositeAndReadbackWhileInvisible() : num_commits_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE { PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread(); }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ num_commits_++;
+ if (num_commits_ == 1) {
+ layer_tree_host()->SetVisible(false);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsCommit();
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsCommit();
+ char pixels[4];
+ layer_tree_host()->CompositeAndReadback(&pixels, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1, 1));
+ } else {
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ int num_commits_;
+class LayerTreeHostTestAbortFrameWhenInvisible : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestAbortFrameWhenInvisible() {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ // Request a commit (from the main thread), Which will trigger the commit
+ // flow from the impl side.
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsCommit();
+ // Then mark ourselves as not visible before processing any more messages
+ // on the main thread.
+ layer_tree_host()->SetVisible(false);
+ // If we make it without kicking a frame, we pass!
+ EndTestAfterDelay(1);
+ }
+ virtual void Layout() OVERRIDE {
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+// This test verifies that properties on the layer tree host are commited
+// to the impl side.
+class LayerTreeHostTestCommit : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestCommit() {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size(20, 20));
+ layer_tree_host()->set_background_color(SK_ColorGRAY);
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Size(20, 20), impl->device_viewport_size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(SK_ColorGRAY, impl->active_tree()->background_color());
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+// This test verifies that LayerTreeHostImpl's current frame time gets
+// updated in consecutive frames when it doesn't draw due to tree
+// activation failure.
+class LayerTreeHostTestFrameTimeUpdatesAfterActivationFails
+ : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestFrameTimeUpdatesAfterActivationFails() : frame_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size(20, 20));
+ layer_tree_host()->set_background_color(SK_ColorGRAY);
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ if (frame_ >= 1) {
+ EXPECT_NE(first_frame_time_, impl->CurrentFrameTimeTicks());
+ EndTest();
+ return;
+ }
+ EXPECT_FALSE(impl->settings().impl_side_painting);
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual bool CanActivatePendingTree(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ if (frame_ >= 1)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual bool CanActivatePendingTreeIfNeeded(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl)
+ frame_++;
+ if (frame_ == 1) {
+ first_frame_time_ = impl->CurrentFrameTimeTicks();
+ // Since base::TimeTicks::Now() uses a low-resolution clock on
+ // Windows, we need to make sure that the clock has incremented past
+ // first_frame_time_.
+ while (first_frame_time_ == base::TimeTicks::Now()) {}
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ int frame_;
+ base::TimeTicks first_frame_time_;
+ LayerTreeHostTestFrameTimeUpdatesAfterActivationFails);
+// This test verifies that LayerTreeHostImpl's current frame time gets
+// updated in consecutive frames when it draws in each frame.
+class LayerTreeHostTestFrameTimeUpdatesAfterDraw : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestFrameTimeUpdatesAfterDraw() : frame_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size(20, 20));
+ layer_tree_host()->set_background_color(SK_ColorGRAY);
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ frame_++;
+ if (frame_ == 1) {
+ first_frame_time_ = impl->CurrentFrameTimeTicks();
+ impl->SetNeedsRedraw();
+ // Since base::TimeTicks::Now() uses a low-resolution clock on
+ // Windows, we need to make sure that the clock has incremented past
+ // first_frame_time_.
+ while (first_frame_time_ == base::TimeTicks::Now()) {}
+ return;
+ }
+ EXPECT_NE(first_frame_time_, impl->CurrentFrameTimeTicks());
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ // Ensure there isn't a commit between the two draws, to ensure that a
+ // commit isn't required for updating the current frame time. We can
+ // only check for this in the multi-threaded case, since in the single-
+ // threaded case there will always be a commit between consecutive draws.
+ if (HasImplThread())
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, frame_);
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ int frame_;
+ base::TimeTicks first_frame_time_;
+// Verifies that StartPageScaleAnimation events propagate correctly
+// from LayerTreeHost to LayerTreeHostImpl in the MT compositor.
+class LayerTreeHostTestStartPageScaleAnimation : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestStartPageScaleAnimation() {}
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ scroll_layer_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ scroll_layer_->SetScrollable(true);
+ scroll_layer_->SetScrollOffset(gfx::Vector2d());
+ layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->AddChild(scroll_layer_);
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void ApplyScrollAndScale(gfx::Vector2d scroll_delta, float scale)
+ gfx::Vector2d offset = scroll_layer_->scroll_offset();
+ scroll_layer_->SetScrollOffset(offset + scroll_delta);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetPageScaleFactorAndLimits(scale, 0.5f, 2.f);
+ }
+ virtual void DidActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ impl->ProcessScrollDeltas();
+ // We get one commit before the first draw, and the animation doesn't happen
+ // until the second draw.
+ switch (impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number()) {
+ case 0:
+ EXPECT_EQ(1.f, impl->active_tree()->page_scale_factor());
+ // We'll start an animation when we get back to the main thread.
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ EXPECT_EQ(1.f, impl->active_tree()->page_scale_factor());
+ PostSetNeedsRedrawToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ EXPECT_EQ(1.25f, impl->active_tree()->page_scale_factor());
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ switch (layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number()) {
+ case 1:
+ layer_tree_host()->SetPageScaleFactorAndLimits(1.f, 0.5f, 2.f);
+ layer_tree_host()->StartPageScaleAnimation(
+ gfx::Vector2d(), false, 1.25f, base::TimeDelta());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> scroll_layer_;
+class LayerTreeHostTestSetVisible : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestSetVisible() : num_draws_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ PostSetVisibleToMainThread(false);
+ // This is suppressed while we're invisible.
+ PostSetNeedsRedrawToMainThread();
+ // Triggers the redraw.
+ PostSetVisibleToMainThread(true);
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(impl->visible());
+ ++num_draws_;
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE { EXPECT_EQ(1, num_draws_); }
+ private:
+ int num_draws_;
+class TestOpacityChangeLayerDelegate : public ContentLayerClient {
+ public:
+ TestOpacityChangeLayerDelegate() : test_layer_(0) {}
+ void SetTestLayer(Layer* test_layer) { test_layer_ = test_layer; }
+ virtual void PaintContents(SkCanvas*, gfx::Rect, gfx::RectF*) OVERRIDE {
+ // Set layer opacity to 0.
+ if (test_layer_)
+ test_layer_->SetOpacity(0.f);
+ }
+ virtual void DidChangeLayerCanUseLCDText() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ Layer* test_layer_;
+class ContentLayerWithUpdateTracking : public ContentLayer {
+ public:
+ static scoped_refptr<ContentLayerWithUpdateTracking> Create(
+ ContentLayerClient* client) {
+ return make_scoped_refptr(new ContentLayerWithUpdateTracking(client));
+ }
+ int PaintContentsCount() { return paint_contents_count_; }
+ void ResetPaintContentsCount() { paint_contents_count_ = 0; }
+ virtual bool Update(ResourceUpdateQueue* queue,
+ const OcclusionTracker* occlusion) OVERRIDE {
+ bool updated = ContentLayer::Update(queue, occlusion);
+ paint_contents_count_++;
+ return updated;
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit ContentLayerWithUpdateTracking(ContentLayerClient* client)
+ : ContentLayer(client), paint_contents_count_(0) {
+ SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF(0.f, 0.f));
+ SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ SetIsDrawable(true);
+ }
+ virtual ~ContentLayerWithUpdateTracking() {}
+ int paint_contents_count_;
+// Layer opacity change during paint should not prevent compositor resources
+// from being updated during commit.
+class LayerTreeHostTestOpacityChange : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestOpacityChange()
+ : test_opacity_change_delegate_(),
+ update_check_layer_(ContentLayerWithUpdateTracking::Create(
+ &test_opacity_change_delegate_)) {
+ test_opacity_change_delegate_.SetTestLayer(update_check_layer_.get());
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->AddChild(update_check_layer_);
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ // Update() should have been called once.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, update_check_layer_->PaintContentsCount());
+ }
+ private:
+ TestOpacityChangeLayerDelegate test_opacity_change_delegate_;
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayerWithUpdateTracking> update_check_layer_;
+class NoScaleContentLayer : public ContentLayer {
+ public:
+ static scoped_refptr<NoScaleContentLayer> Create(ContentLayerClient* client) {
+ return make_scoped_refptr(new NoScaleContentLayer(client));
+ }
+ virtual void CalculateContentsScale(float ideal_contents_scale,
+ float device_scale_factor,
+ float page_scale_factor,
+ bool animating_transform_to_screen,
+ float* contents_scale_x,
+ float* contents_scale_y,
+ gfx::Size* contentBounds) OVERRIDE {
+ // Skip over the ContentLayer's method to the base Layer class.
+ Layer::CalculateContentsScale(ideal_contents_scale,
+ device_scale_factor,
+ page_scale_factor,
+ animating_transform_to_screen,
+ contents_scale_x,
+ contents_scale_y,
+ contentBounds);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit NoScaleContentLayer(ContentLayerClient* client)
+ : ContentLayer(client) {}
+ virtual ~NoScaleContentLayer() {}
+class LayerTreeHostTestDeviceScaleFactorScalesViewportAndLayers
+ : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestDeviceScaleFactorScalesViewportAndLayers()
+ : root_layer_(NoScaleContentLayer::Create(&client_)),
+ child_layer_(ContentLayer::Create(&client_)) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size(60, 60));
+ layer_tree_host()->SetDeviceScaleFactor(1.5);
+ EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Size(60, 60), layer_tree_host()->device_viewport_size());
+ root_layer_->AddChild(child_layer_);
+ root_layer_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ root_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(30, 30));
+ root_layer_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF(0.f, 0.f));
+ child_layer_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ child_layer_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(2, 2));
+ child_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ child_layer_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF(0.f, 0.f));
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_layer_);
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ // Should only do one commit.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number());
+ // Device scale factor should come over to impl.
+ EXPECT_NEAR(impl->device_scale_factor(), 1.5f, 0.00001f);
+ // Both layers are on impl.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, impl->active_tree()->root_layer()->children().size());
+ // Device viewport is scaled.
+ EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Size(60, 60), impl->device_viewport_size());
+ LayerImpl* root = impl->active_tree()->root_layer();
+ LayerImpl* child = impl->active_tree()->root_layer()->children()[0];
+ // Positions remain in layout pixels.
+ EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Point(0, 0), root->position());
+ EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Point(2, 2), child->position());
+ // Compute all the layer transforms for the frame.
+ LayerTreeHostImpl::FrameData frame_data;
+ impl->PrepareToDraw(&frame_data, gfx::Rect());
+ impl->DidDrawAllLayers(frame_data);
+ const LayerImplList& render_surface_layer_list =
+ *frame_data.render_surface_layer_list;
+ // Both layers should be drawing into the root render surface.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, render_surface_layer_list.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(root->render_surface(),
+ render_surface_layer_list[0]->render_surface());
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, root->render_surface()->layer_list().size());
+ // The root render surface is the size of the viewport.
+ EXPECT_RECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 60, 60),
+ root->render_surface()->content_rect());
+ // The content bounds of the child should be scaled.
+ gfx::Size child_bounds_scaled =
+ gfx::ToCeiledSize(gfx::ScaleSize(child->bounds(), 1.5));
+ EXPECT_EQ(child_bounds_scaled, child->content_bounds());
+ gfx::Transform scale_transform;
+ scale_transform.Scale(impl->device_scale_factor(),
+ impl->device_scale_factor());
+ // The root layer is scaled by 2x.
+ gfx::Transform root_screen_space_transform = scale_transform;
+ gfx::Transform root_draw_transform = scale_transform;
+ EXPECT_EQ(root_draw_transform, root->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_EQ(root_screen_space_transform, root->screen_space_transform());
+ // The child is at position 2,2, which is transformed to 3,3 after the scale
+ gfx::Transform child_screen_space_transform;
+ child_screen_space_transform.Translate(3.f, 3.f);
+ gfx::Transform child_draw_transform = child_screen_space_transform;
+ child->draw_transform());
+ EXPECT_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_EQ(child_screen_space_transform,
+ child->screen_space_transform());
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<NoScaleContentLayer> root_layer_;
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> child_layer_;
+// Verify atomicity of commits and reuse of textures.
+class LayerTreeHostTestDirectRendererAtomicCommit : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ virtual void InitializeSettings(LayerTreeSettings* settings) OVERRIDE {
+ // Make sure partial texture updates are turned off.
+ settings->max_partial_texture_updates = 0;
+ // Linear fade animator prevents scrollbars from drawing immediately.
+ settings->use_linear_fade_scrollbar_animator = false;
+ }
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ layer_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 20));
+ bool paint_scrollbar = true;
+ bool has_thumb = false;
+ scrollbar_ =
+ FakeScrollbarLayer::Create(paint_scrollbar, has_thumb, layer_->id());
+ scrollbar_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(0, 10));
+ scrollbar_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ layer_->AddChild(scrollbar_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(layer_);
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ drew_frame_ = -1;
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, layer_tree_host()->settings().max_partial_texture_updates);
+ TestWebGraphicsContext3D* context = static_cast<TestWebGraphicsContext3D*>(
+ impl->output_surface()->context3d());
+ switch (impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number()) {
+ case 0:
+ // Number of textures should be one for each layer
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, context->NumTextures());
+ // Number of textures used for commit should be one for each layer.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, context->NumUsedTextures());
+ // Verify that used texture is correct.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(1)));
+ context->ResetUsedTextures();
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ // Number of textures should be one for scrollbar layer since it was
+ // requested and deleted on the impl-thread, and double for the content
+ // layer since its first texture is used by impl thread and cannot by
+ // used for update.
+ ASSERT_EQ(3u, context->NumTextures());
+ // Number of textures used for commit should be one for each layer.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, context->NumUsedTextures());
+ // First textures should not have been used.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(1)));
+ // New textures should have been used.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(2)));
+ context->ResetUsedTextures();
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ TestWebGraphicsContext3D* context = static_cast<TestWebGraphicsContext3D*>(
+ impl->output_surface()->context3d());
+ if (drew_frame_ == impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, context->NumUsedTextures()) << "For frame " << drew_frame_;
+ return;
+ }
+ drew_frame_ = impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number();
+ // We draw/ship one texture each frame for each layer.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, context->NumUsedTextures());
+ context->ResetUsedTextures();
+ }
+ virtual void Layout() OVERRIDE {
+ layer_->SetNeedsDisplay();
+ scrollbar_->SetNeedsDisplay();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ protected:
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> layer_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeScrollbarLayer> scrollbar_;
+ int drew_frame_;
+ LayerTreeHostTestDirectRendererAtomicCommit);
+class LayerTreeHostTestDelegatingRendererAtomicCommit
+ : public LayerTreeHostTestDirectRendererAtomicCommit {
+ public:
+ virtual void DidActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, layer_tree_host()->settings().max_partial_texture_updates);
+ TestWebGraphicsContext3D* context = static_cast<TestWebGraphicsContext3D*>(
+ impl->output_surface()->context3d());
+ switch (impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number()) {
+ case 0:
+ // Number of textures should be one for each layer
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, context->NumTextures());
+ // Number of textures used for commit should be one for each layer.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, context->NumUsedTextures());
+ // Verify that used texture is correct.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(1)));
+ context->ResetUsedTextures();
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ // Number of textures should be doubled as the first context layer
+ // texture is being used by the impl-thread and cannot be used for
+ // update. The scrollbar behavior is different direct renderer because
+ // UI resource deletion with delegating renderer occurs after tree
+ // activation.
+ ASSERT_EQ(4u, context->NumTextures());
+ // Number of textures used for commit should still be
+ // one for each layer.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, context->NumUsedTextures());
+ // First textures should not have been used.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(0)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(1)));
+ // New textures should have been used.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(2)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(3)));
+ context->ResetUsedTextures();
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ LayerTreeHostTestDelegatingRendererAtomicCommit);
+static void SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(Layer* layer,
+ Layer* parent,
+ const gfx::Transform& transform,
+ gfx::PointF anchor,
+ gfx::PointF position,
+ gfx::Size bounds,
+ bool opaque) {
+ layer->RemoveAllChildren();
+ if (parent)
+ parent->AddChild(layer);
+ layer->SetTransform(transform);
+ layer->SetAnchorPoint(anchor);
+ layer->SetPosition(position);
+ layer->SetBounds(bounds);
+ layer->SetContentsOpaque(opaque);
+class LayerTreeHostTestAtomicCommitWithPartialUpdate
+ : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ virtual void InitializeSettings(LayerTreeSettings* settings) OVERRIDE {
+ // Allow one partial texture update.
+ settings->max_partial_texture_updates = 1;
+ // No partial updates when impl side painting is enabled.
+ settings->impl_side_painting = false;
+ }
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ parent_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ parent_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 20));
+ child_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ child_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(0, 10));
+ child_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(3, 10));
+ parent_->AddChild(child_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(parent_);
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ switch (layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number()) {
+ case 1:
+ parent_->SetNeedsDisplay();
+ child_->SetNeedsDisplay();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // Damage part of layers.
+ parent_->SetNeedsDisplayRect(gfx::RectF(0.f, 0.f, 5.f, 5.f));
+ child_->SetNeedsDisplayRect(gfx::RectF(0.f, 0.f, 5.f, 5.f));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ child_->SetNeedsDisplay();
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size(10, 20));
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ default:
+ NOTREACHED() << layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, layer_tree_host()->settings().max_partial_texture_updates);
+ TestWebGraphicsContext3D* context = static_cast<TestWebGraphicsContext3D*>(
+ impl->output_surface()->context3d());
+ switch (impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number()) {
+ case 0:
+ // Number of textures should be one for each layer.
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, context->NumTextures());
+ // Number of textures used for commit should be one for each layer.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, context->NumUsedTextures());
+ // Verify that used textures are correct.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(1)));
+ context->ResetUsedTextures();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ // Number of textures should be two for each content layer.
+ ASSERT_EQ(4u, context->NumTextures());
+ // Number of textures used for commit should be one for each content
+ // layer.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, context->NumUsedTextures());
+ // First content textures should not have been used.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(0)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(1)));
+ // New textures should have been used.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(2)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(3)));
+ context->ResetUsedTextures();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // Number of textures should be two for each content layer.
+ ASSERT_EQ(4u, context->NumTextures());
+ // Number of textures used for commit should be one for each content
+ // layer.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, context->NumUsedTextures());
+ // One content layer does a partial update also.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(2)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(context->UsedTexture(context->TextureAt(3)));
+ context->ResetUsedTextures();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // No textures should be used for commit.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, context->NumUsedTextures());
+ context->ResetUsedTextures();
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // Number of textures used for commit should be one, for the
+ // content layer.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, context->NumUsedTextures());
+ context->ResetUsedTextures();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_LT(impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number(), 5);
+ TestWebGraphicsContext3D* context = static_cast<TestWebGraphicsContext3D*>(
+ impl->output_surface()->context3d());
+ // Number of textures used for drawing should one per layer except for
+ // frame 3 where the viewport only contains one layer.
+ if (impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number() == 3) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, context->NumUsedTextures());
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, context->NumUsedTextures()) <<
+ "For frame " << impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number();
+ }
+ context->ResetUsedTextures();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> parent_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> child_;
+// Partial updates are not possible with a delegating renderer.
+ LayerTreeHostTestAtomicCommitWithPartialUpdate);
+class LayerTreeHostTestFinishAllRendering : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestFinishAllRendering() : once_(false), draw_count_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsRedraw();
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ if (once_)
+ return;
+ once_ = true;
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsRedraw();
+ layer_tree_host()->AcquireLayerTextures();
+ {
+ base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
+ draw_count_ = 0;
+ }
+ layer_tree_host()->FinishAllRendering();
+ {
+ base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, draw_count_);
+ }
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
+ ++draw_count_;
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ bool once_;
+ base::Lock lock_;
+ int draw_count_;
+class LayerTreeHostTestCompositeAndReadbackCleanup : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ Layer* root_layer = layer_tree_host()->root_layer();
+ char pixels[4];
+ layer_tree_host()->CompositeAndReadback(static_cast<void*>(&pixels),
+ gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1, 1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_layer->render_surface());
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+class LayerTreeHostTestSurfaceNotAllocatedForLayersOutsideMemoryLimit
+ : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ protected:
+ virtual void InitializeSettings(LayerTreeSettings* settings) OVERRIDE {
+ settings->cache_render_pass_contents = true;
+ }
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ root_layer_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ root_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ surface_layer1_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ surface_layer1_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ surface_layer1_->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ surface_layer1_->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ root_layer_->AddChild(surface_layer1_);
+ surface_layer2_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ surface_layer2_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ surface_layer2_->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ surface_layer2_->SetOpacity(0.5f);
+ surface_layer1_->AddChild(surface_layer2_);
+ replica_layer1_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ surface_layer1_->SetReplicaLayer(replica_layer1_.get());
+ replica_layer2_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ surface_layer2_->SetReplicaLayer(replica_layer2_.get());
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_layer_);
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ Renderer* renderer = host_impl->renderer();
+ RenderPass::Id surface1_render_pass_id = host_impl->active_tree()
+ ->root_layer()->children()[0]->render_surface()->RenderPassId();
+ RenderPass::Id surface2_render_pass_id =
+ host_impl->active_tree()->root_layer()->children()[0]->children()[0]
+ ->render_surface()->RenderPassId();
+ switch (host_impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number()) {
+ case 0:
+ EXPECT_TRUE(renderer->HaveCachedResourcesForRenderPassId(
+ surface1_render_pass_id));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(renderer->HaveCachedResourcesForRenderPassId(
+ surface2_render_pass_id));
+ // Reduce the memory limit to only fit the root layer and one render
+ // surface. This prevents any contents drawing into surfaces
+ // from being allocated.
+ host_impl->SetMemoryPolicy(ManagedMemoryPolicy(100 * 100 * 4 * 2));
+ host_impl->SetDiscardBackBufferWhenNotVisible(true);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ EXPECT_FALSE(renderer->HaveCachedResourcesForRenderPassId(
+ surface1_render_pass_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(renderer->HaveCachedResourcesForRenderPassId(
+ surface2_render_pass_id));
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ if (layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number() < 2)
+ root_layer_->SetNeedsDisplay();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_LE(2u, root_layer_->update_count());
+ EXPECT_LE(2u, surface_layer1_->update_count());
+ EXPECT_LE(2u, surface_layer2_->update_count());
+ }
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> root_layer_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> surface_layer1_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> replica_layer1_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> surface_layer2_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> replica_layer2_;
+// Surfaces don't exist with a delegated renderer.
+ LayerTreeHostTestSurfaceNotAllocatedForLayersOutsideMemoryLimit);
+class EvictionTestLayer : public Layer {
+ public:
+ static scoped_refptr<EvictionTestLayer> Create() {
+ return make_scoped_refptr(new EvictionTestLayer());
+ }
+ virtual bool Update(ResourceUpdateQueue*,
+ const OcclusionTracker*) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool DrawsContent() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
+ virtual scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> CreateLayerImpl(LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl)
+ virtual void PushPropertiesTo(LayerImpl* impl) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void SetTexturePriorities(const PriorityCalculator&) OVERRIDE;
+ bool HaveBackingTexture() const {
+ return texture_.get() ? texture_->have_backing_texture() : false;
+ }
+ private:
+ EvictionTestLayer() : Layer() {}
+ virtual ~EvictionTestLayer() {}
+ void CreateTextureIfNeeded() {
+ if (texture_)
+ return;
+ texture_ = PrioritizedResource::Create(
+ layer_tree_host()->contents_texture_manager());
+ texture_->SetDimensions(gfx::Size(10, 10), GL_RGBA);
+ bitmap_.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, 10, 10);
+ }
+ scoped_ptr<PrioritizedResource> texture_;
+ SkBitmap bitmap_;
+class EvictionTestLayerImpl : public LayerImpl {
+ public:
+ static scoped_ptr<EvictionTestLayerImpl> Create(LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl,
+ int id) {
+ return make_scoped_ptr(new EvictionTestLayerImpl(tree_impl, id));
+ }
+ virtual ~EvictionTestLayerImpl() {}
+ virtual void AppendQuads(QuadSink* quad_sink,
+ AppendQuadsData* append_quads_data) OVERRIDE {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(has_texture_);
+ ASSERT_NE(0u, layer_tree_impl()->resource_provider()->num_resources());
+ }
+ void SetHasTexture(bool has_texture) { has_texture_ = has_texture; }
+ private:
+ EvictionTestLayerImpl(LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl, int id)
+ : LayerImpl(tree_impl, id), has_texture_(false) {}
+ bool has_texture_;
+void EvictionTestLayer::SetTexturePriorities(const PriorityCalculator&) {
+ CreateTextureIfNeeded();
+ if (!texture_)
+ return;
+ texture_->set_request_priority(PriorityCalculator::UIPriority(true));
+bool EvictionTestLayer::Update(ResourceUpdateQueue* queue,
+ const OcclusionTracker*) {
+ CreateTextureIfNeeded();
+ if (!texture_)
+ return false;
+ gfx::Rect full_rect(0, 0, 10, 10);
+ ResourceUpdate upload = ResourceUpdate::Create(
+ texture_.get(), &bitmap_, full_rect, full_rect, gfx::Vector2d());
+ queue->AppendFullUpload(upload);
+ return true;
+scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> EvictionTestLayer::CreateLayerImpl(
+ LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
+ return EvictionTestLayerImpl::Create(tree_impl, layer_id_)
+ .PassAs<LayerImpl>();
+void EvictionTestLayer::PushPropertiesTo(LayerImpl* layer_impl) {
+ Layer::PushPropertiesTo(layer_impl);
+ EvictionTestLayerImpl* test_layer_impl =
+ static_cast<EvictionTestLayerImpl*>(layer_impl);
+ test_layer_impl->SetHasTexture(texture_->have_backing_texture());
+class LayerTreeHostTestEvictTextures : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestEvictTextures()
+ : layer_(EvictionTestLayer::Create()),
+ impl_for_evict_textures_(0),
+ num_commits_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(layer_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size(10, 20));
+ gfx::Transform identity_matrix;
+ SetLayerPropertiesForTesting(layer_.get(),
+ 0,
+ identity_matrix,
+ gfx::PointF(0.f, 0.f),
+ gfx::PointF(0.f, 0.f),
+ gfx::Size(10, 20),
+ true);
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ void PostEvictTextures() {
+ DCHECK(HasImplThread());
+ ImplThreadTaskRunner()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(&LayerTreeHostTestEvictTextures::EvictTexturesOnImplThread,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ }
+ void EvictTexturesOnImplThread() {
+ DCHECK(impl_for_evict_textures_);
+ impl_for_evict_textures_->EvictTexturesForTesting();
+ }
+ // Commit 1: Just commit and draw normally, then post an eviction at the end
+ // that will trigger a commit.
+ // Commit 2: Triggered by the eviction, let it go through and then set
+ // needsCommit.
+ // Commit 3: Triggered by the setNeedsCommit. In Layout(), post an eviction
+ // task, which will be handled before the commit. Don't set needsCommit, it
+ // should have been posted. A frame should not be drawn (note,
+ // didCommitAndDrawFrame may be called anyway).
+ // Commit 4: Triggered by the eviction, let it go through and then set
+ // needsCommit.
+ // Commit 5: Triggered by the setNeedsCommit, post an eviction task in
+ // Layout(), a frame should not be drawn but a commit will be posted.
+ // Commit 6: Triggered by the eviction, post an eviction task in
+ // Layout(), which will be a noop, letting the commit (which recreates the
+ // textures) go through and draw a frame, then end the test.
+ //
+ // Commits 1+2 test the eviction recovery path where eviction happens outside
+ // of the beginFrame/commit pair.
+ // Commits 3+4 test the eviction recovery path where eviction happens inside
+ // the beginFrame/commit pair.
+ // Commits 5+6 test the path where an eviction happens during the eviction
+ // recovery path.
+ virtual void DidCommit() OVERRIDE {
+ switch (num_commits_) {
+ case 1:
+ EXPECT_TRUE(layer_->HaveBackingTexture());
+ PostEvictTextures();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ EXPECT_TRUE(layer_->HaveBackingTexture());
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsCommit();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ EXPECT_TRUE(layer_->HaveBackingTexture());
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsCommit();
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ EXPECT_TRUE(layer_->HaveBackingTexture());
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ impl_for_evict_textures_ = impl;
+ }
+ virtual void Layout() OVERRIDE {
+ ++num_commits_;
+ switch (num_commits_) {
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ PostEvictTextures();
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // We couldn't check in didCommitAndDrawFrame on commit 3,
+ // so check here.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(layer_->HaveBackingTexture());
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ PostEvictTextures();
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ // We couldn't check in didCommitAndDrawFrame on commit 5,
+ // so check here.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(layer_->HaveBackingTexture());
+ PostEvictTextures();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<EvictionTestLayer> layer_;
+ LayerTreeHostImpl* impl_for_evict_textures_;
+ int num_commits_;
+class LayerTreeHostTestContinuousCommit : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestContinuousCommit()
+ : num_commit_complete_(0), num_draw_layers_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommit() OVERRIDE {
+ if (num_draw_layers_ == 2)
+ return;
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsCommit();
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ if (num_draw_layers_ == 1)
+ num_commit_complete_++;
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ num_draw_layers_++;
+ if (num_draw_layers_ == 2)
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ // Check that we didn't commit twice between first and second draw.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, num_commit_complete_);
+ }
+ private:
+ int num_commit_complete_;
+ int num_draw_layers_;
+class LayerTreeHostTestContinuousInvalidate : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestContinuousInvalidate()
+ : num_commit_complete_(0), num_draw_layers_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ content_layer_ = ContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ content_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ content_layer_->SetPosition(gfx::PointF(0.f, 0.f));
+ content_layer_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF(0.f, 0.f));
+ content_layer_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->AddChild(content_layer_);
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ if (num_draw_layers_ == 2)
+ return;
+ content_layer_->SetNeedsDisplay();
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ if (num_draw_layers_ == 1)
+ num_commit_complete_++;
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ num_draw_layers_++;
+ if (num_draw_layers_ == 2)
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ // Check that we didn't commit twice between first and second draw.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, num_commit_complete_);
+ }
+ private:
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> content_layer_;
+ int num_commit_complete_;
+ int num_draw_layers_;
+class LayerTreeHostTestDeferCommits : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestDeferCommits()
+ : num_commits_deferred_(0), num_complete_commits_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE { PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread(); }
+ virtual void DidDeferCommit() OVERRIDE {
+ num_commits_deferred_++;
+ layer_tree_host()->SetDeferCommits(false);
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommit() OVERRIDE {
+ num_complete_commits_++;
+ switch (num_complete_commits_) {
+ case 1:
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, num_commits_deferred_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetDeferCommits(true);
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, num_commits_deferred_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, num_complete_commits_);
+ }
+ private:
+ int num_commits_deferred_;
+ int num_complete_commits_;
+class LayerTreeHostWithProxy : public LayerTreeHost {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostWithProxy(FakeLayerTreeHostClient* client,
+ const LayerTreeSettings& settings,
+ scoped_ptr<FakeProxy> proxy)
+ : LayerTreeHost(client, settings) {
+ proxy->SetLayerTreeHost(this);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(InitializeForTesting(proxy.PassAs<Proxy>()));
+ }
+TEST(LayerTreeHostTest, LimitPartialUpdates) {
+ // When partial updates are not allowed, max updates should be 0.
+ {
+ FakeLayerTreeHostClient client(FakeLayerTreeHostClient::DIRECT_3D);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeProxy> proxy(new FakeProxy);
+ proxy->GetRendererCapabilities().allow_partial_texture_updates = false;
+ proxy->SetMaxPartialTextureUpdates(5);
+ LayerTreeSettings settings;
+ settings.max_partial_texture_updates = 10;
+ LayerTreeHostWithProxy host(&client, settings, proxy.Pass());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(host.InitializeOutputSurfaceIfNeeded());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, host.settings().max_partial_texture_updates);
+ }
+ // When partial updates are allowed,
+ // max updates should be limited by the proxy.
+ {
+ FakeLayerTreeHostClient client(FakeLayerTreeHostClient::DIRECT_3D);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeProxy> proxy(new FakeProxy);
+ proxy->GetRendererCapabilities().allow_partial_texture_updates = true;
+ proxy->SetMaxPartialTextureUpdates(5);
+ LayerTreeSettings settings;
+ settings.max_partial_texture_updates = 10;
+ LayerTreeHostWithProxy host(&client, settings, proxy.Pass());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(host.InitializeOutputSurfaceIfNeeded());
+ EXPECT_EQ(5u, host.settings().max_partial_texture_updates);
+ }
+ // When partial updates are allowed,
+ // max updates should also be limited by the settings.
+ {
+ FakeLayerTreeHostClient client(FakeLayerTreeHostClient::DIRECT_3D);
+ scoped_ptr<FakeProxy> proxy(new FakeProxy);
+ proxy->GetRendererCapabilities().allow_partial_texture_updates = true;
+ proxy->SetMaxPartialTextureUpdates(20);
+ LayerTreeSettings settings;
+ settings.max_partial_texture_updates = 10;
+ LayerTreeHostWithProxy host(&client, settings, proxy.Pass());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(host.InitializeOutputSurfaceIfNeeded());
+ EXPECT_EQ(10u, host.settings().max_partial_texture_updates);
+ }
+TEST(LayerTreeHostTest, PartialUpdatesWithGLRenderer) {
+ FakeLayerTreeHostClient client(FakeLayerTreeHostClient::DIRECT_3D);
+ LayerTreeSettings settings;
+ settings.max_partial_texture_updates = 4;
+ scoped_ptr<LayerTreeHost> host =
+ LayerTreeHost::Create(&client, settings, NULL);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(host->InitializeOutputSurfaceIfNeeded());
+ EXPECT_EQ(4u, host->settings().max_partial_texture_updates);
+TEST(LayerTreeHostTest, PartialUpdatesWithSoftwareRenderer) {
+ FakeLayerTreeHostClient client(FakeLayerTreeHostClient::DIRECT_SOFTWARE);
+ LayerTreeSettings settings;
+ settings.max_partial_texture_updates = 4;
+ scoped_ptr<LayerTreeHost> host =
+ LayerTreeHost::Create(&client, settings, NULL);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(host->InitializeOutputSurfaceIfNeeded());
+ EXPECT_EQ(4u, host->settings().max_partial_texture_updates);
+TEST(LayerTreeHostTest, PartialUpdatesWithDelegatingRendererAndGLContent) {
+ FakeLayerTreeHostClient client(FakeLayerTreeHostClient::DELEGATED_3D);
+ LayerTreeSettings settings;
+ settings.max_partial_texture_updates = 4;
+ scoped_ptr<LayerTreeHost> host =
+ LayerTreeHost::Create(&client, settings, NULL);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(host->InitializeOutputSurfaceIfNeeded());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, host->settings().max_partial_texture_updates);
+ PartialUpdatesWithDelegatingRendererAndSoftwareContent) {
+ FakeLayerTreeHostClient client(FakeLayerTreeHostClient::DELEGATED_SOFTWARE);
+ LayerTreeSettings settings;
+ settings.max_partial_texture_updates = 4;
+ scoped_ptr<LayerTreeHost> host =
+ LayerTreeHost::Create(&client, settings, NULL);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(host->InitializeOutputSurfaceIfNeeded());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, host->settings().max_partial_texture_updates);
+class LayerTreeHostTestShutdownWithOnlySomeResourcesEvicted
+ : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestShutdownWithOnlySomeResourcesEvicted()
+ : root_layer_(FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_)),
+ child_layer1_(FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_)),
+ child_layer2_(FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_)),
+ num_commits_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ root_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ child_layer1_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ child_layer2_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(100, 100));
+ root_layer_->AddChild(child_layer1_);
+ root_layer_->AddChild(child_layer2_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_layer_);
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidSetVisibleOnImplTree(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl,
+ bool visible) OVERRIDE {
+ // One backing should remain unevicted.
+ EXPECT_EQ(100u * 100u * 4u * 1u,
+ layer_tree_host()->contents_texture_manager()->MemoryUseBytes());
+ // Make sure that contents textures are marked as having been
+ // purged.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(host_impl->active_tree()->ContentsTexturesPurged());
+ // End the test in this state.
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void DidActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ ++num_commits_;
+ switch (num_commits_) {
+ case 1:
+ // All three backings should have memory.
+ 100u * 100u * 4u * 3u,
+ layer_tree_host()->contents_texture_manager()->MemoryUseBytes());
+ // Set a new policy that will kick out 1 of the 3 resources.
+ // Because a resource was evicted, a commit will be kicked off.
+ host_impl->SetMemoryPolicy(
+ ManagedMemoryPolicy(100 * 100 * 4 * 2,
+ 100 * 100 * 4 * 1,
+ 1000));
+ host_impl->SetDiscardBackBufferWhenNotVisible(true);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // Only two backings should have memory.
+ 100u * 100u * 4u * 2u,
+ layer_tree_host()->contents_texture_manager()->MemoryUseBytes());
+ // Become backgrounded, which will cause 1 more resource to be
+ // evicted.
+ PostSetVisibleToMainThread(false);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // No further commits should happen because this is not visible
+ // anymore.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> root_layer_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> child_layer1_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> child_layer2_;
+ int num_commits_;
+ LayerTreeHostTestShutdownWithOnlySomeResourcesEvicted);
+class LayerTreeHostTestLCDNotification : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ class NotificationClient : public ContentLayerClient {
+ public:
+ NotificationClient()
+ : layer_(0), paint_count_(0), lcd_notification_count_(0) {}
+ void set_layer(Layer* layer) { layer_ = layer; }
+ int paint_count() const { return paint_count_; }
+ int lcd_notification_count() const { return lcd_notification_count_; }
+ virtual void PaintContents(SkCanvas* canvas,
+ gfx::Rect clip,
+ gfx::RectF* opaque) OVERRIDE {
+ ++paint_count_;
+ }
+ virtual void DidChangeLayerCanUseLCDText() OVERRIDE {
+ ++lcd_notification_count_;
+ layer_->SetNeedsDisplay();
+ }
+ private:
+ Layer* layer_;
+ int paint_count_;
+ int lcd_notification_count_;
+ };
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> root_layer = ContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ root_layer->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ root_layer->SetBounds(gfx::Size(1, 1));
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_layer);
+ client_.set_layer(root_layer.get());
+ // The expecations are based on the assumption that the default
+ // LCD settings are:
+ EXPECT_TRUE(layer_tree_host()->settings().can_use_lcd_text);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_layer->can_use_lcd_text());
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE { PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread(); }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void DidCommit() OVERRIDE {
+ switch (layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number()) {
+ case 1:
+ // The first update consists one LCD notification and one paint.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, client_.lcd_notification_count());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, client_.paint_count());
+ // LCD text must have been enabled on the layer.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->can_use_lcd_text());
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // Since nothing changed on layer, there should be no notification
+ // or paint on the second update.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, client_.lcd_notification_count());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, client_.paint_count());
+ // LCD text must not have changed.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->can_use_lcd_text());
+ // Change layer opacity that should trigger lcd notification.
+ layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->SetOpacity(.5f);
+ // No need to request a commit - setting opacity will do it.
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Verify that there is not extra commit due to layer invalidation.
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number());
+ // LCD notification count should have incremented due to
+ // change in layer opacity.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, client_.lcd_notification_count());
+ // Paint count should be incremented due to invalidation.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, client_.paint_count());
+ // LCD text must have been disabled on the layer due to opacity.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->can_use_lcd_text());
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ NotificationClient client_;
+// Verify that the BeginFrame notification is used to initiate rendering.
+class LayerTreeHostTestBeginFrameNotification : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ virtual void InitializeSettings(LayerTreeSettings* settings) OVERRIDE {
+ settings->begin_frame_scheduling_enabled = true;
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ // This will trigger a SetNeedsBeginFrame which will trigger a BeginFrame.
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual bool PrepareToDrawOnThread(
+ LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl,
+ LayerTreeHostImpl::FrameData* frame,
+ bool result) OVERRIDE {
+ EndTest();
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ base::TimeTicks frame_time_;
+class LayerTreeHostTestBeginFrameNotificationShutdownWhileEnabled
+ : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ virtual void InitializeSettings(LayerTreeSettings* settings) OVERRIDE {
+ settings->begin_frame_scheduling_enabled = true;
+ settings->using_synchronous_renderer_compositor = true;
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE { PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread(); }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ // The BeginFrame notification is turned off now but will get enabled
+ // once we return. End test while it's enabled.
+ ImplThreadTaskRunner()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(&LayerTreeHostTestBeginFrameNotification::EndTest,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ LayerTreeHostTestBeginFrameNotificationShutdownWhileEnabled);
+class LayerTreeHostTestUninvertibleTransformDoesNotBlockActivation
+ : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ protected:
+ virtual void InitializeSettings(LayerTreeSettings* settings) OVERRIDE {
+ settings->impl_side_painting = true;
+ }
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> layer = PictureLayer::Create(&client_);
+ layer->SetTransform(gfx::Transform(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
+ layer->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->AddChild(layer);
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ }
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ LayerTreeHostTestUninvertibleTransformDoesNotBlockActivation);
+class LayerTreeHostTestChangeLayerPropertiesInPaintContents
+ : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ class SetBoundsClient : public ContentLayerClient {
+ public:
+ SetBoundsClient() : layer_(0) {}
+ void set_layer(Layer* layer) { layer_ = layer; }
+ virtual void PaintContents(SkCanvas* canvas,
+ gfx::Rect clip,
+ gfx::RectF* opaque) OVERRIDE {
+ layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(2, 2));
+ }
+ virtual void DidChangeLayerCanUseLCDText() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ Layer* layer_;
+ };
+ LayerTreeHostTestChangeLayerPropertiesInPaintContents() : num_commits_(0) {}
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> root_layer = ContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ root_layer->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ root_layer->SetBounds(gfx::Size(1, 1));
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_layer);
+ client_.set_layer(root_layer.get());
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE { PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread(); }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ num_commits_++;
+ if (num_commits_ == 1) {
+ LayerImpl* root_layer = host_impl->active_tree()->root_layer();
+ EXPECT_SIZE_EQ(gfx::Size(1, 1), root_layer->bounds());
+ } else {
+ LayerImpl* root_layer = host_impl->active_tree()->root_layer();
+ EXPECT_SIZE_EQ(gfx::Size(2, 2), root_layer->bounds());
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ SetBoundsClient client_;
+ int num_commits_;
+class MockIOSurfaceWebGraphicsContext3D : public FakeWebGraphicsContext3D {
+ public:
+ MockIOSurfaceWebGraphicsContext3D()
+ : FakeWebGraphicsContext3D() {}
+ virtual WebKit::WebGLId createTexture() OVERRIDE {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ virtual WebKit::WebString getString(WebKit::WGC3Denum name) OVERRIDE {
+ if (name == GL_EXTENSIONS) {
+ return WebKit::WebString(
+ "GL_CHROMIUM_iosurface GL_ARB_texture_rectangle");
+ }
+ return WebKit::WebString();
+ }
+ MOCK_METHOD1(activeTexture, void(WebKit::WGC3Denum texture));
+ MOCK_METHOD2(bindTexture, void(WebKit::WGC3Denum target,
+ WebKit::WebGLId texture_id));
+ MOCK_METHOD3(texParameteri, void(WebKit::WGC3Denum target,
+ WebKit::WGC3Denum pname,
+ WebKit::WGC3Dint param));
+ MOCK_METHOD5(texImageIOSurface2DCHROMIUM, void(WebKit::WGC3Denum target,
+ WebKit::WGC3Dint width,
+ WebKit::WGC3Dint height,
+ WebKit::WGC3Duint ioSurfaceId,
+ WebKit::WGC3Duint plane));
+ MOCK_METHOD4(drawElements, void(WebKit::WGC3Denum mode,
+ WebKit::WGC3Dsizei count,
+ WebKit::WGC3Denum type,
+ WebKit::WGC3Dintptr offset));
+class LayerTreeHostTestIOSurfaceDrawing : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ protected:
+ virtual scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> CreateOutputSurface(bool fallback)
+ scoped_ptr<MockIOSurfaceWebGraphicsContext3D> context(
+ new MockIOSurfaceWebGraphicsContext3D);
+ mock_context_ = context.get();
+ scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface = FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(
+ context.PassAs<WebKit::WebGraphicsContext3D>()).PassAs<OutputSurface>();
+ return output_surface.Pass();
+ }
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->SetIsDrawable(false);
+ io_surface_id_ = 9;
+ io_surface_size_ = gfx::Size(6, 7);
+ scoped_refptr<IOSurfaceLayer> io_surface_layer = IOSurfaceLayer::Create();
+ io_surface_layer->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ io_surface_layer->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ io_surface_layer->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ io_surface_layer->SetIOSurfaceProperties(io_surface_id_, io_surface_size_);
+ layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->AddChild(io_surface_layer);
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ // In WillDraw, the IOSurfaceLayer sets up the io surface texture.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_context_, activeTexture(_))
+ .Times(0);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_context_, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, 1))
+ .Times(AtLeast(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_context_, texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB,
+ .Times(1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_context_, texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB,
+ .Times(1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_context_, texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB,
+ .Times(1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_context_, texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB,
+ .Times(1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_context_, texImageIOSurface2DCHROMIUM(
+ io_surface_size_.width(),
+ io_surface_size_.height(),
+ io_surface_id_,
+ 0))
+ .Times(1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_context_, bindTexture(_, 0))
+ .Times(AnyNumber());
+ }
+ virtual bool PrepareToDrawOnThread(
+ LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl,
+ LayerTreeHostImpl::FrameData* frame,
+ bool result) OVERRIDE {
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_context_);
+ // The io surface layer's texture is drawn.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_context_, activeTexture(GL_TEXTURE0))
+ .Times(AtLeast(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_context_, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, 1))
+ .Times(1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_context_, drawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 6, _, _))
+ .Times(AtLeast(1));
+ return result;
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_context_);
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ int io_surface_id_;
+ MockIOSurfaceWebGraphicsContext3D* mock_context_;
+ gfx::Size io_surface_size_;
+// TODO(danakj): IOSurface layer can not be transported.
+ LayerTreeHostTestIOSurfaceDrawing);
+class LayerTreeHostTestAsyncReadback : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ protected:
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ root = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ root->SetBounds(gfx::Size(20, 20));
+ child = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ child->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ root->AddChild(child);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root);
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ WaitForCallback();
+ }
+ void WaitForCallback() {
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(
+ &LayerTreeHostTestAsyncReadback::NextStep,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ }
+ void NextStep() {
+ int frame = layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number();
+ switch (frame) {
+ case 1:
+ child->RequestCopyOfOutput(CopyOutputRequest::CreateBitmapRequest(
+ base::Bind(&LayerTreeHostTestAsyncReadback::CopyOutputCallback,
+ base::Unretained(this))));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, callbacks_.size());
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (callbacks_.size() < 1u) {
+ WaitForCallback();
+ return;
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, callbacks_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Size(10, 10).ToString(), callbacks_[0].ToString());
+ child->RequestCopyOfOutput(CopyOutputRequest::CreateBitmapRequest(
+ base::Bind(&LayerTreeHostTestAsyncReadback::CopyOutputCallback,
+ base::Unretained(this))));
+ root->RequestCopyOfOutput(CopyOutputRequest::CreateBitmapRequest(
+ base::Bind(&LayerTreeHostTestAsyncReadback::CopyOutputCallback,
+ base::Unretained(this))));
+ child->RequestCopyOfOutput(CopyOutputRequest::CreateBitmapRequest(
+ base::Bind(&LayerTreeHostTestAsyncReadback::CopyOutputCallback,
+ base::Unretained(this))));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, callbacks_.size());
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (callbacks_.size() < 4u) {
+ WaitForCallback();
+ return;
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(4u, callbacks_.size());
+ // The child was copied to a bitmap and passed back twice.
+ EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Size(10, 10).ToString(), callbacks_[1].ToString());
+ EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Size(10, 10).ToString(), callbacks_[2].ToString());
+ // The root was copied to a bitmap and passed back also.
+ EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Size(20, 20).ToString(), callbacks_[3].ToString());
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ void CopyOutputCallback(scoped_ptr<CopyOutputResult> result) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(layer_tree_host()->proxy()->IsMainThread());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(result->HasBitmap());
+ scoped_ptr<SkBitmap> bitmap = result->TakeBitmap().Pass();
+ EXPECT_EQ(result->size().ToString(),
+ gfx::Size(bitmap->width(), bitmap->height()).ToString());
+ callbacks_.push_back(result->size());
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_EQ(4u, callbacks_.size());
+ }
+ virtual scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> CreateOutputSurface(bool fallback)
+ if (use_gl_renderer_)
+ return FakeOutputSurface::Create3d().PassAs<OutputSurface>();
+ return FakeOutputSurface::CreateSoftware(
+ make_scoped_ptr(new SoftwareOutputDevice)).PassAs<OutputSurface>();
+ }
+ bool use_gl_renderer_;
+ std::vector<gfx::Size> callbacks_;
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> root;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> child;
+// Readback can't be done with a delegating renderer.
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostTestAsyncReadback, GLRenderer_RunSingleThread) {
+ use_gl_renderer_ = true;
+ RunTest(false, false, false);
+ GLRenderer_RunMultiThread_MainThreadPainting) {
+ use_gl_renderer_ = true;
+ RunTest(true, false, false);
+ GLRenderer_RunMultiThread_ImplSidePainting) {
+ use_gl_renderer_ = true;
+ RunTest(true, false, true);
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostTestAsyncReadback, SoftwareRenderer_RunSingleThread) {
+ use_gl_renderer_ = false;
+ RunTest(false, false, false);
+ SoftwareRenderer_RunMultiThread_MainThreadPainting) {
+ use_gl_renderer_ = false;
+ RunTest(true, false, false);
+ SoftwareRenderer_RunMultiThread_ImplSidePainting) {
+ use_gl_renderer_ = false;
+ RunTest(true, false, true);
+class LayerTreeHostTestAsyncReadbackLayerDestroyed : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ protected:
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ root_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ root_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(20, 20));
+ main_destroyed_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ main_destroyed_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(15, 15));
+ root_->AddChild(main_destroyed_);
+ impl_destroyed_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ impl_destroyed_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ root_->AddChild(impl_destroyed_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ callback_count_ = 0;
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommit() OVERRIDE {
+ int frame = layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number();
+ switch (frame) {
+ case 1:
+ main_destroyed_->RequestCopyOfOutput(
+ CopyOutputRequest::CreateBitmapRequest(base::Bind(
+ &LayerTreeHostTestAsyncReadbackLayerDestroyed::
+ CopyOutputCallback,
+ base::Unretained(this))));
+ impl_destroyed_->RequestCopyOfOutput(
+ CopyOutputRequest::CreateBitmapRequest(base::Bind(
+ &LayerTreeHostTestAsyncReadbackLayerDestroyed::
+ CopyOutputCallback,
+ base::Unretained(this))));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, callback_count_);
+ // Destroy the main thread layer right away.
+ main_destroyed_->RemoveFromParent();
+ main_destroyed_ = NULL;
+ // Should callback with a NULL bitmap.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, callback_count_);
+ // Prevent drawing so we can't make a copy of the impl_destroyed layer.
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size());
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // Flush the message loops and make sure the callbacks run.
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsCommit();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // No drawing means no readback yet.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, callback_count_);
+ // Destroy the impl thread layer.
+ impl_destroyed_->RemoveFromParent();
+ impl_destroyed_ = NULL;
+ // No callback yet because it's on the impl side.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, callback_count_);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // Flush the message loops and make sure the callbacks run.
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsCommit();
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ // We should get another callback with a NULL bitmap.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, callback_count_);
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ void CopyOutputCallback(scoped_ptr<CopyOutputResult> result) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(layer_tree_host()->proxy()->IsMainThread());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(result->IsEmpty());
+ ++callback_count_;
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ int callback_count_;
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> root_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> main_destroyed_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> impl_destroyed_;
+class LayerTreeHostTestAsyncReadbackInHiddenSubtree : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ protected:
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ root_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ root_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(20, 20));
+ grand_parent_layer_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ grand_parent_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(15, 15));
+ root_->AddChild(grand_parent_layer_);
+ // parent_layer_ owns a render surface.
+ parent_layer_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ parent_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(15, 15));
+ parent_layer_->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ grand_parent_layer_->AddChild(parent_layer_);
+ copy_layer_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ copy_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ parent_layer_->AddChild(copy_layer_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ void AddCopyRequest(Layer* layer) {
+ layer->RequestCopyOfOutput(
+ CopyOutputRequest::CreateBitmapRequest(base::Bind(
+ &LayerTreeHostTestAsyncReadbackInHiddenSubtree::CopyOutputCallback,
+ base::Unretained(this))));
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ callback_count_ = 0;
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ AddCopyRequest(copy_layer_.get());
+ }
+ void CopyOutputCallback(scoped_ptr<CopyOutputResult> result) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(layer_tree_host()->proxy()->IsMainThread());
+ EXPECT_EQ(copy_layer_->bounds().ToString(), result->size().ToString());
+ ++callback_count_;
+ switch (callback_count_) {
+ case 1:
+ // Hide the copy request layer.
+ grand_parent_layer_->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(false);
+ parent_layer_->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(false);
+ copy_layer_->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(true);
+ AddCopyRequest(copy_layer_.get());
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // Hide the copy request layer's parent only.
+ grand_parent_layer_->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(false);
+ parent_layer_->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(true);
+ copy_layer_->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(false);
+ AddCopyRequest(copy_layer_.get());
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // Hide the copy request layer's grand parent only.
+ grand_parent_layer_->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(true);
+ parent_layer_->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(false);
+ copy_layer_->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(false);
+ AddCopyRequest(copy_layer_.get());
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // Hide the copy request layer's parent and grandparent.
+ grand_parent_layer_->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(true);
+ parent_layer_->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(true);
+ copy_layer_->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(false);
+ AddCopyRequest(copy_layer_.get());
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ // Hide the copy request layer as well as its parent and grandparent.
+ grand_parent_layer_->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(true);
+ parent_layer_->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(true);
+ copy_layer_->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(true);
+ AddCopyRequest(copy_layer_.get());
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ int callback_count_;
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> root_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> grand_parent_layer_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> parent_layer_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> copy_layer_;
+// No output to copy for delegated renderers.
+ LayerTreeHostTestAsyncReadbackInHiddenSubtree);
+class LayerTreeHostTestHiddenSurfaceNotAllocatedForSubtreeCopyRequest
+ : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ protected:
+ virtual void InitializeSettings(LayerTreeSettings* settings) OVERRIDE {
+ settings->cache_render_pass_contents = true;
+ }
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ root_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ root_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(20, 20));
+ grand_parent_layer_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ grand_parent_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(15, 15));
+ grand_parent_layer_->SetHideLayerAndSubtree(true);
+ root_->AddChild(grand_parent_layer_);
+ // parent_layer_ owns a render surface.
+ parent_layer_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ parent_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(15, 15));
+ parent_layer_->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ grand_parent_layer_->AddChild(parent_layer_);
+ copy_layer_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ copy_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ parent_layer_->AddChild(copy_layer_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ did_draw_ = false;
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ copy_layer_->RequestCopyOfOutput(
+ CopyOutputRequest::CreateBitmapRequest(base::Bind(
+ &LayerTreeHostTestHiddenSurfaceNotAllocatedForSubtreeCopyRequest::
+ CopyOutputCallback,
+ base::Unretained(this))));
+ }
+ void CopyOutputCallback(scoped_ptr<CopyOutputResult> result) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(layer_tree_host()->proxy()->IsMainThread());
+ EXPECT_EQ(copy_layer_->bounds().ToString(), result->size().ToString());
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ Renderer* renderer = host_impl->renderer();
+ LayerImpl* root = host_impl->active_tree()->root_layer();
+ LayerImpl* grand_parent = root->children()[0];
+ LayerImpl* parent = grand_parent->children()[0];
+ LayerImpl* copy_layer = parent->children()[0];
+ // |parent| owns a surface, but it was hidden and not part of the copy
+ // request so it should not allocate any resource.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(renderer->HaveCachedResourcesForRenderPassId(
+ parent->render_surface()->RenderPassId()));
+ // |copy_layer| should have been rendered to a texture since it was needed
+ // for a copy request.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(renderer->HaveCachedResourcesForRenderPassId(
+ copy_layer->render_surface()->RenderPassId()));
+ did_draw_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE { EXPECT_TRUE(did_draw_); }
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ bool did_draw_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> root_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> grand_parent_layer_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> parent_layer_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> copy_layer_;
+// No output to copy for delegated renderers.
+ LayerTreeHostTestHiddenSurfaceNotAllocatedForSubtreeCopyRequest);
+class LayerTreeHostTestAsyncReadbackClippedOut : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ protected:
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ root_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ root_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(20, 20));
+ parent_layer_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ parent_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(15, 15));
+ parent_layer_->SetMasksToBounds(true);
+ root_->AddChild(parent_layer_);
+ copy_layer_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ copy_layer_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(15, 15));
+ copy_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ parent_layer_->AddChild(copy_layer_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ copy_layer_->RequestCopyOfOutput(
+ CopyOutputRequest::CreateBitmapRequest(base::Bind(
+ &LayerTreeHostTestAsyncReadbackClippedOut::CopyOutputCallback,
+ base::Unretained(this))));
+ }
+ void CopyOutputCallback(scoped_ptr<CopyOutputResult> result) {
+ // We should still get a callback with no output if the copy requested layer
+ // was completely clipped away.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(layer_tree_host()->proxy()->IsMainThread());
+ EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Size().ToString(), result->size().ToString());
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> root_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> parent_layer_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> copy_layer_;
+// No output to copy for delegated renderers.
+ LayerTreeHostTestAsyncReadbackClippedOut);
+class LayerTreeHostTestAsyncTwoReadbacksWithoutDraw : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ protected:
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ root_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ root_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(20, 20));
+ copy_layer_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ copy_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ root_->AddChild(copy_layer_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ void AddCopyRequest(Layer* layer) {
+ layer->RequestCopyOfOutput(
+ CopyOutputRequest::CreateBitmapRequest(base::Bind(
+ &LayerTreeHostTestAsyncTwoReadbacksWithoutDraw::CopyOutputCallback,
+ base::Unretained(this))));
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ saw_copy_request_ = false;
+ callback_count_ = 0;
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ // Prevent drawing.
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size(0, 0));
+ AddCopyRequest(copy_layer_.get());
+ }
+ virtual void DidActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ if (impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number() == 0) {
+ LayerImpl* root = impl->active_tree()->root_layer();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root->children()[0]->HasCopyRequest());
+ saw_copy_request_ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommit() OVERRIDE {
+ if (layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number() == 1) {
+ // Allow drawing.
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size(root_->bounds()));
+ AddCopyRequest(copy_layer_.get());
+ }
+ }
+ void CopyOutputCallback(scoped_ptr<CopyOutputResult> result) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(layer_tree_host()->proxy()->IsMainThread());
+ EXPECT_EQ(copy_layer_->bounds().ToString(), result->size().ToString());
+ ++callback_count_;
+ if (callback_count_ == 2)
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE { EXPECT_TRUE(saw_copy_request_); }
+ bool saw_copy_request_;
+ int callback_count_;
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> root_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> copy_layer_;
+// No output to copy for delegated renderers.
+ LayerTreeHostTestAsyncTwoReadbacksWithoutDraw);
+class LayerTreeHostTestNumFramesPending : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ frame_ = 0;
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ // Round 1: commit + draw
+ // Round 2: commit only (no draw/swap)
+ // Round 3: draw only (no commit)
+ // Round 4: composite & readback (2 commits, no draw/swap)
+ // Round 5: commit + draw
+ virtual void DidCommit() OVERRIDE {
+ int commit = layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number();
+ switch (commit) {
+ case 2:
+ // Round 2 done.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, frame_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsRedraw();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // CompositeAndReadback in Round 4, first commit.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, frame_);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // Round 4 done.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, frame_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsCommit();
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsRedraw();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void DidCompleteSwapBuffers() OVERRIDE {
+ int commit = layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number();
+ ++frame_;
+ char pixels[4] = {0};
+ switch (frame_) {
+ case 1:
+ // Round 1 done.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, commit);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsCommit();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // Round 3 done.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, commit);
+ layer_tree_host()->CompositeAndReadback(pixels, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1, 1));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // Round 5 done.
+ EXPECT_EQ(5, commit);
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ protected:
+ int frame_;
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostTestNumFramesPending, DelegatingRenderer) {
+ RunTest(true, true, true);
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostTestNumFramesPending, GLRenderer) {
+ RunTest(true, false, true);
+class LayerTreeHostTestDeferredInitialize : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ virtual void InitializeSettings(LayerTreeSettings* settings) OVERRIDE {
+ // PictureLayer can only be used with impl side painting enabled.
+ settings->impl_side_painting = true;
+ settings->solid_color_scrollbars = true;
+ }
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ layer_ = FakePictureLayer::Create(&client_);
+ // Force commits to not be aborted so new frames get drawn, otherwise
+ // the renderer gets deferred initialized but nothing new needs drawing.
+ layer_->set_always_update_resources(true);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(layer_);
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ did_initialize_gl_ = false;
+ did_release_gl_ = false;
+ last_source_frame_number_drawn_ = -1; // Never drawn.
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> CreateOutputSurface(bool fallback)
+ scoped_ptr<TestWebGraphicsContext3D> context3d(
+ TestWebGraphicsContext3D::Create());
+ context3d->set_support_swapbuffers_complete_callback(false);
+ return FakeOutputSurface::CreateDeferredGL(
+ scoped_ptr<SoftwareOutputDevice>(new SoftwareOutputDevice))
+ .PassAs<OutputSurface>();
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(host_impl->RootLayer());
+ FakePictureLayerImpl* layer_impl =
+ static_cast<FakePictureLayerImpl*>(host_impl->RootLayer());
+ // The same frame can be draw multiple times if new visible tiles are
+ // rasterized. But we want to make sure we only post DeferredInitialize
+ // and ReleaseGL once, so early out if the same frame is drawn again.
+ if (last_source_frame_number_drawn_ ==
+ host_impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number())
+ return;
+ last_source_frame_number_drawn_ =
+ host_impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number();
+ if (!did_initialize_gl_) {
+ EXPECT_LE(1u, layer_impl->append_quads_count());
+ ImplThreadTaskRunner()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(
+ &LayerTreeHostTestDeferredInitialize::DeferredInitializeAndRedraw,
+ base::Unretained(this),
+ base::Unretained(host_impl)));
+ } else if (did_initialize_gl_ && !did_release_gl_) {
+ EXPECT_LE(2u, layer_impl->append_quads_count());
+ ImplThreadTaskRunner()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(
+ &LayerTreeHostTestDeferredInitialize::ReleaseGLAndRedraw,
+ base::Unretained(this),
+ base::Unretained(host_impl)));
+ } else if (did_initialize_gl_ && did_release_gl_) {
+ EXPECT_LE(3u, layer_impl->append_quads_count());
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ }
+ void DeferredInitializeAndRedraw(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(did_initialize_gl_);
+ // SetAndInitializeContext3D calls SetNeedsCommit.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(static_cast<FakeOutputSurface*>(host_impl->output_surface())
+ ->SetAndInitializeContext3D(
+ scoped_ptr<WebKit::WebGraphicsContext3D>(
+ TestWebGraphicsContext3D::Create())));
+ did_initialize_gl_ = true;
+ }
+ void ReleaseGLAndRedraw(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(did_initialize_gl_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(did_release_gl_);
+ // ReleaseGL calls SetNeedsCommit.
+ static_cast<FakeOutputSurface*>(host_impl->output_surface())->ReleaseGL();
+ did_release_gl_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(did_initialize_gl_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(did_release_gl_);
+ }
+ private:
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakePictureLayer> layer_;
+ bool did_initialize_gl_;
+ bool did_release_gl_;
+ int last_source_frame_number_drawn_;
+// Test for UI Resource management.
+class LayerTreeHostTestUIResource : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestUIResource() : num_ui_resources_(0), num_commits_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE { PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread(); }
+ virtual void DidCommit() OVERRIDE {
+ int frame = num_commits_;
+ switch (frame) {
+ case 1:
+ CreateResource();
+ CreateResource();
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // Usually ScopedUIResource are deleted from the manager in their
+ // destructor. Here we just want to test that a direct call to
+ // DeleteUIResource works.
+ layer_tree_host()->DeleteUIResource(ui_resources_[0]->id());
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // DeleteUIResource can be called with an invalid id.
+ layer_tree_host()->DeleteUIResource(ui_resources_[0]->id());
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ CreateResource();
+ CreateResource();
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ ClearResources();
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ void PerformTest(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) {
+ TestWebGraphicsContext3D* context = static_cast<TestWebGraphicsContext3D*>(
+ impl->output_surface()->context3d());
+ int frame = num_commits_;
+ switch (frame) {
+ case 1:
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, context->NumTextures());
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // Created two textures.
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, context->NumTextures());
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // One texture left after one deletion.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, context->NumTextures());
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // Resource manager state should not change when delete is called on an
+ // invalid id.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, context->NumTextures());
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ // Creation after deletion: two more creates should total up to
+ // three textures.
+ ASSERT_EQ(3u, context->NumTextures());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ ++num_commits_;
+ if (!layer_tree_host()->settings().impl_side_painting)
+ PerformTest(impl);
+ }
+ virtual void DidActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ if (layer_tree_host()->settings().impl_side_painting)
+ PerformTest(impl);
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ // Must clear all resources before exiting.
+ void ClearResources() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_ui_resources_; i++)
+ ui_resources_[i].reset();
+ }
+ void CreateResource() {
+ ui_resources_[num_ui_resources_++] =
+ FakeScopedUIResource::Create(layer_tree_host());
+ }
+ scoped_ptr<FakeScopedUIResource> ui_resources_[5];
+ int num_ui_resources_;
+ int num_commits_;
+class PushPropertiesCountingLayer : public Layer {
+ public:
+ static scoped_refptr<PushPropertiesCountingLayer> Create() {
+ return new PushPropertiesCountingLayer();
+ }
+ virtual void PushPropertiesTo(LayerImpl* layer) OVERRIDE {
+ Layer::PushPropertiesTo(layer);
+ push_properties_count_++;
+ if (persist_needs_push_properties_)
+ needs_push_properties_ = true;
+ }
+ size_t push_properties_count() const { return push_properties_count_; }
+ void reset_push_properties_count() { push_properties_count_ = 0; }
+ void set_persist_needs_push_properties(bool persist) {
+ persist_needs_push_properties_ = persist;
+ }
+ private:
+ PushPropertiesCountingLayer()
+ : push_properties_count_(0),
+ persist_needs_push_properties_(false) {
+ SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ SetBounds(gfx::Size(1, 1));
+ SetIsDrawable(true);
+ }
+ virtual ~PushPropertiesCountingLayer() {}
+ size_t push_properties_count_;
+ bool persist_needs_push_properties_;
+class LayerTreeHostTestLayersPushProperties : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ protected:
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ num_commits_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_root_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_child_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_grandchild_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_child2_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_other_root_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_leaf_layer_ = 0;
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ root_ = PushPropertiesCountingLayer::Create();
+ child_ = PushPropertiesCountingLayer::Create();
+ child2_ = PushPropertiesCountingLayer::Create();
+ grandchild_ = PushPropertiesCountingLayer::Create();
+ if (layer_tree_host()->settings().impl_side_painting)
+ leaf_picture_layer_ = FakePictureLayer::Create(&client_);
+ else
+ leaf_content_layer_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ root_->AddChild(child_);
+ root_->AddChild(child2_);
+ child_->AddChild(grandchild_);
+ if (leaf_picture_layer_)
+ child2_->AddChild(leaf_picture_layer_);
+ if (leaf_content_layer_)
+ child2_->AddChild(leaf_content_layer_);
+ other_root_ = PushPropertiesCountingLayer::Create();
+ // Don't set the root layer here.
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ ++num_commits_;
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_push_properties_root_, root_->push_properties_count());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_push_properties_child_, child_->push_properties_count());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_push_properties_grandchild_,
+ grandchild_->push_properties_count());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_push_properties_child2_,
+ child2_->push_properties_count());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_push_properties_other_root_,
+ other_root_->push_properties_count());
+ if (leaf_content_layer_) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_push_properties_leaf_layer_,
+ leaf_content_layer_->push_properties_count());
+ }
+ if (leaf_picture_layer_) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_push_properties_leaf_layer_,
+ leaf_picture_layer_->push_properties_count());
+ }
+ // The content/picture layer always needs to be pushed.
+ if (root_->layer_tree_host()) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ }
+ if (child2_->layer_tree_host()) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child2_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child2_->needs_push_properties());
+ }
+ if (leaf_content_layer_.get() && leaf_content_layer_->layer_tree_host()) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(leaf_content_layer_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(leaf_content_layer_->needs_push_properties());
+ }
+ if (leaf_picture_layer_.get() && leaf_picture_layer_->layer_tree_host()) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(leaf_picture_layer_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(leaf_picture_layer_->needs_push_properties());
+ }
+ // child_ and grandchild_ don't persist their need to push properties.
+ if (child_->layer_tree_host()) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ }
+ if (grandchild_->layer_tree_host()) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild_->needs_push_properties());
+ }
+ if (other_root_->layer_tree_host()) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(other_root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(other_root_->needs_push_properties());
+ }
+ switch (num_commits_) {
+ case 1:
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ // Layers added to the tree get committed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_root_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_child_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_child2_;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsCommit();
+ // No layers need commit.
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(other_root_);
+ // Layers added to the tree get committed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_other_root_;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ // Layers added to the tree get committed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_root_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_child_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_child2_;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsCommit();
+ // No layers need commit.
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ child_->RemoveFromParent();
+ // No layers need commit.
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ root_->AddChild(child_);
+ // Layers added to the tree get committed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_child_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ grandchild_->RemoveFromParent();
+ // No layers need commit.
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ child_->AddChild(grandchild_);
+ // Layers added to the tree get committed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size(20, 20));
+ // No layers need commit.
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ layer_tree_host()->SetPageScaleFactorAndLimits(1.f, 0.8f, 1.1f);
+ // No layers need commit.
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ child_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(1, 1));
+ // The modified layer needs commit
+ ++expected_push_properties_child_;
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ child2_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(1, 1));
+ // The modified layer needs commit
+ ++expected_push_properties_child2_;
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ child_->RemoveFromParent();
+ root_->AddChild(child_);
+ // Layers added to the tree get committed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_child_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_;
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ grandchild_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(1, 1));
+ // The modified layer needs commit
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_;
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ // SetNeedsDisplay does not always set needs commit (so call it
+ // explicitly), but is a property change.
+ child_->SetNeedsDisplay();
+ ++expected_push_properties_child_;
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsCommit();
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ // Content/Picture layers require PushProperties every commit that they are
+ // in the tree.
+ if ((leaf_content_layer_.get() && leaf_content_layer_->layer_tree_host()) ||
+ (leaf_picture_layer_.get() && leaf_picture_layer_->layer_tree_host()))
+ ++expected_push_properties_leaf_layer_;
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ int num_commits_;
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<PushPropertiesCountingLayer> root_;
+ scoped_refptr<PushPropertiesCountingLayer> child_;
+ scoped_refptr<PushPropertiesCountingLayer> child2_;
+ scoped_refptr<PushPropertiesCountingLayer> grandchild_;
+ scoped_refptr<PushPropertiesCountingLayer> other_root_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> leaf_content_layer_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakePictureLayer> leaf_picture_layer_;
+ size_t expected_push_properties_root_;
+ size_t expected_push_properties_child_;
+ size_t expected_push_properties_child2_;
+ size_t expected_push_properties_grandchild_;
+ size_t expected_push_properties_other_root_;
+ size_t expected_push_properties_leaf_layer_;
+class LayerTreeHostTestPropertyChangesDuringUpdateArePushed
+ : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ protected:
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ root_ = Layer::Create();
+ root_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(1, 1));
+ bool paint_scrollbar = true;
+ bool has_thumb = false;
+ scrollbar_layer_ =
+ FakeScrollbarLayer::Create(paint_scrollbar, has_thumb, root_->id());
+ root_->AddChild(scrollbar_layer_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ switch (layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number()) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1: {
+ // During update, the ignore_set_needs_commit_ bit is set to true to
+ // avoid causing a second commit to be scheduled. If a property change
+ // is made during this, however, it needs to be pushed in the upcoming
+ // commit.
+ scoped_ptr<base::AutoReset<bool> > ignore =
+ scrollbar_layer_->IgnoreSetNeedsCommit();
+ scrollbar_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(30, 30));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(scrollbar_layer_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsCommit();
+ scrollbar_layer_->reset_push_properties_count();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, scrollbar_layer_->push_properties_count());
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, scrollbar_layer_->push_properties_count());
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeScrollbarLayer> scrollbar_layer_;
+class LayerTreeHostTestCasePushPropertiesThreeGrandChildren
+ : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ protected:
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ expected_push_properties_root_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_child_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_grandchild1_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_grandchild2_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_grandchild3_ = 0;
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ root_ = PushPropertiesCountingLayer::Create();
+ child_ = PushPropertiesCountingLayer::Create();
+ grandchild1_ = PushPropertiesCountingLayer::Create();
+ grandchild2_ = PushPropertiesCountingLayer::Create();
+ grandchild3_ = PushPropertiesCountingLayer::Create();
+ root_->AddChild(child_);
+ child_->AddChild(grandchild1_);
+ child_->AddChild(grandchild2_);
+ child_->AddChild(grandchild3_);
+ // Don't set the root layer here.
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<PushPropertiesCountingLayer> root_;
+ scoped_refptr<PushPropertiesCountingLayer> child_;
+ scoped_refptr<PushPropertiesCountingLayer> grandchild1_;
+ scoped_refptr<PushPropertiesCountingLayer> grandchild2_;
+ scoped_refptr<PushPropertiesCountingLayer> grandchild3_;
+ size_t expected_push_properties_root_;
+ size_t expected_push_properties_child_;
+ size_t expected_push_properties_grandchild1_;
+ size_t expected_push_properties_grandchild2_;
+ size_t expected_push_properties_grandchild3_;
+class LayerTreeHostTestPushPropertiesAddingToTreeRequiresPush
+ : public LayerTreeHostTestCasePushPropertiesThreeGrandChildren {
+ protected:
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ int last_source_frame_number = layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number() - 1;
+ switch (last_source_frame_number) {
+ case 0:
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild1_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild1_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grandchild1_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild1_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grandchild2_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grandchild3_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+class LayerTreeHostTestPushPropertiesRemovingChildStopsRecursion
+ : public LayerTreeHostTestCasePushPropertiesThreeGrandChildren {
+ protected:
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ int last_source_frame_number = layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number() - 1;
+ switch (last_source_frame_number) {
+ case 0:
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild1_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild1_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ grandchild1_->RemoveFromParent();
+ grandchild1_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(1, 1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ child_->AddChild(grandchild1_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grandchild1_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild1_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ grandchild2_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(1, 1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grandchild1_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild1_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grandchild2_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ // grandchild2_ will still need a push properties.
+ grandchild1_->RemoveFromParent();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ // grandchild3_ does not need a push properties, so recursing should
+ // no longer be needed.
+ grandchild2_->RemoveFromParent();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+class LayerTreeHostTestPushPropertiesRemovingChildStopsRecursionWithPersistence
+ : public LayerTreeHostTestCasePushPropertiesThreeGrandChildren {
+ protected:
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ int last_source_frame_number = layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number() - 1;
+ switch (last_source_frame_number) {
+ case 0:
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ grandchild1_->set_persist_needs_push_properties(true);
+ grandchild2_->set_persist_needs_push_properties(true);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grandchild1_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild1_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grandchild2_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ // grandchild2_ will still need a push properties.
+ grandchild1_->RemoveFromParent();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ // grandchild3_ does not need a push properties, so recursing should
+ // no longer be needed.
+ grandchild2_->RemoveFromParent();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ LayerTreeHostTestPushPropertiesRemovingChildStopsRecursionWithPersistence);
+class LayerTreeHostTestPushPropertiesSetPropertiesWhileOutsideTree
+ : public LayerTreeHostTestCasePushPropertiesThreeGrandChildren {
+ protected:
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ int last_source_frame_number = layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number() - 1;
+ switch (last_source_frame_number) {
+ case 0:
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild1_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild1_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ // Change grandchildren while their parent is not in the tree.
+ child_->RemoveFromParent();
+ grandchild1_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(1, 1));
+ grandchild2_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(1, 1));
+ root_->AddChild(child_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grandchild1_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild1_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grandchild2_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grandchild3_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ grandchild1_->RemoveFromParent();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ grandchild2_->RemoveFromParent();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ grandchild3_->RemoveFromParent();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ LayerTreeHostTestPushPropertiesSetPropertiesWhileOutsideTree);
+class LayerTreeHostTestPushPropertiesSetPropertyInParentThenChild
+ : public LayerTreeHostTestCasePushPropertiesThreeGrandChildren {
+ protected:
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ int last_source_frame_number = layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number() - 1;
+ switch (last_source_frame_number) {
+ case 0:
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild1_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild1_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ child_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(1, 1));
+ grandchild1_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(1, 1));
+ grandchild2_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(1, 1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grandchild1_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild1_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grandchild2_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ grandchild1_->RemoveFromParent();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ grandchild2_->RemoveFromParent();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ child_->RemoveFromParent();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ LayerTreeHostTestPushPropertiesSetPropertyInParentThenChild);
+class LayerTreeHostTestPushPropertiesSetPropertyInChildThenParent
+ : public LayerTreeHostTestCasePushPropertiesThreeGrandChildren {
+ protected:
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ int last_source_frame_number = layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number() - 1;
+ switch (last_source_frame_number) {
+ case 0:
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild1_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild1_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ grandchild1_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(1, 1));
+ grandchild2_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(1, 1));
+ child_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(1, 1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grandchild1_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild1_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(grandchild2_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild2_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(grandchild3_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ grandchild1_->RemoveFromParent();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ grandchild2_->RemoveFromParent();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(child_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ child_->RemoveFromParent();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->needs_push_properties());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(root_->descendant_needs_push_properties());
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ LayerTreeHostTestPushPropertiesSetPropertyInChildThenParent);
+// This test verifies that the tree activation callback is invoked correctly.
+class LayerTreeHostTestTreeActivationCallback : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestTreeActivationCallback()
+ : num_commits_(0), callback_count_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasImplThread());
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual bool PrepareToDrawOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl,
+ LayerTreeHostImpl::FrameData* frame_data,
+ bool result) OVERRIDE {
+ ++num_commits_;
+ switch (num_commits_) {
+ case 1:
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, callback_count_);
+ callback_count_ = 0;
+ SetCallback(true);
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, callback_count_);
+ callback_count_ = 0;
+ SetCallback(false);
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, callback_count_);
+ callback_count_ = 0;
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ default:
+ ADD_FAILURE() << num_commits_;
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ return LayerTreeHostTest::PrepareToDrawOnThread(host_impl, frame_data,
+ result);
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, num_commits_);
+ }
+ void SetCallback(bool enable) {
+ output_surface()->SetTreeActivationCallback(enable ?
+ base::Bind(&LayerTreeHostTestTreeActivationCallback::ActivationCallback,
+ base::Unretained(this)) :
+ base::Closure());
+ }
+ void ActivationCallback() {
+ ++callback_count_;
+ }
+ int num_commits_;
+ int callback_count_;
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostTestTreeActivationCallback, DirectRenderer) {
+ RunTest(true, false, true);
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostTestTreeActivationCallback, DelegatingRenderer) {
+ RunTest(true, true, true);
+class LayerInvalidateCausesDraw : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerInvalidateCausesDraw() : num_commits_(0), num_draws_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!!invalidate_layer_)
+ << "Derived tests must set this in SetupTree";
+ // One initial commit.
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ // After commit, invalidate the layer. This should cause a commit.
+ if (layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number() == 1)
+ invalidate_layer_->SetNeedsDisplay();
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ num_draws_++;
+ if (impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number() == 1)
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ num_commits_++;
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_GE(2, num_commits_);
+ EXPECT_GE(2, num_draws_);
+ }
+ protected:
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> invalidate_layer_;
+ private:
+ int num_commits_;
+ int num_draws_;
+// VideoLayer must support being invalidated and then passing that along
+// to the compositor thread, even though no resources are updated in
+// response to that invalidation.
+class LayerTreeHostTestVideoLayerInvalidate : public LayerInvalidateCausesDraw {
+ public:
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ scoped_refptr<VideoLayer> video_layer = VideoLayer::Create(&provider_);
+ video_layer->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ video_layer->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->AddChild(video_layer);
+ invalidate_layer_ = video_layer;
+ }
+ private:
+ FakeVideoFrameProvider provider_;
+// IOSurfaceLayer must support being invalidated and then passing that along
+// to the compositor thread, even though no resources are updated in
+// response to that invalidation.
+class LayerTreeHostTestIOSurfaceLayerInvalidate
+ : public LayerInvalidateCausesDraw {
+ public:
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ scoped_refptr<IOSurfaceLayer> layer = IOSurfaceLayer::Create();
+ layer->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ uint32_t fake_io_surface_id = 7;
+ layer->SetIOSurfaceProperties(fake_io_surface_id, layer->bounds());
+ layer->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->AddChild(layer);
+ invalidate_layer_ = layer;
+ }
+// TODO(danakj): IOSurface layer can not be transported.
+ LayerTreeHostTestIOSurfaceLayerInvalidate);
+class LayerTreeHostTestPushHiddenLayer : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ protected:
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ root_layer_ = Layer::Create();
+ root_layer_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ root_layer_->SetPosition(gfx::Point());
+ root_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ parent_layer_ = SolidColorLayer::Create();
+ parent_layer_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ parent_layer_->SetPosition(gfx::Point());
+ parent_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ parent_layer_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ root_layer_->AddChild(parent_layer_);
+ child_layer_ = SolidColorLayer::Create();
+ child_layer_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ child_layer_->SetPosition(gfx::Point());
+ child_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ child_layer_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ parent_layer_->AddChild(child_layer_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_layer_);
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE { PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread(); }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ switch (layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number()) {
+ case 1:
+ // The layer type used does not need to push properties every frame.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_layer_->needs_push_properties());
+ // Change the bounds of the child layer, but make it skipped
+ // by CalculateDrawProperties.
+ parent_layer_->SetOpacity(0.f);
+ child_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(5, 5));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // The bounds of the child layer were pushed to the impl side.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(child_layer_->needs_push_properties());
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void DidActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ LayerImpl* root = impl->active_tree()->root_layer();
+ LayerImpl* parent = root->children()[0];
+ LayerImpl* child = parent->children()[0];
+ switch (impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number()) {
+ case 1:
+ EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Size(5, 5).ToString(), child->bounds().ToString());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root_layer_;
+ scoped_refptr<SolidColorLayer> parent_layer_;
+ scoped_refptr<SolidColorLayer> child_layer_;
+class LayerTreeHostTestUpdateLayerInEmptyViewport : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ protected:
+ virtual void InitializeSettings(LayerTreeSettings* settings) OVERRIDE {
+ settings->impl_side_painting = true;
+ }
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ root_layer_ = FakePictureLayer::Create(&client_);
+ root_layer_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ root_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_layer_);
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ // The viewport is empty, but we still need to update layers on the main
+ // thread.
+ layer_tree_host()->SetViewportSize(gfx::Size(0, 0));
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommit() OVERRIDE {
+ // The layer should be updated even though the viewport is empty, so we
+ // are capable of drawing it on the impl tree.
+ EXPECT_GT(root_layer_->update_count(), 0u);
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakePictureLayer> root_layer_;
+class LayerTreeHostTestAbortEvictedTextures : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestAbortEvictedTextures()
+ : num_will_begin_frames_(0), num_impl_commits_(0) {}
+ protected:
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ scoped_refptr<SolidColorLayer> root_layer = SolidColorLayer::Create();
+ root_layer->SetBounds(gfx::Size(200, 200));
+ root_layer->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_layer);
+ LayerTreeHostTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE { PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread(); }
+ virtual void WillBeginFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ num_will_begin_frames_++;
+ switch (num_will_begin_frames_) {
+ case 2:
+ // Send a redraw to the compositor thread. This will (wrongly) be
+ // ignored unless aborting resets the texture state.
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsRedraw();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void BeginCommitOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ num_impl_commits_++;
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ switch (impl->SourceAnimationFrameNumber()) {
+ case 1:
+ // Prevent draws until commit.
+ impl->active_tree()->SetContentsTexturesPurged();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(impl->CanDraw());
+ // Trigger an abortable commit.
+ impl->SetNeedsCommit();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ // Ensure that the commit was truly aborted.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, num_will_begin_frames_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, num_impl_commits_);
+ }
+ private:
+ int num_will_begin_frames_;
+ int num_impl_commits_;
+// Commits can only be aborted when using the thread proxy.
+} // namespace
+} // namespace cc