path: root/chromium/cc/trees/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/cc/trees/')
1 files changed, 1905 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/cc/trees/ b/chromium/cc/trees/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3404c1ea9df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/cc/trees/
@@ -0,0 +1,1905 @@
+// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host.h"
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "cc/debug/test_context_provider.h"
+#include "cc/debug/test_web_graphics_context_3d.h"
+#include "cc/layers/content_layer.h"
+#include "cc/layers/heads_up_display_layer.h"
+#include "cc/layers/io_surface_layer.h"
+#include "cc/layers/layer_impl.h"
+#include "cc/layers/picture_layer.h"
+#include "cc/layers/scrollbar_layer.h"
+#include "cc/layers/texture_layer.h"
+#include "cc/layers/texture_layer_impl.h"
+#include "cc/layers/video_layer.h"
+#include "cc/layers/video_layer_impl.h"
+#include "cc/output/filter_operations.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_content_layer.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_content_layer_client.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_content_layer_impl.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_delegated_renderer_layer.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_delegated_renderer_layer_impl.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_layer_tree_host_client.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_output_surface.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_scoped_ui_resource.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_scrollbar.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_scrollbar_layer.h"
+#include "cc/test/fake_video_frame_provider.h"
+#include "cc/test/layer_tree_test.h"
+#include "cc/test/render_pass_test_common.h"
+#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host_impl.h"
+#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_impl.h"
+#include "cc/trees/single_thread_proxy.h"
+#include "gpu/GLES2/gl2extchromium.h"
+#include "media/base/media.h"
+using media::VideoFrame;
+using WebKit::WebGraphicsContext3D;
+namespace cc {
+namespace {
+// These tests deal with losing the 3d graphics context.
+class LayerTreeHostContextTest : public LayerTreeTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest()
+ : LayerTreeTest(),
+ context3d_(NULL),
+ times_to_fail_create_(0),
+ times_to_fail_initialize_(0),
+ times_to_lose_on_create_(0),
+ times_to_lose_during_commit_(0),
+ times_to_lose_during_draw_(0),
+ times_to_fail_recreate_(0),
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_(0),
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_(0),
+ times_to_fail_create_offscreen_(0),
+ times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen_(0),
+ times_to_expect_create_failed_(0),
+ times_create_failed_(0),
+ times_offscreen_created_(0),
+ committed_at_least_once_(false),
+ context_should_support_io_surface_(false),
+ fallback_context_works_(false) {
+ media::InitializeMediaLibraryForTesting();
+ }
+ void LoseContext() {
+ context3d_ = NULL;
+ }
+ virtual scoped_ptr<TestWebGraphicsContext3D> CreateContext3d() {
+ return TestWebGraphicsContext3D::Create();
+ }
+ virtual scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> CreateOutputSurface(bool fallback)
+ if (times_to_fail_create_) {
+ --times_to_fail_create_;
+ ExpectCreateToFail();
+ return scoped_ptr<OutputSurface>();
+ }
+ scoped_ptr<TestWebGraphicsContext3D> context3d = CreateContext3d();
+ context3d_ = context3d.get();
+ if (context_should_support_io_surface_) {
+ context3d_->set_have_extension_io_surface(true);
+ context3d_->set_have_extension_egl_image(true);
+ }
+ if (times_to_fail_initialize_ && !(fallback && fallback_context_works_)) {
+ --times_to_fail_initialize_;
+ // Make the context get lost during reinitialization.
+ // The number of times MakeCurrent succeeds is not important, and
+ // can be changed if needed to make this pass with future changes.
+ context3d_->set_times_make_current_succeeds(2);
+ ExpectCreateToFail();
+ } else if (times_to_lose_on_create_) {
+ --times_to_lose_on_create_;
+ LoseContext();
+ ExpectCreateToFail();
+ }
+ if (delegating_renderer()) {
+ return FakeOutputSurface::CreateDelegating3d(
+ context3d.PassAs<WebGraphicsContext3D>()).PassAs<OutputSurface>();
+ }
+ return FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(
+ context3d.PassAs<WebGraphicsContext3D>()).PassAs<OutputSurface>();
+ }
+ scoped_ptr<TestWebGraphicsContext3D> CreateOffscreenContext3d() {
+ if (!context3d_)
+ return scoped_ptr<TestWebGraphicsContext3D>();
+ ++times_offscreen_created_;
+ if (times_to_fail_create_offscreen_) {
+ --times_to_fail_create_offscreen_;
+ ExpectCreateToFail();
+ return scoped_ptr<TestWebGraphicsContext3D>();
+ }
+ scoped_ptr<TestWebGraphicsContext3D> offscreen_context3d =
+ TestWebGraphicsContext3D::Create().Pass();
+ DCHECK(offscreen_context3d);
+ context3d_->add_share_group_context(offscreen_context3d.get());
+ return offscreen_context3d.Pass();
+ }
+ virtual scoped_refptr<cc::ContextProvider>
+ OffscreenContextProviderForMainThread() OVERRIDE {
+ DCHECK(!HasImplThread());
+ if (!offscreen_contexts_main_thread_.get() ||
+ offscreen_contexts_main_thread_->DestroyedOnMainThread()) {
+ offscreen_contexts_main_thread_ = TestContextProvider::Create(
+ base::Bind(&LayerTreeHostContextTest::CreateOffscreenContext3d,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ if (offscreen_contexts_main_thread_.get() &&
+ !offscreen_contexts_main_thread_->BindToCurrentThread())
+ offscreen_contexts_main_thread_ = NULL;
+ }
+ return offscreen_contexts_main_thread_;
+ }
+ virtual scoped_refptr<cc::ContextProvider>
+ OffscreenContextProviderForCompositorThread() OVERRIDE {
+ DCHECK(HasImplThread());
+ if (!offscreen_contexts_compositor_thread_.get() ||
+ offscreen_contexts_compositor_thread_->DestroyedOnMainThread()) {
+ offscreen_contexts_compositor_thread_ = TestContextProvider::Create(
+ base::Bind(&LayerTreeHostContextTest::CreateOffscreenContext3d,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ }
+ return offscreen_contexts_compositor_thread_;
+ }
+ virtual bool PrepareToDrawOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl,
+ LayerTreeHostImpl::FrameData* frame,
+ bool result) OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+ if (!times_to_lose_during_draw_)
+ return result;
+ --times_to_lose_during_draw_;
+ context3d_->set_times_make_current_succeeds(0);
+ times_to_fail_create_ = times_to_fail_recreate_;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 0;
+ times_to_fail_initialize_ = times_to_fail_reinitialize_;
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 0;
+ times_to_lose_on_create_ = times_to_lose_on_recreate_;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 0;
+ times_to_fail_create_offscreen_ = times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen_;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen_ = 0;
+ return result;
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ committed_at_least_once_ = true;
+ if (!times_to_lose_during_commit_)
+ return;
+ --times_to_lose_during_commit_;
+ LoseContext();
+ times_to_fail_create_ = times_to_fail_recreate_;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 0;
+ times_to_fail_initialize_ = times_to_fail_reinitialize_;
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 0;
+ times_to_lose_on_create_ = times_to_lose_on_recreate_;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 0;
+ times_to_fail_create_offscreen_ = times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen_;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen_ = 0;
+ }
+ virtual void DidFailToInitializeOutputSurface() OVERRIDE {
+ ++times_create_failed_;
+ }
+ virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeTest::TearDown();
+ EXPECT_EQ(times_to_expect_create_failed_, times_create_failed_);
+ }
+ void ExpectCreateToFail() {
+ ++times_to_expect_create_failed_;
+ }
+ protected:
+ TestWebGraphicsContext3D* context3d_;
+ int times_to_fail_create_;
+ int times_to_fail_initialize_;
+ int times_to_lose_on_create_;
+ int times_to_lose_during_commit_;
+ int times_to_lose_during_draw_;
+ int times_to_fail_recreate_;
+ int times_to_fail_reinitialize_;
+ int times_to_lose_on_recreate_;
+ int times_to_fail_create_offscreen_;
+ int times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen_;
+ int times_to_expect_create_failed_;
+ int times_create_failed_;
+ int times_offscreen_created_;
+ bool committed_at_least_once_;
+ bool context_should_support_io_surface_;
+ bool fallback_context_works_;
+ scoped_refptr<TestContextProvider> offscreen_contexts_main_thread_;
+ scoped_refptr<TestContextProvider> offscreen_contexts_compositor_thread_;
+class LayerTreeHostContextTestLostContextSucceeds
+ : public LayerTreeHostContextTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestLostContextSucceeds()
+ : LayerTreeHostContextTest(),
+ test_case_(0),
+ num_losses_(0),
+ recovered_context_(true),
+ first_initialized_(false) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidInitializeOutputSurface(bool succeeded) OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(succeeded);
+ if (first_initialized_)
+ ++num_losses_;
+ else
+ first_initialized_ = true;
+ recovered_context_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_EQ(11u, test_case_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(8 + 10 + 10 + 1, num_losses_);
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ // If the last frame had a context loss, then we'll commit again to
+ // recover.
+ if (!recovered_context_)
+ return;
+ if (times_to_lose_during_commit_)
+ return;
+ if (times_to_lose_during_draw_)
+ return;
+ recovered_context_ = false;
+ if (NextTestCase())
+ InvalidateAndSetNeedsCommit();
+ else
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void InvalidateAndSetNeedsCommit() {
+ // Cause damage so we try to draw.
+ layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->SetNeedsDisplay();
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsCommit();
+ }
+ bool NextTestCase() {
+ static const TestCase kTests[] = {
+ // Losing the context and failing to recreate it (or losing it again
+ // immediately) a small number of times should succeed.
+ { 1, // times_to_lose_during_commit
+ 0, // times_to_lose_during_draw
+ 3, // times_to_fail_reinitialize
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_lose_on_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen
+ false, // fallback_context_works
+ },
+ { 0, // times_to_lose_during_commit
+ 1, // times_to_lose_during_draw
+ 3, // times_to_fail_reinitialize
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_lose_on_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen
+ false, // fallback_context_works
+ },
+ { 1, // times_to_lose_during_commit
+ 0, // times_to_lose_during_draw
+ 0, // times_to_fail_reinitialize
+ 3, // times_to_fail_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_lose_on_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen
+ false, // fallback_context_works
+ },
+ { 0, // times_to_lose_during_commit
+ 1, // times_to_lose_during_draw
+ 0, // times_to_fail_reinitialize
+ 3, // times_to_fail_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_lose_on_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen
+ false, // fallback_context_works
+ },
+ { 1, // times_to_lose_during_commit
+ 0, // times_to_lose_during_draw
+ 0, // times_to_fail_reinitialize
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate
+ 3, // times_to_lose_on_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen
+ false, // fallback_context_works
+ },
+ { 0, // times_to_lose_during_commit
+ 1, // times_to_lose_during_draw
+ 0, // times_to_fail_reinitialize
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate
+ 3, // times_to_lose_on_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen
+ false, // fallback_context_works
+ },
+ { 1, // times_to_lose_during_commit
+ 0, // times_to_lose_during_draw
+ 0, // times_to_fail_reinitialize
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_lose_on_recreate
+ 3, // times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen
+ false, // fallback_context_works
+ },
+ { 0, // times_to_lose_during_commit
+ 1, // times_to_lose_during_draw
+ 0, // times_to_fail_reinitialize
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_lose_on_recreate
+ 3, // times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen
+ false, // fallback_context_works
+ },
+ // Losing the context and recreating it any number of times should
+ // succeed.
+ { 10, // times_to_lose_during_commit
+ 0, // times_to_lose_during_draw
+ 0, // times_to_fail_reinitialize
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_lose_on_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen
+ false, // fallback_context_works
+ },
+ { 0, // times_to_lose_during_commit
+ 10, // times_to_lose_during_draw
+ 0, // times_to_fail_reinitialize
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_lose_on_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen
+ false, // fallback_context_works
+ },
+ // Losing the context, failing to reinitialize it, and making a fallback
+ // context should work.
+ { 0, // times_to_lose_during_commit
+ 1, // times_to_lose_during_draw
+ 10, // times_to_fail_reinitialize
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_lose_on_recreate
+ 0, // times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen
+ true, // fallback_context_works
+ },
+ };
+ if (test_case_ >= arraysize(kTests))
+ return false;
+ times_to_lose_during_commit_ =
+ kTests[test_case_].times_to_lose_during_commit;
+ times_to_lose_during_draw_ =
+ kTests[test_case_].times_to_lose_during_draw;
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = kTests[test_case_].times_to_fail_reinitialize;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = kTests[test_case_].times_to_fail_recreate;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = kTests[test_case_].times_to_lose_on_recreate;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen_ =
+ kTests[test_case_].times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen;
+ fallback_context_works_ = kTests[test_case_].fallback_context_works;
+ ++test_case_;
+ return true;
+ }
+ struct TestCase {
+ int times_to_lose_during_commit;
+ int times_to_lose_during_draw;
+ int times_to_fail_reinitialize;
+ int times_to_fail_recreate;
+ int times_to_lose_on_recreate;
+ int times_to_fail_recreate_offscreen;
+ bool fallback_context_works;
+ };
+ protected:
+ size_t test_case_;
+ int num_losses_;
+ bool recovered_context_;
+ bool first_initialized_;
+class LayerTreeHostContextTestLostContextSucceedsWithContent
+ : public LayerTreeHostContextTestLostContextSucceeds {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestLostContextSucceedsWithContent()
+ : LayerTreeHostContextTestLostContextSucceeds() {}
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ root_ = Layer::Create();
+ root_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ root_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ root_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ content_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ content_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ content_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ content_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ if (use_surface_) {
+ content_->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ // Filters require us to create an offscreen context.
+ FilterOperations filters;
+ filters.Append(FilterOperation::CreateGrayscaleFilter(0.5f));
+ content_->SetFilters(filters);
+ content_->SetBackgroundFilters(filters);
+ }
+ root_->AddChild(content_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void InvalidateAndSetNeedsCommit() OVERRIDE {
+ // Invalidate the render surface so we don't try to use a cached copy of the
+ // surface. We want to make sure to test the drawing paths for drawing to
+ // a child surface.
+ content_->SetNeedsDisplay();
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestLostContextSucceeds::InvalidateAndSetNeedsCommit();
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ FakeContentLayerImpl* content_impl = static_cast<FakeContentLayerImpl*>(
+ host_impl->active_tree()->root_layer()->children()[0]);
+ // Even though the context was lost, we should have a resource. The
+ // TestWebGraphicsContext3D ensures that this resource is created with
+ // the active context.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(content_impl->HaveResourceForTileAt(0, 0));
+ cc::ContextProvider* contexts =
+ host_impl->resource_provider()->offscreen_context_provider();
+ if (use_surface_) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(contexts->Context3d());
+ // TODO(danakj): Make a fake GrContext.
+ // EXPECT_TRUE(contexts->GrContext());
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(contexts);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestLostContextSucceeds::AfterTest();
+ if (use_surface_) {
+ // 1 create to start with +
+ // 6 from test cases that fail on initializing the renderer (after the
+ // offscreen context is created) +
+ // 6 from test cases that lose the offscreen context directly +
+ // 4 from test cases that create a fallback +
+ // All the test cases that recreate both contexts only once
+ // per time it is lost.
+ EXPECT_EQ(6 + 6 + 1 + 4 + num_losses_, times_offscreen_created_);
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, times_offscreen_created_);
+ }
+ }
+ protected:
+ bool use_surface_;
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root_;
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> content_;
+ NoSurface_SingleThread_DirectRenderer) {
+ use_surface_ = false;
+ RunTest(false, false, false);
+ NoSurface_SingleThread_DelegatingRenderer) {
+ use_surface_ = false;
+ RunTest(false, true, false);
+ NoSurface_MultiThread_DirectRenderer_MainThreadPaint) {
+ use_surface_ = false;
+ RunTest(true, false, false);
+ NoSurface_MultiThread_DirectRenderer_ImplSidePaint) {
+ use_surface_ = false;
+ RunTest(true, false, true);
+ NoSurface_MultiThread_DelegatingRenderer_MainThreadPaint) {
+ use_surface_ = false;
+ RunTest(true, true, false);
+ NoSurface_MultiThread_DelegatingRenderer_ImplSidePaint) {
+ use_surface_ = false;
+ RunTest(true, true, true);
+// Surfaces don't exist with a delegating renderer.
+ WithSurface_SingleThread_DirectRenderer) {
+ use_surface_ = true;
+ RunTest(false, false, false);
+ WithSurface_MultiThread_DirectRenderer_MainThreadPaint) {
+ use_surface_ = true;
+ RunTest(true, false, false);
+ WithSurface_MultiThread_DirectRenderer_ImplSidePaint) {
+ use_surface_ = true;
+ RunTest(true, false, true);
+class LayerTreeHostContextTestOffscreenContextFails
+ : public LayerTreeHostContextTest {
+ public:
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ root_ = Layer::Create();
+ root_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ root_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ root_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ content_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ content_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ content_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ content_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ content_->SetForceRenderSurface(true);
+ // Filters require us to create an offscreen context.
+ FilterOperations filters;
+ filters.Append(FilterOperation::CreateGrayscaleFilter(0.5f));
+ content_->SetFilters(filters);
+ content_->SetBackgroundFilters(filters);
+ root_->AddChild(content_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ times_to_fail_create_offscreen_ = 1;
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ cc::ContextProvider* contexts =
+ host_impl->resource_provider()->offscreen_context_provider();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(contexts);
+ // This did not lead to create failure.
+ times_to_expect_create_failed_ = 0;
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ protected:
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root_;
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> content_;
+class LayerTreeHostContextTestLostContextFails
+ : public LayerTreeHostContextTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestLostContextFails()
+ : LayerTreeHostContextTest(),
+ num_commits_(0),
+ first_initialized_(false) {
+ times_to_lose_during_commit_ = 1;
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidInitializeOutputSurface(bool succeeded) OVERRIDE {
+ if (first_initialized_) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(succeeded);
+ EndTest();
+ } else {
+ first_initialized_ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::CommitCompleteOnThread(host_impl);
+ ++num_commits_;
+ if (num_commits_ == 1) {
+ // When the context is ok, we should have these things.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(host_impl->output_surface());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(host_impl->renderer());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(host_impl->resource_provider());
+ return;
+ }
+ // When context recreation fails we shouldn't be left with any of them.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(host_impl->output_surface());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(host_impl->renderer());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(host_impl->resource_provider());
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ int num_commits_;
+ bool first_initialized_;
+ FailReinitialize100_SingleThread_DirectRenderer) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 100;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 0;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 0;
+ RunTest(false, false, false);
+ FailReinitialize100_SingleThread_DelegatingRenderer) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 100;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 0;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 0;
+ RunTest(false, true, false);
+ FailReinitialize100_MultiThread_DirectRenderer_MainThreadPaint) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 100;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 0;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 0;
+ RunTest(true, false, false);
+ FailReinitialize100_MultiThread_DirectRenderer_ImplSidePaint) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 100;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 0;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 0;
+ RunTest(true, false, true);
+ FailReinitialize100_MultiThread_DelegatingRenderer_MainThreadPaint) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 100;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 0;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 0;
+ RunTest(true, true, false);
+ FailReinitialize100_MultiThread_DelegatingRenderer_ImplSidePaint) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 100;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 0;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 0;
+ RunTest(true, true, true);
+ FailRecreate100_SingleThread_DirectRenderer) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 0;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 100;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 0;
+ RunTest(false, false, false);
+ FailRecreate100_SingleThread_DelegatingRenderer) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 0;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 100;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 0;
+ RunTest(false, true, false);
+ FailRecreate100_MultiThread_DirectRenderer_MainThreadPaint) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 0;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 100;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 0;
+ RunTest(true, false, false);
+ FailRecreate100_MultiThread_DirectRenderer_ImplSidePaint) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 0;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 100;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 0;
+ RunTest(true, false, true);
+ FailRecreate100_MultiThread_DelegatingRenderer_MainThreadPaint) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 0;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 100;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 0;
+ RunTest(true, true, false);
+ FailRecreate100_MultiThread_DelegatingRenderer_ImplSidePaint) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 0;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 100;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 0;
+ RunTest(true, true, true);
+ LoseOnRecreate100_SingleThread_DirectRenderer) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 0;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 0;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 100;
+ RunTest(false, false, false);
+ LoseOnRecreate100_SingleThread_DelegatingRenderer) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 0;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 0;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 100;
+ RunTest(false, true, false);
+ LoseOnRecreate100_MultiThread_DirectRenderer_MainThreadPaint) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 0;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 0;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 100;
+ RunTest(true, false, false);
+ LoseOnRecreate100_MultiThread_DirectRenderer_ImplSidePaint) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 0;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 0;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 100;
+ RunTest(true, false, true);
+ LoseOnRecreate100_MultiThread_DelegatingRenderer_MainThreadPaint) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 0;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 0;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 100;
+ RunTest(true, true, false);
+ LoseOnRecreate100_MultiThread_DelegatingRenderer_ImplSidePaint) {
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 0;
+ times_to_fail_recreate_ = 0;
+ times_to_lose_on_recreate_ = 100;
+ RunTest(true, true, true);
+class LayerTreeHostContextTestFinishAllRenderingAfterLoss
+ : public LayerTreeHostContextTest {
+ public:
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ // Lose the context until the compositor gives up on it.
+ first_initialized_ = false;
+ times_to_lose_during_commit_ = 1;
+ times_to_fail_reinitialize_ = 10;
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidInitializeOutputSurface(bool succeeded) OVERRIDE {
+ if (first_initialized_) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(succeeded);
+ layer_tree_host()->FinishAllRendering();
+ EndTest();
+ } else {
+ first_initialized_ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ bool first_initialized_;
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestFinishAllRenderingAfterLoss);
+class LayerTreeHostContextTestLostContextAndEvictTextures
+ : public LayerTreeHostContextTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestLostContextAndEvictTextures()
+ : LayerTreeHostContextTest(),
+ layer_(FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_)),
+ impl_host_(0),
+ num_commits_(0) {}
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 20));
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(layer_);
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ void PostEvictTextures() {
+ if (HasImplThread()) {
+ ImplThreadTaskRunner()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(
+ &LayerTreeHostContextTestLostContextAndEvictTextures::
+ EvictTexturesOnImplThread,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ } else {
+ DebugScopedSetImplThread impl(proxy());
+ EvictTexturesOnImplThread();
+ }
+ }
+ void EvictTexturesOnImplThread() {
+ impl_host_->EvictTexturesForTesting();
+ if (lose_after_evict_)
+ LoseContext();
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ if (num_commits_ > 1)
+ return;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(layer_->HaveBackingAt(0, 0));
+ PostEvictTextures();
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::CommitCompleteOnThread(impl);
+ if (num_commits_ > 1)
+ return;
+ ++num_commits_;
+ if (!lose_after_evict_)
+ LoseContext();
+ impl_host_ = impl;
+ }
+ virtual void DidInitializeOutputSurface(bool succeeded) OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(succeeded);
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ protected:
+ bool lose_after_evict_;
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> layer_;
+ LayerTreeHostImpl* impl_host_;
+ int num_commits_;
+ LoseAfterEvict_SingleThread_DirectRenderer) {
+ lose_after_evict_ = true;
+ RunTest(false, false, false);
+ LoseAfterEvict_SingleThread_DelegatingRenderer) {
+ lose_after_evict_ = true;
+ RunTest(false, true, false);
+ LoseAfterEvict_MultiThread_DirectRenderer_MainThreadPaint) {
+ lose_after_evict_ = true;
+ RunTest(true, false, false);
+ LoseAfterEvict_MultiThread_DirectRenderer_ImplSidePaint) {
+ lose_after_evict_ = true;
+ RunTest(true, false, true);
+ LoseAfterEvict_MultiThread_DelegatingRenderer_MainThreadPaint) {
+ lose_after_evict_ = true;
+ RunTest(true, true, false);
+ LoseAfterEvict_MultiThread_DelegatingRenderer_ImplSidePaint) {
+ lose_after_evict_ = true;
+ RunTest(true, true, true);
+ LoseBeforeEvict_SingleThread_DirectRenderer) {
+ lose_after_evict_ = false;
+ RunTest(false, false, false);
+ LoseBeforeEvict_SingleThread_DelegatingRenderer) {
+ lose_after_evict_ = false;
+ RunTest(false, true, false);
+ LoseBeforeEvict_MultiThread_DirectRenderer_MainThreadPaint) {
+ lose_after_evict_ = false;
+ RunTest(true, false, false);
+ LoseBeforeEvict_MultiThread_DirectRenderer_ImplSidePaint) {
+ lose_after_evict_ = false;
+ RunTest(true, false, true);
+ LoseBeforeEvict_MultiThread_DelegatingRenderer_MainThreadPaint) {
+ lose_after_evict_ = false;
+ RunTest(true, true, false);
+ LoseBeforeEvict_MultiThread_DelegatingRenderer_ImplSidePaint) {
+ lose_after_evict_ = false;
+ RunTest(true, true, true);
+class LayerTreeHostContextTestLostContextWhileUpdatingResources
+ : public LayerTreeHostContextTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestLostContextWhileUpdatingResources()
+ : parent_(FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_)),
+ num_children_(50),
+ times_to_lose_on_end_query_(3) {}
+ virtual scoped_ptr<TestWebGraphicsContext3D> CreateContext3d() OVERRIDE {
+ scoped_ptr<TestWebGraphicsContext3D> context =
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::CreateContext3d();
+ if (times_to_lose_on_end_query_) {
+ --times_to_lose_on_end_query_;
+ context->set_times_end_query_succeeds(5);
+ }
+ return context.Pass();
+ }
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ parent_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(num_children_, 1));
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_children_; i++) {
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> child =
+ FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ child->SetPosition(gfx::PointF(i, 0.f));
+ child->SetBounds(gfx::Size(1, 1));
+ parent_->AddChild(child);
+ }
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(parent_);
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::CommitCompleteOnThread(impl);
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void DidInitializeOutputSurface(bool succeeded) OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(succeeded);
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, times_to_lose_on_end_query_);
+ }
+ private:
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> parent_;
+ int num_children_;
+ int times_to_lose_on_end_query_;
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestLostContextWhileUpdatingResources);
+class LayerTreeHostContextTestLayersNotified
+ : public LayerTreeHostContextTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestLayersNotified()
+ : LayerTreeHostContextTest(),
+ num_commits_(0) {}
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ root_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ child_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ grandchild_ = FakeContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ root_->AddChild(child_);
+ child_->AddChild(grandchild_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::DidActivateTreeOnThread(host_impl);
+ FakeContentLayerImpl* root = static_cast<FakeContentLayerImpl*>(
+ host_impl->active_tree()->root_layer());
+ FakeContentLayerImpl* child = static_cast<FakeContentLayerImpl*>(
+ root->children()[0]);
+ FakeContentLayerImpl* grandchild = static_cast<FakeContentLayerImpl*>(
+ child->children()[0]);
+ ++num_commits_;
+ switch (num_commits_) {
+ case 1:
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, root->lost_output_surface_count());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, child->lost_output_surface_count());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, grandchild->lost_output_surface_count());
+ // Lose the context and struggle to recreate it.
+ LoseContext();
+ times_to_fail_create_ = 1;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, root->lost_output_surface_count());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, child->lost_output_surface_count());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, grandchild->lost_output_surface_count());
+ // Lose the context and again during recreate.
+ LoseContext();
+ times_to_lose_on_create_ = 1;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, root->lost_output_surface_count());
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, child->lost_output_surface_count());
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, grandchild->lost_output_surface_count());
+ // Lose the context and again during reinitialization.
+ LoseContext();
+ times_to_fail_initialize_ = 1;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ EXPECT_EQ(5u, root->lost_output_surface_count());
+ EXPECT_EQ(5u, child->lost_output_surface_count());
+ EXPECT_EQ(5u, grandchild->lost_output_surface_count());
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ int num_commits_;
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> root_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> child_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeContentLayer> grandchild_;
+class LayerTreeHostContextTestDontUseLostResources
+ : public LayerTreeHostContextTest {
+ public:
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root_ = Layer::Create();
+ root_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ root_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ root_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ scoped_refptr<FakeDelegatedRendererLayer> delegated_ =
+ FakeDelegatedRendererLayer::Create(NULL);
+ delegated_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ delegated_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ delegated_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ root_->AddChild(delegated_);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> content_ = ContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ content_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ content_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ content_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ root_->AddChild(content_);
+ scoped_refptr<TextureLayer> texture_ = TextureLayer::Create(NULL);
+ texture_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ texture_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ texture_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ root_->AddChild(texture_);
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> mask_ = ContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ mask_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ mask_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> content_with_mask_ =
+ ContentLayer::Create(&client_);
+ content_with_mask_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ content_with_mask_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ content_with_mask_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ content_with_mask_->SetMaskLayer(mask_.get());
+ root_->AddChild(content_with_mask_);
+ scoped_refptr<VideoLayer> video_color_ = VideoLayer::Create(
+ &color_frame_provider_);
+ video_color_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ video_color_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ video_color_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ root_->AddChild(video_color_);
+ scoped_refptr<VideoLayer> video_hw_ = VideoLayer::Create(
+ &hw_frame_provider_);
+ video_hw_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ video_hw_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ video_hw_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ root_->AddChild(video_hw_);
+ scoped_refptr<VideoLayer> video_scaled_hw_ = VideoLayer::Create(
+ &scaled_hw_frame_provider_);
+ video_scaled_hw_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ video_scaled_hw_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ video_scaled_hw_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ root_->AddChild(video_scaled_hw_);
+ if (!delegating_renderer()) {
+ // TODO(danakj): IOSurface layer can not be transported.
+ scoped_refptr<IOSurfaceLayer> io_surface_ = IOSurfaceLayer::Create();
+ io_surface_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ io_surface_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ io_surface_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ io_surface_->SetIOSurfaceProperties(1, gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ root_->AddChild(io_surface_);
+ }
+ // Enable the hud.
+ LayerTreeDebugState debug_state;
+ debug_state.show_property_changed_rects = true;
+ layer_tree_host()->SetDebugState(debug_state);
+ scoped_refptr<ScrollbarLayer> scrollbar_ = ScrollbarLayer::Create(
+ scoped_ptr<Scrollbar>(new FakeScrollbar).Pass(),
+ content_->id());
+ scrollbar_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ scrollbar_->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ scrollbar_->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ root_->AddChild(scrollbar_);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root_);
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ context_should_support_io_surface_ = true;
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::CommitCompleteOnThread(host_impl);
+ ResourceProvider* resource_provider = host_impl->resource_provider();
+ if (host_impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number() == 0) {
+ // Set up impl resources on the first commit.
+ scoped_ptr<TestRenderPass> pass_for_quad = TestRenderPass::Create();
+ pass_for_quad->SetNew(
+ // AppendOneOfEveryQuadType() makes a RenderPass quad with this id.
+ RenderPass::Id(1, 1),
+ gfx::Rect(0, 0, 10, 10),
+ gfx::Rect(0, 0, 10, 10),
+ gfx::Transform());
+ scoped_ptr<TestRenderPass> pass = TestRenderPass::Create();
+ pass->SetNew(
+ RenderPass::Id(2, 1),
+ gfx::Rect(0, 0, 10, 10),
+ gfx::Rect(0, 0, 10, 10),
+ gfx::Transform());
+ pass->AppendOneOfEveryQuadType(resource_provider, RenderPass::Id(2, 1));
+ ScopedPtrVector<RenderPass> pass_list;
+ pass_list.push_back(pass_for_quad.PassAs<RenderPass>());
+ pass_list.push_back(pass.PassAs<RenderPass>());
+ // First child is the delegated layer.
+ FakeDelegatedRendererLayerImpl* delegated_impl =
+ static_cast<FakeDelegatedRendererLayerImpl*>(
+ host_impl->active_tree()->root_layer()->children()[0]);
+ delegated_impl->SetFrameDataForRenderPasses(&pass_list);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(pass_list.empty());
+ // Third child is the texture layer.
+ TextureLayerImpl* texture_impl =
+ static_cast<TextureLayerImpl*>(
+ host_impl->active_tree()->root_layer()->children()[2]);
+ texture_impl->set_texture_id(
+ resource_provider->GraphicsContext3D()->createTexture());
+ DCHECK(resource_provider->GraphicsContext3D());
+ ResourceProvider::ResourceId texture = resource_provider->CreateResource(
+ gfx::Size(4, 4),
+ resource_provider->default_resource_type(),
+ ResourceProvider::TextureUsageAny);
+ ResourceProvider::ScopedWriteLockGL lock(resource_provider, texture);
+ gpu::Mailbox mailbox;
+ resource_provider->GraphicsContext3D()->genMailboxCHROMIUM(;
+ unsigned sync_point =
+ resource_provider->GraphicsContext3D()->insertSyncPoint();
+ color_video_frame_ = VideoFrame::CreateColorFrame(
+ gfx::Size(4, 4), 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, base::TimeDelta());
+ hw_video_frame_ = VideoFrame::WrapNativeTexture(
+ new VideoFrame::MailboxHolder(
+ mailbox,
+ sync_point,
+ VideoFrame::MailboxHolder::TextureNoLongerNeededCallback()),
+ gfx::Size(4, 4), gfx::Rect(0, 0, 4, 4), gfx::Size(4, 4),
+ base::TimeDelta(),
+ VideoFrame::ReadPixelsCB(),
+ base::Closure());
+ scaled_hw_video_frame_ = VideoFrame::WrapNativeTexture(
+ new VideoFrame::MailboxHolder(
+ mailbox,
+ sync_point,
+ VideoFrame::MailboxHolder::TextureNoLongerNeededCallback()),
+ gfx::Size(4, 4), gfx::Rect(0, 0, 3, 2), gfx::Size(4, 4),
+ base::TimeDelta(),
+ VideoFrame::ReadPixelsCB(),
+ base::Closure());
+ color_frame_provider_.set_frame(color_video_frame_);
+ hw_frame_provider_.set_frame(hw_video_frame_);
+ scaled_hw_frame_provider_.set_frame(scaled_hw_video_frame_);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (host_impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number() == 3) {
+ // On the third commit we're recovering from context loss. Hardware
+ // video frames should not be reused by the VideoFrameProvider, but
+ // software frames can be.
+ hw_frame_provider_.set_frame(NULL);
+ scaled_hw_frame_provider_.set_frame(NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual bool PrepareToDrawOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl,
+ LayerTreeHostImpl::FrameData* frame,
+ bool result) OVERRIDE {
+ if (host_impl->active_tree()->source_frame_number() == 2) {
+ // Lose the context during draw on the second commit. This will cause
+ // a third commit to recover.
+ if (context3d_)
+ context3d_->set_times_bind_texture_succeeds(4);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(layer_tree_host()->hud_layer());
+ // End the test once we know the 3nd frame drew.
+ if (layer_tree_host()->source_frame_number() == 4)
+ EndTest();
+ else
+ layer_tree_host()->SetNeedsCommit();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root_;
+ scoped_refptr<DelegatedRendererLayer> delegated_;
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> content_;
+ scoped_refptr<TextureLayer> texture_;
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> mask_;
+ scoped_refptr<ContentLayer> content_with_mask_;
+ scoped_refptr<VideoLayer> video_color_;
+ scoped_refptr<VideoLayer> video_hw_;
+ scoped_refptr<VideoLayer> video_scaled_hw_;
+ scoped_refptr<IOSurfaceLayer> io_surface_;
+ scoped_refptr<ScrollbarLayer> scrollbar_;
+ scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> color_video_frame_;
+ scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> hw_video_frame_;
+ scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> scaled_hw_video_frame_;
+ FakeVideoFrameProvider color_frame_provider_;
+ FakeVideoFrameProvider hw_frame_provider_;
+ FakeVideoFrameProvider scaled_hw_frame_provider_;
+class LayerTreeHostContextTestLosesFirstOutputSurface
+ : public LayerTreeHostContextTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestLosesFirstOutputSurface() {
+ // Always fail. This needs to be set before LayerTreeHost is created.
+ times_to_lose_on_create_ = 1000;
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void DidInitializeOutputSurface(bool succeeded) OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(succeeded);
+ // If we make it this far without crashing, we pass!
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(false);
+ }
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestLosesFirstOutputSurface);
+class LayerTreeHostContextTestRetriesFirstInitializationAndSucceeds
+ : public LayerTreeHostContextTest {
+ public:
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ times_to_fail_initialize_ = 2;
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestRetriesFirstInitializationAndSucceeds);
+class LayerTreeHostContextTestRetryWorksWithForcedInit
+ : public LayerTreeHostContextTestRetriesFirstInitializationAndSucceeds {
+ public:
+ virtual void DidFailToInitializeOutputSurface() OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestRetriesFirstInitializationAndSucceeds
+ ::DidFailToInitializeOutputSurface();
+ if (times_create_failed_ == 1) {
+ // CompositeAndReadback force recreates the output surface, which should
+ // fail.
+ char pixels[4];
+ EXPECT_FALSE(layer_tree_host()->CompositeAndReadback(
+ &pixels, gfx::Rect(1, 1)));
+ }
+ }
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestRetryWorksWithForcedInit);
+class LayerTreeHostContextTestCompositeAndReadbackBeforeOutputSurfaceInit
+ : public LayerTreeHostContextTest {
+ public:
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ // This must be called immediately after creating LTH, before the first
+ // OutputSurface is initialized.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(layer_tree_host()->output_surface_lost());
+ times_output_surface_created_ = 0;
+ char pixels[4];
+ bool result = layer_tree_host()->CompositeAndReadback(
+ &pixels, gfx::Rect(1, 1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(!delegating_renderer(), result);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, times_output_surface_created_);
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void DidInitializeOutputSurface(bool succeeded) OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(succeeded);
+ ++times_output_surface_created_;
+ }
+ virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() OVERRIDE {
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {
+ // Should not try to create output surface again after successfully
+ // created by CompositeAndReadback.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, times_output_surface_created_);
+ }
+ private:
+ int times_output_surface_created_;
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestCompositeAndReadbackBeforeOutputSurfaceInit);
+class ImplSidePaintingLayerTreeHostContextTest
+ : public LayerTreeHostContextTest {
+ public:
+ virtual void InitializeSettings(LayerTreeSettings* settings) OVERRIDE {
+ settings->impl_side_painting = true;
+ }
+class LayerTreeHostContextTestImplSidePainting
+ : public ImplSidePaintingLayerTreeHostContextTest {
+ public:
+ virtual void SetupTree() OVERRIDE {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> root = Layer::Create();
+ root->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ root->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ root->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ scoped_refptr<PictureLayer> picture = PictureLayer::Create(&client_);
+ picture->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 10));
+ picture->SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ picture->SetIsDrawable(true);
+ root->AddChild(picture);
+ layer_tree_host()->SetRootLayer(root);
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::SetupTree();
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ times_to_lose_during_commit_ = 1;
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void DidInitializeOutputSurface(bool succeeded) OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(succeeded);
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ private:
+ FakeContentLayerClient client_;
+class ScrollbarLayerLostContext : public LayerTreeHostContextTest {
+ public:
+ ScrollbarLayerLostContext() : commits_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ scoped_refptr<Layer> scroll_layer = Layer::Create();
+ scrollbar_layer_ = FakeScrollbarLayer::Create(
+ false, true, scroll_layer->id());
+ scrollbar_layer_->SetBounds(gfx::Size(10, 100));
+ layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->AddChild(scrollbar_layer_);
+ layer_tree_host()->root_layer()->AddChild(scroll_layer);
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::CommitCompleteOnThread(impl);
+ ++commits_;
+ switch (commits_) {
+ case 1:
+ // First (regular) update, we should upload 2 resources (thumb, and
+ // backtrack).
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, scrollbar_layer_->update_count());
+ LoseContext();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // Second update, after the lost context, we should still upload 2
+ // resources even if the contents haven't changed.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, scrollbar_layer_->update_count());
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ int commits_;
+ scoped_refptr<FakeScrollbarLayer> scrollbar_layer_;
+class LayerTreeHostContextTestFailsToCreateSurface
+ : public LayerTreeHostContextTest {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestFailsToCreateSurface()
+ : LayerTreeHostContextTest(),
+ failure_count_(0) {
+ times_to_lose_on_create_ = 10;
+ }
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void DidInitializeOutputSurface(bool success) OVERRIDE {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(success);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, failure_count_);
+ times_to_lose_on_create_ = 0;
+ failure_count_++;
+ // Normally, the embedder should stop trying to use the compositor at
+ // this point, but let's force it back into action when we shouldn't.
+ char pixels[4];
+ layer_tree_host()->CompositeAndReadback(pixels, gfx::Rect(1, 1)));
+ // If we've made it this far without crashing, we've succeeded.
+ EndTest();
+ }
+ private:
+ int failure_count_;
+ LayerTreeHostContextTestFailsToCreateSurface);
+// Not reusing LayerTreeTest because it expects creating LTH to always succeed.
+class LayerTreeHostTestCannotCreateIfCannotCreateOutputSurface
+ : public testing::Test,
+ public FakeLayerTreeHostClient {
+ public:
+ LayerTreeHostTestCannotCreateIfCannotCreateOutputSurface()
+ : FakeLayerTreeHostClient(FakeLayerTreeHostClient::DIRECT_3D) {}
+ // FakeLayerTreeHostClient implementation.
+ virtual scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> CreateOutputSurface(bool fallback)
+ return scoped_ptr<OutputSurface>();
+ }
+ void RunTest(bool threaded,
+ bool delegating_renderer,
+ bool impl_side_painting) {
+ scoped_ptr<base::Thread> impl_thread;
+ if (threaded) {
+ impl_thread.reset(new base::Thread("LayerTreeTest"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(impl_thread->Start());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(impl_thread->message_loop_proxy().get());
+ }
+ LayerTreeSettings settings;
+ settings.impl_side_painting = impl_side_painting;
+ scoped_ptr<LayerTreeHost> layer_tree_host = LayerTreeHost::Create(
+ this,
+ settings,
+ impl_thread ? impl_thread->message_loop_proxy() : NULL);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(layer_tree_host);
+ }
+ LayerTreeHostTestCannotCreateIfCannotCreateOutputSurface);
+class UIResourceLostTest : public LayerTreeHostContextTest {
+ public:
+ UIResourceLostTest() : time_step_(0) {}
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE { PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread(); }
+ virtual void AfterTest() OVERRIDE {}
+ protected:
+ int time_step_;
+ scoped_ptr<FakeScopedUIResource> ui_resource_;
+// Losing context after an UI resource has been created.
+class UIResourceLostAfterCommit : public UIResourceLostTest {
+ public:
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::CommitCompleteOnThread(impl);
+ switch (time_step_) {
+ case 0:
+ ui_resource_ = FakeScopedUIResource::Create(layer_tree_host());
+ // Expects a valid UIResourceId.
+ EXPECT_NE(0, ui_resource_->id());
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ // The resource should have been created on LTHI after the commit.
+ if (!layer_tree_host()->settings().impl_side_painting)
+ EXPECT_NE(0u, impl->ResourceIdForUIResource(ui_resource_->id()));
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ LoseContext();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // The resources should have been recreated. The bitmap callback should
+ // have been called once with the resource_lost flag set to true.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, ui_resource_->lost_resource_count);
+ // Resource Id on the impl-side have been recreated as well. Note
+ // that the same UIResourceId persists after the context lost.
+ if (!layer_tree_host()->settings().impl_side_painting)
+ EXPECT_NE(0u, impl->ResourceIdForUIResource(ui_resource_->id()));
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // Release resource before ending test.
+ ui_resource_.reset();
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void DidActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::DidActivateTreeOnThread(impl);
+ switch (time_step_) {
+ case 1:
+ if (layer_tree_host()->settings().impl_side_painting)
+ EXPECT_NE(0u, impl->ResourceIdForUIResource(ui_resource_->id()));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (layer_tree_host()->settings().impl_side_painting)
+ EXPECT_NE(0u, impl->ResourceIdForUIResource(ui_resource_->id()));
+ break;
+ }
+ ++time_step_;
+ }
+// Losing context before UI resource requests can be commited. Three sequences
+// of creation/deletion are considered:
+// 1. Create one resource -> Context Lost => Expect the resource to have been
+// created.
+// 2. Delete an exisiting resource (test_id0_) -> create a second resource
+// (test_id1_) -> Context Lost => Expect the test_id0_ to be removed and
+// test_id1_ to have been created.
+// 3. Create one resource -> Delete that same resource -> Context Lost => Expect
+// the resource to not exist in the manager.
+class UIResourceLostBeforeCommit : public UIResourceLostTest {
+ public:
+ UIResourceLostBeforeCommit()
+ : test_id0_(0),
+ test_id1_(0) {}
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::CommitCompleteOnThread(impl);
+ switch (time_step_) {
+ case 0:
+ // Sequence 1:
+ ui_resource_ = FakeScopedUIResource::Create(layer_tree_host());
+ LoseContext();
+ // Resource Id on the impl-side should no longer be valid after
+ // context is lost.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, impl->ResourceIdForUIResource(ui_resource_->id()));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ // The resources should have been recreated.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, ui_resource_->resource_create_count);
+ // "resource lost" callback was called once for the resource in the
+ // resource map.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, ui_resource_->lost_resource_count);
+ // Resource Id on the impl-side have been recreated as well. Note
+ // that the same UIResourceId persists after the context lost.
+ if (!layer_tree_host()->settings().impl_side_painting)
+ EXPECT_NE(0u, impl->ResourceIdForUIResource(ui_resource_->id()));
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // Sequence 2:
+ // Currently one resource has been created.
+ test_id0_ = ui_resource_->id();
+ // Delete this resource.
+ ui_resource_.reset();
+ // Create another resource.
+ ui_resource_ = FakeScopedUIResource::Create(layer_tree_host());
+ test_id1_ = ui_resource_->id();
+ // Sanity check that two resource creations return different ids.
+ EXPECT_NE(test_id0_, test_id1_);
+ // Lose the context before commit.
+ LoseContext();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (!layer_tree_host()->settings().impl_side_painting) {
+ // The previous resource should have been deleted.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, impl->ResourceIdForUIResource(test_id0_));
+ // The second resource should have been created.
+ EXPECT_NE(0u, impl->ResourceIdForUIResource(test_id1_));
+ }
+ // The second resource called the resource callback once and since the
+ // context is lost, a "resource lost" callback was also issued.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, ui_resource_->resource_create_count);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, ui_resource_->lost_resource_count);
+ // Clear the manager of resources.
+ ui_resource_.reset();
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // Sequence 3:
+ ui_resource_ = FakeScopedUIResource::Create(layer_tree_host());
+ test_id0_ = ui_resource_->id();
+ // Sanity check the UIResourceId should not be 0.
+ EXPECT_NE(0, test_id0_);
+ // Usually ScopedUIResource are deleted from the manager in their
+ // destructor (so usually ui_resource_.reset()). But here we need
+ // ui_resource_ for the next step, so call DeleteUIResource directly.
+ layer_tree_host()->DeleteUIResource(test_id0_);
+ LoseContext();
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ // Expect the resource callback to have been called once.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, ui_resource_->resource_create_count);
+ // No "resource lost" callbacks.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ui_resource_->lost_resource_count);
+ if (!layer_tree_host()->settings().impl_side_painting) {
+ // The UI resource id should not be valid
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, impl->ResourceIdForUIResource(test_id0_));
+ }
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ ui_resource_.reset();
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void DidActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::DidActivateTreeOnThread(impl);
+ switch (time_step_) {
+ case 1:
+ if (layer_tree_host()->settings().impl_side_painting)
+ EXPECT_NE(0u, impl->ResourceIdForUIResource(ui_resource_->id()));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (layer_tree_host()->settings().impl_side_painting) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, impl->ResourceIdForUIResource(test_id0_));
+ EXPECT_NE(0u, impl->ResourceIdForUIResource(test_id1_));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ if (layer_tree_host()->settings().impl_side_painting)
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, impl->ResourceIdForUIResource(test_id0_));
+ break;
+ }
+ ++time_step_;
+ }
+ private:
+ UIResourceId test_id0_;
+ UIResourceId test_id1_;
+// Losing UI resource before the pending trees is activated but after the
+// commit. Impl-side-painting only.
+class UIResourceLostBeforeActivateTree : public UIResourceLostTest {
+ virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::CommitCompleteOnThread(impl);
+ switch (time_step_) {
+ case 0:
+ ui_resource_ = FakeScopedUIResource::Create(layer_tree_host());
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ test_id_ = ui_resource_->id();
+ ui_resource_.reset();
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ EndTest();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void WillActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ switch (time_step_) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ // The resource creation callback has been called.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, ui_resource_->resource_create_count);
+ // The resource is not yet lost (sanity check).
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ui_resource_->lost_resource_count);
+ // The resource should not have been created yet on the impl-side.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, impl->ResourceIdForUIResource(ui_resource_->id()));
+ LoseContext();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ LoseContext();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void DidActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) OVERRIDE {
+ LayerTreeHostContextTest::DidActivateTreeOnThread(impl);
+ switch (time_step_) {
+ case 1:
+ // The pending requests on the impl-side should have been processed.
+ EXPECT_NE(0u, impl->ResourceIdForUIResource(ui_resource_->id()));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // The "lost resource" callback should have been called once.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, ui_resource_->lost_resource_count);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // The resource is deleted and should not be in the manager. Use
+ // test_id_ since ui_resource_ has been deleted.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, impl->ResourceIdForUIResource(test_id_));
+ break;
+ }
+ ++time_step_;
+ }
+ private:
+ UIResourceId test_id_;
+ RunMultiThread_DirectRenderer_ImplSidePaint) {
+ RunTest(true, false, true);
+ RunMultiThread_DelegatingRenderer_ImplSidePaint) {
+ RunTest(true, true, true);
+} // namespace
+} // namespace cc