path: root/chromium/media/audio/cross_process_notification.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/media/audio/cross_process_notification.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 172 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/media/audio/cross_process_notification.h b/chromium/media/audio/cross_process_notification.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 16f2fc07fcf..00000000000
--- a/chromium/media/audio/cross_process_notification.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/basictypes.h"
-#include "base/process/process.h"
-#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
-#include "media/base/media_export.h"
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
-#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
-#include "base/file_descriptor_posix.h"
-#include "base/sync_socket.h"
-// A mechanism to synchronize access to a shared resource between two parties
-// when the usage pattern resembles that of two players playing a game of chess.
-// Each end has an instance of CrossProcessNotification and calls Signal() when
-// it has finished using the shared resource.
-// Before accessing the resource, it must call Wait() in order to know when the
-// other end has called Signal().
-// Here's some pseudo code for how this class can be used:
-// This method is used by both processes as it's a general way to use the
-// shared resource and then grant the privilege to the other process:
-// void WriteToSharedMemory(CrossProcessNotification* notification,
-// SharedMemory* mem,
-// const char my_char) {
-// notification->Wait(); // Wait for the other process to yield access.
-// reinterpret_cast<char*>(mem->memory())[0] = my_char;
-// notification->Signal(); // Grant the other process access.
-// }
-// Process A:
-// class A {
-// public:
-// void Initialize(base::ProcessHandle process_b) {
-// mem_.CreateNamed("foo", false, 1024);
-// CrossProcessNotification other;
-// CHECK(CrossProcessNotification::InitializePair(&notification_, &other));
-// CrossProcessNotification::IPCHandle handle_1, handle_2;
-// CHECK(other.ShareToProcess(process_b, &handle_1, &handle_2));
-// // This could be implemented by using some IPC mechanism
-// // such as MessageLoop.
-// SendToProcessB(mem_, handle_1, handle_2);
-// // Allow process B the first chance to write to the memory:
-// notification_.Signal();
-// // Once B is done, we'll write 'A' to the shared memory.
-// WriteToSharedMemory(&notification_, &mem_, 'A');
-// }
-// CrossProcessNotification notification_;
-// SharedMemory mem_;
-// };
-// Process B:
-// class B {
-// public:
-// // Called when we receive the IPC message from A.
-// void Initialize(SharedMemoryHandle mem,
-// CrossProcessNotification::IPCHandle handle_1,
-// CrossProcessNotification::IPCHandle handle_2) {
-// mem_.reset(new SharedMemory(mem, false));
-// notification_.reset(new CrossProcessNotification(handle_1, handle_2));
-// WriteToSharedMemory(&notification_, &mem_, 'B');
-// }
-// CrossProcessNotification notification_;
-// scoped_ptr<SharedMemory> mem_;
-// };
-class MEDIA_EXPORT CrossProcessNotification {
- public:
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- typedef HANDLE IPCHandle;
- typedef base::FileDescriptor IPCHandle;
- typedef std::vector<CrossProcessNotification*> Notifications;
- // Default ctor. Initializes a NULL notification. User must call
- // InitializePair() to initialize the instance along with a connected one.
- CrossProcessNotification();
- // Ctor for the user that does not call InitializePair but instead receives
- // handles from the one that did. These handles come from a call to
- // ShareToProcess.
- CrossProcessNotification(IPCHandle handle_1, IPCHandle handle_2);
- ~CrossProcessNotification();
- // Raises a signal that the shared resource now can be accessed by the other
- // party.
- // NOTE: Calling Signal() more than once without calling Wait() in between
- // is not a supported scenario and will result in undefined behavior (and
- // different depending on platform).
- void Signal();
- // Waits for the other party to finish using the shared resource.
- // NOTE: As with Signal(), you must not call Wait() more than once without
- // calling Signal() in between.
- void Wait();
- bool IsValid() const;
- // Copies the internal handles to the output parameters, |handle_1| and
- // |handle_2|. The operation can fail, so the caller must be prepared to
- // handle that case.
- bool ShareToProcess(base::ProcessHandle process, IPCHandle* handle_1,
- IPCHandle* handle_2);
- // Initializes a pair of CrossProcessNotification instances. Note that this
- // can fail (e.g. due to EMFILE on Linux).
- static bool InitializePair(CrossProcessNotification* a,
- CrossProcessNotification* b);
- // Use an instance of this class when you have to repeatedly wait for multiple
- // notifications on the same thread. The class will store information about
- // which notification was last signaled and try to distribute the signals so
- // that all notifications get a chance to be processed in times of high load
- // and a busy one won't starve the others.
- // TODO(tommi): Support a way to abort the wait.
- class MEDIA_EXPORT WaitForMultiple :
- public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(base::NonThreadSafe) {
- public:
- // Caller must make sure that the lifetime of the array is greater than
- // that of the WaitForMultiple instance.
- explicit WaitForMultiple(const Notifications* notifications);
- // Waits for any of the notifications to be signaled. Returns the 0 based
- // index of a signaled notification.
- int Wait();
- // Call when the array changes. This should be called on the same thread
- // as Wait() is called on and the array must never change while a Wait()
- // is in progress.
- void Reset(const Notifications* notifications);
- private:
- const Notifications* notifications_;
- size_t wait_offset_;
- };
- private:
- // Only called by the WaitForMultiple class. See documentation
- // for WaitForMultiple and comments inside WaitMultiple for details.
- static int WaitMultiple(const Notifications& notifications,
- size_t wait_offset);
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- base::win::ScopedHandle mine_;
- base::win::ScopedHandle other_;
- typedef base::CancelableSyncSocket SocketClass;
- SocketClass socket_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CrossProcessNotification);