path: root/chromium/media/filters/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/media/filters/')
1 files changed, 725 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/media/filters/ b/chromium/media/filters/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0b07a751d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/media/filters/
@@ -0,0 +1,725 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <utility>
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/callback.h"
+#include "base/callback_helpers.h"
+#include "base/debug/stack_trace.h"
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/stl_util.h"
+#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
+#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
+#include "base/timer/timer.h"
+#include "media/base/data_buffer.h"
+#include "media/base/gmock_callback_support.h"
+#include "media/base/limits.h"
+#include "media/base/mock_filters.h"
+#include "media/base/test_helpers.h"
+#include "media/base/video_frame.h"
+#include "media/filters/video_renderer_impl.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+using ::testing::_;
+using ::testing::AnyNumber;
+using ::testing::InSequence;
+using ::testing::Invoke;
+using ::testing::NiceMock;
+using ::testing::NotNull;
+using ::testing::Return;
+using ::testing::StrictMock;
+namespace media {
+static const int kFrameDurationInMs = 10;
+static const int kVideoDurationInMs = kFrameDurationInMs * 100;
+class VideoRendererImplTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ public:
+ VideoRendererImplTest()
+ : decoder_(new MockVideoDecoder()),
+ demuxer_stream_(DemuxerStream::VIDEO) {
+ ScopedVector<VideoDecoder> decoders;
+ decoders.push_back(decoder_);
+ renderer_.reset(new VideoRendererImpl(
+ message_loop_.message_loop_proxy(),
+ decoders.Pass(),
+ media::SetDecryptorReadyCB(),
+ base::Bind(&VideoRendererImplTest::OnPaint, base::Unretained(this)),
+ base::Bind(&VideoRendererImplTest::OnSetOpaque, base::Unretained(this)),
+ true));
+ demuxer_stream_.set_video_decoder_config(TestVideoConfig::Normal());
+ // We expect these to be called but we don't care how/when.
+ EXPECT_CALL(demuxer_stream_, Read(_))
+ .WillRepeatedly(RunCallback<0>(DemuxerStream::kOk,
+ DecoderBuffer::CreateEOSBuffer()));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*decoder_, Stop(_))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Invoke(this, &VideoRendererImplTest::StopRequested));
+ EXPECT_CALL(statistics_cb_object_, OnStatistics(_))
+ .Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, OnTimeUpdate(_))
+ .Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, OnSetOpaque(_))
+ .Times(AnyNumber());
+ }
+ virtual ~VideoRendererImplTest() {}
+ // Callbacks passed into VideoRendererImpl().
+ MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(OnSetOpaque, void(bool));
+ // Callbacks passed into Initialize().
+ MOCK_METHOD1(OnTimeUpdate, void(base::TimeDelta));
+ MOCK_METHOD1(OnNaturalSizeChanged, void(const gfx::Size&));
+ void Initialize() {
+ InitializeWithDuration(kVideoDurationInMs);
+ }
+ void InitializeWithDuration(int duration_ms) {
+ duration_ = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(duration_ms);
+ // Monitor decodes from the decoder.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*decoder_, Decode(_, _))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Invoke(this, &VideoRendererImplTest::FrameRequested));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*decoder_, Reset(_))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Invoke(this, &VideoRendererImplTest::FlushRequested));
+ InSequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*decoder_, Initialize(_, _))
+ .WillOnce(RunCallback<1>(PIPELINE_OK));
+ // Set playback rate before anything else happens.
+ renderer_->SetPlaybackRate(1.0f);
+ // Initialize, we shouldn't have any reads.
+ InitializeRenderer(PIPELINE_OK);
+ // We expect the video size to be set.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this,
+ OnNaturalSizeChanged(TestVideoConfig::NormalCodedSize()));
+ // Start prerolling.
+ QueuePrerollFrames(0);
+ Preroll(0, PIPELINE_OK);
+ }
+ void InitializeRenderer(PipelineStatus expected) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(base::StringPrintf("InitializeRenderer(%d)", expected));
+ WaitableMessageLoopEvent event;
+ CallInitialize(event.GetPipelineStatusCB());
+ event.RunAndWaitForStatus(expected);
+ }
+ void CallInitialize(const PipelineStatusCB& status_cb) {
+ renderer_->Initialize(
+ &demuxer_stream_,
+ status_cb,
+ base::Bind(&MockStatisticsCB::OnStatistics,
+ base::Unretained(&statistics_cb_object_)),
+ base::Bind(&VideoRendererImplTest::OnTimeUpdate,
+ base::Unretained(this)),
+ base::Bind(&VideoRendererImplTest::OnNaturalSizeChanged,
+ base::Unretained(this)),
+ ended_event_.GetClosure(),
+ error_event_.GetPipelineStatusCB(),
+ base::Bind(&VideoRendererImplTest::GetTime, base::Unretained(this)),
+ base::Bind(&VideoRendererImplTest::GetDuration,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ }
+ void Play() {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("Play()");
+ WaitableMessageLoopEvent event;
+ renderer_->Play(event.GetClosure());
+ event.RunAndWait();
+ }
+ void Preroll(int timestamp_ms, PipelineStatus expected) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(base::StringPrintf("Preroll(%d, %d)", timestamp_ms, expected));
+ WaitableMessageLoopEvent event;
+ renderer_->Preroll(
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(timestamp_ms),
+ event.GetPipelineStatusCB());
+ event.RunAndWaitForStatus(expected);
+ }
+ void Pause() {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("Pause()");
+ WaitableMessageLoopEvent event;
+ renderer_->Pause(event.GetClosure());
+ event.RunAndWait();
+ }
+ void Flush() {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("Flush()");
+ WaitableMessageLoopEvent event;
+ renderer_->Flush(event.GetClosure());
+ event.RunAndWait();
+ }
+ void Stop() {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("Stop()");
+ WaitableMessageLoopEvent event;
+ renderer_->Stop(event.GetClosure());
+ event.RunAndWait();
+ }
+ void Shutdown() {
+ Pause();
+ Flush();
+ Stop();
+ }
+ // Queues a VideoFrame with |next_frame_timestamp_|.
+ void QueueNextFrame() {
+ DCHECK_EQ(&message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current());
+ DCHECK_LT(next_frame_timestamp_.InMicroseconds(),
+ duration_.InMicroseconds());
+ gfx::Size natural_size = TestVideoConfig::NormalCodedSize();
+ scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> frame = VideoFrame::CreateFrame(
+ VideoFrame::YV12, natural_size, gfx::Rect(natural_size), natural_size,
+ next_frame_timestamp_);
+ decode_results_.push_back(std::make_pair(
+ VideoDecoder::kOk, frame));
+ next_frame_timestamp_ +=
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kFrameDurationInMs);
+ }
+ void QueueEndOfStream() {
+ DCHECK_EQ(&message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current());
+ decode_results_.push_back(std::make_pair(
+ VideoDecoder::kOk, VideoFrame::CreateEOSFrame()));
+ }
+ void QueueDecodeError() {
+ DCHECK_EQ(&message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current());
+ scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> null_frame;
+ decode_results_.push_back(std::make_pair(
+ VideoDecoder::kDecodeError, null_frame));
+ }
+ void QueueAbortedRead() {
+ DCHECK_EQ(&message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current());
+ scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> null_frame;
+ decode_results_.push_back(std::make_pair(
+ VideoDecoder::kOk, null_frame));
+ }
+ void QueuePrerollFrames(int timestamp_ms) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(&message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current());
+ next_frame_timestamp_ = base::TimeDelta();
+ base::TimeDelta timestamp = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(timestamp_ms);
+ while (next_frame_timestamp_ < timestamp) {
+ QueueNextFrame();
+ }
+ // Queue the frame at |timestamp| plus additional ones for prerolling.
+ for (int i = 0; i < limits::kMaxVideoFrames; ++i) {
+ QueueNextFrame();
+ }
+ }
+ void ResetCurrentFrame() {
+ base::AutoLock l(lock_);
+ current_frame_ = NULL;
+ }
+ scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> GetCurrentFrame() {
+ base::AutoLock l(lock_);
+ return current_frame_;
+ }
+ int GetCurrentTimestampInMs() {
+ scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> frame = GetCurrentFrame();
+ if (!frame.get())
+ return -1;
+ return frame->GetTimestamp().InMilliseconds();
+ }
+ void WaitForError(PipelineStatus expected) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(base::StringPrintf("WaitForError(%d)", expected));
+ error_event_.RunAndWaitForStatus(expected);
+ }
+ void WaitForEnded() {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("WaitForEnded()");
+ ended_event_.RunAndWait();
+ }
+ void WaitForPendingRead() {
+ SCOPED_TRACE("WaitForPendingRead()");
+ if (!read_cb_.is_null())
+ return;
+ DCHECK(wait_for_pending_read_cb_.is_null());
+ WaitableMessageLoopEvent event;
+ wait_for_pending_read_cb_ = event.GetClosure();
+ event.RunAndWait();
+ DCHECK(!read_cb_.is_null());
+ DCHECK(wait_for_pending_read_cb_.is_null());
+ }
+ void SatisfyPendingRead() {
+ CHECK(!read_cb_.is_null());
+ CHECK(!decode_results_.empty());
+ base::Closure closure = base::Bind(
+ read_cb_, decode_results_.front().first,
+ decode_results_.front().second);
+ read_cb_.Reset();
+ decode_results_.pop_front();
+ message_loop_.PostTask(FROM_HERE, closure);
+ }
+ void AdvanceTimeInMs(int time_ms) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(&message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current());
+ base::AutoLock l(lock_);
+ time_ += base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(time_ms);
+ DCHECK_LE(time_.InMicroseconds(), duration_.InMicroseconds());
+ }
+ protected:
+ // Fixture members.
+ scoped_ptr<VideoRendererImpl> renderer_;
+ MockVideoDecoder* decoder_; // Owned by |renderer_|.
+ NiceMock<MockDemuxerStream> demuxer_stream_;
+ MockStatisticsCB statistics_cb_object_;
+ private:
+ base::TimeDelta GetTime() {
+ base::AutoLock l(lock_);
+ return time_;
+ }
+ base::TimeDelta GetDuration() {
+ return duration_;
+ }
+ void OnPaint(const scoped_refptr<VideoFrame>& frame) {
+ base::AutoLock l(lock_);
+ current_frame_ = frame;
+ }
+ void FrameRequested(const scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer>& buffer,
+ const VideoDecoder::DecodeCB& read_cb) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(&message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current());
+ CHECK(read_cb_.is_null());
+ read_cb_ = read_cb;
+ // Wake up WaitForPendingRead() if needed.
+ if (!wait_for_pending_read_cb_.is_null())
+ base::ResetAndReturn(&wait_for_pending_read_cb_).Run();
+ if (decode_results_.empty())
+ return;
+ SatisfyPendingRead();
+ }
+ void FlushRequested(const base::Closure& callback) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(&message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current());
+ decode_results_.clear();
+ if (!read_cb_.is_null()) {
+ QueueAbortedRead();
+ SatisfyPendingRead();
+ }
+ message_loop_.PostTask(FROM_HERE, callback);
+ }
+ void StopRequested(const base::Closure& callback) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(&message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current());
+ decode_results_.clear();
+ if (!read_cb_.is_null()) {
+ QueueAbortedRead();
+ SatisfyPendingRead();
+ }
+ message_loop_.PostTask(FROM_HERE, callback);
+ }
+ base::MessageLoop message_loop_;
+ // Used to protect |time_| and |current_frame_|.
+ base::Lock lock_;
+ base::TimeDelta time_;
+ scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> current_frame_;
+ // Used for satisfying reads.
+ VideoDecoder::DecodeCB read_cb_;
+ base::TimeDelta next_frame_timestamp_;
+ base::TimeDelta duration_;
+ WaitableMessageLoopEvent error_event_;
+ WaitableMessageLoopEvent ended_event_;
+ // Run during FrameRequested() to unblock WaitForPendingRead().
+ base::Closure wait_for_pending_read_cb_;
+ std::deque<std::pair<
+ VideoDecoder::Status, scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> > > decode_results_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VideoRendererImplTest);
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, DoNothing) {
+ // Test that creation and deletion doesn't depend on calls to Initialize()
+ // and/or Stop().
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, StopWithoutInitialize) {
+ Stop();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, Initialize) {
+ Initialize();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetCurrentTimestampInMs());
+ Shutdown();
+static void ExpectNotCalled(PipelineStatus) {
+ base::debug::StackTrace stack;
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected callback not to be called\n" << stack.ToString();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, StopWhileInitializing) {
+ EXPECT_CALL(*decoder_, Initialize(_, _))
+ .WillOnce(RunCallback<1>(PIPELINE_OK));
+ CallInitialize(base::Bind(&ExpectNotCalled));
+ Stop();
+ // ~VideoRendererImpl() will CHECK() if we left anything initialized.
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, StopWhileFlushing) {
+ Initialize();
+ Pause();
+ renderer_->Flush(base::Bind(&ExpectNotCalled, PIPELINE_OK));
+ Stop();
+ // ~VideoRendererImpl() will CHECK() if we left anything initialized.
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, Play) {
+ Initialize();
+ Play();
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, EndOfStream_DefaultFrameDuration) {
+ Initialize();
+ Play();
+ // Verify that the ended callback fires when the default last frame duration
+ // has elapsed.
+ int end_timestamp = kFrameDurationInMs * limits::kMaxVideoFrames +
+ VideoRendererImpl::kMaxLastFrameDuration().InMilliseconds();
+ EXPECT_LT(end_timestamp, kVideoDurationInMs);
+ QueueEndOfStream();
+ AdvanceTimeInMs(end_timestamp);
+ WaitForEnded();
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, EndOfStream_ClipDuration) {
+ int duration = kVideoDurationInMs + kFrameDurationInMs / 2;
+ InitializeWithDuration(duration);
+ Play();
+ // Render all frames except for the last |limits::kMaxVideoFrames| frames
+ // and deliver all the frames between the start and |duration|. The preroll
+ // inside Initialize() makes this a little confusing, but |timestamp| is
+ // the current render time and QueueNextFrame() delivers a frame with a
+ // timestamp that is |timestamp| + limits::kMaxVideoFrames *
+ // kFrameDurationInMs.
+ int timestamp = kFrameDurationInMs;
+ int end_timestamp = duration - limits::kMaxVideoFrames * kFrameDurationInMs;
+ for (; timestamp < end_timestamp; timestamp += kFrameDurationInMs) {
+ QueueNextFrame();
+ }
+ // Queue the end of stream frame and wait for the last frame to be rendered.
+ QueueEndOfStream();
+ AdvanceTimeInMs(duration);
+ WaitForEnded();
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, DecodeError_Playing) {
+ Initialize();
+ Play();
+ QueueDecodeError();
+ AdvanceTimeInMs(kVideoDurationInMs);
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, DecodeError_DuringPreroll) {
+ Initialize();
+ Pause();
+ Flush();
+ QueueDecodeError();
+ Preroll(kFrameDurationInMs * 6, PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE);
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, Preroll_Exact) {
+ Initialize();
+ Pause();
+ Flush();
+ QueuePrerollFrames(kFrameDurationInMs * 6);
+ Preroll(kFrameDurationInMs * 6, PIPELINE_OK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kFrameDurationInMs * 6, GetCurrentTimestampInMs());
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, Preroll_RightBefore) {
+ Initialize();
+ Pause();
+ Flush();
+ QueuePrerollFrames(kFrameDurationInMs * 6);
+ Preroll(kFrameDurationInMs * 6 - 1, PIPELINE_OK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kFrameDurationInMs * 5, GetCurrentTimestampInMs());
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, Preroll_RightAfter) {
+ Initialize();
+ Pause();
+ Flush();
+ QueuePrerollFrames(kFrameDurationInMs * 6);
+ Preroll(kFrameDurationInMs * 6 + 1, PIPELINE_OK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kFrameDurationInMs * 6, GetCurrentTimestampInMs());
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, PlayAfterPreroll) {
+ Initialize();
+ Pause();
+ Flush();
+ QueuePrerollFrames(kFrameDurationInMs * 4);
+ Preroll(kFrameDurationInMs * 4, PIPELINE_OK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kFrameDurationInMs * 4, GetCurrentTimestampInMs());
+ Play();
+ // Advance time past prerolled time to trigger a Read().
+ AdvanceTimeInMs(5 * kFrameDurationInMs);
+ WaitForPendingRead();
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, Rebuffer) {
+ Initialize();
+ Play();
+ // Advance time past prerolled time drain the ready frame queue.
+ AdvanceTimeInMs(5 * kFrameDurationInMs);
+ WaitForPendingRead();
+ // Simulate a Pause/Preroll/Play rebuffer sequence.
+ Pause();
+ WaitableMessageLoopEvent event;
+ renderer_->Preroll(kNoTimestamp(),
+ event.GetPipelineStatusCB());
+ // Queue enough frames to satisfy preroll.
+ for (int i = 0; i < limits::kMaxVideoFrames; ++i)
+ QueueNextFrame();
+ SatisfyPendingRead();
+ event.RunAndWaitForStatus(PIPELINE_OK);
+ Play();
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, Rebuffer_AlreadyHaveEnoughFrames) {
+ Initialize();
+ // Queue an extra frame so that we'll have enough frames to satisfy
+ // preroll even after the first frame is painted.
+ QueueNextFrame();
+ Play();
+ // Simulate a Pause/Preroll/Play rebuffer sequence.
+ Pause();
+ WaitableMessageLoopEvent event;
+ renderer_->Preroll(kNoTimestamp(),
+ event.GetPipelineStatusCB());
+ event.RunAndWaitForStatus(PIPELINE_OK);
+ Play();
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, GetCurrentFrame_Initialized) {
+ Initialize();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetCurrentFrame().get()); // Due to prerolling.
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, GetCurrentFrame_Playing) {
+ Initialize();
+ Play();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetCurrentFrame().get());
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, GetCurrentFrame_Paused) {
+ Initialize();
+ Play();
+ Pause();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetCurrentFrame().get());
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, GetCurrentFrame_Flushed) {
+ Initialize();
+ Play();
+ Pause();
+ // Frame shouldn't be updated.
+ ResetCurrentFrame();
+ Flush();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetCurrentFrame().get());
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, GetCurrentFrame_EndOfStream) {
+ Initialize();
+ Play();
+ Pause();
+ Flush();
+ // Preroll only end of stream frames.
+ QueueEndOfStream();
+ // Frame shouldn't be updated.
+ ResetCurrentFrame();
+ Preroll(0, PIPELINE_OK);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetCurrentFrame().get());
+ // Start playing, we should immediately get notified of end of stream.
+ Play();
+ WaitForEnded();
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, GetCurrentFrame_Shutdown) {
+ Initialize();
+ // Frame shouldn't be updated.
+ ResetCurrentFrame();
+ Shutdown();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetCurrentFrame().get());
+// Stop() is called immediately during an error.
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, GetCurrentFrame_Error) {
+ Initialize();
+ // Frame shouldn't be updated.
+ ResetCurrentFrame();
+ Stop();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetCurrentFrame().get());
+// Verify that a late decoder response doesn't break invariants in the renderer.
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, StopDuringOutstandingRead) {
+ Initialize();
+ Play();
+ // Advance time a bit to trigger a Read().
+ AdvanceTimeInMs(kFrameDurationInMs);
+ WaitForPendingRead();
+ WaitableMessageLoopEvent event;
+ renderer_->Stop(event.GetClosure());
+ event.RunAndWait();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, AbortPendingRead_Playing) {
+ Initialize();
+ Play();
+ // Advance time a bit to trigger a Read().
+ AdvanceTimeInMs(kFrameDurationInMs);
+ WaitForPendingRead();
+ QueueAbortedRead();
+ SatisfyPendingRead();
+ Pause();
+ Flush();
+ QueuePrerollFrames(kFrameDurationInMs * 6);
+ Preroll(kFrameDurationInMs * 6, PIPELINE_OK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kFrameDurationInMs * 6, GetCurrentTimestampInMs());
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, AbortPendingRead_Flush) {
+ Initialize();
+ Play();
+ // Advance time a bit to trigger a Read().
+ AdvanceTimeInMs(kFrameDurationInMs);
+ WaitForPendingRead();
+ Pause();
+ Flush();
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, AbortPendingRead_Preroll) {
+ Initialize();
+ Pause();
+ Flush();
+ QueueAbortedRead();
+ Preroll(kFrameDurationInMs * 6, PIPELINE_OK);
+ Shutdown();
+TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, VideoDecoder_InitFailure) {
+ InSequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*decoder_, Initialize(_, _))
+ .WillOnce(RunCallback<1>(DECODER_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED));
+ Stop();
+} // namespace media