path: root/chromium/net/base/expiring_cache.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/base/expiring_cache.h')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/base/expiring_cache.h b/chromium/net/base/expiring_cache.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3fbde6594ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/base/expiring_cache.h
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+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <map>
+#include <utility>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
+#include "base/time/time.h"
+namespace net {
+template <typename KeyType,
+ typename ValueType,
+ typename ExpirationType>
+class NoopEvictionHandler {
+ public:
+ void Handle(const KeyType& key,
+ const ValueType& value,
+ const ExpirationType& expiration,
+ const ExpirationType& now,
+ bool onGet) const {
+ }
+// Cache implementation where all entries have an explicit expiration policy. As
+// new items are added, expired items will be removed first.
+// The template types have the following requirements:
+// KeyType must be LessThanComparable, Assignable, and CopyConstructible.
+// ValueType must be CopyConstructible and Assignable.
+// ExpirationType must be CopyConstructible and Assignable.
+// ExpirationCompare is a function class that takes two arguments of the
+// type ExpirationType and returns a bool. If |comp| is an instance of
+// ExpirationCompare, then the expression |comp(current, expiration)| shall
+// return true iff |current| is still valid within |expiration|.
+// A simple use of this class may use base::TimeTicks, which provides a
+// monotonically increasing clock, for the expiration type. Because it's always
+// increasing, std::less<> can be used, which will simply ensure that |now| is
+// sorted before |expiration|:
+// ExpiringCache<std::string, std::string, base::TimeTicks,
+// std::less<base::TimeTicks> > cache(0);
+// // Add a value that expires in 5 minutes
+// cache.Put("key1", "value1", base::TimeTicks::Now(),
+// base::TimeTicks::Now() + base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(5));
+// // Add another value that expires in 10 minutes.
+// cache.Put("key2", "value2", base::TimeTicks::Now(),
+// base::TimeTicks::Now() + base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10));
+// Alternatively, there may be some more complex expiration criteria, at which
+// point a custom functor may be used:
+// struct ComplexExpirationFunctor {
+// bool operator()(const ComplexExpiration& now,
+// const ComplexExpiration& expiration) const;
+// };
+// ExpiringCache<std::string, std::string, ComplexExpiration,
+// ComplexExpirationFunctor> cache(15);
+// // Add a value that expires once the 'sprocket' has 'cog'-ified.
+// cache.Put("key1", "value1", ComplexExpiration("sprocket"),
+// ComplexExpiration("cog"));
+template <typename KeyType,
+ typename ValueType,
+ typename ExpirationType,
+ typename ExpirationCompare,
+ typename EvictionHandler = NoopEvictionHandler<KeyType,
+ ValueType,
+ ExpirationType> >
+class ExpiringCache {
+ private:
+ // Intentionally violate the C++ Style Guide so that EntryMap is known to be
+ // a dependent type. Without this, Clang's two-phase lookup complains when
+ // using EntryMap::const_iterator, while GCC and MSVC happily resolve the
+ // typename.
+ // Tuple to represent the value and when it expires.
+ typedef std::pair<ValueType, ExpirationType> Entry;
+ typedef std::map<KeyType, Entry> EntryMap;
+ public:
+ typedef KeyType key_type;
+ typedef ValueType value_type;
+ typedef ExpirationType expiration_type;
+ // This class provides a read-only iterator over items in the ExpiringCache
+ class Iterator {
+ public:
+ explicit Iterator(const ExpiringCache& cache)
+ : cache_(cache),
+ it_(cache_.entries_.begin()) {
+ }
+ ~Iterator() {}
+ bool HasNext() const { return it_ != cache_.entries_.end(); }
+ void Advance() { ++it_; }
+ const KeyType& key() const { return it_->first; }
+ const ValueType& value() const { return it_->second.first; }
+ const ExpirationType& expiration() const { return it_->second.second; }
+ private:
+ const ExpiringCache& cache_;
+ // Use a second layer of type indirection, as both EntryMap and
+ // EntryMap::const_iterator are dependent types.
+ typedef typename ExpiringCache::EntryMap EntryMap;
+ typename EntryMap::const_iterator it_;
+ };
+ // Constructs an ExpiringCache that stores up to |max_entries|.
+ explicit ExpiringCache(size_t max_entries) : max_entries_(max_entries) {}
+ ~ExpiringCache() {}
+ // Returns the value matching |key|, which must be valid at the time |now|.
+ // Returns NULL if the item is not found or has expired. If the item has
+ // expired, it is immediately removed from the cache.
+ // Note: The returned pointer remains owned by the ExpiringCache and is
+ // invalidated by a call to a non-const method.
+ const ValueType* Get(const KeyType& key, const ExpirationType& now) {
+ typename EntryMap::iterator it = entries_.find(key);
+ if (it == entries_.end())
+ return NULL;
+ // Immediately remove expired entries.
+ if (!expiration_comp_(now, it->second.second)) {
+ Evict(it, now, true);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return &it->second.first;
+ }
+ // Updates or replaces the value associated with |key|.
+ void Put(const KeyType& key,
+ const ValueType& value,
+ const ExpirationType& now,
+ const ExpirationType& expiration) {
+ typename EntryMap::iterator it = entries_.find(key);
+ if (it == entries_.end()) {
+ // Compact the cache if it grew beyond the limit.
+ if (entries_.size() == max_entries_ )
+ Compact(now);
+ // No existing entry. Creating a new one.
+ entries_.insert(std::make_pair(key, Entry(value, expiration)));
+ } else {
+ // Update an existing cache entry.
+ it->second.first = value;
+ it->second.second = expiration;
+ }
+ }
+ // Empties the cache.
+ void Clear() {
+ entries_.clear();
+ }
+ // Returns the number of entries in the cache.
+ size_t size() const { return entries_.size(); }
+ // Returns the maximum number of entries in the cache.
+ size_t max_entries() const { return max_entries_; }
+ bool empty() const { return entries_.empty(); }
+ private:
+ FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExpiringCacheTest, Compact);
+ FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExpiringCacheTest, CustomFunctor);
+ // Prunes entries from the cache to bring it below |max_entries()|.
+ void Compact(const ExpirationType& now) {
+ // Clear out expired entries.
+ typename EntryMap::iterator it;
+ for (it = entries_.begin(); it != entries_.end(); ) {
+ if (!expiration_comp_(now, it->second.second)) {
+ Evict(it++, now, false);
+ } else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ if (entries_.size() < max_entries_)
+ return;
+ // If the cache is still too full, start deleting items 'randomly'.
+ for (it = entries_.begin();
+ it != entries_.end() && entries_.size() >= max_entries_;) {
+ Evict(it++, now, false);
+ }
+ }
+ void Evict(typename EntryMap::iterator it,
+ const ExpirationType& now,
+ bool on_get) {
+ eviction_handler_.Handle(it->first, it->second.first, it->second.second,
+ now, on_get);
+ entries_.erase(it);
+ }
+ // Bound on total size of the cache.
+ size_t max_entries_;
+ EntryMap entries_;
+ ExpirationCompare expiration_comp_;
+ EvictionHandler eviction_handler_;
+} // namespace net