path: root/chromium/net/cookies/cookie_store_unittest.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/cookies/cookie_store_unittest.h')
1 files changed, 1160 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/cookies/cookie_store_unittest.h b/chromium/net/cookies/cookie_store_unittest.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..90999ecdc31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/cookies/cookie_store_unittest.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1160 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_tokenizer.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread.h"
+#include "net/cookies/cookie_monster.h"
+#include "net/cookies/cookie_store.h"
+#include "net/cookies/cookie_store_test_callbacks.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "url/gurl.h"
+// This file declares unittest templates that can be used to test common
+// behavior of any CookieStore implementation.
+// See for an example of an implementation.
+namespace net {
+using base::Thread;
+const int kTimeout = 1000;
+const char kUrlFtp[] = "";
+const char kUrlGoogle[] = "";
+const char kUrlGoogleFoo[] = "";
+const char kUrlGoogleBar[] = "";
+const char kUrlGoogleSecure[] = "";
+const char kValidCookieLine[] = "A=B; path=/";
+const char kValidDomainCookieLine[] = "A=B; path=/; domain=google.izzle";
+// The CookieStoreTestTraits must have the following members:
+// struct CookieStoreTestTraits {
+// // Factory function.
+// static scoped_refptr<CookieStore> Create();
+// // The cookie store is a CookieMonster. Only used to test
+// // GetCookieMonster().
+// static const bool is_cookie_monster;
+// // The cookie store supports cookies with the exclude_httponly() option.
+// static const bool supports_http_only;
+// // The cookie store is able to make the difference between the ".com"
+// // and the "com" domains.
+// static const bool supports_non_dotted_domains;
+// // The cookie store handles the domains with trailing dots (such as "com.")
+// // correctly.
+// static const bool supports_trailing_dots;
+// // The cookie store rejects cookies for invalid schemes such as ftp.
+// static const bool filters_schemes;
+// // The cookie store has a bug happening when a path is a substring of
+// // another.
+// static const bool has_path_prefix_bug;
+// // Time to wait between two cookie insertions to ensure that cookies have
+// // different creation times.
+// static const int creation_time_granularity_in_ms;
+// };
+template <class CookieStoreTestTraits>
+class CookieStoreTest : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ CookieStoreTest()
+ : url_google_(kUrlGoogle),
+ url_google_secure_(kUrlGoogleSecure),
+ url_google_foo_(kUrlGoogleFoo),
+ url_google_bar_(kUrlGoogleBar) {
+ // This test may be used outside of the net test suite, and thus may not
+ // have a message loop.
+ if (!base::MessageLoop::current())
+ message_loop_.reset(new base::MessageLoop);
+ weak_factory_.reset(new base::WeakPtrFactory<base::MessageLoop>(
+ base::MessageLoop::current()));
+ }
+ // Helper methods for the asynchronous Cookie Store API that call the
+ // asynchronous method and then pump the loop until the callback is invoked,
+ // finally returning the value.
+ std::string GetCookies(CookieStore* cs, const GURL& url) {
+ DCHECK(cs);
+ CookieOptions options;
+ if (!CookieStoreTestTraits::supports_http_only)
+ options.set_include_httponly();
+ StringResultCookieCallback callback;
+ cs->GetCookiesWithOptionsAsync(
+ url, options,
+ base::Bind(&StringResultCookieCallback::Run,
+ base::Unretained(&callback)));
+ RunFor(kTimeout);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callback.did_run());
+ return callback.result();
+ }
+ std::string GetCookiesWithOptions(CookieStore* cs,
+ const GURL& url,
+ const CookieOptions& options) {
+ DCHECK(cs);
+ StringResultCookieCallback callback;
+ cs->GetCookiesWithOptionsAsync(
+ url, options, base::Bind(&StringResultCookieCallback::Run,
+ base::Unretained(&callback)));
+ RunFor(kTimeout);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callback.did_run());
+ return callback.result();
+ }
+ bool SetCookieWithOptions(CookieStore* cs,
+ const GURL& url,
+ const std::string& cookie_line,
+ const CookieOptions& options) {
+ DCHECK(cs);
+ BoolResultCookieCallback callback;
+ cs->SetCookieWithOptionsAsync(
+ url, cookie_line, options,
+ base::Bind(&BoolResultCookieCallback::Run,
+ base::Unretained(&callback)));
+ RunFor(kTimeout);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callback.did_run());
+ return callback.result();
+ }
+ bool SetCookieWithServerTime(CookieStore* cs,
+ const GURL& url,
+ const std::string& cookie_line,
+ const base::Time& server_time) {
+ CookieOptions options;
+ if (!CookieStoreTestTraits::supports_http_only)
+ options.set_include_httponly();
+ options.set_server_time(server_time);
+ return SetCookieWithOptions(cs, url, cookie_line, options);
+ }
+ bool SetCookie(CookieStore* cs,
+ const GURL& url,
+ const std::string& cookie_line) {
+ CookieOptions options;
+ if (!CookieStoreTestTraits::supports_http_only)
+ options.set_include_httponly();
+ return SetCookieWithOptions(cs, url, cookie_line, options);
+ }
+ void DeleteCookie(CookieStore* cs,
+ const GURL& url,
+ const std::string& cookie_name) {
+ DCHECK(cs);
+ NoResultCookieCallback callback;
+ cs->DeleteCookieAsync(
+ url, cookie_name,
+ base::Bind(&NoResultCookieCallback::Run, base::Unretained(&callback)));
+ RunFor(kTimeout);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callback.did_run());
+ }
+ int DeleteCreatedBetween(CookieStore* cs,
+ const base::Time& delete_begin,
+ const base::Time& delete_end) {
+ DCHECK(cs);
+ IntResultCookieCallback callback;
+ cs->DeleteAllCreatedBetweenAsync(
+ delete_begin, delete_end,
+ base::Bind(&IntResultCookieCallback::Run, base::Unretained(&callback)));
+ RunFor(kTimeout);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callback.did_run());
+ return callback.result();
+ }
+ int DeleteSessionCookies(CookieStore* cs) {
+ DCHECK(cs);
+ IntResultCookieCallback callback;
+ cs->DeleteSessionCookiesAsync(
+ base::Bind(&IntResultCookieCallback::Run, base::Unretained(&callback)));
+ RunFor(kTimeout);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callback.did_run());
+ return callback.result();
+ }
+ void RunFor(int ms) {
+ // Runs the test thread message loop for up to |ms| milliseconds.
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(
+ base::Bind(&base::MessageLoop::Quit, weak_factory_->GetWeakPtr()),
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(ms));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+ weak_factory_->InvalidateWeakPtrs();
+ }
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> GetCookieStore() {
+ return CookieStoreTestTraits::Create();
+ }
+ // Compares two cookie lines.
+ void MatchCookieLines(const std::string& line1, const std::string& line2) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(TokenizeCookieLine(line1), TokenizeCookieLine(line2));
+ }
+ // Check the cookie line by polling until equality or a timeout is reached.
+ void MatchCookieLineWithTimeout(CookieStore* cs,
+ const GURL& url,
+ const std::string& line) {
+ std::string cookies = GetCookies(cs, url);
+ bool matched = (TokenizeCookieLine(line) == TokenizeCookieLine(cookies));
+ base::Time polling_end_date = base::Time::Now() +
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(
+ CookieStoreTestTraits::creation_time_granularity_in_ms);
+ while (!matched && base::Time::Now() <= polling_end_date) {
+ base::PlatformThread::Sleep(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10));
+ cookies = GetCookies(cs, url);
+ matched = (TokenizeCookieLine(line) == TokenizeCookieLine(cookies));
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matched) << "\"" << cookies
+ << "\" does not match \"" << line << "\"";
+ }
+ GURL url_google_;
+ GURL url_google_secure_;
+ GURL url_google_foo_;
+ GURL url_google_bar_;
+ scoped_ptr<base::WeakPtrFactory<base::MessageLoop> > weak_factory_;
+ scoped_ptr<base::MessageLoop> message_loop_;
+ private:
+ // Returns a set of strings of type "name=value". Fails in case of duplicate.
+ std::set<std::string> TokenizeCookieLine(const std::string& line) {
+ std::set<std::string> tokens;
+ base::StringTokenizer tokenizer(line, " ;");
+ while (tokenizer.GetNext())
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tokens.insert(tokenizer.token()).second);
+ return tokens;
+ }
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, TypeTest) {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cs->GetCookieMonster(),
+ (TypeParam::is_cookie_monster) ?
+ static_cast<CookieMonster*>(cs.get()) : NULL);
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, DomainTest) {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), this->url_google_, "A=B"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(
+ cs.get(), this->url_google_, "C=D;"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B; C=D",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Verify that A=B was set as a host cookie rather than a domain
+ // cookie -- should not be accessible from a sub sub-domain.
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ "C=D", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL("")));
+ // Test and make sure we find domain cookies on the same domain.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(
+ cs.get(), this->url_google_, "E=F;"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B; C=D; E=F",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Test setting a domain= that doesn't start w/ a dot, should
+ // treat it as a domain cookie, as if there was a pre-pended dot.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(
+ cs.get(), this->url_google_, "G=H;"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B; C=D; E=F; G=H",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Test domain enforcement, should fail on a sub-domain or something too deep.
+ this->SetCookie(cs.get(), this->url_google_, "I=J; domain=.izzle"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL("http://a.izzle")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(
+ cs.get(), this->url_google_, "K=L;"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ "C=D; E=F; G=H",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL("")));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B; C=D; E=F; G=H",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+// FireFox recognizes domains containing trailing periods as valid.
+// IE and Safari do not. Assert the expected policy here.
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, DomainWithTrailingDotTest) {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(
+ cs.get(), this->url_google_, "a=1;"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(
+ cs.get(), this->url_google_, "b=2;"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+// Test that cookies can bet set on higher level domains.
+// http://b/issue?id=896491
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, ValidSubdomainTest) {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ GURL url_abcd("");
+ GURL url_bcd("");
+ GURL url_cd("");
+ GURL url_d("");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_abcd, "a=1;"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_abcd, "b=2;"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_abcd, "c=3;"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_abcd, "d=4;"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("a=1; b=2; c=3; d=4",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url_abcd));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("b=2; c=3; d=4", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url_bcd));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("c=3; d=4", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url_cd));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("d=4", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url_d));
+ // Check that the same cookie can exist on different sub-domains.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_bcd, "X=bcd;"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_bcd, "X=cd;"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("b=2; c=3; d=4; X=bcd; X=cd",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url_bcd));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("c=3; d=4; X=cd", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url_cd));
+// Test that setting a cookie which specifies an invalid domain has
+// no side-effect. An invalid domain in this context is one which does
+// not match the originating domain.
+// http://b/issue?id=896472
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, InvalidDomainTest) {
+ {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ GURL url_foobar("");
+ // More specific sub-domain than allowed.
+ this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_foobar, "a=1;"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_foobar, "b=2;"));
+ this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_foobar, "c=3;"));
+ // Different TLD, but the rest is a substring.
+ this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_foobar, "d=4;"));
+ // A substring that isn't really a parent domain.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_foobar, "e=5;"));
+ // Completely invalid domains:
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_foobar, "f=6; domain=."));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_foobar, "g=7; domain=/"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(
+ cs.get(), url_foobar, "h=8; domain="));
+ this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_foobar, "i=9;"));
+ this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_foobar, "j=10;"));
+ // Make sure there isn't something quirky in the domain canonicalization
+ // that supports full URL semantics.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(
+ cs.get(), url_foobar, "k=11;"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(
+ cs.get(), url_foobar, "l=12;"));
+ this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_foobar, "m=13;"));
+ this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_foobar, "n=14;"));
+ this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_foobar, "o=15;"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url_foobar));
+ }
+ {
+ // Make sure the cookie code hasn't gotten its subdomain string handling
+ // reversed, missed a suffix check, etc. It's important here that the two
+ // hosts below have the same domain + registry.
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ GURL url_foocom("");
+ this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_foocom, "a=1;"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url_foocom));
+ }
+// Test the behavior of omitting dot prefix from domain, should
+// function the same as FireFox.
+// http://b/issue?id=889898
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, DomainWithoutLeadingDotTest) {
+ { // The omission of dot results in setting a domain cookie.
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ GURL url_hosted("");
+ GURL url_filefront("");
+ this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_hosted, "sawAd=1;"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("sawAd=1", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url_hosted));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("sawAd=1",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url_filefront));
+ }
+ { // Even when the domains match exactly, don't consider it host cookie.
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ GURL url("");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "a=1;"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("a=1", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ "a=1", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL("")));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL("")));
+ }
+// Test that the domain specified in cookie string is treated case-insensitive
+// http://b/issue?id=896475.
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, CaseInsensitiveDomainTest) {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ GURL url("");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "a=1; domain=.GOOGLE.COM"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "b=2; domain=.wWw.gOOgLE.coM"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("a=1; b=2", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url));
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, TestIpAddress) {
+ GURL url_ip("");
+ {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_ip, kValidCookieLine));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url_ip));
+ }
+ { // IP addresses should not be able to set domain cookies.
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_ip, "b=2; domain=."));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_ip, "c=3; domain=.3.4"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(), this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url_ip));
+ // It should be allowed to set a cookie if domain= matches the IP address
+ // exactly. This matches IE/Firefox, even though it seems a bit wrong.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_ip, "b=2; domain="));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(), this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url_ip));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_ip, "b=2; domain="));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("b=2", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url_ip));
+ }
+// Test host cookies, and setting of cookies on TLD.
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, TestNonDottedAndTLD) {
+ {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ GURL url("http://com/");
+ // Allow setting on "com", (but only as a host cookie).
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "a=1"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "b=2;"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "c=3; domain=com"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("a=1", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url));
+ // Make sure it doesn't show up for a normal .com, it should be a host
+ // not a domain cookie.
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL("")));
+ if (TypeParam::supports_non_dotted_domains) {
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL("http://.com/")));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ // http://com. should be treated the same as http://com.
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ GURL url("http://com./index.html");
+ if (TypeParam::supports_trailing_dots) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "a=1"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("a=1", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(),
+ GURL("")));
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "a=1"));
+ }
+ }
+ { // Should not be able to set host cookie from a subdomain.
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ GURL url("http://a.b");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "a=1; domain=.b"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "b=2; domain=b"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(), this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url));
+ }
+ { // Same test as above, but explicitly on a known TLD (com).
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ GURL url("");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "a=1;"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "b=2; domain=com"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(), this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url));
+ }
+ { // Make sure can't set cookie on TLD which is dotted.
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ GURL url("");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "a=1;"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "b=2;"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(), this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL("")));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL("")));
+ }
+ { // Intranet URLs should only be able to set host cookies.
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ GURL url("http://b");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "a=1"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "b=2; domain=.b"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "c=3; domain=b"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("a=1", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url));
+ }
+// Test reading/writing cookies when the domain ends with a period,
+// as in ""
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, TestHostEndsWithDot) {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ GURL url("");
+ GURL url_with_dot("");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "a=1"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("a=1", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url));
+ if (TypeParam::supports_trailing_dots) {
+ // Do not share cookie space with the dot version of domain.
+ // Note: this is not what FireFox does, but it _is_ what IE+Safari do.
+ this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "b=2;"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("a=1", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url));
+ this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_with_dot, "b=2;"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("b=2", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), url_with_dot));
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url, "b=2;"));
+ this->SetCookie(cs.get(), url_with_dot, "b=2;"));
+ }
+ // Make sure there weren't any side effects.
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL("")));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL("http://.com/")));
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, InvalidScheme) {
+ if (!TypeParam::filters_schemes)
+ return;
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), GURL(kUrlFtp), kValidCookieLine));
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, InvalidScheme_Read) {
+ if (!TypeParam::filters_schemes)
+ return;
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ this->SetCookie(cs.get(), GURL(kUrlGoogle), kValidDomainCookieLine));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL(kUrlFtp)));
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, PathTest) {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ std::string url("");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), GURL(url), "A=B; path=/wee"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL(url + "/wee")));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL(url + "/wee/")));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL(url + "/wee/war")));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ "A=B", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL(url + "/wee/war/more/more")));
+ if (!TypeParam::has_path_prefix_bug)
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL(url + "/weehee")));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL(url + "/")));
+ // If we add a 0 length path, it should default to /
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), GURL(url), "A=C; path="));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B; A=C",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL(url + "/wee")));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=C", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL(url + "/")));
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, EmptyExpires) {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ CookieOptions options;
+ if (!TypeParam::supports_http_only)
+ options.set_include_httponly();
+ GURL url("");
+ std::string set_cookie_line =
+ "ACSTM=20130308043820420042; path=/;; Expires=";
+ std::string cookie_line = "ACSTM=20130308043820420042";
+ this->SetCookieWithOptions(cs.get(), url, set_cookie_line, options);
+ this->MatchCookieLines(cookie_line,
+ this->GetCookiesWithOptions(cs.get(), url, options));
+ options.set_server_time(base::Time::Now() - base::TimeDelta::FromHours(1));
+ this->SetCookieWithOptions(cs.get(), url, set_cookie_line, options);
+ this->MatchCookieLines(cookie_line,
+ this->GetCookiesWithOptions(cs.get(), url, options));
+ options.set_server_time(base::Time::Now() + base::TimeDelta::FromHours(1));
+ this->SetCookieWithOptions(cs.get(), url, set_cookie_line, options);
+ this->MatchCookieLines(cookie_line,
+ this->GetCookiesWithOptions(cs.get(), url, options));
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, HttpOnlyTest) {
+ if (!TypeParam::supports_http_only)
+ return;
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ CookieOptions options;
+ options.set_include_httponly();
+ // Create a httponly cookie.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookieWithOptions(
+ cs.get(), this->url_google_, "A=B; httponly", options));
+ // Check httponly read protection.
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ "A=B", this->GetCookiesWithOptions(cs.get(), this->url_google_, options));
+ // Check httponly overwrite protection.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), this->url_google_, "A=C"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ "A=B", this->GetCookiesWithOptions(cs.get(), this->url_google_, options));
+ this->SetCookieWithOptions(cs.get(), this->url_google_, "A=C", options));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=C", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Check httponly create protection.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), this->url_google_, "B=A; httponly"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ "A=C", this->GetCookiesWithOptions(cs.get(), this->url_google_, options));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookieWithOptions(
+ cs.get(), this->url_google_, "B=A; httponly", options));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ "A=C; B=A",
+ this->GetCookiesWithOptions(cs.get(), this->url_google_, options));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=C", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, TestCookieDeletion) {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ // Create a session cookie.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), this->url_google_, kValidCookieLine));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Delete it via Max-Age.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(),
+ this->url_google_,
+ std::string(kValidCookieLine) + "; max-age=0"));
+ this->MatchCookieLineWithTimeout(cs.get(), this->url_google_, std::string());
+ // Create a session cookie.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), this->url_google_, kValidCookieLine));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Delete it via Expires.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(),
+ this->url_google_,
+ std::string(kValidCookieLine) +
+ "; expires=Mon, 18-Apr-1977 22:50:13 GMT"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Create a persistent cookie.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(
+ cs.get(),
+ this->url_google_,
+ std::string(kValidCookieLine) + "; expires=Mon, 18-Apr-22 22:50:13 GMT"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Delete it via Max-Age.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(),
+ this->url_google_,
+ std::string(kValidCookieLine) + "; max-age=0"));
+ this->MatchCookieLineWithTimeout(cs.get(), this->url_google_, std::string());
+ // Create a persistent cookie.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(
+ cs.get(),
+ this->url_google_,
+ std::string(kValidCookieLine) + "; expires=Mon, 18-Apr-22 22:50:13 GMT"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Delete it via Expires.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(),
+ this->url_google_,
+ std::string(kValidCookieLine) +
+ "; expires=Mon, 18-Apr-1977 22:50:13 GMT"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Create a persistent cookie.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(
+ cs.get(),
+ this->url_google_,
+ std::string(kValidCookieLine) + "; expires=Mon, 18-Apr-22 22:50:13 GMT"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Check that it is not deleted with significant enough clock skew.
+ base::Time server_time;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromString("Sun, 17-Apr-1977 22:50:13 GMT",
+ &server_time));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookieWithServerTime(
+ cs.get(),
+ this->url_google_,
+ std::string(kValidCookieLine) + "; expires=Mon, 18-Apr-1977 22:50:13 GMT",
+ server_time));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Create a persistent cookie.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(
+ cs.get(),
+ this->url_google_,
+ std::string(kValidCookieLine) + "; expires=Mon, 18-Apr-22 22:50:13 GMT"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Delete it via Expires, with a unix epoch of 0.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(),
+ this->url_google_,
+ std::string(kValidCookieLine) +
+ "; expires=Thu, 1-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, TestDeleteAllCreatedBetween) {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ const base::Time last_month = base::Time::Now() -
+ base::TimeDelta::FromDays(30);
+ const base::Time last_minute = base::Time::Now() -
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(1);
+ const base::Time next_minute = base::Time::Now() +
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(1);
+ const base::Time next_month = base::Time::Now() +
+ base::TimeDelta::FromDays(30);
+ // Add a cookie.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), this->url_google_, "A=B"));
+ // Check that the cookie is in the store.
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Remove cookies in empty intervals.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, this->DeleteCreatedBetween(cs.get(), last_month, last_minute));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, this->DeleteCreatedBetween(cs.get(), next_minute, next_month));
+ // Check that the cookie is still there.
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Remove the cookie with an interval defined by two dates.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, this->DeleteCreatedBetween(cs.get(), last_minute, next_minute));
+ // Check that the cookie disappeared.
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Add another cookie.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), this->url_google_, "C=D"));
+ // Check that the cookie is in the store.
+ this->MatchCookieLines("C=D", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Remove the cookie with a null ending time.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, this->DeleteCreatedBetween(cs.get(), last_minute, base::Time()));
+ // Check that the cookie disappeared.
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, TestSecure) {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), this->url_google_, "A=B"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ "A=B", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_secure_));
+ this->SetCookie(cs.get(), this->url_google_secure_, "A=B; secure"));
+ // The secure should overwrite the non-secure.
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_secure_));
+ this->SetCookie(cs.get(), this->url_google_secure_, "D=E; secure"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(std::string(),
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B; D=E",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_secure_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), this->url_google_secure_, "A=B"));
+ // The non-secure should overwrite the secure.
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("D=E; A=B",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_secure_));
+static const int kLastAccessThresholdMilliseconds = 200;
+// Formerly NetUtilTest.CookieTest back when we used wininet's cookie handling.
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, NetUtilCookieTest) {
+ const GURL test_url("");
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), test_url, "foo=bar"));
+ std::string value = this->GetCookies(cs.get(), test_url);
+ this->MatchCookieLines("foo=bar", value);
+ // test that we can retrieve all cookies:
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), test_url, "x=1"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), test_url, "y=2"));
+ std::string result = this->GetCookies(cs.get(), test_url);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result.empty());
+ EXPECT_NE(result.find("x=1"), std::string::npos) << result;
+ EXPECT_NE(result.find("y=2"), std::string::npos) << result;
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, OverwritePersistentCookie) {
+ GURL url_google("");
+ GURL url_chromium("");
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ // Insert a cookie "a" for path "/path1"
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(),
+ url_google,
+ "a=val1; path=/path1; "
+ "expires=Mon, 18-Apr-22 22:50:13 GMT"));
+ // Insert a cookie "b" for path "/path1"
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(),
+ url_google,
+ "b=val1; path=/path1; "
+ "expires=Mon, 18-Apr-22 22:50:14 GMT"));
+ // Insert a cookie "b" for path "/path1", that is httponly. This should
+ // overwrite the non-http-only version.
+ CookieOptions allow_httponly;
+ allow_httponly.set_include_httponly();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookieWithOptions(cs.get(),
+ url_google,
+ "b=val2; path=/path1; httponly; "
+ "expires=Mon, 18-Apr-22 22:50:14 GMT",
+ allow_httponly));
+ // Insert a cookie "a" for path "/path1". This should overwrite.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(),
+ url_google,
+ "a=val33; path=/path1; "
+ "expires=Mon, 18-Apr-22 22:50:14 GMT"));
+ // Insert a cookie "a" for path "/path2". This should NOT overwrite
+ // cookie "a", since the path is different.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(),
+ url_google,
+ "a=val9; path=/path2; "
+ "expires=Mon, 18-Apr-22 22:50:14 GMT"));
+ // Insert a cookie "a" for path "/path1", but this time for "".
+ // Although the name and path match, the hostnames do not, so shouldn't
+ // overwrite.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(),
+ url_chromium,
+ "a=val99; path=/path1; "
+ "expires=Mon, 18-Apr-22 22:50:14 GMT"));
+ if (TypeParam::supports_http_only) {
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ "a=val33",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL("")));
+ } else {
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ "a=val33; b=val2",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL("")));
+ }
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ "a=val9",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL("")));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ "a=val99", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), GURL("")));
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, CookieOrdering) {
+ // Put a random set of cookies into a store and make sure they're returned in
+ // the right order.
+ // Cookies should be sorted by path length and creation time, as per RFC6265.
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(
+ cs.get(), GURL(""), "c=1"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(),
+ GURL(""),
+ "d=1;"));
+ base::PlatformThread::Sleep(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(
+ TypeParam::creation_time_granularity_in_ms));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(),
+ GURL(""),
+ "a=4;"));
+ base::PlatformThread::Sleep(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(
+ TypeParam::creation_time_granularity_in_ms));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(),
+ GURL(""),
+ "e=1;"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(
+ cs.get(), GURL(""), "b=1"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(
+ cs.get(), GURL(""), "g=10"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("d=1; a=4; e=1; b=1; c=1",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(),
+ GURL("")));
+TYPED_TEST_P(CookieStoreTest, DeleteSessionCookie) {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ // Create a session cookie and a persistent cookie.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(
+ cs.get(), this->url_google_, std::string(kValidCookieLine)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(),
+ this->url_google_,
+ "C=D; path=/; domain=google.izzle;"
+ "expires=Mon, 18-Apr-22 22:50:13 GMT"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B; C=D",
+ this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ // Delete the session cookie.
+ this->DeleteSessionCookies(cs.get());
+ // Check that the session cookie has been deleted but not the persistent one.
+ EXPECT_EQ("C=D", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ TypeTest,
+ DomainTest,
+ DomainWithTrailingDotTest,
+ ValidSubdomainTest,
+ InvalidDomainTest,
+ DomainWithoutLeadingDotTest,
+ CaseInsensitiveDomainTest,
+ TestIpAddress,
+ TestNonDottedAndTLD,
+ TestHostEndsWithDot,
+ InvalidScheme,
+ InvalidScheme_Read,
+ PathTest,
+ EmptyExpires,
+ HttpOnlyTest,
+ TestCookieDeletion,
+ TestDeleteAllCreatedBetween,
+ TestSecure,
+ NetUtilCookieTest,
+ OverwritePersistentCookie,
+ CookieOrdering,
+ DeleteSessionCookie);
+template<class CookieStoreTestTraits>
+class MultiThreadedCookieStoreTest :
+ public CookieStoreTest<CookieStoreTestTraits> {
+ public:
+ MultiThreadedCookieStoreTest() : other_thread_("CMTthread") {}
+ // Helper methods for calling the asynchronous CookieStore methods
+ // from a different thread.
+ void GetCookiesTask(CookieStore* cs,
+ const GURL& url,
+ StringResultCookieCallback* callback) {
+ CookieOptions options;
+ if (!CookieStoreTestTraits::supports_http_only)
+ options.set_include_httponly();
+ cs->GetCookiesWithOptionsAsync(
+ url, options,
+ base::Bind(&StringResultCookieCallback::Run,
+ base::Unretained(callback)));
+ }
+ void GetCookiesWithOptionsTask(CookieStore* cs,
+ const GURL& url,
+ const CookieOptions& options,
+ StringResultCookieCallback* callback) {
+ cs->GetCookiesWithOptionsAsync(
+ url, options,
+ base::Bind(&StringResultCookieCallback::Run,
+ base::Unretained(callback)));
+ }
+ void SetCookieWithOptionsTask(CookieStore* cs,
+ const GURL& url,
+ const std::string& cookie_line,
+ const CookieOptions& options,
+ BoolResultCookieCallback* callback) {
+ cs->SetCookieWithOptionsAsync(
+ url, cookie_line, options,
+ base::Bind(&BoolResultCookieCallback::Run, base::Unretained(callback)));
+ }
+ void DeleteCookieTask(CookieStore* cs,
+ const GURL& url,
+ const std::string& cookie_name,
+ NoResultCookieCallback* callback) {
+ cs->DeleteCookieAsync(
+ url, cookie_name,
+ base::Bind(&NoResultCookieCallback::Run, base::Unretained(callback)));
+ }
+ void DeleteSessionCookiesTask(CookieStore* cs,
+ IntResultCookieCallback* callback) {
+ cs->DeleteSessionCookiesAsync(
+ base::Bind(&IntResultCookieCallback::Run, base::Unretained(callback)));
+ }
+ protected:
+ void RunOnOtherThread(const base::Closure& task) {
+ other_thread_.Start();
+ other_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, task);
+ CookieStoreTest<CookieStoreTestTraits>::RunFor(kTimeout);
+ other_thread_.Stop();
+ }
+ Thread other_thread_;
+// TODO(ycxiao): Eventually, we will need to create a separate thread, create
+// the cookie store on that thread (or at least its store, i.e., the DB
+// thread).
+TYPED_TEST_P(MultiThreadedCookieStoreTest, ThreadCheckGetCookies) {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), this->url_google_, "A=B"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines("A=B", this->GetCookies(cs.get(), this->url_google_));
+ StringResultCookieCallback callback(&this->other_thread_);
+ base::Closure task = base::Bind(
+ &net::MultiThreadedCookieStoreTest<TypeParam>::GetCookiesTask,
+ base::Unretained(this),
+ cs, this->url_google_, &callback);
+ this->RunOnOtherThread(task);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callback.did_run());
+ EXPECT_EQ("A=B", callback.result());
+TYPED_TEST_P(MultiThreadedCookieStoreTest, ThreadCheckGetCookiesWithOptions) {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ CookieOptions options;
+ if (!TypeParam::supports_http_only)
+ options.set_include_httponly();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(this->SetCookie(cs.get(), this->url_google_, "A=B"));
+ this->MatchCookieLines(
+ "A=B", this->GetCookiesWithOptions(cs.get(), this->url_google_, options));
+ StringResultCookieCallback callback(&this->other_thread_);
+ base::Closure task = base::Bind(
+ &net::MultiThreadedCookieStoreTest<TypeParam>::GetCookiesWithOptionsTask,
+ base::Unretained(this),
+ cs, this->url_google_, options, &callback);
+ this->RunOnOtherThread(task);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callback.did_run());
+ EXPECT_EQ("A=B", callback.result());
+TYPED_TEST_P(MultiThreadedCookieStoreTest, ThreadCheckSetCookieWithOptions) {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ CookieOptions options;
+ if (!TypeParam::supports_http_only)
+ options.set_include_httponly();
+ this->SetCookieWithOptions(cs.get(), this->url_google_, "A=B", options));
+ BoolResultCookieCallback callback(&this->other_thread_);
+ base::Closure task = base::Bind(
+ &net::MultiThreadedCookieStoreTest<TypeParam>::SetCookieWithOptionsTask,
+ base::Unretained(this),
+ cs, this->url_google_, "A=B", options, &callback);
+ this->RunOnOtherThread(task);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callback.did_run());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callback.result());
+TYPED_TEST_P(MultiThreadedCookieStoreTest, ThreadCheckDeleteCookie) {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ CookieOptions options;
+ if (!TypeParam::supports_http_only)
+ options.set_include_httponly();
+ this->SetCookieWithOptions(cs.get(), this->url_google_, "A=B", options));
+ this->DeleteCookie(cs.get(), this->url_google_, "A");
+ this->SetCookieWithOptions(cs.get(), this->url_google_, "A=B", options));
+ NoResultCookieCallback callback(&this->other_thread_);
+ base::Closure task = base::Bind(
+ &net::MultiThreadedCookieStoreTest<TypeParam>::DeleteCookieTask,
+ base::Unretained(this),
+ cs, this->url_google_, "A", &callback);
+ this->RunOnOtherThread(task);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callback.did_run());
+TYPED_TEST_P(MultiThreadedCookieStoreTest, ThreadCheckDeleteSessionCookies) {
+ scoped_refptr<CookieStore> cs(this->GetCookieStore());
+ CookieOptions options;
+ if (!TypeParam::supports_http_only)
+ options.set_include_httponly();
+ this->SetCookieWithOptions(cs.get(), this->url_google_, "A=B", options));
+ this->SetCookieWithOptions(cs.get(),
+ this->url_google_,
+ "B=C; expires=Mon, 18-Apr-22 22:50:13 GMT",
+ options));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, this->DeleteSessionCookies(cs.get()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, this->DeleteSessionCookies(cs.get()));
+ this->SetCookieWithOptions(cs.get(), this->url_google_, "A=B", options));
+ IntResultCookieCallback callback(&this->other_thread_);
+ base::Closure task = base::Bind(
+ &net::MultiThreadedCookieStoreTest<TypeParam>::DeleteSessionCookiesTask,
+ base::Unretained(this),
+ cs, &callback);
+ this->RunOnOtherThread(task);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callback.did_run());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, callback.result());
+ ThreadCheckGetCookies,
+ ThreadCheckGetCookiesWithOptions,
+ ThreadCheckSetCookieWithOptions,
+ ThreadCheckDeleteCookie,
+ ThreadCheckDeleteSessionCookies);
+} // namespace net