path: root/chromium/net/data/ssl/certificates/README
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diff --git a/chromium/net/data/ssl/certificates/README b/chromium/net/data/ssl/certificates/README
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+This directory contains various certificates for use with SSL-related
+unit tests.
+- google.binary.p7b
+- google.chain.pem
+- google.pem_cert.p7b
+- google.pem_pkcs7.p7b
+- google.pkcs7.p7b
+- google.single.der
+- google.single.pem
+- thawte.single.pem : Certificates for testing parsing of different formats.
+- googlenew.chain.pem : The refreshed Google certificate
+ (valid until Sept 30 2013).
+- mit.davidben.der : An expired MIT client certificate.
+- : A client certificate for a FOAF.ME identity
+ created for testing.
+- www_us_army_mil_cert.der
+- dod_ca_17_cert.der
+- dod_root_ca_2_cert.der :
+ A certificate chain used for testing certificate imports
+- unosoft_hu_cert : Certificate used by X509CertificateTest.UnoSoftCertParsing.
+- client.p12 : A PKCS #12 file containing a client certificate and a private
+ key created for testing. The password is "12345".
+- client-nokey.p12 : A PKCS #12 file containing a client certificate (the same
+ as the one in client.p12) but no private key. The password is "12345".
+- punycodetest.der : A test self-signed server certificate with punycode name.
+ The common name is "" (日本語.com)
+- unittest.selfsigned.der : A self-signed certificate generated using private
+ key in unittest.key.bin. The common name is "unittest".
+- unittest.key.bin : private key stored unencrypted.
+- unittest.originbound.der: A test origin-bound certificate for
+- unittest.originbound.key.der: matching PrivateKeyInfo.
+- x509_verify_results.chain.pem : A simple certificate chain used to test that
+ the correctly ordered, filtered certificate chain is returned during
+ verification, regardless of the order in which the intermediate/root CA
+ certificates are provided.
+- google_diginotar.pem
+- diginotar_public_ca_2025.pem : A certificate chain for the regression test
+ of
+- test_mail_google_com.pem : A certificate signed by the test CA for
+ "". Because it is signed by that CA instead of the true CA
+ for that host, it will fail the
+ TransportSecurityState::IsChainOfPublicKeysPermitted test.
+- salesforce_com_test.pem
+- verisign_intermediate_ca_2011.pem
+- verisign_intermediate_ca_2016.pem : Certificates for testing two
+ X509Certificate objects that contain the same server certificate but
+ different intermediate CA certificates. The two intermediate CA
+ certificates actually represent the same intermediate CA but have
+ different validity periods.
+- multivalue_rdn.pem : A regression test for A
+ certificate with all of the AttributeTypeAndValues stored within a single
+ RelativeDistinguishedName, rather than one AVA per RDN as normally seen.
+- unescaped.pem : Regression test for Contains
+ characters such as '=' and '"' that would normally be escaped when
+ converting a subject/issuer name to their stringized form.
+- 2048-rsa-root.pem
+- {768-rsa,1024-rsa,2048-rsa,prime256v1-ecdsa}-intermediate.pem
+- {768-rsa,1024-rsa,2048-rsa,prime256v1-ecdsa}-ee-by-
+ {768-rsa,1024-rsa,2048-rsa,prime256v1-ecdsa}-intermediate.pem
+ These certficates are generated by
+ net/data/ssl/scripts/ and used in the
+ RejectWeakKeys test in net/base/
+- cross-signed-leaf.pem
+- cross-signed-root-md5.pem
+- cross-signed-root-sha1.pem
+ A certificate chain for regression testing,
+ generated via scripts/
+- redundant-validated-chain.pem
+- redundant-server-chain.pem
+- redundant-validated-chain-root.pem
+ Two chains, A -> B -> C -> D and A -> B -> C2 (C and C2 share the same
+ public key) to test that SSLInfo gets the reconstructed, re-ordered
+ chain instead of the chain as served. See
+ SSLClientSocketTest.VerifyReturnChainProperlyOrdered in
+ net/socket/ These chains are valid until
+ 26 Feb 2022 and are generated by
+ net/data/ssl/scripts/
+- comodo.chain.pem : A certificate chain for which should be
+ recognised as EV. Expires Jun 21 2013.
+- ocsp-test-root.pem : A root certificate for the code in
+ net/tools/testserver/
+- spdy_pooling.pem : Used to test the handling of spdy IP connection pooling
+ Generated by using the command
+ "openssl req -x509 -days 3650 -sha1 -extensions req_spdy_pooling \
+ -config ../scripts/ee.cnf -newkey rsa:1024 -text \
+ -out spdy_pooling.pem"
+- subjectAltName_sanity_check.pem : Used to test the handling of various types
+ within the subjectAltName extension of a certificate. Generated by using
+ the command
+ "openssl req -x509 -days 3650 -sha1 -extensions req_san_sanity \
+ -config ../scripts/ee.cnf -newkey rsa:1024 -text \
+ -out subjectAltName_sanity_check.pem"
+- "New Dream Network Certificate Authority" root certificate.
+ This is an X.509 v1 certificate that omits the version field. Used to
+ test that the certificate version gets the default value v1.
+- websocket_cacert.pem : The testing root CA for testing WebSocket client
+ certificate authentication.
+ This file is used in SSLUITest.TestWSSClientCert.
+- websocket_client_cert.p12 : A PKCS #12 file containing a client certificate
+ and a private key created for WebSocket testing. The password is "".
+ This file is used in SSLUITest.TestWSSClientCert.
+- android-test-key-rsa.pem
+- android-test-key-dsa.pem
+- android-test-key-dsa-public.pem
+- android-test-key-ecdsa.pem
+- android-test-key-ecdsa-public.pem
+ This is a set of test RSA/DSA/ECDSA keys used by the Android-specific
+ unit test in net/android/keystore_unittest.c. They are used to verify
+ that the OpenSSL-specific wrapper for platform PrivateKey objects
+ works properly. See the script.
+- client_1.pem
+- client_1.key
+- client_1_ca.pem
+- client_2.pem
+- client_2.key
+- client_2_ca.pem
+ This is a set of files used to unit test SSL client certificate
+ authentication. These are generated by
+ net/data/ssl/scripts/
+ - client_1_ca.pem and client_2_ca.pem are the certificates of
+ two distinct signing CAs.
+ - client_1.pem and client_1.key correspond to the certificate and
+ private key for a first certificate signed by client_1_ca.pem.
+ - client_2.pem and client_2.key correspond to the certificate and
+ private key for a second certificate signed by client_2_ca.pem.
+- eku-test-root.pem
+- non-crit-codeSigning-chain.pem
+- crit-codeSigning-chain.pem
+ Two code-signing certificates (eKU: codeSigning; eKU: critical,
+ codeSigning) which we use to test that clients are making sure that web
+ server certs are checked for correct eKU fields (when an eKU field is
+ present). Since codeSigning is not valid for web server auth, the checks
+ should fail.
+- duplicate_cn_1.p12
+- duplicate_cn_1.pem
+- duplicate_cn_2.p12
+- duplicate_cn_2.pem
+ Two certificates from the same issuer that share the same common name,
+ but have distinct subject names (namely, their O fields differ). NSS
+ requires that certificates have unique nicknames if they do not share the
+ same subject, and these certificates are used to test that the nickname
+ generation algorithm generates unique nicknames.
+ The .pem versions contain just the certs, while the .p12 versions contain
+ both the cert and a private key, since there are multiple ways to import
+ certificates into NSS.
+- aia-cert.pem
+- aia-intermediate.der
+- aia-root.pem
+ A certificate chain which we use to ensure AIA fetching works correctly
+ when using NSS to verify certificates (which uses our HTTP stack).
+ aia-cert.pem has a caIssuers that points to "aia-test.invalid" as the URL
+ containing the intermediate, which can be served via a URLRequestFilter.
+ aia-intermediate.der is stored in DER form for convenience, since that is
+ the form expected of certificates discovered via AIA.
+- cybertrust_gte_root.pem
+- cybertrust_baltimore_root.pem
+- cybertrust_omniroot_chain.pem
+- cybertrust_baltimore_cross_certified_1.pem
+- cybertrust_baltimore_cross_certified_2.pem
+ These certificates are reflect a portion of the CyberTrust (Verizon
+ Business) CA hierarchy. _gte_root.pem is a legacy 1024-bit root that is
+ still widely supported, while _baltimore_root.pem reflects the newer
+ 2048-bit root. For clients that only support the GTE root, two versions
+ of the Baltimore root were cross-signed by GTE, namely
+ _cross_certified_[1,2].pem. _omniroot_chain.pem contains a certificate
+ chain that was issued under the Baltimore root. Combined, these
+ certificates can be used to test real-world cross-signing; in practice,
+ they are used to test certain workarounds for OS X's chain building code.
+- no_subject_common_name_cert.pem: Used to test the function that generates a
+ NSS certificate nickname for a user certificate. This certificate's Subject
+ field doesn't have a common name.
+- expired_cert.pem
+- ok_cert.pem
+- root_ca_cert.pem
+ These certificates are the common certificates used by the Python test
+ server for simulating HTTPS connections. They are generated by running
+ the script net/data/ssl/scripts/
+- quic_intermediate.crt
+- quic_root.crt
+ These certificates are used by the ProofVerifier's unit tests of QUIC.
+- explicit-policy-chain.pem
+ A test certificate chain with requireExplicitPolicy field set on the
+ intermediate, with SkipCerts=0. This is used for regression testing
+ It is generated by running the script
+ net/data/ssl/scripts/