path: root/chromium/net/disk_cache/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/disk_cache/')
1 files changed, 2120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/disk_cache/ b/chromium/net/disk_cache/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8d7fd461102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/disk_cache/
@@ -0,0 +1,2120 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "net/disk_cache/backend_impl.h"
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
+#include "base/file_util.h"
+#include "base/files/file_path.h"
+#include "base/hash.h"
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
+#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
+#include "base/metrics/stats_counters.h"
+#include "base/rand_util.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
+#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
+#include "base/sys_info.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
+#include "base/time/time.h"
+#include "base/timer/timer.h"
+#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/cache_util.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/disk_format.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/entry_impl.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/errors.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/experiments.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/file.h"
+// This has to be defined before including histogram_macros.h from this file.
+#include "net/disk_cache/histogram_macros.h"
+using base::Time;
+using base::TimeDelta;
+using base::TimeTicks;
+namespace {
+const char* kIndexName = "index";
+// Seems like ~240 MB correspond to less than 50k entries for 99% of the people.
+// Note that the actual target is to keep the index table load factor under 55%
+// for most users.
+const int k64kEntriesStore = 240 * 1000 * 1000;
+const int kBaseTableLen = 64 * 1024;
+const int kDefaultCacheSize = 80 * 1024 * 1024;
+// Avoid trimming the cache for the first 5 minutes (10 timer ticks).
+const int kTrimDelay = 10;
+int DesiredIndexTableLen(int32 storage_size) {
+ if (storage_size <= k64kEntriesStore)
+ return kBaseTableLen;
+ if (storage_size <= k64kEntriesStore * 2)
+ return kBaseTableLen * 2;
+ if (storage_size <= k64kEntriesStore * 4)
+ return kBaseTableLen * 4;
+ if (storage_size <= k64kEntriesStore * 8)
+ return kBaseTableLen * 8;
+ // The biggest storage_size for int32 requires a 4 MB table.
+ return kBaseTableLen * 16;
+int MaxStorageSizeForTable(int table_len) {
+ return table_len * (k64kEntriesStore / kBaseTableLen);
+size_t GetIndexSize(int table_len) {
+ size_t table_size = sizeof(disk_cache::CacheAddr) * table_len;
+ return sizeof(disk_cache::IndexHeader) + table_size;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sets group for the current experiment. Returns false if the files should be
+// discarded.
+bool InitExperiment(disk_cache::IndexHeader* header, bool cache_created) {
+ if (header->experiment == disk_cache::EXPERIMENT_OLD_FILE1 ||
+ header->experiment == disk_cache::EXPERIMENT_OLD_FILE2) {
+ // Discard current cache.
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (base::FieldTrialList::FindFullName("SimpleCacheTrial") ==
+ "ExperimentControl") {
+ if (cache_created) {
+ header->experiment = disk_cache::EXPERIMENT_SIMPLE_CONTROL;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return header->experiment == disk_cache::EXPERIMENT_SIMPLE_CONTROL;
+ }
+ header->experiment = disk_cache::NO_EXPERIMENT;
+ return true;
+// A callback to perform final cleanup on the background thread.
+void FinalCleanupCallback(disk_cache::BackendImpl* backend) {
+ backend->CleanupCache();
+} // namespace
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace disk_cache {
+// Returns the preferred maximum number of bytes for the cache given the
+// number of available bytes.
+int PreferedCacheSize(int64 available) {
+ // Return 80% of the available space if there is not enough space to use
+ // kDefaultCacheSize.
+ if (available < kDefaultCacheSize * 10 / 8)
+ return static_cast<int32>(available * 8 / 10);
+ // Return kDefaultCacheSize if it uses 80% to 10% of the available space.
+ if (available < kDefaultCacheSize * 10)
+ return kDefaultCacheSize;
+ // Return 10% of the available space if the target size
+ // (2.5 * kDefaultCacheSize) is more than 10%.
+ if (available < static_cast<int64>(kDefaultCacheSize) * 25)
+ return static_cast<int32>(available / 10);
+ // Return the target size (2.5 * kDefaultCacheSize) if it uses 10% to 1%
+ // of the available space.
+ if (available < static_cast<int64>(kDefaultCacheSize) * 250)
+ return kDefaultCacheSize * 5 / 2;
+ // Return 1% of the available space if it does not exceed kint32max.
+ if (available < static_cast<int64>(kint32max) * 100)
+ return static_cast<int32>(available / 100);
+ return kint32max;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackendImpl::BackendImpl(const base::FilePath& path,
+ base::MessageLoopProxy* cache_thread,
+ net::NetLog* net_log)
+ : background_queue_(this, cache_thread),
+ path_(path),
+ block_files_(path),
+ mask_(0),
+ max_size_(0),
+ up_ticks_(0),
+ cache_type_(net::DISK_CACHE),
+ uma_report_(0),
+ user_flags_(0),
+ init_(false),
+ restarted_(false),
+ unit_test_(false),
+ read_only_(false),
+ disabled_(false),
+ new_eviction_(false),
+ first_timer_(true),
+ user_load_(false),
+ net_log_(net_log),
+ done_(true, false),
+ ptr_factory_(this) {
+BackendImpl::BackendImpl(const base::FilePath& path,
+ uint32 mask,
+ base::MessageLoopProxy* cache_thread,
+ net::NetLog* net_log)
+ : background_queue_(this, cache_thread),
+ path_(path),
+ block_files_(path),
+ mask_(mask),
+ max_size_(0),
+ up_ticks_(0),
+ cache_type_(net::DISK_CACHE),
+ uma_report_(0),
+ user_flags_(kMask),
+ init_(false),
+ restarted_(false),
+ unit_test_(false),
+ read_only_(false),
+ disabled_(false),
+ new_eviction_(false),
+ first_timer_(true),
+ user_load_(false),
+ net_log_(net_log),
+ done_(true, false),
+ ptr_factory_(this) {
+BackendImpl::~BackendImpl() {
+ if (user_flags_ & kNoRandom) {
+ // This is a unit test, so we want to be strict about not leaking entries
+ // and completing all the work.
+ background_queue_.WaitForPendingIO();
+ } else {
+ // This is most likely not a test, so we want to do as little work as
+ // possible at this time, at the price of leaving dirty entries behind.
+ background_queue_.DropPendingIO();
+ }
+ if (background_queue_.BackgroundIsCurrentThread()) {
+ // Unit tests may use the same thread for everything.
+ CleanupCache();
+ } else {
+ background_queue_.background_thread()->PostTask(
+ FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&FinalCleanupCallback, base::Unretained(this)));
+ //
+ base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowWait allow_wait;
+ done_.Wait();
+ }
+int BackendImpl::Init(const CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ background_queue_.Init(callback);
+ return net::ERR_IO_PENDING;
+int BackendImpl::SyncInit() {
+ // Start evictions right away.
+ up_ticks_ = kTrimDelay * 2;
+ DCHECK(!init_);
+ if (init_)
+ return net::ERR_FAILED;
+ bool create_files = false;
+ if (!InitBackingStore(&create_files)) {
+ return net::ERR_FAILED;
+ }
+ num_refs_ = num_pending_io_ = max_refs_ = 0;
+ entry_count_ = byte_count_ = 0;
+ if (!restarted_) {
+ buffer_bytes_ = 0;
+ trace_object_ = TraceObject::GetTraceObject();
+ // Create a recurrent timer of 30 secs.
+ int timer_delay = unit_test_ ? 1000 : 30000;
+ timer_.reset(new base::RepeatingTimer<BackendImpl>());
+ timer_->Start(FROM_HERE, TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(timer_delay), this,
+ &BackendImpl::OnStatsTimer);
+ }
+ init_ = true;
+ Trace("Init");
+ if (data_->header.experiment != NO_EXPERIMENT &&
+ cache_type_ != net::DISK_CACHE) {
+ // No experiment for other caches.
+ return net::ERR_FAILED;
+ }
+ if (!(user_flags_ & kNoRandom)) {
+ // The unit test controls directly what to test.
+ new_eviction_ = (cache_type_ == net::DISK_CACHE);
+ }
+ if (!CheckIndex()) {
+ ReportError(ERR_INIT_FAILED);
+ return net::ERR_FAILED;
+ }
+ if (!restarted_ && (create_files || !data_->header.num_entries))
+ if (!(user_flags_ & kNoRandom) && cache_type_ == net::DISK_CACHE &&
+ !InitExperiment(&data_->header, create_files)) {
+ return net::ERR_FAILED;
+ }
+ // We don't care if the value overflows. The only thing we care about is that
+ // the id cannot be zero, because that value is used as "not dirty".
+ // Increasing the value once per second gives us many years before we start
+ // having collisions.
+ data_->header.this_id++;
+ if (!data_->header.this_id)
+ data_->header.this_id++;
+ bool previous_crash = (data_->header.crash != 0);
+ data_->header.crash = 1;
+ if (!block_files_.Init(create_files))
+ return net::ERR_FAILED;
+ // We want to minimize the changes to cache for an AppCache.
+ if (cache_type() == net::APP_CACHE) {
+ DCHECK(!new_eviction_);
+ read_only_ = true;
+ } else if (cache_type() == net::SHADER_CACHE) {
+ DCHECK(!new_eviction_);
+ }
+ eviction_.Init(this);
+ // stats_ and rankings_ may end up calling back to us so we better be enabled.
+ disabled_ = false;
+ if (!InitStats())
+ return net::ERR_FAILED;
+ disabled_ = !rankings_.Init(this, new_eviction_);
+ trace_object_->EnableTracing(false);
+ int sc = SelfCheck();
+ if (sc < 0 && sc != ERR_NUM_ENTRIES_MISMATCH)
+ trace_object_->EnableTracing(true);
+ if (previous_crash) {
+ } else if (!restarted_) {
+ ReportError(ERR_NO_ERROR);
+ }
+ FlushIndex();
+ return disabled_ ? net::ERR_FAILED : net::OK;
+void BackendImpl::CleanupCache() {
+ Trace("Backend Cleanup");
+ eviction_.Stop();
+ timer_.reset();
+ if (init_) {
+ StoreStats();
+ if (data_)
+ data_->header.crash = 0;
+ if (user_flags_ & kNoRandom) {
+ // This is a net_unittest, verify that we are not 'leaking' entries.
+ File::WaitForPendingIO(&num_pending_io_);
+ DCHECK(!num_refs_);
+ } else {
+ File::DropPendingIO();
+ }
+ }
+ block_files_.CloseFiles();
+ FlushIndex();
+ index_ = NULL;
+ ptr_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
+ done_.Signal();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int BackendImpl::OpenPrevEntry(void** iter, Entry** prev_entry,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ background_queue_.OpenPrevEntry(iter, prev_entry, callback);
+ return net::ERR_IO_PENDING;
+int BackendImpl::SyncOpenEntry(const std::string& key, Entry** entry) {
+ DCHECK(entry);
+ *entry = OpenEntryImpl(key);
+ return (*entry) ? net::OK : net::ERR_FAILED;
+int BackendImpl::SyncCreateEntry(const std::string& key, Entry** entry) {
+ DCHECK(entry);
+ *entry = CreateEntryImpl(key);
+ return (*entry) ? net::OK : net::ERR_FAILED;
+int BackendImpl::SyncDoomEntry(const std::string& key) {
+ if (disabled_)
+ return net::ERR_FAILED;
+ EntryImpl* entry = OpenEntryImpl(key);
+ if (!entry)
+ return net::ERR_FAILED;
+ entry->DoomImpl();
+ entry->Release();
+ return net::OK;
+int BackendImpl::SyncDoomAllEntries() {
+ // This is not really an error, but it is an interesting condition.
+ ReportError(ERR_CACHE_DOOMED);
+ stats_.OnEvent(Stats::DOOM_CACHE);
+ if (!num_refs_) {
+ RestartCache(false);
+ return disabled_ ? net::ERR_FAILED : net::OK;
+ } else {
+ if (disabled_)
+ return net::ERR_FAILED;
+ eviction_.TrimCache(true);
+ return net::OK;
+ }
+int BackendImpl::SyncDoomEntriesBetween(const base::Time initial_time,
+ const base::Time end_time) {
+ DCHECK_NE(net::APP_CACHE, cache_type_);
+ if (end_time.is_null())
+ return SyncDoomEntriesSince(initial_time);
+ DCHECK(end_time >= initial_time);
+ if (disabled_)
+ return net::ERR_FAILED;
+ EntryImpl* node;
+ void* iter = NULL;
+ EntryImpl* next = OpenNextEntryImpl(&iter);
+ if (!next)
+ return net::OK;
+ while (next) {
+ node = next;
+ next = OpenNextEntryImpl(&iter);
+ if (node->GetLastUsed() >= initial_time &&
+ node->GetLastUsed() < end_time) {
+ node->DoomImpl();
+ } else if (node->GetLastUsed() < initial_time) {
+ if (next)
+ next->Release();
+ next = NULL;
+ SyncEndEnumeration(iter);
+ }
+ node->Release();
+ }
+ return net::OK;
+// We use OpenNextEntryImpl to retrieve elements from the cache, until we get
+// entries that are too old.
+int BackendImpl::SyncDoomEntriesSince(const base::Time initial_time) {
+ DCHECK_NE(net::APP_CACHE, cache_type_);
+ if (disabled_)
+ return net::ERR_FAILED;
+ stats_.OnEvent(Stats::DOOM_RECENT);
+ for (;;) {
+ void* iter = NULL;
+ EntryImpl* entry = OpenNextEntryImpl(&iter);
+ if (!entry)
+ return net::OK;
+ if (initial_time > entry->GetLastUsed()) {
+ entry->Release();
+ SyncEndEnumeration(iter);
+ return net::OK;
+ }
+ entry->DoomImpl();
+ entry->Release();
+ SyncEndEnumeration(iter); // Dooming the entry invalidates the iterator.
+ }
+int BackendImpl::SyncOpenNextEntry(void** iter, Entry** next_entry) {
+ *next_entry = OpenNextEntryImpl(iter);
+ return (*next_entry) ? net::OK : net::ERR_FAILED;
+int BackendImpl::SyncOpenPrevEntry(void** iter, Entry** prev_entry) {
+ *prev_entry = OpenPrevEntryImpl(iter);
+ return (*prev_entry) ? net::OK : net::ERR_FAILED;
+void BackendImpl::SyncEndEnumeration(void* iter) {
+ scoped_ptr<Rankings::Iterator> iterator(
+ reinterpret_cast<Rankings::Iterator*>(iter));
+void BackendImpl::SyncOnExternalCacheHit(const std::string& key) {
+ if (disabled_)
+ return;
+ uint32 hash = base::Hash(key);
+ bool error;
+ EntryImpl* cache_entry = MatchEntry(key, hash, false, Addr(), &error);
+ if (cache_entry) {
+ if (ENTRY_NORMAL == cache_entry->entry()->Data()->state) {
+ UpdateRank(cache_entry, cache_type() == net::SHADER_CACHE);
+ }
+ cache_entry->Release();
+ }
+EntryImpl* BackendImpl::OpenEntryImpl(const std::string& key) {
+ if (disabled_)
+ return NULL;
+ TimeTicks start = TimeTicks::Now();
+ uint32 hash = base::Hash(key);
+ Trace("Open hash 0x%x", hash);
+ bool error;
+ EntryImpl* cache_entry = MatchEntry(key, hash, false, Addr(), &error);
+ if (cache_entry && ENTRY_NORMAL != cache_entry->entry()->Data()->state) {
+ // The entry was already evicted.
+ cache_entry->Release();
+ cache_entry = NULL;
+ }
+ int current_size = data_->header.num_bytes / (1024 * 1024);
+ int64 total_hours = stats_.GetCounter(Stats::TIMER) / 120;
+ int64 no_use_hours = stats_.GetCounter(Stats::LAST_REPORT_TIMER) / 120;
+ int64 use_hours = total_hours - no_use_hours;
+ if (!cache_entry) {
+ CACHE_UMA(AGE_MS, "OpenTime.Miss", 0, start);
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS_10000, "AllOpenBySize.Miss", 0, current_size);
+ CACHE_UMA(HOURS, "AllOpenByTotalHours.Miss", 0, total_hours);
+ CACHE_UMA(HOURS, "AllOpenByUseHours.Miss", 0, use_hours);
+ stats_.OnEvent(Stats::OPEN_MISS);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ eviction_.OnOpenEntry(cache_entry);
+ entry_count_++;
+ Trace("Open hash 0x%x end: 0x%x", hash,
+ cache_entry->entry()->address().value());
+ CACHE_UMA(AGE_MS, "OpenTime", 0, start);
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS_10000, "AllOpenBySize.Hit", 0, current_size);
+ CACHE_UMA(HOURS, "AllOpenByTotalHours.Hit", 0, total_hours);
+ CACHE_UMA(HOURS, "AllOpenByUseHours.Hit", 0, use_hours);
+ stats_.OnEvent(Stats::OPEN_HIT);
+ SIMPLE_STATS_COUNTER("disk_cache.hit");
+ return cache_entry;
+EntryImpl* BackendImpl::CreateEntryImpl(const std::string& key) {
+ if (disabled_ || key.empty())
+ return NULL;
+ TimeTicks start = TimeTicks::Now();
+ uint32 hash = base::Hash(key);
+ Trace("Create hash 0x%x", hash);
+ scoped_refptr<EntryImpl> parent;
+ Addr entry_address(data_->table[hash & mask_]);
+ if (entry_address.is_initialized()) {
+ // We have an entry already. It could be the one we are looking for, or just
+ // a hash conflict.
+ bool error;
+ EntryImpl* old_entry = MatchEntry(key, hash, false, Addr(), &error);
+ if (old_entry)
+ return ResurrectEntry(old_entry);
+ EntryImpl* parent_entry = MatchEntry(key, hash, true, Addr(), &error);
+ DCHECK(!error);
+ if (parent_entry) {
+ parent.swap(&parent_entry);
+ } else if (data_->table[hash & mask_]) {
+ // We should have corrected the problem.
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // The general flow is to allocate disk space and initialize the entry data,
+ // followed by saving that to disk, then linking the entry though the index
+ // and finally through the lists. If there is a crash in this process, we may
+ // end up with:
+ // a. Used, unreferenced empty blocks on disk (basically just garbage).
+ // b. Used, unreferenced but meaningful data on disk (more garbage).
+ // c. A fully formed entry, reachable only through the index.
+ // d. A fully formed entry, also reachable through the lists, but still dirty.
+ //
+ // Anything after (b) can be automatically cleaned up. We may consider saving
+ // the current operation (as we do while manipulating the lists) so that we
+ // can detect and cleanup (a) and (b).
+ int num_blocks = EntryImpl::NumBlocksForEntry(key.size());
+ if (!block_files_.CreateBlock(BLOCK_256, num_blocks, &entry_address)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Create entry failed " << key.c_str();
+ stats_.OnEvent(Stats::CREATE_ERROR);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Addr node_address(0);
+ if (!block_files_.CreateBlock(RANKINGS, 1, &node_address)) {
+ block_files_.DeleteBlock(entry_address, false);
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Create entry failed " << key.c_str();
+ stats_.OnEvent(Stats::CREATE_ERROR);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ scoped_refptr<EntryImpl> cache_entry(
+ new EntryImpl(this, entry_address, false));
+ IncreaseNumRefs();
+ if (!cache_entry->CreateEntry(node_address, key, hash)) {
+ block_files_.DeleteBlock(entry_address, false);
+ block_files_.DeleteBlock(node_address, false);
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Create entry failed " << key.c_str();
+ stats_.OnEvent(Stats::CREATE_ERROR);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ cache_entry->BeginLogging(net_log_, true);
+ // We are not failing the operation; let's add this to the map.
+ open_entries_[entry_address.value()] = cache_entry.get();
+ // Save the entry.
+ cache_entry->entry()->Store();
+ cache_entry->rankings()->Store();
+ IncreaseNumEntries();
+ entry_count_++;
+ // Link this entry through the index.
+ if (parent.get()) {
+ parent->SetNextAddress(entry_address);
+ } else {
+ data_->table[hash & mask_] = entry_address.value();
+ }
+ // Link this entry through the lists.
+ eviction_.OnCreateEntry(cache_entry.get());
+ CACHE_UMA(AGE_MS, "CreateTime", 0, start);
+ stats_.OnEvent(Stats::CREATE_HIT);
+ SIMPLE_STATS_COUNTER("disk_cache.miss");
+ Trace("create entry hit ");
+ FlushIndex();
+ cache_entry->AddRef();
+ return cache_entry.get();
+EntryImpl* BackendImpl::OpenNextEntryImpl(void** iter) {
+ return OpenFollowingEntry(true, iter);
+EntryImpl* BackendImpl::OpenPrevEntryImpl(void** iter) {
+ return OpenFollowingEntry(false, iter);
+bool BackendImpl::SetMaxSize(int max_bytes) {
+ COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(max_bytes) == sizeof(max_size_), unsupported_int_model);
+ if (max_bytes < 0)
+ return false;
+ // Zero size means use the default.
+ if (!max_bytes)
+ return true;
+ // Avoid a DCHECK later on.
+ if (max_bytes >= kint32max - kint32max / 10)
+ max_bytes = kint32max - kint32max / 10 - 1;
+ user_flags_ |= kMaxSize;
+ max_size_ = max_bytes;
+ return true;
+void BackendImpl::SetType(net::CacheType type) {
+ cache_type_ = type;
+base::FilePath BackendImpl::GetFileName(Addr address) const {
+ if (!address.is_separate_file() || !address.is_initialized()) {
+ return base::FilePath();
+ }
+ std::string tmp = base::StringPrintf("f_%06x", address.FileNumber());
+ return path_.AppendASCII(tmp);
+MappedFile* BackendImpl::File(Addr address) {
+ if (disabled_)
+ return NULL;
+ return block_files_.GetFile(address);
+base::WeakPtr<InFlightBackendIO> BackendImpl::GetBackgroundQueue() {
+ return background_queue_.GetWeakPtr();
+bool BackendImpl::CreateExternalFile(Addr* address) {
+ int file_number = data_->header.last_file + 1;
+ Addr file_address(0);
+ bool success = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 0x0fffffff; i++, file_number++) {
+ if (!file_address.SetFileNumber(file_number)) {
+ file_number = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ base::FilePath name = GetFileName(file_address);
+ int flags = base::PLATFORM_FILE_READ |
+ base::PlatformFileError error;
+ scoped_refptr<disk_cache::File> file(new disk_cache::File(
+ base::CreatePlatformFile(name, flags, NULL, &error)));
+ if (!file->IsValid()) {
+ if (error != base::PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_EXISTS) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create file: " << error;
+ return false;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ success = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ DCHECK(success);
+ if (!success)
+ return false;
+ data_->header.last_file = file_number;
+ address->set_value(file_address.value());
+ return true;
+bool BackendImpl::CreateBlock(FileType block_type, int block_count,
+ Addr* block_address) {
+ return block_files_.CreateBlock(block_type, block_count, block_address);
+void BackendImpl::DeleteBlock(Addr block_address, bool deep) {
+ block_files_.DeleteBlock(block_address, deep);
+LruData* BackendImpl::GetLruData() {
+ return &data_->header.lru;
+void BackendImpl::UpdateRank(EntryImpl* entry, bool modified) {
+ if (read_only_ || (!modified && cache_type() == net::SHADER_CACHE))
+ return;
+ eviction_.UpdateRank(entry, modified);
+void BackendImpl::RecoveredEntry(CacheRankingsBlock* rankings) {
+ Addr address(rankings->Data()->contents);
+ EntryImpl* cache_entry = NULL;
+ if (NewEntry(address, &cache_entry)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32 hash = cache_entry->GetHash();
+ cache_entry->Release();
+ // Anything on the table means that this entry is there.
+ if (data_->table[hash & mask_])
+ return;
+ data_->table[hash & mask_] = address.value();
+ FlushIndex();
+void BackendImpl::InternalDoomEntry(EntryImpl* entry) {
+ uint32 hash = entry->GetHash();
+ std::string key = entry->GetKey();
+ Addr entry_addr = entry->entry()->address();
+ bool error;
+ EntryImpl* parent_entry = MatchEntry(key, hash, true, entry_addr, &error);
+ CacheAddr child(entry->GetNextAddress());
+ Trace("Doom entry 0x%p", entry);
+ if (!entry->doomed()) {
+ // We may have doomed this entry from within MatchEntry.
+ eviction_.OnDoomEntry(entry);
+ entry->InternalDoom();
+ if (!new_eviction_) {
+ DecreaseNumEntries();
+ }
+ stats_.OnEvent(Stats::DOOM_ENTRY);
+ }
+ if (parent_entry) {
+ parent_entry->SetNextAddress(Addr(child));
+ parent_entry->Release();
+ } else if (!error) {
+ data_->table[hash & mask_] = child;
+ }
+ FlushIndex();
+CacheAddr BackendImpl::GetNextAddr(Addr address) {
+ EntriesMap::iterator it = open_entries_.find(address.value());
+ if (it != open_entries_.end()) {
+ EntryImpl* this_entry = it->second;
+ return this_entry->GetNextAddress();
+ }
+ DCHECK(block_files_.IsValid(address));
+ DCHECK(!address.is_separate_file() && address.file_type() == BLOCK_256);
+ CacheEntryBlock entry(File(address), address);
+ CHECK(entry.Load());
+ return entry.Data()->next;
+void BackendImpl::NotLinked(EntryImpl* entry) {
+ Addr entry_addr = entry->entry()->address();
+ uint32 i = entry->GetHash() & mask_;
+ Addr address(data_->table[i]);
+ if (!address.is_initialized())
+ return;
+ for (;;) {
+ DCHECK(entry_addr.value() != address.value());
+ address.set_value(GetNextAddr(address));
+ if (!address.is_initialized())
+ break;
+ }
+// An entry may be linked on the DELETED list for a while after being doomed.
+// This function is called when we want to remove it.
+void BackendImpl::RemoveEntry(EntryImpl* entry) {
+ NotLinked(entry);
+ if (!new_eviction_)
+ return;
+ DCHECK_NE(ENTRY_NORMAL, entry->entry()->Data()->state);
+ Trace("Remove entry 0x%p", entry);
+ eviction_.OnDestroyEntry(entry);
+ DecreaseNumEntries();
+void BackendImpl::OnEntryDestroyBegin(Addr address) {
+ EntriesMap::iterator it = open_entries_.find(address.value());
+ if (it != open_entries_.end())
+ open_entries_.erase(it);
+void BackendImpl::OnEntryDestroyEnd() {
+ DecreaseNumRefs();
+ if (data_->header.num_bytes > max_size_ && !read_only_ &&
+ (up_ticks_ > kTrimDelay || user_flags_ & kNoRandom))
+ eviction_.TrimCache(false);
+EntryImpl* BackendImpl::GetOpenEntry(CacheRankingsBlock* rankings) const {
+ DCHECK(rankings->HasData());
+ EntriesMap::const_iterator it =
+ open_entries_.find(rankings->Data()->contents);
+ if (it != open_entries_.end()) {
+ // We have this entry in memory.
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+int32 BackendImpl::GetCurrentEntryId() const {
+ return data_->header.this_id;
+int BackendImpl::MaxFileSize() const {
+ return max_size_ / 8;
+void BackendImpl::ModifyStorageSize(int32 old_size, int32 new_size) {
+ if (disabled_ || old_size == new_size)
+ return;
+ if (old_size > new_size)
+ SubstractStorageSize(old_size - new_size);
+ else
+ AddStorageSize(new_size - old_size);
+ FlushIndex();
+ // Update the usage statistics.
+ stats_.ModifyStorageStats(old_size, new_size);
+void BackendImpl::TooMuchStorageRequested(int32 size) {
+ stats_.ModifyStorageStats(0, size);
+bool BackendImpl::IsAllocAllowed(int current_size, int new_size) {
+ DCHECK_GT(new_size, current_size);
+ if (user_flags_ & kNoBuffering)
+ return false;
+ int to_add = new_size - current_size;
+ if (buffer_bytes_ + to_add > MaxBuffersSize())
+ return false;
+ buffer_bytes_ += to_add;
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS_50000, "BufferBytes", 0, buffer_bytes_ / 1024);
+ return true;
+void BackendImpl::BufferDeleted(int size) {
+ buffer_bytes_ -= size;
+ DCHECK_GE(size, 0);
+bool BackendImpl::IsLoaded() const {
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS, "PendingIO", 0, num_pending_io_);
+ if (user_flags_ & kNoLoadProtection)
+ return false;
+ return (num_pending_io_ > 5 || user_load_);
+std::string BackendImpl::HistogramName(const char* name, int experiment) const {
+ if (!experiment)
+ return base::StringPrintf("DiskCache.%d.%s", cache_type_, name);
+ return base::StringPrintf("DiskCache.%d.%s_%d", cache_type_,
+ name, experiment);
+base::WeakPtr<BackendImpl> BackendImpl::GetWeakPtr() {
+ return ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
+// We want to remove biases from some histograms so we only send data once per
+// week.
+bool BackendImpl::ShouldReportAgain() {
+ if (uma_report_)
+ return uma_report_ == 2;
+ uma_report_++;
+ int64 last_report = stats_.GetCounter(Stats::LAST_REPORT);
+ Time last_time = Time::FromInternalValue(last_report);
+ if (!last_report || (Time::Now() - last_time).InDays() >= 7) {
+ stats_.SetCounter(Stats::LAST_REPORT, Time::Now().ToInternalValue());
+ uma_report_++;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void BackendImpl::FirstEviction() {
+ DCHECK(data_->header.create_time);
+ if (!GetEntryCount())
+ return; // This is just for unit tests.
+ Time create_time = Time::FromInternalValue(data_->header.create_time);
+ CACHE_UMA(AGE, "FillupAge", 0, create_time);
+ int64 use_time = stats_.GetCounter(Stats::TIMER);
+ CACHE_UMA(HOURS, "FillupTime", 0, static_cast<int>(use_time / 120));
+ CACHE_UMA(PERCENTAGE, "FirstHitRatio", 0, stats_.GetHitRatio());
+ if (!use_time)
+ use_time = 1;
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS_10000, "FirstEntryAccessRate", 0,
+ static_cast<int>(data_->header.num_entries / use_time));
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS, "FirstByteIORate", 0,
+ static_cast<int>((data_->header.num_bytes / 1024) / use_time));
+ int avg_size = data_->header.num_bytes / GetEntryCount();
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS, "FirstEntrySize", 0, avg_size);
+ int large_entries_bytes = stats_.GetLargeEntriesSize();
+ int large_ratio = large_entries_bytes * 100 / data_->header.num_bytes;
+ CACHE_UMA(PERCENTAGE, "FirstLargeEntriesRatio", 0, large_ratio);
+ if (new_eviction_) {
+ CACHE_UMA(PERCENTAGE, "FirstResurrectRatio", 0, stats_.GetResurrectRatio());
+ CACHE_UMA(PERCENTAGE, "FirstNoUseRatio", 0,
+ data_->header.lru.sizes[0] * 100 / data_->header.num_entries);
+ CACHE_UMA(PERCENTAGE, "FirstLowUseRatio", 0,
+ data_->header.lru.sizes[1] * 100 / data_->header.num_entries);
+ CACHE_UMA(PERCENTAGE, "FirstHighUseRatio", 0,
+ data_->header.lru.sizes[2] * 100 / data_->header.num_entries);
+ }
+ stats_.ResetRatios();
+void BackendImpl::CriticalError(int error) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Critical error found " << error;
+ if (disabled_)
+ return;
+ stats_.OnEvent(Stats::FATAL_ERROR);
+ LogStats();
+ ReportError(error);
+ // Setting the index table length to an invalid value will force re-creation
+ // of the cache files.
+ data_->header.table_len = 1;
+ disabled_ = true;
+ if (!num_refs_)
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+ FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&BackendImpl::RestartCache, GetWeakPtr(), true));
+void BackendImpl::ReportError(int error) {
+ STRESS_DCHECK(!error || error == ERR_PREVIOUS_CRASH ||
+ error == ERR_CACHE_CREATED);
+ // We transmit positive numbers, instead of direct error codes.
+ DCHECK_LE(error, 0);
+ CACHE_UMA(CACHE_ERROR, "Error", 0, error * -1);
+void BackendImpl::OnEvent(Stats::Counters an_event) {
+ stats_.OnEvent(an_event);
+void BackendImpl::OnRead(int32 bytes) {
+ DCHECK_GE(bytes, 0);
+ byte_count_ += bytes;
+ if (byte_count_ < 0)
+ byte_count_ = kint32max;
+void BackendImpl::OnWrite(int32 bytes) {
+ // We use the same implementation as OnRead... just log the number of bytes.
+ OnRead(bytes);
+void BackendImpl::OnStatsTimer() {
+ stats_.OnEvent(Stats::TIMER);
+ int64 time = stats_.GetCounter(Stats::TIMER);
+ int64 current = stats_.GetCounter(Stats::OPEN_ENTRIES);
+ // OPEN_ENTRIES is a sampled average of the number of open entries, avoiding
+ // the bias towards 0.
+ if (num_refs_ && (current != num_refs_)) {
+ int64 diff = (num_refs_ - current) / 50;
+ if (!diff)
+ diff = num_refs_ > current ? 1 : -1;
+ current = current + diff;
+ stats_.SetCounter(Stats::OPEN_ENTRIES, current);
+ stats_.SetCounter(Stats::MAX_ENTRIES, max_refs_);
+ }
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS, "NumberOfReferences", 0, num_refs_);
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS_10000, "EntryAccessRate", 0, entry_count_);
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS, "ByteIORate", 0, byte_count_ / 1024);
+ // These values cover about 99.5% of the population (Oct 2011).
+ user_load_ = (entry_count_ > 300 || byte_count_ > 7 * 1024 * 1024);
+ entry_count_ = 0;
+ byte_count_ = 0;
+ up_ticks_++;
+ if (!data_)
+ first_timer_ = false;
+ if (first_timer_) {
+ first_timer_ = false;
+ if (ShouldReportAgain())
+ ReportStats();
+ }
+ // Save stats to disk at 5 min intervals.
+ if (time % 10 == 0)
+ StoreStats();
+void BackendImpl::IncrementIoCount() {
+ num_pending_io_++;
+void BackendImpl::DecrementIoCount() {
+ num_pending_io_--;
+void BackendImpl::SetUnitTestMode() {
+ user_flags_ |= kUnitTestMode;
+ unit_test_ = true;
+void BackendImpl::SetUpgradeMode() {
+ user_flags_ |= kUpgradeMode;
+ read_only_ = true;
+void BackendImpl::SetNewEviction() {
+ user_flags_ |= kNewEviction;
+ new_eviction_ = true;
+void BackendImpl::SetFlags(uint32 flags) {
+ user_flags_ |= flags;
+void BackendImpl::ClearRefCountForTest() {
+ num_refs_ = 0;
+int BackendImpl::FlushQueueForTest(const CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ background_queue_.FlushQueue(callback);
+ return net::ERR_IO_PENDING;
+int BackendImpl::RunTaskForTest(const base::Closure& task,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ background_queue_.RunTask(task, callback);
+ return net::ERR_IO_PENDING;
+void BackendImpl::TrimForTest(bool empty) {
+ eviction_.SetTestMode();
+ eviction_.TrimCache(empty);
+void BackendImpl::TrimDeletedListForTest(bool empty) {
+ eviction_.SetTestMode();
+ eviction_.TrimDeletedList(empty);
+int BackendImpl::SelfCheck() {
+ if (!init_) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Init failed";
+ }
+ int num_entries = rankings_.SelfCheck();
+ if (num_entries < 0) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid rankings list, error " << num_entries;
+ return num_entries;
+ }
+ if (num_entries != data_->header.num_entries) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Number of entries mismatch";
+ }
+ return CheckAllEntries();
+void BackendImpl::FlushIndex() {
+ if (index_.get() && !disabled_)
+ index_->Flush();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+net::CacheType BackendImpl::GetCacheType() const {
+ return cache_type_;
+int32 BackendImpl::GetEntryCount() const {
+ if (!index_.get() || disabled_)
+ return 0;
+ // num_entries includes entries already evicted.
+ int32 not_deleted = data_->header.num_entries -
+ data_->header.lru.sizes[Rankings::DELETED];
+ if (not_deleted < 0) {
+ not_deleted = 0;
+ }
+ return not_deleted;
+int BackendImpl::OpenEntry(const std::string& key, Entry** entry,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ background_queue_.OpenEntry(key, entry, callback);
+ return net::ERR_IO_PENDING;
+int BackendImpl::CreateEntry(const std::string& key, Entry** entry,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ background_queue_.CreateEntry(key, entry, callback);
+ return net::ERR_IO_PENDING;
+int BackendImpl::DoomEntry(const std::string& key,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ background_queue_.DoomEntry(key, callback);
+ return net::ERR_IO_PENDING;
+int BackendImpl::DoomAllEntries(const CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ background_queue_.DoomAllEntries(callback);
+ return net::ERR_IO_PENDING;
+int BackendImpl::DoomEntriesBetween(const base::Time initial_time,
+ const base::Time end_time,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ background_queue_.DoomEntriesBetween(initial_time, end_time, callback);
+ return net::ERR_IO_PENDING;
+int BackendImpl::DoomEntriesSince(const base::Time initial_time,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ background_queue_.DoomEntriesSince(initial_time, callback);
+ return net::ERR_IO_PENDING;
+int BackendImpl::OpenNextEntry(void** iter, Entry** next_entry,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ background_queue_.OpenNextEntry(iter, next_entry, callback);
+ return net::ERR_IO_PENDING;
+void BackendImpl::EndEnumeration(void** iter) {
+ background_queue_.EndEnumeration(*iter);
+ *iter = NULL;
+void BackendImpl::GetStats(StatsItems* stats) {
+ if (disabled_)
+ return;
+ std::pair<std::string, std::string> item;
+ item.first = "Entries";
+ item.second = base::StringPrintf("%d", data_->header.num_entries);
+ stats->push_back(item);
+ item.first = "Pending IO";
+ item.second = base::StringPrintf("%d", num_pending_io_);
+ stats->push_back(item);
+ item.first = "Max size";
+ item.second = base::StringPrintf("%d", max_size_);
+ stats->push_back(item);
+ item.first = "Current size";
+ item.second = base::StringPrintf("%d", data_->header.num_bytes);
+ stats->push_back(item);
+ item.first = "Cache type";
+ item.second = "Blockfile Cache";
+ stats->push_back(item);
+ stats_.GetItems(stats);
+void BackendImpl::OnExternalCacheHit(const std::string& key) {
+ background_queue_.OnExternalCacheHit(key);
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// We just created a new file so we're going to write the header and set the
+// file length to include the hash table (zero filled).
+bool BackendImpl::CreateBackingStore(disk_cache::File* file) {
+ AdjustMaxCacheSize(0);
+ IndexHeader header;
+ header.table_len = DesiredIndexTableLen(max_size_);
+ // We need file version 2.1 for the new eviction algorithm.
+ if (new_eviction_)
+ header.version = 0x20001;
+ header.create_time = Time::Now().ToInternalValue();
+ if (!file->Write(&header, sizeof(header), 0))
+ return false;
+ return file->SetLength(GetIndexSize(header.table_len));
+bool BackendImpl::InitBackingStore(bool* file_created) {
+ if (!file_util::CreateDirectory(path_))
+ return false;
+ base::FilePath index_name = path_.AppendASCII(kIndexName);
+ int flags = base::PLATFORM_FILE_READ |
+ scoped_refptr<disk_cache::File> file(new disk_cache::File(
+ base::CreatePlatformFile(index_name, flags, file_created, NULL)));
+ if (!file->IsValid())
+ return false;
+ bool ret = true;
+ if (*file_created)
+ ret = CreateBackingStore(file.get());
+ file = NULL;
+ if (!ret)
+ return false;
+ index_ = new MappedFile();
+ data_ = reinterpret_cast<Index*>(index_->Init(index_name, 0));
+ if (!data_) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to map Index file";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (index_->GetLength() < sizeof(Index)) {
+ // We verify this again on CheckIndex() but it's easier to make sure now
+ // that the header is there.
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Corrupt Index file";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// The maximum cache size will be either set explicitly by the caller, or
+// calculated by this code.
+void BackendImpl::AdjustMaxCacheSize(int table_len) {
+ if (max_size_)
+ return;
+ // If table_len is provided, the index file exists.
+ DCHECK(!table_len || data_->header.magic);
+ // The user is not setting the size, let's figure it out.
+ int64 available = base::SysInfo::AmountOfFreeDiskSpace(path_);
+ if (available < 0) {
+ max_size_ = kDefaultCacheSize;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (table_len)
+ available += data_->header.num_bytes;
+ max_size_ = PreferedCacheSize(available);
+ // Let's not use more than the default size while we tune-up the performance
+ // of bigger caches. TODO(rvargas): remove this limit.
+ if (max_size_ > kDefaultCacheSize * 4)
+ max_size_ = kDefaultCacheSize * 4;
+ if (!table_len)
+ return;
+ // If we already have a table, adjust the size to it.
+ int current_max_size = MaxStorageSizeForTable(table_len);
+ if (max_size_ > current_max_size)
+ max_size_= current_max_size;
+bool BackendImpl::InitStats() {
+ Addr address(data_->header.stats);
+ int size = stats_.StorageSize();
+ if (!address.is_initialized()) {
+ FileType file_type = Addr::RequiredFileType(size);
+ DCHECK_NE(file_type, EXTERNAL);
+ int num_blocks = Addr::RequiredBlocks(size, file_type);
+ if (!CreateBlock(file_type, num_blocks, &address))
+ return false;
+ data_->header.stats = address.value();
+ return stats_.Init(NULL, 0, address);
+ }
+ if (!address.is_block_file()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Load the required data.
+ size = address.num_blocks() * address.BlockSize();
+ MappedFile* file = File(address);
+ if (!file)
+ return false;
+ scoped_ptr<char[]> data(new char[size]);
+ size_t offset = address.start_block() * address.BlockSize() +
+ kBlockHeaderSize;
+ if (!file->Read(data.get(), size, offset))
+ return false;
+ if (!stats_.Init(data.get(), size, address))
+ return false;
+ if (cache_type_ == net::DISK_CACHE && ShouldReportAgain())
+ stats_.InitSizeHistogram();
+ return true;
+void BackendImpl::StoreStats() {
+ int size = stats_.StorageSize();
+ scoped_ptr<char[]> data(new char[size]);
+ Addr address;
+ size = stats_.SerializeStats(data.get(), size, &address);
+ DCHECK(size);
+ if (!address.is_initialized())
+ return;
+ MappedFile* file = File(address);
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ size_t offset = address.start_block() * address.BlockSize() +
+ kBlockHeaderSize;
+ file->Write(data.get(), size, offset); // ignore result.
+void BackendImpl::RestartCache(bool failure) {
+ int64 errors = stats_.GetCounter(Stats::FATAL_ERROR);
+ int64 full_dooms = stats_.GetCounter(Stats::DOOM_CACHE);
+ int64 partial_dooms = stats_.GetCounter(Stats::DOOM_RECENT);
+ int64 last_report = stats_.GetCounter(Stats::LAST_REPORT);
+ PrepareForRestart();
+ if (failure) {
+ DCHECK(!num_refs_);
+ DCHECK(!open_entries_.size());
+ DelayedCacheCleanup(path_);
+ } else {
+ DeleteCache(path_, false);
+ }
+ // Don't call Init() if directed by the unit test: we are simulating a failure
+ // trying to re-enable the cache.
+ if (unit_test_)
+ init_ = true; // Let the destructor do proper cleanup.
+ else if (SyncInit() == net::OK) {
+ stats_.SetCounter(Stats::FATAL_ERROR, errors);
+ stats_.SetCounter(Stats::DOOM_CACHE, full_dooms);
+ stats_.SetCounter(Stats::DOOM_RECENT, partial_dooms);
+ stats_.SetCounter(Stats::LAST_REPORT, last_report);
+ }
+void BackendImpl::PrepareForRestart() {
+ // Reset the mask_ if it was not given by the user.
+ if (!(user_flags_ & kMask))
+ mask_ = 0;
+ if (!(user_flags_ & kNewEviction))
+ new_eviction_ = false;
+ disabled_ = true;
+ data_->header.crash = 0;
+ index_->Flush();
+ index_ = NULL;
+ data_ = NULL;
+ block_files_.CloseFiles();
+ rankings_.Reset();
+ init_ = false;
+ restarted_ = true;
+int BackendImpl::NewEntry(Addr address, EntryImpl** entry) {
+ EntriesMap::iterator it = open_entries_.find(address.value());
+ if (it != open_entries_.end()) {
+ // Easy job. This entry is already in memory.
+ EntryImpl* this_entry = it->second;
+ this_entry->AddRef();
+ *entry = this_entry;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ STRESS_DCHECK(block_files_.IsValid(address));
+ if (!address.SanityCheckForEntryV2()) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Wrong entry address.";
+ }
+ scoped_refptr<EntryImpl> cache_entry(
+ new EntryImpl(this, address, read_only_));
+ IncreaseNumRefs();
+ *entry = NULL;
+ TimeTicks start = TimeTicks::Now();
+ if (!cache_entry->entry()->Load())
+ if (IsLoaded()) {
+ CACHE_UMA(AGE_MS, "LoadTime", 0, start);
+ }
+ if (!cache_entry->SanityCheck()) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Messed up entry found.";
+ }
+ STRESS_DCHECK(block_files_.IsValid(
+ Addr(cache_entry->entry()->Data()->rankings_node)));
+ if (!cache_entry->LoadNodeAddress())
+ if (!rankings_.SanityCheck(cache_entry->rankings(), false)) {
+ cache_entry->SetDirtyFlag(0);
+ // Don't remove this from the list (it is not linked properly). Instead,
+ // break the link back to the entry because it is going away, and leave the
+ // rankings node to be deleted if we find it through a list.
+ rankings_.SetContents(cache_entry->rankings(), 0);
+ } else if (!rankings_.DataSanityCheck(cache_entry->rankings(), false)) {
+ cache_entry->SetDirtyFlag(0);
+ rankings_.SetContents(cache_entry->rankings(), address.value());
+ }
+ if (!cache_entry->DataSanityCheck()) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Messed up entry found.";
+ cache_entry->SetDirtyFlag(0);
+ cache_entry->FixForDelete();
+ }
+ // Prevent overwriting the dirty flag on the destructor.
+ cache_entry->SetDirtyFlag(GetCurrentEntryId());
+ if (cache_entry->dirty()) {
+ Trace("Dirty entry 0x%p 0x%x", reinterpret_cast<void*>(cache_entry.get()),
+ address.value());
+ }
+ open_entries_[address.value()] = cache_entry.get();
+ cache_entry->BeginLogging(net_log_, false);
+ cache_entry.swap(entry);
+ return 0;
+EntryImpl* BackendImpl::MatchEntry(const std::string& key, uint32 hash,
+ bool find_parent, Addr entry_addr,
+ bool* match_error) {
+ Addr address(data_->table[hash & mask_]);
+ scoped_refptr<EntryImpl> cache_entry, parent_entry;
+ EntryImpl* tmp = NULL;
+ bool found = false;
+ std::set<CacheAddr> visited;
+ *match_error = false;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (disabled_)
+ break;
+ if (visited.find(address.value()) != visited.end()) {
+ // It's possible for a buggy version of the code to write a loop. Just
+ // break it.
+ Trace("Hash collision loop 0x%x", address.value());
+ address.set_value(0);
+ parent_entry->SetNextAddress(address);
+ }
+ visited.insert(address.value());
+ if (!address.is_initialized()) {
+ if (find_parent)
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ int error = NewEntry(address, &tmp);
+ cache_entry.swap(&tmp);
+ if (error || cache_entry->dirty()) {
+ // This entry is dirty on disk (it was not properly closed): we cannot
+ // trust it.
+ Addr child(0);
+ if (!error)
+ child.set_value(cache_entry->GetNextAddress());
+ if (parent_entry.get()) {
+ parent_entry->SetNextAddress(child);
+ parent_entry = NULL;
+ } else {
+ data_->table[hash & mask_] = child.value();
+ }
+ Trace("MatchEntry dirty %d 0x%x 0x%x", find_parent, entry_addr.value(),
+ address.value());
+ if (!error) {
+ // It is important to call DestroyInvalidEntry after removing this
+ // entry from the table.
+ DestroyInvalidEntry(cache_entry.get());
+ cache_entry = NULL;
+ } else {
+ Trace("NewEntry failed on MatchEntry 0x%x", address.value());
+ }
+ // Restart the search.
+ address.set_value(data_->table[hash & mask_]);
+ visited.clear();
+ continue;
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(hash & mask_, cache_entry->entry()->Data()->hash & mask_);
+ if (cache_entry->IsSameEntry(key, hash)) {
+ if (!cache_entry->Update())
+ cache_entry = NULL;
+ found = true;
+ if (find_parent && entry_addr.value() != address.value()) {
+ Trace("Entry not on the index 0x%x", address.value());
+ *match_error = true;
+ parent_entry = NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!cache_entry->Update())
+ cache_entry = NULL;
+ parent_entry = cache_entry;
+ cache_entry = NULL;
+ if (!parent_entry.get())
+ break;
+ address.set_value(parent_entry->GetNextAddress());
+ }
+ if (parent_entry.get() && (!find_parent || !found))
+ parent_entry = NULL;
+ if (find_parent && entry_addr.is_initialized() && !cache_entry.get()) {
+ *match_error = true;
+ parent_entry = NULL;
+ }
+ if (cache_entry.get() && (find_parent || !found))
+ cache_entry = NULL;
+ find_parent ? parent_entry.swap(&tmp) : cache_entry.swap(&tmp);
+ FlushIndex();
+ return tmp;
+// This is the actual implementation for OpenNextEntry and OpenPrevEntry.
+EntryImpl* BackendImpl::OpenFollowingEntry(bool forward, void** iter) {
+ if (disabled_)
+ return NULL;
+ DCHECK(iter);
+ const int kListsToSearch = 3;
+ scoped_refptr<EntryImpl> entries[kListsToSearch];
+ scoped_ptr<Rankings::Iterator> iterator(
+ reinterpret_cast<Rankings::Iterator*>(*iter));
+ *iter = NULL;
+ if (!iterator.get()) {
+ iterator.reset(new Rankings::Iterator(&rankings_));
+ bool ret = false;
+ // Get an entry from each list.
+ for (int i = 0; i < kListsToSearch; i++) {
+ EntryImpl* temp = NULL;
+ ret |= OpenFollowingEntryFromList(forward, static_cast<Rankings::List>(i),
+ &iterator->nodes[i], &temp);
+ entries[i].swap(&temp); // The entry was already addref'd.
+ }
+ if (!ret)
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ // Get the next entry from the last list, and the actual entries for the
+ // elements on the other lists.
+ for (int i = 0; i < kListsToSearch; i++) {
+ EntryImpl* temp = NULL;
+ if (iterator->list == i) {
+ OpenFollowingEntryFromList(forward, iterator->list,
+ &iterator->nodes[i], &temp);
+ } else {
+ temp = GetEnumeratedEntry(iterator->nodes[i],
+ static_cast<Rankings::List>(i));
+ }
+ entries[i].swap(&temp); // The entry was already addref'd.
+ }
+ }
+ int newest = -1;
+ int oldest = -1;
+ Time access_times[kListsToSearch];
+ for (int i = 0; i < kListsToSearch; i++) {
+ if (entries[i].get()) {
+ access_times[i] = entries[i]->GetLastUsed();
+ if (newest < 0) {
+ DCHECK_LT(oldest, 0);
+ newest = oldest = i;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (access_times[i] > access_times[newest])
+ newest = i;
+ if (access_times[i] < access_times[oldest])
+ oldest = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (newest < 0 || oldest < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ EntryImpl* next_entry;
+ if (forward) {
+ next_entry = entries[newest].get();
+ iterator->list = static_cast<Rankings::List>(newest);
+ } else {
+ next_entry = entries[oldest].get();
+ iterator->list = static_cast<Rankings::List>(oldest);
+ }
+ *iter = iterator.release();
+ next_entry->AddRef();
+ return next_entry;
+bool BackendImpl::OpenFollowingEntryFromList(bool forward, Rankings::List list,
+ CacheRankingsBlock** from_entry,
+ EntryImpl** next_entry) {
+ if (disabled_)
+ return false;
+ if (!new_eviction_ && Rankings::NO_USE != list)
+ return false;
+ Rankings::ScopedRankingsBlock rankings(&rankings_, *from_entry);
+ CacheRankingsBlock* next_block = forward ?
+ rankings_.GetNext(rankings.get(), list) :
+ rankings_.GetPrev(rankings.get(), list);
+ Rankings::ScopedRankingsBlock next(&rankings_, next_block);
+ *from_entry = NULL;
+ *next_entry = GetEnumeratedEntry(next.get(), list);
+ if (!*next_entry)
+ return false;
+ *from_entry = next.release();
+ return true;
+EntryImpl* BackendImpl::GetEnumeratedEntry(CacheRankingsBlock* next,
+ Rankings::List list) {
+ if (!next || disabled_)
+ return NULL;
+ EntryImpl* entry;
+ int rv = NewEntry(Addr(next->Data()->contents), &entry);
+ if (rv) {
+ rankings_.Remove(next, list, false);
+ if (rv == ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS) {
+ // There is nothing linked from the index. Delete the rankings node.
+ DeleteBlock(next->address(), true);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (entry->dirty()) {
+ // We cannot trust this entry.
+ InternalDoomEntry(entry);
+ entry->Release();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!entry->Update()) {
+ entry->Release();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Note that it is unfortunate (but possible) for this entry to be clean, but
+ // not actually the real entry. In other words, we could have lost this entry
+ // from the index, and it could have been replaced with a newer one. It's not
+ // worth checking that this entry is "the real one", so we just return it and
+ // let the enumeration continue; this entry will be evicted at some point, and
+ // the regular path will work with the real entry. With time, this problem
+ // will disasappear because this scenario is just a bug.
+ // Make sure that we save the key for later.
+ entry->GetKey();
+ return entry;
+EntryImpl* BackendImpl::ResurrectEntry(EntryImpl* deleted_entry) {
+ if (ENTRY_NORMAL == deleted_entry->entry()->Data()->state) {
+ deleted_entry->Release();
+ stats_.OnEvent(Stats::CREATE_MISS);
+ Trace("create entry miss ");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // We are attempting to create an entry and found out that the entry was
+ // previously deleted.
+ eviction_.OnCreateEntry(deleted_entry);
+ entry_count_++;
+ stats_.OnEvent(Stats::RESURRECT_HIT);
+ Trace("Resurrect entry hit ");
+ return deleted_entry;
+void BackendImpl::DestroyInvalidEntry(EntryImpl* entry) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Destroying invalid entry.";
+ Trace("Destroying invalid entry 0x%p", entry);
+ entry->SetPointerForInvalidEntry(GetCurrentEntryId());
+ eviction_.OnDoomEntry(entry);
+ entry->InternalDoom();
+ if (!new_eviction_)
+ DecreaseNumEntries();
+ stats_.OnEvent(Stats::INVALID_ENTRY);
+void BackendImpl::AddStorageSize(int32 bytes) {
+ data_->header.num_bytes += bytes;
+ DCHECK_GE(data_->header.num_bytes, 0);
+void BackendImpl::SubstractStorageSize(int32 bytes) {
+ data_->header.num_bytes -= bytes;
+ DCHECK_GE(data_->header.num_bytes, 0);
+void BackendImpl::IncreaseNumRefs() {
+ num_refs_++;
+ if (max_refs_ < num_refs_)
+ max_refs_ = num_refs_;
+void BackendImpl::DecreaseNumRefs() {
+ DCHECK(num_refs_);
+ num_refs_--;
+ if (!num_refs_ && disabled_)
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+ FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&BackendImpl::RestartCache, GetWeakPtr(), true));
+void BackendImpl::IncreaseNumEntries() {
+ data_->header.num_entries++;
+ DCHECK_GT(data_->header.num_entries, 0);
+void BackendImpl::DecreaseNumEntries() {
+ data_->header.num_entries--;
+ if (data_->header.num_entries < 0) {
+ data_->header.num_entries = 0;
+ }
+void BackendImpl::LogStats() {
+ StatsItems stats;
+ GetStats(&stats);
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < stats.size(); index++)
+ VLOG(1) << stats[index].first << ": " << stats[index].second;
+void BackendImpl::ReportStats() {
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS, "Entries", 0, data_->header.num_entries);
+ int current_size = data_->header.num_bytes / (1024 * 1024);
+ int max_size = max_size_ / (1024 * 1024);
+ int hit_ratio_as_percentage = stats_.GetHitRatio();
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS_10000, "Size2", 0, current_size);
+ // For any bin in HitRatioBySize2, the hit ratio of caches of that size is the
+ // ratio of that bin's total count to the count in the same bin in the Size2
+ // histogram.
+ if (base::RandInt(0, 99) < hit_ratio_as_percentage)
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS_10000, "HitRatioBySize2", 0, current_size);
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS_10000, "MaxSize2", 0, max_size);
+ if (!max_size)
+ max_size++;
+ CACHE_UMA(PERCENTAGE, "UsedSpace", 0, current_size * 100 / max_size);
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS_10000, "AverageOpenEntries2", 0,
+ static_cast<int>(stats_.GetCounter(Stats::OPEN_ENTRIES)));
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS_10000, "MaxOpenEntries2", 0,
+ static_cast<int>(stats_.GetCounter(Stats::MAX_ENTRIES)));
+ stats_.SetCounter(Stats::MAX_ENTRIES, 0);
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS_10000, "TotalFatalErrors", 0,
+ static_cast<int>(stats_.GetCounter(Stats::FATAL_ERROR)));
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS_10000, "TotalDoomCache", 0,
+ static_cast<int>(stats_.GetCounter(Stats::DOOM_CACHE)));
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS_10000, "TotalDoomRecentEntries", 0,
+ static_cast<int>(stats_.GetCounter(Stats::DOOM_RECENT)));
+ stats_.SetCounter(Stats::FATAL_ERROR, 0);
+ stats_.SetCounter(Stats::DOOM_CACHE, 0);
+ stats_.SetCounter(Stats::DOOM_RECENT, 0);
+ int64 total_hours = stats_.GetCounter(Stats::TIMER) / 120;
+ if (!data_->header.create_time || !data_->header.lru.filled) {
+ int cause = data_->header.create_time ? 0 : 1;
+ if (!data_->header.lru.filled)
+ cause |= 2;
+ CACHE_UMA(CACHE_ERROR, "ShortReport", 0, cause);
+ CACHE_UMA(HOURS, "TotalTimeNotFull", 0, static_cast<int>(total_hours));
+ return;
+ }
+ // This is an up to date client that will report FirstEviction() data. After
+ // that event, start reporting this:
+ CACHE_UMA(HOURS, "TotalTime", 0, static_cast<int>(total_hours));
+ // For any bin in HitRatioByTotalTime, the hit ratio of caches of that total
+ // time is the ratio of that bin's total count to the count in the same bin in
+ // the TotalTime histogram.
+ if (base::RandInt(0, 99) < hit_ratio_as_percentage)
+ CACHE_UMA(HOURS, "HitRatioByTotalTime", 0, implicit_cast<int>(total_hours));
+ int64 use_hours = stats_.GetCounter(Stats::LAST_REPORT_TIMER) / 120;
+ stats_.SetCounter(Stats::LAST_REPORT_TIMER, stats_.GetCounter(Stats::TIMER));
+ // We may see users with no use_hours at this point if this is the first time
+ // we are running this code.
+ if (use_hours)
+ use_hours = total_hours - use_hours;
+ if (!use_hours || !GetEntryCount() || !data_->header.num_bytes)
+ return;
+ CACHE_UMA(HOURS, "UseTime", 0, static_cast<int>(use_hours));
+ // For any bin in HitRatioByUseTime, the hit ratio of caches of that use time
+ // is the ratio of that bin's total count to the count in the same bin in the
+ // UseTime histogram.
+ if (base::RandInt(0, 99) < hit_ratio_as_percentage)
+ CACHE_UMA(HOURS, "HitRatioByUseTime", 0, implicit_cast<int>(use_hours));
+ CACHE_UMA(PERCENTAGE, "HitRatio", 0, hit_ratio_as_percentage);
+ int64 trim_rate = stats_.GetCounter(Stats::TRIM_ENTRY) / use_hours;
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS, "TrimRate", 0, static_cast<int>(trim_rate));
+ int avg_size = data_->header.num_bytes / GetEntryCount();
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS, "EntrySize", 0, avg_size);
+ CACHE_UMA(COUNTS, "EntriesFull", 0, data_->header.num_entries);
+ data_->header.num_entries * 100 / (mask_ + 1));
+ int large_entries_bytes = stats_.GetLargeEntriesSize();
+ int large_ratio = large_entries_bytes * 100 / data_->header.num_bytes;
+ CACHE_UMA(PERCENTAGE, "LargeEntriesRatio", 0, large_ratio);
+ if (new_eviction_) {
+ CACHE_UMA(PERCENTAGE, "ResurrectRatio", 0, stats_.GetResurrectRatio());
+ data_->header.lru.sizes[0] * 100 / data_->header.num_entries);
+ data_->header.lru.sizes[1] * 100 / data_->header.num_entries);
+ CACHE_UMA(PERCENTAGE, "HighUseRatio", 0,
+ data_->header.lru.sizes[2] * 100 / data_->header.num_entries);
+ CACHE_UMA(PERCENTAGE, "DeletedRatio", 0,
+ data_->header.lru.sizes[4] * 100 / data_->header.num_entries);
+ }
+ stats_.ResetRatios();
+ stats_.SetCounter(Stats::TRIM_ENTRY, 0);
+ if (cache_type_ == net::DISK_CACHE)
+ block_files_.ReportStats();
+void BackendImpl::UpgradeTo2_1() {
+ // 2.1 is basically the same as 2.0, except that new fields are actually
+ // updated by the new eviction algorithm.
+ DCHECK(0x20000 == data_->header.version);
+ data_->header.version = 0x20001;
+ data_->header.lru.sizes[Rankings::NO_USE] = data_->header.num_entries;
+bool BackendImpl::CheckIndex() {
+ DCHECK(data_);
+ size_t current_size = index_->GetLength();
+ if (current_size < sizeof(Index)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Corrupt Index file";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (new_eviction_) {
+ // We support versions 2.0 and 2.1, upgrading 2.0 to 2.1.
+ if (kIndexMagic != data_->header.magic ||
+ kCurrentVersion >> 16 != data_->header.version >> 16) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid file version or magic";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (kCurrentVersion == data_->header.version) {
+ // We need file version 2.1 for the new eviction algorithm.
+ UpgradeTo2_1();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (kIndexMagic != data_->header.magic ||
+ kCurrentVersion != data_->header.version) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid file version or magic";
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!data_->header.table_len) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid table size";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (current_size < GetIndexSize(data_->header.table_len) ||
+ data_->header.table_len & (kBaseTableLen - 1)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Corrupt Index file";
+ return false;
+ }
+ AdjustMaxCacheSize(data_->header.table_len);
+ if (data_->header.num_bytes < 0 ||
+ (max_size_ < kint32max - kDefaultCacheSize &&
+ data_->header.num_bytes > max_size_ + kDefaultCacheSize)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid cache (current) size";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (data_->header.num_entries < 0) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid number of entries";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!mask_)
+ mask_ = data_->header.table_len - 1;
+ // Load the table into memory with a single read.
+ scoped_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[current_size]);
+ return index_->Read(buf.get(), current_size, 0);
+int BackendImpl::CheckAllEntries() {
+ int num_dirty = 0;
+ int num_entries = 0;
+ DCHECK(mask_ < kuint32max);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= mask_; i++) {
+ Addr address(data_->table[i]);
+ if (!address.is_initialized())
+ continue;
+ for (;;) {
+ EntryImpl* tmp;
+ int ret = NewEntry(address, &tmp);
+ if (ret) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ scoped_refptr<EntryImpl> cache_entry;
+ cache_entry.swap(&tmp);
+ if (cache_entry->dirty())
+ num_dirty++;
+ else if (CheckEntry(cache_entry.get()))
+ num_entries++;
+ else
+ DCHECK_EQ(i, cache_entry->entry()->Data()->hash & mask_);
+ address.set_value(cache_entry->GetNextAddress());
+ if (!address.is_initialized())
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Trace("CheckAllEntries End");
+ if (num_entries + num_dirty != data_->header.num_entries) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Number of entries " << num_entries << " " << num_dirty <<
+ " " << data_->header.num_entries;
+ DCHECK_LT(num_entries, data_->header.num_entries);
+ }
+ return num_dirty;
+bool BackendImpl::CheckEntry(EntryImpl* cache_entry) {
+ bool ok = block_files_.IsValid(cache_entry->entry()->address());
+ ok = ok && block_files_.IsValid(cache_entry->rankings()->address());
+ EntryStore* data = cache_entry->entry()->Data();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(data->data_addr); i++) {
+ if (data->data_addr[i]) {
+ Addr address(data->data_addr[i]);
+ if (address.is_block_file())
+ ok = ok && block_files_.IsValid(address);
+ }
+ }
+ return ok && cache_entry->rankings()->VerifyHash();
+int BackendImpl::MaxBuffersSize() {
+ static int64 total_memory = base::SysInfo::AmountOfPhysicalMemory();
+ static bool done = false;
+ if (!done) {
+ const int kMaxBuffersSize = 30 * 1024 * 1024;
+ // We want to use up to 2% of the computer's memory.
+ total_memory = total_memory * 2 / 100;
+ if (total_memory > kMaxBuffersSize || total_memory <= 0)
+ total_memory = kMaxBuffersSize;
+ done = true;
+ }
+ return static_cast<int>(total_memory);
+} // namespace disk_cache