path: root/chromium/net/disk_cache/simple/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/disk_cache/simple/')
1 files changed, 423 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/disk_cache/simple/ b/chromium/net/disk_cache/simple/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7bcea7cdfa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/disk_cache/simple/
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "net/disk_cache/simple/simple_index_file.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/file_util.h"
+#include "base/files/file_enumerator.h"
+#include "base/files/memory_mapped_file.h"
+#include "base/hash.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
+#include "base/pickle.h"
+#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
+#include "base/task_runner_util.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/simple/simple_entry_format.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/simple/simple_index.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/simple/simple_synchronous_entry.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/simple/simple_util.h"
+#include "third_party/zlib/zlib.h"
+namespace {
+const uint64 kMaxEntiresInIndex = 100000000;
+uint32 CalculatePickleCRC(const Pickle& pickle) {
+ return crc32(crc32(0, Z_NULL, 0),
+ reinterpret_cast<const Bytef*>(pickle.payload()),
+ pickle.payload_size());
+void DoomEntrySetReply(const net::CompletionCallback& reply_callback,
+ int result) {
+ reply_callback.Run(result);
+void WriteToDiskInternal(const base::FilePath& index_filename,
+ const base::FilePath& temp_index_filename,
+ scoped_ptr<Pickle> pickle,
+ const base::TimeTicks& start_time,
+ bool app_on_background) {
+ int bytes_written = file_util::WriteFile(
+ temp_index_filename,
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(pickle->data()),
+ pickle->size());
+ DCHECK_EQ(bytes_written, implicit_cast<int>(pickle->size()));
+ if (bytes_written != static_cast<int>(pickle->size())) {
+ // TODO(felipeg): Add better error handling.
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Could not write Simple Cache index to temporary file: "
+ << temp_index_filename.value();
+ base::DeleteFile(temp_index_filename, /* recursive = */ false);
+ } else {
+ // Swap temp and index_file.
+ bool result = base::ReplaceFile(temp_index_filename, index_filename, NULL);
+ DCHECK(result);
+ }
+ if (app_on_background) {
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("SimpleCache.IndexWriteToDiskTime.Background",
+ (base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time));
+ } else {
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("SimpleCache.IndexWriteToDiskTime.Foreground",
+ (base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time));
+ }
+} // namespace
+namespace disk_cache {
+SimpleIndexLoadResult::SimpleIndexLoadResult() : did_load(false),
+ flush_required(false) {
+SimpleIndexLoadResult::~SimpleIndexLoadResult() {
+void SimpleIndexLoadResult::Reset() {
+ did_load = false;
+ flush_required = false;
+ entries.clear();
+// static
+const char SimpleIndexFile::kIndexFileName[] = "the-real-index";
+// static
+const char SimpleIndexFile::kTempIndexFileName[] = "temp-index";
+SimpleIndexFile::IndexMetadata::IndexMetadata() :
+ magic_number_(kSimpleIndexMagicNumber),
+ version_(kSimpleVersion),
+ number_of_entries_(0),
+ cache_size_(0) {}
+ uint64 number_of_entries, uint64 cache_size) :
+ magic_number_(kSimpleIndexMagicNumber),
+ version_(kSimpleVersion),
+ number_of_entries_(number_of_entries),
+ cache_size_(cache_size) {}
+void SimpleIndexFile::IndexMetadata::Serialize(Pickle* pickle) const {
+ DCHECK(pickle);
+ pickle->WriteUInt64(magic_number_);
+ pickle->WriteUInt32(version_);
+ pickle->WriteUInt64(number_of_entries_);
+ pickle->WriteUInt64(cache_size_);
+bool SimpleIndexFile::IndexMetadata::Deserialize(PickleIterator* it) {
+ DCHECK(it);
+ return it->ReadUInt64(&magic_number_) &&
+ it->ReadUInt32(&version_) &&
+ it->ReadUInt64(&number_of_entries_)&&
+ it->ReadUInt64(&cache_size_);
+bool SimpleIndexFile::IndexMetadata::CheckIndexMetadata() {
+ return number_of_entries_ <= kMaxEntiresInIndex &&
+ magic_number_ == disk_cache::kSimpleIndexMagicNumber &&
+ version_ == disk_cache::kSimpleVersion;
+ base::SingleThreadTaskRunner* cache_thread,
+ base::TaskRunner* worker_pool,
+ const base::FilePath& cache_directory)
+ : cache_thread_(cache_thread),
+ worker_pool_(worker_pool),
+ cache_directory_(cache_directory),
+ index_file_(cache_directory_.AppendASCII(kIndexFileName)),
+ temp_index_file_(cache_directory_.AppendASCII(kTempIndexFileName)) {
+SimpleIndexFile::~SimpleIndexFile() {}
+void SimpleIndexFile::LoadIndexEntries(base::Time cache_last_modified,
+ const base::Closure& callback,
+ SimpleIndexLoadResult* out_result) {
+ base::Closure task = base::Bind(&SimpleIndexFile::SyncLoadIndexEntries,
+ cache_last_modified, cache_directory_,
+ index_file_, out_result);
+ worker_pool_->PostTaskAndReply(FROM_HERE, task, callback);
+void SimpleIndexFile::WriteToDisk(const SimpleIndex::EntrySet& entry_set,
+ uint64 cache_size,
+ const base::TimeTicks& start,
+ bool app_on_background) {
+ IndexMetadata index_metadata(entry_set.size(), cache_size);
+ scoped_ptr<Pickle> pickle = Serialize(index_metadata, entry_set);
+ cache_thread_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
+ &WriteToDiskInternal,
+ index_file_,
+ temp_index_file_,
+ base::Passed(&pickle),
+ base::TimeTicks::Now(),
+ app_on_background));
+void SimpleIndexFile::DoomEntrySet(
+ scoped_ptr<std::vector<uint64> > entry_hashes,
+ const net::CompletionCallback& reply_callback) {
+ PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
+ worker_pool_,
+ base::Bind(&SimpleSynchronousEntry::DoomEntrySet,
+ base::Passed(entry_hashes.Pass()), cache_directory_),
+ base::Bind(&DoomEntrySetReply, reply_callback));
+// static
+void SimpleIndexFile::SyncLoadIndexEntries(
+ base::Time cache_last_modified,
+ const base::FilePath& cache_directory,
+ const base::FilePath& index_file_path,
+ SimpleIndexLoadResult* out_result) {
+ // TODO(felipeg): probably could load a stale index and use it for something.
+ const SimpleIndex::EntrySet& entries = out_result->entries;
+ const bool index_file_exists = base::PathExists(index_file_path);
+ // Used in histograms. Please only add new values at the end.
+ enum {
+ } index_file_state;
+ // Only load if the index is not stale.
+ if (IsIndexFileStale(cache_last_modified, index_file_path)) {
+ index_file_state = INDEX_STATE_STALE;
+ } else {
+ index_file_state = INDEX_STATE_FRESH;
+ base::Time latest_dir_mtime;
+ if (simple_util::GetMTime(cache_directory, &latest_dir_mtime) &&
+ IsIndexFileStale(latest_dir_mtime, index_file_path)) {
+ // A file operation has updated the directory since we last looked at it
+ // during backend initialization.
+ }
+ const base::TimeTicks start = base::TimeTicks::Now();
+ SyncLoadFromDisk(index_file_path, out_result);
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("SimpleCache.IndexLoadTime",
+ base::TimeTicks::Now() - start);
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("SimpleCache.IndexEntriesLoaded",
+ out_result->did_load ? entries.size() : 0);
+ if (!out_result->did_load)
+ index_file_state = INDEX_STATE_CORRUPT;
+ }
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("SimpleCache.IndexFileStateOnLoad",
+ index_file_state,
+ if (!out_result->did_load) {
+ const base::TimeTicks start = base::TimeTicks::Now();
+ SyncRestoreFromDisk(cache_directory, index_file_path, out_result);
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEDIUM_TIMES("SimpleCache.IndexRestoreTime",
+ base::TimeTicks::Now() - start);
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("SimpleCache.IndexEntriesRestored",
+ entries.size());
+ }
+ // Used in histograms. Please only add new values at the end.
+ enum {
+ };
+ int initialize_method;
+ if (index_file_exists) {
+ if (out_result->flush_required)
+ initialize_method = INITIALIZE_METHOD_RECOVERED;
+ else
+ initialize_method = INITIALIZE_METHOD_LOADED;
+ } else {
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("SimpleCache.IndexCreatedEntryCount",
+ entries.size());
+ initialize_method = INITIALIZE_METHOD_NEWCACHE;
+ }
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("SimpleCache.IndexInitializeMethod",
+ initialize_method, INITIALIZE_METHOD_MAX);
+// static
+void SimpleIndexFile::SyncLoadFromDisk(const base::FilePath& index_filename,
+ SimpleIndexLoadResult* out_result) {
+ out_result->Reset();
+ base::MemoryMappedFile index_file_map;
+ if (!index_file_map.Initialize(index_filename)) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Could not map Simple Index file.";
+ base::DeleteFile(index_filename, false);
+ return;
+ }
+ SimpleIndexFile::Deserialize(
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
+ index_file_map.length(), out_result);
+ if (!out_result->did_load)
+ base::DeleteFile(index_filename, false);
+// static
+scoped_ptr<Pickle> SimpleIndexFile::Serialize(
+ const SimpleIndexFile::IndexMetadata& index_metadata,
+ const SimpleIndex::EntrySet& entries) {
+ scoped_ptr<Pickle> pickle(new Pickle(sizeof(SimpleIndexFile::PickleHeader)));
+ index_metadata.Serialize(pickle.get());
+ for (SimpleIndex::EntrySet::const_iterator it = entries.begin();
+ it != entries.end(); ++it) {
+ pickle->WriteUInt64(it->first);
+ it->second.Serialize(pickle.get());
+ }
+ SimpleIndexFile::PickleHeader* header_p =
+ pickle->headerT<SimpleIndexFile::PickleHeader>();
+ header_p->crc = CalculatePickleCRC(*pickle);
+ return pickle.Pass();
+// static
+void SimpleIndexFile::Deserialize(const char* data, int data_len,
+ SimpleIndexLoadResult* out_result) {
+ DCHECK(data);
+ out_result->Reset();
+ SimpleIndex::EntrySet* entries = &out_result->entries;
+ Pickle pickle(data, data_len);
+ if (! {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Corrupt Simple Index File.";
+ return;
+ }
+ PickleIterator pickle_it(pickle);
+ SimpleIndexFile::PickleHeader* header_p =
+ pickle.headerT<SimpleIndexFile::PickleHeader>();
+ const uint32 crc_read = header_p->crc;
+ const uint32 crc_calculated = CalculatePickleCRC(pickle);
+ if (crc_read != crc_calculated) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid CRC in Simple Index file.";
+ return;
+ }
+ SimpleIndexFile::IndexMetadata index_metadata;
+ if (!index_metadata.Deserialize(&pickle_it)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid index_metadata on Simple Cache Index.";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!index_metadata.CheckIndexMetadata()) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid index_metadata on Simple Cache Index.";
+ return;
+ }
+#if !defined(OS_WIN)
+ // TODO(gavinp): Consider using std::unordered_map.
+ entries->resize(index_metadata.GetNumberOfEntries() + kExtraSizeForMerge);
+ while (entries->size() < index_metadata.GetNumberOfEntries()) {
+ uint64 hash_key;
+ EntryMetadata entry_metadata;
+ if (!pickle_it.ReadUInt64(&hash_key) ||
+ !entry_metadata.Deserialize(&pickle_it)) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid EntryMetadata in Simple Index file.";
+ entries->clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ SimpleIndex::InsertInEntrySet(hash_key, entry_metadata, entries);
+ }
+ out_result->did_load = true;
+// static
+void SimpleIndexFile::SyncRestoreFromDisk(
+ const base::FilePath& cache_directory,
+ const base::FilePath& index_file_path,
+ SimpleIndexLoadResult* out_result) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Simple Cache Index is being restored from disk.";
+ base::DeleteFile(index_file_path, /* recursive = */ false);
+ out_result->Reset();
+ SimpleIndex::EntrySet* entries = &out_result->entries;
+ // TODO(felipeg,gavinp): Fix this once we have a one-file per entry format.
+ COMPILE_ASSERT(kSimpleEntryFileCount == 3,
+ file_pattern_must_match_file_count);
+ const int kFileSuffixLength = sizeof("_0") - 1;
+ const base::FilePath::StringType file_pattern = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("*_[0-2]");
+ base::FileEnumerator enumerator(cache_directory,
+ false /* recursive */,
+ base::FileEnumerator::FILES,
+ file_pattern);
+ for (base::FilePath file_path = enumerator.Next(); !file_path.empty();
+ file_path = enumerator.Next()) {
+ const base::FilePath::StringType base_name = file_path.BaseName().value();
+ // Converting to std::string is OK since we never use UTF8 wide chars in our
+ // file names.
+ const std::string hash_key_string(base_name.begin(),
+ base_name.end() - kFileSuffixLength);
+ uint64 hash_key = 0;
+ if (!simple_util::GetEntryHashKeyFromHexString(
+ hash_key_string, &hash_key)) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid Entry Hash Key filename while restoring "
+ << "Simple Index from disk: " << base_name;
+ // TODO(felipeg): Should we delete the invalid file here ?
+ continue;
+ }
+ base::FileEnumerator::FileInfo info = enumerator.GetInfo();
+ base::Time last_used_time;
+#if defined(OS_POSIX)
+ // For POSIX systems, a last access time is available. However, it's not
+ // guaranteed to be more accurate than mtime. It is no worse though.
+ last_used_time = base::Time::FromTimeT(info.stat().st_atime);
+ if (last_used_time.is_null())
+ last_used_time = info.GetLastModifiedTime();
+ int64 file_size = info.GetSize();
+ SimpleIndex::EntrySet::iterator it = entries->find(hash_key);
+ if (it == entries->end()) {
+ SimpleIndex::InsertInEntrySet(
+ hash_key,
+ EntryMetadata(last_used_time, file_size),
+ entries);
+ } else {
+ // Summing up the total size of the entry through all the *_[0-2] files
+ it->second.SetEntrySize(it->second.GetEntrySize() + file_size);
+ }
+ }
+ out_result->did_load = true;
+ // When we restore from disk we write the merged index file to disk right
+ // away, this might save us from having to restore again next time.
+ out_result->flush_required = true;
+// static
+bool SimpleIndexFile::IsIndexFileStale(base::Time cache_last_modified,
+ const base::FilePath& index_file_path) {
+ base::Time index_mtime;
+ if (!simple_util::GetMTime(index_file_path, &index_mtime))
+ return true;
+ return index_mtime < cache_last_modified;
+} // namespace disk_cache