path: root/chromium/net/disk_cache/sparse_control.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/disk_cache/sparse_control.h')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/disk_cache/sparse_control.h b/chromium/net/disk_cache/sparse_control.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a018e18742e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/disk_cache/sparse_control.h
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/bitmap.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/disk_format.h"
+namespace net {
+class IOBuffer;
+class DrainableIOBuffer;
+namespace disk_cache {
+class Entry;
+class EntryImpl;
+// This class provides support for the sparse capabilities of the disk cache.
+// Basically, sparse IO is directed from EntryImpl to this class, and we split
+// the operation into multiple small pieces, sending each one to the
+// appropriate entry. An instance of this class is asociated with each entry
+// used directly for sparse operations (the entry passed in to the constructor).
+class SparseControl {
+ public:
+ typedef net::CompletionCallback CompletionCallback;
+ // The operation to perform.
+ enum SparseOperation {
+ kNoOperation,
+ kReadOperation,
+ kWriteOperation,
+ kGetRangeOperation
+ };
+ explicit SparseControl(EntryImpl* entry);
+ ~SparseControl();
+ // Initializes the object for the current entry. If this entry already stores
+ // sparse data, or can be used to do it, it updates the relevant information
+ // on disk and returns net::OK. Otherwise it returns a net error code.
+ int Init();
+ // Performs a quick test to see if the entry is sparse or not, without
+ // generating disk IO (so the answer provided is only a best effort).
+ bool CouldBeSparse() const;
+ // Performs an actual sparse read or write operation for this entry. |op| is
+ // the operation to perform, |offset| is the desired sparse offset, |buf| and
+ // |buf_len| specify the actual data to use and |callback| is the callback
+ // to use for asynchronous operations. See the description of the Read /
+ // WriteSparseData for details about the arguments. The return value is the
+ // number of bytes read or written, or a net error code.
+ int StartIO(SparseOperation op, int64 offset, net::IOBuffer* buf,
+ int buf_len, const CompletionCallback& callback);
+ // Implements Entry::GetAvailableRange().
+ int GetAvailableRange(int64 offset, int len, int64* start);
+ // Cancels the current sparse operation (if any).
+ void CancelIO();
+ // Returns OK if the entry can be used for new IO or ERR_IO_PENDING if we are
+ // busy. If the entry is busy, we'll invoke the callback when we are ready
+ // again. See disk_cache::Entry::ReadyToUse() for more info.
+ int ReadyToUse(const CompletionCallback& completion_callback);
+ // Deletes the children entries of |entry|.
+ static void DeleteChildren(EntryImpl* entry);
+ private:
+ // Creates a new sparse entry or opens an aready created entry from disk.
+ // These methods just read / write the required info from disk for the current
+ // entry, and verify that everything is correct. The return value is a net
+ // error code.
+ int CreateSparseEntry();
+ int OpenSparseEntry(int data_len);
+ // Opens and closes a child entry. A child entry is a regular EntryImpl object
+ // with a key derived from the key of the resource to store and the range
+ // stored by that child.
+ bool OpenChild();
+ void CloseChild();
+ std::string GenerateChildKey();
+ // Deletes the current child and continues the current operation (open).
+ bool KillChildAndContinue(const std::string& key, bool fatal);
+ // Continues the current operation (open) without a current child.
+ bool ContinueWithoutChild(const std::string& key);
+ // Returns true if the required child is tracked by the parent entry, i.e. it
+ // was already created.
+ bool ChildPresent();
+ // Sets the bit for the current child to the provided |value|. In other words,
+ // starts or stops tracking this child.
+ void SetChildBit(bool value);
+ // Writes to disk the tracking information for this entry.
+ void WriteSparseData();
+ // Verify that the range to be accessed for the current child is appropriate.
+ // Returns false if an error is detected or there is no need to perform the
+ // current IO operation (for instance if the required range is not stored by
+ // the child).
+ bool VerifyRange();
+ // Updates the contents bitmap for the current range, based on the result of
+ // the current operation.
+ void UpdateRange(int result);
+ // Returns the number of bytes stored at |block_index|, if its allocation-bit
+ // is off (because it is not completely filled).
+ int PartialBlockLength(int block_index) const;
+ // Initializes the sparse info for the current child.
+ void InitChildData();
+ // Iterates through all the children needed to complete the current operation.
+ void DoChildrenIO();
+ // Performs a single operation with the current child. Returns true when we
+ // should move on to the next child and false when we should interrupt our
+ // work.
+ bool DoChildIO();
+ // Performs the required work for GetAvailableRange for one child.
+ int DoGetAvailableRange();
+ // Performs the required work after a single IO operations finishes.
+ void DoChildIOCompleted(int result);
+ // Invoked by the callback of asynchronous operations.
+ void OnChildIOCompleted(int result);
+ // Reports to the user that we are done.
+ void DoUserCallback();
+ void DoAbortCallbacks();
+ EntryImpl* entry_; // The sparse entry.
+ EntryImpl* child_; // The current child entry.
+ SparseOperation operation_;
+ bool pending_; // True if any child IO operation returned pending.
+ bool finished_;
+ bool init_;
+ bool range_found_; // True if GetAvailableRange found something.
+ bool abort_; // True if we should abort the current operation ASAP.
+ SparseHeader sparse_header_; // Data about the children of entry_.
+ Bitmap children_map_; // The actual bitmap of children.
+ SparseData child_data_; // Parent and allocation map of child_.
+ Bitmap child_map_; // The allocation map as a bitmap.
+ CompletionCallback user_callback_;
+ std::vector<CompletionCallback> abort_callbacks_;
+ int64 offset_; // Current sparse offset.
+ scoped_refptr<net::DrainableIOBuffer> user_buf_;
+ int buf_len_; // Bytes to read or write.
+ int child_offset_; // Offset to use for the current child.
+ int child_len_; // Bytes to read or write for this child.
+ int result_;
+} // namespace disk_cache