path: root/chromium/net/dns/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/dns/')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/dns/ b/chromium/net/dns/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ea8b6a14274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/dns/
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+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "net/dns/dns_session.h"
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
+#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
+#include "base/metrics/sample_vector.h"
+#include "base/rand_util.h"
+#include "base/stl_util.h"
+#include "base/time/time.h"
+#include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
+#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+#include "net/dns/dns_config_service.h"
+#include "net/dns/dns_socket_pool.h"
+#include "net/socket/stream_socket.h"
+#include "net/udp/datagram_client_socket.h"
+namespace net {
+namespace {
+// Never exceed max timeout.
+const unsigned kMaxTimeoutMs = 5000;
+// Set min timeout, in case we are talking to a local DNS proxy.
+const unsigned kMinTimeoutMs = 10;
+// Number of buckets in the histogram of observed RTTs.
+const size_t kRTTBucketCount = 100;
+// Target percentile in the RTT histogram used for retransmission timeout.
+const unsigned kRTOPercentile = 99;
+} // namespace
+// Runtime statistics of DNS server.
+struct DnsSession::ServerStats {
+ ServerStats(base::TimeDelta rtt_estimate_param, RttBuckets* buckets)
+ : last_failure_count(0), rtt_estimate(rtt_estimate_param) {
+ rtt_histogram.reset(new base::SampleVector(buckets));
+ // Seed histogram with 2 samples at |rtt_estimate| timeout.
+ rtt_histogram->Accumulate(rtt_estimate.InMilliseconds(), 2);
+ }
+ // Count of consecutive failures after last success.
+ int last_failure_count;
+ // Last time when server returned failure or timeout.
+ base::Time last_failure;
+ // Last time when server returned success.
+ base::Time last_success;
+ // Estimated RTT using moving average.
+ base::TimeDelta rtt_estimate;
+ // Estimated error in the above.
+ base::TimeDelta rtt_deviation;
+ // A histogram of observed RTT .
+ scoped_ptr<base::SampleVector> rtt_histogram;
+// static
+base::LazyInstance<DnsSession::RttBuckets>::Leaky DnsSession::rtt_buckets_ =
+DnsSession::RttBuckets::RttBuckets() : base::BucketRanges(kRTTBucketCount + 1) {
+ base::Histogram::InitializeBucketRanges(1, 5000, this);
+DnsSession::SocketLease::SocketLease(scoped_refptr<DnsSession> session,
+ unsigned server_index,
+ scoped_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> socket)
+ : session_(session), server_index_(server_index), socket_(socket.Pass()) {}
+DnsSession::SocketLease::~SocketLease() {
+ session_->FreeSocket(server_index_, socket_.Pass());
+DnsSession::DnsSession(const DnsConfig& config,
+ scoped_ptr<DnsSocketPool> socket_pool,
+ const RandIntCallback& rand_int_callback,
+ NetLog* net_log)
+ : config_(config),
+ socket_pool_(socket_pool.Pass()),
+ rand_callback_(base::Bind(rand_int_callback, 0, kuint16max)),
+ net_log_(net_log),
+ server_index_(0) {
+ socket_pool_->Initialize(&config_.nameservers, net_log);
+ "AsyncDNS.ServerCount", config_.nameservers.size(), 0, 10, 10);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < config_.nameservers.size(); ++i) {
+ server_stats_.push_back(new ServerStats(config_.timeout,
+ rtt_buckets_.Pointer()));
+ }
+DnsSession::~DnsSession() {
+ RecordServerStats();
+int DnsSession::NextQueryId() const { return rand_callback_.Run(); }
+unsigned DnsSession::NextFirstServerIndex() {
+ unsigned index = NextGoodServerIndex(server_index_);
+ if (config_.rotate)
+ server_index_ = (server_index_ + 1) % config_.nameservers.size();
+ return index;
+unsigned DnsSession::NextGoodServerIndex(unsigned server_index) {
+ unsigned index = server_index;
+ base::Time oldest_server_failure(base::Time::Now());
+ unsigned oldest_server_failure_index = 0;
+ server_stats_[server_index]->last_failure.is_null());
+ do {
+ base::Time cur_server_failure = server_stats_[index]->last_failure;
+ // If number of failures on this server doesn't exceed number of allowed
+ // attempts, return its index.
+ if (server_stats_[server_index]->last_failure_count < config_.attempts) {
+ return index;
+ }
+ // Track oldest failed server.
+ if (cur_server_failure < oldest_server_failure) {
+ oldest_server_failure = cur_server_failure;
+ oldest_server_failure_index = index;
+ }
+ index = (index + 1) % config_.nameservers.size();
+ } while (index != server_index);
+ // If we are here it means that there are no successful servers, so we have
+ // to use one that has failed oldest.
+ return oldest_server_failure_index;
+void DnsSession::RecordServerFailure(unsigned server_index) {
+ "AsyncDNS.ServerFailureIndex", server_index, 0, 10, 10);
+ ++(server_stats_[server_index]->last_failure_count);
+ server_stats_[server_index]->last_failure = base::Time::Now();
+void DnsSession::RecordServerSuccess(unsigned server_index) {
+ if (server_stats_[server_index]->last_success.is_null()) {
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("AsyncDNS.ServerFailuresAfterNetworkChange",
+ server_stats_[server_index]->last_failure_count);
+ } else {
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("AsyncDNS.ServerFailuresBeforeSuccess",
+ server_stats_[server_index]->last_failure_count);
+ }
+ server_stats_[server_index]->last_failure_count = 0;
+ server_stats_[server_index]->last_failure = base::Time();
+ server_stats_[server_index]->last_success = base::Time::Now();
+void DnsSession::RecordRTT(unsigned server_index, base::TimeDelta rtt) {
+ DCHECK_LT(server_index, server_stats_.size());
+ // For measurement, assume it is the first attempt (no backoff).
+ base::TimeDelta timeout_jacobson = NextTimeoutFromJacobson(server_index, 0);
+ base::TimeDelta timeout_histogram = NextTimeoutFromHistogram(server_index, 0);
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("AsyncDNS.TimeoutErrorJacobson", rtt - timeout_jacobson);
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("AsyncDNS.TimeoutErrorHistogram",
+ rtt - timeout_histogram);
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("AsyncDNS.TimeoutErrorJacobsonUnder",
+ timeout_jacobson - rtt);
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("AsyncDNS.TimeoutErrorHistogramUnder",
+ timeout_histogram - rtt);
+ // Jacobson/Karels algorithm for TCP.
+ // Using parameters: alpha = 1/8, delta = 1/4, beta = 4
+ base::TimeDelta& estimate = server_stats_[server_index]->rtt_estimate;
+ base::TimeDelta& deviation = server_stats_[server_index]->rtt_deviation;
+ base::TimeDelta current_error = rtt - estimate;
+ estimate += current_error / 8; // * alpha
+ base::TimeDelta abs_error = base::TimeDelta::FromInternalValue(
+ std::abs(current_error.ToInternalValue()));
+ deviation += (abs_error - deviation) / 4; // * delta
+ // Histogram-based method.
+ server_stats_[server_index]->rtt_histogram
+ ->Accumulate(rtt.InMilliseconds(), 1);
+void DnsSession::RecordLostPacket(unsigned server_index, int attempt) {
+ base::TimeDelta timeout_jacobson =
+ NextTimeoutFromJacobson(server_index, attempt);
+ base::TimeDelta timeout_histogram =
+ NextTimeoutFromHistogram(server_index, attempt);
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("AsyncDNS.TimeoutSpentJacobson", timeout_jacobson);
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("AsyncDNS.TimeoutSpentHistogram", timeout_histogram);
+void DnsSession::RecordServerStats() {
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < server_stats_.size(); ++index) {
+ if (server_stats_[index]->last_failure_count) {
+ if (server_stats_[index]->last_success.is_null()) {
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("AsyncDNS.ServerFailuresWithoutSuccess",
+ server_stats_[index]->last_failure_count);
+ } else {
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("AsyncDNS.ServerFailuresAfterSuccess",
+ server_stats_[index]->last_failure_count);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+base::TimeDelta DnsSession::NextTimeout(unsigned server_index, int attempt) {
+ // Respect config timeout if it exceeds |kMaxTimeoutMs|.
+ if (config_.timeout.InMilliseconds() >= kMaxTimeoutMs)
+ return config_.timeout;
+ return NextTimeoutFromHistogram(server_index, attempt);
+// Allocate a socket, already connected to the server address.
+scoped_ptr<DnsSession::SocketLease> DnsSession::AllocateSocket(
+ unsigned server_index, const NetLog::Source& source) {
+ scoped_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> socket;
+ socket = socket_pool_->AllocateSocket(server_index);
+ if (!socket.get())
+ return scoped_ptr<SocketLease>();
+ socket->NetLog().BeginEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_IN_USE,
+ source.ToEventParametersCallback());
+ SocketLease* lease = new SocketLease(this, server_index, socket.Pass());
+ return scoped_ptr<SocketLease>(lease);
+scoped_ptr<StreamSocket> DnsSession::CreateTCPSocket(
+ unsigned server_index, const NetLog::Source& source) {
+ return socket_pool_->CreateTCPSocket(server_index, source);
+// Release a socket.
+void DnsSession::FreeSocket(unsigned server_index,
+ scoped_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> socket) {
+ DCHECK(socket.get());
+ socket->NetLog().EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_IN_USE);
+ socket_pool_->FreeSocket(server_index, socket.Pass());
+base::TimeDelta DnsSession::NextTimeoutFromJacobson(unsigned server_index,
+ int attempt) {
+ DCHECK_LT(server_index, server_stats_.size());
+ base::TimeDelta timeout = server_stats_[server_index]->rtt_estimate +
+ 4 * server_stats_[server_index]->rtt_deviation;
+ timeout = std::max(timeout, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kMinTimeoutMs));
+ // The timeout doubles every full round.
+ unsigned num_backoffs = attempt / config_.nameservers.size();
+ return std::min(timeout * (1 << num_backoffs),
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kMaxTimeoutMs));
+base::TimeDelta DnsSession::NextTimeoutFromHistogram(unsigned server_index,
+ int attempt) {
+ DCHECK_LT(server_index, server_stats_.size());
+ COMPILE_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<base::HistogramBase::Count>::is_signed,
+ histogram_base_count_assumed_to_be_signed);
+ // Use fixed percentile of observed samples.
+ const base::SampleVector& samples =
+ *server_stats_[server_index]->rtt_histogram;
+ base::HistogramBase::Count total = samples.TotalCount();
+ base::HistogramBase::Count remaining_count = kRTOPercentile * total / 100;
+ size_t index = 0;
+ while (remaining_count > 0 && index < rtt_buckets_.Get().size()) {
+ remaining_count -= samples.GetCountAtIndex(index);
+ ++index;
+ }
+ base::TimeDelta timeout =
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(rtt_buckets_.Get().range(index));
+ timeout = std::max(timeout, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kMinTimeoutMs));
+ // The timeout still doubles every full round.
+ unsigned num_backoffs = attempt / config_.nameservers.size();
+ return std::min(timeout * (1 << num_backoffs),
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kMaxTimeoutMs));
+} // namespace net