path: root/chromium/net/http/http_stream_factory_impl.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/http/http_stream_factory_impl.h')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/http/http_stream_factory_impl.h b/chromium/net/http/http_stream_factory_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4339fd350d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/http/http_stream_factory_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
+#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
+#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
+#include "net/base/net_log.h"
+#include "net/http/http_pipelined_host_pool.h"
+#include "net/http/http_stream_factory.h"
+#include "net/proxy/proxy_server.h"
+#include "net/socket/ssl_client_socket.h"
+#include "net/spdy/spdy_session_key.h"
+namespace net {
+class HttpNetworkSession;
+class HttpPipelinedHost;
+class SpdySession;
+class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE HttpStreamFactoryImpl :
+ public HttpStreamFactory,
+ public HttpPipelinedHostPool::Delegate {
+ public:
+ // RequestStream may only be called if |for_websockets| is false.
+ // RequestWebSocketStream may only be called if |for_websockets| is true.
+ HttpStreamFactoryImpl(HttpNetworkSession* session, bool for_websockets);
+ virtual ~HttpStreamFactoryImpl();
+ // HttpStreamFactory interface
+ virtual HttpStreamRequest* RequestStream(
+ const HttpRequestInfo& info,
+ RequestPriority priority,
+ const SSLConfig& server_ssl_config,
+ const SSLConfig& proxy_ssl_config,
+ HttpStreamRequest::Delegate* delegate,
+ const BoundNetLog& net_log) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual HttpStreamRequest* RequestWebSocketStream(
+ const HttpRequestInfo& info,
+ RequestPriority priority,
+ const SSLConfig& server_ssl_config,
+ const SSLConfig& proxy_ssl_config,
+ HttpStreamRequest::Delegate* delegate,
+ WebSocketStreamBase::Factory* factory,
+ const BoundNetLog& net_log) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void PreconnectStreams(int num_streams,
+ const HttpRequestInfo& info,
+ RequestPriority priority,
+ const SSLConfig& server_ssl_config,
+ const SSLConfig& proxy_ssl_config) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual base::Value* PipelineInfoToValue() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual const HostMappingRules* GetHostMappingRules() const OVERRIDE;
+ // HttpPipelinedHostPool::Delegate interface
+ virtual void OnHttpPipelinedHostHasAdditionalCapacity(
+ HttpPipelinedHost* host) OVERRIDE;
+ size_t num_orphaned_jobs() const { return orphaned_job_set_.size(); }
+ private:
+ FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HttpStreamFactoryImplRequestTest, SetPriority);
+ class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE Request;
+ typedef std::set<Request*> RequestSet;
+ typedef std::vector<Request*> RequestVector;
+ typedef std::map<SpdySessionKey, RequestSet> SpdySessionRequestMap;
+ typedef std::map<HttpPipelinedHost::Key,
+ RequestVector> HttpPipeliningRequestMap;
+ HttpStreamRequest* RequestStreamInternal(
+ const HttpRequestInfo& info,
+ RequestPriority priority,
+ const SSLConfig& server_ssl_config,
+ const SSLConfig& proxy_ssl_config,
+ HttpStreamRequest::Delegate* delegate,
+ WebSocketStreamBase::Factory* factory,
+ const BoundNetLog& net_log);
+ PortAlternateProtocolPair GetAlternateProtocolRequestFor(
+ const GURL& original_url,
+ GURL* alternate_url) const;
+ // Detaches |job| from |request|.
+ void OrphanJob(Job* job, const Request* request);
+ // Called when a SpdySession is ready. It will find appropriate Requests and
+ // fulfill them. |direct| indicates whether or not |spdy_session| uses a
+ // proxy.
+ void OnNewSpdySessionReady(const base::WeakPtr<SpdySession>& spdy_session,
+ bool direct,
+ const SSLConfig& used_ssl_config,
+ const ProxyInfo& used_proxy_info,
+ bool was_npn_negotiated,
+ NextProto protocol_negotiated,
+ bool using_spdy,
+ const BoundNetLog& net_log);
+ // Called when the Job detects that the endpoint indicated by the
+ // Alternate-Protocol does not work. Lets the factory update
+ // HttpAlternateProtocols with the failure and resets the SPDY session key.
+ void OnBrokenAlternateProtocol(const Job*, const HostPortPair& origin);
+ // Invoked when an orphaned Job finishes.
+ void OnOrphanedJobComplete(const Job* job);
+ // Invoked when the Job finishes preconnecting sockets.
+ void OnPreconnectsComplete(const Job* job);
+ // Called when the Preconnect completes. Used for testing.
+ virtual void OnPreconnectsCompleteInternal() {}
+ void AbortPipelinedRequestsWithKey(const Job* job,
+ const HttpPipelinedHost::Key& key,
+ int status,
+ const SSLConfig& used_ssl_config);
+ HttpNetworkSession* const session_;
+ // All Requests are handed out to clients. By the time HttpStreamFactoryImpl
+ // is destroyed, all Requests should be deleted (which should remove them from
+ // |request_map_|. The Requests will delete the corresponding job.
+ std::map<const Job*, Request*> request_map_;
+ SpdySessionRequestMap spdy_session_request_map_;
+ HttpPipeliningRequestMap http_pipelining_request_map_;
+ HttpPipelinedHostPool http_pipelined_host_pool_;
+ // These jobs correspond to jobs orphaned by Requests and now owned by
+ // HttpStreamFactoryImpl. Since they are no longer tied to Requests, they will
+ // not be canceled when Requests are canceled. Therefore, in
+ // ~HttpStreamFactoryImpl, it is possible for some jobs to still exist in this
+ // set. Leftover jobs will be deleted when the factory is destroyed.
+ std::set<const Job*> orphaned_job_set_;
+ // These jobs correspond to preconnect requests and have no associated Request
+ // object. They're owned by HttpStreamFactoryImpl. Leftover jobs will be
+ // deleted when the factory is destroyed.
+ std::set<const Job*> preconnect_job_set_;
+ const bool for_websockets_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HttpStreamFactoryImpl);
+} // namespace net