path: root/chromium/net/http/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/http/')
1 files changed, 1480 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/http/ b/chromium/net/http/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c0383f4772d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/http/
@@ -0,0 +1,1480 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "net/http/http_stream_factory_impl_job.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <string>
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/stl_util.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
+#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
+#include "base/values.h"
+#include "build/build_config.h"
+#include "net/base/connection_type_histograms.h"
+#include "net/base/net_log.h"
+#include "net/base/net_util.h"
+#include "net/http/http_basic_stream.h"
+#include "net/http/http_network_session.h"
+#include "net/http/http_pipelined_connection.h"
+#include "net/http/http_pipelined_host.h"
+#include "net/http/http_pipelined_host_pool.h"
+#include "net/http/http_pipelined_stream.h"
+#include "net/http/http_proxy_client_socket.h"
+#include "net/http/http_proxy_client_socket_pool.h"
+#include "net/http/http_request_info.h"
+#include "net/http/http_server_properties.h"
+#include "net/http/http_stream_factory.h"
+#include "net/http/http_stream_factory_impl_request.h"
+#include "net/quic/quic_http_stream.h"
+#include "net/socket/client_socket_handle.h"
+#include "net/socket/client_socket_pool.h"
+#include "net/socket/client_socket_pool_manager.h"
+#include "net/socket/socks_client_socket_pool.h"
+#include "net/socket/ssl_client_socket.h"
+#include "net/socket/ssl_client_socket_pool.h"
+#include "net/spdy/spdy_http_stream.h"
+#include "net/spdy/spdy_session.h"
+#include "net/spdy/spdy_session_pool.h"
+#include "net/ssl/ssl_cert_request_info.h"
+namespace net {
+// Returns parameters associated with the start of a HTTP stream job.
+base::Value* NetLogHttpStreamJobCallback(const GURL* original_url,
+ const GURL* url,
+ RequestPriority priority,
+ NetLog::LogLevel /* log_level */) {
+ base::DictionaryValue* dict = new base::DictionaryValue();
+ dict->SetString("original_url", original_url->GetOrigin().spec());
+ dict->SetString("url", url->GetOrigin().spec());
+ dict->SetInteger("priority", priority);
+ return dict;
+// Returns parameters associated with the Proto (with NPN negotiation) of a HTTP
+// stream.
+base::Value* NetLogHttpStreamProtoCallback(
+ const SSLClientSocket::NextProtoStatus status,
+ const std::string* proto,
+ const std::string* server_protos,
+ NetLog::LogLevel /* log_level */) {
+ base::DictionaryValue* dict = new base::DictionaryValue();
+ dict->SetString("next_proto_status",
+ SSLClientSocket::NextProtoStatusToString(status));
+ dict->SetString("proto", *proto);
+ dict->SetString("server_protos",
+ SSLClientSocket::ServerProtosToString(*server_protos));
+ return dict;
+HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::Job(HttpStreamFactoryImpl* stream_factory,
+ HttpNetworkSession* session,
+ const HttpRequestInfo& request_info,
+ RequestPriority priority,
+ const SSLConfig& server_ssl_config,
+ const SSLConfig& proxy_ssl_config,
+ NetLog* net_log)
+ : request_(NULL),
+ request_info_(request_info),
+ priority_(priority),
+ server_ssl_config_(server_ssl_config),
+ proxy_ssl_config_(proxy_ssl_config),
+ net_log_(BoundNetLog::Make(net_log, NetLog::SOURCE_HTTP_STREAM_JOB)),
+ io_callback_(base::Bind(&Job::OnIOComplete, base::Unretained(this))),
+ connection_(new ClientSocketHandle),
+ session_(session),
+ stream_factory_(stream_factory),
+ next_state_(STATE_NONE),
+ pac_request_(NULL),
+ blocking_job_(NULL),
+ waiting_job_(NULL),
+ using_ssl_(false),
+ using_spdy_(false),
+ using_quic_(false),
+ quic_request_(session_->quic_stream_factory()),
+ force_spdy_always_(HttpStreamFactory::force_spdy_always()),
+ force_spdy_over_ssl_(HttpStreamFactory::force_spdy_over_ssl()),
+ spdy_certificate_error_(OK),
+ establishing_tunnel_(false),
+ was_npn_negotiated_(false),
+ protocol_negotiated_(kProtoUnknown),
+ num_streams_(0),
+ spdy_session_direct_(false),
+ existing_available_pipeline_(false),
+ ptr_factory_(this) {
+ DCHECK(stream_factory);
+ DCHECK(session);
+HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::~Job() {
+ net_log_.EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_STREAM_JOB);
+ // When we're in a partially constructed state, waiting for the user to
+ // provide certificate handling information or authentication, we can't reuse
+ // this stream at all.
+ if (next_state_ == STATE_WAITING_USER_ACTION) {
+ connection_->socket()->Disconnect();
+ connection_.reset();
+ }
+ if (pac_request_)
+ session_->proxy_service()->CancelPacRequest(pac_request_);
+ // The stream could be in a partial state. It is not reusable.
+ if (stream_.get() && next_state_ != STATE_DONE)
+ stream_->Close(true /* not reusable */);
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::Start(Request* request) {
+ DCHECK(request);
+ request_ = request;
+ StartInternal();
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::Preconnect(int num_streams) {
+ DCHECK_GT(num_streams, 0);
+ HostPortPair origin_server =
+ HostPortPair(request_info_.url.HostNoBrackets(),
+ request_info_.url.EffectiveIntPort());
+ base::WeakPtr<HttpServerProperties> http_server_properties =
+ session_->http_server_properties();
+ if (http_server_properties &&
+ http_server_properties->SupportsSpdy(origin_server)) {
+ num_streams_ = 1;
+ } else {
+ num_streams_ = num_streams;
+ }
+ return StartInternal();
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::RestartTunnelWithProxyAuth(
+ const AuthCredentials& credentials) {
+ DCHECK(establishing_tunnel_);
+ stream_.reset();
+ return RunLoop(OK);
+LoadState HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::GetLoadState() const {
+ switch (next_state_) {
+ return session_->proxy_service()->GetLoadState(pac_request_);
+ return using_quic_ ? LOAD_STATE_CONNECTING : connection_->GetLoadState();
+ default:
+ }
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::MarkAsAlternate(
+ const GURL& original_url,
+ PortAlternateProtocolPair alternate) {
+ DCHECK(!original_url_.get());
+ original_url_.reset(new GURL(original_url));
+ if (alternate.protocol == QUIC) {
+ DCHECK(session_->params().enable_quic);
+ using_quic_ = true;
+ }
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::WaitFor(Job* job) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(STATE_NONE, next_state_);
+ DCHECK_EQ(STATE_NONE, job->next_state_);
+ DCHECK(!blocking_job_);
+ DCHECK(!job->waiting_job_);
+ blocking_job_ = job;
+ job->waiting_job_ = this;
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::Resume(Job* job) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(blocking_job_, job);
+ blocking_job_ = NULL;
+ // We know we're blocked if the next_state_ is STATE_WAIT_FOR_JOB_COMPLETE.
+ // Unblock |this|.
+ if (next_state_ == STATE_WAIT_FOR_JOB_COMPLETE) {
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(&HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::OnIOComplete,
+ ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), OK));
+ }
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::Orphan(const Request* request) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(request_, request);
+ request_ = NULL;
+ if (blocking_job_) {
+ // We've been orphaned, but there's a job we're blocked on. Don't bother
+ // racing, just cancel ourself.
+ DCHECK(blocking_job_->waiting_job_);
+ blocking_job_->waiting_job_ = NULL;
+ blocking_job_ = NULL;
+ if (stream_factory_->for_websockets_ &&
+ connection_ && connection_->socket())
+ connection_->socket()->Disconnect();
+ stream_factory_->OnOrphanedJobComplete(this);
+ } else if (stream_factory_->for_websockets_) {
+ // We cancel this job because WebSocketStream can't be created
+ // without a WebSocketStreamBase::Factory which is stored in Request class
+ // and isn't accessible from this job.
+ if (connection_ && connection_->socket())
+ connection_->socket()->Disconnect();
+ stream_factory_->OnOrphanedJobComplete(this);
+ }
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::SetPriority(RequestPriority priority) {
+ priority_ = priority;
+ // TODO(akalin): Propagate this to |connection_| and maybe the
+ // preconnect state.
+bool HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::was_npn_negotiated() const {
+ return was_npn_negotiated_;
+NextProto HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::protocol_negotiated() const {
+ return protocol_negotiated_;
+bool HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::using_spdy() const {
+ return using_spdy_;
+const SSLConfig& HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::server_ssl_config() const {
+ return server_ssl_config_;
+const SSLConfig& HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::proxy_ssl_config() const {
+ return proxy_ssl_config_;
+const ProxyInfo& HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::proxy_info() const {
+ return proxy_info_;
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::GetSSLInfo() {
+ DCHECK(using_ssl_);
+ DCHECK(!establishing_tunnel_);
+ DCHECK(connection_.get() && connection_->socket());
+ SSLClientSocket* ssl_socket =
+ static_cast<SSLClientSocket*>(connection_->socket());
+ ssl_socket->GetSSLInfo(&ssl_info_);
+SpdySessionKey HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::GetSpdySessionKey() const {
+ // In the case that we're using an HTTPS proxy for an HTTP url,
+ // we look for a SPDY session *to* the proxy, instead of to the
+ // origin server.
+ PrivacyMode privacy_mode = request_info_.privacy_mode;
+ if (IsHttpsProxyAndHttpUrl()) {
+ return SpdySessionKey(proxy_info_.proxy_server().host_port_pair(),
+ ProxyServer::Direct(),
+ privacy_mode);
+ } else {
+ return SpdySessionKey(origin_,
+ proxy_info_.proxy_server(),
+ privacy_mode);
+ }
+bool HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::CanUseExistingSpdySession() const {
+ // We need to make sure that if a spdy session was created for
+ // https://somehost/ that we don't use that session for http://somehost:443/.
+ // The only time we can use an existing session is if the request URL is
+ // https (the normal case) or if we're connection to a SPDY proxy, or
+ // if we're running with force_spdy_always_.
+ return request_info_.url.SchemeIs("https") ||
+ request_info_.url.SchemeIs("wss") ||
+ proxy_info_.proxy_server().is_https() ||
+ force_spdy_always_;
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::OnStreamReadyCallback() {
+ DCHECK(stream_.get());
+ DCHECK(!IsPreconnecting());
+ DCHECK(!stream_factory_->for_websockets_);
+ if (IsOrphaned()) {
+ stream_factory_->OnOrphanedJobComplete(this);
+ } else {
+ request_->Complete(was_npn_negotiated(),
+ protocol_negotiated(),
+ using_spdy(),
+ net_log_);
+ request_->OnStreamReady(this, server_ssl_config_, proxy_info_,
+ stream_.release());
+ }
+ // |this| may be deleted after this call.
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::OnWebSocketStreamReadyCallback() {
+ DCHECK(websocket_stream_);
+ DCHECK(!IsPreconnecting());
+ DCHECK(stream_factory_->for_websockets_);
+ // An orphaned WebSocket job will be closed immediately and
+ // never be ready.
+ DCHECK(!IsOrphaned());
+ request_->Complete(was_npn_negotiated(),
+ protocol_negotiated(),
+ using_spdy(),
+ net_log_);
+ request_->OnWebSocketStreamReady(this,
+ server_ssl_config_,
+ proxy_info_,
+ websocket_stream_.release());
+ // |this| may be deleted after this call.
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::OnNewSpdySessionReadyCallback() {
+ DCHECK(!stream_.get());
+ DCHECK(!IsPreconnecting());
+ DCHECK(using_spdy());
+ if (!new_spdy_session_)
+ return;
+ base::WeakPtr<SpdySession> spdy_session = new_spdy_session_;
+ new_spdy_session_.reset();
+ if (IsOrphaned()) {
+ stream_factory_->OnNewSpdySessionReady(
+ spdy_session, spdy_session_direct_, server_ssl_config_, proxy_info_,
+ was_npn_negotiated(), protocol_negotiated(), using_spdy(), net_log_);
+ stream_factory_->OnOrphanedJobComplete(this);
+ } else {
+ request_->OnNewSpdySessionReady(this, spdy_session, spdy_session_direct_);
+ }
+ // |this| may be deleted after this call.
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::OnStreamFailedCallback(int result) {
+ DCHECK(!IsPreconnecting());
+ if (IsOrphaned())
+ stream_factory_->OnOrphanedJobComplete(this);
+ else
+ request_->OnStreamFailed(this, result, server_ssl_config_);
+ // |this| may be deleted after this call.
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::OnCertificateErrorCallback(
+ int result, const SSLInfo& ssl_info) {
+ DCHECK(!IsPreconnecting());
+ if (IsOrphaned())
+ stream_factory_->OnOrphanedJobComplete(this);
+ else
+ request_->OnCertificateError(this, result, server_ssl_config_, ssl_info);
+ // |this| may be deleted after this call.
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::OnNeedsProxyAuthCallback(
+ const HttpResponseInfo& response,
+ HttpAuthController* auth_controller) {
+ DCHECK(!IsPreconnecting());
+ if (IsOrphaned())
+ stream_factory_->OnOrphanedJobComplete(this);
+ else
+ request_->OnNeedsProxyAuth(
+ this, response, server_ssl_config_, proxy_info_, auth_controller);
+ // |this| may be deleted after this call.
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::OnNeedsClientAuthCallback(
+ SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_info) {
+ DCHECK(!IsPreconnecting());
+ if (IsOrphaned())
+ stream_factory_->OnOrphanedJobComplete(this);
+ else
+ request_->OnNeedsClientAuth(this, server_ssl_config_, cert_info);
+ // |this| may be deleted after this call.
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::OnHttpsProxyTunnelResponseCallback(
+ const HttpResponseInfo& response_info,
+ HttpStream* stream) {
+ DCHECK(!IsPreconnecting());
+ if (IsOrphaned())
+ stream_factory_->OnOrphanedJobComplete(this);
+ else
+ request_->OnHttpsProxyTunnelResponse(
+ this, response_info, server_ssl_config_, proxy_info_, stream);
+ // |this| may be deleted after this call.
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::OnPreconnectsComplete() {
+ DCHECK(!request_);
+ if (new_spdy_session_.get()) {
+ stream_factory_->OnNewSpdySessionReady(new_spdy_session_,
+ spdy_session_direct_,
+ server_ssl_config_,
+ proxy_info_,
+ was_npn_negotiated(),
+ protocol_negotiated(),
+ using_spdy(),
+ net_log_);
+ }
+ stream_factory_->OnPreconnectsComplete(this);
+ // |this| may be deleted after this call.
+// static
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::OnHostResolution(
+ SpdySessionPool* spdy_session_pool,
+ const SpdySessionKey& spdy_session_key,
+ const AddressList& addresses,
+ const BoundNetLog& net_log) {
+ // It is OK to dereference spdy_session_pool, because the
+ // ClientSocketPoolManager will be destroyed in the same callback that
+ // destroys the SpdySessionPool.
+ return
+ spdy_session_pool->FindAvailableSession(spdy_session_key, net_log) ?
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::OnIOComplete(int result) {
+ RunLoop(result);
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::RunLoop(int result) {
+ result = DoLoop(result);
+ if (result == ERR_IO_PENDING)
+ return result;
+ // If there was an error, we should have already resumed the |waiting_job_|,
+ // if there was one.
+ DCHECK(result == OK || waiting_job_ == NULL);
+ if (IsPreconnecting()) {
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(
+ &HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::OnPreconnectsComplete,
+ ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
+ return ERR_IO_PENDING;
+ }
+ if (IsCertificateError(result)) {
+ // Retrieve SSL information from the socket.
+ GetSSLInfo();
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(
+ &HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::OnCertificateErrorCallback,
+ ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+ result, ssl_info_));
+ return ERR_IO_PENDING;
+ }
+ switch (result) {
+ {
+ DCHECK(connection_.get());
+ DCHECK(connection_->socket());
+ DCHECK(establishing_tunnel_);
+ ProxyClientSocket* proxy_socket =
+ static_cast<ProxyClientSocket*>(connection_->socket());
+ const HttpResponseInfo* tunnel_auth_response =
+ proxy_socket->GetConnectResponseInfo();
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(
+ &Job::OnNeedsProxyAuthCallback,
+ ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+ *tunnel_auth_response,
+ proxy_socket->GetAuthController()));
+ }
+ return ERR_IO_PENDING;
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(
+ &Job::OnNeedsClientAuthCallback,
+ ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+ connection_->ssl_error_response_info().cert_request_info));
+ return ERR_IO_PENDING;
+ {
+ DCHECK(connection_.get());
+ DCHECK(connection_->socket());
+ DCHECK(establishing_tunnel_);
+ ProxyClientSocket* proxy_socket =
+ static_cast<ProxyClientSocket*>(connection_->socket());
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(
+ &Job::OnHttpsProxyTunnelResponseCallback,
+ ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+ *proxy_socket->GetConnectResponseInfo(),
+ proxy_socket->CreateConnectResponseStream()));
+ return ERR_IO_PENDING;
+ }
+ case OK:
+ next_state_ = STATE_DONE;
+ if (new_spdy_session_.get()) {
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(&Job::OnNewSpdySessionReadyCallback,
+ ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
+ } else if (stream_factory_->for_websockets_) {
+ DCHECK(websocket_stream_);
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(
+ &Job::OnWebSocketStreamReadyCallback,
+ ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(stream_.get());
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(
+ &Job::OnStreamReadyCallback,
+ ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
+ }
+ return ERR_IO_PENDING;
+ default:
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(
+ &Job::OnStreamFailedCallback,
+ ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+ result));
+ return ERR_IO_PENDING;
+ }
+ return result;
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::DoLoop(int result) {
+ DCHECK_NE(next_state_, STATE_NONE);
+ int rv = result;
+ do {
+ State state = next_state_;
+ next_state_ = STATE_NONE;
+ switch (state) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv);
+ rv = DoStart();
+ break;
+ DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv);
+ rv = DoResolveProxy();
+ break;
+ rv = DoResolveProxyComplete(rv);
+ break;
+ DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv);
+ rv = DoWaitForJob();
+ break;
+ rv = DoWaitForJobComplete(rv);
+ break;
+ DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv);
+ rv = DoInitConnection();
+ break;
+ rv = DoInitConnectionComplete(rv);
+ break;
+ rv = DoWaitingUserAction(rv);
+ break;
+ DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv);
+ rv = DoRestartTunnelAuth();
+ break;
+ rv = DoRestartTunnelAuthComplete(rv);
+ break;
+ DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv);
+ rv = DoCreateStream();
+ break;
+ rv = DoCreateStreamComplete(rv);
+ break;
+ default:
+ NOTREACHED() << "bad state";
+ rv = ERR_FAILED;
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (rv != ERR_IO_PENDING && next_state_ != STATE_NONE);
+ return rv;
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::StartInternal() {
+ CHECK_EQ(STATE_NONE, next_state_);
+ next_state_ = STATE_START;
+ int rv = RunLoop(OK);
+ return rv;
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::DoStart() {
+ int port = request_info_.url.EffectiveIntPort();
+ origin_ = HostPortPair(request_info_.url.HostNoBrackets(), port);
+ origin_url_ = stream_factory_->ApplyHostMappingRules(
+ request_info_.url, &origin_);
+ http_pipelining_key_.reset(new HttpPipelinedHost::Key(origin_));
+ net_log_.BeginEvent(NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_STREAM_JOB,
+ base::Bind(&NetLogHttpStreamJobCallback,
+ &request_info_.url, &origin_url_,
+ priority_));
+ // Don't connect to restricted ports.
+ bool is_port_allowed = IsPortAllowedByDefault(port);
+ if (request_info_.url.SchemeIs("ftp")) {
+ // Never share connection with other jobs for FTP requests.
+ DCHECK(!waiting_job_);
+ is_port_allowed = IsPortAllowedByFtp(port);
+ }
+ if (!is_port_allowed && !IsPortAllowedByOverride(port)) {
+ if (waiting_job_) {
+ waiting_job_->Resume(this);
+ waiting_job_ = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ next_state_ = STATE_RESOLVE_PROXY;
+ return OK;
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::DoResolveProxy() {
+ DCHECK(!pac_request_);
+ if (request_info_.load_flags & LOAD_BYPASS_PROXY) {
+ proxy_info_.UseDirect();
+ return OK;
+ }
+ return session_->proxy_service()->ResolveProxy(
+ request_info_.url, &proxy_info_, io_callback_, &pac_request_, net_log_);
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::DoResolveProxyComplete(int result) {
+ pac_request_ = NULL;
+ if (result == OK) {
+ // Remove unsupported proxies from the list.
+ proxy_info_.RemoveProxiesWithoutScheme(
+ ProxyServer::SCHEME_DIRECT |
+ ProxyServer::SCHEME_HTTP | ProxyServer::SCHEME_HTTPS |
+ ProxyServer::SCHEME_SOCKS4 | ProxyServer::SCHEME_SOCKS5);
+ if (proxy_info_.is_empty()) {
+ // No proxies/direct to choose from. This happens when we don't support
+ // any of the proxies in the returned list.
+ }
+ }
+ if (result != OK) {
+ if (waiting_job_) {
+ waiting_job_->Resume(this);
+ waiting_job_ = NULL;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (blocking_job_)
+ next_state_ = STATE_WAIT_FOR_JOB;
+ else
+ next_state_ = STATE_INIT_CONNECTION;
+ return OK;
+bool HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::ShouldForceSpdySSL() const {
+ bool rv = force_spdy_always_ && force_spdy_over_ssl_;
+ return rv && !HttpStreamFactory::HasSpdyExclusion(origin_);
+bool HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::ShouldForceSpdyWithoutSSL() const {
+ bool rv = force_spdy_always_ && !force_spdy_over_ssl_;
+ return rv && !HttpStreamFactory::HasSpdyExclusion(origin_);
+bool HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::ShouldForceQuic() const {
+ return session_->params().enable_quic &&
+ session_->params().origin_to_force_quic_on.Equals(origin_) &&
+ proxy_info_.is_direct();
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::DoWaitForJob() {
+ DCHECK(blocking_job_);
+ return ERR_IO_PENDING;
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::DoWaitForJobComplete(int result) {
+ DCHECK(!blocking_job_);
+ DCHECK_EQ(OK, result);
+ next_state_ = STATE_INIT_CONNECTION;
+ return OK;
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::DoInitConnection() {
+ DCHECK(!blocking_job_);
+ DCHECK(!connection_->is_initialized());
+ DCHECK(proxy_info_.proxy_server().is_valid());
+ using_ssl_ = request_info_.url.SchemeIs("https") ||
+ request_info_.url.SchemeIs("wss") || ShouldForceSpdySSL();
+ using_spdy_ = false;
+ if (ShouldForceQuic())
+ using_quic_ = true;
+ if (using_quic_) {
+ DCHECK(session_->params().enable_quic);
+ if (!proxy_info_.is_direct()) {
+ // TODO(rch): support QUIC proxies.
+ }
+ const ProxyServer& proxy_server = proxy_info_.proxy_server();
+ int rv = quic_request_.Request(HostPortProxyPair(origin_, proxy_server),
+ using_ssl_, session_->cert_verifier(),
+ net_log_, io_callback_);
+ if (rv != OK) {
+ // OK, there's no available QUIC session. Let |waiting_job_| resume
+ // if it's paused.
+ if (waiting_job_) {
+ waiting_job_->Resume(this);
+ waiting_job_ = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+ // Check first if we have a spdy session for this group. If so, then go
+ // straight to using that.
+ SpdySessionKey spdy_session_key = GetSpdySessionKey();
+ base::WeakPtr<SpdySession> spdy_session =
+ session_->spdy_session_pool()->FindAvailableSession(
+ spdy_session_key, net_log_);
+ if (spdy_session && CanUseExistingSpdySession()) {
+ // If we're preconnecting, but we already have a SpdySession, we don't
+ // actually need to preconnect any sockets, so we're done.
+ if (IsPreconnecting())
+ return OK;
+ using_spdy_ = true;
+ next_state_ = STATE_CREATE_STREAM;
+ existing_spdy_session_ = spdy_session;
+ return OK;
+ } else if (request_ && (using_ssl_ || ShouldForceSpdyWithoutSSL())) {
+ // Update the spdy session key for the request that launched this job.
+ request_->SetSpdySessionKey(spdy_session_key);
+ } else if (IsRequestEligibleForPipelining()) {
+ // TODO(simonjam): With pipelining, we might be better off using fewer
+ // connections and thus should make fewer preconnections. Explore
+ // preconnecting fewer than the requested num_connections.
+ //
+ // Separate note: A forced pipeline is always available if one exists for
+ // this key. This is different than normal pipelines, which may be
+ // unavailable or unusable. So, there is no need to worry about a race
+ // between when a pipeline becomes available and when this job blocks.
+ existing_available_pipeline_ = stream_factory_->http_pipelined_host_pool_.
+ IsExistingPipelineAvailableForKey(*http_pipelining_key_.get());
+ if (existing_available_pipeline_) {
+ return OK;
+ } else {
+ bool was_new_key = request_->SetHttpPipeliningKey(
+ *http_pipelining_key_.get());
+ if (!was_new_key && session_->force_http_pipelining()) {
+ return ERR_IO_PENDING;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // OK, there's no available SPDY session. Let |waiting_job_| resume if it's
+ // paused.
+ if (waiting_job_) {
+ waiting_job_->Resume(this);
+ waiting_job_ = NULL;
+ }
+ if (proxy_info_.is_http() || proxy_info_.is_https())
+ establishing_tunnel_ = using_ssl_;
+ bool want_spdy_over_npn = original_url_ != NULL;
+ if (proxy_info_.is_https()) {
+ InitSSLConfig(proxy_info_.proxy_server().host_port_pair(),
+ &proxy_ssl_config_,
+ true /* is a proxy server */);
+ // Disable revocation checking for HTTPS proxies since the revocation
+ // requests are probably going to need to go through the proxy too.
+ proxy_ssl_config_.rev_checking_enabled = false;
+ }
+ if (using_ssl_) {
+ InitSSLConfig(origin_, &server_ssl_config_,
+ false /* not a proxy server */);
+ }
+ if (IsPreconnecting()) {
+ DCHECK(!stream_factory_->for_websockets_);
+ return PreconnectSocketsForHttpRequest(
+ origin_url_,
+ request_info_.extra_headers,
+ request_info_.load_flags,
+ priority_,
+ session_,
+ proxy_info_,
+ ShouldForceSpdySSL(),
+ want_spdy_over_npn,
+ server_ssl_config_,
+ proxy_ssl_config_,
+ request_info_.privacy_mode,
+ net_log_,
+ num_streams_);
+ } else {
+ // If we can't use a SPDY session, don't both checking for one after
+ // the hostname is resolved.
+ OnHostResolutionCallback resolution_callback = CanUseExistingSpdySession() ?
+ base::Bind(&Job::OnHostResolution, session_->spdy_session_pool(),
+ GetSpdySessionKey()) :
+ OnHostResolutionCallback();
+ if (stream_factory_->for_websockets_) {
+ return InitSocketHandleForWebSocketRequest(
+ origin_url_, request_info_.extra_headers, request_info_.load_flags,
+ priority_, session_, proxy_info_, ShouldForceSpdySSL(),
+ want_spdy_over_npn, server_ssl_config_, proxy_ssl_config_,
+ request_info_.privacy_mode, net_log_,
+ connection_.get(), resolution_callback, io_callback_);
+ }
+ return InitSocketHandleForHttpRequest(
+ origin_url_, request_info_.extra_headers, request_info_.load_flags,
+ priority_, session_, proxy_info_, ShouldForceSpdySSL(),
+ want_spdy_over_npn, server_ssl_config_, proxy_ssl_config_,
+ request_info_.privacy_mode, net_log_,
+ connection_.get(), resolution_callback, io_callback_);
+ }
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::DoInitConnectionComplete(int result) {
+ if (IsPreconnecting()) {
+ if (using_quic_)
+ return result;
+ DCHECK_EQ(OK, result);
+ return OK;
+ }
+ // We found a SPDY connection after resolving the host. This is
+ // probably an IP pooled connection.
+ SpdySessionKey spdy_session_key = GetSpdySessionKey();
+ existing_spdy_session_ =
+ session_->spdy_session_pool()->FindAvailableSession(
+ spdy_session_key, net_log_);
+ if (existing_spdy_session_) {
+ using_spdy_ = true;
+ next_state_ = STATE_CREATE_STREAM;
+ } else {
+ // It is possible that the spdy session no longer exists.
+ ReturnToStateInitConnection(true /* close connection */);
+ }
+ return OK;
+ }
+ // TODO(willchan): Make this a bit more exact. Maybe there are recoverable
+ // errors, such as ignoring certificate errors for Alternate-Protocol.
+ if (result < 0 && waiting_job_) {
+ waiting_job_->Resume(this);
+ waiting_job_ = NULL;
+ }
+ if (result < 0 && session_->force_http_pipelining()) {
+ stream_factory_->AbortPipelinedRequestsWithKey(
+ this, *http_pipelining_key_.get(), result, server_ssl_config_);
+ }
+ // |result| may be the result of any of the stacked pools. The following
+ // logic is used when determining how to interpret an error.
+ // If |result| < 0:
+ // and connection_->socket() != NULL, then the SSL handshake ran and it
+ // is a potentially recoverable error.
+ // and connection_->socket == NULL and connection_->is_ssl_error() is true,
+ // then the SSL handshake ran with an unrecoverable error.
+ // otherwise, the error came from one of the other pools.
+ bool ssl_started = using_ssl_ && (result == OK || connection_->socket() ||
+ connection_->is_ssl_error());
+ if (ssl_started && (result == OK || IsCertificateError(result))) {
+ if (using_quic_ && result == OK) {
+ was_npn_negotiated_ = true;
+ NextProto protocol_negotiated =
+ SSLClientSocket::NextProtoFromString("quic/1+spdy/3");
+ protocol_negotiated_ = protocol_negotiated;
+ } else {
+ SSLClientSocket* ssl_socket =
+ static_cast<SSLClientSocket*>(connection_->socket());
+ if (ssl_socket->WasNpnNegotiated()) {
+ was_npn_negotiated_ = true;
+ std::string proto;
+ std::string server_protos;
+ SSLClientSocket::NextProtoStatus status =
+ ssl_socket->GetNextProto(&proto, &server_protos);
+ NextProto protocol_negotiated =
+ SSLClientSocket::NextProtoFromString(proto);
+ protocol_negotiated_ = protocol_negotiated;
+ net_log_.AddEvent(
+ base::Bind(&NetLogHttpStreamProtoCallback,
+ status, &proto, &server_protos));
+ if (ssl_socket->was_spdy_negotiated())
+ SwitchToSpdyMode();
+ }
+ if (ShouldForceSpdySSL())
+ SwitchToSpdyMode();
+ }
+ } else if (proxy_info_.is_https() && connection_->socket() &&
+ result == OK) {
+ ProxyClientSocket* proxy_socket =
+ static_cast<ProxyClientSocket*>(connection_->socket());
+ if (proxy_socket->IsUsingSpdy()) {
+ was_npn_negotiated_ = true;
+ protocol_negotiated_ = proxy_socket->GetProtocolNegotiated();
+ SwitchToSpdyMode();
+ }
+ }
+ // We may be using spdy without SSL
+ if (ShouldForceSpdyWithoutSSL())
+ SwitchToSpdyMode();
+ if (result == ERR_PROXY_AUTH_REQUESTED ||
+ DCHECK(!ssl_started);
+ // Other state (i.e. |using_ssl_|) suggests that |connection_| will have an
+ // SSL socket, but there was an error before that could happen. This
+ // puts the in progress HttpProxy socket into |connection_| in order to
+ // complete the auth (or read the response body). The tunnel restart code
+ // is careful to remove it before returning control to the rest of this
+ // class.
+ connection_.reset(connection_->release_pending_http_proxy_connection());
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (!ssl_started && result < 0 && original_url_.get()) {
+ // Mark the alternate protocol as broken and fallback.
+ session_->http_server_properties()->SetBrokenAlternateProtocol(
+ HostPortPair::FromURL(*original_url_));
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (using_quic_) {
+ if (result < 0)
+ return result;
+ stream_ = quic_request_.ReleaseStream();
+ next_state_ = STATE_NONE;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ if (result < 0 && !ssl_started)
+ return ReconsiderProxyAfterError(result);
+ establishing_tunnel_ = false;
+ if (connection_->socket()) {
+ LogHttpConnectedMetrics(*connection_);
+ // We officially have a new connection. Record the type.
+ if (!connection_->is_reused()) {
+ ConnectionType type = using_spdy_ ? CONNECTION_SPDY : CONNECTION_HTTP;
+ UpdateConnectionTypeHistograms(type);
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle SSL errors below.
+ if (using_ssl_) {
+ DCHECK(ssl_started);
+ if (IsCertificateError(result)) {
+ if (using_spdy_ && original_url_.get() &&
+ original_url_->SchemeIs("http")) {
+ // We ignore certificate errors for http over spdy.
+ spdy_certificate_error_ = result;
+ result = OK;
+ } else {
+ result = HandleCertificateError(result);
+ if (result == OK && !connection_->socket()->IsConnectedAndIdle()) {
+ ReturnToStateInitConnection(true /* close connection */);
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (result < 0)
+ return result;
+ }
+ next_state_ = STATE_CREATE_STREAM;
+ return OK;
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::DoWaitingUserAction(int result) {
+ // This state indicates that the stream request is in a partially
+ // completed state, and we've called back to the delegate for more
+ // information.
+ // We're always waiting here for the delegate to call us back.
+ return ERR_IO_PENDING;
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::DoCreateStream() {
+ DCHECK(connection_->socket() || existing_spdy_session_.get() ||
+ existing_available_pipeline_ || using_quic_);
+ // We only set the socket motivation if we're the first to use
+ // this socket. Is there a race for two SPDY requests? We really
+ // need to plumb this through to the connect level.
+ if (connection_->socket() && !connection_->is_reused())
+ SetSocketMotivation();
+ if (!using_spdy_) {
+ // We may get ftp scheme when fetching ftp resources through proxy.
+ bool using_proxy = (proxy_info_.is_http() || proxy_info_.is_https()) &&
+ (request_info_.url.SchemeIs("http") ||
+ request_info_.url.SchemeIs("ftp"));
+ if (stream_factory_->http_pipelined_host_pool_.
+ IsExistingPipelineAvailableForKey(*http_pipelining_key_.get())) {
+ DCHECK(!stream_factory_->for_websockets_);
+ stream_.reset(stream_factory_->http_pipelined_host_pool_.
+ CreateStreamOnExistingPipeline(
+ *http_pipelining_key_.get()));
+ CHECK(stream_.get());
+ } else if (stream_factory_->for_websockets_) {
+ DCHECK(request_);
+ DCHECK(request_->websocket_stream_factory());
+ websocket_stream_.reset(
+ request_->websocket_stream_factory()->CreateBasicStream(
+ connection_.release(), using_proxy));
+ } else if (!using_proxy && IsRequestEligibleForPipelining()) {
+ // TODO(simonjam): Support proxies.
+ stream_.reset(
+ stream_factory_->http_pipelined_host_pool_.CreateStreamOnNewPipeline(
+ *http_pipelining_key_.get(),
+ connection_.release(),
+ server_ssl_config_,
+ proxy_info_,
+ net_log_,
+ was_npn_negotiated_,
+ protocol_negotiated_));
+ CHECK(stream_.get());
+ } else {
+ stream_.reset(new HttpBasicStream(connection_.release(), NULL,
+ using_proxy));
+ }
+ return OK;
+ }
+ CHECK(!stream_.get());
+ bool direct = true;
+ const ProxyServer& proxy_server = proxy_info_.proxy_server();
+ PrivacyMode privacy_mode = request_info_.privacy_mode;
+ SpdySessionKey spdy_session_key(origin_, proxy_server, privacy_mode);
+ if (IsHttpsProxyAndHttpUrl()) {
+ // If we don't have a direct SPDY session, and we're using an HTTPS
+ // proxy, then we might have a SPDY session to the proxy.
+ // We never use privacy mode for connection to proxy server.
+ spdy_session_key = SpdySessionKey(proxy_server.host_port_pair(),
+ ProxyServer::Direct(),
+ kPrivacyModeDisabled);
+ direct = false;
+ }
+ base::WeakPtr<SpdySession> spdy_session;
+ if (existing_spdy_session_.get()) {
+ // We picked up an existing session, so we don't need our socket.
+ if (connection_->socket())
+ connection_->socket()->Disconnect();
+ connection_->Reset();
+ std::swap(spdy_session, existing_spdy_session_);
+ } else {
+ SpdySessionPool* spdy_pool = session_->spdy_session_pool();
+ spdy_session = spdy_pool->FindAvailableSession(spdy_session_key, net_log_);
+ if (!spdy_session) {
+ int error =
+ spdy_pool->CreateAvailableSessionFromSocket(spdy_session_key,
+ connection_.Pass(),
+ net_log_,
+ spdy_certificate_error_,
+ &new_spdy_session_,
+ using_ssl_);
+ if (error != OK)
+ return error;
+ const HostPortPair& host_port_pair = spdy_session_key.host_port_pair();
+ base::WeakPtr<HttpServerProperties> http_server_properties =
+ session_->http_server_properties();
+ if (http_server_properties)
+ http_server_properties->SetSupportsSpdy(host_port_pair, true);
+ spdy_session_direct_ = direct;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!spdy_session)
+ // TODO(willchan): Delete this code, because eventually, the
+ // HttpStreamFactoryImpl will be creating all the SpdyHttpStreams, since it
+ // will know when SpdySessions become available.
+ if (stream_factory_->for_websockets_) {
+ DCHECK(request_);
+ DCHECK(request_->websocket_stream_factory());
+ bool use_relative_url = direct || request_info_.url.SchemeIs("wss");
+ websocket_stream_.reset(
+ request_->websocket_stream_factory()->CreateSpdyStream(
+ spdy_session, use_relative_url));
+ } else {
+ bool use_relative_url = direct || request_info_.url.SchemeIs("https");
+ stream_.reset(new SpdyHttpStream(spdy_session, use_relative_url));
+ }
+ return OK;
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::DoCreateStreamComplete(int result) {
+ if (result < 0)
+ return result;
+ session_->proxy_service()->ReportSuccess(proxy_info_);
+ next_state_ = STATE_NONE;
+ return OK;
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::DoRestartTunnelAuth() {
+ ProxyClientSocket* proxy_socket =
+ static_cast<ProxyClientSocket*>(connection_->socket());
+ return proxy_socket->RestartWithAuth(io_callback_);
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::DoRestartTunnelAuthComplete(int result) {
+ return result;
+ if (result == OK) {
+ // Now that we've got the HttpProxyClientSocket connected. We have
+ // to release it as an idle socket into the pool and start the connection
+ // process from the beginning. Trying to pass it in with the
+ // SSLSocketParams might cause a deadlock since params are dispatched
+ // interchangeably. This request won't necessarily get this http proxy
+ // socket, but there will be forward progress.
+ establishing_tunnel_ = false;
+ ReturnToStateInitConnection(false /* do not close connection */);
+ return OK;
+ }
+ return ReconsiderProxyAfterError(result);
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::ReturnToStateInitConnection(
+ bool close_connection) {
+ if (close_connection && connection_->socket())
+ connection_->socket()->Disconnect();
+ connection_->Reset();
+ if (request_) {
+ request_->RemoveRequestFromSpdySessionRequestMap();
+ request_->RemoveRequestFromHttpPipeliningRequestMap();
+ }
+ next_state_ = STATE_INIT_CONNECTION;
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::SetSocketMotivation() {
+ if (request_info_.motivation == HttpRequestInfo::PRECONNECT_MOTIVATED)
+ connection_->socket()->SetSubresourceSpeculation();
+ else if (request_info_.motivation == HttpRequestInfo::OMNIBOX_MOTIVATED)
+ connection_->socket()->SetOmniboxSpeculation();
+ // TODO(mbelshe): Add other motivations (like EARLY_LOAD_MOTIVATED).
+bool HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::IsHttpsProxyAndHttpUrl() const {
+ if (!proxy_info_.is_https())
+ return false;
+ if (original_url_.get()) {
+ // We currently only support Alternate-Protocol where the original scheme
+ // is http.
+ DCHECK(original_url_->SchemeIs("http"));
+ return original_url_->SchemeIs("http");
+ }
+ return request_info_.url.SchemeIs("http");
+// Sets several fields of ssl_config for the given origin_server based on the
+// proxy info and other factors.
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::InitSSLConfig(
+ const HostPortPair& origin_server,
+ SSLConfig* ssl_config,
+ bool is_proxy) const {
+ if (proxy_info_.is_https() && ssl_config->send_client_cert) {
+ // When connecting through an HTTPS proxy, disable TLS False Start so
+ // that client authentication errors can be distinguished between those
+ // originating from the proxy server (ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED) and
+ // those originating from the endpoint (ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR /
+ // TODO(rch): This assumes that the HTTPS proxy will only request a
+ // client certificate during the initial handshake.
+ //
+ ssl_config->false_start_enabled = false;
+ }
+ enum {
+ FALLBACK_NONE = 0, // SSL version fallback did not occur.
+ FALLBACK_SSL3 = 1, // Fell back to SSL 3.0.
+ FALLBACK_TLS1 = 2, // Fell back to TLS 1.0.
+ FALLBACK_TLS1_1 = 3, // Fell back to TLS 1.1.
+ };
+ int fallback = FALLBACK_NONE;
+ if (ssl_config->version_fallback) {
+ switch (ssl_config->version_max) {
+ fallback = FALLBACK_SSL3;
+ break;
+ fallback = FALLBACK_TLS1;
+ break;
+ fallback = FALLBACK_TLS1_1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Net.ConnectionUsedSSLVersionFallback",
+ fallback, FALLBACK_MAX);
+ // We also wish to measure the amount of fallback connections for a host that
+ // we know implements TLS up to 1.2. Ideally there would be no fallback here
+ // but high numbers of SSLv3 would suggest that SSLv3 fallback is being
+ // caused by network middleware rather than buggy HTTPS servers.
+ const std::string& host =;
+ if (!is_proxy &&
+ host.size() >= 10 &&
+ - 10, 10, "") == 0 &&
+ (host.size() == 10 || host[host.size()-11] == '.')) {
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Net.GoogleConnectionUsedSSLVersionFallback",
+ fallback, FALLBACK_MAX);
+ }
+ if (request_info_.load_flags & LOAD_VERIFY_EV_CERT)
+ ssl_config->verify_ev_cert = true;
+ // Disable Channel ID if privacy mode is enabled.
+ if (request_info_.privacy_mode == kPrivacyModeEnabled)
+ ssl_config->channel_id_enabled = false;
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::ReconsiderProxyAfterError(int error) {
+ DCHECK(!pac_request_);
+ // A failure to resolve the hostname or any error related to establishing a
+ // TCP connection could be grounds for trying a new proxy configuration.
+ //
+ // Why do this when a hostname cannot be resolved? Some URLs only make sense
+ // to proxy servers. The hostname in those URLs might fail to resolve if we
+ // are still using a non-proxy config. We need to check if a proxy config
+ // now exists that corresponds to a proxy server that could load the URL.
+ //
+ switch (error) {
+ // This can happen in the case of trying to talk to a proxy using SSL, and
+ // ending up talking to a captive portal that supports SSL instead.
+ // This can happen when trying to talk SSL to a non-SSL server (Like a
+ // captive portal).
+ break;
+ // Remap the SOCKS-specific "host unreachable" error to a more
+ // generic error code (this way consumers like the link doctor
+ // know to substitute their error page).
+ //
+ // Note that if the host resolving was done by the SOCKS5 proxy, we can't
+ // differentiate between a proxy-side "host not found" versus a proxy-side
+ // "address unreachable" error, and will report both of these failures as
+ default:
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (request_info_.load_flags & LOAD_BYPASS_PROXY) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (proxy_info_.is_https() && proxy_ssl_config_.send_client_cert) {
+ session_->ssl_client_auth_cache()->Remove(
+ proxy_info_.proxy_server().host_port_pair().ToString());
+ }
+ int rv = session_->proxy_service()->ReconsiderProxyAfterError(
+ request_info_.url, &proxy_info_, io_callback_, &pac_request_, net_log_);
+ if (rv == OK || rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) {
+ // If the error was during connection setup, there is no socket to
+ // disconnect.
+ if (connection_->socket())
+ connection_->socket()->Disconnect();
+ connection_->Reset();
+ if (request_) {
+ request_->RemoveRequestFromSpdySessionRequestMap();
+ request_->RemoveRequestFromHttpPipeliningRequestMap();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If ReconsiderProxyAfterError() failed synchronously, it means
+ // there was nothing left to fall-back to, so fail the transaction
+ // with the last connection error we got.
+ // TODO(eroman): This is a confusing contract, make it more obvious.
+ rv = error;
+ }
+ return rv;
+int HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::HandleCertificateError(int error) {
+ DCHECK(using_ssl_);
+ DCHECK(IsCertificateError(error));
+ SSLClientSocket* ssl_socket =
+ static_cast<SSLClientSocket*>(connection_->socket());
+ ssl_socket->GetSSLInfo(&ssl_info_);
+ // Add the bad certificate to the set of allowed certificates in the
+ // SSL config object. This data structure will be consulted after calling
+ // RestartIgnoringLastError(). And the user will be asked interactively
+ // before RestartIgnoringLastError() is ever called.
+ SSLConfig::CertAndStatus bad_cert;
+ // |ssl_info_.cert| may be NULL if we failed to create
+ // X509Certificate for whatever reason, but normally it shouldn't
+ // happen, unless this code is used inside sandbox.
+ if (ssl_info_.cert.get() == NULL ||
+ !X509Certificate::GetDEREncoded(ssl_info_.cert->os_cert_handle(),
+ &bad_cert.der_cert)) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ bad_cert.cert_status = ssl_info_.cert_status;
+ server_ssl_config_.allowed_bad_certs.push_back(bad_cert);
+ int load_flags = request_info_.load_flags;
+ if (session_->params().ignore_certificate_errors)
+ if (ssl_socket->IgnoreCertError(error, load_flags))
+ return OK;
+ return error;
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::SwitchToSpdyMode() {
+ if (HttpStreamFactory::spdy_enabled())
+ using_spdy_ = true;
+// static
+void HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::LogHttpConnectedMetrics(
+ const ClientSocketHandle& handle) {
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Net.HttpSocketType", handle.reuse_type(),
+ ClientSocketHandle::NUM_TYPES);
+ switch (handle.reuse_type()) {
+ case ClientSocketHandle::UNUSED:
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("Net.HttpConnectionLatency",
+ handle.setup_time(),
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1),
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10),
+ 100);
+ break;
+ case ClientSocketHandle::UNUSED_IDLE:
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("Net.SocketIdleTimeBeforeNextUse_UnusedSocket",
+ handle.idle_time(),
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1),
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(6),
+ 100);
+ break;
+ case ClientSocketHandle::REUSED_IDLE:
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("Net.SocketIdleTimeBeforeNextUse_ReusedSocket",
+ handle.idle_time(),
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1),
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(6),
+ 100);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+bool HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::IsPreconnecting() const {
+ DCHECK_GE(num_streams_, 0);
+ return num_streams_ > 0;
+bool HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::IsOrphaned() const {
+ return !IsPreconnecting() && !request_;
+bool HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::IsRequestEligibleForPipelining() {
+ if (IsPreconnecting() || !request_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (stream_factory_->for_websockets_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (session_->force_http_pipelining()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!session_->params().http_pipelining_enabled) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (using_ssl_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (request_info_.method != "GET" && request_info_.method != "HEAD") {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (request_info_.load_flags &
+ // Avoid pipelining resources that may be streamed for a long time.
+ return false;
+ }
+ return stream_factory_->http_pipelined_host_pool_.IsKeyEligibleForPipelining(
+ *http_pipelining_key_.get());
+} // namespace net