path: root/chromium/net/proxy/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/proxy/')
1 files changed, 2791 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/proxy/ b/chromium/net/proxy/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c8551b05e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/proxy/
@@ -0,0 +1,2791 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "net/proxy/proxy_service.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/format_macros.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
+#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
+#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+#include "net/base/net_log.h"
+#include "net/base/net_log_unittest.h"
+#include "net/base/test_completion_callback.h"
+#include "net/proxy/dhcp_proxy_script_fetcher.h"
+#include "net/proxy/mock_proxy_resolver.h"
+#include "net/proxy/mock_proxy_script_fetcher.h"
+#include "net/proxy/proxy_config_service.h"
+#include "net/proxy/proxy_resolver.h"
+#include "net/proxy/proxy_script_fetcher.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "url/gurl.h"
+// TODO(eroman): Write a test which exercises
+// ProxyService::SuspendAllPendingRequests().
+namespace net {
+namespace {
+// This polling policy will decide to poll every 1 ms.
+class ImmediatePollPolicy : public ProxyService::PacPollPolicy {
+ public:
+ ImmediatePollPolicy() {}
+ virtual Mode GetNextDelay(int error, base::TimeDelta current_delay,
+ base::TimeDelta* next_delay) const OVERRIDE {
+ *next_delay = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1);
+ return MODE_USE_TIMER;
+ }
+ private:
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ImmediatePollPolicy);
+// This polling policy chooses a fantastically large delay. In other words, it
+// will never trigger a poll
+class NeverPollPolicy : public ProxyService::PacPollPolicy {
+ public:
+ NeverPollPolicy() {}
+ virtual Mode GetNextDelay(int error, base::TimeDelta current_delay,
+ base::TimeDelta* next_delay) const OVERRIDE {
+ *next_delay = base::TimeDelta::FromDays(60);
+ return MODE_USE_TIMER;
+ }
+ private:
+// This polling policy starts a poll immediately after network activity.
+class ImmediateAfterActivityPollPolicy : public ProxyService::PacPollPolicy {
+ public:
+ ImmediateAfterActivityPollPolicy() {}
+ virtual Mode GetNextDelay(int error, base::TimeDelta current_delay,
+ base::TimeDelta* next_delay) const OVERRIDE {
+ *next_delay = base::TimeDelta();
+ }
+ private:
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ImmediateAfterActivityPollPolicy);
+// This test fixture is used to partially disable the background polling done by
+// the ProxyService (which it uses to detect whenever its PAC script contents or
+// WPAD results have changed).
+// We disable the feature by setting the poll interval to something really
+// large, so it will never actually be reached even on the slowest bots that run
+// these tests.
+// We disable the polling in order to avoid any timing dependencies in the
+// tests. If the bot were to run the tests very slowly and we hadn't disabled
+// polling, then it might start a background re-try in the middle of our test
+// and confuse our expectations leading to flaky failures.
+// The tests which verify the polling code re-enable the polling behavior but
+// are careful to avoid timing problems.
+class ProxyServiceTest : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
+ testing::Test::SetUp();
+ previous_policy_ =
+ ProxyService::set_pac_script_poll_policy(&never_poll_policy_);
+ }
+ virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
+ // Restore the original policy.
+ ProxyService::set_pac_script_poll_policy(previous_policy_);
+ testing::Test::TearDown();
+ }
+ private:
+ NeverPollPolicy never_poll_policy_;
+ const ProxyService::PacPollPolicy* previous_policy_;
+const char kValidPacScript1[] = "pac-script-v1-FindProxyForURL";
+const char kValidPacScript2[] = "pac-script-v2-FindProxyForURL";
+class MockProxyConfigService: public ProxyConfigService {
+ public:
+ explicit MockProxyConfigService(const ProxyConfig& config)
+ : availability_(CONFIG_VALID),
+ config_(config) {
+ }
+ explicit MockProxyConfigService(const std::string& pac_url)
+ : availability_(CONFIG_VALID),
+ config_(ProxyConfig::CreateFromCustomPacURL(GURL(pac_url))) {
+ }
+ virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) OVERRIDE {
+ observers_.AddObserver(observer);
+ }
+ virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) OVERRIDE {
+ observers_.RemoveObserver(observer);
+ }
+ virtual ConfigAvailability GetLatestProxyConfig(ProxyConfig* results)
+ if (availability_ == CONFIG_VALID)
+ *results = config_;
+ return availability_;
+ }
+ void SetConfig(const ProxyConfig& config) {
+ availability_ = CONFIG_VALID;
+ config_ = config;
+ FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_,
+ OnProxyConfigChanged(config_, availability_));
+ }
+ private:
+ ConfigAvailability availability_;
+ ProxyConfig config_;
+ ObserverList<Observer, true> observers_;
+} // namespace
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, Direct) {
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(new MockProxyConfigService(
+ ProxyConfig::CreateDirect()), resolver, NULL);
+ GURL url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ CapturingBoundNetLog log;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback.callback(), NULL, log.bound());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resolver->pending_requests().empty());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info.proxy_resolve_end_time().is_null());
+ // Check the NetLog was filled correctly.
+ CapturingNetLog::CapturedEntryList entries;
+ log.GetEntries(&entries);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, entries.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LogContainsBeginEvent(
+ entries, 0, NetLog::TYPE_PROXY_SERVICE));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LogContainsEvent(
+ NetLog::PHASE_NONE));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LogContainsEndEvent(
+ entries, 2, NetLog::TYPE_PROXY_SERVICE));
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, PAC) {
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ GURL url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ ProxyService::PacRequest* request;
+ CapturingBoundNetLog log;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback.callback(), &request, log.bound());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->url());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Set the result in proxy resolver.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("foopy");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy:80", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info.did_use_pac_script());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_end_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_LE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time(), info.proxy_resolve_end_time());
+ // Check the NetLog was filled correctly.
+ CapturingNetLog::CapturedEntryList entries;
+ log.GetEntries(&entries);
+ EXPECT_EQ(5u, entries.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LogContainsBeginEvent(
+ entries, 0, NetLog::TYPE_PROXY_SERVICE));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LogContainsBeginEvent(
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LogContainsEndEvent(
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LogContainsEndEvent(
+ entries, 4, NetLog::TYPE_PROXY_SERVICE));
+// Test that the proxy resolver does not see the URL's username/password
+// or its reference section.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, PAC_NoIdentityOrHash) {
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ GURL url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->url());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ // The URL should have been simplified, stripping the username/password/hash.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // We end here without ever completing the request -- destruction of
+ // ProxyService will cancel the outstanding request.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, PAC_FailoverWithoutDirect) {
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ GURL url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->url());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Set the result in proxy resolver.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("foopy:8080");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy:8080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info.did_use_pac_script());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_end_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_LE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time(), info.proxy_resolve_end_time());
+ // Now, imagine that connecting to foopy:8080 fails: there is nothing
+ // left to fallback to, since our proxy list was NOT terminated by
+ // DIRECT.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(
+ url, &info, callback2.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ // ReconsiderProxyAfterError returns error indicating nothing left.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info.is_empty());
+// Test that if the execution of the PAC script fails (i.e. javascript runtime
+// error), and the PAC settings are non-mandatory, that we fall-back to direct.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, PAC_RuntimeError) {
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ GURL url("http://this-causes-js-error/");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->url());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Simulate a failure in the PAC executor.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(ERR_PAC_SCRIPT_FAILED);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ // Since the PAC script was non-mandatory, we should have fallen-back to
+ // DIRECT.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info.did_use_pac_script());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, info.config_id());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_end_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_LE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time(), info.proxy_resolve_end_time());
+// The proxy list could potentially contain the DIRECT fallback choice
+// in a location other than the very end of the list, and could even
+// specify it multiple times.
+// This is not a typical usage, but we will obey it.
+// (If we wanted to disallow this type of input, the right place to
+// enforce it would be in parsing the PAC result string).
+// This test will use the PAC result string:
+// "DIRECT ; PROXY foobar:10 ; DIRECT ; PROXY foobar:20"
+// For which we expect it to try DIRECT, then foobar:10, then DIRECT again,
+// then foobar:20, and then give up and error.
+// The important check of this test is to make sure that DIRECT is not somehow
+// cached as being a bad proxy.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, PAC_FailoverAfterDirect) {
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ GURL url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->url());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Set the result in proxy resolver.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UsePacString(
+ "DIRECT ; PROXY foobar:10 ; DIRECT ; PROXY foobar:20");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info.is_direct());
+ // Fallback 1.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info, callback2.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foobar:10", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // Fallback 2.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback3;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info, callback3.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info.is_direct());
+ // Fallback 3.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback4;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info, callback4.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foobar:20", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // Fallback 4 -- Nothing to fall back to!
+ TestCompletionCallback callback5;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info, callback5.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info.is_empty());
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, PAC_ConfigSourcePropagates) {
+ // Test whether the ProxyConfigSource set by the ProxyConfigService is applied
+ // to ProxyInfo after the proxy is resolved via a PAC script.
+ ProxyConfig config =
+ ProxyConfig::CreateFromCustomPacURL(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"));
+ config.set_source(PROXY_CONFIG_SOURCE_TEST);
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service = new MockProxyConfigService(config);
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ // Resolve something.
+ GURL url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ // Set the result in proxy resolver.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("foopy");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ(PROXY_CONFIG_SOURCE_TEST, info.config_source());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info.did_use_pac_script());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_end_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_LE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time(), info.proxy_resolve_end_time());
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, ProxyResolverFails) {
+ // Test what happens when the ProxyResolver fails. The download and setting
+ // of the PAC script have already succeeded, so this corresponds with a
+ // javascript runtime error while calling FindProxyForURL().
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ // Start first resolve request.
+ GURL url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->url());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Fail the first resolve request in MockAsyncProxyResolver.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(ERR_FAILED);
+ // Although the proxy resolver failed the request, ProxyService implicitly
+ // falls-back to DIRECT.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info.is_direct());
+ // Failed PAC executions still have proxy resolution times.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_end_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_LE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time(), info.proxy_resolve_end_time());
+ // The second resolve request will try to run through the proxy resolver,
+ // regardless of whether the first request failed in it.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback2.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // This time we will have the resolver succeed (perhaps the PAC script has
+ // a dependency on the current time).
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("foopy_valid:8080");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback2.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy_valid:8080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, ProxyScriptFetcherFailsDownloadingMandatoryPac) {
+ // Test what happens when the ProxyScriptResolver fails to download a
+ // mandatory PAC script.
+ ProxyConfig config(
+ ProxyConfig::CreateFromCustomPacURL(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac")));
+ config.set_pac_mandatory(true);
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service = new MockProxyConfigService(config);
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ // Start first resolve request.
+ GURL url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->url());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(ERR_FAILED);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ // As the proxy resolver failed the request and is configured for a mandatory
+ // PAC script, ProxyService must not implicitly fall-back to DIRECT.
+ callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ // As the proxy resolver failed the request and is configured for a mandatory
+ // PAC script, ProxyService must not implicitly fall-back to DIRECT.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback2.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, ProxyResolverFailsParsingJavaScriptMandatoryPac) {
+ // Test what happens when the ProxyResolver fails that is configured to use a
+ // mandatory PAC script. The download of the PAC script has already
+ // succeeded but the PAC script contains no valid javascript.
+ ProxyConfig config(
+ ProxyConfig::CreateFromCustomPacURL(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac")));
+ config.set_pac_mandatory(true);
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service = new MockProxyConfigService(config);
+ MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes* resolver =
+ new MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ MockProxyScriptFetcher* fetcher = new MockProxyScriptFetcher;
+ DhcpProxyScriptFetcher* dhcp_fetcher = new DoNothingDhcpProxyScriptFetcher();
+ service.SetProxyScriptFetchers(fetcher, dhcp_fetcher);
+ // Start resolve request.
+ GURL url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ // Check that nothing has been sent to the proxy resolver yet.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ // Downloading the PAC script succeeds.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(OK, "invalid-script-contents");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ // Since ProxyScriptDecider failed to identify a valid PAC and PAC was
+ // mandatory for this configuration, the ProxyService must not implicitly
+ // fall-back to DIRECT.
+ callback.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, ProxyResolverFailsInJavaScriptMandatoryPac) {
+ // Test what happens when the ProxyResolver fails that is configured to use a
+ // mandatory PAC script. The download and setting of the PAC script have
+ // already succeeded, so this corresponds with a javascript runtime error
+ // while calling FindProxyForURL().
+ ProxyConfig config(
+ ProxyConfig::CreateFromCustomPacURL(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac")));
+ config.set_pac_mandatory(true);
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service = new MockProxyConfigService(config);
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ // Start first resolve request.
+ GURL url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->url());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Fail the first resolve request in MockAsyncProxyResolver.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(ERR_FAILED);
+ // As the proxy resolver failed the request and is configured for a mandatory
+ // PAC script, ProxyService must not implicitly fall-back to DIRECT.
+ callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ // The second resolve request will try to run through the proxy resolver,
+ // regardless of whether the first request failed in it.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback2.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // This time we will have the resolver succeed (perhaps the PAC script has
+ // a dependency on the current time).
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("foopy_valid:8080");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback2.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy_valid:8080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, ProxyFallback) {
+ // Test what happens when we specify multiple proxy servers and some of them
+ // are bad.
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ GURL url("");
+ // Get the proxy information.
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->url());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Set the result in proxy resolver.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy(
+ "foopy1:8080;foopy2:9090");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // The first item is valid.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy1:8080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_end_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_LE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time(), info.proxy_resolve_end_time());
+ base::TimeTicks proxy_resolve_start_time = info.proxy_resolve_start_time();
+ base::TimeTicks proxy_resolve_end_time = info.proxy_resolve_end_time();
+ // Fake an error on the proxy.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info, callback2.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ // Proxy times should not have been modified by fallback.
+ EXPECT_EQ(proxy_resolve_start_time, info.proxy_resolve_start_time());
+ EXPECT_EQ(proxy_resolve_end_time, info.proxy_resolve_end_time());
+ // The second proxy should be specified.
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy2:9090", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // Report back that the second proxy worked. This will globally mark the
+ // first proxy as bad.
+ service.ReportSuccess(info);
+ TestCompletionCallback callback3;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback3.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Set the result in proxy resolver -- the second result is already known
+ // to be bad, so we will not try to use it initially.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy(
+ "foopy3:7070;foopy1:8080;foopy2:9090");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback3.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy3:7070", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // Proxy times should have been updated, so get them again.
+ EXPECT_LE(proxy_resolve_end_time, info.proxy_resolve_start_time());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_end_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_LE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time(), info.proxy_resolve_end_time());
+ proxy_resolve_start_time = info.proxy_resolve_start_time();
+ proxy_resolve_end_time = info.proxy_resolve_end_time();
+ // We fake another error. It should now try the third one.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback4;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info, callback4.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy2:9090", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // We fake another error. At this point we have tried all of the
+ // proxy servers we thought were valid; next we try the proxy server
+ // that was in our bad proxies map (foopy1:8080).
+ TestCompletionCallback callback5;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info, callback5.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy1:8080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // Fake another error, the last proxy is gone, the list should now be empty,
+ // so there is nothing left to try.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback6;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info, callback6.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info.is_empty());
+ // Proxy times should not have been modified by fallback.
+ EXPECT_EQ(proxy_resolve_start_time, info.proxy_resolve_start_time());
+ EXPECT_EQ(proxy_resolve_end_time, info.proxy_resolve_end_time());
+ // Look up proxies again
+ TestCompletionCallback callback7;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(url, &info, callback7.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // This time, the first 3 results have been found to be bad, but only the
+ // first proxy has been confirmed ...
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy(
+ "foopy1:8080;foopy3:7070;foopy2:9090;foopy4:9091");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // ... therefore, we should see the second proxy first.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback7.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy3:7070", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ EXPECT_LE(proxy_resolve_end_time, info.proxy_resolve_start_time());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_end_time().is_null());
+ // TODO(nsylvain): Test that the proxy can be retried after the delay.
+// This test is similar to ProxyFallback, but this time we have an explicit
+// fallback choice to DIRECT.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, ProxyFallbackToDirect) {
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ GURL url("");
+ // Get the proxy information.
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->url());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Set the result in proxy resolver.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UsePacString(
+ "PROXY foopy1:8080; PROXY foopy2:9090; DIRECT");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Get the first result.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy1:8080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // Fake an error on the proxy.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info, callback2.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ // Now we get back the second proxy.
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy2:9090", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // Fake an error on this proxy as well.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback3;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info, callback3.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ // Finally, we get back DIRECT.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_end_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_LE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time(), info.proxy_resolve_end_time());
+ // Now we tell the proxy service that even DIRECT failed.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback4;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info, callback4.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ // There was nothing left to try after DIRECT, so we are out of
+ // choices.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, ProxyFallback_NewSettings) {
+ // Test proxy failover when new settings are available.
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ GURL url("");
+ // Get the proxy information.
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->url());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Set the result in proxy resolver.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy(
+ "foopy1:8080;foopy2:9090");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // The first item is valid.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy1:8080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // Fake an error on the proxy, and also a new configuration on the proxy.
+ config_service->SetConfig(
+ ProxyConfig::CreateFromCustomPacURL(GURL("http://foopy-new/proxy.pac")));
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info, callback2.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy-new/proxy.pac"),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->url());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy(
+ "foopy1:8080;foopy2:9090");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // The first proxy is still there since the configuration changed.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback2.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy1:8080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // We fake another error. It should now ignore the first one.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback3;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info, callback3.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy2:9090", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // We simulate a new configuration.
+ config_service->SetConfig(
+ ProxyConfig::CreateFromCustomPacURL(
+ GURL("http://foopy-new2/proxy.pac")));
+ // We fake another error. It should go back to the first proxy.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback4;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info, callback4.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy-new2/proxy.pac"),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->url());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy(
+ "foopy1:8080;foopy2:9090");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback4.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy1:8080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_end_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_LE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time(), info.proxy_resolve_end_time());
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, ProxyFallback_BadConfig) {
+ // Test proxy failover when the configuration is bad.
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ GURL url("");
+ // Get the proxy information.
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->url());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy(
+ "foopy1:8080;foopy2:9090");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // The first item is valid.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy1:8080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // Fake a proxy error.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info, callback2.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ // The first proxy is ignored, and the second one is selected.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy2:9090", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // Fake a PAC failure.
+ ProxyInfo info2;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback3;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info2, callback3.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // This simulates a javascript runtime error in the PAC script.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(ERR_FAILED);
+ // Although the resolver failed, the ProxyService will implicitly fall-back
+ // to a DIRECT connection.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback3.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info2.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info2.is_empty());
+ // The PAC script will work properly next time and successfully return a
+ // proxy list. Since we have not marked the configuration as bad, it should
+ // "just work" the next time we call it.
+ ProxyInfo info3;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback4;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info3, callback4.callback(),
+ NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy(
+ "foopy1:8080;foopy2:9090");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // The first proxy is not there since the it was added to the bad proxies
+ // list by the earlier ReconsiderProxyAfterError().
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback4.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info3.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy1:8080", info3.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.proxy_resolve_end_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_LE(info.proxy_resolve_start_time(), info.proxy_resolve_end_time());
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, ProxyFallback_BadConfigMandatory) {
+ // Test proxy failover when the configuration is bad.
+ ProxyConfig config(
+ ProxyConfig::CreateFromCustomPacURL(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac")));
+ config.set_pac_mandatory(true);
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service = new MockProxyConfigService(config);
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ GURL url("");
+ // Get the proxy information.
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->url());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy(
+ "foopy1:8080;foopy2:9090");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // The first item is valid.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy1:8080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // Fake a proxy error.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info, callback2.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ // The first proxy is ignored, and the second one is selected.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy2:9090", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // Fake a PAC failure.
+ ProxyInfo info2;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback3;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info2, callback3.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // This simulates a javascript runtime error in the PAC script.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(ERR_FAILED);
+ // Although the resolver failed, the ProxyService will NOT fall-back
+ // to a DIRECT connection as it is configured as mandatory.
+ callback3.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info2.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info2.is_empty());
+ // The PAC script will work properly next time and successfully return a
+ // proxy list. Since we have not marked the configuration as bad, it should
+ // "just work" the next time we call it.
+ ProxyInfo info3;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback4;
+ rv = service.ReconsiderProxyAfterError(url, &info3, callback4.callback(),
+ NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url, resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy(
+ "foopy1:8080;foopy2:9090");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // The first proxy is not there since the it was added to the bad proxies
+ // list by the earlier ReconsiderProxyAfterError().
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback4.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info3.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy1:8080", info3.proxy_server().ToURI());
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, ProxyBypassList) {
+ // Test that the proxy bypass rules are consulted.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback[2];
+ ProxyInfo info[2];
+ ProxyConfig config;
+ config.proxy_rules().ParseFromString("foopy1:8080;foopy2:9090");
+ config.set_auto_detect(false);
+ config.proxy_rules().bypass_rules.ParseFromString("*.org");
+ ProxyService service(
+ new MockProxyConfigService(config), new MockAsyncProxyResolver, NULL);
+ int rv;
+ GURL url1("");
+ GURL url2("");
+ // Request for a .org domain should bypass proxy.
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url1, &info[0], callback[0].callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info[0].is_direct());
+ // Request for a .com domain hits the proxy.
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url2, &info[1], callback[1].callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy1:8080", info[1].proxy_server().ToURI());
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, PerProtocolProxyTests) {
+ ProxyConfig config;
+ config.proxy_rules().ParseFromString("http=foopy1:8080;https=foopy2:8080");
+ config.set_auto_detect(false);
+ {
+ ProxyService service(
+ new MockProxyConfigService(config), new MockAsyncProxyResolver, NULL);
+ GURL test_url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(test_url, &info, callback.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy1:8080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ }
+ {
+ ProxyService service(
+ new MockProxyConfigService(config), new MockAsyncProxyResolver, NULL);
+ GURL test_url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(test_url, &info, callback.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("direct://", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ }
+ {
+ ProxyService service(
+ new MockProxyConfigService(config), new MockAsyncProxyResolver, NULL);
+ GURL test_url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(test_url, &info, callback.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy2:8080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ }
+ {
+ config.proxy_rules().ParseFromString("foopy1:8080");
+ ProxyService service(
+ new MockProxyConfigService(config), new MockAsyncProxyResolver, NULL);
+ GURL test_url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(test_url, &info, callback.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy1:8080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ }
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, ProxyConfigSourcePropagates) {
+ // Test that the proxy config source is set correctly when resolving proxies
+ // using manual proxy rules. Namely, the config source should only be set if
+ // any of the rules were applied.
+ {
+ ProxyConfig config;
+ config.set_source(PROXY_CONFIG_SOURCE_TEST);
+ config.proxy_rules().ParseFromString("https=foopy2:8080");
+ ProxyService service(
+ new MockProxyConfigService(config), new MockAsyncProxyResolver, NULL);
+ GURL test_url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(test_url, &info, callback.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ ASSERT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ // Should be SOURCE_TEST, even if there are no HTTP proxies configured.
+ EXPECT_EQ(PROXY_CONFIG_SOURCE_TEST, info.config_source());
+ }
+ {
+ ProxyConfig config;
+ config.set_source(PROXY_CONFIG_SOURCE_TEST);
+ config.proxy_rules().ParseFromString("https=foopy2:8080");
+ ProxyService service(
+ new MockProxyConfigService(config), new MockAsyncProxyResolver, NULL);
+ GURL test_url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(test_url, &info, callback.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ ASSERT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ // Used the HTTPS proxy. So source should be TEST.
+ EXPECT_EQ(PROXY_CONFIG_SOURCE_TEST, info.config_source());
+ }
+ {
+ ProxyConfig config;
+ config.set_source(PROXY_CONFIG_SOURCE_TEST);
+ ProxyService service(
+ new MockProxyConfigService(config), new MockAsyncProxyResolver, NULL);
+ GURL test_url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(test_url, &info, callback.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ ASSERT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ // ProxyConfig is empty. Source should still be TEST.
+ EXPECT_EQ(PROXY_CONFIG_SOURCE_TEST, info.config_source());
+ }
+// If only HTTP and a SOCKS proxy are specified, check if ftp/https queries
+// fall back to the SOCKS proxy.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, DefaultProxyFallbackToSOCKS) {
+ ProxyConfig config;
+ config.proxy_rules().ParseFromString("http=foopy1:8080;socks=foopy2:1080");
+ config.set_auto_detect(false);
+ config.proxy_rules().type);
+ {
+ ProxyService service(
+ new MockProxyConfigService(config), new MockAsyncProxyResolver, NULL);
+ GURL test_url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(test_url, &info, callback.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy1:8080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ }
+ {
+ ProxyService service(
+ new MockProxyConfigService(config), new MockAsyncProxyResolver, NULL);
+ GURL test_url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(test_url, &info, callback.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("socks4://foopy2:1080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ }
+ {
+ ProxyService service(
+ new MockProxyConfigService(config), new MockAsyncProxyResolver, NULL);
+ GURL test_url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(test_url, &info, callback.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("socks4://foopy2:1080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ }
+ {
+ ProxyService service(
+ new MockProxyConfigService(config), new MockAsyncProxyResolver, NULL);
+ GURL test_url("unknown://");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(test_url, &info, callback.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_direct());
+ EXPECT_EQ("socks4://foopy2:1080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ }
+// Test cancellation of an in-progress request.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, CancelInProgressRequest) {
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ // Start 3 requests.
+ ProxyInfo info1;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request1"), &info1,
+ callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ // Nothing has been sent to the proxy resolver yet, since the proxy
+ // resolver has not been configured yet.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ // Successfully initialize the PAC script.
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->url());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request1"), resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ ProxyInfo info2;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ ProxyService::PacRequest* request2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request2"), &info2,
+ callback2.callback(), &request2, BoundNetLog());
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request2"), resolver->pending_requests()[1]->url());
+ ProxyInfo info3;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback3;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request3"), &info3,
+ callback3.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ ASSERT_EQ(3u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request3"), resolver->pending_requests()[2]->url());
+ // Cancel the second request
+ service.CancelPacRequest(request2);
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request1"), resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request3"), resolver->pending_requests()[1]->url());
+ // Complete the two un-cancelled requests.
+ // We complete the last one first, just to mix it up a bit.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[1]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request3:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[1]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request1:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Complete and verify that requests ran as expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request1:80", info1.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(callback2.have_result()); // Cancelled.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->cancelled_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request2"), resolver->cancelled_requests()[0]->url());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback3.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request3:80", info3.proxy_server().ToURI());
+// Test the initial PAC download for resolver that expects bytes.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, InitialPACScriptDownload) {
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes* resolver =
+ new MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ MockProxyScriptFetcher* fetcher = new MockProxyScriptFetcher;
+ service.SetProxyScriptFetchers(fetcher,
+ new DoNothingDhcpProxyScriptFetcher());
+ // Start 3 requests.
+ ProxyInfo info1;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ ProxyService::PacRequest* request1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request1"), &info1,
+ callback1.callback(), &request1, BoundNetLog());
+ // The first request should have triggered download of PAC script.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ ProxyInfo info2;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ ProxyService::PacRequest* request2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request2"), &info2,
+ callback2.callback(), &request2, BoundNetLog());
+ ProxyInfo info3;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback3;
+ ProxyService::PacRequest* request3;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request3"), &info3,
+ callback3.callback(), &request3, BoundNetLog());
+ // Nothing has been sent to the resolver yet.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resolver->pending_requests().empty());
+ service.GetLoadState(request1));
+ service.GetLoadState(request2));
+ service.GetLoadState(request3));
+ // At this point the ProxyService should be waiting for the
+ // ProxyScriptFetcher to invoke its completion callback, notifying it of
+ // PAC script download completion.
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(OK, kValidPacScript1);
+ // Now that the PAC script is downloaded, it will have been sent to the proxy
+ // resolver.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(kValidPacScript1),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->utf16());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request1"), resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request2"), resolver->pending_requests()[1]->url());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request3"), resolver->pending_requests()[2]->url());
+ EXPECT_EQ(LOAD_STATE_RESOLVING_PROXY_FOR_URL, service.GetLoadState(request1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(LOAD_STATE_RESOLVING_PROXY_FOR_URL, service.GetLoadState(request2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(LOAD_STATE_RESOLVING_PROXY_FOR_URL, service.GetLoadState(request3));
+ // Complete all the requests (in some order).
+ // Note that as we complete requests, they shift up in |pending_requests()|.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[2]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request3:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[2]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request1:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request2:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Complete and verify that requests ran as expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request1:80", info1.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info1.proxy_resolve_start_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info1.proxy_resolve_end_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_LE(info1.proxy_resolve_start_time(), info1.proxy_resolve_end_time());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback2.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request2:80", info2.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info2.proxy_resolve_start_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info2.proxy_resolve_end_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_LE(info2.proxy_resolve_start_time(), info2.proxy_resolve_end_time());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback3.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request3:80", info3.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info3.proxy_resolve_start_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info3.proxy_resolve_end_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_LE(info3.proxy_resolve_start_time(), info3.proxy_resolve_end_time());
+// Test changing the ProxyScriptFetcher while PAC download is in progress.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, ChangeScriptFetcherWhilePACDownloadInProgress) {
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes* resolver =
+ new MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ MockProxyScriptFetcher* fetcher = new MockProxyScriptFetcher;
+ service.SetProxyScriptFetchers(fetcher,
+ new DoNothingDhcpProxyScriptFetcher());
+ // Start 2 requests.
+ ProxyInfo info1;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request1"), &info1,
+ callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ // The first request should have triggered download of PAC script.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ ProxyInfo info2;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request2"), &info2,
+ callback2.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ // At this point the ProxyService should be waiting for the
+ // ProxyScriptFetcher to invoke its completion callback, notifying it of
+ // PAC script download completion.
+ // We now change out the ProxyService's script fetcher. We should restart
+ // the initialization with the new fetcher.
+ fetcher = new MockProxyScriptFetcher;
+ service.SetProxyScriptFetchers(fetcher,
+ new DoNothingDhcpProxyScriptFetcher());
+ // Nothing has been sent to the resolver yet.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resolver->pending_requests().empty());
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(OK, kValidPacScript1);
+ // Now that the PAC script is downloaded, it will have been sent to the proxy
+ // resolver.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(kValidPacScript1),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->utf16());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request1"), resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request2"), resolver->pending_requests()[1]->url());
+// Test cancellation of a request, while the PAC script is being fetched.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, CancelWhilePACFetching) {
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes* resolver =
+ new MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ MockProxyScriptFetcher* fetcher = new MockProxyScriptFetcher;
+ service.SetProxyScriptFetchers(fetcher,
+ new DoNothingDhcpProxyScriptFetcher());
+ // Start 3 requests.
+ ProxyInfo info1;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ ProxyService::PacRequest* request1;
+ CapturingBoundNetLog log1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request1"), &info1,
+ callback1.callback(), &request1, log1.bound());
+ // The first request should have triggered download of PAC script.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ ProxyInfo info2;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ ProxyService::PacRequest* request2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request2"), &info2,
+ callback2.callback(), &request2, BoundNetLog());
+ ProxyInfo info3;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback3;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request3"), &info3,
+ callback3.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ // Nothing has been sent to the resolver yet.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resolver->pending_requests().empty());
+ // Cancel the first 2 requests.
+ service.CancelPacRequest(request1);
+ service.CancelPacRequest(request2);
+ // At this point the ProxyService should be waiting for the
+ // ProxyScriptFetcher to invoke its completion callback, notifying it of
+ // PAC script download completion.
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(OK, kValidPacScript1);
+ // Now that the PAC script is downloaded, it will have been sent to the
+ // proxy resolver.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(kValidPacScript1),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->utf16());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request3"), resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Complete all the requests.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request3:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback3.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request3:80", info3.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resolver->cancelled_requests().empty());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(callback1.have_result()); // Cancelled.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(callback2.have_result()); // Cancelled.
+ CapturingNetLog::CapturedEntryList entries1;
+ log1.GetEntries(&entries1);
+ // Check the NetLog for request 1 (which was cancelled) got filled properly.
+ EXPECT_EQ(4u, entries1.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LogContainsBeginEvent(
+ entries1, 0, NetLog::TYPE_PROXY_SERVICE));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LogContainsBeginEvent(
+ // Note that TYPE_PROXY_SERVICE_WAITING_FOR_INIT_PAC is never completed before
+ // the cancellation occured.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LogContainsEvent(
+ entries1, 2, NetLog::TYPE_CANCELLED, NetLog::PHASE_NONE));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LogContainsEndEvent(
+ entries1, 3, NetLog::TYPE_PROXY_SERVICE));
+// Test that if auto-detect fails, we fall-back to the custom pac.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, FallbackFromAutodetectToCustomPac) {
+ ProxyConfig config;
+ config.set_auto_detect(true);
+ config.set_pac_url(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"));
+ config.proxy_rules().ParseFromString("http=foopy:80"); // Won't be used.
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service = new MockProxyConfigService(config);
+ MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes* resolver =
+ new MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ MockProxyScriptFetcher* fetcher = new MockProxyScriptFetcher;
+ service.SetProxyScriptFetchers(fetcher,
+ new DoNothingDhcpProxyScriptFetcher());
+ // Start 2 requests.
+ ProxyInfo info1;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request1"), &info1,
+ callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ ProxyInfo info2;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ ProxyService::PacRequest* request2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request2"), &info2,
+ callback2.callback(), &request2, BoundNetLog());
+ // Check that nothing has been sent to the proxy resolver yet.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ // It should be trying to auto-detect first -- FAIL the autodetect during
+ // the script download.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://wpad/wpad.dat"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(ERR_FAILED, std::string());
+ // Next it should be trying the custom PAC url.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(OK, kValidPacScript1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(kValidPacScript1),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->utf16());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Now finally, the pending requests should have been sent to the resolver
+ // (which was initialized with custom PAC script).
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request1"), resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request2"), resolver->pending_requests()[1]->url());
+ // Complete the pending requests.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[1]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request2:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[1]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request1:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Verify that requests ran as expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request1:80", info1.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info1.proxy_resolve_start_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info1.proxy_resolve_end_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_LE(info1.proxy_resolve_start_time(), info1.proxy_resolve_end_time());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback2.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request2:80", info2.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info2.proxy_resolve_start_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(info2.proxy_resolve_end_time().is_null());
+ EXPECT_LE(info2.proxy_resolve_start_time(), info2.proxy_resolve_end_time());
+// This is the same test as FallbackFromAutodetectToCustomPac, except
+// the auto-detect script fails parsing rather than downloading.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, FallbackFromAutodetectToCustomPac2) {
+ ProxyConfig config;
+ config.set_auto_detect(true);
+ config.set_pac_url(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"));
+ config.proxy_rules().ParseFromString("http=foopy:80"); // Won't be used.
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service = new MockProxyConfigService(config);
+ MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes* resolver =
+ new MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ MockProxyScriptFetcher* fetcher = new MockProxyScriptFetcher;
+ service.SetProxyScriptFetchers(fetcher,
+ new DoNothingDhcpProxyScriptFetcher());
+ // Start 2 requests.
+ ProxyInfo info1;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request1"), &info1,
+ callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ ProxyInfo info2;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ ProxyService::PacRequest* request2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request2"), &info2,
+ callback2.callback(), &request2, BoundNetLog());
+ // Check that nothing has been sent to the proxy resolver yet.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ // It should be trying to auto-detect first -- succeed the download.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://wpad/wpad.dat"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(OK, "invalid-script-contents");
+ // The script contents passed failed basic verification step (since didn't
+ // contain token FindProxyForURL), so it was never passed to the resolver.
+ // Next it should be trying the custom PAC url.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(OK, kValidPacScript1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(kValidPacScript1),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->utf16());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Now finally, the pending requests should have been sent to the resolver
+ // (which was initialized with custom PAC script).
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request1"), resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request2"), resolver->pending_requests()[1]->url());
+ // Complete the pending requests.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[1]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request2:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[1]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request1:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Verify that requests ran as expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request1:80", info1.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback2.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request2:80", info2.proxy_server().ToURI());
+// Test that if all of auto-detect, a custom PAC script, and manual settings
+// are given, then we will try them in that order.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, FallbackFromAutodetectToCustomToManual) {
+ ProxyConfig config;
+ config.set_auto_detect(true);
+ config.set_pac_url(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"));
+ config.proxy_rules().ParseFromString("http=foopy:80");
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service = new MockProxyConfigService(config);
+ MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes* resolver =
+ new MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ MockProxyScriptFetcher* fetcher = new MockProxyScriptFetcher;
+ service.SetProxyScriptFetchers(fetcher,
+ new DoNothingDhcpProxyScriptFetcher());
+ // Start 2 requests.
+ ProxyInfo info1;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request1"), &info1,
+ callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ ProxyInfo info2;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ ProxyService::PacRequest* request2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request2"), &info2,
+ callback2.callback(), &request2, BoundNetLog());
+ // Check that nothing has been sent to the proxy resolver yet.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ // It should be trying to auto-detect first -- fail the download.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://wpad/wpad.dat"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(ERR_FAILED, std::string());
+ // Next it should be trying the custom PAC url -- fail the download.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(ERR_FAILED, std::string());
+ // Since we never managed to initialize a ProxyResolver, nothing should have
+ // been sent to it.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ // Verify that requests ran as expected -- they should have fallen back to
+ // the manual proxy configuration for HTTP urls.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy:80", info1.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback2.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy:80", info2.proxy_server().ToURI());
+// Test that the bypass rules are NOT applied when using autodetect.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, BypassDoesntApplyToPac) {
+ ProxyConfig config;
+ config.set_auto_detect(true);
+ config.set_pac_url(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"));
+ config.proxy_rules().ParseFromString("http=foopy:80"); // Not used.
+ config.proxy_rules().bypass_rules.ParseFromString("");
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service = new MockProxyConfigService(config);
+ MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes* resolver =
+ new MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ MockProxyScriptFetcher* fetcher = new MockProxyScriptFetcher;
+ service.SetProxyScriptFetchers(fetcher,
+ new DoNothingDhcpProxyScriptFetcher());
+ // Start 1 requests.
+ ProxyInfo info1;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ GURL(""), &info1, callback1.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ // Check that nothing has been sent to the proxy resolver yet.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ // It should be trying to auto-detect first -- succeed the download.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://wpad/wpad.dat"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(OK, kValidPacScript1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(kValidPacScript1),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->utf16());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Complete the pending request.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request1:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Verify that request ran as expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request1:80", info1.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // Start another request, it should pickup the bypass item.
+ ProxyInfo info2;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL(""), &info2,
+ callback2.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Complete the pending request.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request2:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback2.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request2:80", info2.proxy_server().ToURI());
+// Delete the ProxyService while InitProxyResolver has an outstanding
+// request to the script fetcher. When run under valgrind, should not
+// have any memory errors (used to be that the ProxyScriptFetcher was
+// being deleted prior to the InitProxyResolver).
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, DeleteWhileInitProxyResolverHasOutstandingFetch) {
+ ProxyConfig config =
+ ProxyConfig::CreateFromCustomPacURL(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"));
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service = new MockProxyConfigService(config);
+ MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes* resolver =
+ new MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ MockProxyScriptFetcher* fetcher = new MockProxyScriptFetcher;
+ service.SetProxyScriptFetchers(fetcher,
+ new DoNothingDhcpProxyScriptFetcher());
+ // Start 1 request.
+ ProxyInfo info1;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL(""), &info1,
+ callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ // Check that nothing has been sent to the proxy resolver yet.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ // InitProxyResolver should have issued a request to the ProxyScriptFetcher
+ // and be waiting on that to complete.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+// Delete the ProxyService while InitProxyResolver has an outstanding
+// request to the proxy resolver. When run under valgrind, should not
+// have any memory errors (used to be that the ProxyResolver was
+// being deleted prior to the InitProxyResolver).
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, DeleteWhileInitProxyResolverHasOutstandingSet) {
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ GURL url("");
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ url, &info, callback.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->url());
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, ResetProxyConfigService) {
+ ProxyConfig config1;
+ config1.proxy_rules().ParseFromString("foopy1:8080");
+ config1.set_auto_detect(false);
+ ProxyService service(
+ new MockProxyConfigService(config1),
+ new MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes, NULL);
+ ProxyInfo info;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request1"), &info,
+ callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy1:8080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ ProxyConfig config2;
+ config2.proxy_rules().ParseFromString("foopy2:8080");
+ config2.set_auto_detect(false);
+ service.ResetConfigService(new MockProxyConfigService(config2));
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request2"), &info,
+ callback2.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_EQ("foopy2:8080", info.proxy_server().ToURI());
+// Test that when going from a configuration that required PAC to one
+// that does NOT, we unset the variable |should_use_proxy_resolver_|.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, UpdateConfigFromPACToDirect) {
+ ProxyConfig config = ProxyConfig::CreateAutoDetect();
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service = new MockProxyConfigService(config);
+ MockAsyncProxyResolver* resolver = new MockAsyncProxyResolver;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ // Start 1 request.
+ ProxyInfo info1;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL(""), &info1,
+ callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ // Check that nothing has been sent to the proxy resolver yet.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ // Successfully set the autodetect script.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ProxyResolverScriptData::TYPE_AUTO_DETECT,
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->type());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Complete the pending request.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request1:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Verify that request ran as expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request1:80", info1.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // Force the ProxyService to pull down a new proxy configuration.
+ // (Even though the configuration isn't old/bad).
+ //
+ // This new configuration no longer has auto_detect set, so
+ // requests should complete synchronously now as direct-connect.
+ config_service->SetConfig(ProxyConfig::CreateDirect());
+ // Start another request -- the effective configuration has changed.
+ ProxyInfo info2;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL(""), &info2,
+ callback2.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info2.is_direct());
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, NetworkChangeTriggersPacRefetch) {
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes* resolver =
+ new MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes;
+ CapturingNetLog log;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, &log);
+ MockProxyScriptFetcher* fetcher = new MockProxyScriptFetcher;
+ service.SetProxyScriptFetchers(fetcher,
+ new DoNothingDhcpProxyScriptFetcher());
+ // Disable the "wait after IP address changes" hack, so this unit-test can
+ // complete quickly.
+ service.set_stall_proxy_auto_config_delay(base::TimeDelta());
+ // Start 1 request.
+ ProxyInfo info1;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request1"), &info1,
+ callback1.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ // The first request should have triggered initial download of PAC script.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ // Nothing has been sent to the resolver yet.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resolver->pending_requests().empty());
+ // At this point the ProxyService should be waiting for the
+ // ProxyScriptFetcher to invoke its completion callback, notifying it of
+ // PAC script download completion.
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(OK, kValidPacScript1);
+ // Now that the PAC script is downloaded, the request will have been sent to
+ // the proxy resolver.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(kValidPacScript1),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->utf16());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request1"), resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Complete the pending request.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request1:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Wait for completion callback, and verify that the request ran as expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request1:80", info1.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // Now simluate a change in the network. The ProxyConfigService is still
+ // going to return the same PAC URL as before, but this URL needs to be
+ // refetched on the new network.
+ NetworkChangeNotifier::NotifyObserversOfIPAddressChangeForTests();
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle(); // Notification happens async.
+ // Start a second request.
+ ProxyInfo info2;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(GURL("http://request2"), &info2,
+ callback2.callback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ // This second request should have triggered the re-download of the PAC
+ // script (since we marked the network as having changed).
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ // Nothing has been sent to the resolver yet.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resolver->pending_requests().empty());
+ // Simulate the PAC script fetch as having completed (this time with
+ // different data).
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(OK, kValidPacScript2);
+ // Now that the PAC script is downloaded, the second request will have been
+ // sent to the proxy resolver.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(kValidPacScript2),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->utf16());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request2"), resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Complete the pending second request.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request2:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Wait for completion callback, and verify that the request ran as expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback2.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request2:80", info2.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // Check that the expected events were output to the log stream. In particular
+ // PROXY_CONFIG_CHANGED should have only been emitted once (for the initial
+ // setup), and NOT a second time when the IP address changed.
+ CapturingNetLog::CapturedEntryList entries;
+ log.GetEntries(&entries);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LogContainsEntryWithType(entries, 0,
+ ASSERT_EQ(9u, entries.size());
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < entries.size(); ++i)
+ EXPECT_NE(NetLog::TYPE_PROXY_CONFIG_CHANGED, entries[i].type);
+// This test verifies that the PAC script specified by the settings is
+// periodically polled for changes. Specifically, if the initial fetch fails due
+// to a network error, we will eventually re-configure the service to use the
+// script once it becomes available.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, PACScriptRefetchAfterFailure) {
+ // Change the retry policy to wait a mere 1 ms before retrying, so the test
+ // runs quickly.
+ ImmediatePollPolicy poll_policy;
+ ProxyService::set_pac_script_poll_policy(&poll_policy);
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes* resolver =
+ new MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ MockProxyScriptFetcher* fetcher = new MockProxyScriptFetcher;
+ service.SetProxyScriptFetchers(fetcher,
+ new DoNothingDhcpProxyScriptFetcher());
+ // Start 1 request.
+ ProxyInfo info1;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ GURL("http://request1"), &info1, callback1.callback(),
+ NULL, BoundNetLog());
+ // The first request should have triggered initial download of PAC script.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ // Nothing has been sent to the resolver yet.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resolver->pending_requests().empty());
+ // At this point the ProxyService should be waiting for the
+ // ProxyScriptFetcher to invoke its completion callback, notifying it of
+ // PAC script download completion.
+ //
+ // We simulate a failed download attempt, the proxy service should now
+ // fall-back to DIRECT connections.
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(ERR_FAILED, std::string());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(resolver->pending_requests().empty());
+ // Wait for completion callback, and verify it used DIRECT.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info1.is_direct());
+ // At this point we have initialized the proxy service using a PAC script,
+ // however it failed and fell-back to DIRECT.
+ //
+ // A background task to periodically re-check the PAC script for validity will
+ // have been started. We will now wait for the next download attempt to start.
+ //
+ // Note that we shouldn't have to wait long here, since our test enables a
+ // special unit-test mode.
+ fetcher->WaitUntilFetch();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(resolver->pending_requests().empty());
+ // Make sure that our background checker is trying to download the expected
+ // PAC script (same one as before). This time we will simulate a successful
+ // download of the script.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(OK, kValidPacScript1);
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
+ // Now that the PAC script is downloaded, it should be used to initialize the
+ // ProxyResolver. Simulate a successful parse.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(kValidPacScript1),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->utf16());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // At this point the ProxyService should have re-configured itself to use the
+ // PAC script (thereby recovering from the initial fetch failure). We will
+ // verify that the next Resolve request uses the resolver rather than
+ // DIRECT.
+ // Start a second request.
+ ProxyInfo info2;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ GURL("http://request2"), &info2, callback2.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ // Check that it was sent to the resolver.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request2"), resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Complete the pending second request.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request2:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Wait for completion callback, and verify that the request ran as expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback2.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request2:80", info2.proxy_server().ToURI());
+// This test verifies that the PAC script specified by the settings is
+// periodically polled for changes. Specifically, if the initial fetch succeeds,
+// however at a later time its *contents* change, we will eventually
+// re-configure the service to use the new script.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, PACScriptRefetchAfterContentChange) {
+ // Change the retry policy to wait a mere 1 ms before retrying, so the test
+ // runs quickly.
+ ImmediatePollPolicy poll_policy;
+ ProxyService::set_pac_script_poll_policy(&poll_policy);
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes* resolver =
+ new MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ MockProxyScriptFetcher* fetcher = new MockProxyScriptFetcher;
+ service.SetProxyScriptFetchers(fetcher,
+ new DoNothingDhcpProxyScriptFetcher());
+ // Start 1 request.
+ ProxyInfo info1;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ GURL("http://request1"), &info1, callback1.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ // The first request should have triggered initial download of PAC script.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ // Nothing has been sent to the resolver yet.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resolver->pending_requests().empty());
+ // At this point the ProxyService should be waiting for the
+ // ProxyScriptFetcher to invoke its completion callback, notifying it of
+ // PAC script download completion.
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(OK, kValidPacScript1);
+ // Now that the PAC script is downloaded, the request will have been sent to
+ // the proxy resolver.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(kValidPacScript1),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->utf16());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request1"), resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Complete the pending request.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request1:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Wait for completion callback, and verify that the request ran as expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request1:80", info1.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // At this point we have initialized the proxy service using a PAC script.
+ //
+ // A background task to periodically re-check the PAC script for validity will
+ // have been started. We will now wait for the next download attempt to start.
+ //
+ // Note that we shouldn't have to wait long here, since our test enables a
+ // special unit-test mode.
+ fetcher->WaitUntilFetch();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(resolver->pending_requests().empty());
+ // Make sure that our background checker is trying to download the expected
+ // PAC script (same one as before). This time we will simulate a successful
+ // download of a DIFFERENT script.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(OK, kValidPacScript2);
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
+ // Now that the PAC script is downloaded, it should be used to initialize the
+ // ProxyResolver. Simulate a successful parse.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(kValidPacScript2),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->utf16());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // At this point the ProxyService should have re-configured itself to use the
+ // new PAC script.
+ // Start a second request.
+ ProxyInfo info2;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ GURL("http://request2"), &info2, callback2.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ // Check that it was sent to the resolver.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request2"), resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Complete the pending second request.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request2:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Wait for completion callback, and verify that the request ran as expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback2.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request2:80", info2.proxy_server().ToURI());
+// This test verifies that the PAC script specified by the settings is
+// periodically polled for changes. Specifically, if the initial fetch succeeds
+// and so does the next poll, however the contents of the downloaded script
+// have NOT changed, then we do not bother to re-initialize the proxy resolver.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, PACScriptRefetchAfterContentUnchanged) {
+ // Change the retry policy to wait a mere 1 ms before retrying, so the test
+ // runs quickly.
+ ImmediatePollPolicy poll_policy;
+ ProxyService::set_pac_script_poll_policy(&poll_policy);
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes* resolver =
+ new MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ MockProxyScriptFetcher* fetcher = new MockProxyScriptFetcher;
+ service.SetProxyScriptFetchers(fetcher,
+ new DoNothingDhcpProxyScriptFetcher());
+ // Start 1 request.
+ ProxyInfo info1;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ GURL("http://request1"), &info1, callback1.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ // The first request should have triggered initial download of PAC script.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ // Nothing has been sent to the resolver yet.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resolver->pending_requests().empty());
+ // At this point the ProxyService should be waiting for the
+ // ProxyScriptFetcher to invoke its completion callback, notifying it of
+ // PAC script download completion.
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(OK, kValidPacScript1);
+ // Now that the PAC script is downloaded, the request will have been sent to
+ // the proxy resolver.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(kValidPacScript1),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->utf16());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request1"), resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Complete the pending request.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request1:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Wait for completion callback, and verify that the request ran as expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request1:80", info1.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // At this point we have initialized the proxy service using a PAC script.
+ //
+ // A background task to periodically re-check the PAC script for validity will
+ // have been started. We will now wait for the next download attempt to start.
+ //
+ // Note that we shouldn't have to wait long here, since our test enables a
+ // special unit-test mode.
+ fetcher->WaitUntilFetch();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(resolver->pending_requests().empty());
+ // Make sure that our background checker is trying to download the expected
+ // PAC script (same one as before). We will simulate the same response as
+ // last time (i.e. the script is unchanged).
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(OK, kValidPacScript1);
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(resolver->has_pending_set_pac_script_request());
+ // At this point the ProxyService is still running the same PAC script as
+ // before.
+ // Start a second request.
+ ProxyInfo info2;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ GURL("http://request2"), &info2, callback2.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ // Check that it was sent to the resolver.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request2"), resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Complete the pending second request.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request2:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Wait for completion callback, and verify that the request ran as expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback2.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request2:80", info2.proxy_server().ToURI());
+// This test verifies that the PAC script specified by the settings is
+// periodically polled for changes. Specifically, if the initial fetch succeeds,
+// however at a later time it starts to fail, we should re-configure the
+// ProxyService to stop using that PAC script.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, PACScriptRefetchAfterSuccess) {
+ // Change the retry policy to wait a mere 1 ms before retrying, so the test
+ // runs quickly.
+ ImmediatePollPolicy poll_policy;
+ ProxyService::set_pac_script_poll_policy(&poll_policy);
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes* resolver =
+ new MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ MockProxyScriptFetcher* fetcher = new MockProxyScriptFetcher;
+ service.SetProxyScriptFetchers(fetcher,
+ new DoNothingDhcpProxyScriptFetcher());
+ // Start 1 request.
+ ProxyInfo info1;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ GURL("http://request1"), &info1, callback1.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ // The first request should have triggered initial download of PAC script.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ // Nothing has been sent to the resolver yet.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resolver->pending_requests().empty());
+ // At this point the ProxyService should be waiting for the
+ // ProxyScriptFetcher to invoke its completion callback, notifying it of
+ // PAC script download completion.
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(OK, kValidPacScript1);
+ // Now that the PAC script is downloaded, the request will have been sent to
+ // the proxy resolver.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(kValidPacScript1),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->utf16());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request1"), resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Complete the pending request.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request1:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Wait for completion callback, and verify that the request ran as expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request1:80", info1.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // At this point we have initialized the proxy service using a PAC script.
+ //
+ // A background task to periodically re-check the PAC script for validity will
+ // have been started. We will now wait for the next download attempt to start.
+ //
+ // Note that we shouldn't have to wait long here, since our test enables a
+ // special unit-test mode.
+ fetcher->WaitUntilFetch();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(resolver->pending_requests().empty());
+ // Make sure that our background checker is trying to download the expected
+ // PAC script (same one as before). This time we will simulate a failure
+ // to download the script.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(ERR_FAILED, std::string());
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
+ // At this point the ProxyService should have re-configured itself to use
+ // DIRECT connections rather than the given proxy resolver.
+ // Start a second request.
+ ProxyInfo info2;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ GURL("http://request2"), &info2, callback2.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info2.is_direct());
+// Tests that the code which decides at what times to poll the PAC
+// script follows the expected policy.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, PACScriptPollingPolicy) {
+ // Retrieve the internal polling policy implementation used by ProxyService.
+ scoped_ptr<ProxyService::PacPollPolicy> policy =
+ ProxyService::CreateDefaultPacPollPolicy();
+ int error;
+ ProxyService::PacPollPolicy::Mode mode;
+ const base::TimeDelta initial_delay = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(-1);
+ base::TimeDelta delay = initial_delay;
+ // --------------------------------------------------
+ // Test the poll sequence in response to a failure.
+ // --------------------------------------------------
+ // Poll #0
+ mode = policy->GetNextDelay(error, initial_delay, &delay);
+ EXPECT_EQ(8, delay.InSeconds());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ProxyService::PacPollPolicy::MODE_USE_TIMER, mode);
+ // Poll #1
+ mode = policy->GetNextDelay(error, delay, &delay);
+ EXPECT_EQ(32, delay.InSeconds());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ProxyService::PacPollPolicy::MODE_START_AFTER_ACTIVITY, mode);
+ // Poll #2
+ mode = policy->GetNextDelay(error, delay, &delay);
+ EXPECT_EQ(120, delay.InSeconds());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ProxyService::PacPollPolicy::MODE_START_AFTER_ACTIVITY, mode);
+ // Poll #3
+ mode = policy->GetNextDelay(error, delay, &delay);
+ EXPECT_EQ(14400, delay.InSeconds());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ProxyService::PacPollPolicy::MODE_START_AFTER_ACTIVITY, mode);
+ // Poll #4
+ mode = policy->GetNextDelay(error, delay, &delay);
+ EXPECT_EQ(14400, delay.InSeconds());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ProxyService::PacPollPolicy::MODE_START_AFTER_ACTIVITY, mode);
+ // --------------------------------------------------
+ // Test the poll sequence in response to a success.
+ // --------------------------------------------------
+ error = OK;
+ // Poll #0
+ mode = policy->GetNextDelay(error, initial_delay, &delay);
+ EXPECT_EQ(43200, delay.InSeconds());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ProxyService::PacPollPolicy::MODE_START_AFTER_ACTIVITY, mode);
+ // Poll #1
+ mode = policy->GetNextDelay(error, delay, &delay);
+ EXPECT_EQ(43200, delay.InSeconds());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ProxyService::PacPollPolicy::MODE_START_AFTER_ACTIVITY, mode);
+ // Poll #2
+ mode = policy->GetNextDelay(error, delay, &delay);
+ EXPECT_EQ(43200, delay.InSeconds());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ProxyService::PacPollPolicy::MODE_START_AFTER_ACTIVITY, mode);
+// This tests the polling of the PAC script. Specifically, it tests that
+// polling occurs in response to user activity.
+TEST_F(ProxyServiceTest, PACScriptRefetchAfterActivity) {
+ ImmediateAfterActivityPollPolicy poll_policy;
+ ProxyService::set_pac_script_poll_policy(&poll_policy);
+ MockProxyConfigService* config_service =
+ new MockProxyConfigService("http://foopy/proxy.pac");
+ MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes* resolver =
+ new MockAsyncProxyResolverExpectsBytes;
+ ProxyService service(config_service, resolver, NULL);
+ MockProxyScriptFetcher* fetcher = new MockProxyScriptFetcher;
+ service.SetProxyScriptFetchers(fetcher,
+ new DoNothingDhcpProxyScriptFetcher());
+ // Start 1 request.
+ ProxyInfo info1;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ int rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ GURL("http://request1"), &info1, callback1.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ // The first request should have triggered initial download of PAC script.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ // Nothing has been sent to the resolver yet.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resolver->pending_requests().empty());
+ // At this point the ProxyService should be waiting for the
+ // ProxyScriptFetcher to invoke its completion callback, notifying it of
+ // PAC script download completion.
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(OK, kValidPacScript1);
+ // Now that the PAC script is downloaded, the request will have been sent to
+ // the proxy resolver.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(kValidPacScript1),
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->script_data()->utf16());
+ resolver->pending_set_pac_script_request()->CompleteNow(OK);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request1"), resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ // Complete the pending request.
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request1:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ // Wait for completion callback, and verify that the request ran as expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback1.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request1:80", info1.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // At this point we have initialized the proxy service using a PAC script.
+ // Our PAC poller is set to update ONLY in response to network activity,
+ // (i.e. another call to ResolveProxy()).
+ ASSERT_FALSE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(resolver->pending_requests().empty());
+ // Start a second request.
+ ProxyInfo info2;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback2;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ GURL("http://request2"), &info2, callback2.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ // This request should have sent work to the resolver; complete it.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, resolver->pending_requests().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://request2"), resolver->pending_requests()[0]->url());
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->results()->UseNamedProxy("request2:80");
+ resolver->pending_requests()[0]->CompleteNow(OK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, callback2.WaitForResult());
+ EXPECT_EQ("request2:80", info2.proxy_server().ToURI());
+ // In response to getting that resolve request, the poller should have
+ // started the next poll, and made it as far as to request the download.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->has_pending_request());
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://foopy/proxy.pac"), fetcher->pending_request_url());
+ // This time we will fail the download, to simulate a PAC script change.
+ fetcher->NotifyFetchCompletion(ERR_FAILED, std::string());
+ // Drain the message loop, so ProxyService is notified of the change
+ // and has a chance to re-configure itself.
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
+ // Start a third request -- this time we expect to get a direct connection
+ // since the PAC script poller experienced a failure.
+ ProxyInfo info3;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback3;
+ rv = service.ResolveProxy(
+ GURL("http://request3"), &info3, callback3.callback(), NULL,
+ BoundNetLog());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info3.is_direct());
+} // namespace net