path: root/chromium/net/socket/client_socket_pool_base.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/socket/client_socket_pool_base.h')
1 files changed, 819 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/socket/client_socket_pool_base.h b/chromium/net/socket/client_socket_pool_base.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eb642edd730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/socket/client_socket_pool_base.h
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+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// A ClientSocketPoolBase is used to restrict the number of sockets open at
+// a time. It also maintains a list of idle persistent sockets for reuse.
+// Subclasses of ClientSocketPool should compose ClientSocketPoolBase to handle
+// the core logic of (1) restricting the number of active (connected or
+// connecting) sockets per "group" (generally speaking, the hostname), (2)
+// maintaining a per-group list of idle, persistent sockets for reuse, and (3)
+// limiting the total number of active sockets in the system.
+// ClientSocketPoolBase abstracts socket connection details behind ConnectJob,
+// ConnectJobFactory, and SocketParams. When a socket "slot" becomes available,
+// the ClientSocketPoolBase will ask the ConnectJobFactory to create a
+// ConnectJob with a SocketParams. Subclasses of ClientSocketPool should
+// implement their socket specific connection by subclassing ConnectJob and
+// implementing ConnectJob::ConnectInternal(). They can control the parameters
+// passed to each new ConnectJob instance via their ConnectJobFactory subclass
+// and templated SocketParams parameter.
+#include <deque>
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
+#include "base/time/time.h"
+#include "base/timer/timer.h"
+#include "net/base/address_list.h"
+#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
+#include "net/base/load_states.h"
+#include "net/base/load_timing_info.h"
+#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+#include "net/base/net_export.h"
+#include "net/base/net_log.h"
+#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
+#include "net/base/request_priority.h"
+#include "net/socket/client_socket_pool.h"
+#include "net/socket/stream_socket.h"
+namespace net {
+class ClientSocketHandle;
+// ConnectJob provides an abstract interface for "connecting" a socket.
+// The connection may involve host resolution, tcp connection, ssl connection,
+// etc.
+class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE ConnectJob {
+ public:
+ class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE Delegate {
+ public:
+ Delegate() {}
+ virtual ~Delegate() {}
+ // Alerts the delegate that the connection completed. |job| must
+ // be destroyed by the delegate. A scoped_ptr<> isn't used because
+ // the caller of this function doesn't own |job|.
+ virtual void OnConnectJobComplete(int result,
+ ConnectJob* job) = 0;
+ private:
+ };
+ // A |timeout_duration| of 0 corresponds to no timeout.
+ ConnectJob(const std::string& group_name,
+ base::TimeDelta timeout_duration,
+ Delegate* delegate,
+ const BoundNetLog& net_log);
+ virtual ~ConnectJob();
+ // Accessors
+ const std::string& group_name() const { return group_name_; }
+ const BoundNetLog& net_log() { return net_log_; }
+ // Releases ownership of the underlying socket to the caller.
+ // Returns the released socket, or NULL if there was a connection
+ // error.
+ scoped_ptr<StreamSocket> PassSocket();
+ // Begins connecting the socket. Returns OK on success, ERR_IO_PENDING if it
+ // cannot complete synchronously without blocking, or another net error code
+ // on error. In asynchronous completion, the ConnectJob will notify
+ // |delegate_| via OnConnectJobComplete. In both asynchronous and synchronous
+ // completion, ReleaseSocket() can be called to acquire the connected socket
+ // if it succeeded.
+ int Connect();
+ virtual LoadState GetLoadState() const = 0;
+ // If Connect returns an error (or OnConnectJobComplete reports an error
+ // result) this method will be called, allowing the pool to add
+ // additional error state to the ClientSocketHandle (post late-binding).
+ virtual void GetAdditionalErrorState(ClientSocketHandle* handle) {}
+ const LoadTimingInfo::ConnectTiming& connect_timing() const {
+ return connect_timing_;
+ }
+ const BoundNetLog& net_log() const { return net_log_; }
+ protected:
+ void SetSocket(scoped_ptr<StreamSocket> socket);
+ StreamSocket* socket() { return socket_.get(); }
+ void NotifyDelegateOfCompletion(int rv);
+ void ResetTimer(base::TimeDelta remainingTime);
+ // Connection establishment timing information.
+ LoadTimingInfo::ConnectTiming connect_timing_;
+ private:
+ virtual int ConnectInternal() = 0;
+ void LogConnectStart();
+ void LogConnectCompletion(int net_error);
+ // Alerts the delegate that the ConnectJob has timed out.
+ void OnTimeout();
+ const std::string group_name_;
+ const base::TimeDelta timeout_duration_;
+ // Timer to abort jobs that take too long.
+ base::OneShotTimer<ConnectJob> timer_;
+ Delegate* delegate_;
+ scoped_ptr<StreamSocket> socket_;
+ BoundNetLog net_log_;
+ // A ConnectJob is idle until Connect() has been called.
+ bool idle_;
+namespace internal {
+// ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper is an internal class that implements almost all
+// the functionality from ClientSocketPoolBase without using templates.
+// ClientSocketPoolBase adds templated definitions built on top of
+// ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper. This class is not for external use, please use
+// ClientSocketPoolBase instead.
+class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper
+ : public ConnectJob::Delegate,
+ public NetworkChangeNotifier::IPAddressObserver {
+ public:
+ typedef uint32 Flags;
+ // Used to specify specific behavior for the ClientSocketPool.
+ enum Flag {
+ NORMAL = 0, // Normal behavior.
+ NO_IDLE_SOCKETS = 0x1, // Do not return an idle socket. Create a new one.
+ };
+ class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE Request {
+ public:
+ Request(ClientSocketHandle* handle,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback,
+ RequestPriority priority,
+ bool ignore_limits,
+ Flags flags,
+ const BoundNetLog& net_log);
+ virtual ~Request();
+ ClientSocketHandle* handle() const { return handle_; }
+ const CompletionCallback& callback() const { return callback_; }
+ RequestPriority priority() const { return priority_; }
+ bool ignore_limits() const { return ignore_limits_; }
+ Flags flags() const { return flags_; }
+ const BoundNetLog& net_log() const { return net_log_; }
+ private:
+ ClientSocketHandle* const handle_;
+ CompletionCallback callback_;
+ const RequestPriority priority_;
+ bool ignore_limits_;
+ const Flags flags_;
+ BoundNetLog net_log_;
+ };
+ class ConnectJobFactory {
+ public:
+ ConnectJobFactory() {}
+ virtual ~ConnectJobFactory() {}
+ virtual scoped_ptr<ConnectJob> NewConnectJob(
+ const std::string& group_name,
+ const Request& request,
+ ConnectJob::Delegate* delegate) const = 0;
+ virtual base::TimeDelta ConnectionTimeout() const = 0;
+ private:
+ };
+ ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper(
+ int max_sockets,
+ int max_sockets_per_group,
+ base::TimeDelta unused_idle_socket_timeout,
+ base::TimeDelta used_idle_socket_timeout,
+ ConnectJobFactory* connect_job_factory);
+ virtual ~ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper();
+ // Adds/Removes layered pools. It is expected in the destructor that no
+ // layered pools remain.
+ void AddLayeredPool(LayeredPool* pool);
+ void RemoveLayeredPool(LayeredPool* pool);
+ // See ClientSocketPool::RequestSocket for documentation on this function.
+ // ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper takes ownership of |request|, which must be
+ // heap allocated.
+ int RequestSocket(const std::string& group_name, const Request* request);
+ // See ClientSocketPool::RequestSocket for documentation on this function.
+ void RequestSockets(const std::string& group_name,
+ const Request& request,
+ int num_sockets);
+ // See ClientSocketPool::CancelRequest for documentation on this function.
+ void CancelRequest(const std::string& group_name,
+ ClientSocketHandle* handle);
+ // See ClientSocketPool::ReleaseSocket for documentation on this function.
+ void ReleaseSocket(const std::string& group_name,
+ scoped_ptr<StreamSocket> socket,
+ int id);
+ // See ClientSocketPool::FlushWithError for documentation on this function.
+ void FlushWithError(int error);
+ // See ClientSocketPool::IsStalled for documentation on this function.
+ bool IsStalled() const;
+ // See ClientSocketPool::CloseIdleSockets for documentation on this function.
+ void CloseIdleSockets();
+ // See ClientSocketPool::IdleSocketCount() for documentation on this function.
+ int idle_socket_count() const {
+ return idle_socket_count_;
+ }
+ // See ClientSocketPool::IdleSocketCountInGroup() for documentation on this
+ // function.
+ int IdleSocketCountInGroup(const std::string& group_name) const;
+ // See ClientSocketPool::GetLoadState() for documentation on this function.
+ LoadState GetLoadState(const std::string& group_name,
+ const ClientSocketHandle* handle) const;
+ base::TimeDelta ConnectRetryInterval() const {
+ // TODO(mbelshe): Make this tuned dynamically based on measured RTT.
+ // For now, just use the max retry interval.
+ return base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(
+ ClientSocketPool::kMaxConnectRetryIntervalMs);
+ }
+ int NumUnassignedConnectJobsInGroup(const std::string& group_name) const {
+ return group_map_.find(group_name)->second->unassigned_job_count();
+ }
+ int NumConnectJobsInGroup(const std::string& group_name) const {
+ return group_map_.find(group_name)->second->jobs().size();
+ }
+ int NumActiveSocketsInGroup(const std::string& group_name) const {
+ return group_map_.find(group_name)->second->active_socket_count();
+ }
+ bool HasGroup(const std::string& group_name) const;
+ // Called to enable/disable cleaning up idle sockets. When enabled,
+ // idle sockets that have been around for longer than a period defined
+ // by kCleanupInterval are cleaned up using a timer. Otherwise they are
+ // closed next time client makes a request. This may reduce network
+ // activity and power consumption.
+ static bool cleanup_timer_enabled();
+ static bool set_cleanup_timer_enabled(bool enabled);
+ // Closes all idle sockets if |force| is true. Else, only closes idle
+ // sockets that timed out or can't be reused. Made public for testing.
+ void CleanupIdleSockets(bool force);
+ // Closes one idle socket. Picks the first one encountered.
+ // TODO(willchan): Consider a better algorithm for doing this. Perhaps we
+ // should keep an ordered list of idle sockets, and close them in order.
+ // Requires maintaining more state. It's not clear if it's worth it since
+ // I'm not sure if we hit this situation often.
+ bool CloseOneIdleSocket();
+ // Checks layered pools to see if they can close an idle connection.
+ bool CloseOneIdleConnectionInLayeredPool();
+ // See ClientSocketPool::GetInfoAsValue for documentation on this function.
+ base::DictionaryValue* GetInfoAsValue(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& type) const;
+ base::TimeDelta ConnectionTimeout() const {
+ return connect_job_factory_->ConnectionTimeout();
+ }
+ static bool connect_backup_jobs_enabled();
+ static bool set_connect_backup_jobs_enabled(bool enabled);
+ void EnableConnectBackupJobs();
+ // ConnectJob::Delegate methods:
+ virtual void OnConnectJobComplete(int result, ConnectJob* job) OVERRIDE;
+ // NetworkChangeNotifier::IPAddressObserver methods:
+ virtual void OnIPAddressChanged() OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ friend class base::RefCounted<ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper>;
+ // Entry for a persistent socket which became idle at time |start_time|.
+ struct IdleSocket {
+ IdleSocket() : socket(NULL) {}
+ // An idle socket should be removed if it can't be reused, or has been idle
+ // for too long. |now| is the current time value (TimeTicks::Now()).
+ // |timeout| is the length of time to wait before timing out an idle socket.
+ //
+ // An idle socket can't be reused if it is disconnected or has received
+ // data unexpectedly (hence no longer idle). The unread data would be
+ // mistaken for the beginning of the next response if we were to reuse the
+ // socket for a new request.
+ bool ShouldCleanup(base::TimeTicks now, base::TimeDelta timeout) const;
+ StreamSocket* socket;
+ base::TimeTicks start_time;
+ };
+ typedef std::deque<const Request* > RequestQueue;
+ typedef std::map<const ClientSocketHandle*, const Request*> RequestMap;
+ // A Group is allocated per group_name when there are idle sockets or pending
+ // requests. Otherwise, the Group object is removed from the map.
+ // |active_socket_count| tracks the number of sockets held by clients.
+ class Group {
+ public:
+ Group();
+ ~Group();
+ bool IsEmpty() const {
+ return active_socket_count_ == 0 && idle_sockets_.empty() &&
+ jobs_.empty() && pending_requests_.empty();
+ }
+ bool HasAvailableSocketSlot(int max_sockets_per_group) const {
+ return NumActiveSocketSlots() < max_sockets_per_group;
+ }
+ int NumActiveSocketSlots() const {
+ return active_socket_count_ + static_cast<int>(jobs_.size()) +
+ static_cast<int>(idle_sockets_.size());
+ }
+ bool IsStalledOnPoolMaxSockets(int max_sockets_per_group) const {
+ return HasAvailableSocketSlot(max_sockets_per_group) &&
+ pending_requests_.size() > jobs_.size();
+ }
+ RequestPriority TopPendingPriority() const {
+ return pending_requests_.front()->priority();
+ }
+ bool HasBackupJob() const { return weak_factory_.HasWeakPtrs(); }
+ void CleanupBackupJob() {
+ weak_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
+ }
+ // Set a timer to create a backup socket if it takes too long to create one.
+ void StartBackupSocketTimer(const std::string& group_name,
+ ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper* pool);
+ // If there's a ConnectJob that's never been assigned to Request,
+ // decrements |unassigned_job_count_| and returns true.
+ // Otherwise, returns false.
+ bool TryToUseUnassignedConnectJob();
+ void AddJob(scoped_ptr<ConnectJob> job, bool is_preconnect);
+ // Remove |job| from this group, which must already own |job|.
+ void RemoveJob(ConnectJob* job);
+ void RemoveAllJobs();
+ void IncrementActiveSocketCount() { active_socket_count_++; }
+ void DecrementActiveSocketCount() { active_socket_count_--; }
+ int unassigned_job_count() const { return unassigned_job_count_; }
+ const std::set<ConnectJob*>& jobs() const { return jobs_; }
+ const std::list<IdleSocket>& idle_sockets() const { return idle_sockets_; }
+ const RequestQueue& pending_requests() const { return pending_requests_; }
+ int active_socket_count() const { return active_socket_count_; }
+ RequestQueue* mutable_pending_requests() { return &pending_requests_; }
+ std::list<IdleSocket>* mutable_idle_sockets() { return &idle_sockets_; }
+ private:
+ // Called when the backup socket timer fires.
+ void OnBackupSocketTimerFired(
+ std::string group_name,
+ ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper* pool);
+ // Checks that |unassigned_job_count_| does not execeed the number of
+ // ConnectJobs.
+ void SanityCheck();
+ // Total number of ConnectJobs that have never been assigned to a Request.
+ // Since jobs use late binding to requests, which ConnectJobs have or have
+ // not been assigned to a request are not tracked. This is incremented on
+ // preconnect and decremented when a preconnect is assigned, or when there
+ // are fewer than |unassigned_job_count_| ConnectJobs. Not incremented
+ // when a request is cancelled.
+ size_t unassigned_job_count_;
+ std::list<IdleSocket> idle_sockets_;
+ std::set<ConnectJob*> jobs_;
+ RequestQueue pending_requests_;
+ int active_socket_count_; // number of active sockets used by clients
+ // A factory to pin the backup_job tasks.
+ base::WeakPtrFactory<Group> weak_factory_;
+ };
+ typedef std::map<std::string, Group*> GroupMap;
+ typedef std::set<ConnectJob*> ConnectJobSet;
+ struct CallbackResultPair {
+ CallbackResultPair();
+ CallbackResultPair(const CompletionCallback& callback_in, int result_in);
+ ~CallbackResultPair();
+ CompletionCallback callback;
+ int result;
+ };
+ typedef std::map<const ClientSocketHandle*, CallbackResultPair>
+ PendingCallbackMap;
+ // Inserts the request into the queue based on order they will receive
+ // sockets. Sockets which ignore the socket pool limits are first. Then
+ // requests are sorted by priority, with higher priorities closer to the
+ // front. Older requests are prioritized over requests of equal priority.
+ static void InsertRequestIntoQueue(const Request* r,
+ RequestQueue* pending_requests);
+ static const Request* RemoveRequestFromQueue(const RequestQueue::iterator& it,
+ Group* group);
+ Group* GetOrCreateGroup(const std::string& group_name);
+ void RemoveGroup(const std::string& group_name);
+ void RemoveGroup(GroupMap::iterator it);
+ // Called when the number of idle sockets changes.
+ void IncrementIdleCount();
+ void DecrementIdleCount();
+ // Start cleanup timer for idle sockets.
+ void StartIdleSocketTimer();
+ // Scans the group map for groups which have an available socket slot and
+ // at least one pending request. Returns true if any groups are stalled, and
+ // if so (and if both |group| and |group_name| are not NULL), fills |group|
+ // and |group_name| with data of the stalled group having highest priority.
+ bool FindTopStalledGroup(Group** group, std::string* group_name) const;
+ // Called when timer_ fires. This method scans the idle sockets removing
+ // sockets that timed out or can't be reused.
+ void OnCleanupTimerFired() {
+ CleanupIdleSockets(false);
+ }
+ // Removes |job| from |group|, which must already own |job|.
+ void RemoveConnectJob(ConnectJob* job, Group* group);
+ // Tries to see if we can handle any more requests for |group|.
+ void OnAvailableSocketSlot(const std::string& group_name, Group* group);
+ // Process a pending socket request for a group.
+ void ProcessPendingRequest(const std::string& group_name, Group* group);
+ // Assigns |socket| to |handle| and updates |group|'s counters appropriately.
+ void HandOutSocket(scoped_ptr<StreamSocket> socket,
+ bool reused,
+ const LoadTimingInfo::ConnectTiming& connect_timing,
+ ClientSocketHandle* handle,
+ base::TimeDelta time_idle,
+ Group* group,
+ const BoundNetLog& net_log);
+ // Adds |socket| to the list of idle sockets for |group|.
+ void AddIdleSocket(scoped_ptr<StreamSocket> socket, Group* group);
+ // Iterates through |group_map_|, canceling all ConnectJobs and deleting
+ // groups if they are no longer needed.
+ void CancelAllConnectJobs();
+ // Iterates through |group_map_|, posting |error| callbacks for all
+ // requests, and then deleting groups if they are no longer needed.
+ void CancelAllRequestsWithError(int error);
+ // Returns true if we can't create any more sockets due to the total limit.
+ bool ReachedMaxSocketsLimit() const;
+ // This is the internal implementation of RequestSocket(). It differs in that
+ // it does not handle logging into NetLog of the queueing status of
+ // |request|.
+ int RequestSocketInternal(const std::string& group_name,
+ const Request* request);
+ // Assigns an idle socket for the group to the request.
+ // Returns |true| if an idle socket is available, false otherwise.
+ bool AssignIdleSocketToRequest(const Request* request, Group* group);
+ static void LogBoundConnectJobToRequest(
+ const NetLog::Source& connect_job_source, const Request* request);
+ // Same as CloseOneIdleSocket() except it won't close an idle socket in
+ // |group|. If |group| is NULL, it is ignored. Returns true if it closed a
+ // socket.
+ bool CloseOneIdleSocketExceptInGroup(const Group* group);
+ // Checks if there are stalled socket groups that should be notified
+ // for possible wakeup.
+ void CheckForStalledSocketGroups();
+ // Posts a task to call InvokeUserCallback() on the next iteration through the
+ // current message loop. Inserts |callback| into |pending_callback_map_|,
+ // keyed by |handle|.
+ void InvokeUserCallbackLater(
+ ClientSocketHandle* handle, const CompletionCallback& callback, int rv);
+ // Invokes the user callback for |handle|. By the time this task has run,
+ // it's possible that the request has been cancelled, so |handle| may not
+ // exist in |pending_callback_map_|. We look up the callback and result code
+ // in |pending_callback_map_|.
+ void InvokeUserCallback(ClientSocketHandle* handle);
+ // Tries to close idle sockets in a higher level socket pool as long as this
+ // this pool is stalled.
+ void TryToCloseSocketsInLayeredPools();
+ GroupMap group_map_;
+ // Map of the ClientSocketHandles for which we have a pending Task to invoke a
+ // callback. This is necessary since, before we invoke said callback, it's
+ // possible that the request is cancelled.
+ PendingCallbackMap pending_callback_map_;
+ // Timer used to periodically prune idle sockets that timed out or can't be
+ // reused.
+ base::RepeatingTimer<ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper> timer_;
+ // The total number of idle sockets in the system.
+ int idle_socket_count_;
+ // Number of connecting sockets across all groups.
+ int connecting_socket_count_;
+ // Number of connected sockets we handed out across all groups.
+ int handed_out_socket_count_;
+ // The maximum total number of sockets. See ReachedMaxSocketsLimit.
+ const int max_sockets_;
+ // The maximum number of sockets kept per group.
+ const int max_sockets_per_group_;
+ // Whether to use timer to cleanup idle sockets.
+ bool use_cleanup_timer_;
+ // The time to wait until closing idle sockets.
+ const base::TimeDelta unused_idle_socket_timeout_;
+ const base::TimeDelta used_idle_socket_timeout_;
+ const scoped_ptr<ConnectJobFactory> connect_job_factory_;
+ // TODO(vandebo) Remove when backup jobs move to TransportClientSocketPool
+ bool connect_backup_jobs_enabled_;
+ // A unique id for the pool. It gets incremented every time we
+ // FlushWithError() the pool. This is so that when sockets get released back
+ // to the pool, we can make sure that they are discarded rather than reused.
+ int pool_generation_number_;
+ std::set<LayeredPool*> higher_layer_pools_;
+ base::WeakPtrFactory<ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper> weak_factory_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper);
+} // namespace internal
+template <typename SocketParams>
+class ClientSocketPoolBase {
+ public:
+ class Request : public internal::ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::Request {
+ public:
+ Request(ClientSocketHandle* handle,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback,
+ RequestPriority priority,
+ internal::ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::Flags flags,
+ bool ignore_limits,
+ const scoped_refptr<SocketParams>& params,
+ const BoundNetLog& net_log)
+ : internal::ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::Request(
+ handle, callback, priority, ignore_limits, flags, net_log),
+ params_(params) {}
+ const scoped_refptr<SocketParams>& params() const { return params_; }
+ private:
+ const scoped_refptr<SocketParams> params_;
+ };
+ class ConnectJobFactory {
+ public:
+ ConnectJobFactory() {}
+ virtual ~ConnectJobFactory() {}
+ virtual scoped_ptr<ConnectJob> NewConnectJob(
+ const std::string& group_name,
+ const Request& request,
+ ConnectJob::Delegate* delegate) const = 0;
+ virtual base::TimeDelta ConnectionTimeout() const = 0;
+ private:
+ };
+ // |max_sockets| is the maximum number of sockets to be maintained by this
+ // ClientSocketPool. |max_sockets_per_group| specifies the maximum number of
+ // sockets a "group" can have. |unused_idle_socket_timeout| specifies how
+ // long to leave an unused idle socket open before closing it.
+ // |used_idle_socket_timeout| specifies how long to leave a previously used
+ // idle socket open before closing it.
+ ClientSocketPoolBase(
+ int max_sockets,
+ int max_sockets_per_group,
+ ClientSocketPoolHistograms* histograms,
+ base::TimeDelta unused_idle_socket_timeout,
+ base::TimeDelta used_idle_socket_timeout,
+ ConnectJobFactory* connect_job_factory)
+ : histograms_(histograms),
+ helper_(max_sockets, max_sockets_per_group,
+ unused_idle_socket_timeout, used_idle_socket_timeout,
+ new ConnectJobFactoryAdaptor(connect_job_factory)) {}
+ virtual ~ClientSocketPoolBase() {}
+ // These member functions simply forward to ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper.
+ void AddLayeredPool(LayeredPool* pool) {
+ helper_.AddLayeredPool(pool);
+ }
+ void RemoveLayeredPool(LayeredPool* pool) {
+ helper_.RemoveLayeredPool(pool);
+ }
+ // RequestSocket bundles up the parameters into a Request and then forwards to
+ // ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::RequestSocket().
+ int RequestSocket(const std::string& group_name,
+ const scoped_refptr<SocketParams>& params,
+ RequestPriority priority,
+ ClientSocketHandle* handle,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback,
+ const BoundNetLog& net_log) {
+ Request* request =
+ new Request(handle, callback, priority,
+ internal::ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::NORMAL,
+ params->ignore_limits(),
+ params, net_log);
+ return helper_.RequestSocket(group_name, request);
+ }
+ // RequestSockets bundles up the parameters into a Request and then forwards
+ // to ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::RequestSockets(). Note that it assigns the
+ // priority to DEFAULT_PRIORITY and specifies the NO_IDLE_SOCKETS flag.
+ void RequestSockets(const std::string& group_name,
+ const scoped_refptr<SocketParams>& params,
+ int num_sockets,
+ const BoundNetLog& net_log) {
+ const Request request(NULL /* no handle */,
+ CompletionCallback(),
+ internal::ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::NO_IDLE_SOCKETS,
+ params->ignore_limits(),
+ params,
+ net_log);
+ helper_.RequestSockets(group_name, request, num_sockets);
+ }
+ void CancelRequest(const std::string& group_name,
+ ClientSocketHandle* handle) {
+ return helper_.CancelRequest(group_name, handle);
+ }
+ void ReleaseSocket(const std::string& group_name,
+ scoped_ptr<StreamSocket> socket,
+ int id) {
+ return helper_.ReleaseSocket(group_name, socket.Pass(), id);
+ }
+ void FlushWithError(int error) { helper_.FlushWithError(error); }
+ bool IsStalled() const { return helper_.IsStalled(); }
+ void CloseIdleSockets() { return helper_.CloseIdleSockets(); }
+ int idle_socket_count() const { return helper_.idle_socket_count(); }
+ int IdleSocketCountInGroup(const std::string& group_name) const {
+ return helper_.IdleSocketCountInGroup(group_name);
+ }
+ LoadState GetLoadState(const std::string& group_name,
+ const ClientSocketHandle* handle) const {
+ return helper_.GetLoadState(group_name, handle);
+ }
+ virtual void OnConnectJobComplete(int result, ConnectJob* job) {
+ return helper_.OnConnectJobComplete(result, job);
+ }
+ int NumUnassignedConnectJobsInGroup(const std::string& group_name) const {
+ return helper_.NumUnassignedConnectJobsInGroup(group_name);
+ }
+ int NumConnectJobsInGroup(const std::string& group_name) const {
+ return helper_.NumConnectJobsInGroup(group_name);
+ }
+ int NumActiveSocketsInGroup(const std::string& group_name) const {
+ return helper_.NumActiveSocketsInGroup(group_name);
+ }
+ bool HasGroup(const std::string& group_name) const {
+ return helper_.HasGroup(group_name);
+ }
+ void CleanupIdleSockets(bool force) {
+ return helper_.CleanupIdleSockets(force);
+ }
+ base::DictionaryValue* GetInfoAsValue(const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& type) const {
+ return helper_.GetInfoAsValue(name, type);
+ }
+ base::TimeDelta ConnectionTimeout() const {
+ return helper_.ConnectionTimeout();
+ }
+ ClientSocketPoolHistograms* histograms() const {
+ return histograms_;
+ }
+ void EnableConnectBackupJobs() { helper_.EnableConnectBackupJobs(); }
+ bool CloseOneIdleSocket() { return helper_.CloseOneIdleSocket(); }
+ bool CloseOneIdleConnectionInLayeredPool() {
+ return helper_.CloseOneIdleConnectionInLayeredPool();
+ }
+ private:
+ // This adaptor class exists to bridge the
+ // internal::ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::ConnectJobFactory and
+ // ClientSocketPoolBase::ConnectJobFactory types, allowing clients to use the
+ // typesafe ClientSocketPoolBase::ConnectJobFactory, rather than having to
+ // static_cast themselves.
+ class ConnectJobFactoryAdaptor
+ : public internal::ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::ConnectJobFactory {
+ public:
+ typedef typename ClientSocketPoolBase<SocketParams>::ConnectJobFactory
+ ConnectJobFactory;
+ explicit ConnectJobFactoryAdaptor(ConnectJobFactory* connect_job_factory)
+ : connect_job_factory_(connect_job_factory) {}
+ virtual ~ConnectJobFactoryAdaptor() {}
+ virtual scoped_ptr<ConnectJob> NewConnectJob(
+ const std::string& group_name,
+ const internal::ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::Request& request,
+ ConnectJob::Delegate* delegate) const OVERRIDE {
+ const Request& casted_request = static_cast<const Request&>(request);
+ return connect_job_factory_->NewConnectJob(
+ group_name, casted_request, delegate);
+ }
+ virtual base::TimeDelta ConnectionTimeout() const {
+ return connect_job_factory_->ConnectionTimeout();
+ }
+ const scoped_ptr<ConnectJobFactory> connect_job_factory_;
+ };
+ // Histograms for the pool
+ ClientSocketPoolHistograms* const histograms_;
+ internal::ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper helper_;
+} // namespace net