path: root/chromium/net/tools/quic/quic_client.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/tools/quic/quic_client.h')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/tools/quic/quic_client.h b/chromium/net/tools/quic/quic_client.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ca20a8d2158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/tools/quic/quic_client.h
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+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// A toy client, which connects to a specified port and sends QUIC
+// request to that endpoint.
+#include <string>
+#include "base/command_line.h"
+#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
+#include "net/quic/crypto/crypto_handshake.h"
+#include "net/quic/quic_config.h"
+#include "net/quic/quic_framer.h"
+#include "net/quic/quic_packet_creator.h"
+#include "net/tools/flip_server/epoll_server.h"
+#include "net/tools/quic/quic_client_session.h"
+#include "net/tools/quic/quic_reliable_client_stream.h"
+namespace net {
+class ProofVerifier;
+namespace tools {
+class QuicEpollConnectionHelper;
+namespace test {
+class QuicClientPeer;
+} // namespace test
+class QuicClient : public EpollCallbackInterface {
+ public:
+ QuicClient(IPEndPoint server_address, const std::string& server_hostname,
+ const QuicVersion version);
+ QuicClient(IPEndPoint server_address,
+ const std::string& server_hostname,
+ const QuicConfig& config,
+ const QuicVersion version);
+ virtual ~QuicClient();
+ // Initializes the client to create a connection. Should be called exactly
+ // once before calling StartConnect or Connect. Returns true if the
+ // initialization succeeds, false otherwise.
+ bool Initialize();
+ // "Connect" to the QUIC server, including performing synchronous crypto
+ // handshake.
+ bool Connect();
+ // Start the crypto handshake. This can be done in place of the synchronous
+ // Connect(), but callers are responsible for making sure the crypto handshake
+ // completes.
+ bool StartConnect();
+ // Returns true if the crypto handshake has yet to establish encryption.
+ // Returns false if encryption is active (even if the server hasn't confirmed
+ // the handshake) or if the connection has been closed.
+ bool EncryptionBeingEstablished();
+ // Disconnects from the QUIC server.
+ void Disconnect();
+ // Sends a request simple GET for each URL in arg, and then waits for
+ // each to complete.
+ void SendRequestsAndWaitForResponse(const CommandLine::StringVector& args);
+ // Returns a newly created CreateReliableClientStream, owned by the
+ // QuicClient.
+ QuicReliableClientStream* CreateReliableClientStream();
+ // Wait for events until the stream with the given ID is closed.
+ void WaitForStreamToClose(QuicStreamId id);
+ // Wait for events until the handshake is confirmed.
+ void WaitForCryptoHandshakeConfirmed();
+ // Wait up to 50ms, and handle any events which occur.
+ // Returns true if there are any outstanding requests.
+ bool WaitForEvents();
+ // From EpollCallbackInterface
+ virtual void OnRegistration(
+ EpollServer* eps, int fd, int event_mask) OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void OnModification(int fd, int event_mask) OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void OnEvent(int fd, EpollEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
+ // |fd_| can be unregistered without the client being disconnected. This
+ // happens in b3m QuicProber where we unregister |fd_| to feed in events to
+ // the client from the SelectServer.
+ virtual void OnUnregistration(int fd, bool replaced) OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void OnShutdown(EpollServer* eps, int fd) OVERRIDE {}
+ QuicPacketCreator::Options* options();
+ QuicClientSession* session() { return session_.get(); }
+ bool connected() const;
+ int packets_dropped() { return packets_dropped_; }
+ void set_bind_to_address(IPAddressNumber address) {
+ bind_to_address_ = address;
+ }
+ IPAddressNumber bind_to_address() const { return bind_to_address_; }
+ void set_local_port(int local_port) { local_port_ = local_port; }
+ int local_port() { return local_port_; }
+ const IPEndPoint& server_address() const { return server_address_; }
+ const IPEndPoint& client_address() const { return client_address_; }
+ EpollServer* epoll_server() { return &epoll_server_; }
+ int fd() { return fd_; }
+ // This should only be set before the initial Connect()
+ void set_server_hostname(const string& hostname) {
+ server_hostname_ = hostname;
+ }
+ // SetProofVerifier sets the ProofVerifier that will be used to verify the
+ // server's certificate and takes ownership of |verifier|.
+ void SetProofVerifier(ProofVerifier* verifier) {
+ // TODO(rtenneti): We should set ProofVerifier in QuicClientSession.
+ crypto_config_.SetProofVerifier(verifier);
+ }
+ // SetChannelIDSigner sets a ChannelIDSigner that will be called when the
+ // server supports channel IDs to sign a message proving possession of the
+ // given ChannelID. This object takes ownership of |signer|.
+ void SetChannelIDSigner(ChannelIDSigner* signer) {
+ crypto_config_.SetChannelIDSigner(signer);
+ }
+ protected:
+ virtual QuicEpollConnectionHelper* CreateQuicConnectionHelper();
+ private:
+ friend class net::tools::test::QuicClientPeer;
+ // Read a UDP packet and hand it to the framer.
+ bool ReadAndProcessPacket();
+ // Set of streams created (and owned) by this client
+ base::hash_set<QuicReliableClientStream*> streams_;
+ // Address of the server.
+ const IPEndPoint server_address_;
+ // Hostname of the server. This may be a DNS name or an IP address literal.
+ std::string server_hostname_;
+ // config_ and crypto_config_ contain configuration and cached state about
+ // servers.
+ QuicConfig config_;
+ QuicCryptoClientConfig crypto_config_;
+ // Address of the client if the client is connected to the server.
+ IPEndPoint client_address_;
+ // If initialized, the address to bind to.
+ IPAddressNumber bind_to_address_;
+ // Local port to bind to. Initialize to 0.
+ int local_port_;
+ // Session which manages streams.
+ scoped_ptr<QuicClientSession> session_;
+ // Listens for events on the client socket.
+ EpollServer epoll_server_;
+ // UDP socket.
+ int fd_;
+ // Tracks if the client is initialized to connect.
+ bool initialized_;
+ // If overflow_supported_ is true, this will be the number of packets dropped
+ // during the lifetime of the server. This may overflow if enough packets
+ // are dropped.
+ int packets_dropped_;
+ // True if the kernel supports SO_RXQ_OVFL, the number of packets dropped
+ // because the socket would otherwise overflow.
+ bool overflow_supported_;
+ // Which QUIC version does this client talk?
+ QuicVersion version_;
+} // namespace tools
+} // namespace net