path: root/chromium/net/tools/quic/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/tools/quic/')
1 files changed, 322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/tools/quic/ b/chromium/net/tools/quic/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a2fc4f84cb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/tools/quic/
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "net/tools/quic/quic_time_wait_list_manager.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/stl_util.h"
+#include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
+#include "net/quic/crypto/crypto_protocol.h"
+#include "net/quic/crypto/quic_decrypter.h"
+#include "net/quic/crypto/quic_encrypter.h"
+#include "net/quic/quic_clock.h"
+#include "net/quic/quic_framer.h"
+#include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h"
+#include "net/quic/quic_utils.h"
+using std::make_pair;
+namespace net {
+namespace tools {
+namespace {
+// Time period for which the guid should live in time wait state..
+const int kTimeWaitSeconds = 5;
+} // namespace
+// A very simple alarm that just informs the QuicTimeWaitListManager to clean
+// up old guids. This alarm should be unregistered and deleted before the
+// QuicTimeWaitListManager is deleted.
+class GuidCleanUpAlarm : public EpollAlarm {
+ public:
+ explicit GuidCleanUpAlarm(QuicTimeWaitListManager* time_wait_list_manager)
+ : time_wait_list_manager_(time_wait_list_manager) {
+ }
+ virtual int64 OnAlarm() OVERRIDE {
+ EpollAlarm::OnAlarm();
+ time_wait_list_manager_->CleanUpOldGuids();
+ // Let the time wait manager register the alarm at appropriate time.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ private:
+ // Not owned.
+ QuicTimeWaitListManager* time_wait_list_manager_;
+struct QuicTimeWaitListManager::GuidAddTime {
+ GuidAddTime(QuicGuid guid, const QuicTime& time)
+ : guid(guid),
+ time_added(time) {
+ }
+ QuicGuid guid;
+ QuicTime time_added;
+// This class stores pending public reset packets to be sent to clients.
+// server_address - server address on which a packet what was received for
+// a guid in time wait state.
+// client_address - address of the client that sent that packet. Needed to send
+// the public reset packet back to the client.
+// packet - the pending public reset packet that is to be sent to the client.
+// created instance takes the ownership of this packet.
+class QuicTimeWaitListManager::QueuedPacket {
+ public:
+ QueuedPacket(const IPEndPoint& server_address,
+ const IPEndPoint& client_address,
+ QuicEncryptedPacket* packet)
+ : server_address_(server_address),
+ client_address_(client_address),
+ packet_(packet) {
+ }
+ const IPEndPoint& server_address() const { return server_address_; }
+ const IPEndPoint& client_address() const { return client_address_; }
+ QuicEncryptedPacket* packet() { return packet_.get(); }
+ private:
+ const IPEndPoint server_address_;
+ const IPEndPoint client_address_;
+ scoped_ptr<QuicEncryptedPacket> packet_;
+ QuicPacketWriter* writer,
+ EpollServer* epoll_server)
+ : framer_(QuicVersionMax(),
+ QuicTime::Zero(), // unused
+ true),
+ epoll_server_(epoll_server),
+ kTimeWaitPeriod_(QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(kTimeWaitSeconds)),
+ guid_clean_up_alarm_(new GuidCleanUpAlarm(this)),
+ clock_(epoll_server),
+ writer_(writer),
+ is_write_blocked_(false) {
+ framer_.set_visitor(this);
+ SetGuidCleanUpAlarm();
+QuicTimeWaitListManager::~QuicTimeWaitListManager() {
+ guid_clean_up_alarm_->UnregisterIfRegistered();
+ STLDeleteElements(&time_ordered_guid_list_);
+ STLDeleteElements(&pending_packets_queue_);
+void QuicTimeWaitListManager::AddGuidToTimeWait(QuicGuid guid,
+ QuicVersion version) {
+ DCHECK(!IsGuidInTimeWait(guid));
+ // Initialize the guid with 0 packets received.
+ GuidData data(0, version);
+ guid_map_.insert(make_pair(guid, data));
+ time_ordered_guid_list_.push_back(new GuidAddTime(guid,
+ clock_.ApproximateNow()));
+bool QuicTimeWaitListManager::IsGuidInTimeWait(QuicGuid guid) const {
+ return guid_map_.find(guid) != guid_map_.end();
+void QuicTimeWaitListManager::ProcessPacket(
+ const IPEndPoint& server_address,
+ const IPEndPoint& client_address,
+ QuicGuid guid,
+ const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) {
+ DCHECK(IsGuidInTimeWait(guid));
+ server_address_ = server_address;
+ client_address_ = client_address;
+ // Set the framer to the appropriate version for this GUID, before processing.
+ QuicVersion version = GetQuicVersionFromGuid(guid);
+ framer_.set_version(version);
+ framer_.ProcessPacket(packet);
+QuicVersion QuicTimeWaitListManager::GetQuicVersionFromGuid(QuicGuid guid) {
+ GuidMapIterator it = guid_map_.find(guid);
+ DCHECK(it != guid_map_.end());
+ return (it->second).version;
+bool QuicTimeWaitListManager::OnCanWrite() {
+ is_write_blocked_ = false;
+ while (!is_write_blocked_ && !pending_packets_queue_.empty()) {
+ QueuedPacket* queued_packet = pending_packets_queue_.front();
+ WriteToWire(queued_packet);
+ if (!is_write_blocked_) {
+ pending_packets_queue_.pop_front();
+ delete queued_packet;
+ }
+ }
+ return !is_write_blocked_;
+void QuicTimeWaitListManager::OnError(QuicFramer* framer) {
+ DLOG(INFO) << QuicUtils::ErrorToString(framer->error());
+bool QuicTimeWaitListManager::OnProtocolVersionMismatch(
+ QuicVersion received_version) {
+ // Drop such packets whose version don't match.
+ return false;
+bool QuicTimeWaitListManager::OnStreamFrame(const QuicStreamFrame& frame) {
+ return false;
+bool QuicTimeWaitListManager::OnAckFrame(const QuicAckFrame& frame) {
+ return false;
+bool QuicTimeWaitListManager::OnCongestionFeedbackFrame(
+ const QuicCongestionFeedbackFrame& frame) {
+ return false;
+bool QuicTimeWaitListManager::OnRstStreamFrame(
+ const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) {
+ return false;
+bool QuicTimeWaitListManager::OnConnectionCloseFrame(
+ const QuicConnectionCloseFrame & frame) {
+ return false;
+bool QuicTimeWaitListManager::OnGoAwayFrame(const QuicGoAwayFrame& frame) {
+ return false;
+bool QuicTimeWaitListManager::OnPacketHeader(const QuicPacketHeader& header) {
+ // TODO(satyamshekhar): Think about handling packets from different client
+ // addresses.
+ GuidMapIterator it = guid_map_.find(header.public_header.guid);
+ DCHECK(it != guid_map_.end());
+ // Increment the received packet count.
+ ++((it->second).num_packets);
+ if (ShouldSendPublicReset((it->second).num_packets)) {
+ // We don't need the packet anymore. Just tell the client what sequence
+ // number we rejected.
+ SendPublicReset(server_address_,
+ client_address_,
+ header.public_header.guid,
+ header.packet_sequence_number);
+ }
+ // Never process the body of the packet in time wait state.
+ return false;
+// Returns true if the number of packets received for this guid is a power of 2
+// to throttle the number of public reset packets we send to a client.
+bool QuicTimeWaitListManager::ShouldSendPublicReset(int received_packet_count) {
+ return (received_packet_count & (received_packet_count - 1)) == 0;
+void QuicTimeWaitListManager::SendPublicReset(
+ const IPEndPoint& server_address,
+ const IPEndPoint& client_address,
+ QuicGuid guid,
+ QuicPacketSequenceNumber rejected_sequence_number) {
+ QuicPublicResetPacket packet;
+ packet.public_header.guid = guid;
+ packet.public_header.reset_flag = true;
+ packet.public_header.version_flag = false;
+ packet.rejected_sequence_number = rejected_sequence_number;
+ // TODO(satyamshekhar): generate a valid nonce for this guid.
+ packet.nonce_proof = 1010101;
+ QueuedPacket* queued_packet = new QueuedPacket(
+ server_address,
+ client_address,
+ framer_.BuildPublicResetPacket(packet));
+ // Takes ownership of the packet.
+ SendOrQueuePacket(queued_packet);
+// Either sends the packet and deletes it or makes pending queue the
+// owner of the packet.
+void QuicTimeWaitListManager::SendOrQueuePacket(QueuedPacket* packet) {
+ if (!is_write_blocked_) {
+ // TODO(satyamshekhar): Handle packets that fail due to error other than
+ WriteToWire(packet);
+ }
+ if (is_write_blocked_) {
+ // pending_packets_queue takes the ownership of the queued packet.
+ pending_packets_queue_.push_back(packet);
+ } else {
+ delete packet;
+ }
+void QuicTimeWaitListManager::WriteToWire(QueuedPacket* queued_packet) {
+ DCHECK(!is_write_blocked_);
+ int error;
+ int rc = writer_->WritePacket(queued_packet->packet()->data(),
+ queued_packet->packet()->length(),
+ queued_packet->server_address().address(),
+ queued_packet->client_address(),
+ this,
+ &error);
+ if (rc == -1) {
+ if (error == EAGAIN || error == EWOULDBLOCK) {
+ is_write_blocked_ = true;
+ } else {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Received unknown error while sending reset packet to "
+ << queued_packet->client_address().ToString() << ": "
+ << strerror(error);
+ }
+ }
+void QuicTimeWaitListManager::SetGuidCleanUpAlarm() {
+ guid_clean_up_alarm_->UnregisterIfRegistered();
+ int64 next_alarm_interval;
+ if (!time_ordered_guid_list_.empty()) {
+ GuidAddTime* oldest_guid = time_ordered_guid_list_.front();
+ QuicTime now = clock_.ApproximateNow();
+ DCHECK(now.Subtract(oldest_guid->time_added) < kTimeWaitPeriod_);
+ next_alarm_interval = oldest_guid->time_added
+ .Add(kTimeWaitPeriod_)
+ .Subtract(now)
+ .ToMicroseconds();
+ } else {
+ // No guids added so none will expire before kTimeWaitPeriod_.
+ next_alarm_interval = kTimeWaitPeriod_.ToMicroseconds();
+ }
+ epoll_server_->RegisterAlarmApproximateDelta(next_alarm_interval,
+ guid_clean_up_alarm_.get());
+void QuicTimeWaitListManager::CleanUpOldGuids() {
+ QuicTime now = clock_.ApproximateNow();
+ while (time_ordered_guid_list_.size() > 0) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(time_ordered_guid_list_.size(), guid_map_.size());
+ GuidAddTime* oldest_guid = time_ordered_guid_list_.front();
+ if (now.Subtract(oldest_guid->time_added) < kTimeWaitPeriod_) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // This guid has lived its age, retire it now.
+ guid_map_.erase(oldest_guid->guid);
+ time_ordered_guid_list_.pop_front();
+ delete oldest_guid;
+ }
+ SetGuidCleanUpAlarm();
+} // namespace tools
+} // namespace net