path: root/chromium/net/url_request/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/url_request/')
1 files changed, 1541 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/url_request/ b/chromium/net/url_request/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7cc1674b181
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/url_request/
@@ -0,0 +1,1541 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "net/url_request/url_fetcher_impl.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <string>
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/file_util.h"
+#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h"
+#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
+#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread.h"
+#include "build/build_config.h"
+#include "crypto/nss_util.h"
+#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
+#include "net/dns/mock_host_resolver.h"
+#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
+#include "net/test/spawned_test_server/spawned_test_server.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_fetcher_delegate.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_test_util.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_throttler_manager.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#if defined(USE_NSS) || defined(OS_IOS)
+#include "net/ocsp/nss_ocsp.h"
+namespace net {
+using base::Time;
+using base::TimeDelta;
+// TODO(eroman): Add a regression test for
+namespace {
+// TODO(akalin): Move all the test data to somewhere under net/.
+const base::FilePath::CharType kDocRoot[] =
+ FILE_PATH_LITERAL("chrome/test/data");
+const char kTestServerFilePrefix[] = "files/";
+class ThrottlingTestURLRequestContext : public TestURLRequestContext {
+ public:
+ ThrottlingTestURLRequestContext() : TestURLRequestContext(true) {
+ set_throttler_manager(&throttler_manager_);
+ Init();
+ DCHECK(throttler_manager() != NULL);
+ }
+ private:
+ URLRequestThrottlerManager throttler_manager_;
+class ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter
+ : public TestURLRequestContextGetter {
+ public:
+ ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ base::MessageLoopProxy* io_message_loop_proxy,
+ TestURLRequestContext* request_context)
+ : TestURLRequestContextGetter(io_message_loop_proxy),
+ context_(request_context) {
+ }
+ // TestURLRequestContextGetter:
+ virtual TestURLRequestContext* GetURLRequestContext() OVERRIDE {
+ return context_;
+ }
+ protected:
+ virtual ~ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter() {}
+ TestURLRequestContext* const context_;
+} // namespace
+class URLFetcherTest : public testing::Test,
+ public URLFetcherDelegate {
+ public:
+ URLFetcherTest() : fetcher_(NULL) {}
+ static int GetNumFetcherCores() {
+ return URLFetcherImpl::GetNumFetcherCores();
+ }
+ // Creates a URLFetcher, using the program's main thread to do IO.
+ virtual void CreateFetcher(const GURL& url);
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ // Subclasses that override this should either call this function or
+ // CleanupAfterFetchComplete() at the end of their processing, depending on
+ // whether they want to check for a non-empty HTTP 200 response or not.
+ virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE;
+ // Deletes |fetcher| and terminates the message loop.
+ void CleanupAfterFetchComplete();
+ scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> io_message_loop_proxy() {
+ return io_message_loop_proxy_;
+ }
+ TestURLRequestContext* request_context() {
+ return context_.get();
+ }
+ protected:
+ // testing::Test:
+ virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
+ testing::Test::SetUp();
+ context_.reset(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContext());
+ io_message_loop_proxy_ = base::MessageLoopProxy::current();
+#if defined(USE_NSS) || defined(OS_IOS)
+ crypto::EnsureNSSInit();
+ EnsureNSSHttpIOInit();
+ }
+ virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
+#if defined(USE_NSS) || defined(OS_IOS)
+ ShutdownNSSHttpIO();
+ }
+ // URLFetcher is designed to run on the main UI thread, but in our tests
+ // we assume that the current thread is the IO thread where the URLFetcher
+ // dispatches its requests to. When we wish to simulate being used from
+ // a UI thread, we dispatch a worker thread to do so.
+ scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> io_message_loop_proxy_;
+ URLFetcherImpl* fetcher_;
+ scoped_ptr<TestURLRequestContext> context_;
+// A test fixture that uses a MockHostResolver, so that name resolutions can
+// be manipulated by the tests to keep connections in the resolving state.
+class URLFetcherMockDnsTest : public URLFetcherTest {
+ public:
+ // testing::Test:
+ virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE;
+ // URLFetcherTest:
+ virtual void CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE;
+ protected:
+ GURL test_url_;
+ scoped_ptr<SpawnedTestServer> test_server_;
+ MockHostResolver resolver_;
+ scoped_ptr<URLFetcher> completed_fetcher_;
+void URLFetcherTest::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) {
+ fetcher_ = new URLFetcherImpl(url, URLFetcher::GET, this);
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ io_message_loop_proxy().get(), request_context()));
+ fetcher_->Start();
+void URLFetcherTest::OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetStatus().is_success());
+ EXPECT_EQ(200, source->GetResponseCode()); // HTTP OK
+ std::string data;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetResponseAsString(&data));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(data.empty());
+ CleanupAfterFetchComplete();
+void URLFetcherTest::CleanupAfterFetchComplete() {
+ delete fetcher_; // Have to delete this here and not in the destructor,
+ // because the destructor won't necessarily run on the
+ // same thread that CreateFetcher() did.
+ io_message_loop_proxy()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ base::MessageLoop::QuitClosure());
+ // If the current message loop is not the IO loop, it will be shut down when
+ // the main loop returns and this thread subsequently goes out of scope.
+void URLFetcherMockDnsTest::SetUp() {
+ URLFetcherTest::SetUp();
+ resolver_.set_ondemand_mode(true);
+ resolver_.rules()->AddRule("", "");
+ context_.reset(new TestURLRequestContext(true));
+ context_->set_host_resolver(&resolver_);
+ context_->Init();
+ test_server_.reset(new SpawnedTestServer(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server_->Start());
+ // test_server_.GetURL() returns a URL with (kLocalhost), that is
+ // immediately resolved by the MockHostResolver. Use a hostname instead to
+ // trigger an async resolve.
+ test_url_ = GURL(
+ base::StringPrintf("",
+ test_server_->host_port_pair().port()));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_url_.is_valid());
+void URLFetcherMockDnsTest::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) {
+ fetcher_ = new URLFetcherImpl(url, URLFetcher::GET, this);
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ io_message_loop_proxy().get(), request_context()));
+void URLFetcherMockDnsTest::OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) {
+ io_message_loop_proxy()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ base::MessageLoop::QuitClosure());
+ ASSERT_EQ(fetcher_, source);
+ EXPECT_EQ(test_url_, source->GetOriginalURL());
+ completed_fetcher_.reset(fetcher_);
+namespace {
+// Version of URLFetcherTest that does a POST instead
+class URLFetcherPostTest : public URLFetcherTest {
+ public:
+ // URLFetcherTest:
+ virtual void CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE;
+// Version of URLFetcherTest that does a POST of a file using
+// SetUploadDataStream
+class URLFetcherPostFileTest : public URLFetcherTest {
+ public:
+ URLFetcherPostFileTest();
+ void SetUploadRange(uint64 range_offset, uint64 range_length) {
+ range_offset_ = range_offset;
+ range_length_ = range_length;
+ }
+ // URLFetcherTest:
+ virtual void CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ base::FilePath path_;
+ uint64 range_offset_;
+ uint64 range_length_;
+// Version of URLFetcherTest that does a POST instead with empty upload body
+class URLFetcherEmptyPostTest : public URLFetcherTest {
+ public:
+ // URLFetcherTest:
+ virtual void CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE;
+// Version of URLFetcherTest that tests download progress reports.
+class URLFetcherDownloadProgressTest : public URLFetcherTest {
+ public:
+ URLFetcherDownloadProgressTest()
+ : previous_progress_(0),
+ expected_total_(0) {
+ }
+ // URLFetcherTest:
+ virtual void CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ virtual void OnURLFetchDownloadProgress(const URLFetcher* source,
+ int64 current,
+ int64 total) OVERRIDE;
+ protected:
+ // Download progress returned by the previous callback.
+ int64 previous_progress_;
+ // Size of the file being downloaded, known in advance (provided by each test
+ // case).
+ int64 expected_total_;
+// Version of URLFetcherTest that tests progress reports at cancellation.
+class URLFetcherDownloadProgressCancelTest : public URLFetcherTest {
+ public:
+ // URLFetcherTest:
+ virtual void CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnURLFetchDownloadProgress(const URLFetcher* source,
+ int64 current,
+ int64 total) OVERRIDE;
+ protected:
+ bool cancelled_;
+// Version of URLFetcherTest that tests upload progress reports.
+class URLFetcherUploadProgressTest : public URLFetcherTest {
+ public:
+ // URLFetcherTest:
+ virtual void CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ virtual void OnURLFetchUploadProgress(const URLFetcher* source,
+ int64 current,
+ int64 total) OVERRIDE;
+ protected:
+ int64 previous_progress_;
+ std::string chunk_;
+ int64 number_of_chunks_added_;
+// Version of URLFetcherTest that tests headers.
+class URLFetcherHeadersTest : public URLFetcherTest {
+ public:
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE;
+// Version of URLFetcherTest that tests SocketAddress.
+class URLFetcherSocketAddressTest : public URLFetcherTest {
+ public:
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE;
+ protected:
+ std::string expected_host_;
+ uint16 expected_port_;
+// Version of URLFetcherTest that tests stopping on a redirect.
+class URLFetcherStopOnRedirectTest : public URLFetcherTest {
+ public:
+ URLFetcherStopOnRedirectTest();
+ virtual ~URLFetcherStopOnRedirectTest();
+ // URLFetcherTest:
+ virtual void CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE;
+ protected:
+ // The URL we should be redirected to.
+ static const char* kRedirectTarget;
+ bool callback_called_; // Set to true in OnURLFetchComplete().
+// Version of URLFetcherTest that tests overload protection.
+class URLFetcherProtectTest : public URLFetcherTest {
+ public:
+ // URLFetcherTest:
+ virtual void CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ Time start_time_;
+// Version of URLFetcherTest that tests overload protection, when responses
+// passed through.
+class URLFetcherProtectTestPassedThrough : public URLFetcherTest {
+ public:
+ // URLFetcherTest:
+ virtual void CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ Time start_time_;
+// Version of URLFetcherTest that tests bad HTTPS requests.
+class URLFetcherBadHTTPSTest : public URLFetcherTest {
+ public:
+ URLFetcherBadHTTPSTest();
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ base::FilePath cert_dir_;
+// Version of URLFetcherTest that tests request cancellation on shutdown.
+class URLFetcherCancelTest : public URLFetcherTest {
+ public:
+ // URLFetcherTest:
+ virtual void CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE;
+ void CancelRequest();
+// Version of TestURLRequestContext that posts a Quit task to the IO
+// thread once it is deleted.
+class CancelTestURLRequestContext : public ThrottlingTestURLRequestContext {
+ public:
+ explicit CancelTestURLRequestContext() {
+ }
+ private:
+ virtual ~CancelTestURLRequestContext() {
+ // The d'tor should execute in the IO thread. Post the quit task to the
+ // current thread.
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ base::MessageLoop::QuitClosure());
+ }
+class CancelTestURLRequestContextGetter
+ : public TestURLRequestContextGetter {
+ public:
+ CancelTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ base::MessageLoopProxy* io_message_loop_proxy,
+ const GURL& throttle_for_url)
+ : TestURLRequestContextGetter(io_message_loop_proxy),
+ io_message_loop_proxy_(io_message_loop_proxy),
+ context_created_(false, false),
+ throttle_for_url_(throttle_for_url) {
+ }
+ // TestURLRequestContextGetter:
+ virtual TestURLRequestContext* GetURLRequestContext() OVERRIDE {
+ if (!context_.get()) {
+ context_.reset(new CancelTestURLRequestContext());
+ DCHECK(context_->throttler_manager());
+ // Registers an entry for test url. The backoff time is calculated by:
+ // new_backoff = 2.0 * old_backoff + 0
+ // The initial backoff is 2 seconds and maximum backoff is 4 seconds.
+ // Maximum retries allowed is set to 2.
+ scoped_refptr<URLRequestThrottlerEntry> entry(
+ new URLRequestThrottlerEntry(context_->throttler_manager(),
+ std::string(),
+ 200,
+ 3,
+ 2000,
+ 2.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 4000));
+ context_->throttler_manager()
+ ->OverrideEntryForTests(throttle_for_url_, entry.get());
+ context_created_.Signal();
+ }
+ return context_.get();
+ }
+ virtual scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> GetIOMessageLoopProxy() const {
+ return io_message_loop_proxy_;
+ }
+ void WaitForContextCreation() {
+ context_created_.Wait();
+ }
+ protected:
+ virtual ~CancelTestURLRequestContextGetter() {}
+ private:
+ scoped_ptr<TestURLRequestContext> context_;
+ scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> io_message_loop_proxy_;
+ base::WaitableEvent context_created_;
+ GURL throttle_for_url_;
+// Version of URLFetcherTest that tests retying the same request twice.
+class URLFetcherMultipleAttemptTest : public URLFetcherTest {
+ public:
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ std::string data_;
+class URLFetcherFileTest : public URLFetcherTest {
+ public:
+ URLFetcherFileTest() : take_ownership_of_file_(false),
+ expected_file_error_(OK) {}
+ void CreateFetcherForFile(const GURL& url, const base::FilePath& file_path);
+ void CreateFetcherForTempFile(const GURL& url);
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE;
+ protected:
+ base::FilePath expected_file_;
+ base::FilePath file_path_;
+ // Set by the test. Used in OnURLFetchComplete() to decide if
+ // the URLFetcher should own the temp file, so that we can test
+ // disowning prevents the file from being deleted.
+ bool take_ownership_of_file_;
+ // Expected file error code for the test. OK when expecting success.
+ int expected_file_error_;
+void URLFetcherPostTest::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) {
+ fetcher_ = new URLFetcherImpl(url, URLFetcher::POST, this);
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ io_message_loop_proxy().get(), request_context()));
+ fetcher_->SetUploadData("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "bobsyeruncle");
+ fetcher_->Start();
+void URLFetcherPostTest::OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) {
+ std::string data;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetResponseAsString(&data));
+ EXPECT_EQ(std::string("bobsyeruncle"), data);
+ URLFetcherTest::OnURLFetchComplete(source);
+ : range_offset_(0),
+ range_length_(kuint64max) {
+ PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &path_);
+ path_ = path_.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("net"));
+ path_ = path_.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("data"));
+ path_ = path_.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("url_request_unittest"));
+ path_ = path_.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("BullRunSpeech.txt"));
+void URLFetcherPostFileTest::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) {
+ fetcher_ = new URLFetcherImpl(url, URLFetcher::POST, this);
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ io_message_loop_proxy().get(), request_context()));
+ fetcher_->SetUploadFilePath("application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
+ path_,
+ range_offset_,
+ range_length_,
+ base::MessageLoopProxy::current());
+ fetcher_->Start();
+void URLFetcherPostFileTest::OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) {
+ std::string expected;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(path_, &expected));
+ ASSERT_LE(range_offset_, expected.size());
+ uint64 expected_size =
+ std::min(range_length_, expected.size() - range_offset_);
+ std::string data;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetResponseAsString(&data));
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected.substr(range_offset_, expected_size), data);
+ URLFetcherTest::OnURLFetchComplete(source);
+void URLFetcherEmptyPostTest::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) {
+ fetcher_ = new URLFetcherImpl(url, URLFetcher::POST, this);
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new TestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ io_message_loop_proxy()));
+ fetcher_->SetUploadData("text/plain", std::string());
+ fetcher_->Start();
+void URLFetcherEmptyPostTest::OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetStatus().is_success());
+ EXPECT_EQ(200, source->GetResponseCode()); // HTTP OK
+ std::string data;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetResponseAsString(&data));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(data.empty());
+ CleanupAfterFetchComplete();
+ // Do not call the super class method URLFetcherTest::OnURLFetchComplete,
+ // since it expects a non-empty response.
+void URLFetcherDownloadProgressTest::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) {
+ fetcher_ = new URLFetcherImpl(url, URLFetcher::GET, this);
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ io_message_loop_proxy().get(), request_context()));
+ fetcher_->Start();
+void URLFetcherDownloadProgressTest::OnURLFetchDownloadProgress(
+ const URLFetcher* source, int64 progress, int64 total) {
+ // Increasing between 0 and total.
+ EXPECT_LE(0, progress);
+ EXPECT_GE(total, progress);
+ EXPECT_LE(previous_progress_, progress);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_total_, total);
+ previous_progress_ = progress;
+void URLFetcherDownloadProgressCancelTest::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) {
+ fetcher_ = new URLFetcherImpl(url, URLFetcher::GET, this);
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ io_message_loop_proxy().get(), request_context()));
+ cancelled_ = false;
+ fetcher_->Start();
+void URLFetcherDownloadProgressCancelTest::OnURLFetchDownloadProgress(
+ const URLFetcher* source, int64 current, int64 total) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cancelled_);
+ if (!cancelled_) {
+ cancelled_ = true;
+ CleanupAfterFetchComplete();
+ }
+void URLFetcherDownloadProgressCancelTest::OnURLFetchComplete(
+ const URLFetcher* source) {
+ // Should have been cancelled.
+ CleanupAfterFetchComplete();
+void URLFetcherUploadProgressTest::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) {
+ fetcher_ = new URLFetcherImpl(url, URLFetcher::POST, this);
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ io_message_loop_proxy().get(), request_context()));
+ previous_progress_ = 0;
+ // Large enough data to require more than one read from UploadDataStream.
+ chunk_.assign(1<<16, 'a');
+ // Use chunked upload to wait for a timer event of progress notification.
+ fetcher_->SetChunkedUpload("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
+ fetcher_->Start();
+ number_of_chunks_added_ = 1;
+ fetcher_->AppendChunkToUpload(chunk_, false);
+void URLFetcherUploadProgressTest::OnURLFetchUploadProgress(
+ const URLFetcher* source, int64 current, int64 total) {
+ // Increasing between 0 and total.
+ EXPECT_LE(0, current);
+ EXPECT_GE(static_cast<int64>(chunk_.size()) * number_of_chunks_added_,
+ current);
+ EXPECT_LE(previous_progress_, current);
+ previous_progress_ = current;
+ EXPECT_EQ(-1, total);
+ if (number_of_chunks_added_ < 2) {
+ number_of_chunks_added_ += 1;
+ fetcher_->AppendChunkToUpload(chunk_, true);
+ }
+void URLFetcherHeadersTest::OnURLFetchComplete(
+ const URLFetcher* source) {
+ std::string header;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetResponseHeaders()->GetNormalizedHeader("cache-control",
+ &header));
+ EXPECT_EQ("private", header);
+ URLFetcherTest::OnURLFetchComplete(source);
+void URLFetcherSocketAddressTest::OnURLFetchComplete(
+ const URLFetcher* source) {
+ EXPECT_EQ("", source->GetSocketAddress().host());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_port_, source->GetSocketAddress().port());
+ URLFetcherTest::OnURLFetchComplete(source);
+// static
+const char* URLFetcherStopOnRedirectTest::kRedirectTarget =
+ "";
+ : callback_called_(false) {
+URLFetcherStopOnRedirectTest::~URLFetcherStopOnRedirectTest() {
+void URLFetcherStopOnRedirectTest::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) {
+ fetcher_ = new URLFetcherImpl(url, URLFetcher::GET, this);
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ io_message_loop_proxy().get(), request_context()));
+ fetcher_->SetStopOnRedirect(true);
+ fetcher_->Start();
+void URLFetcherStopOnRedirectTest::OnURLFetchComplete(
+ const URLFetcher* source) {
+ callback_called_ = true;
+ EXPECT_EQ(GURL(kRedirectTarget), source->GetURL());
+ EXPECT_EQ(URLRequestStatus::CANCELED, source->GetStatus().status());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ERR_ABORTED, source->GetStatus().error());
+ EXPECT_EQ(301, source->GetResponseCode());
+ CleanupAfterFetchComplete();
+void URLFetcherProtectTest::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) {
+ fetcher_ = new URLFetcherImpl(url, URLFetcher::GET, this);
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ io_message_loop_proxy().get(), request_context()));
+ start_time_ = Time::Now();
+ fetcher_->SetMaxRetriesOn5xx(11);
+ fetcher_->Start();
+void URLFetcherProtectTest::OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) {
+ const TimeDelta one_second = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1000);
+ if (source->GetResponseCode() >= 500) {
+ // Now running ServerUnavailable test.
+ // It takes more than 1 second to finish all 11 requests.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Time::Now() - start_time_ >= one_second);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetStatus().is_success());
+ std::string data;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetResponseAsString(&data));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(data.empty());
+ CleanupAfterFetchComplete();
+ } else {
+ // Now running Overload test.
+ static int count = 0;
+ count++;
+ if (count < 20) {
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ io_message_loop_proxy().get(), request_context()));
+ fetcher_->Start();
+ } else {
+ // We have already sent 20 requests continuously. And we expect that
+ // it takes more than 1 second due to the overload protection settings.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Time::Now() - start_time_ >= one_second);
+ URLFetcherTest::OnURLFetchComplete(source);
+ }
+ }
+void URLFetcherProtectTestPassedThrough::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) {
+ fetcher_ = new URLFetcherImpl(url, URLFetcher::GET, this);
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ io_message_loop_proxy().get(), request_context()));
+ fetcher_->SetAutomaticallyRetryOn5xx(false);
+ start_time_ = Time::Now();
+ fetcher_->SetMaxRetriesOn5xx(11);
+ fetcher_->Start();
+void URLFetcherProtectTestPassedThrough::OnURLFetchComplete(
+ const URLFetcher* source) {
+ const TimeDelta one_minute = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(60000);
+ if (source->GetResponseCode() >= 500) {
+ // Now running ServerUnavailable test.
+ // It should get here on the first attempt, so almost immediately and
+ // *not* to attempt to execute all 11 requests (2.5 minutes).
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Time::Now() - start_time_ < one_minute);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetStatus().is_success());
+ // Check that suggested back off time is bigger than 0.
+ EXPECT_GT(fetcher_->GetBackoffDelay().InMicroseconds(), 0);
+ std::string data;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetResponseAsString(&data));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(data.empty());
+ } else {
+ // We should not get here!
+ }
+ CleanupAfterFetchComplete();
+URLFetcherBadHTTPSTest::URLFetcherBadHTTPSTest() {
+ PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &cert_dir_);
+ cert_dir_ = cert_dir_.AppendASCII("chrome");
+ cert_dir_ = cert_dir_.AppendASCII("test");
+ cert_dir_ = cert_dir_.AppendASCII("data");
+ cert_dir_ = cert_dir_.AppendASCII("ssl");
+ cert_dir_ = cert_dir_.AppendASCII("certificates");
+// The "server certificate expired" error should result in automatic
+// cancellation of the request by
+// URLRequest::Delegate::OnSSLCertificateError.
+void URLFetcherBadHTTPSTest::OnURLFetchComplete(
+ const URLFetcher* source) {
+ // This part is different from URLFetcherTest::OnURLFetchComplete
+ // because this test expects the request to be cancelled.
+ EXPECT_EQ(URLRequestStatus::CANCELED, source->GetStatus().status());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ERR_ABORTED, source->GetStatus().error());
+ EXPECT_EQ(-1, source->GetResponseCode());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetCookies().empty());
+ std::string data;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetResponseAsString(&data));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(data.empty());
+ CleanupAfterFetchComplete();
+void URLFetcherCancelTest::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) {
+ fetcher_ = new URLFetcherImpl(url, URLFetcher::GET, this);
+ CancelTestURLRequestContextGetter* context_getter =
+ new CancelTestURLRequestContextGetter(io_message_loop_proxy().get(), url);
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(context_getter);
+ fetcher_->SetMaxRetriesOn5xx(2);
+ fetcher_->Start();
+ // We need to wait for the creation of the URLRequestContext, since we
+ // rely on it being destroyed as a signal to end the test.
+ context_getter->WaitForContextCreation();
+ CancelRequest();
+void URLFetcherCancelTest::OnURLFetchComplete(
+ const URLFetcher* source) {
+ // We should have cancelled the request before completion.
+ CleanupAfterFetchComplete();
+void URLFetcherCancelTest::CancelRequest() {
+ delete fetcher_;
+ // The URLFetcher's test context will post a Quit task once it is
+ // deleted. So if this test simply hangs, it means cancellation
+ // did not work.
+void URLFetcherMultipleAttemptTest::OnURLFetchComplete(
+ const URLFetcher* source) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetStatus().is_success());
+ EXPECT_EQ(200, source->GetResponseCode()); // HTTP OK
+ std::string data;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetResponseAsString(&data));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(data.empty());
+ if (!data.empty() && data_.empty()) {
+ data_ = data;
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ io_message_loop_proxy().get(), request_context()));
+ fetcher_->Start();
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_EQ(data, data_);
+ CleanupAfterFetchComplete();
+ }
+void URLFetcherFileTest::CreateFetcherForFile(const GURL& url,
+ const base::FilePath& file_path) {
+ fetcher_ = new URLFetcherImpl(url, URLFetcher::GET, this);
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ io_message_loop_proxy().get(), request_context()));
+ // Use the IO message loop to do the file operations in this test.
+ fetcher_->SaveResponseToFileAtPath(file_path, io_message_loop_proxy());
+ fetcher_->Start();
+void URLFetcherFileTest::CreateFetcherForTempFile(const GURL& url) {
+ fetcher_ = new URLFetcherImpl(url, URLFetcher::GET, this);
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ io_message_loop_proxy().get(), request_context()));
+ // Use the IO message loop to do the file operations in this test.
+ fetcher_->SaveResponseToTemporaryFile(io_message_loop_proxy());
+ fetcher_->Start();
+void URLFetcherFileTest::OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) {
+ if (expected_file_error_ == OK) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetStatus().is_success());
+ EXPECT_EQ(source->GetResponseCode(), 200);
+ int error_code = OK;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(fetcher_->FileErrorOccurred(&error_code));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetResponseAsFilePath(
+ take_ownership_of_file_, &file_path_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(base::ContentsEqual(expected_file_, file_path_));
+ } else {
+ int error_code = OK;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher_->FileErrorOccurred(&error_code));
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_file_error_, error_code);
+ }
+ CleanupAfterFetchComplete();
+TEST_F(URLFetcherTest, SameThreadsTest) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ // Create the fetcher on the main thread. Since IO will happen on the main
+ // thread, this will test URLFetcher's ability to do everything on one
+ // thread.
+ CreateFetcher(test_server.GetURL("defaultresponse"));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(URLFetcherTest, DifferentThreadsTest) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ // Create a separate thread that will create the URLFetcher. The current
+ // (main) thread will do the IO, and when the fetch is complete it will
+ // terminate the main thread's message loop; then the other thread's
+ // message loop will be shut down automatically as the thread goes out of
+ // scope.
+ base::Thread t("URLFetcher test thread");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t.Start());
+ t.message_loop()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(&URLFetcherTest::CreateFetcher,
+ base::Unretained(this),
+ test_server.GetURL("defaultresponse")));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+void CancelAllOnIO() {
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, URLFetcherTest::GetNumFetcherCores());
+ URLFetcherImpl::CancelAll();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, URLFetcherTest::GetNumFetcherCores());
+// Tests to make sure CancelAll() will successfully cancel existing URLFetchers.
+TEST_F(URLFetcherTest, CancelAll) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetNumFetcherCores());
+ CreateFetcher(test_server.GetURL("defaultresponse"));
+ io_message_loop_proxy()->PostTaskAndReply(
+ FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&CancelAllOnIO), base::MessageLoop::QuitClosure());
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetNumFetcherCores());
+ delete fetcher_;
+TEST_F(URLFetcherMockDnsTest, DontRetryOnNetworkChangedByDefault) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetNumFetcherCores());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(resolver_.has_pending_requests());
+ // This posts a task to start the fetcher.
+ CreateFetcher(test_url_);
+ fetcher_->Start();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetNumFetcherCores());
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
+ // The fetcher is now running, but is pending the host resolve.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, GetNumFetcherCores());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resolver_.has_pending_requests());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(completed_fetcher_);
+ // A network change notification aborts the connect job.
+ NetworkChangeNotifier::NotifyObserversOfIPAddressChangeForTests();
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetNumFetcherCores());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(resolver_.has_pending_requests());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(completed_fetcher_);
+ // And the owner of the fetcher gets the ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED error.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED, completed_fetcher_->GetStatus().error());
+TEST_F(URLFetcherMockDnsTest, RetryOnNetworkChangedAndFail) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetNumFetcherCores());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(resolver_.has_pending_requests());
+ // This posts a task to start the fetcher.
+ CreateFetcher(test_url_);
+ fetcher_->SetAutomaticallyRetryOnNetworkChanges(3);
+ fetcher_->Start();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetNumFetcherCores());
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
+ // The fetcher is now running, but is pending the host resolve.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, GetNumFetcherCores());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resolver_.has_pending_requests());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(completed_fetcher_);
+ // Make it fail 3 times.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ // A network change notification aborts the connect job.
+ NetworkChangeNotifier::NotifyObserversOfIPAddressChangeForTests();
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
+ // But the fetcher retries automatically.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, GetNumFetcherCores());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resolver_.has_pending_requests());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(completed_fetcher_);
+ }
+ // A 4th failure doesn't trigger another retry, and propagates the error
+ // to the owner of the fetcher.
+ NetworkChangeNotifier::NotifyObserversOfIPAddressChangeForTests();
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetNumFetcherCores());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(resolver_.has_pending_requests());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(completed_fetcher_);
+ // And the owner of the fetcher gets the ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED error.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED, completed_fetcher_->GetStatus().error());
+TEST_F(URLFetcherMockDnsTest, RetryOnNetworkChangedAndSucceed) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetNumFetcherCores());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(resolver_.has_pending_requests());
+ // This posts a task to start the fetcher.
+ CreateFetcher(test_url_);
+ fetcher_->SetAutomaticallyRetryOnNetworkChanges(3);
+ fetcher_->Start();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetNumFetcherCores());
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
+ // The fetcher is now running, but is pending the host resolve.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, GetNumFetcherCores());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resolver_.has_pending_requests());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(completed_fetcher_);
+ // Make it fail 3 times.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ // A network change notification aborts the connect job.
+ NetworkChangeNotifier::NotifyObserversOfIPAddressChangeForTests();
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
+ // But the fetcher retries automatically.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, GetNumFetcherCores());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(resolver_.has_pending_requests());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(completed_fetcher_);
+ }
+ // Now let it succeed by resolving the pending request.
+ resolver_.ResolveAllPending();
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+ // URLFetcherMockDnsTest::OnURLFetchComplete() will quit the loop.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetNumFetcherCores());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(resolver_.has_pending_requests());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(completed_fetcher_);
+ // This time the request succeeded.
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, completed_fetcher_->GetStatus().error());
+ EXPECT_EQ(200, completed_fetcher_->GetResponseCode());
+TEST_F(URLFetcherPostTest, Basic) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ CreateFetcher(test_server.GetURL("echo"));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(URLFetcherPostFileTest, Basic) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ CreateFetcher(test_server.GetURL("echo"));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(URLFetcherPostFileTest, Range) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ SetUploadRange(30, 100);
+ CreateFetcher(test_server.GetURL("echo"));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(URLFetcherEmptyPostTest, Basic) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ CreateFetcher(test_server.GetURL("echo"));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(URLFetcherUploadProgressTest, Basic) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ CreateFetcher(test_server.GetURL("echo"));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(URLFetcherDownloadProgressTest, Basic) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ // Get a file large enough to require more than one read into
+ // URLFetcher::Core's IOBuffer.
+ static const char kFileToFetch[] = "animate1.gif";
+ // Hardcoded file size - it cannot be easily fetched when a remote http server
+ // is used for testing.
+ static const int64 kFileSize = 19021;
+ expected_total_ = kFileSize;
+ CreateFetcher(test_server.GetURL(
+ std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(URLFetcherDownloadProgressCancelTest, CancelWhileProgressReport) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ // Get a file large enough to require more than one read into
+ // URLFetcher::Core's IOBuffer.
+ static const char kFileToFetch[] = "animate1.gif";
+ CreateFetcher(test_server.GetURL(
+ std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(URLFetcherHeadersTest, Headers) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(
+ SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("net/data/url_request_unittest")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ CreateFetcher(test_server.GetURL("files/with-headers.html"));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+ // The actual tests are in the URLFetcherHeadersTest fixture.
+TEST_F(URLFetcherSocketAddressTest, SocketAddress) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(
+ SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("net/data/url_request_unittest")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ expected_port_ = test_server.host_port_pair().port();
+ // Reusing "with-headers.html" but doesn't really matter.
+ CreateFetcher(test_server.GetURL("files/with-headers.html"));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+ // The actual tests are in the URLFetcherSocketAddressTest fixture.
+TEST_F(URLFetcherStopOnRedirectTest, StopOnRedirect) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ CreateFetcher(
+ test_server.GetURL(std::string("server-redirect?") + kRedirectTarget));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(callback_called_);
+TEST_F(URLFetcherProtectTest, Overload) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ GURL url(test_server.GetURL("defaultresponse"));
+ // Registers an entry for test url. It only allows 3 requests to be sent
+ // in 200 milliseconds.
+ scoped_refptr<URLRequestThrottlerEntry> entry(
+ new URLRequestThrottlerEntry(request_context()->throttler_manager(),
+ std::string(),
+ 200,
+ 3,
+ 1,
+ 2.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 256));
+ request_context()->throttler_manager()
+ ->OverrideEntryForTests(url, entry.get());
+ CreateFetcher(url);
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(URLFetcherProtectTest, ServerUnavailable) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ GURL url(test_server.GetURL("files/server-unavailable.html"));
+ // Registers an entry for test url. The backoff time is calculated by:
+ // new_backoff = 2.0 * old_backoff + 0
+ // and maximum backoff time is 256 milliseconds.
+ // Maximum retries allowed is set to 11.
+ scoped_refptr<URLRequestThrottlerEntry> entry(
+ new URLRequestThrottlerEntry(request_context()->throttler_manager(),
+ std::string(),
+ 200,
+ 3,
+ 1,
+ 2.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 256));
+ request_context()->throttler_manager()
+ ->OverrideEntryForTests(url, entry.get());
+ CreateFetcher(url);
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(URLFetcherProtectTestPassedThrough, ServerUnavailablePropagateResponse) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ GURL url(test_server.GetURL("files/server-unavailable.html"));
+ // Registers an entry for test url. The backoff time is calculated by:
+ // new_backoff = 2.0 * old_backoff + 0
+ // and maximum backoff time is 150000 milliseconds.
+ // Maximum retries allowed is set to 11.
+ scoped_refptr<URLRequestThrottlerEntry> entry(
+ new URLRequestThrottlerEntry(request_context()->throttler_manager(),
+ std::string(),
+ 200,
+ 3,
+ 100,
+ 2.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 150000));
+ // Total time if *not* for not doing automatic backoff would be 150s.
+ // In reality it should be "as soon as server responds".
+ request_context()->throttler_manager()
+ ->OverrideEntryForTests(url, entry.get());
+ CreateFetcher(url);
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(URLFetcherBadHTTPSTest, BadHTTPSTest) {
+ SpawnedTestServer::SSLOptions ssl_options(
+ SpawnedTestServer::SSLOptions::CERT_EXPIRED);
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTPS,
+ ssl_options,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ CreateFetcher(test_server.GetURL("defaultresponse"));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(URLFetcherCancelTest, ReleasesContext) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ GURL url(test_server.GetURL("files/server-unavailable.html"));
+ // Create a separate thread that will create the URLFetcher. The current
+ // (main) thread will do the IO, and when the fetch is complete it will
+ // terminate the main thread's message loop; then the other thread's
+ // message loop will be shut down automatically as the thread goes out of
+ // scope.
+ base::Thread t("URLFetcher test thread");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t.Start());
+ t.message_loop()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(&URLFetcherCancelTest::CreateFetcher,
+ base::Unretained(this), url));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(URLFetcherCancelTest, CancelWhileDelayedStartTaskPending) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ GURL url(test_server.GetURL("files/server-unavailable.html"));
+ // Register an entry for test url.
+ // Using a sliding window of 4 seconds, and max of 1 request, under a fast
+ // run we expect to have a 4 second delay when posting the Start task.
+ scoped_refptr<URLRequestThrottlerEntry> entry(
+ new URLRequestThrottlerEntry(request_context()->throttler_manager(),
+ std::string(),
+ 4000,
+ 1,
+ 2000,
+ 2.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 4000));
+ request_context()->throttler_manager()
+ ->OverrideEntryForTests(url, entry.get());
+ // Fake that a request has just started.
+ entry->ReserveSendingTimeForNextRequest(base::TimeTicks());
+ // The next request we try to send will be delayed by ~4 seconds.
+ // The slower the test runs, the less the delay will be (since it takes the
+ // time difference from now).
+ base::Thread t("URLFetcher test thread");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(t.Start());
+ t.message_loop()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(&URLFetcherTest::CreateFetcher, base::Unretained(this), url));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(URLFetcherMultipleAttemptTest, SameData) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ // Create the fetcher on the main thread. Since IO will happen on the main
+ // thread, this will test URLFetcher's ability to do everything on one
+ // thread.
+ CreateFetcher(test_server.GetURL("defaultresponse"));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(URLFetcherFileTest, SmallGet) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir.CreateUniqueTempDir());
+ // Get a small file.
+ static const char kFileToFetch[] = "simple.html";
+ expected_file_ = test_server.GetDocumentRoot().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ CreateFetcherForFile(
+ test_server.GetURL(std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch),
+ temp_dir.path().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // OnURLFetchComplete() will Quit().
+ ASSERT_FALSE(base::PathExists(file_path_))
+ << file_path_.value() << " not removed.";
+TEST_F(URLFetcherFileTest, LargeGet) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir.CreateUniqueTempDir());
+ // Get a file large enough to require more than one read into
+ // URLFetcher::Core's IOBuffer.
+ static const char kFileToFetch[] = "animate1.gif";
+ expected_file_ = test_server.GetDocumentRoot().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ CreateFetcherForFile(
+ test_server.GetURL(std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch),
+ temp_dir.path().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // OnURLFetchComplete() will Quit().
+TEST_F(URLFetcherFileTest, SavedOutputFileOwnerhisp) {
+ // If the caller takes the ownership of the output file, the file should
+ // persist even after URLFetcher is gone. If not, the file must be deleted.
+ const bool kTake[] = {false, true};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kTake); ++i) {
+ take_ownership_of_file_ = kTake[i];
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir.CreateUniqueTempDir());
+ // Get a small file.
+ static const char kFileToFetch[] = "simple.html";
+ expected_file_ = test_server.GetDocumentRoot().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ CreateFetcherForFile(
+ test_server.GetURL(std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch),
+ temp_dir.path().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // OnURLFetchComplete() will Quit().
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
+ ASSERT_EQ(kTake[i], base::PathExists(file_path_)) <<
+ "FilePath: " << file_path_.value();
+ }
+TEST_F(URLFetcherFileTest, OverwriteExistingFile) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir.CreateUniqueTempDir());
+ // Create a file before trying to fetch.
+ static const char kFileToFetch[] = "simple.html";
+ std::string data(10000, '?'); // Meant to be larger than simple.html.
+ file_path_ = temp_dir.path().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<int>(data.size()),
+ file_util::WriteFile(file_path_,, data.size()));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(file_path_));
+ expected_file_ = test_server.GetDocumentRoot().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(base::ContentsEqual(file_path_, expected_file_));
+ // Get a small file.
+ CreateFetcherForFile(
+ test_server.GetURL(std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch),
+ file_path_);
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // OnURLFetchComplete() will Quit().
+TEST_F(URLFetcherFileTest, TryToOverwriteDirectory) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir.CreateUniqueTempDir());
+ // Create a directory before trying to fetch.
+ static const char kFileToFetch[] = "simple.html";
+ file_path_ = temp_dir.path().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::CreateDirectory(file_path_));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(file_path_));
+ // Get a small file.
+ expected_file_error_ = ERR_ACCESS_DENIED;
+ expected_file_ = test_server.GetDocumentRoot().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ CreateFetcherForFile(
+ test_server.GetURL(std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch),
+ file_path_);
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // OnURLFetchComplete() will Quit().
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
+TEST_F(URLFetcherFileTest, SmallGetToTempFile) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ // Get a small file.
+ static const char kFileToFetch[] = "simple.html";
+ expected_file_ = test_server.GetDocumentRoot().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ CreateFetcherForTempFile(
+ test_server.GetURL(std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // OnURLFetchComplete() will Quit().
+ ASSERT_FALSE(base::PathExists(file_path_))
+ << file_path_.value() << " not removed.";
+TEST_F(URLFetcherFileTest, LargeGetToTempFile) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ // Get a file large enough to require more than one read into
+ // URLFetcher::Core's IOBuffer.
+ static const char kFileToFetch[] = "animate1.gif";
+ expected_file_ = test_server.GetDocumentRoot().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ CreateFetcherForTempFile(test_server.GetURL(
+ std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // OnURLFetchComplete() will Quit().
+TEST_F(URLFetcherFileTest, SavedOutputTempFileOwnerhisp) {
+ // If the caller takes the ownership of the temp file, the file should persist
+ // even after URLFetcher is gone. If not, the file must be deleted.
+ const bool kTake[] = {false, true};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kTake); ++i) {
+ take_ownership_of_file_ = kTake[i];
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTP,
+ SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost,
+ base::FilePath(kDocRoot));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ // Get a small file.
+ static const char kFileToFetch[] = "simple.html";
+ expected_file_ = test_server.GetDocumentRoot().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ CreateFetcherForTempFile(test_server.GetURL(
+ std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // OnURLFetchComplete() will Quit().
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
+ ASSERT_EQ(kTake[i], base::PathExists(file_path_)) <<
+ "FilePath: " << file_path_.value();
+ }
+} // namespace
+} // namespace net