path: root/chromium/sandbox/win/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/sandbox/win/src/')
1 files changed, 454 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/sandbox/win/src/ b/chromium/sandbox/win/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e8a39ed6122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/sandbox/win/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "sandbox/win/src/policy_engine_opcodes.h"
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox_nt_types.h"
+#include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox_types.h"
+namespace {
+const unsigned short kMaxUniStrSize = 0xfffc;
+bool InitStringUnicode(const wchar_t* source, size_t length,
+ UNICODE_STRING* ustring) {
+ ustring->Buffer = const_cast<wchar_t*>(source);
+ ustring->Length = static_cast<USHORT>(length) * sizeof(wchar_t);
+ if (length > kMaxUniStrSize) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ ustring->MaximumLength = (NULL != source) ?
+ ustring->Length + sizeof(wchar_t) : 0;
+ return true;
+} // namespace
+namespace sandbox {
+// Note: The opcodes are implemented as functions (as opposed to classes derived
+// from PolicyOpcode) because you should not add more member variables to the
+// PolicyOpcode class since it would cause object slicing on the target. So to
+// enforce that (instead of just trusting the developer) the opcodes became
+// just functions.
+// In the code that follows I have keep the evaluation function and the factory
+// function together to stress the close relationship between both. For example,
+// only the factory method and the evaluation function know the stored argument
+// order and meaning.
+template <int>
+EvalResult OpcodeEval(PolicyOpcode* opcode, const ParameterSet* pp,
+ MatchContext* match);
+// Opcode OpAlwaysFalse:
+// Does not require input parameter.
+PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeOpAlwaysFalse(uint32 options) {
+ return MakeBase(OP_ALWAYS_FALSE, options, -1);
+template <>
+EvalResult OpcodeEval<OP_ALWAYS_FALSE>(PolicyOpcode* opcode,
+ const ParameterSet* param,
+ MatchContext* context) {
+ return EVAL_FALSE;
+// Opcode OpAlwaysTrue:
+// Does not require input parameter.
+PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeOpAlwaysTrue(uint32 options) {
+ return MakeBase(OP_ALWAYS_TRUE, options, -1);
+template <>
+EvalResult OpcodeEval<OP_ALWAYS_TRUE>(PolicyOpcode* opcode,
+ const ParameterSet* param,
+ MatchContext* context) {
+ return EVAL_TRUE;
+// Opcode OpAction:
+// Does not require input parameter.
+// Argument 0 contains the actual action to return.
+PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeOpAction(EvalResult action,
+ uint32 options) {
+ PolicyOpcode* opcode = MakeBase(OP_ACTION, options, 0);
+ if (NULL == opcode) return NULL;
+ opcode->SetArgument(0, action);
+ return opcode;
+template <>
+EvalResult OpcodeEval<OP_ACTION>(PolicyOpcode* opcode,
+ const ParameterSet* param,
+ MatchContext* context) {
+ int action = 0;
+ opcode->GetArgument(0, &action);
+ return static_cast<EvalResult>(action);
+// Opcode OpNumberMatch:
+// Requires a unsigned long or void* in selected_param
+// Argument 0 is the stored number to match.
+// Argument 1 is the C++ type of the 0th argument.
+PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeOpNumberMatch(int16 selected_param,
+ unsigned long match,
+ uint32 options) {
+ PolicyOpcode* opcode = MakeBase(OP_NUMBER_MATCH, options, selected_param);
+ if (NULL == opcode) return NULL;
+ opcode->SetArgument(0, match);
+ opcode->SetArgument(1, ULONG_TYPE);
+ return opcode;
+PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeOpVoidPtrMatch(int16 selected_param,
+ const void* match,
+ uint32 options) {
+ PolicyOpcode* opcode = MakeBase(OP_NUMBER_MATCH, options, selected_param);
+ if (NULL == opcode) return NULL;
+ opcode->SetArgument(0, match);
+ opcode->SetArgument(1, VOIDPTR_TYPE);
+ return opcode;
+template <>
+EvalResult OpcodeEval<OP_NUMBER_MATCH>(PolicyOpcode* opcode,
+ const ParameterSet* param,
+ MatchContext* context) {
+ unsigned long value_ulong = 0;
+ if (param->Get(&value_ulong)) {
+ unsigned long match_ulong = 0;
+ opcode->GetArgument(0, &match_ulong);
+ return (match_ulong != value_ulong)? EVAL_FALSE : EVAL_TRUE;
+ } else {
+ const void* value_ptr = NULL;
+ if (param->Get(&value_ptr)) {
+ const void* match_ptr = NULL;
+ opcode->GetArgument(0, &match_ptr);
+ return (match_ptr != value_ptr)? EVAL_FALSE : EVAL_TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return EVAL_ERROR;
+// Opcode OpUlongMatchRange
+// Requires a unsigned long in selected_param.
+// Argument 0 is the stored lower bound to match.
+// Argument 1 is the stored upper bound to match.
+PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeOpUlongMatchRange(int16 selected_param,
+ unsigned long lower_bound,
+ unsigned long upper_bound,
+ uint32 options) {
+ if (lower_bound > upper_bound) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ PolicyOpcode* opcode = MakeBase(OP_ULONG_MATCH_RANGE, options,
+ selected_param);
+ if (NULL == opcode) return NULL;
+ opcode->SetArgument(0, lower_bound);
+ opcode->SetArgument(1, upper_bound);
+ return opcode;
+template <>
+EvalResult OpcodeEval<OP_ULONG_MATCH_RANGE>(PolicyOpcode* opcode,
+ const ParameterSet* param,
+ MatchContext* context) {
+ unsigned long value = 0;
+ if (!param->Get(&value)) return EVAL_ERROR;
+ unsigned long lower_bound = 0;
+ unsigned long upper_bound = 0;
+ opcode->GetArgument(0, &lower_bound);
+ opcode->GetArgument(1, &upper_bound);
+ return((lower_bound <= value) && (upper_bound >= value))?
+// Opcode OpUlongAndMatch:
+// Requires a unsigned long in selected_param.
+// Argument 0 is the stored number to match.
+PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeOpUlongAndMatch(int16 selected_param,
+ unsigned long match,
+ uint32 options) {
+ PolicyOpcode* opcode = MakeBase(OP_ULONG_AND_MATCH, options, selected_param);
+ if (NULL == opcode) return NULL;
+ opcode->SetArgument(0, match);
+ return opcode;
+template <>
+EvalResult OpcodeEval<OP_ULONG_AND_MATCH>(PolicyOpcode* opcode,
+ const ParameterSet* param,
+ MatchContext* context) {
+ unsigned long value = 0;
+ if (!param->Get(&value)) return EVAL_ERROR;
+ unsigned long number = 0;
+ opcode->GetArgument(0, &number);
+ return (number & value)? EVAL_TRUE : EVAL_FALSE;
+// Opcode OpWStringMatch:
+// Requires a wchar_t* in selected_param.
+// Argument 0 is the byte displacement of the stored string.
+// Argument 1 is the lenght in chars of the stored string.
+// Argument 2 is the offset to apply on the input string. It has special values.
+// as noted in the header file.
+// Argument 3 is the string matching options.
+PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeOpWStringMatch(int16 selected_param,
+ const wchar_t* match_str,
+ int start_position,
+ StringMatchOptions match_opts,
+ uint32 options) {
+ if (NULL == match_str) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ('\0' == match_str[0]) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int lenght = lstrlenW(match_str);
+ PolicyOpcode* opcode = MakeBase(OP_WSTRING_MATCH, options, selected_param);
+ if (NULL == opcode) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ptrdiff_t delta_str = AllocRelative(opcode, match_str, wcslen(match_str)+1);
+ if (0 == delta_str) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ opcode->SetArgument(0, delta_str);
+ opcode->SetArgument(1, lenght);
+ opcode->SetArgument(2, start_position);
+ opcode->SetArgument(3, match_opts);
+ return opcode;
+EvalResult OpcodeEval<OP_WSTRING_MATCH>(PolicyOpcode* opcode,
+ const ParameterSet* param,
+ MatchContext* context) {
+ if (NULL == context) {
+ return EVAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ const wchar_t* source_str = NULL;
+ if (!param->Get(&source_str)) return EVAL_ERROR;
+ int start_position = 0;
+ int match_len = 0;
+ unsigned int match_opts = 0;
+ opcode->GetArgument(1, &match_len);
+ opcode->GetArgument(2, &start_position);
+ opcode->GetArgument(3, &match_opts);
+ const wchar_t* match_str = opcode->GetRelativeString(0);
+ // Advance the source string to the last successfully evaluated position
+ // according to the match context.
+ source_str = &source_str[context->position];
+ int source_len = static_cast<int>(g_nt.wcslen(source_str));
+ if (0 == source_len) {
+ // If we reached the end of the source string there is nothing we can
+ // match against.
+ return EVAL_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (match_len > source_len) {
+ // There can't be a positive match when the target string is bigger than
+ // the source string
+ return EVAL_FALSE;
+ }
+ BOOL case_sensitive = (match_opts & CASE_INSENSITIVE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ // We have three cases, depending on the value of start_pos:
+ // Case 1. We skip N characters and compare once.
+ // Case 2: We skip to the end and compare once.
+ // Case 3: We match the first substring (if we find any).
+ if (start_position >= 0) {
+ if (kSeekToEnd == start_position) {
+ start_position = source_len - match_len;
+ } else if (match_opts & EXACT_LENGHT) {
+ // A sub-case of case 3 is when the EXACT_LENGHT flag is on
+ // the match needs to be not just substring but full match.
+ if ((match_len + start_position) != source_len) {
+ return EVAL_FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ // Advance start_pos characters. Warning! this does not consider
+ // utf16 encodings (surrogate pairs) or other Unicode 'features'.
+ source_str += start_position;
+ // Since we skipped, lets reevaluate just the lengths again.
+ if ((match_len + start_position) > source_len) {
+ return EVAL_FALSE;
+ }
+ UNICODE_STRING match_ustr;
+ InitStringUnicode(match_str, match_len, &match_ustr);
+ UNICODE_STRING source_ustr;
+ InitStringUnicode(source_str, match_len, &source_ustr);
+ if (0 == g_nt.RtlCompareUnicodeString(&match_ustr, &source_ustr,
+ case_sensitive)) {
+ // Match! update the match context.
+ context->position += start_position + match_len;
+ return EVAL_TRUE;
+ } else {
+ return EVAL_FALSE;
+ }
+ } else if (start_position < 0) {
+ UNICODE_STRING match_ustr;
+ InitStringUnicode(match_str, match_len, &match_ustr);
+ UNICODE_STRING source_ustr;
+ InitStringUnicode(source_str, match_len, &source_ustr);
+ do {
+ if (0 == g_nt.RtlCompareUnicodeString(&match_ustr, &source_ustr,
+ case_sensitive)) {
+ // Match! update the match context.
+ context->position += (source_ustr.Buffer - source_str) + match_len;
+ return EVAL_TRUE;
+ }
+ ++source_ustr.Buffer;
+ --source_len;
+ } while (source_len >= match_len);
+ }
+ return EVAL_FALSE;
+// OpcodeMaker (other member functions).
+PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeBase(OpcodeID opcode_id,
+ uint32 options,
+ int16 selected_param) {
+ if (memory_size() < sizeof(PolicyOpcode)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Create opcode using placement-new on the buffer memory.
+ PolicyOpcode* opcode = new(memory_top_) PolicyOpcode();
+ // Fill in the standard fields, that every opcode has.
+ memory_top_ += sizeof(PolicyOpcode);
+ opcode->opcode_id_ = opcode_id;
+ opcode->options_ = static_cast<int16>(options);
+ opcode->parameter_ = selected_param;
+ return opcode;
+ptrdiff_t OpcodeFactory::AllocRelative(void* start, const wchar_t* str,
+ size_t lenght) {
+ size_t bytes = lenght * sizeof(wchar_t);
+ if (memory_size() < bytes) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ memory_bottom_ -= bytes;
+ if (reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(memory_bottom_) & 1) {
+ // TODO(cpu) replace this for something better.
+ ::DebugBreak();
+ }
+ memcpy(memory_bottom_, str, bytes);
+ ptrdiff_t delta = memory_bottom_ - reinterpret_cast<char*>(start);
+ return delta;
+// Opcode evaluation dispatchers.
+// This function is the one and only entry for evaluating any opcode. It is
+// in charge of applying any relevant opcode options and calling EvaluateInner
+// were the actual dispatch-by-id is made. It would seem at first glance that
+// the dispatch should be done by virtual function (vtable) calls but you have
+// to remember that the opcodes are made in the broker process and copied as
+// raw memory to the target process.
+EvalResult PolicyOpcode::Evaluate(const ParameterSet* call_params,
+ size_t param_count, MatchContext* match) {
+ if (NULL == call_params) {
+ return EVAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ const ParameterSet* selected_param = NULL;
+ if (parameter_ >= 0) {
+ if (static_cast<size_t>(parameter_) >= param_count) {
+ return EVAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ selected_param = &call_params[parameter_];
+ }
+ EvalResult result = EvaluateHelper(selected_param, match);
+ // Apply the general options regardless of the particular type of opcode.
+ if (kPolNone == options_) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (options_ & kPolNegateEval) {
+ if (EVAL_TRUE == result) {
+ result = EVAL_FALSE;
+ } else if (EVAL_FALSE == result) {
+ result = EVAL_TRUE;
+ } else if (EVAL_ERROR != result) {
+ result = EVAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ if (NULL != match) {
+ if (options_ & kPolClearContext) {
+ match->Clear();
+ }
+ if (options_ & kPolUseOREval) {
+ match->options = kPolUseOREval;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+#define OPCODE_EVAL(op, x, y, z) case op: return OpcodeEval<op>(x, y, z)
+EvalResult PolicyOpcode::EvaluateHelper(const ParameterSet* parameters,
+ MatchContext* match) {
+ switch (opcode_id_) {
+ OPCODE_EVAL(OP_ALWAYS_FALSE, this, parameters, match);
+ OPCODE_EVAL(OP_ALWAYS_TRUE, this, parameters, match);
+ OPCODE_EVAL(OP_NUMBER_MATCH, this, parameters, match);
+ OPCODE_EVAL(OP_ULONG_MATCH_RANGE, this, parameters, match);
+ OPCODE_EVAL(OP_WSTRING_MATCH, this, parameters, match);
+ OPCODE_EVAL(OP_ULONG_AND_MATCH, this, parameters, match);
+ OPCODE_EVAL(OP_ACTION, this, parameters, match);
+ default:
+ return EVAL_ERROR;
+ }
+} // namespace sandbox