path: root/chromium/ui/gfx/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/ui/gfx/')
1 files changed, 447 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/ui/gfx/ b/chromium/ui/gfx/
index ac018de3f44..e283de319ef 100644
--- a/chromium/ui/gfx/
+++ b/chromium/ui/gfx/
@@ -7,16 +7,18 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/i18n/break_iterator.h"
+#include "base/i18n/char_iterator.h"
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
-#include "ui/base/text/utf16_indexing.h"
+#include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/uchar.h"
#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_fallback_win.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_smoothing_win.h"
#include "ui/gfx/platform_font_win.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/utf16_indexing.h"
namespace gfx {
@@ -132,28 +134,118 @@ bool IsUnicodeBidiControlCharacter(char16 c) {
// Returns the corresponding glyph range of the given character range.
// |range| is in text-space (0 corresponds to |GetLayoutText()[0]|).
// Returned value is in run-space (0 corresponds to the first glyph in the run).
-ui::Range CharRangeToGlyphRange(const internal::TextRun& run,
- const ui::Range& range) {
+Range CharRangeToGlyphRange(const internal::TextRun& run,
+ const Range& range) {
- const ui::Range run_range = ui::Range(range.start() - run.range.start(),
- range.end() - run.range.start());
- ui::Range result;
+ const Range run_range(range.start() - run.range.start(),
+ range.end() - run.range.start());
+ Range result;
if (run.script_analysis.fRTL) {
- result = ui::Range(run.logical_clusters[run_range.end() - 1],
+ result = Range(run.logical_clusters[run_range.end() - 1],
run_range.start() > 0 ? run.logical_clusters[run_range.start() - 1]
: run.glyph_count);
} else {
- result = ui::Range(run.logical_clusters[run_range.start()],
+ result = Range(run.logical_clusters[run_range.start()],
run_range.end() < run.range.length() ?
run.logical_clusters[run_range.end()] : run.glyph_count);
- DCHECK(ui::Range(0, run.glyph_count).Contains(result));
+ DCHECK(Range(0, run.glyph_count).Contains(result));
return result;
+// Starting from |start_char|, finds a suitable line break position at or before
+// |available_width| using word break info from |breaks|. If |empty_line| is
+// true, this function will not roll back to |start_char| and |*next_char| will
+// be greater than |start_char| (to avoid constructing empty lines).
+// TODO(ckocagil): Do not break ligatures and diacritics.
+// TextRun::logical_clusters might help.
+// TODO(ckocagil): We might have to reshape after breaking at ligatures.
+// See whether resolving the TODO above resolves this too.
+// TODO(ckocagil): Do not reserve width for whitespace at the end of lines.
+void BreakRunAtWidth(const internal::TextRun& run,
+ const BreakList<size_t>& breaks,
+ size_t start_char,
+ int available_width,
+ bool empty_line,
+ int* width,
+ size_t* next_char) {
+ DCHECK(run.range.Contains(Range(start_char, start_char + 1)));
+ BreakList<size_t>::const_iterator word = breaks.GetBreak(start_char);
+ BreakList<size_t>::const_iterator next_word = word + 1;
+ // Width from |std::max(word->first, start_char)| to the current character.
+ int word_width = 0;
+ *width = 0;
+ for (size_t i = start_char; i < run.range.end(); ++i) {
+ // |word| holds the word boundary at or before |i|, and |next_word| holds
+ // the word boundary right after |i|. Advance both |word| and |next_word|
+ // when |i| reaches |next_word|.
+ if (next_word != breaks.breaks().end() && i >= next_word->first) {
+ word = next_word++;
+ word_width = 0;
+ }
+ Range glyph_range = CharRangeToGlyphRange(run, Range(i, i + 1));
+ int char_width = 0;
+ for (size_t j = glyph_range.start(); j < glyph_range.end(); ++j)
+ char_width += run.advance_widths[j];
+ *width += char_width;
+ word_width += char_width;
+ if (*width > available_width) {
+ if (!empty_line || word_width < *width) {
+ *width -= word_width;
+ *next_char = std::max(word->first, start_char);
+ } else if (char_width < *width) {
+ *width -= char_width;
+ *next_char = i;
+ } else {
+ *next_char = i + 1;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ *next_char = run.range.end();
+// For segments in the same run, checks the continuity and order of |x_range|
+// and |char_range| fields.
+void CheckLineIntegrity(const std::vector<internal::Line>& lines,
+ const ScopedVector<internal::TextRun>& runs) {
+ size_t previous_segment_line = 0;
+ const internal::LineSegment* previous_segment = NULL;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < lines[i].segments.size(); ++j) {
+ const internal::LineSegment* segment = &lines[i].segments[j];
+ internal::TextRun* run = runs[segment->run];
+ if (!previous_segment) {
+ previous_segment = segment;
+ } else if (runs[previous_segment->run] != run) {
+ previous_segment = NULL;
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_EQ(previous_segment->char_range.end(),
+ segment->char_range.start());
+ if (!run->script_analysis.fRTL) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(previous_segment->x_range.end(), segment->x_range.start());
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_EQ(segment->x_range.end(), previous_segment->x_range.start());
+ }
+ previous_segment = segment;
+ previous_segment_line = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
} // namespace
namespace internal {
@@ -197,6 +289,183 @@ int GetGlyphXBoundary(const internal::TextRun* run,
return run->preceding_run_widths + x;
+// Internal class to generate Line structures. If |multiline| is true, the text
+// is broken into lines at |words| boundaries such that each line is no longer
+// than |max_width|. If |multiline| is false, only outputs a single Line from
+// the given runs. |min_baseline| and |min_height| are the minimum baseline and
+// height for each line.
+// TODO(ckocagil): Expose the interface of this class in the header and test
+// this class directly.
+class LineBreaker {
+ public:
+ LineBreaker(int max_width,
+ int min_baseline,
+ int min_height,
+ bool multiline,
+ const BreakList<size_t>* words,
+ const ScopedVector<TextRun>& runs)
+ : max_width_(max_width),
+ min_baseline_(min_baseline),
+ min_height_(min_height),
+ multiline_(multiline),
+ words_(words),
+ runs_(runs),
+ text_x_(0),
+ line_x_(0),
+ line_ascent_(0),
+ line_descent_(0) {
+ AdvanceLine();
+ }
+ // Breaks the run at given |run_index| into Line structs.
+ void AddRun(int run_index) {
+ const TextRun* run = runs_[run_index];
+ if (multiline_ && line_x_ + run->width > max_width_)
+ BreakRun(run_index);
+ else
+ AddSegment(run_index, run->range, run->width);
+ }
+ // Finishes line breaking and outputs the results. Can be called at most once.
+ void Finalize(std::vector<Line>* lines, Size* size) {
+ DCHECK(!lines_.empty());
+ // Add an empty line to finish the line size calculation and remove it.
+ AdvanceLine();
+ lines_.pop_back();
+ *size = total_size_;
+ lines->swap(lines_);
+ }
+ private:
+ // A (line index, segment index) pair that specifies a segment in |lines_|.
+ typedef std::pair<size_t, size_t> SegmentHandle;
+ LineSegment* SegmentFromHandle(const SegmentHandle& handle) {
+ return &lines_[handle.first].segments[handle.second];
+ }
+ // Breaks a run into segments that fit in the last line in |lines_| and adds
+ // them. Adds a new Line to the back of |lines_| whenever a new segment can't
+ // be added without the Line's width exceeding |max_width_|.
+ void BreakRun(int run_index) {
+ DCHECK(words_);
+ const TextRun* const run = runs_[run_index];
+ int width = 0;
+ size_t next_char = run->range.start();
+ // Break the run until it fits the current line.
+ while (next_char < run->range.end()) {
+ const size_t current_char = next_char;
+ BreakRunAtWidth(*run, *words_, current_char, max_width_ - line_x_,
+ line_x_ == 0, &width, &next_char);
+ AddSegment(run_index, Range(current_char, next_char), width);
+ if (next_char < run->range.end())
+ AdvanceLine();
+ }
+ }
+ // RTL runs are broken in logical order but displayed in visual order. To find
+ // the text-space coordinate (where it would fall in a single-line text)
+ // |x_range| of RTL segments, segment widths are applied in reverse order.
+ // e.g. {[5, 10], [10, 40]} will become {[35, 40], [5, 35]}.
+ void UpdateRTLSegmentRanges() {
+ if (rtl_segments_.empty())
+ return;
+ int x = SegmentFromHandle(rtl_segments_[0])->x_range.start();
+ for (size_t i = rtl_segments_.size(); i > 0; --i) {
+ LineSegment* segment = SegmentFromHandle(rtl_segments_[i - 1]);
+ const size_t segment_width = segment->x_range.length();
+ segment->x_range = Range(x, x + segment_width);
+ x += segment_width;
+ }
+ rtl_segments_.clear();
+ }
+ // Finishes the size calculations of the last Line in |lines_|. Adds a new
+ // Line to the back of |lines_|.
+ void AdvanceLine() {
+ if (!lines_.empty()) {
+ Line* line = &lines_.back();
+ // TODO(ckocagil): Determine optimal multiline height behavior.
+ if (line_ascent_ + line_descent_ == 0) {
+ line_ascent_ = min_baseline_;
+ line_descent_ = min_height_ - min_baseline_;
+ }
+ // Set the single-line mode Line's metrics to be at least
+ // |RenderText::font_list()| to not break the current single-line code.
+ line_ascent_ = std::max(line_ascent_, min_baseline_);
+ line_descent_ = std::max(line_descent_, min_height_ - min_baseline_);
+ line->baseline = line_ascent_;
+ line->size.set_height(line_ascent_ + line_descent_);
+ line->preceding_heights = total_size_.height();
+ total_size_.set_height(total_size_.height() + line->size.height());
+ total_size_.set_width(std::max(total_size_.width(), line->size.width()));
+ }
+ line_x_ = 0;
+ line_ascent_ = 0;
+ line_descent_ = 0;
+ lines_.push_back(Line());
+ }
+ // Adds a new segment with the given properties to |lines_.back()|.
+ void AddSegment(int run_index, Range char_range, int width) {
+ if (char_range.is_empty()) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(width, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ const TextRun* run = runs_[run_index];
+ line_ascent_ = std::max(line_ascent_, run->font.GetBaseline());
+ line_descent_ = std::max(line_descent_,
+ run->font.GetHeight() - run->font.GetBaseline());
+ LineSegment segment;
+ = run_index;
+ segment.char_range = char_range;
+ segment.x_range = Range(text_x_, text_x_ + width);
+ Line* line = &lines_.back();
+ line->segments.push_back(segment);
+ line->size.set_width(line->size.width() + segment.x_range.length());
+ if (run->script_analysis.fRTL) {
+ rtl_segments_.push_back(SegmentHandle(lines_.size() - 1,
+ line->segments.size() - 1));
+ // If this is the last segment of an RTL run, reprocess the text-space x
+ // ranges of all segments from the run.
+ if (char_range.end() == run->range.end())
+ UpdateRTLSegmentRanges();
+ }
+ text_x_ += width;
+ line_x_ += width;
+ }
+ const int max_width_;
+ const int min_baseline_;
+ const int min_height_;
+ const bool multiline_;
+ const BreakList<size_t>* const words_;
+ const ScopedVector<TextRun>& runs_;
+ // Stores the resulting lines.
+ std::vector<Line> lines_;
+ // Text space and line space x coordinates of the next segment to be added.
+ int text_x_;
+ int line_x_;
+ // Size of the multiline text, not including the currently processed line.
+ Size total_size_;
+ // Ascent and descent values of the current line, |lines_.back()|.
+ int line_ascent_;
+ int line_descent_;
+ // The current RTL run segments, to be applied by |UpdateRTLSegmentRanges()|.
+ std::vector<SegmentHandle> rtl_segments_;
} // namespace internal
// static
@@ -207,7 +476,6 @@ std::map<std::string, Font> RenderTextWin::successful_substitute_fonts_;
: RenderText(),
- common_baseline_(0),
needs_layout_(false) {
@@ -222,12 +490,12 @@ RenderTextWin::~RenderTextWin() {
Size RenderTextWin::GetStringSize() {
- return string_size_;
+ return multiline_string_size_;
int RenderTextWin::GetBaseline() {
- return common_baseline_;
+ return lines()[0].baseline;
SelectionModel RenderTextWin::FindCursorPosition(const Point& point) {
@@ -266,8 +534,8 @@ std::vector<RenderText::FontSpan> RenderTextWin::GetFontSpansForTesting() {
std::vector<RenderText::FontSpan> spans;
for (size_t i = 0; i < runs_.size(); ++i) {
- ui::Range(LayoutIndexToTextIndex(runs_[i]->range.start()),
- LayoutIndexToTextIndex(runs_[i]->range.end()))));
+ Range(LayoutIndexToTextIndex(runs_[i]->range.start()),
+ LayoutIndexToTextIndex(runs_[i]->range.end()))));
return spans;
@@ -364,54 +632,61 @@ SelectionModel RenderTextWin::AdjacentWordSelectionModel(
return SelectionModel(pos, CURSOR_FORWARD);
-ui::Range RenderTextWin::GetGlyphBounds(size_t index) {
+Range RenderTextWin::GetGlyphBounds(size_t index) {
const size_t run_index =
GetRunContainingCaret(SelectionModel(index, CURSOR_FORWARD));
// Return edge bounds if the index is invalid or beyond the layout text size.
if (run_index >= runs_.size())
- return ui::Range(string_size_.width());
+ return Range(string_width_);
internal::TextRun* run = runs_[run_index];
const size_t layout_index = TextIndexToLayoutIndex(index);
- return ui::Range(GetGlyphXBoundary(run, layout_index, false),
- GetGlyphXBoundary(run, layout_index, true));
+ return Range(GetGlyphXBoundary(run, layout_index, false),
+ GetGlyphXBoundary(run, layout_index, true));
-std::vector<Rect> RenderTextWin::GetSubstringBounds(const ui::Range& range) {
+std::vector<Rect> RenderTextWin::GetSubstringBounds(const Range& range) {
- DCHECK(ui::Range(0, text().length()).Contains(range));
- ui::Range layout_range(TextIndexToLayoutIndex(range.start()),
- TextIndexToLayoutIndex(range.end()));
- DCHECK(ui::Range(0, GetLayoutText().length()).Contains(layout_range));
+ DCHECK(Range(0, text().length()).Contains(range));
+ Range layout_range(TextIndexToLayoutIndex(range.start()),
+ TextIndexToLayoutIndex(range.end()));
+ DCHECK(Range(0, GetLayoutText().length()).Contains(layout_range));
- std::vector<Rect> bounds;
+ std::vector<Rect> rects;
if (layout_range.is_empty())
- return bounds;
+ return rects;
+ std::vector<Range> bounds;
- // Add a Rect for each run/selection intersection.
+ // Add a Range for each run/selection intersection.
// TODO(msw): The bounds should probably not always be leading the range ends.
for (size_t i = 0; i < runs_.size(); ++i) {
const internal::TextRun* run = runs_[visual_to_logical_[i]];
- ui::Range intersection = run->range.Intersect(layout_range);
+ Range intersection = run->range.Intersect(layout_range);
if (intersection.IsValid()) {
- ui::Range range_x(GetGlyphXBoundary(run, intersection.start(), false),
- GetGlyphXBoundary(run, intersection.end(), false));
- Rect rect(range_x.GetMin(), 0, range_x.length(), run->font.GetHeight());
- rect.set_origin(ToViewPoint(rect.origin()));
- // Union this with the last rect if they're adjacent.
- if (!bounds.empty() && rect.SharesEdgeWith(bounds.back())) {
- rect.Union(bounds.back());
+ Range range_x(GetGlyphXBoundary(run, intersection.start(), false),
+ GetGlyphXBoundary(run, intersection.end(), false));
+ if (range_x.is_empty())
+ continue;
+ range_x = Range(range_x.GetMin(), range_x.GetMax());
+ // Union this with the last range if they're adjacent.
+ DCHECK(bounds.empty() || bounds.back().GetMax() <= range_x.GetMin());
+ if (!bounds.empty() && bounds.back().GetMax() == range_x.GetMin()) {
+ range_x = Range(bounds.back().GetMin(), range_x.GetMax());
- bounds.push_back(rect);
+ bounds.push_back(range_x);
- return bounds;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < bounds.size(); ++i) {
+ std::vector<Rect> current_rects = TextBoundsToViewBounds(bounds[i]);
+ rects.insert(rects.end(), current_rects.begin(), current_rects.end());
+ }
+ return rects;
size_t RenderTextWin::TextIndexToLayoutIndex(size_t index) const {
DCHECK_LE(index, text().length());
- ptrdiff_t i = obscured() ? ui::UTF16IndexToOffset(text(), 0, index) : index;
+ ptrdiff_t i = obscured() ? gfx::UTF16IndexToOffset(text(), 0, index) : index;
CHECK_GE(i, 0);
// Clamp layout indices to the length of the text actually used for layout.
return std::min<size_t>(GetLayoutText().length(), i);
@@ -422,7 +697,7 @@ size_t RenderTextWin::LayoutIndexToTextIndex(size_t index) const {
return index;
DCHECK_LE(index, GetLayoutText().length());
- const size_t text_index = ui::UTF16OffsetToIndex(text(), 0, index);
+ const size_t text_index = gfx::UTF16OffsetToIndex(text(), 0, index);
DCHECK_LE(text_index, text().length());
return text_index;
@@ -437,7 +712,7 @@ bool RenderTextWin::IsCursorablePosition(size_t position) {
// and that its glyph has distinct bounds (not mid-multi-character-grapheme).
// An example of a multi-character-grapheme that is not a surrogate-pair is:
// \x0915\x093f - (ki) - one of many Devanagari biconsonantal conjuncts.
- return ui::IsValidCodePointIndex(text(), position) &&
+ return gfx::IsValidCodePointIndex(text(), position) &&
position < LayoutIndexToTextIndex(GetLayoutText().length()) &&
GetGlyphBounds(position) != GetGlyphBounds(position - 1);
@@ -448,23 +723,40 @@ void RenderTextWin::ResetLayout() {
void RenderTextWin::EnsureLayout() {
- if (!needs_layout_)
- return;
- // TODO(msw): Skip complex processing if ScriptIsComplex returns false.
- ItemizeLogicalText();
- if (!runs_.empty())
- LayoutVisualText();
- needs_layout_ = false;
+ if (needs_layout_) {
+ // TODO(msw): Skip complex processing if ScriptIsComplex returns false.
+ ItemizeLogicalText();
+ if (!runs_.empty())
+ LayoutVisualText();
+ needs_layout_ = false;
+ std::vector<internal::Line> lines;
+ set_lines(&lines);
+ }
+ // Compute lines if they're not valid. This is separate from the layout steps
+ // above to avoid text layout and shaping when we resize |display_rect_|.
+ if (lines().empty()) {
+ DCHECK(!needs_layout_);
+ std::vector<internal::Line> lines;
+ internal::LineBreaker line_breaker(display_rect().width() - 1,
+ font_list().GetBaseline(),
+ font_list().GetHeight(), multiline(),
+ multiline() ? &GetLineBreaks() : NULL,
+ runs_);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < runs_.size(); ++i)
+ line_breaker.AddRun(visual_to_logical_[i]);
+ line_breaker.Finalize(&lines, &multiline_string_size_);
+ DCHECK(!lines.empty());
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ CheckLineIntegrity(lines, runs_);
+ set_lines(&lines);
+ }
void RenderTextWin::DrawVisualText(Canvas* canvas) {
- // Skia will draw glyphs with respect to the baseline.
- Vector2d offset(GetTextOffset() + Vector2d(0, common_baseline_));
- SkScalar x = SkIntToScalar(offset.x());
- SkScalar y = SkIntToScalar(offset.y());
+ DCHECK(!lines().empty());
std::vector<SkPoint> pos;
@@ -481,52 +773,79 @@ void RenderTextWin::DrawVisualText(Canvas* canvas) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < runs_.size(); ++i) {
- // Get the run specified by the visual-to-logical map.
- internal::TextRun* run = runs_[visual_to_logical_[i]];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < lines().size(); ++i) {
+ const internal::Line& line = lines()[i];
+ const Vector2d line_offset = GetLineOffset(i);
- // Skip painting empty runs and runs outside the display rect area.
- if ((run->glyph_count == 0) || (x >= display_rect().right()) ||
- (x + run->width <= display_rect().x())) {
- x += run->width;
+ // Skip painting empty lines or lines outside the display rect area.
+ if (!display_rect().Intersects(Rect(PointAtOffsetFromOrigin(line_offset),
+ line.size)))
- }
- // Based on WebCore::skiaDrawText. |pos| contains the positions of glyphs.
- // An extra terminal |pos| entry is added to simplify width calculations.
- pos.resize(run->glyph_count + 1);
- SkScalar glyph_x = x;
- for (int glyph = 0; glyph < run->glyph_count; glyph++) {
- pos[glyph].set(glyph_x + run->offsets[glyph].du,
- y + run->offsets[glyph].dv);
- glyph_x += SkIntToScalar(run->advance_widths[glyph]);
- }
- pos.back().set(glyph_x, y);
- renderer.SetTextSize(run->font.GetFontSize());
- renderer.SetFontFamilyWithStyle(run->font.GetFontName(), run->font_style);
- for (BreakList<SkColor>::const_iterator it =
- colors().GetBreak(run->range.start());
- it != colors().breaks().end() && it->first < run->range.end();
- ++it) {
- const ui::Range glyph_range = CharRangeToGlyphRange(*run,
- colors().GetRange(it).Intersect(run->range));
- if (glyph_range.is_empty())
- continue;
- renderer.SetForegroundColor(it->second);
- renderer.DrawPosText(&pos[glyph_range.start()],
- &run->glyphs[glyph_range.start()],
- glyph_range.length());
- const SkScalar width = pos[glyph_range.end()].x() -
- pos[glyph_range.start()].x();
- renderer.DrawDecorations(pos[glyph_range.start()].x(), y,
- SkScalarCeilToInt(width), run->underline,
- run->strike, run->diagonal_strike);
- }
+ const Vector2d text_offset = line_offset + Vector2d(0, line.baseline);
+ int preceding_segment_widths = 0;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < line.segments.size(); ++j) {
+ const internal::LineSegment* segment = &line.segments[j];
+ const int segment_width = segment->x_range.length();
+ const internal::TextRun* run = runs_[segment->run];
+ DCHECK(!segment->char_range.is_empty());
+ DCHECK(run->range.Contains(segment->char_range));
+ Range glyph_range = CharRangeToGlyphRange(*run, segment->char_range);
+ DCHECK(!glyph_range.is_empty());
+ // Skip painting segments outside the display rect area.
+ if (!multiline()) {
+ const Rect segment_bounds(PointAtOffsetFromOrigin(line_offset) +
+ Vector2d(preceding_segment_widths, 0),
+ Size(segment_width, line.size.height()));
+ if (!display_rect().Intersects(segment_bounds)) {
+ preceding_segment_widths += segment_width;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
- DCHECK_EQ(glyph_x - x, run->width);
- x = glyph_x;
+ // |pos| contains the positions of glyphs. An extra terminal |pos| entry
+ // is added to simplify width calculations.
+ int segment_x = preceding_segment_widths;
+ pos.resize(glyph_range.length() + 1);
+ for (size_t k = glyph_range.start(); k < glyph_range.end(); ++k) {
+ pos[k - glyph_range.start()].set(
+ SkIntToScalar(text_offset.x() + run->offsets[k].du + segment_x),
+ SkIntToScalar(text_offset.y() + run->offsets[k].dv));
+ segment_x += run->advance_widths[k];
+ }
+ pos.back().set(SkIntToScalar(text_offset.x() + segment_x),
+ SkIntToScalar(text_offset.y()));
+ renderer.SetTextSize(run->font.GetFontSize());
+ renderer.SetFontFamilyWithStyle(run->font.GetFontName(), run->font_style);
+ for (BreakList<SkColor>::const_iterator it =
+ colors().GetBreak(segment->char_range.start());
+ it != colors().breaks().end() &&
+ it->first < segment->char_range.end();
+ ++it) {
+ const Range intersection =
+ colors().GetRange(it).Intersect(segment->char_range);
+ const Range colored_glyphs = CharRangeToGlyphRange(*run, intersection);
+ DCHECK(glyph_range.Contains(colored_glyphs));
+ DCHECK(!colored_glyphs.is_empty());
+ const SkPoint& start_pos =
+ pos[colored_glyphs.start() - glyph_range.start()];
+ const SkPoint& end_pos =
+ pos[colored_glyphs.end() - glyph_range.start()];
+ renderer.SetForegroundColor(it->second);
+ renderer.DrawPosText(&start_pos, &run->glyphs[colored_glyphs.start()],
+ colored_glyphs.length());
+ renderer.DrawDecorations(start_pos.x(), text_offset.y(),
+ SkScalarCeilToInt(end_pos.x() - start_pos.x()),
+ run->underline, run->strike,
+ run->diagonal_strike);
+ }
+ preceding_segment_widths += segment_width;
+ }
@@ -534,22 +853,21 @@ void RenderTextWin::DrawVisualText(Canvas* canvas) {
void RenderTextWin::ItemizeLogicalText() {
- // Make |string_size_|'s height and |common_baseline_| tall enough to draw
- // often-used characters which are rendered with fonts in the font list.
- string_size_ = Size(0, font_list().GetHeight());
- common_baseline_ = font_list().GetBaseline();
+ string_width_ = 0;
+ multiline_string_size_ = Size();
// Set Uniscribe's base text direction.
script_state_.uBidiLevel =
(GetTextDirection() == base::i18n::RIGHT_TO_LEFT) ? 1 : 0;
- if (text().empty())
+ const base::string16& layout_text = GetLayoutText();
+ if (layout_text.empty())
int script_items_count = 0;
std::vector<SCRIPT_ITEM> script_items;
- const size_t layout_text_length = GetLayoutText().length();
+ const size_t layout_text_length = layout_text.length();
// Ensure that |kMaxRuns| is attempted and the loop terminates afterward.
for (size_t runs = kGuessRuns; hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY && runs <= kMaxRuns;
runs = std::max(runs + 1, std::min(runs * 2, kMaxRuns))) {
@@ -557,9 +875,9 @@ void RenderTextWin::ItemizeLogicalText() {
// ScriptItemize always adds a terminal array item so that the length of
// the last item can be derived from the terminal SCRIPT_ITEM::iCharPos.
- hr = ScriptItemize(GetLayoutText().c_str(), layout_text_length,
- runs - 1, &script_control_, &script_state_,
- &script_items[0], &script_items_count);
+ hr = ScriptItemize(layout_text.c_str(), layout_text_length, runs - 1,
+ &script_control_, &script_state_, &script_items[0],
+ &script_items_count);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || script_items_count <= 0)
@@ -571,7 +889,7 @@ void RenderTextWin::ItemizeLogicalText() {
// Build the list of runs from the script items and ranged styles. Use an
// empty color BreakList to avoid breaking runs at color boundaries.
BreakList<SkColor> empty_colors;
- empty_colors.SetMax(text().length());
+ empty_colors.SetMax(layout_text_length);
internal::StyleIterator style(empty_colors, styles());
SCRIPT_ITEM* script_item = &script_items[0];
const size_t max_run_length = kMaxGlyphs / 2;
@@ -592,9 +910,32 @@ void RenderTextWin::ItemizeLogicalText() {
const size_t script_item_break = (script_item + 1)->iCharPos;
run_break = std::min(script_item_break,
// Clamp run lengths to avoid exceeding the maximum supported glyph count.
- if ((run_break - run->range.start()) > max_run_length)
+ if ((run_break - run->range.start()) > max_run_length) {
run_break = run->range.start() + max_run_length;
+ if (!gfx::IsValidCodePointIndex(layout_text, run_break))
+ --run_break;
+ }
+ // Break runs between characters in different code blocks. This avoids using
+ // fallback fonts for more characters than needed.
+ if (run_break > run->range.start()) {
+ const size_t run_start = run->range.start();
+ const int32 run_length = static_cast<int32>(run_break - run_start);
+ base::i18n::UTF16CharIterator iter(layout_text.c_str() + run_start,
+ run_length);
+ const UBlockCode first_block_code = ublock_getCode(iter.get());
+ while (iter.Advance() && iter.array_pos() < run_length) {
+ if (ublock_getCode(iter.get()) != first_block_code) {
+ run_break = run_start + iter.array_pos();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DCHECK(gfx::IsValidCodePointIndex(layout_text, run_break));
if (script_item_break == run_break)
@@ -643,8 +984,6 @@ void RenderTextWin::LayoutVisualText() {
- string_size_.set_height(ascent + descent);
- common_baseline_ = ascent;
// Build the array of bidirectional embedding levels.
scoped_ptr<BYTE[]> levels(new BYTE[runs_.size()]);
@@ -669,7 +1008,7 @@ void RenderTextWin::LayoutVisualText() {
run->width = abc.abcA + abc.abcB + abc.abcC;
preceding_run_widths += run->width;
- string_size_.set_width(preceding_run_widths);
+ string_width_ = preceding_run_widths;
void RenderTextWin::LayoutTextRun(internal::TextRun* run) {
@@ -684,7 +1023,6 @@ void RenderTextWin::LayoutTextRun(internal::TextRun* run) {
// in the case where no font is able to display the entire run.
int best_partial_font_missing_char_count = INT_MAX;
Font best_partial_font = original_font;
- bool using_best_partial_font = false;
Font current_font;
run->logical_clusters.reset(new WORD[run_length]);