diff options
authorJean-Sébastien Pédron <>2017-02-03 13:17:02 +0100
committerJean-Sébastien Pédron <>2017-02-03 13:32:55 +0100
commit633f630d99b69ed1db69a19f0da137aaf2d1fd3c (patch)
parent9b612cdd6d6d275c912ae005b702b8a6763ac6d4 (diff)
rabbit_cert_info: New module with functions moved from `rabbit_ssl`
Those functions are used by rabbitmq-erlang-client. That client shouldn't depend on the broker, so let's move those functions (which do not depend on the broker itself) to a module in rabbitmq-common. The `rabbit_ssl` module stays there and acts as a wrapper around the new `rabbit_cert_info` module. The former still contains functions which depend on the broker however. [#118490793]
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit_common/src/rabbit_cert_info.erl b/deps/rabbit_common/src/rabbit_cert_info.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94a0250c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit_common/src/rabbit_cert_info.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
+%% at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is GoPivotal, Inc.
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2017 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ subject/1,
+ validity/1,
+ subject_items/2]).
+-type certificate() :: binary().
+%% High-level functions used by reader
+%% Return a string describing the certificate's issuer.
+-spec issuer(certificate()) -> string().
+issuer(Cert) ->
+ cert_info(fun(#'OTPCertificate' {
+ tbsCertificate = #'OTPTBSCertificate' {
+ issuer = Issuer }}) ->
+ format_rdn_sequence(Issuer)
+ end, Cert).
+%% Return a string describing the certificate's subject, as per RFC4514.
+-spec subject(certificate()) -> string().
+subject(Cert) ->
+ cert_info(fun(#'OTPCertificate' {
+ tbsCertificate = #'OTPTBSCertificate' {
+ subject = Subject }}) ->
+ format_rdn_sequence(Subject)
+ end, Cert).
+%% Return the parts of the certificate's subject.
+-spec subject_items
+ (certificate(), tuple()) -> [string()] | 'not_found'.
+subject_items(Cert, Type) ->
+ cert_info(fun(#'OTPCertificate' {
+ tbsCertificate = #'OTPTBSCertificate' {
+ subject = Subject }}) ->
+ find_by_type(Type, Subject)
+ end, Cert).
+%% Return a string describing the certificate's validity.
+-spec validity(certificate()) -> string().
+validity(Cert) ->
+ cert_info(fun(#'OTPCertificate' {
+ tbsCertificate = #'OTPTBSCertificate' {
+ validity = {'Validity', Start, End} }}) ->
+ rabbit_misc:format("~s - ~s", [format_asn1_value(Start),
+ format_asn1_value(End)])
+ end, Cert).
+cert_info(F, Cert) ->
+ F(case public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp) of
+ {ok, DecCert} -> DecCert; %%pre R14B
+ DecCert -> DecCert %%R14B onwards
+ end).
+find_by_type(Type, {rdnSequence, RDNs}) ->
+ case [V || #'AttributeTypeAndValue'{type = T, value = V}
+ <- lists:flatten(RDNs),
+ T == Type] of
+ [] -> not_found;
+ L -> [format_asn1_value(V) || V <- L]
+ end.
+%% Formatting functions
+%% Format and rdnSequence as a RFC4514 subject string.
+format_rdn_sequence({rdnSequence, Seq}) ->
+ string:join(lists:reverse([format_complex_rdn(RDN) || RDN <- Seq]), ",").
+%% Format an RDN set.
+format_complex_rdn(RDNs) ->
+ string:join([format_rdn(RDN) || RDN <- RDNs], "+").
+%% Format an RDN. If the type name is unknown, use the dotted decimal
+%% representation. See RFC4514, section 2.3.
+format_rdn(#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{type = T, value = V}) ->
+ FV = escape_rdn_value(format_asn1_value(V)),
+ Fmts = [{?'id-at-surname' , "SN"},
+ {?'id-at-givenName' , "GIVENNAME"},
+ {?'id-at-initials' , "INITIALS"},
+ {?'id-at-generationQualifier' , "GENERATIONQUALIFIER"},
+ {?'id-at-commonName' , "CN"},
+ {?'id-at-localityName' , "L"},
+ {?'id-at-stateOrProvinceName' , "ST"},
+ {?'id-at-organizationName' , "O"},
+ {?'id-at-organizationalUnitName' , "OU"},
+ {?'id-at-title' , "TITLE"},
+ {?'id-at-countryName' , "C"},
+ {?'id-at-serialNumber' , "SERIALNUMBER"},
+ {?'id-at-pseudonym' , "PSEUDONYM"},
+ {?'id-domainComponent' , "DC"},
+ {?'id-emailAddress' , "EMAILADDRESS"},
+ {?'street-address' , "STREET"},
+ {{0,9,2342,19200300,100,1,1} , "UID"}], %% Not in public_key.hrl
+ case proplists:lookup(T, Fmts) of
+ {_, Fmt} ->
+ rabbit_misc:format(Fmt ++ "=~s", [FV]);
+ none when is_tuple(T) ->
+ TypeL = [rabbit_misc:format("~w", [X]) || X <- tuple_to_list(T)],
+ rabbit_misc:format("~s=~s", [string:join(TypeL, "."), FV]);
+ none ->
+ rabbit_misc:format("~p=~s", [T, FV])
+ end.
+%% Escape a string as per RFC4514.
+escape_rdn_value(V) ->
+ escape_rdn_value(V, start).
+escape_rdn_value([], _) ->
+ [];
+escape_rdn_value([C | S], start) when C =:= $ ; C =:= $# ->
+ [$\\, C | escape_rdn_value(S, middle)];
+escape_rdn_value(S, start) ->
+ escape_rdn_value(S, middle);
+escape_rdn_value([$ ], middle) ->
+ [$\\, $ ];
+escape_rdn_value([C | S], middle) when C =:= $"; C =:= $+; C =:= $,; C =:= $;;
+ C =:= $<; C =:= $>; C =:= $\\ ->
+ [$\\, C | escape_rdn_value(S, middle)];
+escape_rdn_value([C | S], middle) when C < 32 ; C >= 126 ->
+ %% Of ASCII characters only U+0000 needs escaping, but for display
+ %% purposes it's handy to escape all non-printable chars. All non-ASCII
+ %% characters get converted to UTF-8 sequences and then escaped. We've
+ %% already got a UTF-8 sequence here, so just escape it.
+ rabbit_misc:format("\\~2.16.0B", [C]) ++ escape_rdn_value(S, middle);
+escape_rdn_value([C | S], middle) ->
+ [C | escape_rdn_value(S, middle)].
+%% Get the string representation of an OTPCertificate field.
+format_asn1_value({ST, S}) when ST =:= teletexString; ST =:= printableString;
+ ST =:= universalString; ST =:= utf8String;
+ ST =:= bmpString ->
+ format_directory_string(ST, S);
+format_asn1_value({utcTime, [Y1, Y2, M1, M2, D1, D2, H1, H2,
+ Min1, Min2, S1, S2, $Z]}) ->
+ rabbit_misc:format("20~c~c-~c~c-~c~cT~c~c:~c~c:~c~cZ",
+ [Y1, Y2, M1, M2, D1, D2, H1, H2, Min1, Min2, S1, S2]);
+%% We appear to get an untagged value back for an ia5string
+%% (e.g. domainComponent).
+format_asn1_value(V) when is_list(V) ->
+ V;
+format_asn1_value(V) when is_binary(V) ->
+ %% OTP does not decode some values when combined with an unknown
+ %% type. That's probably wrong, so as a last ditch effort let's
+ %% try manually decoding. 'DirectoryString' is semi-arbitrary -
+ %% but it is the type which covers the various string types we
+ %% handle below.
+ try
+ {ST, S} = public_key:der_decode('DirectoryString', V),
+ format_directory_string(ST, S)
+ catch _:_ ->
+ rabbit_misc:format("~p", [V])
+ end;
+format_asn1_value(V) ->
+ rabbit_misc:format("~p", [V]).
+%% DirectoryString { INTEGER : maxSize } ::= CHOICE {
+%% teletexString TeletexString (SIZE (1..maxSize)),
+%% printableString PrintableString (SIZE (1..maxSize)),
+%% bmpString BMPString (SIZE (1..maxSize)),
+%% universalString UniversalString (SIZE (1..maxSize)),
+%% uTF8String UTF8String (SIZE (1..maxSize)) }
+%% Precise definitions of printable / teletexString are hard to come
+%% by. This is what I reconstructed:
+%% printableString:
+%% "intended to represent the limited character sets available to
+%% mainframe input terminals"
+%% A-Z a-z 0-9 ' ( ) + , - . / : = ? [space]
+%% teletexString:
+%% "a sizable volume of software in the world treats TeletexString
+%% (T61String) as a simple 8-bit string with mostly Windows Latin 1
+%% (superset of iso-8859-1) encoding"
+%% (However according to that link X.680 actually defines
+%% TeletexString in some much more involved and crazy way. I suggest
+%% we treat it as ISO-8859-1 since Erlang does not support Windows
+%% Latin 1).
+%% bmpString:
+%% UCS-2 according to RFC 3641. Hence cannot represent Unicode
+%% characters above 65535 (outside the "Basic Multilingual Plane").
+%% universalString:
+%% UCS-4 according to RFC 3641.
+%% utf8String:
+%% UTF-8 according to RFC 3641.
+%% Within Rabbit we assume UTF-8 encoding. Since printableString is a
+%% subset of ASCII it is also a subset of UTF-8. The others need
+%% converting. Fortunately since the Erlang SSL library does the
+%% decoding for us (albeit into a weird format, see below), we just
+%% need to handle encoding into UTF-8. Note also that utf8Strings come
+%% back as binary.
+%% Note for testing: the default Ubuntu configuration for openssl will
+%% only create printableString or teletexString types no matter what
+%% you do. Edit string_mask in the [req] section of
+%% /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf to change this (see comments there). You
+%% probably also need to set utf8 = yes to get it to accept UTF-8 on
+%% the command line. Also note I could not get openssl to generate a
+%% universalString.
+format_directory_string(printableString, S) -> S;
+format_directory_string(teletexString, S) -> utf8_list_from(S);
+format_directory_string(bmpString, S) -> utf8_list_from(S);
+format_directory_string(universalString, S) -> utf8_list_from(S);
+format_directory_string(utf8String, S) -> binary_to_list(S).
+utf8_list_from(S) ->
+ binary_to_list(
+ unicode:characters_to_binary(flatten_ssl_list(S), utf32, utf8)).
+%% The Erlang SSL implementation invents its own representation for
+%% non-ascii strings - looking like [97,{0,0,3,187}] (that's LATIN
+%% SMALL LETTER A followed by GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA). We convert
+%% this into a list of unicode characters, which we can tell
+%% unicode:characters_to_binary is utf32.
+flatten_ssl_list(L) -> [flatten_ssl_list_item(I) || I <- L].
+flatten_ssl_list_item({A, B, C, D}) ->
+ A * (1 bsl 24) + B * (1 bsl 16) + C * (1 bsl 8) + D;
+flatten_ssl_list_item(N) when is_number (N) ->
+ N.