path: root/deps/rabbitmq_cli/test/ctl/set_policy_command_test.exs
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authordcorbacho <>2020-11-18 14:27:41 +0000
committerdcorbacho <>2020-11-18 14:27:41 +0000
commitf23a51261d9502ec39df0f8db47ba6b22aa7659f (patch)
tree53dcdf46e7dc2c14e81ee960bce8793879b488d3 /deps/rabbitmq_cli/test/ctl/set_policy_command_test.exs
parentafa2c2bf6c7e0e9b63f4fb53dc931c70388e1c82 (diff)
parent9f6d64ec4a4b1eeac24d7846c5c64fd96798d892 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into stream-timestamp-offsetstream-timestamp-offset
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_cli/test/ctl/set_policy_command_test.exs')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_cli/test/ctl/set_policy_command_test.exs b/deps/rabbitmq_cli/test/ctl/set_policy_command_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0422933ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_cli/test/ctl/set_policy_command_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+## This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+## License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+## file, You can obtain one at
+## Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+defmodule SetPolicyCommandTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: false
+ import TestHelper
+ @command RabbitMQ.CLI.Ctl.Commands.SetPolicyCommand
+ @vhost "test1"
+ @root "/"
+ @key "federate"
+ @pattern "^fed\."
+ @value "{\"federation-upstream-set\":\"all\"}"
+ @apply_to "all"
+ @priority 0
+ setup_all do
+ RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.Distribution.start()
+ add_vhost @vhost
+ enable_federation_plugin()
+ on_exit([], fn ->
+ delete_vhost @vhost
+ end)
+ :ok
+ end
+ setup context do
+ on_exit(context, fn ->
+ clear_policy context[:vhost], context[:key]
+ end)
+ {
+ :ok,
+ opts: %{
+ node: get_rabbit_hostname(),
+ vhost: "/",
+ apply_to: @apply_to,
+ priority: @priority
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ @tag pattern: @pattern, key: @key, value: @value, vhost: @root
+ test "merge_defaults: a well-formed command with no vhost runs against the default" do
+ assert match?({_, %{vhost: "/"}}, @command.merge_defaults([], %{}))
+ end
+ test "merge_defaults: does not change defined vhost" do
+ assert match?({[], %{vhost: "test_vhost"}}, @command.merge_defaults([], %{vhost: "test_vhost"}))
+ end
+ test "merge_defaults: default apply_to is \"all\"" do
+ assert match?({_, %{apply_to: "all"}}, @command.merge_defaults([], %{}))
+ assert match?({_, %{apply_to: "custom"}}, @command.merge_defaults([], %{apply_to: "custom"}))
+ end
+ test "merge_defaults: default priority is 0" do
+ assert match?({_, %{priority: 0}}, @command.merge_defaults([], %{}))
+ assert match?({_, %{priority: 3}}, @command.merge_defaults([], %{priority: 3}))
+ end
+ test "validate: providing too few arguments fails validation" do
+ assert @command.validate([], %{}) == {:validation_failure, :not_enough_args}
+ assert @command.validate(["insufficient"], %{}) == {:validation_failure, :not_enough_args}
+ assert @command.validate(["not", "enough"], %{}) == {:validation_failure, :not_enough_args}
+ end
+ test "validate: providing too many arguments fails validation" do
+ assert @command.validate(["this", "is", "too", "many"], %{}) == {:validation_failure, :too_many_args}
+ end
+ @tag pattern: @pattern, key: @key, value: @value, vhost: @vhost
+ test "run: a well-formed, host-specific command returns okay", context do
+ vhost_opts = Map.merge(context[:opts], %{vhost: context[:vhost]})
+ assert
+ [context[:key], context[:pattern], context[:value]],
+ vhost_opts
+ ) == :ok
+ assert_policy_fields(context)
+ end
+ test "run: an unreachable node throws a badrpc" do
+ opts = %{node: :jake@thedog, vhost: "/", priority: 0, apply_to: "all", timeout: 200}
+ assert match?({:badrpc, _},[@key, @pattern, @value], opts))
+ end
+ @tag pattern: @pattern, key: @key, value: @value, vhost: "bad-vhost"
+ test "run: providing a non-existent vhost reports an error", context do
+ vhost_opts = Map.merge(context[:opts], %{vhost: context[:vhost]})
+ assert
+ [context[:key], context[:pattern], context[:value]],
+ vhost_opts
+ ) == {:error, {:no_such_vhost, context[:vhost]}}
+ end
+ @tag pattern: @pattern, key: @key, value: "bad-value", vhost: @root
+ test "run: an invalid value returns a JSON decoding error", context do
+ assert match?({:error_string, _},
+[context[:key], context[:pattern], context[:value]],
+ context[:opts]))
+ assert list_policies(context[:vhost]) == []
+ end
+ @tag pattern: @pattern, key: @key, value: "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}", vhost: @root
+ test "run: invalid policy returns an error", context do
+ assert
+ [context[:key], context[:pattern], context[:value]],
+ context[:opts]
+ ) == {:error_string, 'Validation failed\n\n[{<<"foo">>,<<"bar">>}] are not recognised policy settings\n'}
+ assert list_policies(context[:vhost]) == []
+ end
+ @tag pattern: @pattern, key: @key, value: "{}", vhost: @root
+ test "run: an empty JSON object value returns an error", context do
+ assert
+ [context[:key], context[:pattern], context[:value]],
+ context[:opts]
+ ) == {:error_string, 'Validation failed\n\nno policy provided\n'}
+ assert list_policies(context[:vhost]) == []
+ end
+ @tag pattern: @pattern, key: @key, value: @value, vhost: @vhost
+ test "banner", context do
+ vhost_opts = Map.merge(context[:opts], %{vhost: context[:vhost]})
+ assert @command.banner([context[:key], context[:pattern], context[:value]], vhost_opts)
+ == "Setting policy \"#{context[:key]}\" for pattern \"#{context[:pattern]}\" to \"#{context[:value]}\" with priority \"#{context[:opts][:priority]}\" for vhost \"#{context[:vhost]}\" \.\.\."
+ end
+ @tag pattern: "ha_", key: "ha_policy_test", vhost: @vhost
+ test "ha policy validation", context do
+ vhost_opts = Map.merge(context[:opts], %{vhost: context[:vhost]})
+ context = Map.put(context, :opts, vhost_opts)
+ pass_validation(context, "{\"ha-mode\":\"all\"}")
+ fail_validation(context, "{\"ha-mode\":\"made_up\"}")
+ fail_validation(context, "{\"ha-mode\":\"nodes\"}")
+ fail_validation(context, "{\"ha-mode\":\"nodes\",\"ha-params\":2}")
+ fail_validation(context, "{\"ha-mode\":\"nodes\",\"ha-params\":[\"a\",2]}")
+ pass_validation(context, "{\"ha-mode\":\"nodes\",\"ha-params\":[\"a\",\"b\"]}")
+ fail_validation(context, "{\"ha-params\":[\"a\",\"b\"]}")
+ fail_validation(context, "{\"ha-mode\":\"exactly\"}")
+ fail_validation(context, "{\"ha-mode\":\"exactly\",\"ha-params\":[\"a\",\"b\"]}")
+ pass_validation(context, "{\"ha-mode\":\"exactly\",\"ha-params\":2}")
+ fail_validation(context, "{\"ha-params\":2}")
+ pass_validation(context, "{\"ha-mode\":\"all\",\"ha-sync-mode\":\"manual\"}")
+ pass_validation(context, "{\"ha-mode\":\"all\",\"ha-sync-mode\":\"automatic\"}")
+ fail_validation(context, "{\"ha-mode\":\"all\",\"ha-sync-mode\":\"made_up\"}")
+ fail_validation(context, "{\"ha-sync-mode\":\"manual\"}")
+ fail_validation(context, "{\"ha-sync-mode\":\"automatic\"}")
+ end
+ @tag pattern: "ha_", key: "ha_policy_test", vhost: @vhost
+ test "queue master locator policy validation", context do
+ vhost_opts = Map.merge(context[:opts], %{vhost: context[:vhost]})
+ context = Map.put(context, :opts, vhost_opts)
+ pass_validation(context, "{\"queue-master-locator\":\"min-masters\"}")
+ pass_validation(context, "{\"queue-master-locator\":\"client-local\"}")
+ pass_validation(context, "{\"queue-master-locator\":\"random\"}")
+ fail_validation(context, "{\"queue-master-locator\":\"made_up\"}")
+ end
+ @tag pattern: "ha_", key: "ha_policy_test", vhost: @vhost
+ test "queue modes policy validation", context do
+ vhost_opts = Map.merge(context[:opts], %{vhost: context[:vhost]})
+ context = Map.put(context, :opts, vhost_opts)
+ pass_validation(context, "{\"queue-mode\":\"lazy\"}")
+ pass_validation(context, "{\"queue-mode\":\"default\"}")
+ fail_validation(context, "{\"queue-mode\":\"wrong\"}")
+ end
+ def pass_validation(context, value) do
+ assert
+ [context[:key], context[:pattern], value],
+ context[:opts]
+ ) == :ok
+ assert_policy_fields(Map.merge(context, %{value: value}))
+ end
+ def fail_validation(context, value) do
+ result =
+ [context[:key], context[:pattern], value],
+ context[:opts]
+ )
+ assert {:error_string, _} = result
+ {:error_string, msg} = result
+ assert "Validation failed"<>_ = to_string(msg)
+ end
+ # Checks each element of the first policy against the expected context values
+ defp assert_policy_fields(context) do
+ result_policy = context[:vhost] |> list_policies |> List.first
+ assert result_policy[:definition] == context[:value]
+ assert result_policy[:vhost] == context[:vhost]
+ assert result_policy[:pattern] == context[:pattern]
+ assert result_policy[:name] == context[:key]
+ end