path: root/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile')
1 files changed, 490 insertions, 270 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 27d6a68a89..d1ac26543d 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,161 +1,25 @@
-PROJECT = rabbit
-PROJECT_MOD = rabbit
-PROJECT_REGISTERED = rabbit_amqqueue_sup \
- rabbit_direct_client_sup \
- rabbit_log \
- rabbit_node_monitor \
- rabbit_router
- {tcp_listeners, [5672]},
- {num_tcp_acceptors, 10},
- {ssl_listeners, []},
- {num_ssl_acceptors, 10},
- {ssl_options, []},
- {vm_memory_high_watermark, 0.4},
- {vm_memory_high_watermark_paging_ratio, 0.5},
- {vm_memory_calculation_strategy, rss},
- {memory_monitor_interval, 2500},
- {disk_free_limit, 50000000}, %% 50MB
- {msg_store_index_module, rabbit_msg_store_ets_index},
- {backing_queue_module, rabbit_variable_queue},
- %% 0 ("no limit") would make a better default, but that
- %% breaks the QPid Java client
- {frame_max, 131072},
- %% see rabbitmq-server#1593
- {channel_max, 2047},
- {connection_max, infinity},
- {heartbeat, 60},
- {msg_store_file_size_limit, 16777216},
- {msg_store_shutdown_timeout, 600000},
- {fhc_write_buffering, true},
- {fhc_read_buffering, false},
- {queue_index_max_journal_entries, 32768},
- {queue_index_embed_msgs_below, 4096},
- {default_user, <<"guest">>},
- {default_pass, <<"guest">>},
- {default_user_tags, [administrator]},
- {default_vhost, <<"/">>},
- {default_permissions, [<<".*">>, <<".*">>, <<".*">>]},
- {loopback_users, [<<"guest">>]},
- {password_hashing_module, rabbit_password_hashing_sha256},
- {server_properties, []},
- {collect_statistics, none},
- {collect_statistics_interval, 5000},
- {mnesia_table_loading_retry_timeout, 30000},
- {mnesia_table_loading_retry_limit, 10},
- {auth_mechanisms, ['PLAIN', 'AMQPLAIN']},
- {auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_internal]},
- {delegate_count, 16},
- {trace_vhosts, []},
- {ssl_cert_login_from, distinguished_name},
- {ssl_handshake_timeout, 5000},
- {ssl_allow_poodle_attack, false},
- {handshake_timeout, 10000},
- {reverse_dns_lookups, false},
- {cluster_partition_handling, ignore},
- {cluster_keepalive_interval, 10000},
- {autoheal_state_transition_timeout, 60000},
- {tcp_listen_options, [{backlog, 128},
- {nodelay, true},
- {linger, {true, 0}},
- {exit_on_close, false}
- ]},
- {halt_on_upgrade_failure, true},
- {ssl_apps, [asn1, crypto, public_key, ssl]},
- %% see rabbitmq-server#114
- {mirroring_flow_control, true},
- {mirroring_sync_batch_size, 4096},
- %% see rabbitmq-server#227 and related tickets.
- %% msg_store_credit_disc_bound only takes effect when
- %% messages are persisted to the message store. If messages
- %% are embedded on the queue index, then modifying this
- %% setting has no effect because credit_flow is not used when
- %% writing to the queue index. See the setting
- %% queue_index_embed_msgs_below above.
- {msg_store_credit_disc_bound, {4000, 800}},
- {msg_store_io_batch_size, 4096},
- %% see rabbitmq-server#143,
- %% rabbitmq-server#949, rabbitmq-server#1098
- {credit_flow_default_credit, {400, 200}},
- {quorum_commands_soft_limit, 32},
- {quorum_cluster_size, 5},
- %% see rabbitmq-server#248
- %% and rabbitmq-server#667
- {channel_operation_timeout, 15000},
- %% see rabbitmq-server#486
- {autocluster,
- [{peer_discovery_backend, rabbit_peer_discovery_classic_config}]
- },
- %% used by rabbit_peer_discovery_classic_config
- {cluster_nodes, {[], disc}},
- {config_entry_decoder, [{passphrase, undefined}]},
- %% rabbitmq-server#973
- {queue_explicit_gc_run_operation_threshold, 1000},
- {lazy_queue_explicit_gc_run_operation_threshold, 1000},
- {background_gc_enabled, false},
- {background_gc_target_interval, 60000},
- %% rabbitmq-server#589
- {proxy_protocol, false},
- {disk_monitor_failure_retries, 10},
- {disk_monitor_failure_retry_interval, 120000},
- %% either "stop_node" or "continue".
- %% by default we choose to not terminate the entire node if one
- %% vhost had to shut down, see server#1158 and server#1280
- {vhost_restart_strategy, continue},
- %% {global, prefetch count}
- {default_consumer_prefetch, {false, 0}},
- %% interval at which the channel can perform periodic actions
- {channel_tick_interval, 60000},
- %% Default max message size is 128 MB
- {max_message_size, 134217728},
- %% Socket writer will run GC every 1 GB of outgoing data
- {writer_gc_threshold, 1000000000},
- %% interval at which connection/channel tracking executes post operations
- {tracking_execution_timeout, 15000},
- {stream_messages_soft_limit, 256},
- {track_auth_attempt_source, false}
- ]
-# With default behavior, the value of `$(APPS_DIR)` is always
-# relative to the top-level executed Makefile. In our case, it could be
-# a plugin for instance. However, the rabbitmq_prelaunch application is
-# in this repository, not the plugin's. That's why we need to override
-# this value here.
-APPS_DIR := $(CURDIR)/apps
+PROJECT = rabbitmq_server_release
-LOCAL_DEPS = sasl rabbitmq_prelaunch os_mon inets compiler public_key crypto ssl syntax_tools xmerl
-BUILD_DEPS = rabbitmq_cli syslog
-DEPS = cuttlefish ranch lager rabbit_common ra sysmon_handler stdout_formatter recon observer_cli osiris amqp10_common
-TEST_DEPS = rabbitmq_ct_helpers rabbitmq_ct_client_helpers amqp_client meck proper
+# Propagate PROJECT_VERSION (from the command line or environment) to
+# other components. If PROJECT_VERSION is unset, then an empty variable
+# is propagated and the default version will fallback to the default
+# value from
-PLT_APPS += mnesia
+# Release artifacts are put in $(PACKAGES_DIR).
-dep_cuttlefish = hex 2.4.1
-dep_syslog = git 3.4.5
-dep_osiris = git master
+# List of plugins to include in a RabbitMQ release.
-define usage_xml_to_erl
-$(subst __,_,$(patsubst $(DOCS_DIR)/rabbitmq%.1.xml, src/rabbit_%_usage.erl, $(subst -,_,$(1))))
+DEPS = rabbit_common rabbit $(PLUGINS)
-DOCS_DIR = docs
-MANPAGES = $(wildcard $(DOCS_DIR)/*.[0-9])
-WEB_MANPAGES = $(patsubst %,%.html,$(MANPAGES))
-DEP_EARLY_PLUGINS = rabbit_common/mk/
-DEP_PLUGINS = rabbit_common/mk/ \
- rabbit_common/mk/ \
+DEP_PLUGINS = rabbit_common/mk/ \
rabbit_common/mk/ \
- rabbit_common/mk/ \
- rabbit_common/mk/ \
- rabbit_common/mk/
+ rabbit_common/mk/
# FIXME: Use patched for RabbitMQ, while waiting for PRs to be
# reviewed and merged.
@@ -163,142 +27,498 @@ DEP_PLUGINS = rabbit_common/mk/ \
ERLANG_MK_COMMIT = rabbitmq-tmp
+ifneq ($(wildcard deps/.hex/cache.erl),)
+deps:: restore-hex-cache-ets-file
+include mk/
+include mk/
+include mk/
-# See above why we mess with `$(APPS_DIR)`.
-unexport APPS_DIR
-ifeq ($(strip $(BATS)),)
-BATS := $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/bats/bin/bats
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Mix Hex cache management.
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-BATS_COMMIT ?= v0.4.0
- $(verbose) mkdir -p $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)
- $(gen_verbose) git clone --depth 1 --branch=$(BATS_COMMIT) $(BATS_GIT) $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/bats
-.PHONY: bats
-bats: $(BATS)
- $(verbose) $(BATS) $(TEST_DIR)
-tests:: bats
-SLOW_CT_SUITES := backing_queue \
- channel_interceptor \
- cluster \
- cluster_rename \
- clustering_management \
- config_schema \
- confirms_rejects \
- consumer_timeout \
- crashing_queues \
- dynamic_ha \
- dynamic_qq \
- eager_sync \
- feature_flags \
- health_check \
- lazy_queue \
- many_node_ha \
- metrics \
- msg_store \
- partitions \
- per_user_connection_tracking \
- per_vhost_connection_limit \
- per_vhost_connection_limit_partitions \
- per_vhost_msg_store \
- per_vhost_queue_limit \
- policy \
- priority_queue \
- priority_queue_recovery \
- publisher_confirms_parallel \
- queue_master_location \
- queue_parallel \
- quorum_queue \
- rabbit_core_metrics_gc \
- rabbit_fifo_prop \
- rabbitmq_queues_cli_integration \
- rabbitmqctl_integration \
- simple_ha \
- sync_detection \
- unit_inbroker_non_parallel \
- unit_inbroker_parallel \
- vhost
-FAST_CT_SUITES := $(filter-out $(sort $(SLOW_CT_SUITES)),$(CT_SUITES))
+# We restore the initial Hex cache.ets file from an Erlang term created
+# at the time the source archive was prepared.
+# See the `$(SOURCE_DIST)` recipe for the reason behind this step.
+restore-hex-cache-ets-file: deps/.hex/cache.ets
+deps/.hex/cache.ets: deps/.hex/cache.erl
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call restore_hex_cache_from_erl_term,$<,$@))
+define restore_hex_cache_from_erl_term
+ In = "$(1)",
+ Out = "$(2)",
+ {ok, [Props, Entries]} = file:consult(In),
+ Name = proplists:get_value(name, Props),
+ Type = proplists:get_value(type, Props),
+ Access = proplists:get_value(protection, Props),
+ NamedTable = proplists:get_bool(named_table, Props),
+ Keypos = proplists:get_value(keypos, Props),
+ Heir = proplists:get_value(heir, Props),
+ ReadConc = proplists:get_bool(read_concurrency, Props),
+ WriteConc = proplists:get_bool(write_concurrency, Props),
+ Compressed = proplists:get_bool(compressed, Props),
+ Options0 = [
+ Type,
+ Access,
+ {keypos, Keypos},
+ {heir, Heir},
+ {read_concurrency, ReadConc},
+ {write_concurrency, WriteConc}],
+ Options1 = case NamedTable of
+ true -> [named_table | Options0];
+ false -> Options0
+ end,
+ Options2 = case Compressed of
+ true -> [compressed | Options0];
+ false -> Options0
+ end,
+ Tab = ets:new(Name, Options2),
+ [true = ets:insert(Tab, Entry) || Entry <- Entries],
+ ok = ets:tab2file(Tab, Out),
+ init:stop().
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Compilation.
+# Distribution.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-RMQ_ERLC_OPTS += -I $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbit_common/include
+.PHONY: source-dist clean-source-dist
+SOURCE_DIST_BASE ?= rabbitmq-server
+# The first source distribution file is used by packages: if the archive
+# type changes, you must update all packages' Makefile.
+source-dist: $(SOURCE_DIST_FILES)
+ @:
+RSYNC ?= rsync
+RSYNC_V_0 =
+RSYNC_V_1 = -v
+RSYNC_V_2 = -v
+RSYNC_V = $(RSYNC_V_$(V))
+ --exclude '.sw?' --exclude '.*.sw?' \
+ --exclude '*.beam' \
+ --exclude '*.d' \
+ --exclude '*.pyc' \
+ --exclude '.git*' \
+ --exclude '.hg*' \
+ --exclude '.travis.yml*' \
+ --exclude '.*.plt' \
+ --exclude '$(notdir $(ERLANG_MK_TMP))' \
+ --exclude '_build/' \
+ --exclude '__pycache__/' \
+ --exclude 'ci/' \
+ --exclude 'cover/' \
+ --exclude 'deps/' \
+ --exclude 'doc/' \
+ --exclude 'docker/' \
+ --exclude 'ebin/' \
+ --exclude 'erl_crash.dump' \
+ --exclude 'escript/' \
+ --exclude 'MnesiaCore.*' \
+ --exclude '$(notdir $(DEPS_DIR))/' \
+ --exclude 'hexer*' \
+ --exclude 'logs/' \
+ --exclude 'packaging' \
+ --exclude 'PKG_*.md' \
+ --exclude '/plugins/' \
+ --include 'cli/plugins' \
+ --exclude '$(notdir $(DIST_DIR))/' \
+ --exclude 'test' \
+ --exclude 'xrefr' \
+ --exclude '/$(notdir $(PACKAGES_DIR))/' \
+ --exclude '/PACKAGES/' \
+ --exclude '/amqp_client/doc/' \
+ --exclude '/amqp_client/rebar.config' \
+ --exclude '/cowboy/doc/' \
+ --exclude '/cowboy/examples/' \
+ --exclude '/rabbit/escript/' \
+ --exclude '/rabbitmq_amqp1_0/test/swiftmq/build/'\
+ --exclude '/rabbitmq_amqp1_0/test/swiftmq/swiftmq*'\
+ --exclude '/rabbitmq_cli/escript/' \
+ --exclude '/rabbitmq_mqtt/test/build/' \
+ --exclude '/rabbitmq_mqtt/test/test_client/'\
+ --exclude '/rabbitmq_trust_store/examples/'\
+ --exclude '/ranch/doc/' \
+ --exclude '/ranch/examples/' \
+ --exclude '/sockjs/examples/' \
+ --exclude '/workflow_sources/' \
+ --delete \
+ --delete-excluded
+TAR ?= tar
+TAR_V_0 =
+TAR_V_1 = -v
+TAR_V_2 = -v
+TAR_V = $(TAR_V_$(V))
+GZIP ?= gzip
+BZIP2 ?= bzip2
+XZ ?= xz
+ZIP ?= zip
+ZIP_V_0 = -q
+ZIP_V_1 =
+ZIP_V_2 =
+ZIP_V = $(ZIP_V_$(V))
+.PHONY: clean-source-dist distclean-packages clean-unpacked-source-dist
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+ $(gen_verbose) $(RSYNC) $(RSYNC_FLAGS) ./ $@/
+ $(verbose) echo "$(PROJECT_DESCRIPTION) $(PROJECT_VERSION)" > "$@/git-revisions.txt"
+ $(verbose) echo "$(PROJECT) $$(git rev-parse HEAD) $$(git describe --tags --exact-match 2>/dev/null || git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD)" >> "$@/git-revisions.txt"
+ $(verbose) echo "$$(TZ= git --no-pager log -n 1 --format='%cd' --date='format-local:%Y%m%d%H%M.%S')" > "$@.git-times.txt"
+ $(verbose) cat packaging/common/LICENSE.head > $@/LICENSE
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $@/deps/licensing
+ $(verbose) set -e; for dep in $$(cat $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DEPS_LIST) | LC_COLLATE=C sort); do \
+ $$dep \
+ $@/deps; \
+ rm -f \
+ $@/deps/rabbit_common/rebar.config \
+ $@/deps/rabbit_common/rebar.lock; \
+ if test -f $@/deps/$$(basename $$dep)/ && \
+ test "$$(wc -l $@/deps/$$(basename $$dep)/ | awk '{print $$1;}')" = "1" && \
+ grep -qs -E "^[[:blank:]]*include[[:blank:]]+(erlang\.mk|.*/erlang\.mk)$$" $@/deps/$$(basename $$dep)/; then \
+ echo "include ../../" > $@/deps/$$(basename $$dep)/; \
+ fi; \
+ sed -E -i.bak "s|^[[:blank:]]*include[[:blank:]]+\.\./.*$$|include ../../|" \
+ $@/deps/$$(basename $$dep)/Makefile && \
+ rm $@/deps/$$(basename $$dep)/Makefile.bak; \
+ mix_exs=$@/deps/$$(basename $$dep)/mix.exs; \
+ if test -f $$mix_exs; then \
+ (cd $$(dirname "$$mix_exs") && \
+ env DEPS_DIR=$@/deps HOME=$@/deps MIX_ENV=prod FILL_HEX_CACHE=yes mix local.hex --force && \
+ env DEPS_DIR=$@/deps HOME=$@/deps MIX_ENV=prod FILL_HEX_CACHE=yes mix deps.get --only prod && \
+ cp $(CURDIR)/mk/ . && \
+ rm -rf _build deps); \
+ fi; \
+ if test -f "$$dep/license_info"; then \
+ cp "$$dep/license_info" "$@/deps/licensing/license_info_$$(basename "$$dep")"; \
+ cat "$$dep/license_info" >> $@/LICENSE; \
+ fi; \
+ find "$$dep" -maxdepth 1 -name 'LICENSE-*' -exec cp '{}' $@/deps/licensing \; ; \
+ (cd $$dep; \
+ echo "$$(basename "$$dep") $$(git rev-parse HEAD) $$(git describe --tags --exact-match 2>/dev/null || git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD)") \
+ >> "$@/git-revisions.txt"; \
+ ! test -d $$dep/.git || (cd $$dep; \
+ echo "$$(env TZ= git --no-pager log -n 1 --format='%cd' --date='format-local:%Y%m%d%H%M.%S')") \
+ >> "$@.git-times.txt"; \
+ done
+ $(verbose) cat packaging/common/LICENSE.tail >> $@/LICENSE
+ $(verbose) find $@/deps/licensing -name 'LICENSE-*' -exec cp '{}' $@ \;
+ $(verbose) rm -rf $@/deps/licensing
+ $(verbose) for file in $$(find $@ -name '*.app.src'); do \
+ sed -E -i.bak \
+ -e 's/[{]vsn[[:blank:]]*,[[:blank:]]*(""|"0.0.0")[[:blank:]]*}/{vsn, "$(PROJECT_VERSION)"}/' \
+ -e 's/[{]broker_version_requirements[[:blank:]]*,[[:blank:]]*\[\][[:blank:]]*}/{broker_version_requirements, ["$(PROJECT_VERSION)"]}/' \
+ $$file; \
+ rm $$file.bak; \
+ done
+ $(verbose) echo "PLUGINS := $(PLUGINS)" > $@/
+# Remember the latest Git timestamp.
+ $(verbose) sort -r < "$@.git-times.txt" | head -n 1 > "$@.git-time.txt"
+# Mix Hex component requires a cache file, otherwise it refuses to build
+# offline... That cache is an ETS table with all the applications we
+# depend on, plus some versioning informations and checksums. There
+# are two problems with that: the table contains a date (`last_update`
+# field) and `ets:tab2file()` produces a different file each time it's
+# called.
+# To make our source archive reproducible, we fix the time of the
+# `last_update` field to the last Git commit and dump the content of the
+# table as an Erlang term to a text file.
+# The ETS file must be recreated before compiling RabbitMQ. See the
+# `restore-hex-cache-ets-file` Make target.
+ $(verbose) $(call erlang,$(call dump_hex_cache_to_erl_term,$@,$@.git-time.txt))
+# Fix file timestamps to have reproducible source archives.
+ $(verbose) find $@ -print0 | xargs -0 touch -t "$$(cat "$@.git-time.txt")"
+ $(verbose) rm "$@.git-times.txt" "$@.git-time.txt"
+define dump_hex_cache_to_erl_term
+ In = "$(1)/deps/.hex/cache.ets",
+ Out = "$(1)/deps/.hex/cache.erl",
+ {ok, DateStr} = file:read_file("$(2)"),
+ {match, Date} = re:run(DateStr,
+ "^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})\.([0-9]{2})",
+ [{capture, all_but_first, list}]),
+ [Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec] = [erlang:list_to_integer(V) || V <- Date],
+ {ok, Tab} = ets:file2tab(In),
+ true = ets:insert(Tab, {last_update, {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Min, Sec}}}),
+ Props = [
+ Prop
+ || {Key, _} = Prop <- ets:info(Tab),
+ Key =:= name orelse
+ Key =:= type orelse
+ Key =:= protection orelse
+ Key =:= named_table orelse
+ Key =:= keypos orelse
+ Key =:= heir orelse
+ Key =:= read_concurrency orelse
+ Key =:= write_concurrency orelse
+ Key =:= compressed],
+ Entries = ets:tab2list(Tab),
+ ok = file:write_file(Out, io_lib:format("~w.~n~w.~n", [Props, Entries])),
+ ok = file:delete(In),
+ init:stop().
+$(SOURCE_DIST).manifest: $(SOURCE_DIST)
+ $(gen_verbose) cd $(dir $(SOURCE_DIST)) && \
+ find $(notdir $(SOURCE_DIST)) | LC_COLLATE=C sort > $@
+ifeq ($(shell tar --version | grep -c "GNU tar"),0)
+# Skip all flags if this is Darwin (a.k.a. macOS, a.k.a. OS X)
+ifeq ($(shell uname | grep -c "Darwin"),0)
+ --gid 0 \
+ --numeric-owner \
+ --no-acls \
+ --no-fflags \
+ --no-xattrs
+ --group 0 \
+ --numeric-owner
+$(SOURCE_DIST).tar.gz: $(SOURCE_DIST).manifest
+ $(gen_verbose) cd $(dir $(SOURCE_DIST)) && \
+ $(TAR) $(TAR_V) $(TAR_FLAGS_FOR_REPRODUCIBLE_BUILDS) --no-recursion -T $(SOURCE_DIST).manifest -cf - | \
+ $(GZIP) --best > $@
-ifdef DEBUG_FF
+$(SOURCE_DIST).tar.bz2: $(SOURCE_DIST).manifest
+ $(gen_verbose) cd $(dir $(SOURCE_DIST)) && \
+ $(TAR) $(TAR_V) $(TAR_FLAGS_FOR_REPRODUCIBLE_BUILDS) --no-recursion -T $(SOURCE_DIST).manifest -cf - | \
+ $(BZIP2) > $@
-# PropEr needs to be installed for property checking
-USE_PROPER_QC := $(shell $(ERL) -eval 'io:format({module, proper} =:= code:ensure_loaded(proper)), halt().')
-RMQ_ERLC_OPTS += $(if $(filter true,$(USE_PROPER_QC)),-Duse_proper_qc)
+$(SOURCE_DIST).tar.xz: $(SOURCE_DIST).manifest
+ $(gen_verbose) cd $(dir $(SOURCE_DIST)) && \
+ $(TAR) $(TAR_V) $(TAR_FLAGS_FOR_REPRODUCIBLE_BUILDS) --no-recursion -T $(SOURCE_DIST).manifest -cf - | \
+ $(XZ) > $@
+$(SOURCE_DIST).zip: $(SOURCE_DIST).manifest
+ $(verbose) rm -f $@
+ $(gen_verbose) cd $(dir $(SOURCE_DIST)) && \
+ $(ZIP) $(ZIP_V) --names-stdin $@ < $(SOURCE_DIST).manifest
+clean:: clean-source-dist
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -rf -- $(SOURCE_DIST_BASE)-*
+distclean:: distclean-packages
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -rf -- $(PACKAGES_DIR)
+## If a dependency doesn't have a clean target - do not call it
+ for d in deps/*; do \
+ if test -f $$d/Makefile; then \
+ (! make -n clean) || (make -C $$d clean || exit $$?); \
+ fi; \
+ done
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Documentation.
+# Packaging.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-.PHONY: manpages web-manpages distclean-manpages
+.PHONY: packages package-deb \
+ package-rpm package-rpm-fedora package-rpm-suse \
+ package-windows \
+ package-generic-unix \
+ docker-image
+# This variable is exported so sub-make instances know where to find the
+# archive.
+packages package-deb package-rpm \
+package-rpm-redhat package-rpm-fedora package-rpm-rhel6 package-rpm-rhel7 \
+package-rpm-rhel8 package-rpm-suse package-rpm-opensuse package-rpm-sles11 \
+package-windows \
+package-generic-unix \
+ $(verbose) $(MAKE) -C packaging $@ \
-docs:: manpages web-manpages
-manpages: $(MANPAGES)
- @:
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Installation.
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-web-manpages: $(WEB_MANPAGES)
- @:
+.PHONY: manpages web-manpages distclean-manpages
-# We use mandoc(1) to convert manpages to HTML plus an awk script which
-# does:
-# 1. remove tables at the top and the bottom (they recall the
-# manpage name, section and date)
-# 2. "downgrade" headers by one level (eg. h1 -> h2)
-# 3. annotate .Dl lines with more CSS classes
-%.html: %
- $(gen_verbose) mandoc -T html -O 'fragment,man=%N.%S.html' "$<" | \
- awk '\
- /^<table class="head">$$/ { remove_table=1; next; } \
- /^<table class="foot">$$/ { remove_table=1; next; } \
- /^<\/table>$$/ { if (remove_table) { remove_table=0; next; } } \
- { if (!remove_table) { \
- line=$$0; \
- gsub(/<h2/, "<h3", line); \
- gsub(/<\/h2>/, "</h3>", line); \
- gsub(/<h1/, "<h2", line); \
- gsub(/<\/h1>/, "</h2>", line); \
- gsub(/class="D1"/, "class=\"D1 lang-bash\"", line); \
- gsub(/class="Bd Bd-indent"/, "class=\"Bd Bd-indent lang-bash\"", line); \
- gsub(/&#[xX]201[cCdD];/, "\\&quot;", line); \
- print line; \
- } } \
- ' > "$@"
-distclean:: distclean-manpages
- $(gen_verbose) rm -f $(WEB_MANPAGES)
+manpages web-manpages distclean-manpages:
+ $(MAKE) -C $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbit $@ DEPS_DIR=$(DEPS_DIR)
+.PHONY: install install-erlapp install-scripts install-bin install-man \
+ install-windows install-windows-erlapp install-windows-scripts \
+ install-windows-docs
+PREFIX ?= /usr/local
+WINDOWS_PREFIX ?= rabbitmq-server-windows-$(PROJECT_VERSION)
+MANDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share/man
+RMQ_ROOTDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/lib/erlang
+SCRIPTS = rabbitmq-defaults \
+ rabbitmq-env \
+ rabbitmq-server \
+ rabbitmqctl \
+ rabbitmq-plugins \
+ rabbitmq-diagnostics \
+ rabbitmq-queues \
+ rabbitmq-upgrade
+WINDOWS_SCRIPTS = rabbitmq-defaults.bat \
+ rabbitmq-echopid.bat \
+ rabbitmq-env.bat \
+ rabbitmq-plugins.bat \
+ rabbitmq-diagnostics.bat \
+ rabbitmq-queues.bat \
+ rabbitmq-server.bat \
+ rabbitmq-service.bat \
+ rabbitmq-upgrade.bat \
+ rabbitmqctl.bat
+UNIX_TO_DOS ?= todos
+inst_verbose_0 = @echo " INST " $@;
+inst_verbose = $(inst_verbose_$(V))
+install: install-erlapp install-scripts
+install-erlapp: dist
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(RMQ_ERLAPP_DIR)
+ $(inst_verbose) cp -r \
+ $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbit/INSTALL \
+ $(DIST_DIR) \
+ $(verbose) echo "Put your EZs here and use rabbitmq-plugins to enable them." \
+ $(verbose) $(MAKE) -C $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbitmq_cli install \
+install-scripts: install-escripts
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(RMQ_ERLAPP_DIR)/sbin
+ $(inst_verbose) for script in $(SCRIPTS); do \
+ cp "$(DEPS_DIR)/rabbit/scripts/$$script" \
+ "$(DESTDIR)$(RMQ_ERLAPP_DIR)/sbin"; \
+ chmod 0755 "$(DESTDIR)$(RMQ_ERLAPP_DIR)/sbin/$$script"; \
+ done
+# FIXME: We do symlinks to scripts in $(RMQ_ERLAPP_DIR))/sbin but this
+# code assumes a certain hierarchy to make relative symlinks.
+install-bin: install-scripts install-autocomplete-scripts
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(RMQ_BINDIR)
+ $(inst_verbose) for script in $(SCRIPTS); do \
+ test -e $(DESTDIR)$(RMQ_BINDIR)/$$script || \
+ ln -sf ../lib/$(notdir $(RMQ_ERLAPP_DIR))/sbin/$$script \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(RMQ_BINDIR)/$$script; \
+ done
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(RMQ_AUTOCOMPLETE_DIR)
+ $(inst_verbose) for script in $(AUTOCOMPLETE_SCRIPTS); do \
+ cp "scripts/$$script" \
+ chmod 0755 "$(DESTDIR)$(RMQ_AUTOCOMPLETE_DIR)/$$script"; \
+ done
+install-man: manpages
+ $(inst_verbose) sections=$$(ls -1 $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbit/docs/*.[1-9] \
+ | sed -E 's/.*\.([1-9])$$/\1/' | uniq | sort); \
+ for section in $$sections; do \
+ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man$$section; \
+ for manpage in $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbit/docs/*.$$section; do \
+ gzip < $$manpage \
+ > $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man$$section/$$(basename $$manpage).gz; \
+ done; \
+ done
+install-windows: install-windows-erlapp install-windows-scripts install-windows-docs
+install-windows-erlapp: dist
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(WINDOWS_PREFIX)
+ $(inst_verbose) cp -r \
+ $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbit/ebin \
+ $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbit/priv \
+ $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbit/INSTALL \
+ $(DIST_DIR) \
+ $(verbose) echo "Put your EZs here and use rabbitmq-plugins.bat to enable them." \
+ $(verbose) $(UNIX_TO_DOS) $(DESTDIR)$(WINDOWS_PREFIX)/plugins/README.txt
+ @# FIXME: Why do we copy headers?
+ $(verbose) cp -r \
+ $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbit/include \
+ @# rabbitmq-common provides headers too: copy them to
+ @# rabbitmq_server/include.
+ $(verbose) cp -r \
+ $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbit_common/include \
+ $(verbose) $(MAKE) -C $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbitmq_cli install \
+install-windows-scripts: install-windows-escripts
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(WINDOWS_PREFIX)/sbin
+ $(inst_verbose) for script in $(WINDOWS_SCRIPTS); do \
+ cp "$(DEPS_DIR)/rabbit/scripts/$$script" \
+ chmod 0755 "$(DESTDIR)$(WINDOWS_PREFIX)/sbin/$$script"; \
+ done
+install-windows-docs: install-windows-erlapp
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(WINDOWS_PREFIX)/etc
+ $(inst_verbose) man $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbit/docs/rabbitmq-service.8 > tmp-readme-service.txt
+ $(verbose) col -bx < ./tmp-readme-service.txt > $(DESTDIR)$(WINDOWS_PREFIX)/readme-service.txt
+ $(verbose) rm -f ./tmp-readme-service.txt
+ $(verbose) for file in \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(WINDOWS_PREFIX)/readme-service.txt \
+ $(UNIX_TO_DOS) "$$file"; \
+ case "$$file" in \
+ *.txt) ;; \
+ *.example) ;; \
+ *) mv "$$file" "$$file.txt" ;; \
+ esac; \
+ done