path: root/deps/amqp_client/src/amqp_network_connection.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/amqp_client/src/amqp_network_connection.erl')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/amqp_client/src/amqp_network_connection.erl b/deps/amqp_client/src/amqp_network_connection.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..975ea591da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/amqp_client/src/amqp_network_connection.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+%% @private
+-export([init/0, terminate/2, connect/4, do/2, open_channel_args/1, i/2,
+ info_keys/0, handle_message/2, closing/3, channels_terminated/1]).
+-define(RABBIT_TCP_OPTS, [binary, {packet, 0}, {active,false}, {nodelay, true}]).
+-define(TCP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, (16#4000000 + ?EMPTY_FRAME_SIZE - 1)).
+-record(state, {sock,
+ name,
+ heartbeat,
+ writer0,
+ frame_max,
+ type_sup,
+ closing_reason, %% undefined | Reason
+ waiting_socket_close = false}).
+-define(INFO_KEYS, [type, heartbeat, frame_max, sock, name]).
+init() ->
+ {ok, #state{}}.
+open_channel_args(#state{sock = Sock, frame_max = FrameMax}) ->
+ [Sock, FrameMax].
+do(#'connection.close_ok'{} = CloseOk, State) ->
+ erlang:send_after(?SOCKET_CLOSING_TIMEOUT, self(), socket_closing_timeout),
+ do2(CloseOk, State);
+do(Method, State) ->
+ do2(Method, State).
+do2(Method, #state{writer0 = Writer}) ->
+ %% Catching because it expects the {channel_exit, _, _} message on error
+ catch rabbit_writer:send_command_sync(Writer, Method).
+ State = #state{closing_reason = Reason}) ->
+ {stop, {socket_closing_timeout, Reason}, State};
+handle_message(socket_closed, State = #state{waiting_socket_close = true,
+ closing_reason = Reason}) ->
+ {stop, {shutdown, Reason}, State};
+handle_message(socket_closed, State = #state{waiting_socket_close = false}) ->
+ {stop, socket_closed_unexpectedly, State};
+handle_message({socket_error, _} = SocketError, State) ->
+ {stop, SocketError, State};
+handle_message({channel_exit, 0, Reason}, State) ->
+ {stop, {channel0_died, Reason}, State};
+handle_message(heartbeat_timeout, State) ->
+ {stop, heartbeat_timeout, State};
+handle_message(closing_timeout, State = #state{closing_reason = Reason}) ->
+ {stop, Reason, State};
+handle_message({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, State) ->
+ {stop, rabbit_misc:format("stopping because dependent process ~p died: ~p", [Pid, Reason]), State};
+%% see
+handle_message({Ref, {error, Reason}},
+ State = #state{waiting_socket_close = Waiting,
+ closing_reason = CloseReason})
+ when is_reference(Ref) ->
+ {stop, case {Reason, Waiting} of
+ {closed, true} -> {shutdown, CloseReason};
+ {closed, false} -> socket_closed_unexpectedly;
+ {_, _} -> {socket_error, Reason}
+ end, State}.
+closing(_ChannelCloseType, {server_initiated_close, _, _} = Reason, State) ->
+ {ok, State#state{waiting_socket_close = true,
+ closing_reason = Reason}};
+closing(_ChannelCloseType, Reason, State) ->
+ {ok, State#state{closing_reason = Reason}}.
+channels_terminated(State = #state{closing_reason =
+ {server_initiated_close, _, _}}) ->
+ {ok, State#state{waiting_socket_close = true}};
+channels_terminated(State) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+ ok.
+i(type, _State) -> network;
+i(heartbeat, State) -> State#state.heartbeat;
+i(frame_max, State) -> State#state.frame_max;
+i(sock, State) -> State#state.sock;
+i(name, State) ->;
+i(Item, _State) -> throw({bad_argument, Item}).
+info_keys() ->
+%% Handshake
+connect(AmqpParams = #amqp_params_network{host = Host}, SIF, TypeSup, State) ->
+ case gethostaddr(Host) of
+ [] -> {error, unknown_host};
+ [AF|_] -> do_connect(
+ AF, AmqpParams, SIF, State#state{type_sup = TypeSup})
+ end.
+do_connect({Addr, Family},
+ AmqpParams = #amqp_params_network{ssl_options = none,
+ port = Port,
+ connection_timeout = Timeout,
+ socket_options = ExtraOpts},
+ SIF, State) ->
+ ok = obtain(),
+ case gen_tcp:connect(Addr, Port,
+ [Family | ?RABBIT_TCP_OPTS] ++ ExtraOpts,
+ Timeout) of
+ {ok, Sock} -> try_handshake(AmqpParams, SIF,
+ State#state{sock = Sock});
+ {error, _} = E -> E
+ end;
+do_connect({Addr, Family},
+ AmqpParams = #amqp_params_network{ssl_options = SslOpts0,
+ port = Port,
+ connection_timeout = Timeout,
+ socket_options = ExtraOpts},
+ SIF, State) ->
+ {ok, GlobalSslOpts} = application:get_env(amqp_client, ssl_options),
+ app_utils:start_applications([asn1, crypto, public_key, ssl]),
+ ok = obtain(),
+ case gen_tcp:connect(Addr, Port,
+ [Family | ?RABBIT_TCP_OPTS] ++ ExtraOpts,
+ Timeout) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ SslOpts = rabbit_ssl_options:fix(
+ orddict:to_list(
+ orddict:merge(fun (_, _A, B) -> B end,
+ orddict:from_list(GlobalSslOpts),
+ orddict:from_list(SslOpts0)))),
+ case ssl:connect(Sock, SslOpts, Timeout) of
+ {ok, SslSock} ->
+ try_handshake(AmqpParams, SIF,
+ State#state{sock = SslSock});
+ {error, _} = E ->
+ E
+ end;
+ {error, _} = E ->
+ E
+ end.
+inet_address_preference() ->
+ case application:get_env(amqp_client, prefer_ipv6) of
+ {ok, true} -> [inet6, inet];
+ {ok, false} -> [inet, inet6]
+ end.
+gethostaddr(Host) ->
+ Lookups = [{Family, inet:getaddr(Host, Family)}
+ || Family <- inet_address_preference()],
+ [{IP, Family} || {Family, {ok, IP}} <- Lookups].
+try_handshake(AmqpParams, SIF, State = #state{sock = Sock}) ->
+ Name = case rabbit_net:connection_string(Sock, outbound) of
+ {ok, Str} -> list_to_binary(Str);
+ {error, _} -> <<"unknown">>
+ end,
+ try handshake(AmqpParams, SIF,
+ State#state{name = <<"client ", Name/binary>>}) of
+ Return -> Return
+ catch exit:Reason -> {error, Reason}
+ end.
+handshake(AmqpParams, SIF, State0 = #state{sock = Sock}) ->
+ ok = rabbit_net:send(Sock, ?PROTOCOL_HEADER),
+ case start_infrastructure(SIF, State0) of
+ {ok, ChMgr, State1} ->
+ network_handshake(AmqpParams, {ChMgr, State1});
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+start_infrastructure(SIF, State = #state{sock = Sock, name = Name}) ->
+ case SIF(Sock, Name) of
+ {ok, ChMgr, Writer} ->
+ {ok, ChMgr, State#state{writer0 = Writer}};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+network_handshake(AmqpParams = #amqp_params_network{virtual_host = VHost},
+ {ChMgr, State0}) ->
+ Start = #'connection.start'{server_properties = ServerProperties,
+ mechanisms = Mechanisms} =
+ handshake_recv('connection.start'),
+ ok = check_version(Start),
+ case login(AmqpParams, Mechanisms, State0) of
+ {closing, #amqp_error{}, _Error} = Err ->
+ do(#'connection.close_ok'{}, State0),
+ Err;
+ Tune ->
+ {TuneOk, ChannelMax, State1} = tune(Tune, AmqpParams, State0),
+ do2(TuneOk, State1),
+ do2(#''{virtual_host = VHost}, State1),
+ Params = {ServerProperties, ChannelMax, ChMgr, State1},
+ case handshake_recv('connection.open_ok') of
+ #'connection.open_ok'{} -> {ok, Params};
+ {closing, #amqp_error{} = AmqpError, Error} -> {closing, Params,
+ AmqpError, Error}
+ end
+ end.
+check_version(#'connection.start'{version_major = ?PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAJOR,
+ version_minor = ?PROTOCOL_VERSION_MINOR}) ->
+ ok;
+check_version(#'connection.start'{version_major = 8,
+ version_minor = 0}) ->
+ exit({protocol_version_mismatch, 0, 8});
+check_version(#'connection.start'{version_major = Major,
+ version_minor = Minor}) ->
+ exit({protocol_version_mismatch, Major, Minor}).
+tune(#'connection.tune'{channel_max = ServerChannelMax,
+ frame_max = ServerFrameMax,
+ heartbeat = ServerHeartbeat},
+ #amqp_params_network{channel_max = ClientChannelMax,
+ frame_max = ClientFrameMax,
+ heartbeat = ClientHeartbeat}, State) ->
+ [ChannelMax, Heartbeat, FrameMax] =
+ lists:zipwith(fun (Client, Server) when Client =:= 0; Server =:= 0 ->
+ lists:max([Client, Server]);
+ (Client, Server) ->
+ lists:min([Client, Server])
+ end,
+ [ClientChannelMax, ClientHeartbeat, ClientFrameMax],
+ [ServerChannelMax, ServerHeartbeat, ServerFrameMax]),
+ %% If we attempt to recv > 64Mb, inet_drv will return enomem, so
+ %% we cap the max negotiated frame size accordingly. Note that
+ %% since we receive the frame header separately, we can actually
+ %% cope with frame sizes of 64M + ?EMPTY_FRAME_SIZE - 1.
+ CappedFrameMax = case FrameMax of
+ _ -> lists:min([FrameMax, ?TCP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE])
+ end,
+ NewState = State#state{heartbeat = Heartbeat, frame_max = CappedFrameMax},
+ start_heartbeat(NewState),
+ {#'connection.tune_ok'{channel_max = ChannelMax,
+ frame_max = CappedFrameMax,
+ heartbeat = Heartbeat}, ChannelMax, NewState}.
+start_heartbeat(#state{sock = Sock,
+ name = Name,
+ heartbeat = Heartbeat,
+ type_sup = Sup}) ->
+ Frame = rabbit_binary_generator:build_heartbeat_frame(),
+ SendFun = fun () -> catch rabbit_net:send(Sock, Frame) end,
+ Connection = self(),
+ ReceiveFun = fun () -> Connection ! heartbeat_timeout end,
+ rabbit_heartbeat:start(
+ Sup, Sock, Name, Heartbeat, SendFun, Heartbeat, ReceiveFun).
+login(Params = #amqp_params_network{auth_mechanisms = ClientMechanisms,
+ client_properties = UserProps},
+ ServerMechanismsStr, State) ->
+ ServerMechanisms = string:tokens(binary_to_list(ServerMechanismsStr), " "),
+ case [{N, S, F} || F <- ClientMechanisms,
+ {N, S} <- [F(none, Params, init)],
+ lists:member(binary_to_list(N), ServerMechanisms)] of
+ [{Name, MState0, Mech}|_] ->
+ {Resp, MState1} = Mech(none, Params, MState0),
+ StartOk = #'connection.start_ok'{
+ client_properties = client_properties(UserProps),
+ mechanism = Name,
+ response = Resp},
+ do2(StartOk, State),
+ login_loop(Mech, MState1, Params, State);
+ [] ->
+ exit({no_suitable_auth_mechanism, ServerMechanisms})
+ end.
+login_loop(Mech, MState0, Params, State) ->
+ case handshake_recv('connection.tune') of
+ Tune = #'connection.tune'{} ->
+ Tune;
+ #''{challenge = Challenge} ->
+ {Resp, MState1} = Mech(Challenge, Params, MState0),
+ do2(#'connection.secure_ok'{response = Resp}, State),
+ login_loop(Mech, MState1, Params, State);
+ #'connection.close'{reply_code = ?ACCESS_REFUSED,
+ reply_text = ExplanationBin} ->
+ Explanation = binary_to_list(ExplanationBin),
+ {closing,
+ #amqp_error{name = access_refused,
+ explanation = Explanation},
+ {error, {auth_failure, Explanation}}}
+ end.
+client_properties(UserProperties) ->
+ {ok, Vsn} = application:get_key(amqp_client, vsn),
+ Default = [{<<"product">>, longstr, <<"RabbitMQ">>},
+ {<<"version">>, longstr, list_to_binary(Vsn)},
+ {<<"platform">>, longstr, <<"Erlang">>},
+ {<<"copyright">>, longstr,
+ <<"Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.">>},
+ {<<"information">>, longstr,
+ <<"Licensed under the MPL. "
+ "See">>},
+ {<<"capabilities">>, table, ?CLIENT_CAPABILITIES}],
+ lists:foldl(fun({K, _, _} = Tuple, Acc) ->
+ lists:keystore(K, 1, Acc, Tuple)
+ end, Default, UserProperties).
+handshake_recv(Expecting) ->
+ receive
+ {'$gen_cast', {method, Method, none, noflow}} ->
+ case {Expecting, element(1, Method)} of
+ {E, M} when E =:= M ->
+ Method;
+ {'connection.tune', ''} ->
+ Method;
+ {'connection.tune', 'connection.close'} ->
+ Method;
+ {'connection.open_ok', 'connection.close'} ->
+ exit(get_reason(Method));
+ {'connection.open_ok', _} ->
+ {closing,
+ #amqp_error{name = command_invalid,
+ explanation = "was expecting "
+ "connection.open_ok"},
+ {error, {unexpected_method, Method,
+ {expecting, Expecting}}}};
+ _ ->
+ throw({unexpected_method, Method,
+ {expecting, Expecting}})
+ end;
+ socket_closed ->
+ case Expecting of
+ 'connection.tune' -> exit({auth_failure, "Disconnected"});
+ 'connection.open_ok' -> exit(access_refused);
+ _ -> exit({socket_closed_unexpectedly,
+ Expecting})
+ end;
+ {socket_error, _} = SocketError ->
+ exit({SocketError, {expecting, Expecting}});
+ {refused, Version} ->
+ exit({server_refused_connection, Version});
+ {malformed_header, All} ->
+ exit({server_sent_malformed_header, All});
+ heartbeat_timeout ->
+ exit(heartbeat_timeout);
+ Other ->
+ throw({handshake_recv_unexpected_message, Other})
+ case Expecting of
+ 'connection.open_ok' ->
+ {closing,
+ #amqp_error{name = internal_error,
+ explanation = "handshake timed out waiting "
+ "connection.open_ok"},
+ {error, handshake_receive_timed_out}};
+ _ ->
+ exit(handshake_receive_timed_out)
+ end
+ end.
+obtain() ->
+ case code:is_loaded(file_handle_cache) of
+ false -> ok;
+ _ -> file_handle_cache:obtain()
+ end.
+get_reason(#'connection.close'{reply_code = ErrCode}) ->
+ ?PROTOCOL:amqp_exception(ErrCode).