path: root/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
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1 files changed, 1849 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..abad3b5ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1849 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+-define(SYNC_INTERVAL, 200). %% milliseconds
+-define(CONSUMER_BIAS_RATIO, 2.0). %% i.e. consume 100% faster
+-export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2,
+ handle_info/2, handle_pre_hibernate/1, prioritise_call/4,
+ prioritise_cast/3, prioritise_info/3, format_message_queue/2]).
+%% Queue's state
+-record(q, {
+ %% an #amqqueue record
+ q :: amqqueue:amqqueue(),
+ %% none | {exclusive consumer channel PID, consumer tag} | {single active consumer channel PID, consumer}
+ active_consumer,
+ %% Set to true if a queue has ever had a consumer.
+ %% This is used to determine when to delete auto-delete queues.
+ has_had_consumers,
+ %% backing queue module.
+ %% for mirrored queues, this will be rabbit_mirror_queue_master.
+ %% for non-priority and non-mirrored queues, rabbit_variable_queue.
+ %% see rabbit_backing_queue.
+ backing_queue,
+ %% backing queue state.
+ %% see rabbit_backing_queue, rabbit_variable_queue.
+ backing_queue_state,
+ %% consumers state, see rabbit_queue_consumers
+ consumers,
+ %% queue expiration value
+ expires,
+ %% timer used to periodically sync (flush) queue index
+ sync_timer_ref,
+ %% timer used to update ingress/egress rates and queue RAM duration target
+ rate_timer_ref,
+ %% timer used to clean up this queue due to TTL (on when unused)
+ expiry_timer_ref,
+ %% stats emission timer
+ stats_timer,
+ %% maps message IDs to {channel pid, MsgSeqNo}
+ %% pairs
+ msg_id_to_channel,
+ %% message TTL value
+ ttl,
+ %% timer used to delete expired messages
+ ttl_timer_ref,
+ ttl_timer_expiry,
+ %% Keeps track of channels that publish to this queue.
+ %% When channel process goes down, queues have to perform
+ %% certain cleanup.
+ senders,
+ %% dead letter exchange as a #resource record, if any
+ dlx,
+ dlx_routing_key,
+ %% max length in messages, if configured
+ max_length,
+ %% max length in bytes, if configured
+ max_bytes,
+ %% an action to perform if queue is to be over a limit,
+ %% can be either drop-head (default), reject-publish or reject-publish-dlx
+ overflow,
+ %% when policies change, this version helps queue
+ %% determine what previously scheduled/set up state to ignore,
+ %% e.g. message expiration messages from previously set up timers
+ %% that may or may not be still valid
+ args_policy_version,
+ %% used to discard outdated/superseded policy updates,
+ %% e.g. when policies are applied concurrently. See
+ %% for one
+ %% example.
+ mirroring_policy_version = 0,
+ %% running | flow | idle
+ status,
+ %% true | false
+ single_active_consumer_on
+ }).
+ [messages_ready,
+ messages_unacknowledged,
+ messages,
+ reductions,
+ name,
+ policy,
+ operator_policy,
+ effective_policy_definition,
+ exclusive_consumer_pid,
+ exclusive_consumer_tag,
+ single_active_consumer_pid,
+ single_active_consumer_tag,
+ consumers,
+ consumer_utilisation,
+ memory,
+ slave_pids,
+ synchronised_slave_pids,
+ recoverable_slaves,
+ state,
+ garbage_collection
+ ]).
+ [name,
+ durable,
+ auto_delete,
+ arguments,
+ owner_pid,
+ exclusive,
+ user_who_performed_action
+ ]).
+-define(INFO_KEYS, [pid | ?CREATION_EVENT_KEYS ++ ?STATISTICS_KEYS -- [name]]).
+-spec info_keys() -> rabbit_types:info_keys().
+info_keys() -> ?INFO_KEYS ++ rabbit_backing_queue:info_keys().
+statistics_keys() -> ?STATISTICS_KEYS ++ rabbit_backing_queue:info_keys().
+init(Q) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ ?store_proc_name(amqqueue:get_name(Q)),
+ {ok, init_state(amqqueue:set_pid(Q, self())), hibernate,
+init_state(Q) ->
+ SingleActiveConsumerOn = case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(amqqueue:get_arguments(Q), <<"x-single-active-consumer">>) of
+ {bool, true} -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end,
+ State = #q{q = Q,
+ active_consumer = none,
+ has_had_consumers = false,
+ consumers = rabbit_queue_consumers:new(),
+ senders = pmon:new(delegate),
+ msg_id_to_channel = #{},
+ status = running,
+ args_policy_version = 0,
+ overflow = 'drop-head',
+ single_active_consumer_on = SingleActiveConsumerOn},
+ rabbit_event:init_stats_timer(State, #q.stats_timer).
+init_it(Recover, From, State = #q{q = Q})
+ when ?amqqueue_exclusive_owner_is(Q, none) ->
+ init_it2(Recover, From, State);
+%% You used to be able to declare an exclusive durable queue. Sadly we
+%% need to still tidy up after that case, there could be the remnants
+%% of one left over from an upgrade. So that's why we don't enforce
+%% Recover = new here.
+init_it(Recover, From, State = #q{q = Q0}) ->
+ Owner = amqqueue:get_exclusive_owner(Q0),
+ case rabbit_misc:is_process_alive(Owner) of
+ true -> erlang:monitor(process, Owner),
+ init_it2(Recover, From, State);
+ false -> #q{backing_queue = undefined,
+ backing_queue_state = undefined,
+ q = Q} = State,
+ send_reply(From, {owner_died, Q}),
+ BQ = backing_queue_module(Q),
+ {_, Terms} = recovery_status(Recover),
+ BQS = bq_init(BQ, Q, Terms),
+ %% Rely on terminate to delete the queue.
+ log_delete_exclusive(Owner, State),
+ {stop, {shutdown, missing_owner},
+ State#q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS}}
+ end.
+init_it2(Recover, From, State = #q{q = Q,
+ backing_queue = undefined,
+ backing_queue_state = undefined}) ->
+ {Barrier, TermsOrNew} = recovery_status(Recover),
+ case rabbit_amqqueue:internal_declare(Q, Recover /= new) of
+ {Res, Q1}
+ when ?is_amqqueue(Q1) andalso
+ (Res == created orelse Res == existing) ->
+ case matches(Recover, Q, Q1) of
+ true ->
+ ok = file_handle_cache:register_callback(
+ rabbit_amqqueue, set_maximum_since_use, [self()]),
+ ok = rabbit_memory_monitor:register(
+ self(), {rabbit_amqqueue,
+ set_ram_duration_target, [self()]}),
+ BQ = backing_queue_module(Q1),
+ BQS = bq_init(BQ, Q, TermsOrNew),
+ send_reply(From, {new, Q}),
+ recovery_barrier(Barrier),
+ State1 = process_args_policy(
+ State#q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}),
+ notify_decorators(startup, State),
+ rabbit_event:notify(queue_created,
+ infos(?CREATION_EVENT_KEYS, State1)),
+ rabbit_event:if_enabled(State1, #q.stats_timer,
+ fun() -> emit_stats(State1) end),
+ noreply(State1);
+ false ->
+ {stop, normal, {existing, Q1}, State}
+ end;
+ Err ->
+ {stop, normal, Err, State}
+ end.
+recovery_status(new) -> {no_barrier, new};
+recovery_status({Recover, Terms}) -> {Recover, Terms}.
+send_reply(none, _Q) -> ok;
+send_reply(From, Q) -> gen_server2:reply(From, Q).
+matches(new, Q1, Q2) ->
+ %% i.e. not policy
+ amqqueue:get_name(Q1) =:= amqqueue:get_name(Q2) andalso
+ amqqueue:is_durable(Q1) =:= amqqueue:is_durable(Q2) andalso
+ amqqueue:is_auto_delete(Q1) =:= amqqueue:is_auto_delete(Q2) andalso
+ amqqueue:get_exclusive_owner(Q1) =:= amqqueue:get_exclusive_owner(Q2) andalso
+ amqqueue:get_arguments(Q1) =:= amqqueue:get_arguments(Q2) andalso
+ amqqueue:get_pid(Q1) =:= amqqueue:get_pid(Q2) andalso
+ amqqueue:get_slave_pids(Q1) =:= amqqueue:get_slave_pids(Q2);
+%% FIXME: Should v1 vs. v2 of the same record match?
+matches(_, Q, Q) -> true;
+matches(_, _Q, _Q1) -> false.
+recovery_barrier(no_barrier) ->
+ ok;
+recovery_barrier(BarrierPid) ->
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process, BarrierPid),
+ receive
+ {BarrierPid, go} -> erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]);
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, _, _} -> ok
+ end.
+-spec init_with_backing_queue_state
+ (amqqueue:amqqueue(), atom(), tuple(), any(),
+ [rabbit_types:delivery()], pmon:pmon(), map()) ->
+ #q{}.
+init_with_backing_queue_state(Q, BQ, BQS,
+ RateTRef, Deliveries, Senders, MTC) ->
+ Owner = amqqueue:get_exclusive_owner(Q),
+ case Owner of
+ none -> ok;
+ _ -> erlang:monitor(process, Owner)
+ end,
+ State = init_state(Q),
+ State1 = State#q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS,
+ rate_timer_ref = RateTRef,
+ senders = Senders,
+ msg_id_to_channel = MTC},
+ State2 = process_args_policy(State1),
+ State3 = lists:foldl(fun (Delivery, StateN) ->
+ maybe_deliver_or_enqueue(Delivery, true, StateN)
+ end, State2, Deliveries),
+ notify_decorators(startup, State3),
+ State3.
+terminate(shutdown = R, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ, q = Q0}) ->
+ QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q0),
+ rabbit_core_metrics:queue_deleted(qname(State)),
+ terminate_shutdown(
+ fun (BQS) ->
+ rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction(
+ fun() ->
+ [Q] = mnesia:read({rabbit_queue, QName}),
+ Q2 = amqqueue:set_state(Q, stopped),
+ %% amqqueue migration:
+ %% The amqqueue was read from this transaction, no need
+ %% to handle migration.
+ rabbit_amqqueue:store_queue(Q2)
+ end),
+ BQ:terminate(R, BQS)
+ end, State);
+terminate({shutdown, missing_owner} = Reason, State) ->
+ %% if the owner was missing then there will be no queue, so don't emit stats
+ terminate_shutdown(terminate_delete(false, Reason, State), State);
+terminate({shutdown, _} = R, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ}) ->
+ rabbit_core_metrics:queue_deleted(qname(State)),
+ terminate_shutdown(fun (BQS) -> BQ:terminate(R, BQS) end, State);
+terminate(normal, State = #q{status = {terminated_by, auto_delete}}) ->
+ %% auto_delete case
+ %% To increase performance we want to avoid a mnesia_sync:sync call
+ %% after every transaction, as we could be deleting simultaneously
+ %% thousands of queues. A optimisation introduced by server#1513
+ %% needs to be reverted by this case, avoiding to guard the delete
+ %% operation on `rabbit_durable_queue`
+ terminate_shutdown(terminate_delete(true, auto_delete, State), State);
+terminate(normal, State) -> %% delete case
+ terminate_shutdown(terminate_delete(true, normal, State), State);
+%% If we crashed don't try to clean up the BQS, probably best to leave it.
+terminate(_Reason, State = #q{q = Q}) ->
+ terminate_shutdown(fun (BQS) ->
+ Q2 = amqqueue:set_state(Q, crashed),
+ rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction(
+ fun() ->
+ ?try_mnesia_tx_or_upgrade_amqqueue_and_retry(
+ rabbit_amqqueue:store_queue(Q2),
+ begin
+ Q3 = amqqueue:upgrade(Q2),
+ rabbit_amqqueue:store_queue(Q3)
+ end)
+ end),
+ end, State).
+terminate_delete(EmitStats, Reason0,
+ State = #q{q = Q,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ status = Status}) ->
+ QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q),
+ ActingUser = terminated_by(Status),
+ fun (BQS) ->
+ Reason = case Reason0 of
+ auto_delete -> normal;
+ Any -> Any
+ end,
+ BQS1 = BQ:delete_and_terminate(Reason, BQS),
+ if EmitStats -> rabbit_event:if_enabled(State, #q.stats_timer,
+ fun() -> emit_stats(State) end);
+ true -> ok
+ end,
+ %% This try-catch block transforms throws to errors since throws are not
+ %% logged.
+ try
+ %% don't care if the internal delete doesn't return 'ok'.
+ rabbit_amqqueue:internal_delete(QName, ActingUser, Reason0)
+ catch
+ {error, ReasonE} -> error(ReasonE)
+ end,
+ BQS1
+ end.
+terminated_by({terminated_by, auto_delete}) ->
+terminated_by({terminated_by, ActingUser}) ->
+ ActingUser;
+terminated_by(_) ->
+terminate_shutdown(Fun, #q{status = Status} = State) ->
+ ActingUser = terminated_by(Status),
+ State1 = #q{backing_queue_state = BQS, consumers = Consumers} =
+ lists:foldl(fun (F, S) -> F(S) end, State,
+ [fun stop_sync_timer/1,
+ fun stop_rate_timer/1,
+ fun stop_expiry_timer/1,
+ fun stop_ttl_timer/1]),
+ case BQS of
+ undefined -> State1;
+ _ -> ok = rabbit_memory_monitor:deregister(self()),
+ QName = qname(State),
+ notify_decorators(shutdown, State),
+ [emit_consumer_deleted(Ch, CTag, QName, ActingUser) ||
+ {Ch, CTag, _, _, _, _, _, _} <-
+ rabbit_queue_consumers:all(Consumers)],
+ State1#q{backing_queue_state = Fun(BQS)}
+ end.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+maybe_notify_decorators(false, State) -> State;
+maybe_notify_decorators(true, State) -> notify_decorators(State), State.
+notify_decorators(Event, State) -> decorator_callback(qname(State), Event, []).
+notify_decorators(State = #q{consumers = Consumers,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ P = rabbit_queue_consumers:max_active_priority(Consumers),
+ decorator_callback(qname(State), consumer_state_changed,
+ [P, BQ:is_empty(BQS)]).
+decorator_callback(QName, F, A) ->
+ %% Look up again in case policy and hence decorators have changed
+ case rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(QName) of
+ {ok, Q} ->
+ Ds = amqqueue:get_decorators(Q),
+ [ok = apply(M, F, [Q|A]) || M <- rabbit_queue_decorator:select(Ds)];
+ {error, not_found} ->
+ ok
+ end.
+bq_init(BQ, Q, Recover) ->
+ Self = self(),
+ BQ:init(Q, Recover,
+ fun (Mod, Fun) ->
+ rabbit_amqqueue:run_backing_queue(Self, Mod, Fun)
+ end).
+process_args_policy(State = #q{q = Q,
+ args_policy_version = N}) ->
+ ArgsTable =
+ [{<<"expires">>, fun res_min/2, fun init_exp/2},
+ {<<"dead-letter-exchange">>, fun res_arg/2, fun init_dlx/2},
+ {<<"dead-letter-routing-key">>, fun res_arg/2, fun init_dlx_rkey/2},
+ {<<"message-ttl">>, fun res_min/2, fun init_ttl/2},
+ {<<"max-length">>, fun res_min/2, fun init_max_length/2},
+ {<<"max-length-bytes">>, fun res_min/2, fun init_max_bytes/2},
+ {<<"overflow">>, fun res_arg/2, fun init_overflow/2},
+ {<<"queue-mode">>, fun res_arg/2, fun init_queue_mode/2}],
+ drop_expired_msgs(
+ lists:foldl(fun({Name, Resolve, Fun}, StateN) ->
+ Fun(rabbit_queue_type_util:args_policy_lookup(Name, Resolve, Q), StateN)
+ end, State#q{args_policy_version = N + 1}, ArgsTable)).
+res_arg(_PolVal, ArgVal) -> ArgVal.
+res_min(PolVal, ArgVal) -> erlang:min(PolVal, ArgVal).
+%% In both these we init with the undefined variant first to stop any
+%% existing timer, then start a new one which may fire after a
+%% different time.
+init_exp(undefined, State) -> stop_expiry_timer(State#q{expires = undefined});
+init_exp(Expires, State) -> State1 = init_exp(undefined, State),
+ ensure_expiry_timer(State1#q{expires = Expires}).
+init_ttl(undefined, State) -> stop_ttl_timer(State#q{ttl = undefined});
+init_ttl(TTL, State) -> (init_ttl(undefined, State))#q{ttl = TTL}.
+init_dlx(undefined, State) ->
+ State#q{dlx = undefined};
+init_dlx(DLX, State = #q{q = Q}) ->
+ QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q),
+ State#q{dlx = rabbit_misc:r(QName, exchange, DLX)}.
+init_dlx_rkey(RoutingKey, State) -> State#q{dlx_routing_key = RoutingKey}.
+init_max_length(MaxLen, State) ->
+ {_Dropped, State1} = maybe_drop_head(State#q{max_length = MaxLen}),
+ State1.
+init_max_bytes(MaxBytes, State) ->
+ {_Dropped, State1} = maybe_drop_head(State#q{max_bytes = MaxBytes}),
+ State1.
+%% Reset overflow to default 'drop-head' value if it's undefined.
+init_overflow(undefined, #q{overflow = 'drop-head'} = State) ->
+ State;
+init_overflow(undefined, State) ->
+ {_Dropped, State1} = maybe_drop_head(State#q{overflow = 'drop-head'}),
+ State1;
+init_overflow(Overflow, State) ->
+ OverflowVal = binary_to_existing_atom(Overflow, utf8),
+ case OverflowVal of
+ 'drop-head' ->
+ {_Dropped, State1} = maybe_drop_head(State#q{overflow = OverflowVal}),
+ State1;
+ _ ->
+ State#q{overflow = OverflowVal}
+ end.
+init_queue_mode(undefined, State) ->
+ State;
+init_queue_mode(Mode, State = #q {backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ BQS1 = BQ:set_queue_mode(binary_to_existing_atom(Mode, utf8), BQS),
+ State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}.
+reply(Reply, NewState) ->
+ {NewState1, Timeout} = next_state(NewState),
+ {reply, Reply, ensure_stats_timer(ensure_rate_timer(NewState1)), Timeout}.
+noreply(NewState) ->
+ {NewState1, Timeout} = next_state(NewState),
+ {noreply, ensure_stats_timer(ensure_rate_timer(NewState1)), Timeout}.
+next_state(State = #q{q = Q,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS,
+ msg_id_to_channel = MTC}) ->
+ assert_invariant(State),
+ {MsgIds, BQS1} = BQ:drain_confirmed(BQS),
+ MTC1 = confirm_messages(MsgIds, MTC, amqqueue:get_name(Q)),
+ State1 = State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1, msg_id_to_channel = MTC1},
+ case BQ:needs_timeout(BQS1) of
+ false -> {stop_sync_timer(State1), hibernate };
+ idle -> {stop_sync_timer(State1), ?SYNC_INTERVAL};
+ timed -> {ensure_sync_timer(State1), 0 }
+ end.
+backing_queue_module(Q) ->
+ case rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:is_mirrored(Q) of
+ false -> {ok, BQM} = application:get_env(backing_queue_module),
+ BQM;
+ true -> rabbit_mirror_queue_master
+ end.
+ensure_sync_timer(State) ->
+ rabbit_misc:ensure_timer(State, #q.sync_timer_ref,
+ ?SYNC_INTERVAL, sync_timeout).
+stop_sync_timer(State) -> rabbit_misc:stop_timer(State, #q.sync_timer_ref).
+ensure_rate_timer(State) ->
+ rabbit_misc:ensure_timer(State, #q.rate_timer_ref,
+ update_ram_duration).
+stop_rate_timer(State) -> rabbit_misc:stop_timer(State, #q.rate_timer_ref).
+%% We wish to expire only when there are no consumers *and* the expiry
+%% hasn't been refreshed (by queue.declare or basic.get) for the
+%% configured period.
+ensure_expiry_timer(State = #q{expires = undefined}) ->
+ State;
+ensure_expiry_timer(State = #q{expires = Expires,
+ args_policy_version = Version}) ->
+ case is_unused(State) of
+ true -> NewState = stop_expiry_timer(State),
+ rabbit_misc:ensure_timer(NewState, #q.expiry_timer_ref,
+ Expires, {maybe_expire, Version});
+ false -> State
+ end.
+stop_expiry_timer(State) -> rabbit_misc:stop_timer(State, #q.expiry_timer_ref).
+ensure_ttl_timer(undefined, State) ->
+ State;
+ensure_ttl_timer(Expiry, State = #q{ttl_timer_ref = undefined,
+ args_policy_version = Version}) ->
+ After = (case Expiry - os:system_time(micro_seconds) of
+ V when V > 0 -> V + 999; %% always fire later
+ _ -> 0
+ end) div 1000,
+ TRef = rabbit_misc:send_after(After, self(), {drop_expired, Version}),
+ State#q{ttl_timer_ref = TRef, ttl_timer_expiry = Expiry};
+ensure_ttl_timer(Expiry, State = #q{ttl_timer_ref = TRef,
+ ttl_timer_expiry = TExpiry})
+ when Expiry + 1000 < TExpiry ->
+ rabbit_misc:cancel_timer(TRef),
+ ensure_ttl_timer(Expiry, State#q{ttl_timer_ref = undefined});
+ensure_ttl_timer(_Expiry, State) ->
+ State.
+stop_ttl_timer(State) -> rabbit_misc:stop_timer(State, #q.ttl_timer_ref).
+ensure_stats_timer(State) ->
+ rabbit_event:ensure_stats_timer(State, #q.stats_timer, emit_stats).
+assert_invariant(#q{single_active_consumer_on = true}) ->
+ %% queue may contain messages and have available consumers with exclusive consumer
+ ok;
+assert_invariant(State = #q{consumers = Consumers, single_active_consumer_on = false}) ->
+ true = (rabbit_queue_consumers:inactive(Consumers) orelse is_empty(State)).
+is_empty(#q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS}) -> BQ:is_empty(BQS).
+maybe_send_drained(WasEmpty, State) ->
+ case (not WasEmpty) andalso is_empty(State) of
+ true -> notify_decorators(State),
+ rabbit_queue_consumers:send_drained();
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ State.
+confirm_messages([], MTC, _QName) ->
+ MTC;
+confirm_messages(MsgIds, MTC, QName) ->
+ {CMs, MTC1} =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(MsgId, {CMs, MTC0}) ->
+ case maps:get(MsgId, MTC0, none) of
+ none ->
+ {CMs, MTC0};
+ {SenderPid, MsgSeqNo} ->
+ {maps:update_with(SenderPid,
+ fun(MsgSeqNos) ->
+ [MsgSeqNo | MsgSeqNos]
+ end,
+ [MsgSeqNo],
+ CMs),
+ maps:remove(MsgId, MTC0)}
+ end
+ end, {#{}, MTC}, MsgIds),
+ maps:fold(
+ fun(Pid, MsgSeqNos, _) ->
+ confirm_to_sender(Pid, QName, MsgSeqNos)
+ end,
+ ok,
+ CMs),
+ MTC1.
+send_or_record_confirm(#delivery{confirm = false}, State) ->
+ {never, State};
+send_or_record_confirm(#delivery{confirm = true,
+ sender = SenderPid,
+ msg_seq_no = MsgSeqNo,
+ message = #basic_message {
+ is_persistent = true,
+ id = MsgId}},
+ State = #q{q = Q,
+ msg_id_to_channel = MTC})
+ when ?amqqueue_is_durable(Q) ->
+ MTC1 = maps:put(MsgId, {SenderPid, MsgSeqNo}, MTC),
+ {eventually, State#q{msg_id_to_channel = MTC1}};
+send_or_record_confirm(#delivery{confirm = true,
+ sender = SenderPid,
+ msg_seq_no = MsgSeqNo},
+ #q{q = Q} = State) ->
+ confirm_to_sender(SenderPid, amqqueue:get_name(Q), [MsgSeqNo]),
+ {immediately, State}.
+%% This feature was used by `rabbit_amqqueue_process` and
+%% `rabbit_mirror_queue_slave` up-to and including RabbitMQ 3.7.x. It is
+%% unused in 3.8.x and thus deprecated. We keep it to support in-place
+%% upgrades to 3.8.x (i.e. mixed-version clusters), but it is a no-op
+%% starting with that version.
+send_mandatory(#delivery{mandatory = false}) ->
+ ok;
+send_mandatory(#delivery{mandatory = true,
+ sender = SenderPid,
+ msg_seq_no = MsgSeqNo}) ->
+ gen_server2:cast(SenderPid, {mandatory_received, MsgSeqNo}).
+discard(#delivery{confirm = Confirm,
+ sender = SenderPid,
+ flow = Flow,
+ message = #basic_message{id = MsgId}}, BQ, BQS, MTC, QName) ->
+ MTC1 = case Confirm of
+ true -> confirm_messages([MsgId], MTC, QName);
+ false -> MTC
+ end,
+ BQS1 = BQ:discard(MsgId, SenderPid, Flow, BQS),
+ {BQS1, MTC1}.
+run_message_queue(State) -> run_message_queue(false, State).
+run_message_queue(ActiveConsumersChanged, State) ->
+ case is_empty(State) of
+ true -> maybe_notify_decorators(ActiveConsumersChanged, State);
+ false -> case rabbit_queue_consumers:deliver(
+ fun(AckRequired) -> fetch(AckRequired, State) end,
+ qname(State), State#q.consumers,
+ State#q.single_active_consumer_on, State#q.active_consumer) of
+ {delivered, ActiveConsumersChanged1, State1, Consumers} ->
+ run_message_queue(
+ ActiveConsumersChanged or ActiveConsumersChanged1,
+ State1#q{consumers = Consumers});
+ {undelivered, ActiveConsumersChanged1, Consumers} ->
+ maybe_notify_decorators(
+ ActiveConsumersChanged or ActiveConsumersChanged1,
+ State#q{consumers = Consumers})
+ end
+ end.
+attempt_delivery(Delivery = #delivery{sender = SenderPid,
+ flow = Flow,
+ message = Message},
+ Props, Delivered, State = #q{q = Q,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS,
+ msg_id_to_channel = MTC}) ->
+ case rabbit_queue_consumers:deliver(
+ fun (true) -> true = BQ:is_empty(BQS),
+ {AckTag, BQS1} =
+ BQ:publish_delivered(
+ Message, Props, SenderPid, Flow, BQS),
+ {{Message, Delivered, AckTag}, {BQS1, MTC}};
+ (false) -> {{Message, Delivered, undefined},
+ discard(Delivery, BQ, BQS, MTC, amqqueue:get_name(Q))}
+ end, qname(State), State#q.consumers, State#q.single_active_consumer_on, State#q.active_consumer) of
+ {delivered, ActiveConsumersChanged, {BQS1, MTC1}, Consumers} ->
+ {delivered, maybe_notify_decorators(
+ ActiveConsumersChanged,
+ State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1,
+ msg_id_to_channel = MTC1,
+ consumers = Consumers})};
+ {undelivered, ActiveConsumersChanged, Consumers} ->
+ {undelivered, maybe_notify_decorators(
+ ActiveConsumersChanged,
+ State#q{consumers = Consumers})}
+ end.
+maybe_deliver_or_enqueue(Delivery = #delivery{message = Message},
+ Delivered,
+ State = #q{overflow = Overflow,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS,
+ dlx = DLX,
+ dlx_routing_key = RK}) ->
+ send_mandatory(Delivery), %% must do this before confirms
+ case {will_overflow(Delivery, State), Overflow} of
+ {true, 'reject-publish'} ->
+ %% Drop publish and nack to publisher
+ send_reject_publish(Delivery, Delivered, State);
+ {true, 'reject-publish-dlx'} ->
+ %% Publish to DLX
+ with_dlx(
+ DLX,
+ fun (X) ->
+ QName = qname(State),
+ rabbit_dead_letter:publish(Message, maxlen, X, RK, QName)
+ end,
+ fun () -> ok end),
+ %% Drop publish and nack to publisher
+ send_reject_publish(Delivery, Delivered, State);
+ _ ->
+ {IsDuplicate, BQS1} = BQ:is_duplicate(Message, BQS),
+ State1 = State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1},
+ case IsDuplicate of
+ true -> State1;
+ {true, drop} -> State1;
+ %% Drop publish and nack to publisher
+ {true, reject} ->
+ send_reject_publish(Delivery, Delivered, State1);
+ %% Enqueue and maybe drop head later
+ false ->
+ deliver_or_enqueue(Delivery, Delivered, State1)
+ end
+ end.
+deliver_or_enqueue(Delivery = #delivery{message = Message,
+ sender = SenderPid,
+ flow = Flow},
+ Delivered,
+ State = #q{q = Q, backing_queue = BQ}) ->
+ {Confirm, State1} = send_or_record_confirm(Delivery, State),
+ Props = message_properties(Message, Confirm, State1),
+ case attempt_delivery(Delivery, Props, Delivered, State1) of
+ {delivered, State2} ->
+ State2;
+ %% The next one is an optimisation
+ {undelivered, State2 = #q{ttl = 0, dlx = undefined,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS,
+ msg_id_to_channel = MTC}} ->
+ {BQS1, MTC1} = discard(Delivery, BQ, BQS, MTC, amqqueue:get_name(Q)),
+ State2#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1, msg_id_to_channel = MTC1};
+ {undelivered, State2 = #q{backing_queue_state = BQS}} ->
+ BQS1 = BQ:publish(Message, Props, Delivered, SenderPid, Flow, BQS),
+ {Dropped, State3 = #q{backing_queue_state = BQS2}} =
+ maybe_drop_head(State2#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}),
+ QLen = BQ:len(BQS2),
+ %% optimisation: it would be perfectly safe to always
+ %% invoke drop_expired_msgs here, but that is expensive so
+ %% we only do that if a new message that might have an
+ %% expiry ends up at the head of the queue. If the head
+ %% remains unchanged, or if the newly published message
+ %% has no expiry and becomes the head of the queue then
+ %% the call is unnecessary.
+ case {Dropped, QLen =:= 1, Props#message_properties.expiry} of
+ {false, false, _} -> State3;
+ {true, true, undefined} -> State3;
+ {_, _, _} -> drop_expired_msgs(State3)
+ end
+ end.
+maybe_drop_head(State = #q{max_length = undefined,
+ max_bytes = undefined}) ->
+ {false, State};
+maybe_drop_head(State = #q{overflow = 'reject-publish'}) ->
+ {false, State};
+maybe_drop_head(State = #q{overflow = 'reject-publish-dlx'}) ->
+ {false, State};
+maybe_drop_head(State = #q{overflow = 'drop-head'}) ->
+ maybe_drop_head(false, State).
+maybe_drop_head(AlreadyDropped, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ case over_max_length(State) of
+ true ->
+ maybe_drop_head(true,
+ with_dlx(
+ State#q.dlx,
+ fun (X) -> dead_letter_maxlen_msg(X, State) end,
+ fun () ->
+ {_, BQS1} = BQ:drop(false, BQS),
+ State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}
+ end));
+ false ->
+ {AlreadyDropped, State}
+ end.
+send_reject_publish(#delivery{confirm = true,
+ sender = SenderPid,
+ flow = Flow,
+ msg_seq_no = MsgSeqNo,
+ message = #basic_message{id = MsgId}},
+ _Delivered,
+ State = #q{ q = Q,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS,
+ msg_id_to_channel = MTC}) ->
+ ok = rabbit_classic_queue:send_rejection(SenderPid,
+ amqqueue:get_name(Q), MsgSeqNo),
+ MTC1 = maps:remove(MsgId, MTC),
+ BQS1 = BQ:discard(MsgId, SenderPid, Flow, BQS),
+ State#q{ backing_queue_state = BQS1, msg_id_to_channel = MTC1 };
+send_reject_publish(#delivery{confirm = false},
+ _Delivered, State) ->
+ State.
+will_overflow(_, #q{max_length = undefined,
+ max_bytes = undefined}) -> false;
+will_overflow(#delivery{message = Message},
+ #q{max_length = MaxLen,
+ max_bytes = MaxBytes,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ ExpectedQueueLength = BQ:len(BQS) + 1,
+ #basic_message{content = #content{payload_fragments_rev = PFR}} = Message,
+ MessageSize = iolist_size(PFR),
+ ExpectedQueueSizeBytes = BQ:info(message_bytes_ready, BQS) + MessageSize,
+ ExpectedQueueLength > MaxLen orelse ExpectedQueueSizeBytes > MaxBytes.
+over_max_length(#q{max_length = MaxLen,
+ max_bytes = MaxBytes,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ BQ:len(BQS) > MaxLen orelse BQ:info(message_bytes_ready, BQS) > MaxBytes.
+requeue_and_run(AckTags, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ WasEmpty = BQ:is_empty(BQS),
+ {_MsgIds, BQS1} = BQ:requeue(AckTags, BQS),
+ {_Dropped, State1} = maybe_drop_head(State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}),
+ run_message_queue(maybe_send_drained(WasEmpty, drop_expired_msgs(State1))).
+fetch(AckRequired, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ {Result, BQS1} = BQ:fetch(AckRequired, BQS),
+ State1 = drop_expired_msgs(State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}),
+ {Result, maybe_send_drained(Result =:= empty, State1)}.
+ack(AckTags, ChPid, State) ->
+ subtract_acks(ChPid, AckTags, State,
+ fun (State1 = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ {_Guids, BQS1} = BQ:ack(AckTags, BQS),
+ State1#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}
+ end).
+requeue(AckTags, ChPid, State) ->
+ subtract_acks(ChPid, AckTags, State,
+ fun (State1) -> requeue_and_run(AckTags, State1) end).
+possibly_unblock(Update, ChPid, State = #q{consumers = Consumers}) ->
+ case rabbit_queue_consumers:possibly_unblock(Update, ChPid, Consumers) of
+ unchanged -> State;
+ {unblocked, Consumers1} -> State1 = State#q{consumers = Consumers1},
+ run_message_queue(true, State1)
+ end.
+should_auto_delete(#q{q = Q})
+ when not ?amqqueue_is_auto_delete(Q) -> false;
+should_auto_delete(#q{has_had_consumers = false}) -> false;
+should_auto_delete(State) -> is_unused(State).
+handle_ch_down(DownPid, State = #q{consumers = Consumers,
+ active_consumer = Holder,
+ single_active_consumer_on = SingleActiveConsumerOn,
+ senders = Senders}) ->
+ State1 = State#q{senders = case pmon:is_monitored(DownPid, Senders) of
+ false ->
+ Senders;
+ true ->
+ %% A rabbit_channel process died. Here credit_flow will take care
+ %% of cleaning up the rabbit_amqqueue_process process dictionary
+ %% with regards to the credit we were tracking for the channel
+ %% process. See handle_cast({deliver, Deliver}, State) in this
+ %% module. In that cast function we process deliveries from the
+ %% channel, which means we credit_flow:ack/1 said
+ %% messages. credit_flow:ack'ing messages means we are increasing
+ %% a counter to know when we need to send MoreCreditAfter. Since
+ %% the process died, the credit_flow flow module will clean up
+ %% that for us.
+ credit_flow:peer_down(DownPid),
+ pmon:demonitor(DownPid, Senders)
+ end},
+ case rabbit_queue_consumers:erase_ch(DownPid, Consumers) of
+ not_found ->
+ {ok, State1};
+ {ChAckTags, ChCTags, Consumers1} ->
+ QName = qname(State1),
+ [emit_consumer_deleted(DownPid, CTag, QName, ?INTERNAL_USER) || CTag <- ChCTags],
+ Holder1 = new_single_active_consumer_after_channel_down(DownPid, Holder, SingleActiveConsumerOn, Consumers1),
+ State2 = State1#q{consumers = Consumers1,
+ active_consumer = Holder1},
+ maybe_notify_consumer_updated(State2, Holder, Holder1),
+ notify_decorators(State2),
+ case should_auto_delete(State2) of
+ true ->
+ log_auto_delete(
+ io_lib:format(
+ "because all of its consumers (~p) were on a channel that was closed",
+ [length(ChCTags)]),
+ State),
+ {stop, State2};
+ false -> {ok, requeue_and_run(ChAckTags,
+ ensure_expiry_timer(State2))}
+ end
+ end.
+new_single_active_consumer_after_channel_down(DownChPid, CurrentSingleActiveConsumer, _SingleActiveConsumerIsOn = true, Consumers) ->
+ case CurrentSingleActiveConsumer of
+ {DownChPid, _} ->
+ % the single active consumer is on the down channel, we have to replace it
+ case rabbit_queue_consumers:get_consumer(Consumers) of
+ undefined -> none;
+ Consumer -> Consumer
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ CurrentSingleActiveConsumer
+ end;
+new_single_active_consumer_after_channel_down(DownChPid, CurrentSingleActiveConsumer, _SingleActiveConsumerIsOn = false, _Consumers) ->
+ case CurrentSingleActiveConsumer of
+ {DownChPid, _} -> none;
+ Other -> Other
+ end.
+check_exclusive_access({_ChPid, _ConsumerTag}, _ExclusiveConsume, _State) ->
+ in_use;
+check_exclusive_access(none, false, _State) ->
+ ok;
+check_exclusive_access(none, true, State) ->
+ case is_unused(State) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> in_use
+ end.
+is_unused(_State) -> rabbit_queue_consumers:count() == 0.
+maybe_send_reply(_ChPid, undefined) -> ok;
+maybe_send_reply(ChPid, Msg) -> ok = rabbit_channel:send_command(ChPid, Msg).
+qname(#q{q = Q}) -> amqqueue:get_name(Q).
+backing_queue_timeout(State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ State#q{backing_queue_state = BQ:timeout(BQS)}.
+subtract_acks(ChPid, AckTags, State = #q{consumers = Consumers}, Fun) ->
+ case rabbit_queue_consumers:subtract_acks(ChPid, AckTags, Consumers) of
+ not_found -> State;
+ unchanged -> Fun(State);
+ {unblocked, Consumers1} -> State1 = State#q{consumers = Consumers1},
+ run_message_queue(true, Fun(State1))
+ end.
+message_properties(Message = #basic_message{content = Content},
+ Confirm, #q{ttl = TTL}) ->
+ #content{payload_fragments_rev = PFR} = Content,
+ #message_properties{expiry = calculate_msg_expiry(Message, TTL),
+ needs_confirming = Confirm == eventually,
+ size = iolist_size(PFR)}.
+calculate_msg_expiry(#basic_message{content = Content}, TTL) ->
+ #content{properties = Props} =
+ rabbit_binary_parser:ensure_content_decoded(Content),
+ %% We assert that the expiration must be valid - we check in the channel.
+ {ok, MsgTTL} = rabbit_basic:parse_expiration(Props),
+ case lists:min([TTL, MsgTTL]) of
+ undefined -> undefined;
+ T -> os:system_time(micro_seconds) + T * 1000
+ end.
+%% Logically this function should invoke maybe_send_drained/2.
+%% However, that is expensive. Since some frequent callers of
+%% drop_expired_msgs/1, in particular deliver_or_enqueue/3, cannot
+%% possibly cause the queue to become empty, we push the
+%% responsibility to the callers. So be cautious when adding new ones.
+drop_expired_msgs(State) ->
+ case is_empty(State) of
+ true -> State;
+ false -> drop_expired_msgs(os:system_time(micro_seconds),
+ State)
+ end.
+drop_expired_msgs(Now, State = #q{backing_queue_state = BQS,
+ backing_queue = BQ }) ->
+ ExpirePred = fun (#message_properties{expiry = Exp}) -> Now >= Exp end,
+ {Props, State1} =
+ with_dlx(
+ State#q.dlx,
+ fun (X) -> dead_letter_expired_msgs(ExpirePred, X, State) end,
+ fun () -> {Next, BQS1} = BQ:dropwhile(ExpirePred, BQS),
+ {Next, State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}} end),
+ ensure_ttl_timer(case Props of
+ undefined -> undefined;
+ #message_properties{expiry = Exp} -> Exp
+ end, State1).
+with_dlx(undefined, _With, Without) -> Without();
+with_dlx(DLX, With, Without) -> case rabbit_exchange:lookup(DLX) of
+ {ok, X} -> With(X);
+ {error, not_found} -> Without()
+ end.
+dead_letter_expired_msgs(ExpirePred, X, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ}) ->
+ dead_letter_msgs(fun (DLFun, Acc, BQS1) ->
+ BQ:fetchwhile(ExpirePred, DLFun, Acc, BQS1)
+ end, expired, X, State).
+dead_letter_rejected_msgs(AckTags, X, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ}) ->
+ {ok, State1} =
+ dead_letter_msgs(
+ fun (DLFun, Acc, BQS) ->
+ {Acc1, BQS1} = BQ:ackfold(DLFun, Acc, BQS, AckTags),
+ {ok, Acc1, BQS1}
+ end, rejected, X, State),
+ State1.
+dead_letter_maxlen_msg(X, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ}) ->
+ {ok, State1} =
+ dead_letter_msgs(
+ fun (DLFun, Acc, BQS) ->
+ {{Msg, _, AckTag}, BQS1} = BQ:fetch(true, BQS),
+ {ok, DLFun(Msg, AckTag, Acc), BQS1}
+ end, maxlen, X, State),
+ State1.
+dead_letter_msgs(Fun, Reason, X, State = #q{dlx_routing_key = RK,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS,
+ backing_queue = BQ}) ->
+ QName = qname(State),
+ {Res, Acks1, BQS1} =
+ Fun(fun (Msg, AckTag, Acks) ->
+ rabbit_dead_letter:publish(Msg, Reason, X, RK, QName),
+ [AckTag | Acks]
+ end, [], BQS),
+ {_Guids, BQS2} = BQ:ack(Acks1, BQS1),
+ {Res, State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS2}}.
+stop(State) -> stop(noreply, State).
+stop(noreply, State) -> {stop, normal, State};
+stop(Reply, State) -> {stop, normal, Reply, State}.
+infos(Items, #q{q = Q} = State) ->
+ lists:foldr(fun(totals, Acc) ->
+ [{messages_ready, i(messages_ready, State)},
+ {messages, i(messages, State)},
+ {messages_unacknowledged, i(messages_unacknowledged, State)}] ++ Acc;
+ (type_specific, Acc) ->
+ format(Q) ++ Acc;
+ (Item, Acc) ->
+ [{Item, i(Item, State)} | Acc]
+ end, [], Items).
+i(name, #q{q = Q}) -> amqqueue:get_name(Q);
+i(durable, #q{q = Q}) -> amqqueue:is_durable(Q);
+i(auto_delete, #q{q = Q}) -> amqqueue:is_auto_delete(Q);
+i(arguments, #q{q = Q}) -> amqqueue:get_arguments(Q);
+i(pid, _) ->
+ self();
+i(owner_pid, #q{q = Q}) when ?amqqueue_exclusive_owner_is(Q, none) ->
+ '';
+i(owner_pid, #q{q = Q}) ->
+ amqqueue:get_exclusive_owner(Q);
+i(exclusive, #q{q = Q}) ->
+ ExclusiveOwner = amqqueue:get_exclusive_owner(Q),
+ is_pid(ExclusiveOwner);
+i(policy, #q{q = Q}) ->
+ case rabbit_policy:name(Q) of
+ none -> '';
+ Policy -> Policy
+ end;
+i(operator_policy, #q{q = Q}) ->
+ case rabbit_policy:name_op(Q) of
+ none -> '';
+ Policy -> Policy
+ end;
+i(effective_policy_definition, #q{q = Q}) ->
+ case rabbit_policy:effective_definition(Q) of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Def -> Def
+ end;
+i(exclusive_consumer_pid, #q{active_consumer = {ChPid, _ConsumerTag}, single_active_consumer_on = false}) ->
+ ChPid;
+i(exclusive_consumer_pid, _) ->
+ '';
+i(exclusive_consumer_tag, #q{active_consumer = {_ChPid, ConsumerTag}, single_active_consumer_on = false}) ->
+ ConsumerTag;
+i(exclusive_consumer_tag, _) ->
+ '';
+i(single_active_consumer_pid, #q{active_consumer = {ChPid, _Consumer}, single_active_consumer_on = true}) ->
+ ChPid;
+i(single_active_consumer_pid, _) ->
+ '';
+i(single_active_consumer_tag, #q{active_consumer = {_ChPid, Consumer}, single_active_consumer_on = true}) ->
+ rabbit_queue_consumers:consumer_tag(Consumer);
+i(single_active_consumer_tag, _) ->
+ '';
+i(messages_ready, #q{backing_queue_state = BQS, backing_queue = BQ}) ->
+ BQ:len(BQS);
+i(messages_unacknowledged, _) ->
+ rabbit_queue_consumers:unacknowledged_message_count();
+i(messages, State) ->
+ lists:sum([i(Item, State) || Item <- [messages_ready,
+ messages_unacknowledged]]);
+i(consumers, _) ->
+ rabbit_queue_consumers:count();
+i(consumer_utilisation, #q{consumers = Consumers}) ->
+ case rabbit_queue_consumers:count() of
+ 0 -> '';
+ _ -> rabbit_queue_consumers:utilisation(Consumers)
+ end;
+i(memory, _) ->
+ {memory, M} = process_info(self(), memory),
+ M;
+i(slave_pids, #q{q = Q0}) ->
+ Name = amqqueue:get_name(Q0),
+ {ok, Q} = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(Name),
+ case rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:is_mirrored(Q) of
+ false -> '';
+ true -> amqqueue:get_slave_pids(Q)
+ end;
+i(synchronised_slave_pids, #q{q = Q0}) ->
+ Name = amqqueue:get_name(Q0),
+ {ok, Q} = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(Name),
+ case rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:is_mirrored(Q) of
+ false -> '';
+ true -> amqqueue:get_sync_slave_pids(Q)
+ end;
+i(recoverable_slaves, #q{q = Q0}) ->
+ Name = amqqueue:get_name(Q0),
+ Durable = amqqueue:is_durable(Q0),
+ {ok, Q} = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(Name),
+ case Durable andalso rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:is_mirrored(Q) of
+ false -> '';
+ true -> amqqueue:get_recoverable_slaves(Q)
+ end;
+i(state, #q{status = running}) -> credit_flow:state();
+i(state, #q{status = State}) -> State;
+i(garbage_collection, _State) ->
+ rabbit_misc:get_gc_info(self());
+i(reductions, _State) ->
+ {reductions, Reductions} = erlang:process_info(self(), reductions),
+ Reductions;
+i(user_who_performed_action, #q{q = Q}) ->
+ Opts = amqqueue:get_options(Q),
+ maps:get(user, Opts, ?UNKNOWN_USER);
+i(type, _) -> classic;
+i(Item, #q{backing_queue_state = BQS, backing_queue = BQ}) ->
+ BQ:info(Item, BQS).
+emit_stats(State) ->
+ emit_stats(State, []).
+emit_stats(State, Extra) ->
+ ExtraKs = [K || {K, _} <- Extra],
+ [{messages_ready, MR}, {messages_unacknowledged, MU}, {messages, M},
+ {reductions, R}, {name, Name} | Infos] = All
+ = [{K, V} || {K, V} <- infos(statistics_keys(), State),
+ not lists:member(K, ExtraKs)],
+ rabbit_core_metrics:queue_stats(Name, Extra ++ Infos),
+ rabbit_core_metrics:queue_stats(Name, MR, MU, M, R),
+ rabbit_event:notify(queue_stats, Extra ++ All).
+emit_consumer_created(ChPid, CTag, Exclusive, AckRequired, QName,
+ PrefetchCount, Args, Ref, ActingUser) ->
+ rabbit_event:notify(consumer_created,
+ [{consumer_tag, CTag},
+ {exclusive, Exclusive},
+ {ack_required, AckRequired},
+ {channel, ChPid},
+ {queue, QName},
+ {prefetch_count, PrefetchCount},
+ {arguments, Args},
+ {user_who_performed_action, ActingUser}],
+ Ref).
+emit_consumer_deleted(ChPid, ConsumerTag, QName, ActingUser) ->
+ rabbit_core_metrics:consumer_deleted(ChPid, ConsumerTag, QName),
+ rabbit_event:notify(consumer_deleted,
+ [{consumer_tag, ConsumerTag},
+ {channel, ChPid},
+ {queue, QName},
+ {user_who_performed_action, ActingUser}]).
+prioritise_call(Msg, _From, _Len, State) ->
+ case Msg of
+ info -> 9;
+ {info, _Items} -> 9;
+ consumers -> 9;
+ stat -> 7;
+ {basic_consume, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _} -> consumer_bias(State, 0, 2);
+ {basic_cancel, _, _, _} -> consumer_bias(State, 0, 2);
+ _ -> 0
+ end.
+prioritise_cast(Msg, _Len, State) ->
+ case Msg of
+ delete_immediately -> 8;
+ {delete_exclusive, _Pid} -> 8;
+ {set_ram_duration_target, _Duration} -> 8;
+ {set_maximum_since_use, _Age} -> 8;
+ {run_backing_queue, _Mod, _Fun} -> 6;
+ {ack, _AckTags, _ChPid} -> 4; %% [1]
+ {resume, _ChPid} -> 3;
+ {notify_sent, _ChPid, _Credit} -> consumer_bias(State, 0, 2);
+ _ -> 0
+ end.
+%% [1] It should be safe to always prioritise ack / resume since they
+%% will be rate limited by how fast consumers receive messages -
+%% i.e. by notify_sent. We prioritise ack and resume to discourage
+%% starvation caused by prioritising notify_sent. We don't vary their
+%% priority since acks should stay in order (some parts of the queue
+%% stack are optimised for that) and to make things easier to reason
+%% about. Finally, we prioritise ack over resume since it should
+%% always reduce memory use.
+%% bump_reduce_memory_use is prioritised over publishes, because sending
+%% credit to self is hard to reason about. Consumers can continue while
+%% reduce_memory_use is in progress.
+consumer_bias(#q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS}, Low, High) ->
+ case BQ:msg_rates(BQS) of
+ {0.0, _} -> Low;
+ {Ingress, Egress} when Egress / Ingress < ?CONSUMER_BIAS_RATIO -> High;
+ {_, _} -> Low
+ end.
+prioritise_info(Msg, _Len, #q{q = Q}) ->
+ DownPid = amqqueue:get_exclusive_owner(Q),
+ case Msg of
+ {'DOWN', _, process, DownPid, _} -> 8;
+ update_ram_duration -> 8;
+ {maybe_expire, _Version} -> 8;
+ {drop_expired, _Version} -> 8;
+ emit_stats -> 7;
+ sync_timeout -> 6;
+ bump_reduce_memory_use -> 1;
+ _ -> 0
+ end.
+handle_call({init, Recover}, From, State) ->
+ try
+ init_it(Recover, From, State)
+ catch
+ {coordinator_not_started, Reason} ->
+ %% The GM can shutdown before the coordinator has started up
+ %% (lost membership or missing group), thus the start_link of
+ %% the coordinator returns {error, shutdown} as rabbit_amqqueue_process
+ %% is trapping exists. The master captures this return value and
+ %% throws the current exception.
+ {stop, Reason, State}
+ end;
+handle_call(info, _From, State) ->
+ reply({ok, infos(info_keys(), State)}, State);
+handle_call({info, Items}, _From, State) ->
+ try
+ reply({ok, infos(Items, State)}, State)
+ catch Error -> reply({error, Error}, State)
+ end;
+handle_call(consumers, _From, State = #q{consumers = Consumers, single_active_consumer_on = false}) ->
+ reply(rabbit_queue_consumers:all(Consumers), State);
+handle_call(consumers, _From, State = #q{consumers = Consumers, active_consumer = ActiveConsumer}) ->
+ reply(rabbit_queue_consumers:all(Consumers, ActiveConsumer, true), State);
+handle_call({notify_down, ChPid}, _From, State) ->
+ %% we want to do this synchronously, so that auto_deleted queues
+ %% are no longer visible by the time we send a response to the
+ %% client. The queue is ultimately deleted in terminate/2; if we
+ %% return stop with a reply, terminate/2 will be called by
+ %% gen_server2 *before* the reply is sent.
+ case handle_ch_down(ChPid, State) of
+ {ok, State1} -> reply(ok, State1);
+ {stop, State1} -> stop(ok, State1#q{status = {terminated_by, auto_delete}})
+ end;
+handle_call({basic_get, ChPid, NoAck, LimiterPid}, _From,
+ State = #q{q = Q}) ->
+ QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q),
+ AckRequired = not NoAck,
+ State1 = ensure_expiry_timer(State),
+ case fetch(AckRequired, State1) of
+ {empty, State2} ->
+ reply(empty, State2);
+ {{Message, IsDelivered, AckTag},
+ #q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS} = State2} ->
+ case AckRequired of
+ true -> ok = rabbit_queue_consumers:record_ack(
+ ChPid, LimiterPid, AckTag);
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ Msg = {QName, self(), AckTag, IsDelivered, Message},
+ reply({ok, BQ:len(BQS), Msg}, State2)
+ end;
+handle_call({basic_consume, NoAck, ChPid, LimiterPid, LimiterActive,
+ PrefetchCount, ConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume, Args, OkMsg, ActingUser},
+ _From, State = #q{consumers = Consumers,
+ active_consumer = Holder,
+ single_active_consumer_on = SingleActiveConsumerOn}) ->
+ ConsumerRegistration = case SingleActiveConsumerOn of
+ true ->
+ case ExclusiveConsume of
+ true ->
+ {error, reply({error, exclusive_consume_unavailable}, State)};
+ false ->
+ Consumers1 = rabbit_queue_consumers:add(
+ ChPid, ConsumerTag, NoAck,
+ LimiterPid, LimiterActive,
+ PrefetchCount, Args, is_empty(State),
+ ActingUser, Consumers),
+ case Holder of
+ none ->
+ NewConsumer = rabbit_queue_consumers:get(ChPid, ConsumerTag, Consumers1),
+ {state, State#q{consumers = Consumers1,
+ has_had_consumers = true,
+ active_consumer = NewConsumer}};
+ _ ->
+ {state, State#q{consumers = Consumers1,
+ has_had_consumers = true}}
+ end
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case check_exclusive_access(Holder, ExclusiveConsume, State) of
+ in_use -> {error, reply({error, exclusive_consume_unavailable}, State)};
+ ok ->
+ Consumers1 = rabbit_queue_consumers:add(
+ ChPid, ConsumerTag, NoAck,
+ LimiterPid, LimiterActive,
+ PrefetchCount, Args, is_empty(State),
+ ActingUser, Consumers),
+ ExclusiveConsumer =
+ if ExclusiveConsume -> {ChPid, ConsumerTag};
+ true -> Holder
+ end,
+ {state, State#q{consumers = Consumers1,
+ has_had_consumers = true,
+ active_consumer = ExclusiveConsumer}}
+ end
+ end,
+ case ConsumerRegistration of
+ {error, Reply} ->
+ Reply;
+ {state, State1} ->
+ ok = maybe_send_reply(ChPid, OkMsg),
+ QName = qname(State1),
+ AckRequired = not NoAck,
+ TheConsumer = rabbit_queue_consumers:get(ChPid, ConsumerTag, State1#q.consumers),
+ {ConsumerIsActive, ActivityStatus} =
+ case {SingleActiveConsumerOn, State1#q.active_consumer} of
+ {true, TheConsumer} ->
+ {true, single_active};
+ {true, _} ->
+ {false, waiting};
+ {false, _} ->
+ {true, up}
+ end,
+ rabbit_core_metrics:consumer_created(
+ ChPid, ConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume, AckRequired, QName,
+ PrefetchCount, ConsumerIsActive, ActivityStatus, Args),
+ emit_consumer_created(ChPid, ConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume,
+ AckRequired, QName, PrefetchCount,
+ Args, none, ActingUser),
+ notify_decorators(State1),
+ reply(ok, run_message_queue(State1))
+ end;
+handle_call({basic_cancel, ChPid, ConsumerTag, OkMsg, ActingUser}, _From,
+ State = #q{consumers = Consumers,
+ active_consumer = Holder,
+ single_active_consumer_on = SingleActiveConsumerOn }) ->
+ ok = maybe_send_reply(ChPid, OkMsg),
+ case rabbit_queue_consumers:remove(ChPid, ConsumerTag, Consumers) of
+ not_found ->
+ reply(ok, State);
+ Consumers1 ->
+ Holder1 = new_single_active_consumer_after_basic_cancel(ChPid, ConsumerTag,
+ Holder, SingleActiveConsumerOn, Consumers1
+ ),
+ State1 = State#q{consumers = Consumers1,
+ active_consumer = Holder1},
+ maybe_notify_consumer_updated(State1, Holder, Holder1),
+ emit_consumer_deleted(ChPid, ConsumerTag, qname(State1), ActingUser),
+ notify_decorators(State1),
+ case should_auto_delete(State1) of
+ false -> reply(ok, ensure_expiry_timer(State1));
+ true ->
+ log_auto_delete(
+ io_lib:format(
+ "because its last consumer with tag '~s' was cancelled",
+ [ConsumerTag]),
+ State),
+ stop(ok, State1)
+ end
+ end;
+handle_call(stat, _From, State) ->
+ State1 = #q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS} =
+ ensure_expiry_timer(State),
+ reply({ok, BQ:len(BQS), rabbit_queue_consumers:count()}, State1);
+handle_call({delete, IfUnused, IfEmpty, ActingUser}, _From,
+ State = #q{backing_queue_state = BQS, backing_queue = BQ}) ->
+ IsEmpty = BQ:is_empty(BQS),
+ IsUnused = is_unused(State),
+ if
+ IfEmpty and not(IsEmpty) -> reply({error, not_empty}, State);
+ IfUnused and not(IsUnused) -> reply({error, in_use}, State);
+ true -> stop({ok, BQ:len(BQS)},
+ State#q{status = {terminated_by, ActingUser}})
+ end;
+handle_call(purge, _From, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ {Count, BQS1} = BQ:purge(BQS),
+ State1 = State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1},
+ reply({ok, Count}, maybe_send_drained(Count =:= 0, State1));
+handle_call({requeue, AckTags, ChPid}, From, State) ->
+ gen_server2:reply(From, ok),
+ noreply(requeue(AckTags, ChPid, State));
+handle_call(sync_mirrors, _From,
+ State = #q{backing_queue = rabbit_mirror_queue_master,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ S = fun(BQSN) -> State#q{backing_queue_state = BQSN} end,
+ HandleInfo = fun (Status) ->
+ receive {'$gen_call', From, {info, Items}} ->
+ Infos = infos(Items, State#q{status = Status}),
+ gen_server2:reply(From, {ok, Infos})
+ after 0 ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end,
+ EmitStats = fun (Status) ->
+ rabbit_event:if_enabled(
+ State, #q.stats_timer,
+ fun() -> emit_stats(State#q{status = Status}) end)
+ end,
+ case rabbit_mirror_queue_master:sync_mirrors(HandleInfo, EmitStats, BQS) of
+ {ok, BQS1} -> reply(ok, S(BQS1));
+ {stop, Reason, BQS1} -> {stop, Reason, S(BQS1)}
+ end;
+handle_call(sync_mirrors, _From, State) ->
+ reply({error, not_mirrored}, State);
+%% By definition if we get this message here we do not have to do anything.
+handle_call(cancel_sync_mirrors, _From, State) ->
+ reply({ok, not_syncing}, State).
+new_single_active_consumer_after_basic_cancel(ChPid, ConsumerTag, CurrentSingleActiveConsumer,
+ _SingleActiveConsumerIsOn = true, Consumers) ->
+ case rabbit_queue_consumers:is_same(ChPid, ConsumerTag, CurrentSingleActiveConsumer) of
+ true ->
+ case rabbit_queue_consumers:get_consumer(Consumers) of
+ undefined -> none;
+ Consumer -> Consumer
+ end;
+ false ->
+ CurrentSingleActiveConsumer
+ end;
+new_single_active_consumer_after_basic_cancel(ChPid, ConsumerTag, CurrentSingleActiveConsumer,
+ _SingleActiveConsumerIsOn = false, _Consumers) ->
+ case CurrentSingleActiveConsumer of
+ {ChPid, ConsumerTag} -> none;
+ _ -> CurrentSingleActiveConsumer
+ end.
+maybe_notify_consumer_updated(#q{single_active_consumer_on = false}, _, _) ->
+ ok;
+maybe_notify_consumer_updated(#q{single_active_consumer_on = true}, SingleActiveConsumer, SingleActiveConsumer) ->
+ % the single active consumer didn't change, nothing to do
+ ok;
+maybe_notify_consumer_updated(#q{single_active_consumer_on = true} = State, _PreviousConsumer, NewConsumer) ->
+ case NewConsumer of
+ {ChPid, Consumer} ->
+ {Tag, Ack, Prefetch, Args} = rabbit_queue_consumers:get_infos(Consumer),
+ rabbit_core_metrics:consumer_updated(
+ ChPid, Tag, false, Ack, qname(State),
+ Prefetch, true, single_active, Args
+ ),
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+handle_cast(init, State) ->
+ try
+ init_it({no_barrier, non_clean_shutdown}, none, State)
+ catch
+ {coordinator_not_started, Reason} ->
+ %% The GM can shutdown before the coordinator has started up
+ %% (lost membership or missing group), thus the start_link of
+ %% the coordinator returns {error, shutdown} as rabbit_amqqueue_process
+ %% is trapping exists. The master captures this return value and
+ %% throws the current exception.
+ {stop, Reason, State}
+ end;
+handle_cast({run_backing_queue, Mod, Fun},
+ State = #q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ noreply(State#q{backing_queue_state = BQ:invoke(Mod, Fun, BQS)});
+ Delivery = #delivery{sender = Sender,
+ flow = Flow},
+ SlaveWhenPublished},
+ State = #q{senders = Senders}) ->
+ Senders1 = case Flow of
+ %% In both credit_flow:ack/1 we are acking messages to the channel
+ %% process that sent us the message delivery. See handle_ch_down
+ %% for more info.
+ flow -> credit_flow:ack(Sender),
+ case SlaveWhenPublished of
+ true -> credit_flow:ack(Sender); %% [0]
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ pmon:monitor(Sender, Senders);
+ noflow -> Senders
+ end,
+ State1 = State#q{senders = Senders1},
+ noreply(maybe_deliver_or_enqueue(Delivery, SlaveWhenPublished, State1));
+%% [0] The second ack is since the channel thought we were a mirror at
+%% the time it published this message, so it used two credits (see
+%% rabbit_queue_type:deliver/2).
+handle_cast({ack, AckTags, ChPid}, State) ->
+ noreply(ack(AckTags, ChPid, State));
+handle_cast({reject, true, AckTags, ChPid}, State) ->
+ noreply(requeue(AckTags, ChPid, State));
+handle_cast({reject, false, AckTags, ChPid}, State) ->
+ noreply(with_dlx(
+ State#q.dlx,
+ fun (X) -> subtract_acks(ChPid, AckTags, State,
+ fun (State1) ->
+ dead_letter_rejected_msgs(
+ AckTags, X, State1)
+ end) end,
+ fun () -> ack(AckTags, ChPid, State) end));
+handle_cast({delete_exclusive, ConnPid}, State) ->
+ log_delete_exclusive(ConnPid, State),
+ stop(State);
+handle_cast(delete_immediately, State) ->
+ stop(State);
+handle_cast({resume, ChPid}, State) ->
+ noreply(possibly_unblock(rabbit_queue_consumers:resume_fun(),
+ ChPid, State));
+handle_cast({notify_sent, ChPid, Credit}, State) ->
+ noreply(possibly_unblock(rabbit_queue_consumers:notify_sent_fun(Credit),
+ ChPid, State));
+handle_cast({activate_limit, ChPid}, State) ->
+ noreply(possibly_unblock(rabbit_queue_consumers:activate_limit_fun(),
+ ChPid, State));
+handle_cast({set_ram_duration_target, Duration},
+ State = #q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ BQS1 = BQ:set_ram_duration_target(Duration, BQS),
+ noreply(State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1});
+handle_cast({set_maximum_since_use, Age}, State) ->
+ ok = file_handle_cache:set_maximum_since_use(Age),
+ noreply(State);
+handle_cast(update_mirroring, State = #q{q = Q,
+ mirroring_policy_version = Version}) ->
+ case needs_update_mirroring(Q, Version) of
+ false ->
+ noreply(State);
+ {Policy, NewVersion} ->
+ State1 = State#q{mirroring_policy_version = NewVersion},
+ noreply(update_mirroring(Policy, State1))
+ end;
+handle_cast({credit, ChPid, CTag, Credit, Drain},
+ State = #q{consumers = Consumers,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS,
+ q = Q}) ->
+ Len = BQ:len(BQS),
+ rabbit_classic_queue:send_queue_event(ChPid, amqqueue:get_name(Q), {send_credit_reply, Len}),
+ noreply(
+ case rabbit_queue_consumers:credit(Len == 0, Credit, Drain, ChPid, CTag,
+ Consumers) of
+ unchanged -> State;
+ {unblocked, Consumers1} -> State1 = State#q{consumers = Consumers1},
+ run_message_queue(true, State1)
+ end);
+% Note:
+% This event is necessary for the stats timer to be initialized with
+% the correct values once the management agent has started
+handle_cast({force_event_refresh, Ref},
+ State = #q{consumers = Consumers,
+ active_consumer = Holder}) ->
+ rabbit_event:notify(queue_created, infos(?CREATION_EVENT_KEYS, State), Ref),
+ QName = qname(State),
+ AllConsumers = rabbit_queue_consumers:all(Consumers),
+ case Holder of
+ none ->
+ [emit_consumer_created(
+ Ch, CTag, false, AckRequired, QName, Prefetch,
+ Args, Ref, ActingUser) ||
+ {Ch, CTag, AckRequired, Prefetch, _, _, Args, ActingUser}
+ <- AllConsumers];
+ {Ch, CTag} ->
+ [{Ch, CTag, AckRequired, Prefetch, _, _, Args, ActingUser}] = AllConsumers,
+ emit_consumer_created(
+ Ch, CTag, true, AckRequired, QName, Prefetch, Args, Ref, ActingUser)
+ end,
+ noreply(rabbit_event:init_stats_timer(State, #q.stats_timer));
+handle_cast(notify_decorators, State) ->
+ notify_decorators(State),
+ noreply(State);
+handle_cast(policy_changed, State = #q{q = Q0}) ->
+ Name = amqqueue:get_name(Q0),
+ %% We depend on the #q.q field being up to date at least WRT
+ %% policy (but not mirror pids) in various places, so when it
+ %% changes we go and read it from Mnesia again.
+ %%
+ %% This also has the side effect of waking us up so we emit a
+ %% stats event - so event consumers see the changed policy.
+ {ok, Q} = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(Name),
+ noreply(process_args_policy(State#q{q = Q}));
+handle_cast({sync_start, _, _}, State = #q{q = Q}) ->
+ Name = amqqueue:get_name(Q),
+ %% Only a mirror should receive this, it means we are a duplicated master
+ rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:log_warning(
+ Name, "Stopping after receiving sync_start from another master", []),
+ stop(State).
+handle_info({maybe_expire, Vsn}, State = #q{args_policy_version = Vsn}) ->
+ case is_unused(State) of
+ true -> stop(State);
+ false -> noreply(State#q{expiry_timer_ref = undefined})
+ end;
+handle_info({maybe_expire, _Vsn}, State) ->
+ noreply(State);
+handle_info({drop_expired, Vsn}, State = #q{args_policy_version = Vsn}) ->
+ WasEmpty = is_empty(State),
+ State1 = drop_expired_msgs(State#q{ttl_timer_ref = undefined}),
+ noreply(maybe_send_drained(WasEmpty, State1));
+handle_info({drop_expired, _Vsn}, State) ->
+ noreply(State);
+handle_info(emit_stats, State) ->
+ emit_stats(State),
+ %% Don't call noreply/1, we don't want to set timers
+ {State1, Timeout} = next_state(rabbit_event:reset_stats_timer(
+ State, #q.stats_timer)),
+ {noreply, State1, Timeout};
+handle_info({'DOWN', _MonitorRef, process, DownPid, _Reason},
+ State = #q{q = Q}) when ?amqqueue_exclusive_owner_is(Q, DownPid) ->
+ %% Exclusively owned queues must disappear with their owner. In
+ %% the case of clean shutdown we delete the queue synchronously in
+ %% the reader - although not required by the spec this seems to
+ %% match what people expect (see bug 21824). However we need this
+ %% monitor-and-async- delete in case the connection goes away
+ %% unexpectedly.
+ log_delete_exclusive(DownPid, State),
+ stop(State);
+handle_info({'DOWN', _MonitorRef, process, DownPid, _Reason}, State) ->
+ case handle_ch_down(DownPid, State) of
+ {ok, State1} -> noreply(State1);
+ {stop, State1} -> stop(State1)
+ end;
+handle_info(update_ram_duration, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ {RamDuration, BQS1} = BQ:ram_duration(BQS),
+ DesiredDuration =
+ rabbit_memory_monitor:report_ram_duration(self(), RamDuration),
+ BQS2 = BQ:set_ram_duration_target(DesiredDuration, BQS1),
+ %% Don't call noreply/1, we don't want to set timers
+ {State1, Timeout} = next_state(State#q{rate_timer_ref = undefined,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS2}),
+ {noreply, State1, Timeout};
+handle_info(sync_timeout, State) ->
+ noreply(backing_queue_timeout(State#q{sync_timer_ref = undefined}));
+handle_info(timeout, State) ->
+ noreply(backing_queue_timeout(State));
+handle_info({'EXIT', _Pid, Reason}, State) ->
+ {stop, Reason, State};
+handle_info({bump_credit, Msg}, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ %% The message_store is granting us more credit. This means the
+ %% backing queue (for the rabbit_variable_queue case) might
+ %% continue paging messages to disk if it still needs to. We
+ %% consume credits from the message_store whenever we need to
+ %% persist a message to disk. See:
+ %% rabbit_variable_queue:msg_store_write/4.
+ credit_flow:handle_bump_msg(Msg),
+ noreply(State#q{backing_queue_state = BQ:resume(BQS)});
+handle_info(bump_reduce_memory_use, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS0}) ->
+ BQS1 = BQ:handle_info(bump_reduce_memory_use, BQS0),
+ noreply(State#q{backing_queue_state = BQ:resume(BQS1)});
+handle_info(Info, State) ->
+ {stop, {unhandled_info, Info}, State}.
+handle_pre_hibernate(State = #q{backing_queue_state = undefined}) ->
+ {hibernate, State};
+handle_pre_hibernate(State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ {RamDuration, BQS1} = BQ:ram_duration(BQS),
+ DesiredDuration =
+ rabbit_memory_monitor:report_ram_duration(self(), RamDuration),
+ BQS2 = BQ:set_ram_duration_target(DesiredDuration, BQS1),
+ BQS3 = BQ:handle_pre_hibernate(BQS2),
+ rabbit_event:if_enabled(
+ State, #q.stats_timer,
+ fun () -> emit_stats(State,
+ [{idle_since,
+ os:system_time(milli_seconds)},
+ {consumer_utilisation, ''}])
+ end),
+ State1 = rabbit_event:stop_stats_timer(State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS3},
+ #q.stats_timer),
+ {hibernate, stop_rate_timer(State1)}.
+format_message_queue(Opt, MQ) -> rabbit_misc:format_message_queue(Opt, MQ).
+format(Q) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) ->
+ case rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:is_mirrored(Q) of
+ false ->
+ [{node, node(amqqueue:get_pid(Q))}];
+ true ->
+ Slaves = amqqueue:get_slave_pids(Q),
+ SSlaves = amqqueue:get_sync_slave_pids(Q),
+ [{slave_nodes, [node(S) || S <- Slaves]},
+ {synchronised_slave_nodes, [node(S) || S <- SSlaves]},
+ {node, node(amqqueue:get_pid(Q))}]
+ end.
+-spec is_policy_applicable(amqqueue:amqqueue(), any()) -> boolean().
+is_policy_applicable(_Q, _Policy) ->
+ true.
+log_delete_exclusive({ConPid, _ConRef}, State) ->
+ log_delete_exclusive(ConPid, State);
+log_delete_exclusive(ConPid, #q{ q = Q }) ->
+ Resource = amqqueue:get_name(Q),
+ #resource{ name = QName, virtual_host = VHost } = Resource,
+ rabbit_log_queue:debug("Deleting exclusive queue '~s' in vhost '~s' " ++
+ "because its declaring connection ~p was closed",
+ [QName, VHost, ConPid]).
+log_auto_delete(Reason, #q{ q = Q }) ->
+ Resource = amqqueue:get_name(Q),
+ #resource{ name = QName, virtual_host = VHost } = Resource,
+ rabbit_log_queue:debug("Deleting auto-delete queue '~s' in vhost '~s' " ++
+ Reason,
+ [QName, VHost]).
+needs_update_mirroring(Q, Version) ->
+ {ok, UpQ} = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(amqqueue:get_name(Q)),
+ DBVersion = amqqueue:get_policy_version(UpQ),
+ case DBVersion > Version of
+ true -> {rabbit_policy:get(<<"ha-mode">>, UpQ), DBVersion};
+ false -> false
+ end.
+update_mirroring(Policy, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ}) ->
+ case update_to(Policy, BQ) of
+ start_mirroring ->
+ start_mirroring(State);
+ stop_mirroring ->
+ stop_mirroring(State);
+ ignore ->
+ State;
+ update_ha_mode ->
+ update_ha_mode(State)
+ end.
+update_to(undefined, rabbit_mirror_queue_master) ->
+ stop_mirroring;
+update_to(_, rabbit_mirror_queue_master) ->
+ update_ha_mode;
+update_to(undefined, BQ) when BQ =/= rabbit_mirror_queue_master ->
+ ignore;
+update_to(_, BQ) when BQ =/= rabbit_mirror_queue_master ->
+ start_mirroring.
+start_mirroring(State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ %% lookup again to get policy for init_with_existing_bq
+ {ok, Q} = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(qname(State)),
+ true = BQ =/= rabbit_mirror_queue_master, %% assertion
+ BQ1 = rabbit_mirror_queue_master,
+ BQS1 = BQ1:init_with_existing_bq(Q, BQ, BQS),
+ State#q{backing_queue = BQ1,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS1}.
+stop_mirroring(State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ BQ = rabbit_mirror_queue_master, %% assertion
+ {BQ1, BQS1} = BQ:stop_mirroring(BQS),
+ State#q{backing_queue = BQ1,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS1}.
+update_ha_mode(State) ->
+ {ok, Q} = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(qname(State)),
+ ok = rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:update_mirrors(Q),
+ State.
+confirm_to_sender(Pid, QName, MsgSeqNos) ->
+ rabbit_classic_queue:confirm_to_sender(Pid, QName, MsgSeqNos).