path: root/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_core_metrics_gc.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_core_metrics_gc.erl')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_core_metrics_gc.erl b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_core_metrics_gc.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..890c127586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_core_metrics_gc.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+-record(state, {timer,
+ interval
+ }).
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
+ code_change/3]).
+-spec start_link() -> rabbit_types:ok_pid_or_error().
+start_link() ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+init(_) ->
+ Interval = rabbit_misc:get_env(rabbit, core_metrics_gc_interval, 120000),
+ {ok, start_timer(#state{interval = Interval})}.
+handle_call(test, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, ok, State}.
+handle_cast(_Request, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_info(start_gc, State) ->
+ gc_connections(),
+ gc_channels(),
+ gc_queues(),
+ gc_exchanges(),
+ gc_nodes(),
+ gc_gen_server2(),
+ gc_auth_attempts(),
+ {noreply, start_timer(State)}.
+terminate(_Reason, #state{timer = TRef}) ->
+ erlang:cancel_timer(TRef),
+ ok.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+start_timer(#state{interval = Interval} = St) ->
+ TRef = erlang:send_after(Interval, self(), start_gc),
+ St#state{timer = TRef}.
+gc_connections() ->
+ gc_process(connection_created),
+ gc_process(connection_metrics),
+ gc_process(connection_coarse_metrics).
+gc_channels() ->
+ gc_process(channel_created),
+ gc_process(channel_metrics),
+ gc_process(channel_process_metrics),
+ ok.
+gc_queues() ->
+ gc_local_queues(),
+ gc_global_queues().
+gc_local_queues() ->
+ Queues = rabbit_amqqueue:list_local_names(),
+ QueuesDown = rabbit_amqqueue:list_local_names_down(),
+ GbSet = gb_sets:from_list(Queues),
+ GbSetDown = gb_sets:from_list(QueuesDown),
+ gc_queue_metrics(GbSet, GbSetDown),
+ gc_entity(queue_coarse_metrics, GbSet),
+ Followers = gb_sets:from_list([amqqueue:get_name(Q) || Q <- rabbit_amqqueue:list_local_followers() ]),
+ gc_leader_data(Followers).
+gc_leader_data(Followers) ->
+ ets:foldl(fun({Id, _, _, _, _}, none) ->
+ gc_leader_data(Id, queue_coarse_metrics, Followers)
+ end, none, queue_coarse_metrics).
+gc_leader_data(Id, Table, GbSet) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_member(Id, GbSet) of
+ true ->
+ ets:delete(Table, Id),
+ none;
+ false ->
+ none
+ end.
+gc_global_queues() ->
+ GbSet = gb_sets:from_list(rabbit_amqqueue:list_names()),
+ gc_process_and_entity(channel_queue_metrics, GbSet),
+ gc_process_and_entity(consumer_created, GbSet),
+ ExchangeGbSet = gb_sets:from_list(rabbit_exchange:list_names()),
+ gc_process_and_entities(channel_queue_exchange_metrics, GbSet, ExchangeGbSet).
+gc_exchanges() ->
+ Exchanges = rabbit_exchange:list_names(),
+ GbSet = gb_sets:from_list(Exchanges),
+ gc_process_and_entity(channel_exchange_metrics, GbSet).
+gc_nodes() ->
+ Nodes = rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(all),
+ GbSet = gb_sets:from_list(Nodes),
+ gc_entity(node_node_metrics, GbSet).
+gc_gen_server2() ->
+ gc_process(gen_server2_metrics).
+gc_process(Table) ->
+ ets:foldl(fun({Pid = Key, _}, none) ->
+ gc_process(Pid, Table, Key);
+ ({Pid = Key, _, _, _, _}, none) ->
+ gc_process(Pid, Table, Key);
+ ({Pid = Key, _, _, _}, none) ->
+ gc_process(Pid, Table, Key)
+ end, none, Table).
+gc_process(Pid, Table, Key) ->
+ case rabbit_misc:is_process_alive(Pid) of
+ true ->
+ none;
+ false ->
+ ets:delete(Table, Key),
+ none
+ end.
+gc_queue_metrics(GbSet, GbSetDown) ->
+ Table = queue_metrics,
+ ets:foldl(fun({Key, Props, Marker}, none) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_member(Key, GbSet) of
+ true ->
+ case gb_sets:is_member(Key, GbSetDown) of
+ true ->
+ ets:insert(Table, {Key, [{state, down} | lists:keydelete(state, 1, Props)], Marker}),
+ none;
+ false ->
+ none
+ end;
+ false ->
+ ets:delete(Table, Key),
+ none
+ end
+ end, none, Table).
+gc_entity(Table, GbSet) ->
+ ets:foldl(fun({{_, Id} = Key, _}, none) ->
+ gc_entity(Id, Table, Key, GbSet);
+ ({Id = Key, _}, none) ->
+ gc_entity(Id, Table, Key, GbSet);
+ ({Id = Key, _, _}, none) ->
+ gc_entity(Id, Table, Key, GbSet);
+ ({Id = Key, _, _, _, _}, none) ->
+ gc_entity(Id, Table, Key, GbSet)
+ end, none, Table).
+gc_entity(Id, Table, Key, GbSet) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_member(Id, GbSet) of
+ true ->
+ none;
+ false ->
+ ets:delete(Table, Key),
+ none
+ end.
+gc_process_and_entity(Table, GbSet) ->
+ ets:foldl(fun({{Pid, Id} = Key, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}, none)
+ when Table == channel_queue_metrics ->
+ gc_process_and_entity(Id, Pid, Table, Key, GbSet);
+ ({{Pid, Id} = Key, _, _, _, _, _}, none)
+ when Table == channel_exchange_metrics ->
+ gc_process_and_entity(Id, Pid, Table, Key, GbSet);
+ ({{Id, Pid, _} = Key, _, _, _, _, _, _}, none)
+ when Table == consumer_created ->
+ gc_process_and_entity(Id, Pid, Table, Key, GbSet);
+ ({{{Pid, Id}, _} = Key, _, _, _, _}, none) ->
+ gc_process_and_entity(Id, Pid, Table, Key, GbSet)
+ end, none, Table).
+gc_process_and_entity(Id, Pid, Table, Key, GbSet) ->
+ case rabbit_misc:is_process_alive(Pid) andalso gb_sets:is_member(Id, GbSet) of
+ true ->
+ none;
+ false ->
+ ets:delete(Table, Key),
+ none
+ end.
+gc_process_and_entities(Table, QueueGbSet, ExchangeGbSet) ->
+ ets:foldl(fun({{Pid, {Q, X}} = Key, _, _}, none) ->
+ gc_process(Pid, Table, Key),
+ gc_entity(Q, Table, Key, QueueGbSet),
+ gc_entity(X, Table, Key, ExchangeGbSet)
+ end, none, Table).
+gc_auth_attempts() ->
+ ets:delete_all_objects(auth_attempt_detailed_metrics).