path: root/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_dead_letter.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_dead_letter.erl')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_dead_letter.erl b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_dead_letter.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..755de5cf53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_dead_letter.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+-type reason() :: 'expired' | 'rejected' | 'maxlen' | delivery_limit.
+-spec publish(rabbit_types:message(), reason(), rabbit_types:exchange(),
+ 'undefined' | binary(), rabbit_amqqueue:name()) -> 'ok'.
+publish(Msg, Reason, X, RK, QName) ->
+ DLMsg = make_msg(Msg, Reason,, RK, QName),
+ Delivery = rabbit_basic:delivery(false, false, DLMsg, undefined),
+ {Queues, Cycles} = detect_cycles(Reason, DLMsg,
+ rabbit_exchange:route(X, Delivery)),
+ lists:foreach(fun log_cycle_once/1, Cycles),
+ _ = rabbit_queue_type:deliver(rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(Queues),
+ Delivery, stateless),
+ ok.
+make_msg(Msg = #basic_message{content = Content,
+ exchange_name = Exchange,
+ routing_keys = RoutingKeys},
+ Reason, DLX, RK, #resource{name = QName}) ->
+ {DeathRoutingKeys, HeadersFun1} =
+ case RK of
+ undefined -> {RoutingKeys, fun (H) -> H end};
+ _ -> {[RK], fun (H) -> lists:keydelete(<<"CC">>, 1, H) end}
+ end,
+ ReasonBin = list_to_binary(atom_to_list(Reason)),
+ TimeSec = os:system_time(seconds),
+ PerMsgTTL = per_msg_ttl_header(,
+ HeadersFun2 =
+ fun (Headers) ->
+ %% The first routing key is the one specified in the
+ %% basic.publish; all others are CC or BCC keys.
+ RKs = [hd(RoutingKeys) | rabbit_basic:header_routes(Headers)],
+ RKs1 = [{longstr, Key} || Key <- RKs],
+ Info = [{<<"reason">>, longstr, ReasonBin},
+ {<<"queue">>, longstr, QName},
+ {<<"time">>, timestamp, TimeSec},
+ {<<"exchange">>, longstr,},
+ {<<"routing-keys">>, array, RKs1}] ++ PerMsgTTL,
+ HeadersFun1(update_x_death_header(Info, Headers))
+ end,
+ Content1 = #content{properties = Props} =
+ rabbit_basic:map_headers(HeadersFun2, Content),
+ Content2 = Content1#content{properties =
+ Props#'P_basic'{expiration = undefined}},
+ Msg#basic_message{exchange_name = DLX,
+ id = rabbit_guid:gen(),
+ routing_keys = DeathRoutingKeys,
+ content = Content2}.
+x_death_event_key(Info, Key) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Info) of
+ false -> undefined;
+ {value, {Key, _KeyType, Val}} -> Val
+ end.
+maybe_append_to_event_group(Table, _Key, _SeenKeys, []) ->
+ [Table];
+maybe_append_to_event_group(Table, {_Queue, _Reason} = Key, SeenKeys, Acc) ->
+ case sets:is_element(Key, SeenKeys) of
+ true -> Acc;
+ false -> [Table | Acc]
+ end.
+group_by_queue_and_reason([]) ->
+ [];
+group_by_queue_and_reason([Table]) ->
+ [Table];
+group_by_queue_and_reason(Tables) ->
+ {_, Grouped} =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun ({table, Info}, {SeenKeys, Acc}) ->
+ Q = x_death_event_key(Info, <<"queue">>),
+ R = x_death_event_key(Info, <<"reason">>),
+ Matcher = queue_and_reason_matcher(Q, R),
+ {Matches, _} = lists:partition(Matcher, Tables),
+ {Augmented, N} = case Matches of
+ [X] -> {X, 1};
+ [X|_] = Xs -> {X, length(Xs)}
+ end,
+ Key = {Q, R},
+ Acc1 = maybe_append_to_event_group(
+ ensure_xdeath_event_count(Augmented, N),
+ Key, SeenKeys, Acc),
+ {sets:add_element(Key, SeenKeys), Acc1}
+ end, {sets:new(), []}, Tables),
+ Grouped.
+update_x_death_header(Info, undefined) ->
+ update_x_death_header(Info, []);
+update_x_death_header(Info, Headers) ->
+ X = x_death_event_key(Info, <<"exchange">>),
+ Q = x_death_event_key(Info, <<"queue">>),
+ R = x_death_event_key(Info, <<"reason">>),
+ case rabbit_basic:header(<<"x-death">>, Headers) of
+ undefined ->
+ %% First x-death event gets its own top-level headers.
+ %% See rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server#1332.
+ Headers2 = rabbit_misc:set_table_value(Headers, <<"x-first-death-reason">>,
+ longstr, R),
+ Headers3 = rabbit_misc:set_table_value(Headers2, <<"x-first-death-queue">>,
+ longstr, Q),
+ Headers4 = rabbit_misc:set_table_value(Headers3, <<"x-first-death-exchange">>,
+ longstr, X),
+ rabbit_basic:prepend_table_header(
+ <<"x-death">>,
+ [{<<"count">>, long, 1} | Info], Headers4);
+ {<<"x-death">>, array, Tables} ->
+ %% group existing x-death headers in case we have some from
+ %% before rabbitmq-server#78
+ GroupedTables = group_by_queue_and_reason(Tables),
+ {Matches, Others} = lists:partition(
+ queue_and_reason_matcher(Q, R),
+ GroupedTables),
+ Info1 = case Matches of
+ [] ->
+ [{<<"count">>, long, 1} | Info];
+ [{table, M}] ->
+ increment_xdeath_event_count(M)
+ end,
+ rabbit_misc:set_table_value(
+ Headers, <<"x-death">>, array,
+ [{table, rabbit_misc:sort_field_table(Info1)} | Others]);
+ {<<"x-death">>, InvalidType, Header} ->
+ rabbit_log:warning("Message has invalid x-death header (type: ~p)."
+ " Resetting header ~p~n",
+ [InvalidType, Header]),
+ %% if x-death is something other than an array (list)
+ %% then we reset it: this happens when some clients consume
+ %% a message and re-publish is, converting header values
+ %% to strings, intentionally or not.
+ %% See rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server#767 for details.
+ rabbit_misc:set_table_value(
+ Headers, <<"x-death">>, array,
+ [{table, [{<<"count">>, long, 1} | Info]}])
+ end.
+ensure_xdeath_event_count({table, Info}, InitialVal) when InitialVal >= 1 ->
+ {table, ensure_xdeath_event_count(Info, InitialVal)};
+ensure_xdeath_event_count(Info, InitialVal) when InitialVal >= 1 ->
+ case x_death_event_key(Info, <<"count">>) of
+ undefined ->
+ [{<<"count">>, long, InitialVal} | Info];
+ _ ->
+ Info
+ end.
+increment_xdeath_event_count(Info) ->
+ case x_death_event_key(Info, <<"count">>) of
+ undefined ->
+ [{<<"count">>, long, 1} | Info];
+ N ->
+ lists:keyreplace(
+ <<"count">>, 1, Info,
+ {<<"count">>, long, N + 1})
+ end.
+queue_and_reason_matcher(Q, R) ->
+ F = fun(Info) ->
+ x_death_event_key(Info, <<"queue">>) =:= Q
+ andalso x_death_event_key(Info, <<"reason">>) =:= R
+ end,
+ fun({table, Info}) ->
+ F(Info);
+ (Info) when is_list(Info) ->
+ F(Info)
+ end.
+per_msg_ttl_header(#'P_basic'{expiration = undefined}) ->
+ [];
+per_msg_ttl_header(#'P_basic'{expiration = Expiration}) ->
+ [{<<"original-expiration">>, longstr, Expiration}];
+per_msg_ttl_header(_) ->
+ [].
+detect_cycles(rejected, _Msg, Queues) ->
+ {Queues, []};
+detect_cycles(_Reason, #basic_message{content = Content}, Queues) ->
+ #content{properties = #'P_basic'{headers = Headers}} =
+ rabbit_binary_parser:ensure_content_decoded(Content),
+ NoCycles = {Queues, []},
+ case Headers of
+ undefined ->
+ NoCycles;
+ _ ->
+ case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Headers, <<"x-death">>) of
+ {array, Deaths} ->
+ {Cycling, NotCycling} =
+ lists:partition(fun (#resource{name = Queue}) ->
+ is_cycle(Queue, Deaths)
+ end, Queues),
+ OldQueues = [rabbit_misc:table_lookup(D, <<"queue">>) ||
+ {table, D} <- Deaths],
+ OldQueues1 = [QName || {longstr, QName} <- OldQueues],
+ {NotCycling, [[QName | OldQueues1] ||
+ #resource{name = QName} <- Cycling]};
+ _ ->
+ NoCycles
+ end
+ end.
+is_cycle(Queue, Deaths) ->
+ {Cycle, Rest} =
+ lists:splitwith(
+ fun ({table, D}) ->
+ {longstr, Queue} =/= rabbit_misc:table_lookup(D, <<"queue">>);
+ (_) ->
+ true
+ end, Deaths),
+ %% Is there a cycle, and if so, is it "fully automatic", i.e. with
+ %% no reject in it?
+ case Rest of
+ [] -> false;
+ [H|_] -> lists:all(
+ fun ({table, D}) ->
+ {longstr, <<"rejected">>} =/=
+ rabbit_misc:table_lookup(D, <<"reason">>);
+ (_) ->
+ %% There was something we didn't expect, therefore
+ %% a client must have put it there, therefore the
+ %% cycle was not "fully automatic".
+ false
+ end, Cycle ++ [H])
+ end.
+log_cycle_once(Queues) ->
+ Key = {queue_cycle, Queues},
+ case get(Key) of
+ true -> ok;
+ undefined -> rabbit_log:warning(
+ "Message dropped. Dead-letter queues cycle detected" ++
+ ": ~p~nThis cycle will NOT be reported again.~n",
+ [Queues]),
+ put(Key, true)
+ end.