path: root/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_slave.erl
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diff --git a/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_slave.erl b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_slave.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0480db9cfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_mirror_queue_slave.erl
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+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2010-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+%% For general documentation of HA design, see
+%% rabbit_mirror_queue_coordinator
+%% We receive messages from GM and from publishers, and the gm
+%% messages can arrive either before or after the 'actual' message.
+%% All instructions from the GM group must be processed in the order
+%% in which they're received.
+-export([set_maximum_since_use/2, info/1, go/2]).
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
+ code_change/3, handle_pre_hibernate/1, prioritise_call/4,
+ prioritise_cast/3, prioritise_info/3, format_message_queue/2]).
+-export([joined/2, members_changed/3, handle_msg/3, handle_terminate/2]).
+ [pid,
+ name,
+ master_pid,
+ is_synchronised
+ ]).
+-define(SYNC_INTERVAL, 25). %% milliseconds
+-define(DEATH_TIMEOUT, 20000). %% 20 seconds
+-record(state, { q,
+ gm,
+ backing_queue,
+ backing_queue_state,
+ sync_timer_ref,
+ rate_timer_ref,
+ sender_queues, %% :: Pid -> {Q Msg, Set MsgId, ChState}
+ msg_id_ack, %% :: MsgId -> AckTag
+ msg_id_status,
+ known_senders,
+ %% Master depth - local depth
+ depth_delta
+ }).
+set_maximum_since_use(QPid, Age) ->
+ gen_server2:cast(QPid, {set_maximum_since_use, Age}).
+info(QPid) -> gen_server2:call(QPid, info, infinity).
+init(Q) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) ->
+ QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q),
+ ?store_proc_name(QName),
+ {ok, {not_started, Q}, hibernate,
+go(SPid, sync) -> gen_server2:call(SPid, go, infinity);
+go(SPid, async) -> gen_server2:cast(SPid, go).
+handle_go(Q0) when ?is_amqqueue(Q0) ->
+ QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q0),
+ %% We join the GM group before we add ourselves to the amqqueue
+ %% record. As a result:
+ %% 1. We can receive msgs from GM that correspond to messages we will
+ %% never receive from publishers.
+ %% 2. When we receive a message from publishers, we must receive a
+ %% message from the GM group for it.
+ %% 3. However, that instruction from the GM group can arrive either
+ %% before or after the actual message. We need to be able to
+ %% distinguish between GM instructions arriving early, and case (1)
+ %% above.
+ %%
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true), %% amqqueue_process traps exits too.
+ {ok, GM} = gm:start_link(QName, ?MODULE, [self()],
+ fun rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction/1),
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process, GM),
+ %% We ignore the DOWN message because we are also linked and
+ %% trapping exits, we just want to not get stuck and we will exit
+ %% later.
+ receive
+ {joined, GM} -> erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
+ ok;
+ {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, _} -> ok
+ end,
+ Self = self(),
+ Node = node(),
+ case rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction(
+ fun() -> init_it(Self, GM, Node, QName) end) of
+ {new, QPid, GMPids} ->
+ ok = file_handle_cache:register_callback(
+ rabbit_amqqueue, set_maximum_since_use, [Self]),
+ ok = rabbit_memory_monitor:register(
+ Self, {rabbit_amqqueue, set_ram_duration_target, [Self]}),
+ {ok, BQ} = application:get_env(backing_queue_module),
+ Q1 = amqqueue:set_pid(Q0, QPid),
+ _ = BQ:delete_crashed(Q1), %% For crash recovery
+ BQS = bq_init(BQ, Q1, new),
+ State = #state { q = Q1,
+ gm = GM,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS,
+ rate_timer_ref = undefined,
+ sync_timer_ref = undefined,
+ sender_queues = #{},
+ msg_id_ack = #{},
+ msg_id_status = #{},
+ known_senders = pmon:new(delegate),
+ depth_delta = undefined
+ },
+ ok = gm:broadcast(GM, request_depth),
+ ok = gm:validate_members(GM, [GM | [G || {G, _} <- GMPids]]),
+ rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:maybe_auto_sync(Q1),
+ {ok, State};
+ {stale, StalePid} ->
+ rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:log_warning(
+ QName, "Detected stale HA master: ~p~n", [StalePid]),
+ gm:leave(GM),
+ {error, {stale_master_pid, StalePid}};
+ duplicate_live_master ->
+ gm:leave(GM),
+ {error, {duplicate_live_master, Node}};
+ existing ->
+ gm:leave(GM),
+ {error, normal};
+ master_in_recovery ->
+ gm:leave(GM),
+ %% The queue record vanished - we must have a master starting
+ %% concurrently with us. In that case we can safely decide to do
+ %% nothing here, and the master will start us in
+ %% master:init_with_existing_bq/3
+ {error, normal}
+ end.
+init_it(Self, GM, Node, QName) ->
+ case mnesia:read({rabbit_queue, QName}) of
+ [Q] when ?is_amqqueue(Q) ->
+ QPid = amqqueue:get_pid(Q),
+ SPids = amqqueue:get_slave_pids(Q),
+ GMPids = amqqueue:get_gm_pids(Q),
+ PSPids = amqqueue:get_slave_pids_pending_shutdown(Q),
+ case [Pid || Pid <- [QPid | SPids], node(Pid) =:= Node] of
+ [] -> stop_pending_slaves(QName, PSPids),
+ add_slave(Q, Self, GM),
+ {new, QPid, GMPids};
+ [QPid] -> case rabbit_mnesia:is_process_alive(QPid) of
+ true -> duplicate_live_master;
+ false -> {stale, QPid}
+ end;
+ [SPid] -> case rabbit_mnesia:is_process_alive(SPid) of
+ true -> existing;
+ false -> GMPids1 = [T || T = {_, S} <- GMPids, S =/= SPid],
+ SPids1 = SPids -- [SPid],
+ Q1 = amqqueue:set_slave_pids(Q, SPids1),
+ Q2 = amqqueue:set_gm_pids(Q1, GMPids1),
+ add_slave(Q2, Self, GM),
+ {new, QPid, GMPids1}
+ end
+ end;
+ [] ->
+ master_in_recovery
+ end.
+%% Pending mirrors have been asked to stop by the master, but despite the node
+%% being up these did not answer on the expected timeout. Stop local mirrors now.
+stop_pending_slaves(QName, Pids) ->
+ [begin
+ rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:log_warning(
+ QName, "Detected a non-responsive classic queue mirror, stopping it: ~p~n", [Pid]),
+ case erlang:process_info(Pid, dictionary) of
+ undefined -> ok;
+ {dictionary, Dict} ->
+ Vhost = QName#resource.virtual_host,
+ {ok, AmqQSup} = rabbit_amqqueue_sup_sup:find_for_vhost(Vhost),
+ case proplists:get_value('$ancestors', Dict) of
+ [Sup, AmqQSup | _] ->
+ exit(Sup, kill),
+ exit(Pid, kill);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end
+ end || Pid <- Pids, node(Pid) =:= node(),
+ true =:= erlang:is_process_alive(Pid)].
+%% Add to the end, so they are in descending order of age, see
+%% rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:promote_slave/1
+add_slave(Q0, New, GM) when ?is_amqqueue(Q0) ->
+ SPids = amqqueue:get_slave_pids(Q0),
+ GMPids = amqqueue:get_gm_pids(Q0),
+ SPids1 = SPids ++ [New],
+ GMPids1 = [{GM, New} | GMPids],
+ Q1 = amqqueue:set_slave_pids(Q0, SPids1),
+ Q2 = amqqueue:set_gm_pids(Q1, GMPids1),
+ rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:store_updated_slaves(Q2).
+handle_call(go, _From, {not_started, Q} = NotStarted) ->
+ case handle_go(Q) of
+ {ok, State} -> {reply, ok, State};
+ {error, Error} -> {stop, Error, NotStarted}
+ end;
+handle_call({gm_deaths, DeadGMPids}, From,
+ State = #state{ gm = GM, q = Q,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) ->
+ QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q),
+ MPid = amqqueue:get_pid(Q),
+ Self = self(),
+ case rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:remove_from_queue(QName, Self, DeadGMPids) of
+ {error, not_found} ->
+ gen_server2:reply(From, ok),
+ {stop, normal, State};
+ {error, {not_synced, _SPids}} ->
+ BQ:delete_and_terminate({error, not_synced}, BQS),
+ {stop, normal, State#state{backing_queue_state = undefined}};
+ {ok, Pid, DeadPids, ExtraNodes} ->
+ rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:report_deaths(Self, false, QName,
+ DeadPids),
+ case Pid of
+ MPid ->
+ %% master hasn't changed
+ gen_server2:reply(From, ok),
+ rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:add_mirrors(
+ QName, ExtraNodes, async),
+ noreply(State);
+ Self ->
+ %% we've become master
+ QueueState = promote_me(From, State),
+ rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:add_mirrors(
+ QName, ExtraNodes, async),
+ {become, rabbit_amqqueue_process, QueueState, hibernate};
+ _ ->
+ %% master has changed to not us
+ gen_server2:reply(From, ok),
+ %% see rabbitmq-server#914;
+ %% It's not always guaranteed that we won't have ExtraNodes.
+ %% If gm alters, master can change to not us with extra nodes,
+ %% in which case we attempt to add mirrors on those nodes.
+ case ExtraNodes of
+ [] -> void;
+ _ -> rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:add_mirrors(
+ QName, ExtraNodes, async)
+ end,
+ %% Since GM is by nature lazy we need to make sure
+ %% there is some traffic when a master dies, to
+ %% make sure all mirrors get informed of the
+ %% death. That is all process_death does, create
+ %% some traffic.
+ ok = gm:broadcast(GM, process_death),
+ Q1 = amqqueue:set_pid(Q, Pid),
+ State1 = State#state{q = Q1},
+ noreply(State1)
+ end
+ end;
+handle_call(info, _From, State) ->
+ reply(infos(?INFO_KEYS, State), State).
+handle_cast(go, {not_started, Q} = NotStarted) ->
+ case handle_go(Q) of
+ {ok, State} -> {noreply, State};
+ {error, Error} -> {stop, Error, NotStarted}
+ end;
+handle_cast({run_backing_queue, Mod, Fun}, State) ->
+ noreply(run_backing_queue(Mod, Fun, State));
+handle_cast({gm, Instruction}, State = #state{q = Q0}) when ?is_amqqueue(Q0) ->
+ QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q0),
+ case rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(QName) of
+ {ok, Q1} when ?is_amqqueue(Q1) ->
+ SPids = amqqueue:get_slave_pids(Q1),
+ case lists:member(self(), SPids) of
+ true ->
+ handle_process_result(process_instruction(Instruction, State));
+ false ->
+ %% Potentially a duplicated mirror caused by a partial partition,
+ %% will stop as a new mirror could start unaware of our presence
+ {stop, shutdown, State}
+ end;
+ {error, not_found} ->
+ %% Would not expect this to happen after fixing #953
+ {stop, shutdown, State}
+ end;
+handle_cast({deliver, Delivery = #delivery{sender = Sender, flow = Flow}, true},
+ State) ->
+ %% Asynchronous, non-"mandatory", deliver mode.
+ %% We are acking messages to the channel process that sent us
+ %% the message delivery. See
+ %% rabbit_amqqueue_process:handle_ch_down for more info.
+ %% If message is rejected by the master, the publish will be nacked
+ %% even if mirrors confirm it. No need to check for length here.
+ maybe_flow_ack(Sender, Flow),
+ noreply(maybe_enqueue_message(Delivery, State));
+handle_cast({sync_start, Ref, Syncer},
+ State = #state { depth_delta = DD,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
+ State1 = #state{rate_timer_ref = TRef} = ensure_rate_timer(State),
+ S = fun({MA, TRefN, BQSN}) ->
+ State1#state{depth_delta = undefined,
+ msg_id_ack = maps:from_list(MA),
+ rate_timer_ref = TRefN,
+ backing_queue_state = BQSN}
+ end,
+ case rabbit_mirror_queue_sync:slave(
+ DD, Ref, TRef, Syncer, BQ, BQS,
+ fun (BQN, BQSN) ->
+ BQSN1 = update_ram_duration(BQN, BQSN),
+ TRefN = rabbit_misc:send_after(?RAM_DURATION_UPDATE_INTERVAL,
+ self(), update_ram_duration),
+ {TRefN, BQSN1}
+ end) of
+ denied -> noreply(State1);
+ {ok, Res} -> noreply(set_delta(0, S(Res)));
+ {failed, Res} -> noreply(S(Res));
+ {stop, Reason, Res} -> {stop, Reason, S(Res)}
+ end;
+handle_cast({set_maximum_since_use, Age}, State) ->
+ ok = file_handle_cache:set_maximum_since_use(Age),
+ noreply(State);
+handle_cast({set_ram_duration_target, Duration},
+ State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
+ BQS1 = BQ:set_ram_duration_target(Duration, BQS),
+ noreply(State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 });
+handle_cast(policy_changed, State) ->
+ %% During partial partitions, we might end up receiving messages expected by a master
+ %% Ignore them
+ noreply(State).
+handle_info(update_ram_duration, State = #state{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ BQS1 = update_ram_duration(BQ, BQS),
+ %% Don't call noreply/1, we don't want to set timers
+ {State1, Timeout} = next_state(State #state {
+ rate_timer_ref = undefined,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS1 }),
+ {noreply, State1, Timeout};
+handle_info(sync_timeout, State) ->
+ noreply(backing_queue_timeout(
+ State #state { sync_timer_ref = undefined }));
+handle_info(timeout, State) ->
+ noreply(backing_queue_timeout(State));
+handle_info({'DOWN', _MonitorRef, process, ChPid, _Reason}, State) ->
+ local_sender_death(ChPid, State),
+ noreply(maybe_forget_sender(ChPid, down_from_ch, State));
+handle_info({'EXIT', _Pid, Reason}, State) ->
+ {stop, Reason, State};
+handle_info({bump_credit, Msg}, State) ->
+ credit_flow:handle_bump_msg(Msg),
+ noreply(State);
+handle_info(bump_reduce_memory_use, State) ->
+ noreply(State);
+%% In the event of a short partition during sync we can detect the
+%% master's 'death', drop out of sync, and then receive sync messages
+%% which were still in flight. Ignore them.
+handle_info({sync_msg, _Ref, _Msg, _Props, _Unacked}, State) ->
+ noreply(State);
+handle_info({sync_complete, _Ref}, State) ->
+ noreply(State);
+handle_info(Msg, State) ->
+ {stop, {unexpected_info, Msg}, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, {not_started, _Q}) ->
+ ok;
+terminate(_Reason, #state { backing_queue_state = undefined }) ->
+ %% We've received a delete_and_terminate from gm, thus nothing to
+ %% do here.
+ ok;
+terminate({shutdown, dropped} = R, State = #state{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ %% See rabbit_mirror_queue_master:terminate/2
+ terminate_common(State),
+ BQ:delete_and_terminate(R, BQS);
+terminate(shutdown, State) ->
+ terminate_shutdown(shutdown, State);
+terminate({shutdown, _} = R, State) ->
+ terminate_shutdown(R, State);
+terminate(Reason, State = #state{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ terminate_common(State),
+ BQ:delete_and_terminate(Reason, BQS).
+%% If the Reason is shutdown, or {shutdown, _}, it is not the queue
+%% being deleted: it's just the node going down. Even though we're a
+%% mirror, we have no idea whether or not we'll be the only copy coming
+%% back up. Thus we must assume we will be, and preserve anything we
+%% have on disk.
+terminate_shutdown(Reason, State = #state{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ terminate_common(State),
+ BQ:terminate(Reason, BQS).
+terminate_common(State) ->
+ ok = rabbit_memory_monitor:deregister(self()),
+ stop_rate_timer(stop_sync_timer(State)).
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+handle_pre_hibernate({not_started, _Q} = State) ->
+ {hibernate, State};
+handle_pre_hibernate(State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
+ {RamDuration, BQS1} = BQ:ram_duration(BQS),
+ DesiredDuration =
+ rabbit_memory_monitor:report_ram_duration(self(), RamDuration),
+ BQS2 = BQ:set_ram_duration_target(DesiredDuration, BQS1),
+ BQS3 = BQ:handle_pre_hibernate(BQS2),
+ {hibernate, stop_rate_timer(State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS3 })}.
+prioritise_call(Msg, _From, _Len, _State) ->
+ case Msg of
+ info -> 9;
+ {gm_deaths, _Dead} -> 5;
+ _ -> 0
+ end.
+prioritise_cast(Msg, _Len, _State) ->
+ case Msg of
+ {set_ram_duration_target, _Duration} -> 8;
+ {set_maximum_since_use, _Age} -> 8;
+ {run_backing_queue, _Mod, _Fun} -> 6;
+ {gm, _Msg} -> 5;
+ _ -> 0
+ end.
+prioritise_info(Msg, _Len, _State) ->
+ case Msg of
+ update_ram_duration -> 8;
+ sync_timeout -> 6;
+ _ -> 0
+ end.
+format_message_queue(Opt, MQ) -> rabbit_misc:format_message_queue(Opt, MQ).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% GM
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+joined([SPid], _Members) -> SPid ! {joined, self()}, ok.
+members_changed([_SPid], _Births, []) ->
+ ok;
+members_changed([ SPid], _Births, Deaths) ->
+ case rabbit_misc:with_exit_handler(
+ rabbit_misc:const(ok),
+ fun() ->
+ gen_server2:call(SPid, {gm_deaths, Deaths}, infinity)
+ end) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {promote, CPid} -> {become, rabbit_mirror_queue_coordinator, [CPid]}
+ end.
+handle_msg([_SPid], _From, hibernate_heartbeat) ->
+ %% See rabbit_mirror_queue_coordinator:handle_pre_hibernate/1
+ ok;
+handle_msg([_SPid], _From, request_depth) ->
+ %% This is only of value to the master
+ ok;
+handle_msg([_SPid], _From, {ensure_monitoring, _Pid}) ->
+ %% This is only of value to the master
+ ok;
+handle_msg([_SPid], _From, process_death) ->
+ %% We must not take any notice of the master death here since it
+ %% comes without ordering guarantees - there could still be
+ %% messages from the master we have yet to receive. When we get
+ %% members_changed, then there will be no more messages.
+ ok;
+handle_msg([CPid], _From, {delete_and_terminate, _Reason} = Msg) ->
+ ok = gen_server2:cast(CPid, {gm, Msg}),
+ {stop, {shutdown, ring_shutdown}};
+handle_msg([SPid], _From, {sync_start, Ref, Syncer, SPids}) ->
+ case lists:member(SPid, SPids) of
+ true -> gen_server2:cast(SPid, {sync_start, Ref, Syncer});
+ false -> ok
+ end;
+handle_msg([SPid], _From, Msg) ->
+ ok = gen_server2:cast(SPid, {gm, Msg}).
+handle_terminate([_SPid], _Reason) ->
+ ok.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Others
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+infos(Items, State) -> [{Item, i(Item, State)} || Item <- Items].
+i(pid, _State) ->
+ self();
+i(name, #state{q = Q}) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) ->
+ amqqueue:get_name(Q);
+i(master_pid, #state{q = Q}) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) ->
+ amqqueue:get_pid(Q);
+i(is_synchronised, #state{depth_delta = DD}) ->
+ DD =:= 0;
+i(_, _) ->
+ ''.
+bq_init(BQ, Q, Recover) ->
+ Self = self(),
+ BQ:init(Q, Recover,
+ fun (Mod, Fun) ->
+ rabbit_amqqueue:run_backing_queue(Self, Mod, Fun)
+ end).
+run_backing_queue(rabbit_mirror_queue_master, Fun, State) ->
+ %% Yes, this might look a little crazy, but see comments in
+ %% confirm_sender_death/1
+ Fun(?MODULE, State);
+run_backing_queue(Mod, Fun, State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
+ State #state { backing_queue_state = BQ:invoke(Mod, Fun, BQS) }.
+%% This feature was used by `rabbit_amqqueue_process` and
+%% `rabbit_mirror_queue_slave` up-to and including RabbitMQ 3.7.x. It is
+%% unused in 3.8.x and thus deprecated. We keep it to support in-place
+%% upgrades to 3.8.x (i.e. mixed-version clusters), but it is a no-op
+%% starting with that version.
+send_mandatory(#delivery{mandatory = false}) ->
+ ok;
+send_mandatory(#delivery{mandatory = true,
+ sender = SenderPid,
+ msg_seq_no = MsgSeqNo}) ->
+ gen_server2:cast(SenderPid, {mandatory_received, MsgSeqNo}).
+send_or_record_confirm(_, #delivery{ confirm = false }, MS, _State) ->
+ MS;
+send_or_record_confirm(published, #delivery { sender = ChPid,
+ confirm = true,
+ msg_seq_no = MsgSeqNo,
+ message = #basic_message {
+ id = MsgId,
+ is_persistent = true } },
+ MS, #state{q = Q}) when ?amqqueue_is_durable(Q) ->
+ maps:put(MsgId, {published, ChPid, MsgSeqNo} , MS);
+send_or_record_confirm(_Status, #delivery { sender = ChPid,
+ confirm = true,
+ msg_seq_no = MsgSeqNo },
+ MS, #state{q = Q} = _State) ->
+ ok = rabbit_classic_queue:confirm_to_sender(ChPid,
+ amqqueue:get_name(Q), [MsgSeqNo]),
+ MS.
+confirm_messages(MsgIds, State = #state{q = Q, msg_id_status = MS}) ->
+ QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q),
+ {CMs, MS1} =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun (MsgId, {CMsN, MSN} = Acc) ->
+ %% We will never see 'discarded' here
+ case maps:find(MsgId, MSN) of
+ error ->
+ %% If it needed confirming, it'll have
+ %% already been done.
+ Acc;
+ {ok, published} ->
+ %% Still not seen it from the channel, just
+ %% record that it's been confirmed.
+ {CMsN, maps:put(MsgId, confirmed, MSN)};
+ {ok, {published, ChPid, MsgSeqNo}} ->
+ %% Seen from both GM and Channel. Can now
+ %% confirm.
+ {rabbit_misc:gb_trees_cons(ChPid, MsgSeqNo, CMsN),
+ maps:remove(MsgId, MSN)};
+ {ok, confirmed} ->
+ %% It's already been confirmed. This is
+ %% probably it's been both sync'd to disk
+ %% and then delivered and ack'd before we've
+ %% seen the publish from the
+ %% channel. Nothing to do here.
+ Acc
+ end
+ end, {gb_trees:empty(), MS}, MsgIds),
+ Fun = fun (Pid, MsgSeqNos) ->
+ rabbit_classic_queue:confirm_to_sender(Pid, QName, MsgSeqNos)
+ end,
+ rabbit_misc:gb_trees_foreach(Fun, CMs),
+ State #state { msg_id_status = MS1 }.
+handle_process_result({ok, State}) -> noreply(State);
+handle_process_result({stop, State}) -> {stop, normal, State}.
+-spec promote_me({pid(), term()}, #state{}) -> no_return().
+promote_me(From, #state { q = Q0,
+ gm = GM,
+ backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS,
+ rate_timer_ref = RateTRef,
+ sender_queues = SQ,
+ msg_id_ack = MA,
+ msg_id_status = MS,
+ known_senders = KS}) when ?is_amqqueue(Q0) ->
+ QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q0),
+ rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:log_info(QName, "Promoting mirror ~s to master~n",
+ [rabbit_misc:pid_to_string(self())]),
+ Q1 = amqqueue:set_pid(Q0, self()),
+ DeathFun = rabbit_mirror_queue_master:sender_death_fun(),
+ DepthFun = rabbit_mirror_queue_master:depth_fun(),
+ {ok, CPid} = rabbit_mirror_queue_coordinator:start_link(Q1, GM, DeathFun, DepthFun),
+ true = unlink(GM),
+ gen_server2:reply(From, {promote, CPid}),
+ %% Everything that we're monitoring, we need to ensure our new
+ %% coordinator is monitoring.
+ MPids = pmon:monitored(KS),
+ ok = rabbit_mirror_queue_coordinator:ensure_monitoring(CPid, MPids),
+ %% We find all the messages that we've received from channels but
+ %% not from gm, and pass them to the
+ %% queue_process:init_with_backing_queue_state to be enqueued.
+ %%
+ %% We also have to requeue messages which are pending acks: the
+ %% consumers from the master queue have been lost and so these
+ %% messages need requeuing. They might also be pending
+ %% confirmation, and indeed they might also be pending arrival of
+ %% the publication from the channel itself, if we received both
+ %% the publication and the fetch via gm first! Requeuing doesn't
+ %% affect confirmations: if the message was previously pending a
+ %% confirmation then it still will be, under the same msg_id. So
+ %% as a master, we need to be prepared to filter out the
+ %% publication of said messages from the channel (is_duplicate
+ %% (thus such requeued messages must remain in the msg_id_status
+ %% (MS) which becomes seen_status (SS) in the master)).
+ %%
+ %% Then there are messages we already have in the queue, which are
+ %% not currently pending acknowledgement:
+ %% 1. Messages we've only received via gm:
+ %% Filter out subsequent publication from channel through
+ %% validate_message. Might have to issue confirms then or
+ %% later, thus queue_process state will have to know that
+ %% there's a pending confirm.
+ %% 2. Messages received via both gm and channel:
+ %% Queue will have to deal with issuing confirms if necessary.
+ %%
+ %% MS contains the following three entry types:
+ %%
+ %% a) published:
+ %% published via gm only; pending arrival of publication from
+ %% channel, maybe pending confirm.
+ %%
+ %% b) {published, ChPid, MsgSeqNo}:
+ %% published via gm and channel; pending confirm.
+ %%
+ %% c) confirmed:
+ %% published via gm only, and confirmed; pending publication
+ %% from channel.
+ %%
+ %% d) discarded:
+ %% seen via gm only as discarded. Pending publication from
+ %% channel
+ %%
+ %% The forms a, c and d only, need to go to the master state
+ %% seen_status (SS).
+ %%
+ %% The form b only, needs to go through to the queue_process
+ %% state to form the msg_id_to_channel mapping (MTC).
+ %%
+ %% No messages that are enqueued from SQ at this point will have
+ %% entries in MS.
+ %%
+ %% Messages that are extracted from MA may have entries in MS, and
+ %% those messages are then requeued. However, as discussed above,
+ %% this does not affect MS, nor which bits go through to SS in
+ %% Master, or MTC in queue_process.
+ St = [published, confirmed, discarded],
+ SS = maps:filter(fun (_MsgId, Status) -> lists:member(Status, St) end, MS),
+ AckTags = [AckTag || {_MsgId, AckTag} <- maps:to_list(MA)],
+ MasterState = rabbit_mirror_queue_master:promote_backing_queue_state(
+ QName, CPid, BQ, BQS, GM, AckTags, SS, MPids),
+ MTC = maps:fold(fun (MsgId, {published, ChPid, MsgSeqNo}, MTC0) ->
+ maps:put(MsgId, {ChPid, MsgSeqNo}, MTC0);
+ (_Msgid, _Status, MTC0) ->
+ MTC0
+ end, #{}, MS),
+ Deliveries = [promote_delivery(Delivery) ||
+ {_ChPid, {PubQ, _PendCh, _ChState}} <- maps:to_list(SQ),
+ Delivery <- queue:to_list(PubQ)],
+ AwaitGmDown = [ChPid || {ChPid, {_, _, down_from_ch}} <- maps:to_list(SQ)],
+ KS1 = lists:foldl(fun (ChPid0, KS0) ->
+ pmon:demonitor(ChPid0, KS0)
+ end, KS, AwaitGmDown),
+ rabbit_misc:store_proc_name(rabbit_amqqueue_process, QName),
+ rabbit_amqqueue_process:init_with_backing_queue_state(
+ Q1, rabbit_mirror_queue_master, MasterState, RateTRef, Deliveries, KS1,
+ MTC).
+%% We reset mandatory to false here because we will have sent the
+%% mandatory_received already as soon as we got the message. We also
+%% need to send an ack for these messages since the channel is waiting
+%% for one for the via-GM case and we will not now receive one.
+promote_delivery(Delivery = #delivery{sender = Sender, flow = Flow}) ->
+ maybe_flow_ack(Sender, Flow),
+ Delivery#delivery{mandatory = false}.
+noreply(State) ->
+ {NewState, Timeout} = next_state(State),
+ {noreply, ensure_rate_timer(NewState), Timeout}.
+reply(Reply, State) ->
+ {NewState, Timeout} = next_state(State),
+ {reply, Reply, ensure_rate_timer(NewState), Timeout}.
+next_state(State = #state{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ {MsgIds, BQS1} = BQ:drain_confirmed(BQS),
+ State1 = confirm_messages(MsgIds,
+ State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 }),
+ case BQ:needs_timeout(BQS1) of
+ false -> {stop_sync_timer(State1), hibernate };
+ idle -> {stop_sync_timer(State1), ?SYNC_INTERVAL};
+ timed -> {ensure_sync_timer(State1), 0 }
+ end.
+backing_queue_timeout(State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
+ State#state{backing_queue_state = BQ:timeout(BQS)}.
+ensure_sync_timer(State) ->
+ rabbit_misc:ensure_timer(State, #state.sync_timer_ref,
+ ?SYNC_INTERVAL, sync_timeout).
+stop_sync_timer(State) -> rabbit_misc:stop_timer(State, #state.sync_timer_ref).
+ensure_rate_timer(State) ->
+ rabbit_misc:ensure_timer(State, #state.rate_timer_ref,
+ update_ram_duration).
+stop_rate_timer(State) -> rabbit_misc:stop_timer(State, #state.rate_timer_ref).
+ensure_monitoring(ChPid, State = #state { known_senders = KS }) ->
+ State #state { known_senders = pmon:monitor(ChPid, KS) }.
+local_sender_death(ChPid, #state { known_senders = KS }) ->
+ %% The channel will be monitored iff we have received a delivery
+ %% from it but not heard about its death from the master. So if it
+ %% is monitored we need to point the death out to the master (see
+ %% essay).
+ ok = case pmon:is_monitored(ChPid, KS) of
+ false -> ok;
+ true -> confirm_sender_death(ChPid)
+ end.
+confirm_sender_death(Pid) ->
+ %% We have to deal with the possibility that we'll be promoted to
+ %% master before this thing gets run. Consequently we set the
+ %% module to rabbit_mirror_queue_master so that if we do become a
+ %% rabbit_amqqueue_process before then, sane things will happen.
+ Fun =
+ fun (?MODULE, State = #state { known_senders = KS,
+ gm = GM }) ->
+ %% We're running still as a mirror
+ %%
+ %% See comment in local_sender_death/2; we might have
+ %% received a sender_death in the meanwhile so check
+ %% again.
+ ok = case pmon:is_monitored(Pid, KS) of
+ false -> ok;
+ true -> gm:broadcast(GM, {ensure_monitoring, [Pid]}),
+ confirm_sender_death(Pid)
+ end,
+ State;
+ (rabbit_mirror_queue_master, State) ->
+ %% We've become a master. State is now opaque to
+ %% us. When we became master, if Pid was still known
+ %% to us then we'd have set up monitoring of it then,
+ %% so this is now a noop.
+ State
+ end,
+ %% Note that we do not remove our knowledge of this ChPid until we
+ %% get the sender_death from GM as well as a DOWN notification.
+ {ok, _TRef} = timer:apply_after(
+ ?DEATH_TIMEOUT, rabbit_amqqueue, run_backing_queue,
+ [self(), rabbit_mirror_queue_master, Fun]),
+ ok.
+forget_sender(_, running) -> false;
+forget_sender(down_from_gm, down_from_gm) -> false; %% [1]
+forget_sender(down_from_ch, down_from_ch) -> false;
+forget_sender(Down1, Down2) when Down1 =/= Down2 -> true.
+%% [1] If another mirror goes through confirm_sender_death/1 before we
+%% do we can get two GM sender_death messages in a row for the same
+%% channel - don't treat that as anything special.
+%% Record and process lifetime events from channels. Forget all about a channel
+%% only when down notifications are received from both the channel and from gm.
+maybe_forget_sender(ChPid, ChState, State = #state { sender_queues = SQ,
+ msg_id_status = MS,
+ known_senders = KS }) ->
+ case maps:find(ChPid, SQ) of
+ error ->
+ State;
+ {ok, {MQ, PendCh, ChStateRecord}} ->
+ case forget_sender(ChState, ChStateRecord) of
+ true ->
+ credit_flow:peer_down(ChPid),
+ State #state { sender_queues = maps:remove(ChPid, SQ),
+ msg_id_status = lists:foldl(
+ fun maps:remove/2,
+ MS, sets:to_list(PendCh)),
+ known_senders = pmon:demonitor(ChPid, KS) };
+ false ->
+ SQ1 = maps:put(ChPid, {MQ, PendCh, ChState}, SQ),
+ State #state { sender_queues = SQ1 }
+ end
+ end.
+ Delivery = #delivery { message = #basic_message { id = MsgId },
+ sender = ChPid },
+ State = #state { sender_queues = SQ, msg_id_status = MS }) ->
+ send_mandatory(Delivery), %% must do this before confirms
+ State1 = ensure_monitoring(ChPid, State),
+ %% We will never see {published, ChPid, MsgSeqNo} here.
+ case maps:find(MsgId, MS) of
+ error ->
+ {MQ, PendingCh, ChState} = get_sender_queue(ChPid, SQ),
+ MQ1 = queue:in(Delivery, MQ),
+ SQ1 = maps:put(ChPid, {MQ1, PendingCh, ChState}, SQ),
+ State1 #state { sender_queues = SQ1 };
+ {ok, Status} ->
+ MS1 = send_or_record_confirm(
+ Status, Delivery, maps:remove(MsgId, MS), State1),
+ SQ1 = remove_from_pending_ch(MsgId, ChPid, SQ),
+ State1 #state { msg_id_status = MS1,
+ sender_queues = SQ1 }
+ end.
+get_sender_queue(ChPid, SQ) ->
+ case maps:find(ChPid, SQ) of
+ error -> {queue:new(), sets:new(), running};
+ {ok, Val} -> Val
+ end.
+remove_from_pending_ch(MsgId, ChPid, SQ) ->
+ case maps:find(ChPid, SQ) of
+ error ->
+ SQ;
+ {ok, {MQ, PendingCh, ChState}} ->
+ maps:put(ChPid, {MQ, sets:del_element(MsgId, PendingCh), ChState},
+ SQ)
+ end.
+publish_or_discard(Status, ChPid, MsgId,
+ State = #state { sender_queues = SQ, msg_id_status = MS }) ->
+ %% We really are going to do the publish/discard right now, even
+ %% though we may not have seen it directly from the channel. But
+ %% we cannot issue confirms until the latter has happened. So we
+ %% need to keep track of the MsgId and its confirmation status in
+ %% the meantime.
+ State1 = ensure_monitoring(ChPid, State),
+ {MQ, PendingCh, ChState} = get_sender_queue(ChPid, SQ),
+ {MQ1, PendingCh1, MS1} =
+ case queue:out(MQ) of
+ {empty, _MQ2} ->
+ {MQ, sets:add_element(MsgId, PendingCh),
+ maps:put(MsgId, Status, MS)};
+ {{value, Delivery = #delivery {
+ message = #basic_message { id = MsgId } }}, MQ2} ->
+ {MQ2, PendingCh,
+ %% We received the msg from the channel first. Thus
+ %% we need to deal with confirms here.
+ send_or_record_confirm(Status, Delivery, MS, State1)};
+ {{value, #delivery {}}, _MQ2} ->
+ %% The instruction was sent to us before we were
+ %% within the slave_pids within the #amqqueue{}
+ %% record. We'll never receive the message directly
+ %% from the channel. And the channel will not be
+ %% expecting any confirms from us.
+ {MQ, PendingCh, MS}
+ end,
+ SQ1 = maps:put(ChPid, {MQ1, PendingCh1, ChState}, SQ),
+ State1 #state { sender_queues = SQ1, msg_id_status = MS1 }.
+process_instruction({publish, ChPid, Flow, MsgProps,
+ Msg = #basic_message { id = MsgId }}, State) ->
+ maybe_flow_ack(ChPid, Flow),
+ State1 = #state { backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS } =
+ publish_or_discard(published, ChPid, MsgId, State),
+ BQS1 = BQ:publish(Msg, MsgProps, true, ChPid, Flow, BQS),
+ {ok, State1 #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 }};
+process_instruction({batch_publish, ChPid, Flow, Publishes}, State) ->
+ maybe_flow_ack(ChPid, Flow),
+ State1 = #state { backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS } =
+ lists:foldl(fun ({#basic_message { id = MsgId },
+ _MsgProps, _IsDelivered}, St) ->
+ publish_or_discard(published, ChPid, MsgId, St)
+ end, State, Publishes),
+ BQS1 = BQ:batch_publish(Publishes, ChPid, Flow, BQS),
+ {ok, State1 #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 }};
+process_instruction({publish_delivered, ChPid, Flow, MsgProps,
+ Msg = #basic_message { id = MsgId }}, State) ->
+ maybe_flow_ack(ChPid, Flow),
+ State1 = #state { backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS } =
+ publish_or_discard(published, ChPid, MsgId, State),
+ true = BQ:is_empty(BQS),
+ {AckTag, BQS1} = BQ:publish_delivered(Msg, MsgProps, ChPid, Flow, BQS),
+ {ok, maybe_store_ack(true, MsgId, AckTag,
+ State1 #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 })};
+process_instruction({batch_publish_delivered, ChPid, Flow, Publishes}, State) ->
+ maybe_flow_ack(ChPid, Flow),
+ {MsgIds,
+ State1 = #state { backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS }} =
+ lists:foldl(fun ({#basic_message { id = MsgId }, _MsgProps},
+ {MsgIds, St}) ->
+ {[MsgId | MsgIds],
+ publish_or_discard(published, ChPid, MsgId, St)}
+ end, {[], State}, Publishes),
+ true = BQ:is_empty(BQS),
+ {AckTags, BQS1} = BQ:batch_publish_delivered(Publishes, ChPid, Flow, BQS),
+ MsgIdsAndAcks = lists:zip(lists:reverse(MsgIds), AckTags),
+ State2 = lists:foldl(
+ fun ({MsgId, AckTag}, St) ->
+ maybe_store_ack(true, MsgId, AckTag, St)
+ end, State1 #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 },
+ MsgIdsAndAcks),
+ {ok, State2};
+process_instruction({discard, ChPid, Flow, MsgId}, State) ->
+ maybe_flow_ack(ChPid, Flow),
+ State1 = #state { backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS } =
+ publish_or_discard(discarded, ChPid, MsgId, State),
+ BQS1 = BQ:discard(MsgId, ChPid, Flow, BQS),
+ {ok, State1 #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 }};
+process_instruction({drop, Length, Dropped, AckRequired},
+ State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
+ QLen = BQ:len(BQS),
+ ToDrop = case QLen - Length of
+ N when N > 0 -> N;
+ _ -> 0
+ end,
+ State1 = lists:foldl(
+ fun (const, StateN = #state{backing_queue_state = BQSN}) ->
+ {{MsgId, AckTag}, BQSN1} = BQ:drop(AckRequired, BQSN),
+ maybe_store_ack(
+ AckRequired, MsgId, AckTag,
+ StateN #state { backing_queue_state = BQSN1 })
+ end, State, lists:duplicate(ToDrop, const)),
+ {ok, case AckRequired of
+ true -> State1;
+ false -> update_delta(ToDrop - Dropped, State1)
+ end};
+process_instruction({ack, MsgIds},
+ State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS,
+ msg_id_ack = MA }) ->
+ {AckTags, MA1} = msg_ids_to_acktags(MsgIds, MA),
+ {MsgIds1, BQS1} = BQ:ack(AckTags, BQS),
+ [] = MsgIds1 -- MsgIds, %% ASSERTION
+ {ok, update_delta(length(MsgIds1) - length(MsgIds),
+ State #state { msg_id_ack = MA1,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS1 })};
+process_instruction({requeue, MsgIds},
+ State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS,
+ msg_id_ack = MA }) ->
+ {AckTags, MA1} = msg_ids_to_acktags(MsgIds, MA),
+ {_MsgIds, BQS1} = BQ:requeue(AckTags, BQS),
+ {ok, State #state { msg_id_ack = MA1,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS1 }};
+process_instruction({sender_death, ChPid},
+ State = #state { known_senders = KS }) ->
+ %% The channel will be monitored iff we have received a message
+ %% from it. In this case we just want to avoid doing work if we
+ %% never got any messages.
+ {ok, case pmon:is_monitored(ChPid, KS) of
+ false -> State;
+ true -> maybe_forget_sender(ChPid, down_from_gm, State)
+ end};
+process_instruction({depth, Depth},
+ State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
+ {ok, set_delta(Depth - BQ:depth(BQS), State)};
+process_instruction({delete_and_terminate, Reason},
+ State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
+ BQ:delete_and_terminate(Reason, BQS),
+ {stop, State #state { backing_queue_state = undefined }};
+process_instruction({set_queue_mode, Mode},
+ State = #state { backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS }) ->
+ BQS1 = BQ:set_queue_mode(Mode, BQS),
+ {ok, State #state { backing_queue_state = BQS1 }}.
+maybe_flow_ack(Sender, flow) -> credit_flow:ack(Sender);
+maybe_flow_ack(_Sender, noflow) -> ok.
+msg_ids_to_acktags(MsgIds, MA) ->
+ {AckTags, MA1} =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun (MsgId, {Acc, MAN}) ->
+ case maps:find(MsgId, MA) of
+ error -> {Acc, MAN};
+ {ok, AckTag} -> {[AckTag | Acc], maps:remove(MsgId, MAN)}
+ end
+ end, {[], MA}, MsgIds),
+ {lists:reverse(AckTags), MA1}.
+maybe_store_ack(false, _MsgId, _AckTag, State) ->
+ State;
+maybe_store_ack(true, MsgId, AckTag, State = #state { msg_id_ack = MA }) ->
+ State #state { msg_id_ack = maps:put(MsgId, AckTag, MA) }.
+set_delta(0, State = #state { depth_delta = undefined }) ->
+ ok = record_synchronised(State#state.q),
+ State #state { depth_delta = 0 };
+set_delta(NewDelta, State = #state { depth_delta = undefined }) ->
+ true = NewDelta > 0, %% assertion
+ State #state { depth_delta = NewDelta };
+set_delta(NewDelta, State = #state { depth_delta = Delta }) ->
+ update_delta(NewDelta - Delta, State).
+update_delta(_DeltaChange, State = #state { depth_delta = undefined }) ->
+ State;
+update_delta( DeltaChange, State = #state { depth_delta = 0 }) ->
+ 0 = DeltaChange, %% assertion: we cannot become unsync'ed
+ State;
+update_delta( DeltaChange, State = #state { depth_delta = Delta }) ->
+ true = DeltaChange =< 0, %% assertion: we cannot become 'less' sync'ed
+ set_delta(Delta + DeltaChange, State #state { depth_delta = undefined }).
+update_ram_duration(BQ, BQS) ->
+ {RamDuration, BQS1} = BQ:ram_duration(BQS),
+ DesiredDuration =
+ rabbit_memory_monitor:report_ram_duration(self(), RamDuration),
+ BQ:set_ram_duration_target(DesiredDuration, BQS1).
+record_synchronised(Q0) when ?is_amqqueue(Q0) ->
+ QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q0),
+ Self = self(),
+ F = fun () ->
+ case mnesia:read({rabbit_queue, QName}) of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ [Q1] when ?is_amqqueue(Q1) ->
+ SSPids = amqqueue:get_sync_slave_pids(Q1),
+ SSPids1 = [Self | SSPids],
+ Q2 = amqqueue:set_sync_slave_pids(Q1, SSPids1),
+ rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:store_updated_slaves(Q2),
+ {ok, Q2}
+ end
+ end,
+ case rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction(F) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {ok, Q2} -> rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:maybe_drop_master_after_sync(Q2)
+ end.