path: root/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_plugins.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_plugins.erl')
1 files changed, 699 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_plugins.erl b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_plugins.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5697ffc29a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_plugins.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2011-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+-export([setup/0, active/0, read_enabled/1, list/1, list/2, dependencies/3, running_plugins/0]).
+-export([validate_plugins/1, format_invalid_plugins/1]).
+-export([is_strictly_plugin/1, strictly_plugins/2, strictly_plugins/1]).
+-export([plugins_dir/0, plugin_names/1, plugins_expand_dir/0, enabled_plugins_file/0]).
+% Export for testing purpose.
+-export([is_version_supported/2, validate_plugins/2]).
+-type plugin_name() :: atom().
+-spec ensure(string()) -> {'ok', [atom()], [atom()]} | {error, any()}.
+ensure(FileJustChanged) ->
+ case rabbit:is_running() of
+ true -> ensure1(FileJustChanged);
+ false -> {error, rabbit_not_running}
+ end.
+ensure1(FileJustChanged0) ->
+ {ok, OurFile0} = application:get_env(rabbit, enabled_plugins_file),
+ FileJustChanged = filename:nativename(FileJustChanged0),
+ OurFile = filename:nativename(OurFile0),
+ case OurFile of
+ FileJustChanged ->
+ Enabled = read_enabled(OurFile),
+ Wanted = prepare_plugins(Enabled),
+ Current = active(),
+ Start = Wanted -- Current,
+ Stop = Current -- Wanted,
+ rabbit:start_apps(Start),
+ %% We need sync_notify here since mgmt will attempt to look at all
+ %% the modules for the disabled plugins - if they are unloaded
+ %% that won't work.
+ ok = rabbit_event:sync_notify(plugins_changed, [{enabled, Start},
+ {disabled, Stop}]),
+ %% The app_utils module stops the apps in reverse order, so we should
+ %% pass them here in dependency order.
+ rabbit:stop_apps(lists:reverse(Stop)),
+ clean_plugins(Stop),
+ case {Start, Stop} of
+ {[], []} ->
+ ok;
+ {[], _} ->
+ rabbit_log:info("Plugins changed; disabled ~p~n",
+ [Stop]);
+ {_, []} ->
+ rabbit_log:info("Plugins changed; enabled ~p~n",
+ [Start]);
+ {_, _} ->
+ rabbit_log:info("Plugins changed; enabled ~p, disabled ~p~n",
+ [Start, Stop])
+ end,
+ {ok, Start, Stop};
+ _ ->
+ {error, {enabled_plugins_mismatch, FileJustChanged, OurFile}}
+ end.
+-spec plugins_expand_dir() -> file:filename().
+plugins_expand_dir() ->
+ case application:get_env(rabbit, plugins_expand_dir) of
+ {ok, ExpandDir} ->
+ ExpandDir;
+ _ ->
+ filename:join([rabbit_mnesia:dir(), "plugins_expand_dir"])
+ end.
+-spec plugins_dir() -> file:filename().
+plugins_dir() ->
+ case application:get_env(rabbit, plugins_dir) of
+ {ok, PluginsDistDir} ->
+ PluginsDistDir;
+ _ ->
+ filename:join([rabbit_mnesia:dir(), "plugins_dir_stub"])
+ end.
+-spec enabled_plugins_file() -> file:filename().
+enabled_plugins_file() ->
+ case application:get_env(rabbit, enabled_plugins_file) of
+ {ok, Val} ->
+ Val;
+ _ ->
+ filename:join([rabbit_mnesia:dir(), "enabled_plugins"])
+ end.
+-spec enabled_plugins() -> [atom()].
+enabled_plugins() ->
+ case application:get_env(rabbit, enabled_plugins_file) of
+ {ok, EnabledFile} ->
+ read_enabled(EnabledFile);
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end.
+%% @doc Prepares the file system and installs all enabled plugins.
+-spec setup() -> [plugin_name()].
+setup() ->
+ ExpandDir = plugins_expand_dir(),
+ %% Eliminate the contents of the destination directory
+ case delete_recursively(ExpandDir) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error, E1} -> throw({error, {cannot_delete_plugins_expand_dir,
+ [ExpandDir, E1]}})
+ end,
+ Enabled = enabled_plugins(),
+ prepare_plugins(Enabled).
+%% @doc Lists the plugins which are currently running.
+-spec active() -> [plugin_name()].
+active() ->
+ InstalledPlugins = plugin_names(list(plugins_dir())),
+ [App || {App, _, _} <- rabbit_misc:which_applications(),
+ lists:member(App, InstalledPlugins)].
+%% @doc Get the list of plugins which are ready to be enabled.
+-spec list(string()) -> [#plugin{}].
+list(PluginsPath) ->
+ list(PluginsPath, false).
+-spec list(string(), boolean()) -> [#plugin{}].
+list(PluginsPath, IncludeRequiredDeps) ->
+ {AllPlugins, LoadingProblems} = discover_plugins(split_path(PluginsPath)),
+ {UniquePlugins, DuplicateProblems} = remove_duplicate_plugins(AllPlugins),
+ Plugins1 = maybe_keep_required_deps(IncludeRequiredDeps, UniquePlugins),
+ Plugins2 = remove_plugins(Plugins1),
+ maybe_report_plugin_loading_problems(LoadingProblems ++ DuplicateProblems),
+ ensure_dependencies(Plugins2).
+%% @doc Read the list of enabled plugins from the supplied term file.
+-spec read_enabled(file:filename()) -> [plugin_name()].
+read_enabled(PluginsFile) ->
+ case rabbit_file:read_term_file(PluginsFile) of
+ {ok, [Plugins]} -> Plugins;
+ {ok, []} -> [];
+ {ok, [_|_]} -> throw({error, {malformed_enabled_plugins_file,
+ PluginsFile}});
+ {error, enoent} -> [];
+ {error, Reason} -> throw({error, {cannot_read_enabled_plugins_file,
+ PluginsFile, Reason}})
+ end.
+%% @doc Calculate the dependency graph from <i>Sources</i>.
+%% When Reverse =:= true the bottom/leaf level applications are returned in
+%% the resulting list, otherwise they're skipped.
+-spec dependencies(boolean(), [plugin_name()], [#plugin{}]) ->
+ [plugin_name()].
+dependencies(Reverse, Sources, AllPlugins) ->
+ {ok, G} = rabbit_misc:build_acyclic_graph(
+ fun ({App, _Deps}) -> [{App, App}] end,
+ fun ({App, Deps}) -> [{App, Dep} || Dep <- Deps] end,
+ [{Name, Deps} || #plugin{name = Name,
+ dependencies = Deps} <- AllPlugins]),
+ Dests = case Reverse of
+ false -> digraph_utils:reachable(Sources, G);
+ true -> digraph_utils:reaching(Sources, G)
+ end,
+ OrderedDests = digraph_utils:postorder(digraph_utils:subgraph(G, Dests)),
+ true = digraph:delete(G),
+ OrderedDests.
+%% Filter real plugins from application dependencies
+-spec is_strictly_plugin(#plugin{}) -> boolean().
+is_strictly_plugin(#plugin{extra_dependencies = ExtraDeps}) ->
+ lists:member(rabbit, ExtraDeps).
+-spec strictly_plugins([plugin_name()], [#plugin{}]) -> [plugin_name()].
+strictly_plugins(Plugins, AllPlugins) ->
+ lists:filter(
+ fun(Name) ->
+ is_strictly_plugin(lists:keyfind(Name,, AllPlugins))
+ end, Plugins).
+-spec strictly_plugins([plugin_name()]) -> [plugin_name()].
+strictly_plugins(Plugins) ->
+ AllPlugins = list(plugins_dir()),
+ lists:filter(
+ fun(Name) ->
+ is_strictly_plugin(lists:keyfind(Name,, AllPlugins))
+ end, Plugins).
+%% For a few known cases, an externally provided plugin can be trusted.
+%% In this special case, it overrides the plugin.
+is_plugin_provided_by_otp(#plugin{name = eldap}) ->
+ %% eldap was added to Erlang/OTP R15B01 (ERTS 5.9.1). In this case,
+ %% we prefer this version to the plugin.
+ rabbit_misc:version_compare(erlang:system_info(version), "5.9.1", gte);
+is_plugin_provided_by_otp(_) ->
+ false.
+%% Make sure we don't list OTP apps in here, and also that we detect
+%% missing dependencies.
+ensure_dependencies(Plugins) ->
+ Names = plugin_names(Plugins),
+ NotThere = [Dep || #plugin{dependencies = Deps} <- Plugins,
+ Dep <- Deps,
+ not lists:member(Dep, Names)],
+ {OTP, Missing} = lists:partition(fun is_loadable/1, lists:usort(NotThere)),
+ case Missing of
+ [] -> ok;
+ _ -> Blame = [Name || #plugin{name = Name,
+ dependencies = Deps} <- Plugins,
+ lists:any(fun (Dep) ->
+ lists:member(Dep, Missing)
+ end, Deps)],
+ throw({error, {missing_dependencies, Missing, Blame}})
+ end,
+ [P#plugin{dependencies = Deps -- OTP,
+ extra_dependencies = Deps -- (Deps -- OTP)}
+ || P = #plugin{dependencies = Deps} <- Plugins].
+is_loadable(App) ->
+ case application:load(App) of
+ {error, {already_loaded, _}} -> true;
+ ok -> application:unload(App),
+ true;
+ _ -> false
+ end.
+%% List running plugins along with their version.
+-spec running_plugins() -> {ok, [{atom(), Vsn :: string()}]}.
+running_plugins() ->
+ ActivePlugins = active(),
+ {ok, [{App, Vsn} || {App, _ , Vsn} <- rabbit_misc:which_applications(), lists:member(App, ActivePlugins)]}.
+prepare_plugins(Enabled) ->
+ ExpandDir = plugins_expand_dir(),
+ AllPlugins = list(plugins_dir()),
+ Wanted = dependencies(false, Enabled, AllPlugins),
+ WantedPlugins = lookup_plugins(Wanted, AllPlugins),
+ {ValidPlugins, Problems} = validate_plugins(WantedPlugins),
+ maybe_warn_about_invalid_plugins(Problems),
+ case filelib:ensure_dir(ExpandDir ++ "/") of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error, E2} -> throw({error, {cannot_create_plugins_expand_dir,
+ [ExpandDir, E2]}})
+ end,
+ [prepare_plugin(Plugin, ExpandDir) || Plugin <- ValidPlugins],
+ Wanted.
+maybe_warn_about_invalid_plugins([]) ->
+ ok;
+maybe_warn_about_invalid_plugins(InvalidPlugins) ->
+ %% TODO: error message formatting
+ rabbit_log:warning(format_invalid_plugins(InvalidPlugins)).
+format_invalid_plugins(InvalidPlugins) ->
+ lists:flatten(["Failed to enable some plugins: \r\n"
+ | [format_invalid_plugin(Plugin)
+ || Plugin <- InvalidPlugins]]).
+format_invalid_plugin({Name, Errors}) ->
+ [io_lib:format(" ~p:~n", [Name])
+ | [format_invalid_plugin_error(Err) || Err <- Errors]].
+format_invalid_plugin_error({missing_dependency, Dep}) ->
+ io_lib:format(" Dependency is missing or invalid: ~p~n", [Dep]);
+%% a plugin doesn't support the effective broker version
+format_invalid_plugin_error({broker_version_mismatch, Version, Required}) ->
+ io_lib:format(" Plugin doesn't support current server version."
+ " Actual broker version: ~p, supported by the plugin: ~p~n",
+ [Version, format_required_versions(Required)]);
+%% one of dependencies of a plugin doesn't match its version requirements
+format_invalid_plugin_error({{dependency_version_mismatch, Version, Required}, Name}) ->
+ io_lib:format(" Version '~p' of dependency '~p' is unsupported."
+ " Version ranges supported by the plugin: ~p~n",
+ [Version, Name, Required]);
+format_invalid_plugin_error(Err) ->
+ io_lib:format(" Unknown error ~p~n", [Err]).
+format_required_versions(Versions) ->
+ lists:map(fun(V) ->
+ case re:run(V, "^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.", [{capture, all, list}]) of
+ {match, [Sub]} ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s-~sx", [V, Sub]));
+ _ ->
+ V
+ end
+ end, Versions).
+validate_plugins(Plugins) ->
+ application:load(rabbit),
+ RabbitVersion = RabbitVersion = case application:get_key(rabbit, vsn) of
+ undefined -> "0.0.0";
+ {ok, Val} -> Val
+ end,
+ validate_plugins(Plugins, RabbitVersion).
+validate_plugins(Plugins, BrokerVersion) ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(#plugin{name = Name,
+ broker_version_requirements = BrokerVersionReqs,
+ dependency_version_requirements = DepsVersions} = Plugin,
+ {Plugins0, Errors}) ->
+ case is_version_supported(BrokerVersion, BrokerVersionReqs) of
+ true ->
+ case BrokerVersion of
+ "0.0.0" ->
+ rabbit_log:warning(
+ "Running development version of the broker."
+ " Requirement ~p for plugin ~p is ignored.",
+ [BrokerVersionReqs, Name]);
+ _ -> ok
+ end,
+ case check_plugins_versions(Name, Plugins0, DepsVersions) of
+ ok -> {[Plugin | Plugins0], Errors};
+ {error, Err} -> {Plugins0, [{Name, Err} | Errors]}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ Error = [{broker_version_mismatch, BrokerVersion, BrokerVersionReqs}],
+ {Plugins0, [{Name, Error} | Errors]}
+ end
+ end,
+ {[],[]},
+ Plugins).
+check_plugins_versions(PluginName, AllPlugins, RequiredVersions) ->
+ ExistingVersions = [{Name, Vsn}
+ || #plugin{name = Name, version = Vsn} <- AllPlugins],
+ Problems = lists:foldl(
+ fun({Name, Versions}, Acc) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(Name, ExistingVersions) of
+ undefined -> [{missing_dependency, Name} | Acc];
+ Version ->
+ case is_version_supported(Version, Versions) of
+ true ->
+ case Version of
+ "" ->
+ rabbit_log:warning(
+ "~p plugin version is not defined."
+ " Requirement ~p for plugin ~p is ignored",
+ [Versions, PluginName]);
+ _ -> ok
+ end,
+ Acc;
+ false ->
+ [{{dependency_version_mismatch, Version, Versions}, Name} | Acc]
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ [],
+ RequiredVersions),
+ case Problems of
+ [] -> ok;
+ _ -> {error, Problems}
+ end.
+is_version_supported("", _) -> true;
+is_version_supported("0.0.0", _) -> true;
+is_version_supported(_Version, []) -> true;
+is_version_supported(VersionFull, ExpectedVersions) ->
+ %% Pre-release version should be supported in plugins,
+ %% therefore preview part should be removed
+ Version = remove_version_preview_part(VersionFull),
+ case lists:any(fun(ExpectedVersion) ->
+ rabbit_misc:strict_version_minor_equivalent(ExpectedVersion,
+ Version)
+ andalso
+ rabbit_misc:version_compare(ExpectedVersion, Version, lte)
+ end,
+ ExpectedVersions) of
+ true -> true;
+ false -> false
+ end.
+remove_version_preview_part(Version) ->
+ {Ver, _Preview} = rabbit_semver:parse(Version),
+ iolist_to_binary(rabbit_semver:format({Ver, {[], []}})).
+clean_plugins(Plugins) ->
+ ExpandDir = plugins_expand_dir(),
+ [clean_plugin(Plugin, ExpandDir) || Plugin <- Plugins].
+clean_plugin(Plugin, ExpandDir) ->
+ {ok, Mods} = application:get_key(Plugin, modules),
+ application:unload(Plugin),
+ [begin
+ code:soft_purge(Mod),
+ code:delete(Mod),
+ false = code:is_loaded(Mod)
+ end || Mod <- Mods],
+ delete_recursively(rabbit_misc:format("~s/~s", [ExpandDir, Plugin])).
+prepare_dir_plugin(PluginAppDescPath) ->
+ PluginEbinDir = filename:dirname(PluginAppDescPath),
+ Plugin = filename:basename(PluginAppDescPath, ".app"),
+ code:add_patha(PluginEbinDir),
+ case filelib:wildcard(PluginEbinDir++ "/*.beam") of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ [BeamPath | _] ->
+ Module = list_to_atom(filename:basename(BeamPath, ".beam")),
+ case code:ensure_loaded(Module) of
+ {module, _} ->
+ ok;
+ {error, badfile} ->
+ rabbit_log:error("Failed to enable plugin \"~s\": "
+ "it may have been built with an "
+ "incompatible (more recent?) "
+ "version of Erlang~n", [Plugin]),
+ throw({plugin_built_with_incompatible_erlang, Plugin});
+ Error ->
+ throw({plugin_module_unloadable, Plugin, Error})
+ end
+ end.
+delete_recursively(Fn) ->
+ case rabbit_file:recursive_delete([Fn]) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error, {Path, E}} -> {error, {cannot_delete, Path, E}}
+ end.
+find_unzipped_app_file(ExpandDir, Files) ->
+ StripComponents = length(filename:split(ExpandDir)),
+ [ X || X <- Files,
+ [_AppName, "ebin", MaybeAppFile] <-
+ [lists:nthtail(StripComponents, filename:split(X))],
+ lists:suffix(".app", MaybeAppFile)
+ ].
+prepare_plugin(#plugin{type = ez, name = Name, location = Location}, ExpandDir) ->
+ case zip:unzip(Location, [{cwd, ExpandDir}]) of
+ {ok, Files} ->
+ case find_unzipped_app_file(ExpandDir, Files) of
+ [PluginAppDescPath|_] ->
+ prepare_dir_plugin(PluginAppDescPath);
+ _ ->
+ rabbit_log:error("Plugin archive '~s' doesn't contain an .app file~n", [Location]),
+ throw({app_file_missing, Name, Location})
+ end;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ rabbit_log:error("Could not unzip plugin archive '~s': ~p~n", [Location, Reason]),
+ throw({failed_to_unzip_plugin, Name, Location, Reason})
+ end;
+prepare_plugin(#plugin{type = dir, location = Location, name = Name},
+ _ExpandDir) ->
+ case filelib:wildcard(Location ++ "/ebin/*.app") of
+ [PluginAppDescPath|_] ->
+ prepare_dir_plugin(PluginAppDescPath);
+ _ ->
+ rabbit_log:error("Plugin directory '~s' doesn't contain an .app file~n", [Location]),
+ throw({app_file_missing, Name, Location})
+ end.
+plugin_info({ez, EZ}) ->
+ case read_app_file(EZ) of
+ {application, Name, Props} -> mkplugin(Name, Props, ez, EZ);
+ {error, Reason} -> {error, EZ, Reason}
+ end;
+plugin_info({app, App}) ->
+ case rabbit_file:read_term_file(App) of
+ {ok, [{application, Name, Props}]} ->
+ mkplugin(Name, Props, dir,
+ filename:absname(
+ filename:dirname(filename:dirname(App))));
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, App, {invalid_app, Reason}}
+ end.
+mkplugin(Name, Props, Type, Location) ->
+ Version = proplists:get_value(vsn, Props, "0"),
+ Description = proplists:get_value(description, Props, ""),
+ Dependencies = proplists:get_value(applications, Props, []),
+ BrokerVersions = proplists:get_value(broker_version_requirements, Props, []),
+ DepsVersions = proplists:get_value(dependency_version_requirements, Props, []),
+ #plugin{name = Name, version = Version, description = Description,
+ dependencies = Dependencies, location = Location, type = Type,
+ broker_version_requirements = BrokerVersions,
+ dependency_version_requirements = DepsVersions}.
+read_app_file(EZ) ->
+ case zip:list_dir(EZ) of
+ {ok, [_|ZippedFiles]} ->
+ case find_app_files(ZippedFiles) of
+ [AppPath|_] ->
+ {ok, [{AppPath, AppFile}]} =
+ zip:extract(EZ, [{file_list, [AppPath]}, memory]),
+ parse_binary(AppFile);
+ [] ->
+ {error, no_app_file}
+ end;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, {invalid_ez, Reason}}
+ end.
+find_app_files(ZippedFiles) ->
+ {ok, RE} = re:compile("^.*/ebin/.*.app$"),
+ [Path || {zip_file, Path, _, _, _, _} <- ZippedFiles,
+ re:run(Path, RE, [{capture, none}]) =:= match].
+parse_binary(Bin) ->
+ try
+ {ok, Ts, _} = erl_scan:string(binary_to_list(Bin)),
+ {ok, Term} = erl_parse:parse_term(Ts),
+ Term
+ catch
+ Err -> {error, {invalid_app, Err}}
+ end.
+plugin_names(Plugins) ->
+ [Name || #plugin{name = Name} <- Plugins].
+lookup_plugins(Names, AllPlugins) ->
+ %% Preserve order of Names
+ lists:map(
+ fun(Name) ->
+ lists:keyfind(Name,, AllPlugins)
+ end,
+ Names).
+%% Split PATH-like value into its components.
+split_path(PathString) ->
+ Delimiters = case os:type() of
+ {unix, _} -> ":";
+ {win32, _} -> ";"
+ end,
+ string:tokens(PathString, Delimiters).
+%% Search for files using glob in a given dir. Returns full filenames of those files.
+full_path_wildcard(Glob, Dir) ->
+ [filename:join([Dir, File]) || File <- filelib:wildcard(Glob, Dir)].
+%% Returns list off all .ez files in a given set of directories
+list_ezs([]) ->
+ [];
+list_ezs([Dir|Rest]) ->
+ [{ez, EZ} || EZ <- full_path_wildcard("*.ez", Dir)] ++ list_ezs(Rest).
+%% Returns list of all files that look like OTP applications in a
+%% given set of directories.
+list_free_apps([]) ->
+ [];
+list_free_apps([Dir|Rest]) ->
+ [{app, App} || App <- full_path_wildcard("*/ebin/*.app", Dir)]
+ ++ list_free_apps(Rest).
+compare_by_name_and_version(#plugin{name = Name, version = VersionA},
+ #plugin{name = Name, version = VersionB}) ->
+ rabbit_semver:lte(VersionA, VersionB);
+compare_by_name_and_version(#plugin{name = NameA},
+ #plugin{name = NameB}) ->
+ NameA =< NameB.
+-spec discover_plugins([Directory]) -> {[#plugin{}], [Problem]} when
+ Directory :: file:name(),
+ Problem :: {file:name(), term()}.
+discover_plugins(PluginsDirs) ->
+ EZs = list_ezs(PluginsDirs),
+ FreeApps = list_free_apps(PluginsDirs),
+ read_plugins_info(EZs ++ FreeApps, {[], []}).
+read_plugins_info([], Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+read_plugins_info([Path|Paths], {Plugins, Problems}) ->
+ case plugin_info(Path) of
+ #plugin{} = Plugin ->
+ read_plugins_info(Paths, {[Plugin|Plugins], Problems});
+ {error, Location, Reason} ->
+ read_plugins_info(Paths, {Plugins, [{Location, Reason}|Problems]})
+ end.
+remove_duplicate_plugins(Plugins) ->
+ %% Reverse order ensures that if there are several versions of the
+ %% same plugin, the most recent one comes first.
+ Sorted = lists:reverse(
+ lists:sort(fun compare_by_name_and_version/2, Plugins)),
+ remove_duplicate_plugins(Sorted, {[], []}).
+remove_duplicate_plugins([], Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+remove_duplicate_plugins([Best = #plugin{name = Name}, Offender = #plugin{name = Name} | Rest],
+ {Plugins0, Problems0}) ->
+ Problems1 = [{Offender#plugin.location, duplicate_plugin}|Problems0],
+ remove_duplicate_plugins([Best|Rest], {Plugins0, Problems1});
+remove_duplicate_plugins([Plugin|Rest], {Plugins0, Problems0}) ->
+ Plugins1 = [Plugin|Plugins0],
+ remove_duplicate_plugins(Rest, {Plugins1, Problems0}).
+maybe_keep_required_deps(true, Plugins) ->
+ Plugins;
+maybe_keep_required_deps(false, Plugins) ->
+ RabbitDeps = list_all_deps([rabbit]),
+ lists:filter(fun
+ (#plugin{name = Name}) ->
+ not lists:member(Name, RabbitDeps);
+ (Name) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ not lists:member(Name, RabbitDeps)
+ end,
+ Plugins).
+list_all_deps(Applications) ->
+ list_all_deps(Applications, []).
+list_all_deps([Application | Applications], Deps) ->
+ %% We load the application to be sure we can get the "applications" key.
+ %% This is required for rabbitmq-plugins for instance.
+ application:load(Application),
+ NewDeps = [Application | Deps],
+ case application:get_key(Application, applications) of
+ {ok, ApplicationDeps} ->
+ RemainingApplications0 = ApplicationDeps ++ Applications,
+ RemainingApplications = RemainingApplications0 -- NewDeps,
+ list_all_deps(RemainingApplications, NewDeps);
+ undefined ->
+ list_all_deps(Applications, NewDeps)
+ end;
+list_all_deps([], Deps) ->
+ Deps.
+remove_plugins(Plugins) ->
+ %% We want to filter out all Erlang applications in the plugins
+ %% directories which are not actual RabbitMQ plugin.
+ %%
+ %% A RabbitMQ plugin must depend on `rabbit`. We also want to keep
+ %% all applications they depend on, except Erlang/OTP applications.
+ %% In the end, we will skip:
+ %% * Erlang/OTP applications
+ %% * All applications which do not depend on `rabbit` and which
+ %% are not direct or indirect dependencies of plugins.
+ ActualPlugins = [Plugin
+ || #plugin{dependencies = Deps} = Plugin <- Plugins,
+ lists:member(rabbit, Deps)],
+ %% As said above, we want to keep all non-plugins which are
+ %% dependencies of plugins.
+ PluginDeps = lists:usort(
+ lists:flatten(
+ [resolve_deps(Plugins, Plugin)
+ || Plugin <- ActualPlugins])),
+ lists:filter(
+ fun(#plugin{name = Name} = Plugin) ->
+ IsOTPApp = is_plugin_provided_by_otp(Plugin),
+ IsAPlugin =
+ lists:member(Plugin, ActualPlugins) orelse
+ lists:member(Name, PluginDeps),
+ if
+ IsOTPApp ->
+ rabbit_log:debug(
+ "Plugins discovery: "
+ "ignoring ~s, Erlang/OTP application",
+ [Name]);
+ not IsAPlugin ->
+ rabbit_log:debug(
+ "Plugins discovery: "
+ "ignoring ~s, not a RabbitMQ plugin",
+ [Name]);
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ not (IsOTPApp orelse not IsAPlugin)
+ end, Plugins).
+resolve_deps(Plugins, #plugin{dependencies = Deps}) ->
+ IndirectDeps = [case lists:keyfind(Dep,, Plugins) of
+ false -> [];
+ DepPlugin -> resolve_deps(Plugins, DepPlugin)
+ end
+ || Dep <- Deps],
+ Deps ++ IndirectDeps.
+maybe_report_plugin_loading_problems([]) ->
+ ok;
+maybe_report_plugin_loading_problems(Problems) ->
+ io:format(standard_error,
+ "Problem reading some plugins: ~p~n",
+ [Problems]).