path: root/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_priority_queue.erl
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1 files changed, 688 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_priority_queue.erl b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_priority_queue.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b41b8dfbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_priority_queue.erl
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+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2015-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+%% enabled unconditionally. Disabling priority queuing after
+%% it has been enabled is dangerous.
+ [{description, "enable priority queue"},
+ {mfa, {?MODULE, enable, []}},
+ {requires, pre_boot},
+ {enables, kernel_ready}]}).
+-export([start/2, stop/1]).
+-export([init/3, terminate/2, delete_and_terminate/2, delete_crashed/1,
+ purge/1, purge_acks/1,
+ publish/6, publish_delivered/5, discard/4, drain_confirmed/1,
+ batch_publish/4, batch_publish_delivered/4,
+ dropwhile/2, fetchwhile/4, fetch/2, drop/2, ack/2, requeue/2,
+ ackfold/4, fold/3, len/1, is_empty/1, depth/1,
+ set_ram_duration_target/2, ram_duration/1, needs_timeout/1, timeout/1,
+ handle_pre_hibernate/1, resume/1, msg_rates/1,
+ info/2, invoke/3, is_duplicate/2, set_queue_mode/2,
+ zip_msgs_and_acks/4, handle_info/2]).
+-record(state, {bq, bqss, max_priority}).
+-record(passthrough, {bq, bqs}).
+%% See 'note on suffixes' below
+-define(passthrough1(F), State#passthrough{bqs = BQ:F}).
+ {Res, BQS1} = BQ:F, {Res, State#passthrough{bqs = BQS1}}).
+ {Res1, Res2, BQS1} = BQ:F, {Res1, Res2, State#passthrough{bqs = BQS1}}).
+%% This module adds support for priority queues.
+%% Priority queues have one backing queue per priority. Backing queue functions
+%% then produce a list of results for each BQ and fold over them, sorting
+%% by priority.
+%%For queues that do not
+%% have priorities enabled, the functions in this module delegate to
+%% their "regular" backing queue module counterparts. See the `passthrough`
+%% record and passthrough{1,2,3} macros.
+%% Delivery to consumers happens by first "running" the queue with
+%% the highest priority until there are no more messages to deliver,
+%% then the next one, and so on. This offers good prioritisation
+%% but may result in lower priority messages not being delivered
+%% when there's a high ingress rate of messages with higher priority.
+enable() ->
+ {ok, RealBQ} = application:get_env(rabbit, backing_queue_module),
+ case RealBQ of
+ ?MODULE -> ok;
+ _ -> rabbit_log:info("Priority queues enabled, real BQ is ~s~n",
+ [RealBQ]),
+ application:set_env(
+ rabbitmq_priority_queue, backing_queue_module, RealBQ),
+ application:set_env(rabbit, backing_queue_module, ?MODULE)
+ end.
+start(VHost, QNames) ->
+ BQ = bq(),
+ %% TODO this expand-collapse dance is a bit ridiculous but it's what
+ %% rabbit_amqqueue:recover/0 expects. We could probably simplify
+ %% this if we rejigged recovery a bit.
+ {DupNames, ExpNames} = expand_queues(QNames),
+ case BQ:start(VHost, ExpNames) of
+ {ok, ExpRecovery} ->
+ {ok, collapse_recovery(QNames, DupNames, ExpRecovery)};
+ Else ->
+ Else
+ end.
+stop(VHost) ->
+ BQ = bq(),
+ BQ:stop(VHost).
+mutate_name(P, Q) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) ->
+ Res0 = #resource{name = QNameBin0} = amqqueue:get_name(Q),
+ QNameBin1 = mutate_name_bin(P, QNameBin0),
+ Res1 = Res0#resource{name = QNameBin1},
+ amqqueue:set_name(Q, Res1).
+mutate_name_bin(P, NameBin) ->
+ <<NameBin/binary, 0, P:8>>.
+expand_queues(QNames) ->
+ lists:unzip(
+ lists:append([expand_queue(QName) || QName <- QNames])).
+expand_queue(QName = #resource{name = QNameBin}) ->
+ {ok, Q} = rabbit_misc:dirty_read({rabbit_durable_queue, QName}),
+ case priorities(Q) of
+ none -> [{QName, QName}];
+ Ps -> [{QName, QName#resource{name = mutate_name_bin(P, QNameBin)}}
+ || P <- Ps]
+ end.
+collapse_recovery(QNames, DupNames, Recovery) ->
+ NameToTerms = lists:foldl(fun({Name, RecTerm}, Dict) ->
+ dict:append(Name, RecTerm, Dict)
+ end, dict:new(), lists:zip(DupNames, Recovery)),
+ [dict:fetch(Name, NameToTerms) || Name <- QNames].
+priorities(Q) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) ->
+ Args = amqqueue:get_arguments(Q),
+ Ints = [long, short, signedint, byte, unsignedbyte, unsignedshort, unsignedint],
+ case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Args, <<"x-max-priority">>) of
+ {Type, RequestedMax} ->
+ case lists:member(Type, Ints) of
+ false -> none;
+ true ->
+ Max = min(RequestedMax, ?MAX_SUPPORTED_PRIORITY),
+ lists:reverse(lists:seq(0, Max))
+ end;
+ _ -> none
+ end.
+init(Q, Recover, AsyncCallback) ->
+ BQ = bq(),
+ case priorities(Q) of
+ none -> RealRecover = case Recover of
+ [R] -> R; %% [0]
+ R -> R
+ end,
+ #passthrough{bq = BQ,
+ bqs = BQ:init(Q, RealRecover, AsyncCallback)};
+ Ps -> Init = fun (P, Term) ->
+ BQ:init(
+ mutate_name(P, Q), Term,
+ fun (M, F) -> AsyncCallback(M, {P, F}) end)
+ end,
+ BQSs = case have_recovery_terms(Recover) of
+ false -> [{P, Init(P, Recover)} || P <- Ps];
+ _ -> PsTerms = lists:zip(Ps, Recover),
+ [{P, Init(P, Term)} || {P, Term} <- PsTerms]
+ end,
+ #state{bq = BQ,
+ bqss = BQSs,
+ max_priority = hd(Ps)}
+ end.
+%% [0] collapse_recovery has the effect of making a list of recovery
+%% terms in priority order, even for non priority queues. It's easier
+%% to do that and "unwrap" in init/3 than to have collapse_recovery be
+%% aware of non-priority queues.
+have_recovery_terms(new) -> false;
+have_recovery_terms(non_clean_shutdown) -> false;
+have_recovery_terms(_) -> true.
+terminate(Reason, State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ foreach1(fun (_P, BQSN) -> BQ:terminate(Reason, BQSN) end, State);
+terminate(Reason, State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough1(terminate(Reason, BQS)).
+delete_and_terminate(Reason, State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ foreach1(fun (_P, BQSN) ->
+ BQ:delete_and_terminate(Reason, BQSN)
+ end, State);
+delete_and_terminate(Reason, State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough1(delete_and_terminate(Reason, BQS)).
+delete_crashed(Q) ->
+ BQ = bq(),
+ case priorities(Q) of
+ none -> BQ:delete_crashed(Q);
+ Ps -> [BQ:delete_crashed(mutate_name(P, Q)) || P <- Ps]
+ end.
+purge(State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ fold_add2(fun (_P, BQSN) -> BQ:purge(BQSN) end, State);
+purge(State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough2(purge(BQS)).
+purge_acks(State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ foreach1(fun (_P, BQSN) -> BQ:purge_acks(BQSN) end, State);
+purge_acks(State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough1(purge_acks(BQS)).
+publish(Msg, MsgProps, IsDelivered, ChPid, Flow, State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ pick1(fun (_P, BQSN) ->
+ BQ:publish(Msg, MsgProps, IsDelivered, ChPid, Flow, BQSN)
+ end, Msg, State);
+publish(Msg, MsgProps, IsDelivered, ChPid, Flow,
+ State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough1(publish(Msg, MsgProps, IsDelivered, ChPid, Flow, BQS)).
+batch_publish(Publishes, ChPid, Flow, State = #state{bq = BQ, bqss = [{MaxP, _} |_]}) ->
+ PubMap = partition_publish_batch(Publishes, MaxP),
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun ({Priority, Pubs}, St) ->
+ pick1(fun (_P, BQSN) ->
+ BQ:batch_publish(Pubs, ChPid, Flow, BQSN)
+ end, Priority, St)
+ end, State, maps:to_list(PubMap));
+batch_publish(Publishes, ChPid, Flow,
+ State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough1(batch_publish(Publishes, ChPid, Flow, BQS)).
+publish_delivered(Msg, MsgProps, ChPid, Flow, State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ pick2(fun (P, BQSN) ->
+ {AckTag, BQSN1} = BQ:publish_delivered(
+ Msg, MsgProps, ChPid, Flow, BQSN),
+ {{P, AckTag}, BQSN1}
+ end, Msg, State);
+publish_delivered(Msg, MsgProps, ChPid, Flow,
+ State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough2(publish_delivered(Msg, MsgProps, ChPid, Flow, BQS)).
+batch_publish_delivered(Publishes, ChPid, Flow, State = #state{bq = BQ, bqss = [{MaxP, _} |_]}) ->
+ PubMap = partition_publish_delivered_batch(Publishes, MaxP),
+ {PrioritiesAndAcks, State1} =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun ({Priority, Pubs}, {PriosAndAcks, St}) ->
+ {PriosAndAcks1, St1} =
+ pick2(fun (P, BQSN) ->
+ {AckTags, BQSN1} =
+ BQ:batch_publish_delivered(
+ Pubs, ChPid, Flow, BQSN),
+ {priority_on_acktags(P, AckTags), BQSN1}
+ end, Priority, St),
+ {[PriosAndAcks1 | PriosAndAcks], St1}
+ end, {[], State}, maps:to_list(PubMap)),
+ {lists:reverse(PrioritiesAndAcks), State1};
+batch_publish_delivered(Publishes, ChPid, Flow,
+ State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough2(batch_publish_delivered(Publishes, ChPid, Flow, BQS)).
+%% TODO this is a hack. The BQ api does not give us enough information
+%% here - if we had the Msg we could look at its priority and forward
+%% to the appropriate sub-BQ. But we don't so we are stuck.
+%% But fortunately VQ ignores discard/4, so we can too, *assuming we
+%% are talking to VQ*. discard/4 is used by HA, but that's "above" us
+%% (if in use) so we don't break that either, just some hypothetical
+%% alternate BQ implementation.
+discard(_MsgId, _ChPid, _Flow, State = #state{}) ->
+ State;
+ %% We should have something a bit like this here:
+ %% pick1(fun (_P, BQSN) ->
+ %% BQ:discard(MsgId, ChPid, Flow, BQSN)
+ %% end, Msg, State);
+discard(MsgId, ChPid, Flow, State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough1(discard(MsgId, ChPid, Flow, BQS)).
+drain_confirmed(State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ fold_append2(fun (_P, BQSN) -> BQ:drain_confirmed(BQSN) end, State);
+drain_confirmed(State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough2(drain_confirmed(BQS)).
+dropwhile(Pred, State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ find2(fun (_P, BQSN) -> BQ:dropwhile(Pred, BQSN) end, undefined, State);
+dropwhile(Pred, State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough2(dropwhile(Pred, BQS)).
+%% TODO this is a bit nasty. In the one place where fetchwhile/4 is
+%% actually used the accumulator is a list of acktags, which of course
+%% we need to mutate - so we do that although we are encoding an
+%% assumption here.
+fetchwhile(Pred, Fun, Acc, State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ findfold3(
+ fun (P, BQSN, AccN) ->
+ {Res, AccN1, BQSN1} = BQ:fetchwhile(Pred, Fun, AccN, BQSN),
+ {Res, priority_on_acktags(P, AccN1), BQSN1}
+ end, Acc, undefined, State);
+fetchwhile(Pred, Fun, Acc, State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough3(fetchwhile(Pred, Fun, Acc, BQS)).
+fetch(AckRequired, State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ find2(
+ fun (P, BQSN) ->
+ case BQ:fetch(AckRequired, BQSN) of
+ {empty, BQSN1} -> {empty, BQSN1};
+ {{Msg, Del, ATag}, BQSN1} -> {{Msg, Del, {P, ATag}}, BQSN1}
+ end
+ end, empty, State);
+fetch(AckRequired, State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough2(fetch(AckRequired, BQS)).
+drop(AckRequired, State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ find2(fun (P, BQSN) ->
+ case BQ:drop(AckRequired, BQSN) of
+ {empty, BQSN1} -> {empty, BQSN1};
+ {{MsgId, AckTag}, BQSN1} -> {{MsgId, {P, AckTag}}, BQSN1}
+ end
+ end, empty, State);
+drop(AckRequired, State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough2(drop(AckRequired, BQS)).
+ack(AckTags, State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ fold_by_acktags2(fun (AckTagsN, BQSN) ->
+ BQ:ack(AckTagsN, BQSN)
+ end, AckTags, State);
+ack(AckTags, State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough2(ack(AckTags, BQS)).
+requeue(AckTags, State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ fold_by_acktags2(fun (AckTagsN, BQSN) ->
+ BQ:requeue(AckTagsN, BQSN)
+ end, AckTags, State);
+requeue(AckTags, State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough2(requeue(AckTags, BQS)).
+%% Similar problem to fetchwhile/4
+ackfold(MsgFun, Acc, State = #state{bq = BQ}, AckTags) ->
+ AckTagsByPriority = partition_acktags(AckTags),
+ fold2(
+ fun (P, BQSN, AccN) ->
+ case maps:find(P, AckTagsByPriority) of
+ {ok, ATagsN} -> {AccN1, BQSN1} =
+ BQ:ackfold(MsgFun, AccN, BQSN, ATagsN),
+ {priority_on_acktags(P, AccN1), BQSN1};
+ error -> {AccN, BQSN}
+ end
+ end, Acc, State);
+ackfold(MsgFun, Acc, State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}, AckTags) ->
+ ?passthrough2(ackfold(MsgFun, Acc, BQS, AckTags)).
+fold(Fun, Acc, State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ fold2(fun (_P, BQSN, AccN) -> BQ:fold(Fun, AccN, BQSN) end, Acc, State);
+fold(Fun, Acc, State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough2(fold(Fun, Acc, BQS)).
+len(#state{bq = BQ, bqss = BQSs}) ->
+ add0(fun (_P, BQSN) -> BQ:len(BQSN) end, BQSs);
+len(#passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ BQ:len(BQS).
+is_empty(#state{bq = BQ, bqss = BQSs}) ->
+ all0(fun (_P, BQSN) -> BQ:is_empty(BQSN) end, BQSs);
+is_empty(#passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ BQ:is_empty(BQS).
+depth(#state{bq = BQ, bqss = BQSs}) ->
+ add0(fun (_P, BQSN) -> BQ:depth(BQSN) end, BQSs);
+depth(#passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ BQ:depth(BQS).
+set_ram_duration_target(DurationTarget, State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ foreach1(fun (_P, BQSN) ->
+ BQ:set_ram_duration_target(DurationTarget, BQSN)
+ end, State);
+ State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough1(set_ram_duration_target(DurationTarget, BQS)).
+ram_duration(State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ fold_min2(fun (_P, BQSN) -> BQ:ram_duration(BQSN) end, State);
+ram_duration(State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough2(ram_duration(BQS)).
+needs_timeout(#state{bq = BQ, bqss = BQSs}) ->
+ fold0(fun (_P, _BQSN, timed) -> timed;
+ (_P, BQSN, idle) -> case BQ:needs_timeout(BQSN) of
+ timed -> timed;
+ _ -> idle
+ end;
+ (_P, BQSN, false) -> BQ:needs_timeout(BQSN)
+ end, false, BQSs);
+needs_timeout(#passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ BQ:needs_timeout(BQS).
+timeout(State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ foreach1(fun (_P, BQSN) -> BQ:timeout(BQSN) end, State);
+timeout(State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough1(timeout(BQS)).
+handle_pre_hibernate(State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ foreach1(fun (_P, BQSN) ->
+ BQ:handle_pre_hibernate(BQSN)
+ end, State);
+handle_pre_hibernate(State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough1(handle_pre_hibernate(BQS)).
+handle_info(Msg, State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ foreach1(fun (_P, BQSN) -> BQ:handle_info(Msg, BQSN) end, State);
+handle_info(Msg, State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough1(handle_info(Msg, BQS)).
+resume(State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ foreach1(fun (_P, BQSN) -> BQ:resume(BQSN) end, State);
+resume(State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough1(resume(BQS)).
+msg_rates(#state{bq = BQ, bqss = BQSs}) ->
+ fold0(fun(_P, BQSN, {InN, OutN}) ->
+ {In, Out} = BQ:msg_rates(BQSN),
+ {InN + In, OutN + Out}
+ end, {0.0, 0.0}, BQSs);
+msg_rates(#passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ BQ:msg_rates(BQS).
+info(backing_queue_status, #state{bq = BQ, bqss = BQSs}) ->
+ fold0(fun (P, BQSN, Acc) ->
+ combine_status(P, BQ:info(backing_queue_status, BQSN), Acc)
+ end, nothing, BQSs);
+info(head_message_timestamp, #state{bq = BQ, bqss = BQSs}) ->
+ find_head_message_timestamp(BQ, BQSs, '');
+info(Item, #state{bq = BQ, bqss = BQSs}) ->
+ fold0(fun (_P, BQSN, Acc) ->
+ Acc + BQ:info(Item, BQSN)
+ end, 0, BQSs);
+info(Item, #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ BQ:info(Item, BQS).
+invoke(Mod, {P, Fun}, State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ pick1(fun (_P, BQSN) -> BQ:invoke(Mod, Fun, BQSN) end, P, State);
+invoke(Mod, Fun, State = #state{bq = BQ, max_priority = P}) ->
+ pick1(fun (_P, BQSN) -> BQ:invoke(Mod, Fun, BQSN) end, P, State);
+invoke(Mod, Fun, State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough1(invoke(Mod, Fun, BQS)).
+is_duplicate(Msg, State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ pick2(fun (_P, BQSN) -> BQ:is_duplicate(Msg, BQSN) end, Msg, State);
+is_duplicate(Msg, State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough2(is_duplicate(Msg, BQS)).
+set_queue_mode(Mode, State = #state{bq = BQ}) ->
+ foreach1(fun (_P, BQSN) -> BQ:set_queue_mode(Mode, BQSN) end, State);
+set_queue_mode(Mode, State = #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ ?passthrough1(set_queue_mode(Mode, BQS)).
+zip_msgs_and_acks(Msgs, AckTags, Accumulator, #state{bqss = [{MaxP, _} |_]}) ->
+ MsgsByPriority = partition_publish_delivered_batch(Msgs, MaxP),
+ lists:foldl(fun (Acks, MAs) ->
+ {P, _AckTag} = hd(Acks),
+ Pubs = maps:get(P, MsgsByPriority),
+ MAs0 = zip_msgs_and_acks(Pubs, Acks),
+ MAs ++ MAs0
+ end, Accumulator, AckTags);
+zip_msgs_and_acks(Msgs, AckTags, Accumulator,
+ #passthrough{bq = BQ, bqs = BQS}) ->
+ BQ:zip_msgs_and_acks(Msgs, AckTags, Accumulator, BQS).
+bq() ->
+ {ok, RealBQ} = application:get_env(
+ rabbitmq_priority_queue, backing_queue_module),
+ RealBQ.
+%% Note on suffixes: Many utility functions here have suffixes telling
+%% you the arity of the return type of the BQ function they are
+%% designed to work with.
+%% 0 - BQ function returns a value and does not modify state
+%% 1 - BQ function just returns a new state
+%% 2 - BQ function returns a 2-tuple of {Result, NewState}
+%% 3 - BQ function returns a 3-tuple of {Result1, Result2, NewState}
+%% Fold over results
+fold0(Fun, Acc, [{P, BQSN} | Rest]) -> fold0(Fun, Fun(P, BQSN, Acc), Rest);
+fold0(_Fun, Acc, []) -> Acc.
+%% Do all BQs match?
+all0(Pred, BQSs) -> fold0(fun (_P, _BQSN, false) -> false;
+ (P, BQSN, true) -> Pred(P, BQSN)
+ end, true, BQSs).
+%% Sum results
+add0(Fun, BQSs) -> fold0(fun (P, BQSN, Acc) -> Acc + Fun(P, BQSN) end, 0, BQSs).
+%% Apply for all states
+foreach1(Fun, State = #state{bqss = BQSs}) ->
+ a(State#state{bqss = foreach1(Fun, BQSs, [])}).
+foreach1(Fun, [{Priority, BQSN} | Rest], BQSAcc) ->
+ BQSN1 = Fun(Priority, BQSN),
+ foreach1(Fun, Rest, [{Priority, BQSN1} | BQSAcc]);
+foreach1(_Fun, [], BQSAcc) ->
+ lists:reverse(BQSAcc).
+%% For a given thing, just go to its BQ
+pick1(Fun, Prioritisable, #state{bqss = BQSs} = State) ->
+ {P, BQSN} = priority_bq(Prioritisable, BQSs),
+ a(State#state{bqss = bq_store(P, Fun(P, BQSN), BQSs)}).
+%% Fold over results
+fold2(Fun, Acc, State = #state{bqss = BQSs}) ->
+ {Res, BQSs1} = fold2(Fun, Acc, BQSs, []),
+ {Res, a(State#state{bqss = BQSs1})}.
+fold2(Fun, Acc, [{P, BQSN} | Rest], BQSAcc) ->
+ {Acc1, BQSN1} = Fun(P, BQSN, Acc),
+ fold2(Fun, Acc1, Rest, [{P, BQSN1} | BQSAcc]);
+fold2(_Fun, Acc, [], BQSAcc) ->
+ {Acc, lists:reverse(BQSAcc)}.
+%% Fold over results assuming results are lists and we want to append them
+fold_append2(Fun, State) ->
+ fold2(fun (P, BQSN, Acc) ->
+ {Res, BQSN1} = Fun(P, BQSN),
+ {Res ++ Acc, BQSN1}
+ end, [], State).
+%% Fold over results assuming results are numbers and we want to sum them
+fold_add2(Fun, State) ->
+ fold2(fun (P, BQSN, Acc) ->
+ {Res, BQSN1} = Fun(P, BQSN),
+ {add_maybe_infinity(Res, Acc), BQSN1}
+ end, 0, State).
+%% Fold over results assuming results are numbers and we want the minimum
+fold_min2(Fun, State) ->
+ fold2(fun (P, BQSN, Acc) ->
+ {Res, BQSN1} = Fun(P, BQSN),
+ {erlang:min(Res, Acc), BQSN1}
+ end, infinity, State).
+%% Fold over results assuming results are lists and we want to append
+%% them, and also that we have some AckTags we want to pass in to each
+%% invocation.
+fold_by_acktags2(Fun, AckTags, State) ->
+ AckTagsByPriority = partition_acktags(AckTags),
+ fold_append2(fun (P, BQSN) ->
+ case maps:find(P, AckTagsByPriority) of
+ {ok, AckTagsN} -> Fun(AckTagsN, BQSN);
+ error -> {[], BQSN}
+ end
+ end, State).
+%% For a given thing, just go to its BQ
+pick2(Fun, Prioritisable, #state{bqss = BQSs} = State) ->
+ {P, BQSN} = priority_bq(Prioritisable, BQSs),
+ {Res, BQSN1} = Fun(P, BQSN),
+ {Res, a(State#state{bqss = bq_store(P, BQSN1, BQSs)})}.
+%% Run through BQs in priority order until one does not return
+%% {NotFound, NewState} or we have gone through them all.
+find2(Fun, NotFound, State = #state{bqss = BQSs}) ->
+ {Res, BQSs1} = find2(Fun, NotFound, BQSs, []),
+ {Res, a(State#state{bqss = BQSs1})}.
+find2(Fun, NotFound, [{P, BQSN} | Rest], BQSAcc) ->
+ case Fun(P, BQSN) of
+ {NotFound, BQSN1} -> find2(Fun, NotFound, Rest, [{P, BQSN1} | BQSAcc]);
+ {Res, BQSN1} -> {Res, lists:reverse([{P, BQSN1} | BQSAcc]) ++ Rest}
+ end;
+find2(_Fun, NotFound, [], BQSAcc) ->
+ {NotFound, lists:reverse(BQSAcc)}.
+%% Run through BQs in priority order like find2 but also folding as we go.
+findfold3(Fun, Acc, NotFound, State = #state{bqss = BQSs}) ->
+ {Res, Acc1, BQSs1} = findfold3(Fun, Acc, NotFound, BQSs, []),
+ {Res, Acc1, a(State#state{bqss = BQSs1})}.
+findfold3(Fun, Acc, NotFound, [{P, BQSN} | Rest], BQSAcc) ->
+ case Fun(P, BQSN, Acc) of
+ {NotFound, Acc1, BQSN1} ->
+ findfold3(Fun, Acc1, NotFound, Rest, [{P, BQSN1} | BQSAcc]);
+ {Res, Acc1, BQSN1} ->
+ {Res, Acc1, lists:reverse([{P, BQSN1} | BQSAcc]) ++ Rest}
+ end;
+findfold3(_Fun, Acc, NotFound, [], BQSAcc) ->
+ {NotFound, Acc, lists:reverse(BQSAcc)}.
+bq_fetch(P, []) -> exit({not_found, P});
+bq_fetch(P, [{P, BQSN} | _]) -> {P, BQSN};
+bq_fetch(P, [{_, _BQSN} | T]) -> bq_fetch(P, T).
+bq_store(P, BQS, BQSs) ->
+ [{PN, case PN of
+ P -> BQS;
+ _ -> BQSN
+ end} || {PN, BQSN} <- BQSs].
+a(State = #state{bqss = BQSs}) ->
+ Ps = [P || {P, _} <- BQSs],
+ case lists:reverse(lists:usort(Ps)) of
+ Ps -> State;
+ _ -> exit({bad_order, Ps})
+ end.
+partition_publish_batch(Publishes, MaxP) ->
+ partition_publishes(
+ Publishes, fun ({Msg, _, _}) -> Msg end, MaxP).
+partition_publish_delivered_batch(Publishes, MaxP) ->
+ partition_publishes(
+ Publishes, fun ({Msg, _}) -> Msg end, MaxP).
+partition_publishes(Publishes, ExtractMsg, MaxP) ->
+ Partitioned =
+ lists:foldl(fun (Pub, Dict) ->
+ Msg = ExtractMsg(Pub),
+ rabbit_misc:maps_cons(priority(Msg, MaxP), Pub, Dict)
+ end, maps:new(), Publishes),
+ maps:map(fun (_P, RevPubs) ->
+ lists:reverse(RevPubs)
+ end, Partitioned).
+priority_bq(Priority, [{MaxP, _} | _] = BQSs) ->
+ bq_fetch(priority(Priority, MaxP), BQSs).
+%% Messages with a priority which is higher than the queue's maximum are treated
+%% as if they were published with the maximum priority.
+priority(undefined, _MaxP) ->
+ 0;
+priority(Priority, MaxP) when is_integer(Priority), Priority =< MaxP ->
+ Priority;
+priority(Priority, MaxP) when is_integer(Priority), Priority > MaxP ->
+ MaxP;
+priority(#basic_message{content = Content}, MaxP) ->
+ priority(rabbit_binary_parser:ensure_content_decoded(Content), MaxP);
+priority(#content{properties = Props}, MaxP) ->
+ #'P_basic'{priority = Priority0} = Props,
+ priority(Priority0, MaxP).
+add_maybe_infinity(infinity, _) -> infinity;
+add_maybe_infinity(_, infinity) -> infinity;
+add_maybe_infinity(A, B) -> A + B.
+partition_acktags(AckTags) -> partition_acktags(AckTags, maps:new()).
+partition_acktags([], Partitioned) ->
+ maps:map(fun (_P, RevAckTags) ->
+ lists:reverse(RevAckTags)
+ end, Partitioned);
+partition_acktags([{P, AckTag} | Rest], Partitioned) ->
+ partition_acktags(Rest, rabbit_misc:maps_cons(P, AckTag, Partitioned)).
+priority_on_acktags(P, AckTags) ->
+ [case Tag of
+ _ when is_integer(Tag) -> {P, Tag};
+ _ -> Tag
+ end || Tag <- AckTags].
+combine_status(P, New, nothing) ->
+ [{priority_lengths, [{P, proplists:get_value(len, New)}]} | New];
+combine_status(P, New, Old) ->
+ Combined = [{K, cse(V, proplists:get_value(K, Old))} || {K, V} <- New],
+ Lens = [{P, proplists:get_value(len, New)} |
+ proplists:get_value(priority_lengths, Old)],
+ [{priority_lengths, Lens} | Combined].
+cse(infinity, _) -> infinity;
+cse(_, infinity) -> infinity;
+%% queue modes
+cse(_, default) -> default;
+cse(default, _) -> default;
+cse(_, lazy) -> lazy;
+cse(lazy, _) -> lazy;
+%% numerical stats
+cse(A, B) when is_number(A) -> A + B;
+cse({delta, _, _, _, _}, _) -> {delta, todo, todo, todo, todo};
+cse(_, _) -> undefined.
+%% When asked about 'head_message_timestamp' fro this priority queue, we
+%% walk all the backing queues, starting by the highest priority. Once a
+%% backing queue having messages (ready or unacknowledged) is found, its
+%% 'head_message_timestamp' is returned even if it is null.
+find_head_message_timestamp(BQ, [{_, BQSN} | Rest], Timestamp) ->
+ MsgCount = BQ:len(BQSN) + BQ:info(messages_unacknowledged_ram, BQSN),
+ if
+ MsgCount =/= 0 -> BQ:info(head_message_timestamp, BQSN);
+ true -> find_head_message_timestamp(BQ, Rest, Timestamp)
+ end;
+find_head_message_timestamp(_, [], Timestamp) ->
+ Timestamp.
+zip_msgs_and_acks(Pubs, AckTags) ->
+ lists:zipwith(
+ fun ({#basic_message{ id = Id }, _Props}, AckTag) ->
+ {Id, AckTag}
+ end, Pubs, AckTags).