path: root/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_vhost_sup_sup.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_vhost_sup_sup.erl')
1 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_vhost_sup_sup.erl b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_vhost_sup_sup.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c201237daa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_vhost_sup_sup.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+-export([start_link/0, start/0]).
+ start_vhost/1, start_vhost/2,
+ get_vhost_sup/1, get_vhost_sup/2,
+ save_vhost_sup/3,
+ save_vhost_process/2]).
+-export([delete_on_all_nodes/1, start_on_all_nodes/1]).
+%% Internal
+-record(vhost_sup, {vhost, vhost_sup_pid, wrapper_pid, vhost_process_pid}).
+start() ->
+ case supervisor:start_child(rabbit_sup, {?MODULE,
+ {?MODULE, start_link, []},
+ permanent, infinity, supervisor,
+ [?MODULE]}) of
+ {ok, _} -> ok;
+ {error, Err} -> {error, Err}
+ end.
+start_link() ->
+ supervisor2:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
+init([]) ->
+ %% This assumes that a single vhost termination should not shut down nodes
+ %% unless the operator opts in.
+ RestartStrategy = vhost_restart_strategy(),
+ ets:new(?MODULE, [named_table, public, {keypos, #vhost_sup.vhost}]),
+ {ok, {{simple_one_for_one, 0, 5},
+ [{rabbit_vhost, {rabbit_vhost_sup_wrapper, start_link, []},
+ RestartStrategy, ?SUPERVISOR_WAIT, supervisor,
+ [rabbit_vhost_sup_wrapper, rabbit_vhost_sup]}]}}.
+start_on_all_nodes(VHost) ->
+ %% Do not try to start a vhost on booting peer nodes
+ AllBooted = [Node || Node <- rabbit_nodes:all_running(), rabbit:is_booted(Node)],
+ Nodes = [node() | AllBooted],
+ Results = [{Node, start_vhost(VHost, Node)} || Node <- Nodes],
+ Failures = lists:filter(fun
+ ({_, {ok, _}}) -> false;
+ ({_, {error, {already_started, _}}}) -> false;
+ (_) -> true
+ end,
+ Results),
+ case Failures of
+ [] -> ok;
+ Errors -> {error, {failed_to_start_vhost_on_nodes, Errors}}
+ end.
+delete_on_all_nodes(VHost) ->
+ [ stop_and_delete_vhost(VHost, Node) || Node <- rabbit_nodes:all_running() ],
+ ok.
+stop_and_delete_vhost(VHost) ->
+ StopResult = case lookup_vhost_sup_record(VHost) of
+ not_found -> ok;
+ #vhost_sup{wrapper_pid = WrapperPid,
+ vhost_sup_pid = VHostSupPid} ->
+ case is_process_alive(WrapperPid) of
+ false -> ok;
+ true ->
+ rabbit_log:info("Stopping vhost supervisor ~p"
+ " for vhost '~s'~n",
+ [VHostSupPid, VHost]),
+ case supervisor2:terminate_child(?MODULE, WrapperPid) of
+ ok ->
+ true = ets:delete(?MODULE, VHost),
+ ok;
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ ok = rabbit_vhost:delete_storage(VHost),
+ StopResult.
+%% We take an optimistic approach whan stopping a remote VHost supervisor.
+stop_and_delete_vhost(VHost, Node) when Node == node(self()) ->
+ stop_and_delete_vhost(VHost);
+stop_and_delete_vhost(VHost, Node) ->
+ case rabbit_misc:rpc_call(Node, rabbit_vhost_sup_sup, stop_and_delete_vhost, [VHost]) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {badrpc, RpcErr} ->
+ rabbit_log:error("Failed to stop and delete a vhost ~p"
+ " on node ~p."
+ " Reason: ~p",
+ [VHost, Node, RpcErr]),
+ {error, RpcErr}
+ end.
+-spec init_vhost(rabbit_types:vhost()) -> ok | {error, {no_such_vhost, rabbit_types:vhost()}}.
+init_vhost(VHost) ->
+ case start_vhost(VHost) of
+ {ok, _} -> ok;
+ {error, {already_started, _}} ->
+ rabbit_log:warning(
+ "Attempting to start an already started vhost '~s'.",
+ [VHost]),
+ ok;
+ {error, {no_such_vhost, VHost}} ->
+ {error, {no_such_vhost, VHost}};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ case vhost_restart_strategy() of
+ permanent ->
+ rabbit_log:error(
+ "Unable to initialize vhost data store for vhost '~s'."
+ " Reason: ~p",
+ [VHost, Reason]),
+ throw({error, Reason});
+ transient ->
+ rabbit_log:warning(
+ "Unable to initialize vhost data store for vhost '~s'."
+ " The vhost will be stopped for this node. "
+ " Reason: ~p",
+ [VHost, Reason]),
+ ok
+ end
+ end.
+-type vhost_error() :: {no_such_vhost, rabbit_types:vhost()} |
+ {vhost_supervisor_not_running, rabbit_types:vhost()}.
+-spec get_vhost_sup(rabbit_types:vhost(), node()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, vhost_error() | term()}.
+get_vhost_sup(VHost, Node) ->
+ case rabbit_misc:rpc_call(Node, rabbit_vhost_sup_sup, get_vhost_sup, [VHost]) of
+ {ok, Pid} when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ {ok, Pid};
+ {error, Err} ->
+ {error, Err};
+ {badrpc, RpcErr} ->
+ {error, RpcErr}
+ end.
+-spec get_vhost_sup(rabbit_types:vhost()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, vhost_error()}.
+get_vhost_sup(VHost) ->
+ case rabbit_vhost:exists(VHost) of
+ false ->
+ {error, {no_such_vhost, VHost}};
+ true ->
+ case vhost_sup_pid(VHost) of
+ no_pid ->
+ {error, {vhost_supervisor_not_running, VHost}};
+ {ok, Pid} when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ {ok, Pid}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec start_vhost(rabbit_types:vhost(), node()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, term()}.
+start_vhost(VHost, Node) ->
+ case rabbit_misc:rpc_call(Node, rabbit_vhost_sup_sup, start_vhost, [VHost]) of
+ {ok, Pid} -> {ok, Pid};
+ {error, Err} -> {error, Err};
+ {badrpc, RpcErr} -> {error, RpcErr}
+ end.
+-spec start_vhost(rabbit_types:vhost()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, term()}.
+start_vhost(VHost) ->
+ case rabbit_vhost:exists(VHost) of
+ false -> {error, {no_such_vhost, VHost}};
+ true ->
+ case whereis(?MODULE) of
+ Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ supervisor2:start_child(?MODULE, [VHost]);
+ undefined ->
+ {error, rabbit_vhost_sup_sup_not_running}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec is_vhost_alive(rabbit_types:vhost()) -> boolean().
+is_vhost_alive(VHost) ->
+%% A vhost is considered alive if it's supervision tree is alive and
+%% saved in the ETS table
+ case lookup_vhost_sup_record(VHost) of
+ #vhost_sup{wrapper_pid = WrapperPid,
+ vhost_sup_pid = VHostSupPid,
+ vhost_process_pid = VHostProcessPid}
+ when is_pid(WrapperPid),
+ is_pid(VHostSupPid),
+ is_pid(VHostProcessPid) ->
+ is_process_alive(WrapperPid)
+ andalso
+ is_process_alive(VHostSupPid)
+ andalso
+ is_process_alive(VHostProcessPid);
+ _ -> false
+ end.
+-spec save_vhost_sup(rabbit_types:vhost(), pid(), pid()) -> ok.
+save_vhost_sup(VHost, WrapperPid, VHostPid) ->
+ true = ets:insert(?MODULE, #vhost_sup{vhost = VHost,
+ vhost_sup_pid = VHostPid,
+ wrapper_pid = WrapperPid}),
+ ok.
+-spec save_vhost_process(rabbit_types:vhost(), pid()) -> ok.
+save_vhost_process(VHost, VHostProcessPid) ->
+ true = ets:update_element(?MODULE, VHost,
+ {#vhost_sup.vhost_process_pid, VHostProcessPid}),
+ ok.
+-spec lookup_vhost_sup_record(rabbit_types:vhost()) -> #vhost_sup{} | not_found.
+lookup_vhost_sup_record(VHost) ->
+ case ets:info(?MODULE, name) of
+ ?MODULE ->
+ case ets:lookup(?MODULE, VHost) of
+ [] -> not_found;
+ [#vhost_sup{} = VHostSup] -> VHostSup
+ end;
+ undefined -> not_found
+ end.
+-spec vhost_sup_pid(rabbit_types:vhost()) -> no_pid | {ok, pid()}.
+vhost_sup_pid(VHost) ->
+ case lookup_vhost_sup_record(VHost) of
+ not_found ->
+ no_pid;
+ #vhost_sup{vhost_sup_pid = Pid} = VHostSup ->
+ case erlang:is_process_alive(Pid) of
+ true -> {ok, Pid};
+ false ->
+ ets:delete_object(?MODULE, VHostSup),
+ no_pid
+ end
+ end.
+vhost_restart_strategy() ->
+ %% This assumes that a single vhost termination should not shut down nodes
+ %% unless the operator opts in.
+ case application:get_env(rabbit, vhost_restart_strategy, continue) of
+ continue -> transient;
+ stop_node -> permanent;
+ transient -> transient;
+ permanent -> permanent
+ end.
+check() ->
+ VHosts = rabbit_vhost:list_names(),
+ lists:filter(
+ fun(V) ->
+ case rabbit_vhost_sup_sup:get_vhost_sup(V) of
+ {ok, Sup} ->
+ MsgStores = [Pid || {Name, Pid, _, _} <- supervisor:which_children(Sup),
+ lists:member(Name, [msg_store_persistent,
+ msg_store_transient])],
+ not is_vhost_alive(V) orelse (not lists:all(fun(P) ->
+ erlang:is_process_alive(P)
+ end, MsgStores));
+ {error, _} ->
+ true
+ end
+ end, VHosts).