path: root/deps/rabbit/test/backing_queue_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbit/test/backing_queue_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 1632 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/test/backing_queue_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbit/test/backing_queue_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be6004c8b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit/test/backing_queue_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1632 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2011-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+-define(PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, msg_store_persistent).
+-define(TRANSIENT_MSG_STORE, msg_store_transient).
+-define(TIMEOUT, 30000).
+-define(VHOST, <<"/">>).
+ variable_queue_dynamic_duration_change,
+ variable_queue_partial_segments_delta_thing,
+ variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere_A,
+ variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere_B,
+ variable_queue_drop,
+ variable_queue_fold_msg_on_disk,
+ variable_queue_dropfetchwhile,
+ variable_queue_dropwhile_varying_ram_duration,
+ variable_queue_fetchwhile_varying_ram_duration,
+ variable_queue_ack_limiting,
+ variable_queue_purge,
+ variable_queue_requeue,
+ variable_queue_requeue_ram_beta,
+ variable_queue_fold,
+ variable_queue_batch_publish,
+ variable_queue_batch_publish_delivered
+ ]).
+ bq_queue_index,
+ bq_queue_index_props,
+ {variable_queue_default, [parallel], ?VARIABLE_QUEUE_TESTCASES},
+ {variable_queue_lazy, [parallel], ?VARIABLE_QUEUE_TESTCASES ++
+ [variable_queue_mode_change]},
+ bq_variable_queue_delete_msg_store_files_callback,
+ bq_queue_recover
+ ]).
+all() ->
+ [
+ {group, backing_queue_tests}
+ ].
+groups() ->
+ [
+ {backing_queue_tests, [], [
+ msg_store,
+ {backing_queue_embed_limit_0, [], ?BACKING_QUEUE_TESTCASES},
+ {backing_queue_embed_limit_1024, [], ?BACKING_QUEUE_TESTCASES}
+ ]}
+ ].
+group(backing_queue_tests) ->
+ [
+ %% Several tests based on lazy queues may take more than 30 minutes.
+ {timetrap, {hours, 1}}
+ ];
+group(_) ->
+ [].
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Testsuite setup/teardown.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:log_environment(),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:run_setup_steps(Config).
+end_per_suite(Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:run_teardown_steps(Config).
+init_per_group(Group, Config) ->
+ case lists:member({group, Group}, all()) of
+ true ->
+ ClusterSize = 2,
+ Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [
+ {rmq_nodename_suffix, Group},
+ {rmq_nodes_count, ClusterSize}
+ ]),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:run_steps(Config1,
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:setup_steps() ++
+ rabbit_ct_client_helpers:setup_steps() ++ [
+ fun(C) -> init_per_group1(Group, C) end,
+ fun setup_file_handle_cache/1
+ ]);
+ false ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:run_steps(Config, [
+ fun(C) -> init_per_group1(Group, C) end
+ ])
+ end.
+init_per_group1(backing_queue_tests, Config) ->
+ Module = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ application, get_env, [rabbit, backing_queue_module]),
+ case Module of
+ {ok, rabbit_priority_queue} ->
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, setup_backing_queue_test_group, [Config]);
+ _ ->
+ {skip, rabbit_misc:format(
+ "Backing queue module not supported by this test group: ~p~n",
+ [Module])}
+ end;
+init_per_group1(backing_queue_embed_limit_0, Config) ->
+ ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ application, set_env, [rabbit, queue_index_embed_msgs_below, 0]),
+ Config;
+init_per_group1(backing_queue_embed_limit_1024, Config) ->
+ ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ application, set_env, [rabbit, queue_index_embed_msgs_below, 1024]),
+ Config;
+init_per_group1(variable_queue_default, Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, {variable_queue_type, default});
+init_per_group1(variable_queue_lazy, Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, {variable_queue_type, lazy});
+init_per_group1(from_cluster_node1, Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, {test_direction, {0, 1}});
+init_per_group1(from_cluster_node2, Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, {test_direction, {1, 0}});
+init_per_group1(_, Config) ->
+ Config.
+setup_file_handle_cache(Config) ->
+ ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, setup_file_handle_cache1, []),
+ Config.
+setup_file_handle_cache1() ->
+ %% FIXME: Why are we doing this?
+ application:set_env(rabbit, file_handles_high_watermark, 10),
+ ok = file_handle_cache:set_limit(10),
+ ok.
+end_per_group(Group, Config) ->
+ case lists:member({group, Group}, all()) of
+ true ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:run_steps(Config,
+ [fun(C) -> end_per_group1(Group, C) end] ++
+ rabbit_ct_client_helpers:teardown_steps() ++
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:teardown_steps());
+ false ->
+ Config
+ end.
+end_per_group1(backing_queue_tests, Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, teardown_backing_queue_test_group, [Config]);
+end_per_group1(Group, Config)
+when Group =:= backing_queue_embed_limit_0
+orelse Group =:= backing_queue_embed_limit_1024 ->
+ ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ application, set_env, [rabbit, queue_index_embed_msgs_below,
+ ?config(rmq_queue_index_embed_msgs_below, Config)]),
+ Config;
+end_per_group1(_, Config) ->
+ Config.
+init_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) when Testcase == variable_queue_requeue;
+ Testcase == variable_queue_fold ->
+ ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(
+ Config, 0, application, set_env,
+ [rabbit, queue_explicit_gc_run_operation_threshold, 0]),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_started(Config, Testcase);
+init_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_started(Config, Testcase).
+end_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) when Testcase == variable_queue_requeue;
+ Testcase == variable_queue_fold ->
+ ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(
+ Config, 0, application, set_env,
+ [rabbit, queue_explicit_gc_run_operation_threshold, 1000]),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_finished(Config, Testcase);
+end_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_finished(Config, Testcase).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Message store.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+msg_store(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, msg_store1, [Config]).
+msg_store1(_Config) ->
+ restart_msg_store_empty(),
+ MsgIds = [msg_id_bin(M) || M <- lists:seq(1,100)],
+ {MsgIds1stHalf, MsgIds2ndHalf} = lists:split(length(MsgIds) div 2, MsgIds),
+ Ref = rabbit_guid:gen(),
+ {Cap, MSCState} = msg_store_client_init_capture(
+ Ref2 = rabbit_guid:gen(),
+ {Cap2, MSC2State} = msg_store_client_init_capture(
+ %% check we don't contain any of the msgs we're about to publish
+ false = msg_store_contains(false, MsgIds, MSCState),
+ %% test confirm logic
+ passed = test_msg_store_confirms([hd(MsgIds)], Cap, MSCState),
+ %% check we don't contain any of the msgs we're about to publish
+ false = msg_store_contains(false, MsgIds, MSCState),
+ %% publish the first half
+ ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState),
+ %% sync on the first half
+ ok = on_disk_await(Cap, MsgIds1stHalf),
+ %% publish the second half
+ ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds2ndHalf, MSCState),
+ %% check they're all in there
+ true = msg_store_contains(true, MsgIds, MSCState),
+ %% publish the latter half twice so we hit the caching and ref
+ %% count code. We need to do this through a 2nd client since a
+ %% single client is not supposed to write the same message more
+ %% than once without first removing it.
+ ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds2ndHalf, MSC2State),
+ %% check they're still all in there
+ true = msg_store_contains(true, MsgIds, MSCState),
+ %% sync on the 2nd half
+ ok = on_disk_await(Cap2, MsgIds2ndHalf),
+ %% cleanup
+ ok = on_disk_stop(Cap2),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_delete_and_terminate(MSC2State),
+ ok = on_disk_stop(Cap),
+ %% read them all
+ MSCState1 = msg_store_read(MsgIds, MSCState),
+ %% read them all again - this will hit the cache, not disk
+ MSCState2 = msg_store_read(MsgIds, MSCState1),
+ %% remove them all
+ ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState2),
+ %% check first half doesn't exist
+ false = msg_store_contains(false, MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState2),
+ %% check second half does exist
+ true = msg_store_contains(true, MsgIds2ndHalf, MSCState2),
+ %% read the second half again
+ MSCState3 = msg_store_read(MsgIds2ndHalf, MSCState2),
+ %% read the second half again, just for fun (aka code coverage)
+ MSCState4 = msg_store_read(MsgIds2ndHalf, MSCState3),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(MSCState4),
+ %% stop and restart, preserving every other msg in 2nd half
+ ok = rabbit_variable_queue:stop_msg_store(?VHOST),
+ ok = rabbit_variable_queue:start_msg_store(?VHOST,
+ [], {fun ([]) -> finished;
+ ([MsgId|MsgIdsTail])
+ when length(MsgIdsTail) rem 2 == 0 ->
+ {MsgId, 1, MsgIdsTail};
+ ([MsgId|MsgIdsTail]) ->
+ {MsgId, 0, MsgIdsTail}
+ end, MsgIds2ndHalf}),
+ MSCState5 = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref),
+ %% check we have the right msgs left
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun (MsgId, Bool) ->
+ not(Bool = rabbit_msg_store:contains(MsgId, MSCState5))
+ end, false, MsgIds2ndHalf),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(MSCState5),
+ %% restart empty
+ restart_msg_store_empty(),
+ MSCState6 = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref),
+ %% check we don't contain any of the msgs
+ false = msg_store_contains(false, MsgIds, MSCState6),
+ %% publish the first half again
+ ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState6),
+ %% this should force some sort of sync internally otherwise misread
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(
+ msg_store_read(MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState6)),
+ MSCState7 = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref),
+ ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState7),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(MSCState7),
+ %% restart empty
+ restart_msg_store_empty(), %% now safe to reuse msg_ids
+ %% push a lot of msgs in... at least 100 files worth
+ {ok, FileSize} = application:get_env(rabbit, msg_store_file_size_limit),
+ PayloadSizeBits = 65536,
+ BigCount = trunc(100 * FileSize / (PayloadSizeBits div 8)),
+ MsgIdsBig = [msg_id_bin(X) || X <- lists:seq(1, BigCount)],
+ Payload = << 0:PayloadSizeBits >>,
+ ok = with_msg_store_client(
+ fun (MSCStateM) ->
+ [ok = rabbit_msg_store:write(MsgId, Payload, MSCStateM) ||
+ MsgId <- MsgIdsBig],
+ MSCStateM
+ end),
+ %% now read them to ensure we hit the fast client-side reading
+ ok = foreach_with_msg_store_client(
+ fun (MsgId, MSCStateM) ->
+ {{ok, Payload}, MSCStateN} = rabbit_msg_store:read(
+ MsgId, MSCStateM),
+ MSCStateN
+ end, MsgIdsBig),
+ %% .., then 3s by 1...
+ ok = msg_store_remove(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref,
+ [msg_id_bin(X) || X <- lists:seq(BigCount, 1, -3)]),
+ %% .., then remove 3s by 2, from the young end first. This hits
+ %% GC (under 50% good data left, but no empty files. Must GC).
+ ok = msg_store_remove(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref,
+ [msg_id_bin(X) || X <- lists:seq(BigCount-1, 1, -3)]),
+ %% .., then remove 3s by 3, from the young end first. This hits
+ %% GC...
+ ok = msg_store_remove(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref,
+ [msg_id_bin(X) || X <- lists:seq(BigCount-2, 1, -3)]),
+ %% ensure empty
+ ok = with_msg_store_client(
+ fun (MSCStateM) ->
+ false = msg_store_contains(false, MsgIdsBig, MSCStateM),
+ MSCStateM
+ end),
+ %%
+ passed = test_msg_store_client_delete_and_terminate(),
+ %% restart empty
+ restart_msg_store_empty(),
+ passed.
+restart_msg_store_empty() ->
+ ok = rabbit_variable_queue:stop_msg_store(?VHOST),
+ ok = rabbit_variable_queue:start_msg_store(?VHOST,
+ undefined, {fun (ok) -> finished end, ok}).
+msg_id_bin(X) ->
+ erlang:md5(term_to_binary(X)).
+on_disk_capture() ->
+ receive
+ {await, MsgIds, Pid} -> on_disk_capture([], MsgIds, Pid);
+ stop -> done
+ end.
+on_disk_capture([_|_], _Awaiting, Pid) ->
+ Pid ! {self(), surplus};
+on_disk_capture(OnDisk, Awaiting, Pid) ->
+ receive
+ {on_disk, MsgIdsS} ->
+ MsgIds = gb_sets:to_list(MsgIdsS),
+ on_disk_capture(OnDisk ++ (MsgIds -- Awaiting), Awaiting -- MsgIds,
+ Pid);
+ stop ->
+ done
+ after (case Awaiting of [] -> 200; _ -> ?TIMEOUT end) ->
+ case Awaiting of
+ [] -> Pid ! {self(), arrived}, on_disk_capture();
+ _ -> Pid ! {self(), timeout}
+ end
+ end.
+on_disk_await(Pid, MsgIds) when is_list(MsgIds) ->
+ Pid ! {await, MsgIds, self()},
+ receive
+ {Pid, arrived} -> ok;
+ {Pid, Error} -> Error
+ end.
+on_disk_stop(Pid) ->
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ Pid ! stop,
+ receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, _Reason} ->
+ ok
+ end.
+msg_store_client_init_capture(MsgStore, Ref) ->
+ Pid = spawn(fun on_disk_capture/0),
+ {Pid, rabbit_vhost_msg_store:client_init(?VHOST, MsgStore, Ref,
+ fun (MsgIds, _ActionTaken) ->
+ Pid ! {on_disk, MsgIds}
+ end, undefined)}.
+msg_store_contains(Atom, MsgIds, MSCState) ->
+ Atom = lists:foldl(
+ fun (MsgId, Atom1) when Atom1 =:= Atom ->
+ rabbit_msg_store:contains(MsgId, MSCState) end,
+ Atom, MsgIds).
+msg_store_read(MsgIds, MSCState) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun (MsgId, MSCStateM) ->
+ {{ok, MsgId}, MSCStateN} = rabbit_msg_store:read(
+ MsgId, MSCStateM),
+ MSCStateN
+ end, MSCState, MsgIds).
+msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState) ->
+ ok = lists:foldl(fun (MsgId, ok) ->
+ rabbit_msg_store:write(MsgId, MsgId, MSCState)
+ end, ok, MsgIds).
+msg_store_write_flow(MsgIds, MSCState) ->
+ ok = lists:foldl(fun (MsgId, ok) ->
+ rabbit_msg_store:write_flow(MsgId, MsgId, MSCState)
+ end, ok, MsgIds).
+msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState) ->
+ rabbit_msg_store:remove(MsgIds, MSCState).
+msg_store_remove(MsgStore, Ref, MsgIds) ->
+ with_msg_store_client(MsgStore, Ref,
+ fun (MSCStateM) ->
+ ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCStateM),
+ MSCStateM
+ end).
+with_msg_store_client(MsgStore, Ref, Fun) ->
+ rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(
+ Fun(msg_store_client_init(MsgStore, Ref))).
+foreach_with_msg_store_client(MsgStore, Ref, Fun, L) ->
+ rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(
+ lists:foldl(fun (MsgId, MSCState) -> Fun(MsgId, MSCState) end,
+ msg_store_client_init(MsgStore, Ref), L)).
+test_msg_store_confirms(MsgIds, Cap, MSCState) ->
+ %% write -> confirmed
+ ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState),
+ ok = on_disk_await(Cap, MsgIds),
+ %% remove -> _
+ ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState),
+ ok = on_disk_await(Cap, []),
+ %% write, remove -> confirmed
+ ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState),
+ ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState),
+ ok = on_disk_await(Cap, MsgIds),
+ %% write, remove, write -> confirmed, confirmed
+ ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState),
+ ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState),
+ ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState),
+ ok = on_disk_await(Cap, MsgIds ++ MsgIds),
+ %% remove, write -> confirmed
+ ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState),
+ ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState),
+ ok = on_disk_await(Cap, MsgIds),
+ %% remove, write, remove -> confirmed
+ ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState),
+ ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState),
+ ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState),
+ ok = on_disk_await(Cap, MsgIds),
+ %% confirmation on timer-based sync
+ passed = test_msg_store_confirm_timer(),
+ passed.
+test_msg_store_confirm_timer() ->
+ Ref = rabbit_guid:gen(),
+ MsgId = msg_id_bin(1),
+ Self = self(),
+ MSCState = rabbit_vhost_msg_store:client_init(
+ Ref,
+ fun (MsgIds, _ActionTaken) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_member(MsgId, MsgIds) of
+ true -> Self ! on_disk;
+ false -> ok
+ end
+ end, undefined),
+ ok = msg_store_write([MsgId], MSCState),
+ ok = msg_store_keep_busy_until_confirm([msg_id_bin(2)], MSCState, false),
+ ok = msg_store_remove([MsgId], MSCState),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_delete_and_terminate(MSCState),
+ passed.
+msg_store_keep_busy_until_confirm(MsgIds, MSCState, Blocked) ->
+ After = case Blocked of
+ false -> 0;
+ true -> ?MAX_WAIT
+ end,
+ Recurse = fun () -> msg_store_keep_busy_until_confirm(
+ MsgIds, MSCState, credit_flow:blocked()) end,
+ receive
+ on_disk -> ok;
+ {bump_credit, Msg} -> credit_flow:handle_bump_msg(Msg),
+ Recurse()
+ after After ->
+ ok = msg_store_write_flow(MsgIds, MSCState),
+ ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState),
+ Recurse()
+ end.
+test_msg_store_client_delete_and_terminate() ->
+ restart_msg_store_empty(),
+ MsgIds = [msg_id_bin(M) || M <- lists:seq(1, 10)],
+ Ref = rabbit_guid:gen(),
+ MSCState = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref),
+ ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState),
+ %% test the 'dying client' fast path for writes
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_delete_and_terminate(MSCState),
+ passed.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Backing queue.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+setup_backing_queue_test_group(Config) ->
+ {ok, FileSizeLimit} =
+ application:get_env(rabbit, msg_store_file_size_limit),
+ application:set_env(rabbit, msg_store_file_size_limit, 512),
+ {ok, MaxJournal} =
+ application:get_env(rabbit, queue_index_max_journal_entries),
+ application:set_env(rabbit, queue_index_max_journal_entries, 128),
+ application:set_env(rabbit, msg_store_file_size_limit,
+ FileSizeLimit),
+ {ok, Bytes} =
+ application:get_env(rabbit, queue_index_embed_msgs_below),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [
+ {rmq_queue_index_max_journal_entries, MaxJournal},
+ {rmq_queue_index_embed_msgs_below, Bytes}
+ ]).
+teardown_backing_queue_test_group(Config) ->
+ %% FIXME: Undo all the setup function did.
+ application:set_env(rabbit, queue_index_max_journal_entries,
+ ?config(rmq_queue_index_max_journal_entries, Config)),
+ %% We will have restarted the message store, and thus changed
+ %% the order of the children of rabbit_sup. This will cause
+ %% problems if there are subsequent failures - see bug 24262.
+ ok = restart_app(),
+ Config.
+bq_queue_index(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, bq_queue_index1, [Config]).
+bq_queue_index1(_Config) ->
+ SegmentSize = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0),
+ TwoSegs = SegmentSize + SegmentSize,
+ MostOfASegment = trunc(SegmentSize*0.75),
+ SeqIdsA = lists:seq(0, MostOfASegment-1),
+ SeqIdsB = lists:seq(MostOfASegment, 2*MostOfASegment),
+ SeqIdsC = lists:seq(0, trunc(SegmentSize/2)),
+ SeqIdsD = lists:seq(0, SegmentSize*4),
+ with_empty_test_queue(
+ fun (Qi0, QName) ->
+ {0, 0, Qi1} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(Qi0),
+ {Qi2, SeqIdsMsgIdsA} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsA, false, Qi1),
+ {0, SegmentSize, Qi3} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(Qi2),
+ {ReadA, Qi4} = rabbit_queue_index:read(0, SegmentSize, Qi3),
+ ok = verify_read_with_published(false, false, ReadA,
+ lists:reverse(SeqIdsMsgIdsA)),
+ %% should get length back as 0, as all the msgs were transient
+ {0, 0, Qi6} = restart_test_queue(Qi4, QName),
+ {0, 0, Qi7} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(Qi6),
+ {Qi8, SeqIdsMsgIdsB} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsB, true, Qi7),
+ {0, TwoSegs, Qi9} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(Qi8),
+ {ReadB, Qi10} = rabbit_queue_index:read(0, SegmentSize, Qi9),
+ ok = verify_read_with_published(false, true, ReadB,
+ lists:reverse(SeqIdsMsgIdsB)),
+ %% should get length back as MostOfASegment
+ LenB = length(SeqIdsB),
+ BytesB = LenB * 10,
+ {LenB, BytesB, Qi12} = restart_test_queue(Qi10, QName),
+ {0, TwoSegs, Qi13} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(Qi12),
+ Qi14 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver(SeqIdsB, Qi13),
+ {ReadC, Qi15} = rabbit_queue_index:read(0, SegmentSize, Qi14),
+ ok = verify_read_with_published(true, true, ReadC,
+ lists:reverse(SeqIdsMsgIdsB)),
+ Qi16 = rabbit_queue_index:ack(SeqIdsB, Qi15),
+ Qi17 = rabbit_queue_index:flush(Qi16),
+ %% Everything will have gone now because #pubs == #acks
+ {0, 0, Qi18} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(Qi17),
+ %% should get length back as 0 because all persistent
+ %% msgs have been acked
+ {0, 0, Qi19} = restart_test_queue(Qi18, QName),
+ Qi19
+ end),
+ %% These next bits are just to hit the auto deletion of segment files.
+ %% First, partials:
+ %% a) partial pub+del+ack, then move to new segment
+ with_empty_test_queue(
+ fun (Qi0, _QName) ->
+ {Qi1, _SeqIdsMsgIdsC} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsC,
+ false, Qi0),
+ Qi2 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver(SeqIdsC, Qi1),
+ Qi3 = rabbit_queue_index:ack(SeqIdsC, Qi2),
+ Qi4 = rabbit_queue_index:flush(Qi3),
+ {Qi5, _SeqIdsMsgIdsC1} = queue_index_publish([SegmentSize],
+ false, Qi4),
+ Qi5
+ end),
+ %% b) partial pub+del, then move to new segment, then ack all in old segment
+ with_empty_test_queue(
+ fun (Qi0, _QName) ->
+ {Qi1, _SeqIdsMsgIdsC2} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsC,
+ false, Qi0),
+ Qi2 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver(SeqIdsC, Qi1),
+ {Qi3, _SeqIdsMsgIdsC3} = queue_index_publish([SegmentSize],
+ false, Qi2),
+ Qi4 = rabbit_queue_index:ack(SeqIdsC, Qi3),
+ rabbit_queue_index:flush(Qi4)
+ end),
+ %% c) just fill up several segments of all pubs, then +dels, then +acks
+ with_empty_test_queue(
+ fun (Qi0, _QName) ->
+ {Qi1, _SeqIdsMsgIdsD} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsD,
+ false, Qi0),
+ Qi2 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver(SeqIdsD, Qi1),
+ Qi3 = rabbit_queue_index:ack(SeqIdsD, Qi2),
+ rabbit_queue_index:flush(Qi3)
+ end),
+ %% d) get messages in all states to a segment, then flush, then do
+ %% the same again, don't flush and read. This will hit all
+ %% possibilities in combining the segment with the journal.
+ with_empty_test_queue(
+ fun (Qi0, _QName) ->
+ {Qi1, [Seven,Five,Four|_]} = queue_index_publish([0,1,2,4,5,7],
+ false, Qi0),
+ Qi2 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver([0,1,4], Qi1),
+ Qi3 = rabbit_queue_index:ack([0], Qi2),
+ Qi4 = rabbit_queue_index:flush(Qi3),
+ {Qi5, [Eight,Six|_]} = queue_index_publish([3,6,8], false, Qi4),
+ Qi6 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver([2,3,5,6], Qi5),
+ Qi7 = rabbit_queue_index:ack([1,2,3], Qi6),
+ {[], Qi8} = rabbit_queue_index:read(0, 4, Qi7),
+ {ReadD, Qi9} = rabbit_queue_index:read(4, 7, Qi8),
+ ok = verify_read_with_published(true, false, ReadD,
+ [Four, Five, Six]),
+ {ReadE, Qi10} = rabbit_queue_index:read(7, 9, Qi9),
+ ok = verify_read_with_published(false, false, ReadE,
+ [Seven, Eight]),
+ Qi10
+ end),
+ %% e) as for (d), but use terminate instead of read, which will
+ %% exercise journal_minus_segment, not segment_plus_journal.
+ with_empty_test_queue(
+ fun (Qi0, QName) ->
+ {Qi1, _SeqIdsMsgIdsE} = queue_index_publish([0,1,2,4,5,7],
+ true, Qi0),
+ Qi2 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver([0,1,4], Qi1),
+ Qi3 = rabbit_queue_index:ack([0], Qi2),
+ {5, 50, Qi4} = restart_test_queue(Qi3, QName),
+ {Qi5, _SeqIdsMsgIdsF} = queue_index_publish([3,6,8], true, Qi4),
+ Qi6 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver([2,3,5,6], Qi5),
+ Qi7 = rabbit_queue_index:ack([1,2,3], Qi6),
+ {5, 50, Qi8} = restart_test_queue(Qi7, QName),
+ Qi8
+ end),
+ ok = rabbit_variable_queue:stop(?VHOST),
+ {ok, _} = rabbit_variable_queue:start(?VHOST, []),
+ passed.
+bq_queue_index_props(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, bq_queue_index_props1, [Config]).
+bq_queue_index_props1(_Config) ->
+ with_empty_test_queue(
+ fun(Qi0, _QName) ->
+ MsgId = rabbit_guid:gen(),
+ Props = #message_properties{expiry=12345, size = 10},
+ Qi1 = rabbit_queue_index:publish(
+ MsgId, 1, Props, true, infinity, Qi0),
+ {[{MsgId, 1, Props, _, _}], Qi2} =
+ rabbit_queue_index:read(1, 2, Qi1),
+ Qi2
+ end),
+ ok = rabbit_variable_queue:stop(?VHOST),
+ {ok, _} = rabbit_variable_queue:start(?VHOST, []),
+ passed.
+bq_variable_queue_delete_msg_store_files_callback(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, bq_variable_queue_delete_msg_store_files_callback1, [Config]).
+bq_variable_queue_delete_msg_store_files_callback1(Config) ->
+ ok = restart_msg_store_empty(),
+ QName0 = queue_name(Config, <<"bq_variable_queue_delete_msg_store_files_callback-q">>),
+ {new, Q} = rabbit_amqqueue:declare(QName0, true, false, [], none, <<"acting-user">>),
+ QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q),
+ QPid = amqqueue:get_pid(Q),
+ Payload = <<0:8388608>>, %% 1MB
+ Count = 30,
+ QTState = publish_and_confirm(Q, Payload, Count),
+ rabbit_amqqueue:set_ram_duration_target(QPid, 0),
+ {ok, Limiter} = rabbit_limiter:start_link(no_id),
+ CountMinusOne = Count - 1,
+ {ok, CountMinusOne, {QName, QPid, _AckTag, false, _Msg}, _} =
+ rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q, true, Limiter,
+ <<"bq_variable_queue_delete_msg_store_files_callback1">>,
+ QTState),
+ {ok, CountMinusOne} = rabbit_amqqueue:purge(Q),
+ %% give the queue a second to receive the close_fds callback msg
+ timer:sleep(1000),
+ rabbit_amqqueue:delete(Q, false, false, <<"acting-user">>),
+ passed.
+bq_queue_recover(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, bq_queue_recover1, [Config]).
+bq_queue_recover1(Config) ->
+ Count = 2 * rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0),
+ QName0 = queue_name(Config, <<"bq_queue_recover-q">>),
+ {new, Q} = rabbit_amqqueue:declare(QName0, true, false, [], none, <<"acting-user">>),
+ QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q),
+ QPid = amqqueue:get_pid(Q),
+ QT = publish_and_confirm(Q, <<>>, Count),
+ SupPid = get_queue_sup_pid(Q),
+ true = is_pid(SupPid),
+ exit(SupPid, kill),
+ exit(QPid, kill),
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process, QPid),
+ receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, QPid, _Info} -> ok
+ after 10000 -> exit(timeout_waiting_for_queue_death)
+ end,
+ rabbit_amqqueue:stop(?VHOST),
+ {Recovered, []} = rabbit_amqqueue:recover(?VHOST),
+ rabbit_amqqueue:start(Recovered),
+ {ok, Limiter} = rabbit_limiter:start_link(no_id),
+ rabbit_amqqueue:with_or_die(
+ QName,
+ fun (Q1) when ?is_amqqueue(Q1) ->
+ QPid1 = amqqueue:get_pid(Q1),
+ CountMinusOne = Count - 1,
+ {ok, CountMinusOne, {QName, QPid1, _AckTag, true, _Msg}, _} =
+ rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q1, false, Limiter,
+ <<"bq_queue_recover1">>, QT),
+ exit(QPid1, shutdown),
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_init(Q, true),
+ {{_Msg1, true, _AckTag1}, VQ2} =
+ rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ1),
+ CountMinusOne = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ2),
+ _VQ3 = rabbit_variable_queue:delete_and_terminate(shutdown, VQ2),
+ ok = rabbit_amqqueue:internal_delete(QName, <<"acting-user">>)
+ end),
+ passed.
+%% Return the PID of the given queue's supervisor.
+get_queue_sup_pid(Q) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) ->
+ QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q),
+ QPid = amqqueue:get_pid(Q),
+ VHost = QName#resource.virtual_host,
+ {ok, AmqSup} = rabbit_amqqueue_sup_sup:find_for_vhost(VHost, node(QPid)),
+ Sups = supervisor:which_children(AmqSup),
+ get_queue_sup_pid(Sups, QPid).
+get_queue_sup_pid([{_, SupPid, _, _} | Rest], QueuePid) ->
+ WorkerPids = [Pid || {_, Pid, _, _} <- supervisor:which_children(SupPid)],
+ case lists:member(QueuePid, WorkerPids) of
+ true -> SupPid;
+ false -> get_queue_sup_pid(Rest, QueuePid)
+ end;
+get_queue_sup_pid([], _QueuePid) ->
+ undefined.
+variable_queue_dynamic_duration_change(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, variable_queue_dynamic_duration_change1, [Config]).
+variable_queue_dynamic_duration_change1(Config) ->
+ with_fresh_variable_queue(
+ fun variable_queue_dynamic_duration_change2/2,
+ ?config(variable_queue_type, Config)).
+variable_queue_dynamic_duration_change2(VQ0, _QName) ->
+ SegmentSize = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0),
+ %% start by sending in a couple of segments worth
+ Len = 2*SegmentSize,
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, Len, VQ0),
+ %% squeeze and relax queue
+ Churn = Len div 32,
+ VQ2 = publish_fetch_and_ack(Churn, Len, VQ1),
+ {Duration, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:ram_duration(VQ2),
+ VQ7 = lists:foldl(
+ fun (Duration1, VQ4) ->
+ {_Duration, VQ5} = rabbit_variable_queue:ram_duration(VQ4),
+ VQ6 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(
+ Duration1, VQ5),
+ publish_fetch_and_ack(Churn, Len, VQ6)
+ end, VQ3, [Duration / 4, 0, Duration / 4, infinity]),
+ %% drain
+ {VQ8, AckTags} = variable_queue_fetch(Len, false, false, Len, VQ7),
+ {_Guids, VQ9} = rabbit_variable_queue:ack(AckTags, VQ8),
+ {empty, VQ10} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ9),
+ VQ10.
+variable_queue_partial_segments_delta_thing(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, variable_queue_partial_segments_delta_thing1, [Config]).
+variable_queue_partial_segments_delta_thing1(Config) ->
+ with_fresh_variable_queue(
+ fun variable_queue_partial_segments_delta_thing2/2,
+ ?config(variable_queue_type, Config)).
+variable_queue_partial_segments_delta_thing2(VQ0, _QName) ->
+ SegmentSize = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0),
+ HalfSegment = SegmentSize div 2,
+ OneAndAHalfSegment = SegmentSize + HalfSegment,
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(true, OneAndAHalfSegment, VQ0),
+ {_Duration, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:ram_duration(VQ1),
+ VQ3 = check_variable_queue_status(
+ variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ2),
+ %% one segment in q3, and half a segment in delta
+ [{delta, {delta, SegmentSize, HalfSegment, OneAndAHalfSegment}},
+ {q3, SegmentSize},
+ {len, SegmentSize + HalfSegment}]),
+ VQ4 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(infinity, VQ3),
+ VQ5 = check_variable_queue_status(
+ variable_queue_publish(true, 1, VQ4),
+ %% one alpha, but it's in the same segment as the deltas
+ [{q1, 1},
+ {delta, {delta, SegmentSize, HalfSegment, OneAndAHalfSegment}},
+ {q3, SegmentSize},
+ {len, SegmentSize + HalfSegment + 1}]),
+ {VQ6, AckTags} = variable_queue_fetch(SegmentSize, true, false,
+ SegmentSize + HalfSegment + 1, VQ5),
+ VQ7 = check_variable_queue_status(
+ VQ6,
+ %% the half segment should now be in q3
+ [{q1, 1},
+ {delta, {delta, undefined, 0, undefined}},
+ {q3, HalfSegment},
+ {len, HalfSegment + 1}]),
+ {VQ8, AckTags1} = variable_queue_fetch(HalfSegment + 1, true, false,
+ HalfSegment + 1, VQ7),
+ {_Guids, VQ9} = rabbit_variable_queue:ack(AckTags ++ AckTags1, VQ8),
+ %% should be empty now
+ {empty, VQ10} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ9),
+ VQ10.
+variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere_A(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere_A1, [Config]).
+variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere_A1(Config) ->
+ with_fresh_variable_queue(
+ fun variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere_A2/2,
+ ?config(variable_queue_type, Config)).
+variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere_A2(VQ0, QName) ->
+ Count = 2 * rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0),
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(true, Count, VQ0),
+ VQ2 = variable_queue_publish(false, Count, VQ1),
+ VQ3 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ2),
+ {VQ4, _AckTags} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, true, false,
+ Count + Count, VQ3),
+ {VQ5, _AckTags1} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, false, false,
+ Count, VQ4),
+ _VQ6 = rabbit_variable_queue:terminate(shutdown, VQ5),
+ VQ7 = variable_queue_init(test_amqqueue(QName, true), true),
+ {{_Msg1, true, _AckTag1}, VQ8} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ7),
+ Count1 = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ8),
+ VQ9 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ8),
+ VQ10 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ9),
+ {VQ11, _AckTags2} = variable_queue_fetch(Count1, true, true, Count, VQ10),
+ {VQ12, _AckTags3} = variable_queue_fetch(1, false, false, 1, VQ11),
+ VQ12.
+variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere_B(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere_B1, [Config]).
+variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere_B1(Config) ->
+ with_fresh_variable_queue(
+ fun variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere_B2/2,
+ ?config(variable_queue_type, Config)).
+variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere_B2(VQ0, QName) ->
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ0),
+ VQ2 = variable_queue_publish(false, 4, VQ1),
+ {VQ3, AckTags} = variable_queue_fetch(2, false, false, 4, VQ2),
+ {_Guids, VQ4} =
+ rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(AckTags, VQ3),
+ VQ5 = rabbit_variable_queue:timeout(VQ4),
+ _VQ6 = rabbit_variable_queue:terminate(shutdown, VQ5),
+ VQ7 = variable_queue_init(test_amqqueue(QName, true), true),
+ {empty, VQ8} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(false, VQ7),
+ VQ8.
+variable_queue_drop(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, variable_queue_drop1, [Config]).
+variable_queue_drop1(Config) ->
+ with_fresh_variable_queue(
+ fun variable_queue_drop2/2,
+ ?config(variable_queue_type, Config)).
+variable_queue_drop2(VQ0, _QName) ->
+ %% start by sending a messages
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ0),
+ %% drop message with AckRequired = true
+ {{MsgId, AckTag}, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:drop(true, VQ1),
+ true = rabbit_variable_queue:is_empty(VQ2),
+ true = AckTag =/= undefinded,
+ %% drop again -> empty
+ {empty, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:drop(false, VQ2),
+ %% requeue
+ {[MsgId], VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue([AckTag], VQ3),
+ %% drop message with AckRequired = false
+ {{MsgId, undefined}, VQ5} = rabbit_variable_queue:drop(false, VQ4),
+ true = rabbit_variable_queue:is_empty(VQ5),
+ VQ5.
+variable_queue_fold_msg_on_disk(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, variable_queue_fold_msg_on_disk1, [Config]).
+variable_queue_fold_msg_on_disk1(Config) ->
+ with_fresh_variable_queue(
+ fun variable_queue_fold_msg_on_disk2/2,
+ ?config(variable_queue_type, Config)).
+variable_queue_fold_msg_on_disk2(VQ0, _QName) ->
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(true, 1, VQ0),
+ {VQ2, AckTags} = variable_queue_fetch(1, true, false, 1, VQ1),
+ {ok, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:ackfold(fun (_M, _A, ok) -> ok end,
+ ok, VQ2, AckTags),
+ VQ3.
+variable_queue_dropfetchwhile(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, variable_queue_dropfetchwhile1, [Config]).
+variable_queue_dropfetchwhile1(Config) ->
+ with_fresh_variable_queue(
+ fun variable_queue_dropfetchwhile2/2,
+ ?config(variable_queue_type, Config)).
+variable_queue_dropfetchwhile2(VQ0, _QName) ->
+ Count = 10,
+ %% add messages with sequential expiry
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(
+ false, 1, Count,
+ fun (N, Props) -> Props#message_properties{expiry = N} end,
+ fun erlang:term_to_binary/1, VQ0),
+ %% fetch the first 5 messages
+ {#message_properties{expiry = 6}, {Msgs, AckTags}, VQ2} =
+ rabbit_variable_queue:fetchwhile(
+ fun (#message_properties{expiry = Expiry}) -> Expiry =< 5 end,
+ fun (Msg, AckTag, {MsgAcc, AckAcc}) ->
+ {[Msg | MsgAcc], [AckTag | AckAcc]}
+ end, {[], []}, VQ1),
+ true = lists:seq(1, 5) == [msg2int(M) || M <- lists:reverse(Msgs)],
+ %% requeue them
+ {_MsgIds, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(AckTags, VQ2),
+ %% drop the first 5 messages
+ {#message_properties{expiry = 6}, VQ4} =
+ rabbit_variable_queue:dropwhile(
+ fun (#message_properties {expiry = Expiry}) -> Expiry =< 5 end, VQ3),
+ %% fetch 5
+ VQ5 = lists:foldl(fun (N, VQN) ->
+ {{Msg, _, _}, VQM} =
+ rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(false, VQN),
+ true = msg2int(Msg) == N,
+ end, VQ4, lists:seq(6, Count)),
+ %% should be empty now
+ true = rabbit_variable_queue:is_empty(VQ5),
+ VQ5.
+variable_queue_dropwhile_varying_ram_duration(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, variable_queue_dropwhile_varying_ram_duration1, [Config]).
+variable_queue_dropwhile_varying_ram_duration1(Config) ->
+ with_fresh_variable_queue(
+ fun variable_queue_dropwhile_varying_ram_duration2/2,
+ ?config(variable_queue_type, Config)).
+variable_queue_dropwhile_varying_ram_duration2(VQ0, _QName) ->
+ test_dropfetchwhile_varying_ram_duration(
+ fun (VQ1) ->
+ {_, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:dropwhile(
+ fun (_) -> false end, VQ1),
+ VQ2
+ end, VQ0).
+variable_queue_fetchwhile_varying_ram_duration(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, variable_queue_fetchwhile_varying_ram_duration1, [Config]).
+variable_queue_fetchwhile_varying_ram_duration1(Config) ->
+ with_fresh_variable_queue(
+ fun variable_queue_fetchwhile_varying_ram_duration2/2,
+ ?config(variable_queue_type, Config)).
+variable_queue_fetchwhile_varying_ram_duration2(VQ0, _QName) ->
+ test_dropfetchwhile_varying_ram_duration(
+ fun (VQ1) ->
+ {_, ok, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetchwhile(
+ fun (_) -> false end,
+ fun (_, _, A) -> A end,
+ ok, VQ1),
+ VQ2
+ end, VQ0).
+test_dropfetchwhile_varying_ram_duration(Fun, VQ0) ->
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ0),
+ VQ2 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ1),
+ VQ3 = Fun(VQ2),
+ VQ4 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(infinity, VQ3),
+ VQ5 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ4),
+ VQ6 = Fun(VQ5),
+ VQ6.
+variable_queue_ack_limiting(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, variable_queue_ack_limiting1, [Config]).
+variable_queue_ack_limiting1(Config) ->
+ with_fresh_variable_queue(
+ fun variable_queue_ack_limiting2/2,
+ ?config(variable_queue_type, Config)).
+variable_queue_ack_limiting2(VQ0, _Config) ->
+ %% start by sending in a bunch of messages
+ Len = 1024,
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, Len, VQ0),
+ %% squeeze and relax queue
+ Churn = Len div 32,
+ VQ2 = publish_fetch_and_ack(Churn, Len, VQ1),
+ %% update stats for duration
+ {_Duration, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:ram_duration(VQ2),
+ %% fetch half the messages
+ {VQ4, _AckTags} = variable_queue_fetch(Len div 2, false, false, Len, VQ3),
+ VQ5 = check_variable_queue_status(
+ VQ4, [{len, Len div 2},
+ {messages_unacknowledged_ram, Len div 2},
+ {messages_ready_ram, Len div 2},
+ {messages_ram, Len}]),
+ %% ensure all acks go to disk on 0 duration target
+ VQ6 = check_variable_queue_status(
+ variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ5),
+ [{len, Len div 2},
+ {target_ram_count, 0},
+ {messages_unacknowledged_ram, 0},
+ {messages_ready_ram, 0},
+ {messages_ram, 0}]),
+ VQ6.
+variable_queue_purge(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, variable_queue_purge1, [Config]).
+variable_queue_purge1(Config) ->
+ with_fresh_variable_queue(
+ fun variable_queue_purge2/2,
+ ?config(variable_queue_type, Config)).
+variable_queue_purge2(VQ0, _Config) ->
+ LenDepth = fun (VQ) ->
+ {rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ),
+ rabbit_variable_queue:depth(VQ)}
+ end,
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, 10, VQ0),
+ {VQ2, Acks} = variable_queue_fetch(6, false, false, 10, VQ1),
+ {4, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:purge(VQ2),
+ {0, 6} = LenDepth(VQ3),
+ {_, VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(lists:sublist(Acks, 2), VQ3),
+ {2, 6} = LenDepth(VQ4),
+ VQ5 = rabbit_variable_queue:purge_acks(VQ4),
+ {2, 2} = LenDepth(VQ5),
+ VQ5.
+variable_queue_requeue(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, variable_queue_requeue1, [Config]).
+variable_queue_requeue1(Config) ->
+ with_fresh_variable_queue(
+ fun variable_queue_requeue2/2,
+ ?config(variable_queue_type, Config)).
+variable_queue_requeue2(VQ0, _Config) ->
+ {_PendingMsgs, RequeuedMsgs, FreshMsgs, VQ1} =
+ variable_queue_with_holes(VQ0),
+ Msgs =
+ lists:zip(RequeuedMsgs,
+ lists:duplicate(length(RequeuedMsgs), true)) ++
+ lists:zip(FreshMsgs,
+ lists:duplicate(length(FreshMsgs), false)),
+ VQ2 = lists:foldl(fun ({I, Requeued}, VQa) ->
+ {{M, MRequeued, _}, VQb} =
+ rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQa),
+ Requeued = MRequeued, %% assertion
+ I = msg2int(M), %% assertion
+ VQb
+ end, VQ1, Msgs),
+ {empty, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ2),
+ VQ3.
+%% requeue from ram_pending_ack into q3, move to delta and then empty queue
+variable_queue_requeue_ram_beta(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, variable_queue_requeue_ram_beta1, [Config]).
+variable_queue_requeue_ram_beta1(Config) ->
+ with_fresh_variable_queue(
+ fun variable_queue_requeue_ram_beta2/2,
+ ?config(variable_queue_type, Config)).
+variable_queue_requeue_ram_beta2(VQ0, _Config) ->
+ Count = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0)*2 + 2,
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, Count, VQ0),
+ {VQ2, AcksR} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, false, false, Count, VQ1),
+ {Back, Front} = lists:split(Count div 2, AcksR),
+ {_, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(erlang:tl(Back), VQ2),
+ VQ4 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ3),
+ {_, VQ5} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue([erlang:hd(Back)], VQ4),
+ VQ6 = requeue_one_by_one(Front, VQ5),
+ {VQ7, AcksAll} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, false, true, Count, VQ6),
+ {_, VQ8} = rabbit_variable_queue:ack(AcksAll, VQ7),
+ VQ8.
+variable_queue_fold(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, variable_queue_fold1, [Config]).
+variable_queue_fold1(Config) ->
+ with_fresh_variable_queue(
+ fun variable_queue_fold2/2,
+ ?config(variable_queue_type, Config)).
+variable_queue_fold2(VQ0, _Config) ->
+ {PendingMsgs, RequeuedMsgs, FreshMsgs, VQ1} =
+ variable_queue_with_holes(VQ0),
+ Count = rabbit_variable_queue:depth(VQ1),
+ Msgs = lists:sort(PendingMsgs ++ RequeuedMsgs ++ FreshMsgs),
+ lists:foldl(fun (Cut, VQ2) ->
+ test_variable_queue_fold(Cut, Msgs, PendingMsgs, VQ2)
+ end, VQ1, [0, 1, 2, Count div 2,
+ Count - 1, Count, Count + 1, Count * 2]).
+test_variable_queue_fold(Cut, Msgs, PendingMsgs, VQ0) ->
+ {Acc, VQ1} = rabbit_variable_queue:fold(
+ fun (M, _, Pending, A) ->
+ MInt = msg2int(M),
+ Pending = lists:member(MInt, PendingMsgs), %% assert
+ case MInt =< Cut of
+ true -> {cont, [MInt | A]};
+ false -> {stop, A}
+ end
+ end, [], VQ0),
+ Expected = lists:takewhile(fun (I) -> I =< Cut end, Msgs),
+ Expected = lists:reverse(Acc), %% assertion
+ VQ1.
+variable_queue_batch_publish(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, variable_queue_batch_publish1, [Config]).
+variable_queue_batch_publish1(Config) ->
+ with_fresh_variable_queue(
+ fun variable_queue_batch_publish2/2,
+ ?config(variable_queue_type, Config)).
+variable_queue_batch_publish2(VQ, _Config) ->
+ Count = 10,
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_batch_publish(true, Count, VQ),
+ Count = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ1),
+ VQ1.
+variable_queue_batch_publish_delivered(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, variable_queue_batch_publish_delivered1, [Config]).
+variable_queue_batch_publish_delivered1(Config) ->
+ with_fresh_variable_queue(
+ fun variable_queue_batch_publish_delivered2/2,
+ ?config(variable_queue_type, Config)).
+variable_queue_batch_publish_delivered2(VQ, _Config) ->
+ Count = 10,
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_batch_publish_delivered(true, Count, VQ),
+ Count = rabbit_variable_queue:depth(VQ1),
+ VQ1.
+%% same as test_variable_queue_requeue_ram_beta but randomly changing
+%% the queue mode after every step.
+variable_queue_mode_change(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, variable_queue_mode_change1, [Config]).
+variable_queue_mode_change1(Config) ->
+ with_fresh_variable_queue(
+ fun variable_queue_mode_change2/2,
+ ?config(variable_queue_type, Config)).
+variable_queue_mode_change2(VQ0, _Config) ->
+ Count = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0)*2 + 2,
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, Count, VQ0),
+ VQ2 = maybe_switch_queue_mode(VQ1),
+ {VQ3, AcksR} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, false, false, Count, VQ2),
+ VQ4 = maybe_switch_queue_mode(VQ3),
+ {Back, Front} = lists:split(Count div 2, AcksR),
+ {_, VQ5} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(erlang:tl(Back), VQ4),
+ VQ6 = maybe_switch_queue_mode(VQ5),
+ VQ7 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ6),
+ VQ8 = maybe_switch_queue_mode(VQ7),
+ {_, VQ9} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue([erlang:hd(Back)], VQ8),
+ VQ10 = maybe_switch_queue_mode(VQ9),
+ VQ11 = requeue_one_by_one(Front, VQ10),
+ VQ12 = maybe_switch_queue_mode(VQ11),
+ {VQ13, AcksAll} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, false, true, Count, VQ12),
+ VQ14 = maybe_switch_queue_mode(VQ13),
+ {_, VQ15} = rabbit_variable_queue:ack(AcksAll, VQ14),
+ VQ16 = maybe_switch_queue_mode(VQ15),
+ VQ16.
+maybe_switch_queue_mode(VQ) ->
+ Mode = random_queue_mode(),
+ set_queue_mode(Mode, VQ).
+random_queue_mode() ->
+ Modes = [lazy, default],
+ lists:nth(rand:uniform(length(Modes)), Modes).
+pub_res({_, VQS}) ->
+ VQS;
+pub_res(VQS) ->
+ VQS.
+make_publish(IsPersistent, PayloadFun, PropFun, N) ->
+ {rabbit_basic:message(
+ rabbit_misc:r(<<>>, exchange, <<>>),
+ <<>>, #'P_basic'{delivery_mode = case IsPersistent of
+ true -> 2;
+ false -> 1
+ end},
+ PayloadFun(N)),
+ PropFun(N, #message_properties{size = 10}),
+ false}.
+make_publish_delivered(IsPersistent, PayloadFun, PropFun, N) ->
+ {rabbit_basic:message(
+ rabbit_misc:r(<<>>, exchange, <<>>),
+ <<>>, #'P_basic'{delivery_mode = case IsPersistent of
+ true -> 2;
+ false -> 1
+ end},
+ PayloadFun(N)),
+ PropFun(N, #message_properties{size = 10})}.
+queue_name(Config, Name) ->
+ Name1 = iolist_to_binary(rabbit_ct_helpers:config_to_testcase_name(Config, Name)),
+ queue_name(Name1).
+queue_name(Name) ->
+ rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, Name).
+test_queue() ->
+ queue_name(rabbit_guid:gen()).
+init_test_queue(QName) ->
+ PRef = rabbit_guid:gen(),
+ PersistentClient = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, PRef),
+ Res = rabbit_queue_index:recover(
+ QName, [], false,
+ fun (MsgId) ->
+ rabbit_msg_store:contains(MsgId, PersistentClient)
+ end,
+ fun nop/1, fun nop/1),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_delete_and_terminate(PersistentClient),
+ Res.
+restart_test_queue(Qi, QName) ->
+ _ = rabbit_queue_index:terminate(?VHOST, [], Qi),
+ ok = rabbit_variable_queue:stop(?VHOST),
+ {ok, _} = rabbit_variable_queue:start(?VHOST, [QName]),
+ init_test_queue(QName).
+empty_test_queue(QName) ->
+ ok = rabbit_variable_queue:stop(?VHOST),
+ {ok, _} = rabbit_variable_queue:start(?VHOST, []),
+ {0, 0, Qi} = init_test_queue(QName),
+ _ = rabbit_queue_index:delete_and_terminate(Qi),
+ ok.
+unin_empty_test_queue(QName) ->
+ {0, 0, Qi} = init_test_queue(QName),
+ _ = rabbit_queue_index:delete_and_terminate(Qi),
+ ok.
+with_empty_test_queue(Fun) ->
+ QName = test_queue(),
+ ok = empty_test_queue(QName),
+ {0, 0, Qi} = init_test_queue(QName),
+ rabbit_queue_index:delete_and_terminate(Fun(Qi, QName)).
+restart_app() ->
+ rabbit:stop(),
+ rabbit:start().
+queue_index_publish(SeqIds, Persistent, Qi) ->
+ Ref = rabbit_guid:gen(),
+ MsgStore = case Persistent of
+ end,
+ MSCState = msg_store_client_init(MsgStore, Ref),
+ {A, B = [{_SeqId, LastMsgIdWritten} | _]} =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun (SeqId, {QiN, SeqIdsMsgIdsAcc}) ->
+ MsgId = rabbit_guid:gen(),
+ QiM = rabbit_queue_index:publish(
+ MsgId, SeqId, #message_properties{size = 10},
+ Persistent, infinity, QiN),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:write(MsgId, MsgId, MSCState),
+ {QiM, [{SeqId, MsgId} | SeqIdsMsgIdsAcc]}
+ end, {Qi, []}, SeqIds),
+ %% do this just to force all of the publishes through to the msg_store:
+ true = rabbit_msg_store:contains(LastMsgIdWritten, MSCState),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_delete_and_terminate(MSCState),
+ {A, B}.
+verify_read_with_published(_Delivered, _Persistent, [], _) ->
+ ok;
+verify_read_with_published(Delivered, Persistent,
+ [{MsgId, SeqId, _Props, Persistent, Delivered}|Read],
+ [{SeqId, MsgId}|Published]) ->
+ verify_read_with_published(Delivered, Persistent, Read, Published);
+verify_read_with_published(_Delivered, _Persistent, _Read, _Published) ->
+ ko.
+nop(_) -> ok.
+nop(_, _) -> ok.
+msg_store_client_init(MsgStore, Ref) ->
+ rabbit_vhost_msg_store:client_init(?VHOST, MsgStore, Ref, undefined, undefined).
+variable_queue_init(Q, Recover) ->
+ rabbit_variable_queue:init(
+ Q, case Recover of
+ true -> non_clean_shutdown;
+ false -> new
+ end, fun nop/2, fun nop/2, fun nop/1, fun nop/1).
+publish_and_confirm(Q, Payload, Count) ->
+ Seqs = lists:seq(1, Count),
+ QTState0 = rabbit_queue_type:new(Q, rabbit_queue_type:init()),
+ QTState =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun (Seq, Acc0) ->
+ Msg = rabbit_basic:message(rabbit_misc:r(<<>>, exchange, <<>>),
+ <<>>, #'P_basic'{delivery_mode = 2},
+ Payload),
+ Delivery = #delivery{mandatory = false, sender = self(),
+ confirm = true, message = Msg, msg_seq_no = Seq,
+ flow = noflow},
+ {ok, Acc, _Actions} = rabbit_queue_type:deliver([Q], Delivery, Acc0),
+ Acc
+ end, QTState0, Seqs),
+ wait_for_confirms(gb_sets:from_list(Seqs)),
+ QTState.
+wait_for_confirms(Unconfirmed) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_empty(Unconfirmed) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false ->
+ receive
+ {'$gen_cast',
+ {queue_event, _QName, {confirm, Confirmed, _}}} ->
+ wait_for_confirms(
+ rabbit_misc:gb_sets_difference(
+ Unconfirmed, gb_sets:from_list(Confirmed)));
+ {'$gen_cast', {confirm, Confirmed, _}} ->
+ wait_for_confirms(
+ rabbit_misc:gb_sets_difference(
+ Unconfirmed, gb_sets:from_list(Confirmed)))
+ after ?TIMEOUT ->
+ flush(),
+ exit(timeout_waiting_for_confirm)
+ end
+ end.
+with_fresh_variable_queue(Fun, Mode) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ Me = self(),
+ %% Run in a separate process since rabbit_msg_store will send
+ %% bump_credit messages and we want to ignore them
+ spawn_link(fun() ->
+ QName = test_queue(),
+ ok = unin_empty_test_queue(QName),
+ VQ = variable_queue_init(test_amqqueue(QName, true), false),
+ S0 = variable_queue_status(VQ),
+ assert_props(S0, [{q1, 0}, {q2, 0},
+ {delta,
+ {delta, undefined, 0, undefined}},
+ {q3, 0}, {q4, 0},
+ {len, 0}]),
+ VQ1 = set_queue_mode(Mode, VQ),
+ try
+ _ = rabbit_variable_queue:delete_and_terminate(
+ shutdown, Fun(VQ1, QName)),
+ Me ! Ref
+ catch
+ Type:Error:Stacktrace ->
+ Me ! {Ref, Type, Error, Stacktrace}
+ end
+ end),
+ receive
+ Ref -> ok;
+ {Ref, Type, Error, ST} -> exit({Type, Error, ST})
+ end,
+ passed.
+set_queue_mode(Mode, VQ) ->
+ VQ1 = rabbit_variable_queue:set_queue_mode(Mode, VQ),
+ S1 = variable_queue_status(VQ1),
+ assert_props(S1, [{mode, Mode}]),
+ VQ1.
+variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Count, VQ) ->
+ variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Count, fun (_N, P) -> P end, VQ).
+variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Count, PropFun, VQ) ->
+ variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, 1, Count, PropFun,
+ fun (_N) -> <<>> end, VQ).
+variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Start, Count, PropFun, PayloadFun, VQ) ->
+ variable_queue_wait_for_shuffling_end(
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun (N, VQN) ->
+ rabbit_variable_queue:publish(
+ rabbit_basic:message(
+ rabbit_misc:r(<<>>, exchange, <<>>),
+ <<>>, #'P_basic'{delivery_mode = case IsPersistent of
+ true -> 2;
+ false -> 1
+ end},
+ PayloadFun(N)),
+ PropFun(N, #message_properties{size = 10}),
+ false, self(), noflow, VQN)
+ end, VQ, lists:seq(Start, Start + Count - 1))).
+variable_queue_batch_publish(IsPersistent, Count, VQ) ->
+ variable_queue_batch_publish(IsPersistent, Count, fun (_N, P) -> P end, VQ).
+variable_queue_batch_publish(IsPersistent, Count, PropFun, VQ) ->
+ variable_queue_batch_publish(IsPersistent, 1, Count, PropFun,
+ fun (_N) -> <<>> end, VQ).
+variable_queue_batch_publish(IsPersistent, Start, Count, PropFun, PayloadFun, VQ) ->
+ variable_queue_batch_publish0(IsPersistent, Start, Count, PropFun,
+ PayloadFun, fun make_publish/4,
+ fun rabbit_variable_queue:batch_publish/4,
+ VQ).
+variable_queue_batch_publish_delivered(IsPersistent, Count, VQ) ->
+ variable_queue_batch_publish_delivered(IsPersistent, Count, fun (_N, P) -> P end, VQ).
+variable_queue_batch_publish_delivered(IsPersistent, Count, PropFun, VQ) ->
+ variable_queue_batch_publish_delivered(IsPersistent, 1, Count, PropFun,
+ fun (_N) -> <<>> end, VQ).
+variable_queue_batch_publish_delivered(IsPersistent, Start, Count, PropFun, PayloadFun, VQ) ->
+ variable_queue_batch_publish0(IsPersistent, Start, Count, PropFun,
+ PayloadFun, fun make_publish_delivered/4,
+ fun rabbit_variable_queue:batch_publish_delivered/4,
+ VQ).
+variable_queue_batch_publish0(IsPersistent, Start, Count, PropFun, PayloadFun,
+ MakePubFun, PubFun, VQ) ->
+ Publishes =
+ [MakePubFun(IsPersistent, PayloadFun, PropFun, N)
+ || N <- lists:seq(Start, Start + Count - 1)],
+ Res = PubFun(Publishes, self(), noflow, VQ),
+ VQ1 = pub_res(Res),
+ variable_queue_wait_for_shuffling_end(VQ1).
+variable_queue_fetch(Count, IsPersistent, IsDelivered, Len, VQ) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun (N, {VQN, AckTagsAcc}) ->
+ Rem = Len - N,
+ {{#basic_message { is_persistent = IsPersistent },
+ IsDelivered, AckTagN}, VQM} =
+ rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQN),
+ Rem = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQM),
+ {VQM, [AckTagN | AckTagsAcc]}
+ end, {VQ, []}, lists:seq(1, Count)).
+test_amqqueue(QName, Durable) ->
+ rabbit_amqqueue:pseudo_queue(QName, self(), Durable).
+assert_prop(List, Prop, Value) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(Prop, List)of
+ Value -> ok;
+ _ -> {exit, Prop, exp, Value, List}
+ end.
+assert_props(List, PropVals) ->
+ [assert_prop(List, Prop, Value) || {Prop, Value} <- PropVals].
+variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(Duration, VQ) ->
+ variable_queue_wait_for_shuffling_end(
+ rabbit_variable_queue:set_ram_duration_target(Duration, VQ)).
+publish_fetch_and_ack(0, _Len, VQ0) ->
+ VQ0;
+publish_fetch_and_ack(N, Len, VQ0) ->
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ0),
+ {{_Msg, false, AckTag}, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ1),
+ Len = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ2),
+ {_Guids, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:ack([AckTag], VQ2),
+ publish_fetch_and_ack(N-1, Len, VQ3).
+variable_queue_status(VQ) ->
+ Keys = rabbit_backing_queue:info_keys() -- [backing_queue_status],
+ [{K, rabbit_variable_queue:info(K, VQ)} || K <- Keys] ++
+ rabbit_variable_queue:info(backing_queue_status, VQ).
+variable_queue_wait_for_shuffling_end(VQ) ->
+ case credit_flow:blocked() of
+ false -> VQ;
+ true ->
+ receive
+ {bump_credit, Msg} ->
+ credit_flow:handle_bump_msg(Msg),
+ variable_queue_wait_for_shuffling_end(
+ rabbit_variable_queue:resume(VQ))
+ end
+ end.
+msg2int(#basic_message{content = #content{ payload_fragments_rev = P}}) ->
+ binary_to_term(list_to_binary(lists:reverse(P))).
+ack_subset(AckSeqs, Interval, Rem) ->
+ lists:filter(fun ({_Ack, N}) -> (N + Rem) rem Interval == 0 end, AckSeqs).
+requeue_one_by_one(Acks, VQ) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun (AckTag, VQN) ->
+ {_MsgId, VQM} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(
+ [AckTag], VQN),
+ end, VQ, Acks).
+%% Create a vq with messages in q1, delta, and q3, and holes (in the
+%% form of pending acks) in the latter two.
+variable_queue_with_holes(VQ0) ->
+ Interval = 2048, %% should match vq:IO_BATCH_SIZE
+ Count = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0)*2 + 2 * Interval,
+ Seq = lists:seq(1, Count),
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ0),
+ VQ2 = variable_queue_publish(
+ false, 1, Count,
+ fun (_, P) -> P end, fun erlang:term_to_binary/1, VQ1),
+ {VQ3, AcksR} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, false, false, Count, VQ2),
+ Acks = lists:reverse(AcksR),
+ AckSeqs = lists:zip(Acks, Seq),
+ [{Subset1, _Seq1}, {Subset2, _Seq2}, {Subset3, Seq3}] =
+ [lists:unzip(ack_subset(AckSeqs, Interval, I)) || I <- [0, 1, 2]],
+ %% we requeue in three phases in order to exercise requeuing logic
+ %% in various vq states
+ {_MsgIds, VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(
+ Acks -- (Subset1 ++ Subset2 ++ Subset3), VQ3),
+ VQ5 = requeue_one_by_one(Subset1, VQ4),
+ %% by now we have some messages (and holes) in delta
+ VQ6 = requeue_one_by_one(Subset2, VQ5),
+ VQ7 = variable_queue_set_ram_duration_target(infinity, VQ6),
+ %% add the q1 tail
+ VQ8 = variable_queue_publish(
+ true, Count + 1, Interval,
+ fun (_, P) -> P end, fun erlang:term_to_binary/1, VQ7),
+ %% assertions
+ Status = variable_queue_status(VQ8),
+ vq_with_holes_assertions(VQ8, proplists:get_value(mode, Status)),
+ Depth = Count + Interval,
+ Depth = rabbit_variable_queue:depth(VQ8),
+ Len = Depth - length(Subset3),
+ Len = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ8),
+ {Seq3, Seq -- Seq3, lists:seq(Count + 1, Count + Interval), VQ8}.
+vq_with_holes_assertions(VQ, default) ->
+ [false =
+ case V of
+ {delta, _, 0, _} -> true;
+ 0 -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end || {K, V} <- variable_queue_status(VQ),
+ lists:member(K, [q1, delta, q3])];
+vq_with_holes_assertions(VQ, lazy) ->
+ [false =
+ case V of
+ {delta, _, 0, _} -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end || {K, V} <- variable_queue_status(VQ),
+ lists:member(K, [delta])].
+check_variable_queue_status(VQ0, Props) ->
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_wait_for_shuffling_end(VQ0),
+ S = variable_queue_status(VQ1),
+ assert_props(S, Props),
+ VQ1.
+flush() ->
+ receive
+ Any ->
+ ct:pal("flush ~p", [Any]),
+ flush()
+ after 0 ->
+ ok
+ end.