path: root/deps/rabbit/test/mirrored_supervisor_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbit/test/mirrored_supervisor_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 328 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/test/mirrored_supervisor_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbit/test/mirrored_supervisor_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ce88cfdaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit/test/mirrored_supervisor_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2011-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+-define(MS, mirrored_supervisor).
+-define(SERVER, mirrored_supervisor_SUITE_gs).
+all() ->
+ [
+ migrate,
+ migrate_twice,
+ already_there,
+ delete_restart,
+ which_children,
+ large_group,
+ childspecs_at_init,
+ anonymous_supervisors,
+ no_migration_on_shutdown,
+ start_idempotence,
+ unsupported,
+ ignore,
+ startup_failure
+ ].
+init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ ok = application:set_env(mnesia, dir, ?config(priv_dir, Config)),
+ ok = application:start(mnesia),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun ({Tab, TabDef}) ->
+ TabDef1 = proplists:delete(match, TabDef),
+ case mnesia:create_table(Tab, TabDef1) of
+ {atomic, ok} ->
+ ok;
+ {aborted, Reason} ->
+ throw({error,
+ {table_creation_failed, Tab, TabDef1, Reason}})
+ end
+ end, mirrored_supervisor:table_definitions()),
+ Config.
+end_per_suite(Config) ->
+ ok = application:stop(mnesia),
+ Config.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Functional tests
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Simplest test
+migrate(_Config) ->
+ passed = with_sups(
+ fun([A, _]) ->
+ {ok, _} = ?MS:start_child(a, childspec(worker)),
+ Pid1 = pid_of(worker),
+ kill_registered(A, Pid1),
+ Pid2 = pid_of(worker),
+ false = (Pid1 =:= Pid2)
+ end, [a, b]).
+%% Is migration transitive?
+migrate_twice(_Config) ->
+ passed = with_sups(
+ fun([A, B]) ->
+ {ok, _} = ?MS:start_child(a, childspec(worker)),
+ Pid1 = pid_of(worker),
+ kill_registered(A, Pid1),
+ {ok, C} = start_sup(c),
+ Pid2 = pid_of(worker),
+ kill_registered(B, Pid2),
+ Pid3 = pid_of(worker),
+ false = (Pid1 =:= Pid3),
+ kill(C)
+ end, [a, b]).
+%% Can't start the same child twice
+already_there(_Config) ->
+ passed = with_sups(
+ fun([_, _]) ->
+ S = childspec(worker),
+ {ok, Pid} = ?MS:start_child(a, S),
+ {error, {already_started, Pid}} = ?MS:start_child(b, S)
+ end, [a, b]).
+%% Deleting and restarting should work as per a normal supervisor
+delete_restart(_Config) ->
+ passed = with_sups(
+ fun([_, _]) ->
+ S = childspec(worker),
+ {ok, Pid1} = ?MS:start_child(a, S),
+ {error, running} = ?MS:delete_child(a, worker),
+ ok = ?MS:terminate_child(a, worker),
+ ok = ?MS:delete_child(a, worker),
+ {ok, Pid2} = ?MS:start_child(b, S),
+ false = (Pid1 =:= Pid2),
+ ok = ?MS:terminate_child(b, worker),
+ {ok, Pid3} = ?MS:restart_child(b, worker),
+ Pid3 = pid_of(worker),
+ false = (Pid2 =:= Pid3),
+ %% Not the same supervisor as the worker is on
+ ok = ?MS:terminate_child(a, worker),
+ ok = ?MS:delete_child(a, worker),
+ {ok, Pid4} = ?MS:start_child(a, S),
+ false = (Pid3 =:= Pid4)
+ end, [a, b]).
+which_children(_Config) ->
+ passed = with_sups(
+ fun([A, B] = Both) ->
+ ?MS:start_child(A, childspec(worker)),
+ assert_wc(Both, fun ([C]) -> true = is_pid(wc_pid(C)) end),
+ ok = ?MS:terminate_child(a, worker),
+ assert_wc(Both, fun ([C]) -> undefined = wc_pid(C) end),
+ {ok, _} = ?MS:restart_child(a, worker),
+ assert_wc(Both, fun ([C]) -> true = is_pid(wc_pid(C)) end),
+ ?MS:start_child(B, childspec(worker2)),
+ assert_wc(Both, fun (C) -> 2 = length(C) end)
+ end, [a, b]).
+assert_wc(Sups, Fun) ->
+ [Fun(?MS:which_children(Sup)) || Sup <- Sups].
+wc_pid(Child) ->
+ {worker, Pid, worker, [?MODULE]} = Child,
+ Pid.
+%% Not all the members of the group should actually do the failover
+large_group(_Config) ->
+ passed = with_sups(
+ fun([A, _, _, _]) ->
+ {ok, _} = ?MS:start_child(a, childspec(worker)),
+ Pid1 = pid_of(worker),
+ kill_registered(A, Pid1),
+ Pid2 = pid_of(worker),
+ false = (Pid1 =:= Pid2)
+ end, [a, b, c, d]).
+%% Do childspecs work when returned from init?
+childspecs_at_init(_Config) ->
+ S = childspec(worker),
+ passed = with_sups(
+ fun([A, _]) ->
+ Pid1 = pid_of(worker),
+ kill_registered(A, Pid1),
+ Pid2 = pid_of(worker),
+ false = (Pid1 =:= Pid2)
+ end, [{a, [S]}, {b, [S]}]).
+anonymous_supervisors(_Config) ->
+ passed = with_sups(
+ fun([A, _B]) ->
+ {ok, _} = ?MS:start_child(A, childspec(worker)),
+ Pid1 = pid_of(worker),
+ kill_registered(A, Pid1),
+ Pid2 = pid_of(worker),
+ false = (Pid1 =:= Pid2)
+ end, [anon, anon]).
+%% When a mirrored_supervisor terminates, we should not migrate, but
+%% the whole supervisor group should shut down. To test this we set up
+%% a situation where the gen_server will only fail if it's running
+%% under the supervisor called 'evil'. It should not migrate to
+%% 'good' and survive, rather the whole group should go away.
+no_migration_on_shutdown(_Config) ->
+ passed = with_sups(
+ fun([Evil, _]) ->
+ {ok, _} = ?MS:start_child(Evil, childspec(worker)),
+ try
+ call(worker, ping, 1000, 100),
+ exit(worker_should_not_have_migrated)
+ catch exit:{timeout_waiting_for_server, _, _} ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end, [evil, good]).
+start_idempotence(_Config) ->
+ passed = with_sups(
+ fun([_]) ->
+ CS = childspec(worker),
+ {ok, Pid} = ?MS:start_child(a, CS),
+ {error, {already_started, Pid}} = ?MS:start_child(a, CS),
+ ?MS:terminate_child(a, worker),
+ {error, already_present} = ?MS:start_child(a, CS)
+ end, [a]).
+unsupported(_Config) ->
+ try
+ ?MS:start_link({global, foo}, get_group(group), fun tx_fun/1, ?MODULE,
+ {one_for_one, []}),
+ exit(no_global)
+ catch error:badarg ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ try
+ {ok, _} = ?MS:start_link({local, foo}, get_group(group),
+ fun tx_fun/1, ?MODULE, {simple_one_for_one, []}),
+ exit(no_sofo)
+ catch error:badarg ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% Just test we don't blow up
+ignore(_Config) ->
+ ?MS:start_link({local, foo}, get_group(group), fun tx_fun/1, ?MODULE,
+ {fake_strategy_for_ignore, []}).
+startup_failure(_Config) ->
+ [test_startup_failure(F) || F <- [want_error, want_exit]].
+test_startup_failure(Fail) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ ?MS:start_link(get_group(group), fun tx_fun/1, ?MODULE,
+ {one_for_one, [childspec(Fail)]}),
+ receive
+ {'EXIT', _, shutdown} ->
+ ok
+ after 1000 ->
+ exit({did_not_exit, Fail})
+ end,
+ process_flag(trap_exit, false).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+with_sups(Fun, Sups) ->
+ inc_group(),
+ Pids = [begin {ok, Pid} = start_sup(Sup), Pid end || Sup <- Sups],
+ Fun(Pids),
+ [kill(Pid) || Pid <- Pids, is_process_alive(Pid)],
+ timer:sleep(500),
+ passed.
+start_sup(Spec) ->
+ start_sup(Spec, group).
+start_sup({Name, ChildSpecs}, Group) ->
+ {ok, Pid} = start_sup0(Name, get_group(Group), ChildSpecs),
+ %% We are not a supervisor, when we kill the supervisor we do not
+ %% want to die!
+ unlink(Pid),
+ {ok, Pid};
+start_sup(Name, Group) ->
+ start_sup({Name, []}, Group).
+start_sup0(anon, Group, ChildSpecs) ->
+ ?MS:start_link(Group, fun tx_fun/1, ?MODULE,
+ {one_for_one, ChildSpecs});
+start_sup0(Name, Group, ChildSpecs) ->
+ ?MS:start_link({local, Name}, Group, fun tx_fun/1, ?MODULE,
+ {one_for_one, ChildSpecs}).
+childspec(Id) ->
+ {Id,{?SERVER, start_link, [Id]}, transient, 16#ffffffff, worker, [?MODULE]}.
+pid_of(Id) ->
+ {received, Pid, ping} = call(Id, ping),
+ Pid.
+tx_fun(Fun) ->
+ case mnesia:sync_transaction(Fun) of
+ {atomic, Result} -> Result;
+ {aborted, Reason} -> throw({error, Reason})
+ end.
+inc_group() ->
+ Count = case get(counter) of
+ undefined -> 0;
+ C -> C
+ end + 1,
+ put(counter, Count).
+get_group(Group) ->
+ {Group, get(counter)}.
+call(Id, Msg) -> call(Id, Msg, 10*1000, 100).
+call(Id, Msg, MaxDelay, Decr) ->
+ call(Id, Msg, MaxDelay, Decr, undefined).
+call(Id, Msg, 0, _Decr, Stacktrace) ->
+ exit({timeout_waiting_for_server, {Id, Msg}, Stacktrace});
+call(Id, Msg, MaxDelay, Decr, _) ->
+ try
+ gen_server:call(Id, Msg, infinity)
+ catch exit:_:Stacktrace -> timer:sleep(Decr),
+ call(Id, Msg, MaxDelay - Decr, Decr, Stacktrace)
+ end.
+kill(Pid) -> kill(Pid, []).
+kill(Pid, Wait) when is_pid(Wait) -> kill(Pid, [Wait]);
+kill(Pid, Waits) ->
+ erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ [erlang:monitor(process, P) || P <- Waits],
+ exit(Pid, bang),
+ kill_wait(Pid),
+ [kill_wait(P) || P <- Waits].
+kill_registered(Pid, Child) ->
+ {registered_name, Name} = erlang:process_info(Child, registered_name),
+ kill(Pid, Child),
+ false = (Child =:= whereis(Name)),
+ ok.
+kill_wait(Pid) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', _Ref, process, Pid, _Reason} ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+init({fake_strategy_for_ignore, _ChildSpecs}) ->
+ ignore;
+init({Strategy, ChildSpecs}) ->
+ {ok, {{Strategy, 0, 1}, ChildSpecs}}.