path: root/deps/rabbit/test/publisher_confirms_parallel_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbit/test/publisher_confirms_parallel_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/test/publisher_confirms_parallel_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbit/test/publisher_confirms_parallel_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f79fcae3ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit/test/publisher_confirms_parallel_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2011-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+-define(TIMEOUT, 60000).
+-import(quorum_queue_utils, [wait_for_messages/2]).
+all() ->
+ [
+ {group, publisher_confirm_tests}
+ ].
+groups() ->
+ PublisherConfirmTests = [publisher_confirms,
+ publisher_confirms_with_deleted_queue,
+ confirm_select_ok,
+ confirm_nowait,
+ confirm_ack,
+ confirm_acks,
+ confirm_mandatory_unroutable,
+ confirm_unroutable_message],
+ [
+ {publisher_confirm_tests, [],
+ [
+ {classic_queue, [parallel], PublisherConfirmTests ++ [confirm_nack]},
+ {mirrored_queue, [parallel], PublisherConfirmTests ++ [confirm_nack]},
+ {quorum_queue, [],
+ [
+ {parllel_tests, [parallel], PublisherConfirmTests},
+ confirm_minority
+ ]}
+ ]}
+ ].
+suite() ->
+ [
+ {timetrap, {minutes, 3}}
+ ].
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Testsuite setup/teardown.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:log_environment(),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:run_setup_steps(Config).
+end_per_suite(Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:run_teardown_steps(Config).
+init_per_group(classic_queue, Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(
+ Config,
+ [{queue_args, [{<<"x-queue-type">>, longstr, <<"classic">>}]},
+ {queue_durable, true}]);
+init_per_group(quorum_queue, Config) ->
+ case rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:enable_feature_flag(Config, quorum_queue) of
+ ok ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(
+ Config,
+ [{queue_args, [{<<"x-queue-type">>, longstr, <<"quorum">>}]},
+ {queue_durable, true}]);
+ Skip ->
+ Skip
+ end;
+init_per_group(mirrored_queue, Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_ha_policy(Config, 0, <<"^max_length.*queue">>,
+ <<"all">>, [{<<"ha-sync-mode">>, <<"automatic">>}]),
+ Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(
+ Config, [{is_mirrored, true},
+ {queue_args, [{<<"x-queue-type">>, longstr, <<"classic">>}]},
+ {queue_durable, true}]),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:run_steps(Config1, []);
+init_per_group(Group, Config) ->
+ case lists:member({group, Group}, all()) of
+ true ->
+ ClusterSize = 3,
+ Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [
+ {rmq_nodename_suffix, Group},
+ {rmq_nodes_count, ClusterSize}
+ ]),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:run_steps(Config1,
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:setup_steps() ++
+ rabbit_ct_client_helpers:setup_steps());
+ false ->
+ Config
+ end.
+end_per_group(Group, Config) ->
+ case lists:member({group, Group}, all()) of
+ true ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:run_steps(Config,
+ rabbit_ct_client_helpers:teardown_steps() ++
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:teardown_steps());
+ false ->
+ Config
+ end.
+init_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) ->
+ Group = proplists:get_value(name, ?config(tc_group_properties, Config)),
+ Q = rabbit_data_coercion:to_binary(io_lib:format("~p_~p", [Group, Testcase])),
+ Q2 = rabbit_data_coercion:to_binary(io_lib:format("~p_~p_2", [Group, Testcase])),
+ Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [{queue_name, Q},
+ {queue_name_2, Q2}]),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_started(Config1, Testcase).
+end_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) ->
+ {_, Ch} = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_connection_and_channel(Config, 0),
+ amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'queue.delete'{queue = ?config(queue_name, Config)}),
+ amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'queue.delete'{queue = ?config(queue_name_2, Config)}),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_finished(Config, Testcase).
+%% To enable confirms, a client sends the method
+publisher_confirms(Config) ->
+ {_Conn, Ch} = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_connection_and_channel(Config, 0),
+ QName = ?config(queue_name, Config),
+ declare_queue(Ch, Config, QName),
+ amqp_channel:call(Ch, #''{}),
+ amqp_channel:register_confirm_handler(Ch, self()),
+ publish(Ch, QName, [<<"msg1">>]),
+ wait_for_messages(Config, [[QName, <<"1">>, <<"1">>, <<"0">>]]),
+ amqp_channel:wait_for_confirms(Ch, 5),
+ amqp_channel:unregister_confirm_handler(Ch),
+ ok.
+publisher_confirms_with_deleted_queue(Config) ->
+ {_Conn, Ch} = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_connection_and_channel(Config, 0),
+ QName = ?config(queue_name, Config),
+ declare_queue(Ch, Config, QName),
+ amqp_channel:call(Ch, #''{}),
+ amqp_channel:register_confirm_handler(Ch, self()),
+ publish(Ch, QName, [<<"msg1">>]),
+ amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'queue.delete'{queue = QName}),
+ amqp_channel:wait_for_confirms_or_die(Ch, 5),
+ amqp_channel:unregister_confirm_handler(Ch).
+%% Depending on whether no-wait was set or not, the broker may respond with a
+confirm_select_ok(Config) ->
+ {_Conn, Ch} = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_connection_and_channel(Config, 0),
+ QName = ?config(queue_name, Config),
+ declare_queue(Ch, Config, QName),
+ ?assertEqual(#'confirm.select_ok'{}, amqp_channel:call(Ch, #''{nowait = false})).
+confirm_nowait(Config) ->
+ {_Conn, Ch} = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_connection_and_channel(Config, 0),
+ QName = ?config(queue_name, Config),
+ declare_queue(Ch, Config, QName),
+ ?assertEqual(ok, amqp_channel:call(Ch, #''{nowait = true})).
+%% The broker then confirms messages as it handles them by sending a basic.ack on the same channel.
+%% The delivery-tag field contains the sequence number of the confirmed message.
+confirm_ack(Config) ->
+ %% Ensure we receive an ack and not a nack
+ {_Conn, Ch} = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_connection_and_channel(Config, 0),
+ QName = ?config(queue_name, Config),
+ declare_queue(Ch, Config, QName),
+ amqp_channel:call(Ch, #''{}),
+ amqp_channel:register_confirm_handler(Ch, self()),
+ publish(Ch, QName, [<<"msg1">>]),
+ receive
+ #'basic.ack'{delivery_tag = 1} ->
+ ok
+ after 5000 ->
+ throw(missing_ack)
+ end.
+%% The broker may also set the multiple field in basic.ack to indicate that all messages up to
+%% and including the one with the sequence number have been handled.
+confirm_acks(Config) ->
+ {_Conn, Ch} = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_connection_and_channel(Config, 0),
+ QName = ?config(queue_name, Config),
+ declare_queue(Ch, Config, QName),
+ amqp_channel:call(Ch, #''{}),
+ amqp_channel:register_confirm_handler(Ch, self()),
+ publish(Ch, QName, [<<"msg1">>, <<"msg2">>, <<"msg3">>, <<"msg4">>]),
+ receive_many(lists:seq(1, 4)).
+%% For unroutable messages, the broker will issue a confirm once the exchange verifies a message
+%% won't route to any queue (returns an empty list of queues).
+%% If the message is also published as mandatory, the basic.return is sent to the client before
+%% basic.ack.
+confirm_mandatory_unroutable(Config) ->
+ {_Conn, Ch} = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_connection_and_channel(Config, 0),
+ QName = ?config(queue_name, Config),
+ amqp_channel:call(Ch, #''{}),
+ amqp_channel:register_confirm_handler(Ch, self()),
+ amqp_channel:register_return_handler(Ch, self()),
+ ok = amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.publish'{routing_key = QName,
+ mandatory = true}, #amqp_msg{payload = <<"msg1">>}),
+ receive
+ {#'basic.return'{}, _} ->
+ ok
+ after 5000 ->
+ throw(missing_return)
+ end,
+ receive
+ #'basic.ack'{delivery_tag = 1} ->
+ ok
+ after 5000 ->
+ throw(missing_ack)
+ end.
+confirm_unroutable_message(Config) ->
+ %% Ensure we receive a nack for an unroutable message
+ {_Conn, Ch} = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_connection_and_channel(Config, 0),
+ QName = ?config(queue_name, Config),
+ amqp_channel:call(Ch, #''{}),
+ amqp_channel:register_confirm_handler(Ch, self()),
+ publish(Ch, QName, [<<"msg1">>]),
+ receive
+ {#'basic.return'{}, _} ->
+ throw(unexpected_basic_return);
+ #'basic.ack'{delivery_tag = 1} ->
+ ok
+ after 5000 ->
+ throw(missing_ack)
+ end.
+%% In exceptional cases when the broker is unable to handle messages successfully,
+%% instead of a basic.ack, the broker will send a basic.nack.
+%% basic.nack will only be delivered if an internal error occurs in the Erlang process
+%% responsible for a queue.
+%% This test crashes the queue before it has time to answer, but it only works for classic
+%% queues. On quorum queues the followers will take over and rabbit_fifo_client will resend
+%% any pending messages.
+confirm_nack(Config) ->
+ passed = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
+ ?MODULE, confirm_nack1, [Config]).
+confirm_nack1(Config) ->
+ {_Writer, _Limiter, Ch} = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:test_channel(),
+ ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #''{}),
+ receive #'channel.open_ok'{} -> ok
+ after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_receive_channel_open_ok)
+ end,
+ Args = ?config(queue_args, Config),
+ Durable = ?config(queue_durable, Config),
+ QName1 = ?config(queue_name, Config),
+ QName2 = ?config(queue_name_2, Config),
+ DeclareBindDurableQueue =
+ fun(QName) ->
+ rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'queue.declare'{durable = Durable,
+ queue = QName,
+ arguments = Args}),
+ receive #'queue.declare_ok'{} ->
+ rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'queue.bind'{
+ queue = QName,
+ exchange = <<"">>,
+ routing_key = "confirms-magic" }),
+ receive #'queue.bind_ok'{} -> ok
+ after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_bind_queue)
+ end
+ after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_declare_queue)
+ end
+ end,
+ %% Declare and bind two queues
+ DeclareBindDurableQueue(QName1),
+ DeclareBindDurableQueue(QName2),
+ %% Get the first one's pid (we'll crash it later)
+ {ok, Q1} = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, QName1)),
+ QPid1 = amqqueue:get_pid(Q1),
+ %% Enable confirms
+ rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #''{}),
+ receive
+ #'confirm.select_ok'{} -> ok
+ after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_enable_confirms)
+ end,
+ %% Publish a message
+ rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'basic.publish'{exchange = <<"">>,
+ routing_key = "confirms-magic"
+ },
+ rabbit_basic:build_content(
+ #'P_basic'{delivery_mode = 2}, <<"">>)),
+ %% We must not kill the queue before the channel has processed the
+ %% 'publish'.
+ ok = rabbit_channel:flush(Ch),
+ %% Crash the queue
+ QPid1 ! boom,
+ %% Wait for a nack
+ receive
+ #'basic.nack'{} -> ok;
+ #'basic.ack'{} -> throw(received_ack_instead_of_nack)
+ after ?TIMEOUT-> throw(did_not_receive_nack)
+ end,
+ receive
+ #'basic.ack'{} -> throw(received_ack_when_none_expected)
+ after 1000 -> ok
+ end,
+ %% Cleanup
+ unlink(Ch),
+ ok = rabbit_channel:shutdown(Ch),
+ passed.
+%% The closest to a nack behaviour that we can get on quorum queues is not answering while
+%% the cluster is in minority. Once the cluster recovers, a 'basic.ack' will be issued.
+confirm_minority(Config) ->
+ [_A, B, C] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename),
+ {_Conn, Ch} = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_connection_and_channel(Config, 0),
+ QName = ?config(queue_name, Config),
+ declare_queue(Ch, Config, QName),
+ ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:stop_node(Config, B),
+ ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:stop_node(Config, C),
+ amqp_channel:call(Ch, #''{}),
+ amqp_channel:register_confirm_handler(Ch, self()),
+ publish(Ch, QName, [<<"msg1">>]),
+ receive
+ #'basic.nack'{} -> ok;
+ #'basic.ack'{} -> throw(unexpected_ack)
+ after 120000 ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:start_node(Config, B),
+ publish(Ch, QName, [<<"msg2">>]),
+ receive
+ #'basic.nack'{} -> throw(unexpected_nack);
+ #'basic.ack'{} -> ok
+ after 60000 ->
+ throw(missing_ack)
+ end.
+%% Test helpers
+declare_queue(Ch, Config, QName) ->
+ Args = ?config(queue_args, Config),
+ Durable = ?config(queue_durable, Config),
+ #'queue.declare_ok'{} = amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'queue.declare'{queue = QName,
+ arguments = Args,
+ durable = Durable}).
+publish(Ch, QName, Payloads) ->
+ [amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.publish'{routing_key = QName}, #amqp_msg{payload = Payload})
+ || Payload <- Payloads].
+publish(Ch, QName, Payloads, Headers) ->
+ [amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.publish'{routing_key = QName},
+ #amqp_msg{payload = Payload,
+ props = #'P_basic'{headers = Headers}})
+ || Payload <- Payloads].
+consume(Ch, QName, Payloads) ->
+ [begin
+ {#'basic.get_ok'{delivery_tag = DTag}, #amqp_msg{payload = Payload}} =
+ amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.get'{queue = QName}),
+ DTag
+ end || Payload <- Payloads].
+consume_empty(Ch, QName) ->
+ #'basic.get_empty'{} = amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.get'{queue = QName}).
+sync_mirrors(QName, Config) ->
+ case ?config(is_mirrored, Config) of
+ true ->
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rabbitmqctl(Config, 0, [<<"sync_queue">>, QName]);
+ _ -> ok
+ end.
+receive_many([]) ->
+ ok;
+receive_many(DTags) ->
+ receive
+ #'basic.ack'{delivery_tag = DTag, multiple = true} ->
+ receive_many(DTags -- lists:seq(1, DTag));
+ #'basic.ack'{delivery_tag = DTag, multiple = false} ->
+ receive_many(DTags -- [DTag])
+ after 5000 ->
+ throw(missing_ack)
+ end.