path: root/deps/rabbit/test/rabbit_fifo_v0_SUITE.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbit/test/rabbit_fifo_v0_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 1392 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/test/rabbit_fifo_v0_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbit/test/rabbit_fifo_v0_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fcb84377de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit/test/rabbit_fifo_v0_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1392 @@
+%% rabbit_fifo unit tests suite
+-compile({no_auto_import, [apply/3]}).
+ ]).
+%%% Common Test callbacks
+all() ->
+ [
+ {group, tests}
+ ].
+%% replicate eunit like test resultion
+all_tests() ->
+ [F || {F, _} <- ?MODULE:module_info(functions),
+ re:run(atom_to_list(F), "_test$") /= nomatch].
+groups() ->
+ [
+ {tests, [], all_tests()}
+ ].
+init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ Config.
+end_per_suite(_Config) ->
+ ok.
+init_per_group(_Group, Config) ->
+ Config.
+end_per_group(_Group, _Config) ->
+ ok.
+init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
+ Config.
+end_per_testcase(_TestCase, _Config) ->
+ ok.
+%%% Test cases
+-define(ASSERT_EFF(EfxPat, Effects),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF(EfxPat, true, Effects)).
+-define(ASSERT_EFF(EfxPat, Guard, Effects),
+ ?assert(lists:any(fun (EfxPat) when Guard -> true;
+ (_) -> false
+ end, Effects))).
+-define(ASSERT_NO_EFF(EfxPat, Effects),
+ ?assert(not lists:any(fun (EfxPat) -> true;
+ (_) -> false
+ end, Effects))).
+-define(assertNoEffect(EfxPat, Effects),
+ ?assert(not lists:any(fun (EfxPat) -> true;
+ (_) -> false
+ end, Effects))).
+test_init(Name) ->
+ init(#{name => Name,
+ queue_resource => rabbit_misc:r("/", queue,
+ atom_to_binary(Name, utf8)),
+ release_cursor_interval => 0}).
+enq_enq_checkout_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {<<"enq_enq_checkout_test">>, self()},
+ {State1, _} = enq(1, 1, first, test_init(test)),
+ {State2, _} = enq(2, 2, second, State1),
+ {_State3, _, Effects} =
+ apply(meta(3),
+ rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {once, 2, simple_prefetch}, #{}),
+ State2),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({monitor, _, _}, Effects),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({send_msg, _, {delivery, _, _}, _}, Effects),
+ ok.
+credit_enq_enq_checkout_settled_credit_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {?FUNCTION_NAME, self()},
+ {State1, _} = enq(1, 1, first, test_init(test)),
+ {State2, _} = enq(2, 2, second, State1),
+ {State3, _, Effects} =
+ apply(meta(3), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {auto, 1, credited}, #{}), State2),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({monitor, _, _}, Effects),
+ Deliveries = lists:filter(fun ({send_msg, _, {delivery, _, _}, _}) -> true;
+ (_) -> false
+ end, Effects),
+ ?assertEqual(1, length(Deliveries)),
+ %% settle the delivery this should _not_ result in further messages being
+ %% delivered
+ {State4, SettledEffects} = settle(Cid, 4, 1, State3),
+ ?assertEqual(false, lists:any(fun ({send_msg, _, {delivery, _, _}, _}) ->
+ true;
+ (_) -> false
+ end, SettledEffects)),
+ %% granting credit (3) should deliver the second msg if the receivers
+ %% delivery count is (1)
+ {State5, CreditEffects} = credit(Cid, 5, 1, 1, false, State4),
+ % ?debugFmt("CreditEffects ~p ~n~p", [CreditEffects, State4]),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({send_msg, _, {delivery, _, _}, _}, CreditEffects),
+ {_State6, FinalEffects} = enq(6, 3, third, State5),
+ ?assertEqual(false, lists:any(fun ({send_msg, _, {delivery, _, _}, _}) ->
+ true;
+ (_) -> false
+ end, FinalEffects)),
+ ok.
+credit_with_drained_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {?FUNCTION_NAME, self()},
+ State0 = test_init(test),
+ %% checkout with a single credit
+ {State1, _, _} =
+ apply(meta(1), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {auto, 1, credited},#{}),
+ State0),
+ ?assertMatch(#?STATE{consumers = #{Cid := #consumer{credit = 1,
+ delivery_count = 0}}},
+ State1),
+ {State, Result, _} =
+ apply(meta(3), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_credit(Cid, 0, 5, true), State1),
+ ?assertMatch(#?STATE{consumers = #{Cid := #consumer{credit = 0,
+ delivery_count = 5}}},
+ State),
+ ?assertEqual({multi, [{send_credit_reply, 0},
+ {send_drained, {?FUNCTION_NAME, 5}}]},
+ Result),
+ ok.
+credit_and_drain_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {?FUNCTION_NAME, self()},
+ {State1, _} = enq(1, 1, first, test_init(test)),
+ {State2, _} = enq(2, 2, second, State1),
+ %% checkout without any initial credit (like AMQP 1.0 would)
+ {State3, _, CheckEffs} =
+ apply(meta(3), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {auto, 0, credited}, #{}),
+ State2),
+ ?ASSERT_NO_EFF({send_msg, _, {delivery, _, _}}, CheckEffs),
+ {State4, {multi, [{send_credit_reply, 0},
+ {send_drained, {?FUNCTION_NAME, 2}}]},
+ Effects} = apply(meta(4), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_credit(Cid, 4, 0, true), State3),
+ ?assertMatch(#?STATE{consumers = #{Cid := #consumer{credit = 0,
+ delivery_count = 4}}},
+ State4),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({send_msg, _, {delivery, _, [{_, {_, first}},
+ {_, {_, second}}]}, _}, Effects),
+ {_State5, EnqEffs} = enq(5, 2, third, State4),
+ ?ASSERT_NO_EFF({send_msg, _, {delivery, _, _}}, EnqEffs),
+ ok.
+enq_enq_deq_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {?FUNCTION_NAME, self()},
+ {State1, _} = enq(1, 1, first, test_init(test)),
+ {State2, _} = enq(2, 2, second, State1),
+ % get returns a reply value
+ NumReady = 1,
+ {_State3, {dequeue, {0, {_, first}}, NumReady}, [{monitor, _, _}]} =
+ apply(meta(3), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {dequeue, unsettled}, #{}),
+ State2),
+ ok.
+enq_enq_deq_deq_settle_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {?FUNCTION_NAME, self()},
+ {State1, _} = enq(1, 1, first, test_init(test)),
+ {State2, _} = enq(2, 2, second, State1),
+ % get returns a reply value
+ {State3, {dequeue, {0, {_, first}}, 1}, [{monitor, _, _}]} =
+ apply(meta(3), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {dequeue, unsettled}, #{}),
+ State2),
+ {_State4, {dequeue, empty}} =
+ apply(meta(4), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {dequeue, unsettled}, #{}),
+ State3),
+ ok.
+enq_enq_checkout_get_settled_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {?FUNCTION_NAME, self()},
+ {State1, _} = enq(1, 1, first, test_init(test)),
+ % get returns a reply value
+ {_State2, {dequeue, {0, {_, first}}, _}, _Effs} =
+ apply(meta(3), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {dequeue, settled}, #{}),
+ State1),
+ ok.
+checkout_get_empty_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {?FUNCTION_NAME, self()},
+ State = test_init(test),
+ {_State2, {dequeue, empty}} =
+ apply(meta(1), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {dequeue, unsettled}, #{}), State),
+ ok.
+untracked_enq_deq_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {?FUNCTION_NAME, self()},
+ State0 = test_init(test),
+ {State1, _, _} = apply(meta(1),
+ rabbit_fifo_v0:make_enqueue(undefined, undefined, first),
+ State0),
+ {_State2, {dequeue, {0, {_, first}}, _}, _} =
+ apply(meta(3), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {dequeue, settled}, #{}), State1),
+ ok.
+release_cursor_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {?FUNCTION_NAME, self()},
+ {State1, _} = enq(1, 1, first, test_init(test)),
+ {State2, _} = enq(2, 2, second, State1),
+ {State3, _} = check(Cid, 3, 10, State2),
+ % no release cursor effect at this point
+ {State4, _} = settle(Cid, 4, 1, State3),
+ {_Final, Effects1} = settle(Cid, 5, 0, State4),
+ % empty queue forwards release cursor all the way
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({release_cursor, 5, _}, Effects1),
+ ok.
+checkout_enq_settle_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {?FUNCTION_NAME, self()},
+ {State1, [{monitor, _, _} | _]} = check(Cid, 1, test_init(test)),
+ {State2, Effects0} = enq(2, 1, first, State1),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({send_msg, _,
+ {delivery, ?FUNCTION_NAME,
+ [{0, {_, first}}]}, _},
+ Effects0),
+ {State3, [_Inactive]} = enq(3, 2, second, State2),
+ {_, _Effects} = settle(Cid, 4, 0, State3),
+ % the release cursor is the smallest raft index that does not
+ % contribute to the state of the application
+ % ?ASSERT_EFF({release_cursor, 2, _}, Effects),
+ ok.
+out_of_order_enqueue_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {?FUNCTION_NAME, self()},
+ {State1, [{monitor, _, _} | _]} = check_n(Cid, 5, 5, test_init(test)),
+ {State2, Effects2} = enq(2, 1, first, State1),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({send_msg, _, {delivery, _, [{_, {_, first}}]}, _}, Effects2),
+ % assert monitor was set up
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({monitor, _, _}, Effects2),
+ % enqueue seq num 3 and 4 before 2
+ {State3, Effects3} = enq(3, 3, third, State2),
+ ?assertNoEffect({send_msg, _, {delivery, _, _}, _}, Effects3),
+ {State4, Effects4} = enq(4, 4, fourth, State3),
+ % assert no further deliveries where made
+ ?assertNoEffect({send_msg, _, {delivery, _, _}, _}, Effects4),
+ {_State5, Effects5} = enq(5, 2, second, State4),
+ % assert two deliveries were now made
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({send_msg, _, {delivery, _, [{_, {_, second}},
+ {_, {_, third}},
+ {_, {_, fourth}}]}, _},
+ Effects5),
+ ok.
+out_of_order_first_enqueue_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {?FUNCTION_NAME, self()},
+ {State1, _} = check_n(Cid, 5, 5, test_init(test)),
+ {_State2, Effects2} = enq(2, 10, first, State1),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({monitor, process, _}, Effects2),
+ ?assertNoEffect({send_msg, _, {delivery, _, [{_, {_, first}}]}, _},
+ Effects2),
+ ok.
+duplicate_enqueue_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {<<"duplicate_enqueue_test">>, self()},
+ {State1, [{monitor, _, _} | _]} = check_n(Cid, 5, 5, test_init(test)),
+ {State2, Effects2} = enq(2, 1, first, State1),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({send_msg, _, {delivery, _, [{_, {_, first}}]}, _}, Effects2),
+ {_State3, Effects3} = enq(3, 1, first, State2),
+ ?assertNoEffect({send_msg, _, {delivery, _, [{_, {_, first}}]}, _}, Effects3),
+ ok.
+return_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {<<"cid">>, self()},
+ Cid2 = {<<"cid2">>, self()},
+ {State0, _} = enq(1, 1, msg, test_init(test)),
+ {State1, _} = check_auto(Cid, 2, State0),
+ {State2, _} = check_auto(Cid2, 3, State1),
+ {State3, _, _} = apply(meta(4), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_return(Cid, [0]), State2),
+ ?assertMatch(#{Cid := #consumer{checked_out = C}} when map_size(C) == 0,
+ State3#?STATE.consumers),
+ ?assertMatch(#{Cid2 := #consumer{checked_out = C2}} when map_size(C2) == 1,
+ State3#?STATE.consumers),
+ ok.
+return_dequeue_delivery_limit_test(_) ->
+ Init = init(#{name => test,
+ queue_resource => rabbit_misc:r("/", queue,
+ atom_to_binary(test, utf8)),
+ release_cursor_interval => 0,
+ delivery_limit => 1}),
+ {State0, _} = enq(1, 1, msg, Init),
+ Cid = {<<"cid">>, self()},
+ Cid2 = {<<"cid2">>, self()},
+ {State1, {MsgId1, _}} = deq(2, Cid, unsettled, State0),
+ {State2, _, _} = apply(meta(4), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_return(Cid, [MsgId1]),
+ State1),
+ {State3, {MsgId2, _}} = deq(2, Cid2, unsettled, State2),
+ {State4, _, _} = apply(meta(4), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_return(Cid2, [MsgId2]),
+ State3),
+ ?assertMatch(#{num_messages := 0}, rabbit_fifo_v0:overview(State4)),
+ ok.
+return_non_existent_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {<<"cid">>, self()},
+ {State0, [_, _Inactive]} = enq(1, 1, second, test_init(test)),
+ % return non-existent
+ {_State2, _} = apply(meta(3), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_return(Cid, [99]), State0),
+ ok.
+return_checked_out_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {<<"cid">>, self()},
+ {State0, [_, _]} = enq(1, 1, first, test_init(test)),
+ {State1, [_Monitor,
+ {send_msg, _, {delivery, _, [{MsgId, _}]}, _},
+ {aux, active} | _ ]} = check_auto(Cid, 2, State0),
+ % returning immediately checks out the same message again
+ {_, ok, [{send_msg, _, {delivery, _, [{_, _}]}, _},
+ {aux, active}]} =
+ apply(meta(3), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_return(Cid, [MsgId]), State1),
+ ok.
+return_checked_out_limit_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {<<"cid">>, self()},
+ Init = init(#{name => test,
+ queue_resource => rabbit_misc:r("/", queue,
+ atom_to_binary(test, utf8)),
+ release_cursor_interval => 0,
+ delivery_limit => 1}),
+ {State0, [_, _]} = enq(1, 1, first, Init),
+ {State1, [_Monitor,
+ {send_msg, _, {delivery, _, [{MsgId, _}]}, _},
+ {aux, active} | _ ]} = check_auto(Cid, 2, State0),
+ % returning immediately checks out the same message again
+ {State2, ok, [{send_msg, _, {delivery, _, [{MsgId2, _}]}, _},
+ {aux, active}]} =
+ apply(meta(3), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_return(Cid, [MsgId]), State1),
+ {#?STATE{ra_indexes = RaIdxs}, ok, [_ReleaseEff]} =
+ apply(meta(4), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_return(Cid, [MsgId2]), State2),
+ ?assertEqual(0, rabbit_fifo_index:size(RaIdxs)),
+ ok.
+return_auto_checked_out_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {<<"cid">>, self()},
+ {State00, [_, _]} = enq(1, 1, first, test_init(test)),
+ {State0, [_]} = enq(2, 2, second, State00),
+ % it first active then inactive as the consumer took on but cannot take
+ % any more
+ {State1, [_Monitor,
+ {send_msg, _, {delivery, _, [{MsgId, _}]}, _},
+ {aux, active},
+ {aux, inactive}
+ ]} = check_auto(Cid, 2, State0),
+ % return should include another delivery
+ {_State2, _, Effects} = apply(meta(3), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_return(Cid, [MsgId]), State1),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({send_msg, _,
+ {delivery, _, [{_, {#{delivery_count := 1}, first}}]}, _},
+ Effects),
+ ok.
+cancelled_checkout_out_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {<<"cid">>, self()},
+ {State00, [_, _]} = enq(1, 1, first, test_init(test)),
+ {State0, [_]} = enq(2, 2, second, State00),
+ {State1, _} = check_auto(Cid, 2, State0),
+ % cancelled checkout should not return pending messages to queue
+ {State2, _, _} = apply(meta(3), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, cancel, #{}), State1),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:size(State2#?STATE.messages)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, lqueue:len(State2#?STATE.returns)),
+ {State3, {dequeue, empty}} =
+ apply(meta(3), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {dequeue, settled}, #{}), State2),
+ %% settle
+ {State4, ok, _} =
+ apply(meta(4), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_settle(Cid, [0]), State3),
+ {_State, {dequeue, {_, {_, second}}, _}, _} =
+ apply(meta(5), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {dequeue, settled}, #{}), State4),
+ ok.
+down_with_noproc_consumer_returns_unsettled_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {<<"down_consumer_returns_unsettled_test">>, self()},
+ {State0, [_, _]} = enq(1, 1, second, test_init(test)),
+ {State1, [{monitor, process, Pid} | _]} = check(Cid, 2, State0),
+ {State2, _, _} = apply(meta(3), {down, Pid, noproc}, State1),
+ {_State, Effects} = check(Cid, 4, State2),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({monitor, process, _}, Effects),
+ ok.
+down_with_noconnection_marks_suspect_and_node_is_monitored_test(_) ->
+ Pid = spawn(fun() -> ok end),
+ Cid = {<<"down_with_noconnect">>, Pid},
+ Self = self(),
+ Node = node(Pid),
+ {State0, Effects0} = enq(1, 1, second, test_init(test)),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({monitor, process, P}, P =:= Self, Effects0),
+ {State1, Effects1} = check_auto(Cid, 2, State0),
+ #consumer{credit = 0} = maps:get(Cid, State1#?STATE.consumers),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({monitor, process, P}, P =:= Pid, Effects1),
+ % monitor both enqueuer and consumer
+ % because we received a noconnection we now need to monitor the node
+ {State2a, _, _} = apply(meta(3), {down, Pid, noconnection}, State1),
+ #consumer{credit = 1,
+ checked_out = Ch,
+ status = suspected_down} = maps:get(Cid, State2a#?STATE.consumers),
+ ?assertEqual(#{}, Ch),
+ %% validate consumer has credit
+ {State2, _, Effects2} = apply(meta(3), {down, Self, noconnection}, State2a),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({monitor, node, _}, Effects2),
+ ?assertNoEffect({demonitor, process, _}, Effects2),
+ % when the node comes up we need to retry the process monitors for the
+ % disconnected processes
+ {State3, _, Effects3} = apply(meta(3), {nodeup, Node}, State2),
+ #consumer{status = up} = maps:get(Cid, State3#?STATE.consumers),
+ % try to re-monitor the suspect processes
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({monitor, process, P}, P =:= Pid, Effects3),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({monitor, process, P}, P =:= Self, Effects3),
+ ok.
+down_with_noconnection_returns_unack_test(_) ->
+ Pid = spawn(fun() -> ok end),
+ Cid = {<<"down_with_noconnect">>, Pid},
+ {State0, _} = enq(1, 1, second, test_init(test)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:size(State0#?STATE.messages)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, lqueue:len(State0#?STATE.returns)),
+ {State1, {_, _}} = deq(2, Cid, unsettled, State0),
+ ?assertEqual(0, maps:size(State1#?STATE.messages)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, lqueue:len(State1#?STATE.returns)),
+ {State2a, _, _} = apply(meta(3), {down, Pid, noconnection}, State1),
+ ?assertEqual(0, maps:size(State2a#?STATE.messages)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, lqueue:len(State2a#?STATE.returns)),
+ ?assertMatch(#consumer{checked_out = Ch,
+ status = suspected_down}
+ when map_size(Ch) == 0,
+ maps:get(Cid, State2a#?STATE.consumers)),
+ ok.
+down_with_noproc_enqueuer_is_cleaned_up_test(_) ->
+ State00 = test_init(test),
+ Pid = spawn(fun() -> ok end),
+ {State0, _, Effects0} = apply(meta(1), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_enqueue(Pid, 1, first), State00),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({monitor, process, _}, Effects0),
+ {State1, _, _} = apply(meta(3), {down, Pid, noproc}, State0),
+ % ensure there are no enqueuers
+ ?assert(0 =:= maps:size(State1#?STATE.enqueuers)),
+ ok.
+discarded_message_without_dead_letter_handler_is_removed_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {<<"completed_consumer_yields_demonitor_effect_test">>, self()},
+ {State0, [_, _]} = enq(1, 1, first, test_init(test)),
+ {State1, Effects1} = check_n(Cid, 2, 10, State0),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({send_msg, _,
+ {delivery, _, [{0, {_, first}}]}, _},
+ Effects1),
+ {_State2, _, Effects2} = apply(meta(1),
+ rabbit_fifo_v0:make_discard(Cid, [0]), State1),
+ ?assertNoEffect({send_msg, _,
+ {delivery, _, [{0, {_, first}}]}, _},
+ Effects2),
+ ok.
+discarded_message_with_dead_letter_handler_emits_log_effect_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {<<"completed_consumer_yields_demonitor_effect_test">>, self()},
+ State00 = init(#{name => test,
+ queue_resource => rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, <<"test">>),
+ dead_letter_handler =>
+ {somemod, somefun, [somearg]}}),
+ {State0, [_, _]} = enq(1, 1, first, State00),
+ {State1, Effects1} = check_n(Cid, 2, 10, State0),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({send_msg, _,
+ {delivery, _, [{0, {_, first}}]}, _},
+ Effects1),
+ {_State2, _, Effects2} = apply(meta(1), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_discard(Cid, [0]), State1),
+ % assert mod call effect with appended reason and message
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({log, _RaftIdxs, _}, Effects2),
+ ok.
+tick_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {<<"c">>, self()},
+ Cid2 = {<<"c2">>, self()},
+ {S0, _} = enq(1, 1, <<"fst">>, test_init(?FUNCTION_NAME)),
+ {S1, _} = enq(2, 2, <<"snd">>, S0),
+ {S2, {MsgId, _}} = deq(3, Cid, unsettled, S1),
+ {S3, {_, _}} = deq(4, Cid2, unsettled, S2),
+ {S4, _, _} = apply(meta(5), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_return(Cid, [MsgId]), S3),
+ [{mod_call, rabbit_quorum_queue, handle_tick,
+ [#resource{},
+ {?FUNCTION_NAME, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3},
+ [_Node]
+ ]}] = rabbit_fifo_v0:tick(1, S4),
+ ok.
+delivery_query_returns_deliveries_test(_) ->
+ Tag = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME, utf8),
+ Cid = {Tag, self()},
+ Commands = [
+ rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {auto, 5, simple_prefetch}, #{}),
+ rabbit_fifo_v0:make_enqueue(self(), 1, one),
+ rabbit_fifo_v0:make_enqueue(self(), 2, two),
+ rabbit_fifo_v0:make_enqueue(self(), 3, tre),
+ rabbit_fifo_v0:make_enqueue(self(), 4, for)
+ ],
+ Indexes = lists:seq(1, length(Commands)),
+ Entries = lists:zip(Indexes, Commands),
+ {State, _Effects} = run_log(test_init(help), Entries),
+ % 3 deliveries are returned
+ [{0, {_, one}}] = rabbit_fifo_v0:get_checked_out(Cid, 0, 0, State),
+ [_, _, _] = rabbit_fifo_v0:get_checked_out(Cid, 1, 3, State),
+ ok.
+pending_enqueue_is_enqueued_on_down_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {<<"cid">>, self()},
+ Pid = self(),
+ {State0, _} = enq(1, 2, first, test_init(test)),
+ {State1, _, _} = apply(meta(2), {down, Pid, noproc}, State0),
+ {_State2, {dequeue, {0, {_, first}}, 0}, _} =
+ apply(meta(3), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {dequeue, settled}, #{}), State1),
+ ok.
+duplicate_delivery_test(_) ->
+ {State0, _} = enq(1, 1, first, test_init(test)),
+ {#?STATE{ra_indexes = RaIdxs,
+ messages = Messages}, _} = enq(2, 1, first, State0),
+ ?assertEqual(1, rabbit_fifo_index:size(RaIdxs)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:size(Messages)),
+ ok.
+state_enter_file_handle_leader_reservation_test(_) ->
+ S0 = init(#{name => the_name,
+ queue_resource => rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, <<"test">>),
+ become_leader_handler => {m, f, [a]}}),
+ Resource = {resource, <<"/">>, queue, <<"test">>},
+ Effects = rabbit_fifo_v0:state_enter(leader, S0),
+ ?assertEqual([
+ {mod_call, m, f, [a, the_name]},
+ {mod_call, rabbit_quorum_queue, file_handle_leader_reservation, [Resource]}
+ ], Effects),
+ ok.
+state_enter_file_handle_other_reservation_test(_) ->
+ S0 = init(#{name => the_name,
+ queue_resource => rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, <<"test">>)}),
+ Effects = rabbit_fifo_v0:state_enter(other, S0),
+ ?assertEqual([
+ {mod_call, rabbit_quorum_queue, file_handle_other_reservation, []}
+ ],
+ Effects),
+ ok.
+state_enter_monitors_and_notifications_test(_) ->
+ Oth = spawn(fun () -> ok end),
+ {State0, _} = enq(1, 1, first, test_init(test)),
+ Cid = {<<"adf">>, self()},
+ OthCid = {<<"oth">>, Oth},
+ {State1, _} = check(Cid, 2, State0),
+ {State, _} = check(OthCid, 3, State1),
+ Self = self(),
+ Effects = rabbit_fifo_v0:state_enter(leader, State),
+ %% monitor all enqueuers and consumers
+ [{monitor, process, Self},
+ {monitor, process, Oth}] =
+ lists:filter(fun ({monitor, process, _}) -> true;
+ (_) -> false
+ end, Effects),
+ [{send_msg, Self, leader_change, ra_event},
+ {send_msg, Oth, leader_change, ra_event}] =
+ lists:filter(fun ({send_msg, _, leader_change, ra_event}) -> true;
+ (_) -> false
+ end, Effects),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({monitor, process, _}, Effects),
+ ok.
+purge_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {<<"purge_test">>, self()},
+ {State1, _} = enq(1, 1, first, test_init(test)),
+ {State2, {purge, 1}, _} = apply(meta(2), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_purge(), State1),
+ {State3, _} = enq(3, 2, second, State2),
+ % get returns a reply value
+ {_State4, {dequeue, {0, {_, second}}, _}, [{monitor, _, _}]} =
+ apply(meta(4), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {dequeue, unsettled}, #{}), State3),
+ ok.
+purge_with_checkout_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {<<"purge_test">>, self()},
+ {State0, _} = check_auto(Cid, 1, test_init(?FUNCTION_NAME)),
+ {State1, _} = enq(2, 1, <<"first">>, State0),
+ {State2, _} = enq(3, 2, <<"second">>, State1),
+ %% assert message bytes are non zero
+ ?assert(State2#?STATE.msg_bytes_checkout > 0),
+ ?assert(State2#?STATE.msg_bytes_enqueue > 0),
+ {State3, {purge, 1}, _} = apply(meta(2), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_purge(), State2),
+ ?assert(State2#?STATE.msg_bytes_checkout > 0),
+ ?assertEqual(0, State3#?STATE.msg_bytes_enqueue),
+ ?assertEqual(1, rabbit_fifo_index:size(State3#?STATE.ra_indexes)),
+ #consumer{checked_out = Checked} = maps:get(Cid, State3#?STATE.consumers),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:size(Checked)),
+ ok.
+down_noproc_returns_checked_out_in_order_test(_) ->
+ S0 = test_init(?FUNCTION_NAME),
+ %% enqueue 100
+ S1 = lists:foldl(fun (Num, FS0) ->
+ {FS, _} = enq(Num, Num, Num, FS0),
+ FS
+ end, S0, lists:seq(1, 100)),
+ ?assertEqual(100, maps:size(S1#?STATE.messages)),
+ Cid = {<<"cid">>, self()},
+ {S2, _} = check(Cid, 101, 1000, S1),
+ #consumer{checked_out = Checked} = maps:get(Cid, S2#?STATE.consumers),
+ ?assertEqual(100, maps:size(Checked)),
+ %% simulate down
+ {S, _, _} = apply(meta(102), {down, self(), noproc}, S2),
+ Returns = lqueue:to_list(S#?STATE.returns),
+ ?assertEqual(100, length(Returns)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, maps:size(S#?STATE.consumers)),
+ %% validate returns are in order
+ ?assertEqual(lists:sort(Returns), Returns),
+ ok.
+down_noconnection_returns_checked_out_test(_) ->
+ S0 = test_init(?FUNCTION_NAME),
+ NumMsgs = 20,
+ S1 = lists:foldl(fun (Num, FS0) ->
+ {FS, _} = enq(Num, Num, Num, FS0),
+ FS
+ end, S0, lists:seq(1, NumMsgs)),
+ ?assertEqual(NumMsgs, maps:size(S1#?STATE.messages)),
+ Cid = {<<"cid">>, self()},
+ {S2, _} = check(Cid, 101, 1000, S1),
+ #consumer{checked_out = Checked} = maps:get(Cid, S2#?STATE.consumers),
+ ?assertEqual(NumMsgs, maps:size(Checked)),
+ %% simulate down
+ {S, _, _} = apply(meta(102), {down, self(), noconnection}, S2),
+ Returns = lqueue:to_list(S#?STATE.returns),
+ ?assertEqual(NumMsgs, length(Returns)),
+ ?assertMatch(#consumer{checked_out = Ch}
+ when map_size(Ch) == 0,
+ maps:get(Cid, S#?STATE.consumers)),
+ %% validate returns are in order
+ ?assertEqual(lists:sort(Returns), Returns),
+ ok.
+single_active_consumer_basic_get_test(_) ->
+ Cid = {?FUNCTION_NAME, self()},
+ State0 = init(#{name => ?FUNCTION_NAME,
+ queue_resource => rabbit_misc:r("/", queue,
+ atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME, utf8)),
+ release_cursor_interval => 0,
+ single_active_consumer_on => true}),
+ ?assertEqual(single_active, State0#?STATE.cfg#cfg.consumer_strategy),
+ ?assertEqual(0, map_size(State0#?STATE.consumers)),
+ {State1, _} = enq(1, 1, first, State0),
+ {_State, {error, unsupported}} =
+ apply(meta(2), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {dequeue, unsettled}, #{}),
+ State1),
+ ok.
+single_active_consumer_test(_) ->
+ State0 = init(#{name => ?FUNCTION_NAME,
+ queue_resource => rabbit_misc:r("/", queue,
+ atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME, utf8)),
+ release_cursor_interval => 0,
+ single_active_consumer_on => true}),
+ ?assertEqual(single_active, State0#?STATE.cfg#cfg.consumer_strategy),
+ ?assertEqual(0, map_size(State0#?STATE.consumers)),
+ % adding some consumers
+ AddConsumer = fun(CTag, State) ->
+ {NewState, _, _} = apply(
+ meta(1),
+ make_checkout({CTag, self()},
+ {once, 1, simple_prefetch},
+ #{}),
+ State),
+ NewState
+ end,
+ State1 = lists:foldl(AddConsumer, State0,
+ [<<"ctag1">>, <<"ctag2">>, <<"ctag3">>, <<"ctag4">>]),
+ C1 = {<<"ctag1">>, self()},
+ C2 = {<<"ctag2">>, self()},
+ C3 = {<<"ctag3">>, self()},
+ C4 = {<<"ctag4">>, self()},
+ % the first registered consumer is the active one, the others are waiting
+ ?assertEqual(1, map_size(State1#?STATE.consumers)),
+ ?assertMatch(#{C1 := _}, State1#?STATE.consumers),
+ ?assertEqual(3, length(State1#?STATE.waiting_consumers)),
+ ?assertNotEqual(false, lists:keyfind(C2, 1, State1#?STATE.waiting_consumers)),
+ ?assertNotEqual(false, lists:keyfind(C3, 1, State1#?STATE.waiting_consumers)),
+ ?assertNotEqual(false, lists:keyfind(C4, 1, State1#?STATE.waiting_consumers)),
+ % cancelling a waiting consumer
+ {State2, _, Effects1} = apply(meta(2),
+ make_checkout(C3, cancel, #{}),
+ State1),
+ % the active consumer should still be in place
+ ?assertEqual(1, map_size(State2#?STATE.consumers)),
+ ?assertMatch(#{C1 := _}, State2#?STATE.consumers),
+ % the cancelled consumer has been removed from waiting consumers
+ ?assertEqual(2, length(State2#?STATE.waiting_consumers)),
+ ?assertNotEqual(false, lists:keyfind(C2, 1, State2#?STATE.waiting_consumers)),
+ ?assertNotEqual(false, lists:keyfind(C4, 1, State2#?STATE.waiting_consumers)),
+ % there are some effects to unregister the consumer
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({mod_call, rabbit_quorum_queue,
+ cancel_consumer_handler, [_, C]}, C == C3, Effects1),
+ % cancelling the active consumer
+ {State3, _, Effects2} = apply(meta(3),
+ make_checkout(C1, cancel, #{}),
+ State2),
+ % the second registered consumer is now the active one
+ ?assertEqual(1, map_size(State3#?STATE.consumers)),
+ ?assertMatch(#{C2 := _}, State3#?STATE.consumers),
+ % the new active consumer is no longer in the waiting list
+ ?assertEqual(1, length(State3#?STATE.waiting_consumers)),
+ ?assertNotEqual(false, lists:keyfind(C4, 1,
+ State3#?STATE.waiting_consumers)),
+ %% should have a cancel consumer handler mod_call effect and
+ %% an active new consumer effect
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({mod_call, rabbit_quorum_queue,
+ cancel_consumer_handler, [_, C]}, C == C1, Effects2),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({mod_call, rabbit_quorum_queue,
+ update_consumer_handler, _}, Effects2),
+ % cancelling the active consumer
+ {State4, _, Effects3} = apply(meta(4),
+ make_checkout(C2, cancel, #{}),
+ State3),
+ % the last waiting consumer became the active one
+ ?assertEqual(1, map_size(State4#?STATE.consumers)),
+ ?assertMatch(#{C4 := _}, State4#?STATE.consumers),
+ % the waiting consumer list is now empty
+ ?assertEqual(0, length(State4#?STATE.waiting_consumers)),
+ % there are some effects to unregister the consumer and
+ % to update the new active one (metrics)
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({mod_call, rabbit_quorum_queue,
+ cancel_consumer_handler, [_, C]}, C == C2, Effects3),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({mod_call, rabbit_quorum_queue,
+ update_consumer_handler, _}, Effects3),
+ % cancelling the last consumer
+ {State5, _, Effects4} = apply(meta(5),
+ make_checkout(C4, cancel, #{}),
+ State4),
+ % no active consumer anymore
+ ?assertEqual(0, map_size(State5#?STATE.consumers)),
+ % still nothing in the waiting list
+ ?assertEqual(0, length(State5#?STATE.waiting_consumers)),
+ % there is an effect to unregister the consumer + queue inactive effect
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({mod_call, rabbit_quorum_queue,
+ cancel_consumer_handler, _}, Effects4),
+ ok.
+single_active_consumer_cancel_consumer_when_channel_is_down_test(_) ->
+ State0 = init(#{name => ?FUNCTION_NAME,
+ queue_resource => rabbit_misc:r("/", queue,
+ atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME, utf8)),
+ release_cursor_interval => 0,
+ single_active_consumer_on => true}),
+ DummyFunction = fun() -> ok end,
+ Pid1 = spawn(DummyFunction),
+ Pid2 = spawn(DummyFunction),
+ Pid3 = spawn(DummyFunction),
+ [C1, C2, C3, C4] = Consumers =
+ [{<<"ctag1">>, Pid1}, {<<"ctag2">>, Pid2},
+ {<<"ctag3">>, Pid2}, {<<"ctag4">>, Pid3}],
+ % adding some consumers
+ AddConsumer = fun({CTag, ChannelId}, State) ->
+ {NewState, _, _} = apply(
+ #{index => 1},
+ make_checkout({CTag, ChannelId}, {once, 1, simple_prefetch}, #{}),
+ State),
+ NewState
+ end,
+ State1 = lists:foldl(AddConsumer, State0, Consumers),
+ % the channel of the active consumer goes down
+ {State2, _, Effects} = apply(#{index => 2}, {down, Pid1, noproc}, State1),
+ % fell back to another consumer
+ ?assertEqual(1, map_size(State2#?STATE.consumers)),
+ % there are still waiting consumers
+ ?assertEqual(2, length(State2#?STATE.waiting_consumers)),
+ % effects to unregister the consumer and
+ % to update the new active one (metrics) are there
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({mod_call, rabbit_quorum_queue,
+ cancel_consumer_handler, [_, C]}, C == C1, Effects),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({mod_call, rabbit_quorum_queue,
+ update_consumer_handler, _}, Effects),
+ % the channel of the active consumer and a waiting consumer goes down
+ {State3, _, Effects2} = apply(#{index => 3}, {down, Pid2, noproc}, State2),
+ % fell back to another consumer
+ ?assertEqual(1, map_size(State3#?STATE.consumers)),
+ % no more waiting consumer
+ ?assertEqual(0, length(State3#?STATE.waiting_consumers)),
+ % effects to cancel both consumers of this channel + effect to update the new active one (metrics)
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({mod_call, rabbit_quorum_queue,
+ cancel_consumer_handler, [_, C]}, C == C2, Effects2),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({mod_call, rabbit_quorum_queue,
+ cancel_consumer_handler, [_, C]}, C == C3, Effects2),
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({mod_call, rabbit_quorum_queue,
+ update_consumer_handler, _}, Effects2),
+ % the last channel goes down
+ {State4, _, Effects3} = apply(#{index => 4}, {down, Pid3, doesnotmatter}, State3),
+ % no more consumers
+ ?assertEqual(0, map_size(State4#?STATE.consumers)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, length(State4#?STATE.waiting_consumers)),
+ % there is an effect to unregister the consumer + queue inactive effect
+ ?ASSERT_EFF({mod_call, rabbit_quorum_queue,
+ cancel_consumer_handler, [_, C]}, C == C4, Effects3),
+ ok.
+single_active_returns_messages_on_noconnection_test(_) ->
+ R = rabbit_misc:r("/", queue, atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME, utf8)),
+ State0 = init(#{name => ?FUNCTION_NAME,
+ queue_resource => R,
+ release_cursor_interval => 0,
+ single_active_consumer_on => true}),
+ Meta = #{index => 1},
+ Nodes = [n1],
+ ConsumerIds = [{_, DownPid}] =
+ [begin
+ B = atom_to_binary(N, utf8),
+ {<<"ctag_", B/binary>>,
+ test_util:fake_pid(N)}
+ end || N <- Nodes],
+ % adding some consumers
+ State1 = lists:foldl(
+ fun(CId, Acc0) ->
+ {Acc, _, _} =
+ apply(Meta,
+ make_checkout(CId,
+ {once, 1, simple_prefetch}, #{}),
+ Acc0),
+ Acc
+ end, State0, ConsumerIds),
+ {State2, _} = enq(4, 1, msg1, State1),
+ % simulate node goes down
+ {State3, _, _} = apply(meta(5), {down, DownPid, noconnection}, State2),
+ %% assert the consumer is up
+ ?assertMatch([_], lqueue:to_list(State3#?STATE.returns)),
+ ?assertMatch([{_, #consumer{checked_out = Checked}}]
+ when map_size(Checked) == 0,
+ State3#?STATE.waiting_consumers),
+ ok.
+single_active_consumer_replaces_consumer_when_down_noconnection_test(_) ->
+ R = rabbit_misc:r("/", queue, atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME, utf8)),
+ State0 = init(#{name => ?FUNCTION_NAME,
+ queue_resource => R,
+ release_cursor_interval => 0,
+ single_active_consumer_on => true}),
+ Meta = #{index => 1},
+ Nodes = [n1, n2, node()],
+ ConsumerIds = [C1 = {_, DownPid}, C2, _C3] =
+ [begin
+ B = atom_to_binary(N, utf8),
+ {<<"ctag_", B/binary>>,
+ test_util:fake_pid(N)}
+ end || N <- Nodes],
+ % adding some consumers
+ State1a = lists:foldl(
+ fun(CId, Acc0) ->
+ {Acc, _, _} =
+ apply(Meta,
+ make_checkout(CId,
+ {once, 1, simple_prefetch}, #{}),
+ Acc0),
+ Acc
+ end, State0, ConsumerIds),
+ %% assert the consumer is up
+ ?assertMatch(#{C1 := #consumer{status = up}},
+ State1a#?STATE.consumers),
+ {State1, _} = enq(10, 1, msg, State1a),
+ % simulate node goes down
+ {State2, _, _} = apply(meta(5), {down, DownPid, noconnection}, State1),
+ %% assert a new consumer is in place and it is up
+ ?assertMatch([{C2, #consumer{status = up,
+ checked_out = Ch}}]
+ when map_size(Ch) == 1,
+ maps:to_list(State2#?STATE.consumers)),
+ %% the disconnected consumer has been returned to waiting
+ ?assert(lists:any(fun ({C,_}) -> C =:= C1 end,
+ State2#?STATE.waiting_consumers)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, length(State2#?STATE.waiting_consumers)),
+ % simulate node comes back up
+ {State3, _, _} = apply(#{index => 2}, {nodeup, node(DownPid)}, State2),
+ %% the consumer is still active and the same as before
+ ?assertMatch([{C2, #consumer{status = up}}],
+ maps:to_list(State3#?STATE.consumers)),
+ % the waiting consumers should be un-suspected
+ ?assertEqual(2, length(State3#?STATE.waiting_consumers)),
+ lists:foreach(fun({_, #consumer{status = Status}}) ->
+ ?assert(Status /= suspected_down)
+ end, State3#?STATE.waiting_consumers),
+ ok.
+single_active_consumer_all_disconnected_test(_) ->
+ R = rabbit_misc:r("/", queue, atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME, utf8)),
+ State0 = init(#{name => ?FUNCTION_NAME,
+ queue_resource => R,
+ release_cursor_interval => 0,
+ single_active_consumer_on => true}),
+ Meta = #{index => 1},
+ Nodes = [n1, n2],
+ ConsumerIds = [C1 = {_, C1Pid}, C2 = {_, C2Pid}] =
+ [begin
+ B = atom_to_binary(N, utf8),
+ {<<"ctag_", B/binary>>,
+ test_util:fake_pid(N)}
+ end || N <- Nodes],
+ % adding some consumers
+ State1 = lists:foldl(
+ fun(CId, Acc0) ->
+ {Acc, _, _} =
+ apply(Meta,
+ make_checkout(CId,
+ {once, 1, simple_prefetch}, #{}),
+ Acc0),
+ Acc
+ end, State0, ConsumerIds),
+ %% assert the consumer is up
+ ?assertMatch(#{C1 := #consumer{status = up}}, State1#?STATE.consumers),
+ % simulate node goes down
+ {State2, _, _} = apply(meta(5), {down, C1Pid, noconnection}, State1),
+ %% assert the consumer fails over to the consumer on n2
+ ?assertMatch(#{C2 := #consumer{status = up}}, State2#?STATE.consumers),
+ {State3, _, _} = apply(meta(6), {down, C2Pid, noconnection}, State2),
+ %% assert these no active consumer after both nodes are maked as down
+ ?assertMatch([], maps:to_list(State3#?STATE.consumers)),
+ %% n2 comes back
+ {State4, _, _} = apply(meta(7), {nodeup, node(C2Pid)}, State3),
+ %% ensure n2 is the active consumer as this node as been registered
+ %% as up again
+ ?assertMatch([{{<<"ctag_n2">>, _}, #consumer{status = up,
+ credit = 1}}],
+ maps:to_list(State4#?STATE.consumers)),
+ ok.
+single_active_consumer_state_enter_leader_include_waiting_consumers_test(_) ->
+ State0 = init(#{name => ?FUNCTION_NAME,
+ queue_resource =>
+ rabbit_misc:r("/", queue,
+ atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME, utf8)),
+ release_cursor_interval => 0,
+ single_active_consumer_on => true}),
+ DummyFunction = fun() -> ok end,
+ Pid1 = spawn(DummyFunction),
+ Pid2 = spawn(DummyFunction),
+ Pid3 = spawn(DummyFunction),
+ Meta = #{index => 1},
+ % adding some consumers
+ AddConsumer = fun({CTag, ChannelId}, State) ->
+ {NewState, _, _} = apply(
+ Meta,
+ make_checkout({CTag, ChannelId},
+ {once, 1, simple_prefetch}, #{}),
+ State),
+ NewState
+ end,
+ State1 = lists:foldl(AddConsumer, State0,
+ [{<<"ctag1">>, Pid1}, {<<"ctag2">>, Pid2}, {<<"ctag3">>, Pid2}, {<<"ctag4">>, Pid3}]),
+ Effects = rabbit_fifo_v0:state_enter(leader, State1),
+ %% 2 effects for each consumer process (channel process), 1 effect for the node,
+ %% 1 effect for file handle reservation
+ ?assertEqual(2 * 3 + 1 + 1, length(Effects)).
+single_active_consumer_state_enter_eol_include_waiting_consumers_test(_) ->
+ Resource = rabbit_misc:r("/", queue, atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME, utf8)),
+ State0 = init(#{name => ?FUNCTION_NAME,
+ queue_resource => Resource,
+ release_cursor_interval => 0,
+ single_active_consumer_on => true}),
+ DummyFunction = fun() -> ok end,
+ Pid1 = spawn(DummyFunction),
+ Pid2 = spawn(DummyFunction),
+ Pid3 = spawn(DummyFunction),
+ Meta = #{index => 1},
+ % adding some consumers
+ AddConsumer = fun({CTag, ChannelId}, State) ->
+ {NewState, _, _} = apply(
+ Meta,
+ make_checkout({CTag, ChannelId},
+ {once, 1, simple_prefetch}, #{}),
+ State),
+ NewState
+ end,
+ State1 = lists:foldl(AddConsumer, State0,
+ [{<<"ctag1">>, Pid1}, {<<"ctag2">>, Pid2},
+ {<<"ctag3">>, Pid2}, {<<"ctag4">>, Pid3}]),
+ Effects = rabbit_fifo_v0:state_enter(eol, State1),
+ %% 1 effect for each consumer process (channel process),
+ %% 1 effect for file handle reservation
+ ?assertEqual(4, length(Effects)).
+query_consumers_test(_) ->
+ State0 = init(#{name => ?FUNCTION_NAME,
+ queue_resource => rabbit_misc:r("/", queue,
+ atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME, utf8)),
+ release_cursor_interval => 0,
+ single_active_consumer_on => false}),
+ % adding some consumers
+ AddConsumer = fun(CTag, State) ->
+ {NewState, _, _} = apply(
+ #{index => 1},
+ make_checkout({CTag, self()},
+ {once, 1, simple_prefetch}, #{}),
+ State),
+ NewState
+ end,
+ State1 = lists:foldl(AddConsumer, State0, [<<"ctag1">>, <<"ctag2">>, <<"ctag3">>, <<"ctag4">>]),
+ Consumers0 = State1#?STATE.consumers,
+ Consumer = maps:get({<<"ctag2">>, self()}, Consumers0),
+ Consumers1 = maps:put({<<"ctag2">>, self()},
+ Consumer#consumer{status = suspected_down}, Consumers0),
+ State2 = State1#?STATE{consumers = Consumers1},
+ ?assertEqual(4, rabbit_fifo_v0:query_consumer_count(State2)),
+ Consumers2 = rabbit_fifo_v0:query_consumers(State2),
+ ?assertEqual(4, maps:size(Consumers2)),
+ maps:fold(fun(_Key, {Pid, Tag, _, _, Active, ActivityStatus, _, _}, _Acc) ->
+ ?assertEqual(self(), Pid),
+ case Tag of
+ <<"ctag2">> ->
+ ?assertNot(Active),
+ ?assertEqual(suspected_down, ActivityStatus);
+ _ ->
+ ?assert(Active),
+ ?assertEqual(up, ActivityStatus)
+ end
+ end, [], Consumers2).
+query_consumers_when_single_active_consumer_is_on_test(_) ->
+ State0 = init(#{name => ?FUNCTION_NAME,
+ queue_resource => rabbit_misc:r("/", queue,
+ atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME, utf8)),
+ release_cursor_interval => 0,
+ single_active_consumer_on => true}),
+ Meta = #{index => 1},
+ % adding some consumers
+ AddConsumer = fun(CTag, State) ->
+ {NewState, _, _} = apply(
+ Meta,
+ make_checkout({CTag, self()},
+ {once, 1, simple_prefetch}, #{}),
+ State),
+ NewState
+ end,
+ State1 = lists:foldl(AddConsumer, State0, [<<"ctag1">>, <<"ctag2">>, <<"ctag3">>, <<"ctag4">>]),
+ ?assertEqual(4, rabbit_fifo_v0:query_consumer_count(State1)),
+ Consumers = rabbit_fifo_v0:query_consumers(State1),
+ ?assertEqual(4, maps:size(Consumers)),
+ maps:fold(fun(_Key, {Pid, Tag, _, _, Active, ActivityStatus, _, _}, _Acc) ->
+ ?assertEqual(self(), Pid),
+ case Tag of
+ <<"ctag1">> ->
+ ?assert(Active),
+ ?assertEqual(single_active, ActivityStatus);
+ _ ->
+ ?assertNot(Active),
+ ?assertEqual(waiting, ActivityStatus)
+ end
+ end, [], Consumers).
+active_flag_updated_when_consumer_suspected_unsuspected_test(_) ->
+ State0 = init(#{name => ?FUNCTION_NAME,
+ queue_resource => rabbit_misc:r("/", queue,
+ atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME, utf8)),
+ release_cursor_interval => 0,
+ single_active_consumer_on => false}),
+ DummyFunction = fun() -> ok end,
+ Pid1 = spawn(DummyFunction),
+ Pid2 = spawn(DummyFunction),
+ Pid3 = spawn(DummyFunction),
+ % adding some consumers
+ AddConsumer = fun({CTag, ChannelId}, State) ->
+ {NewState, _, _} =
+ apply(
+ #{index => 1},
+ rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout({CTag, ChannelId},
+ {once, 1, simple_prefetch},
+ #{}),
+ State),
+ NewState
+ end,
+ State1 = lists:foldl(AddConsumer, State0,
+ [{<<"ctag1">>, Pid1}, {<<"ctag2">>, Pid2}, {<<"ctag3">>, Pid2}, {<<"ctag4">>, Pid3}]),
+ {State2, _, Effects2} = apply(#{index => 3}, {down, Pid1, noconnection}, State1),
+ % 1 effect to update the metrics of each consumer (they belong to the same node), 1 more effect to monitor the node
+ ?assertEqual(4 + 1, length(Effects2)),
+ {_, _, Effects3} = apply(#{index => 4}, {nodeup, node(self())}, State2),
+ % for each consumer: 1 effect to update the metrics, 1 effect to monitor the consumer PID
+ ?assertEqual(4 + 4, length(Effects3)).
+active_flag_not_updated_when_consumer_suspected_unsuspected_and_single_active_consumer_is_on_test(_) ->
+ State0 = init(#{name => ?FUNCTION_NAME,
+ queue_resource => rabbit_misc:r("/", queue,
+ atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME, utf8)),
+ release_cursor_interval => 0,
+ single_active_consumer_on => true}),
+ DummyFunction = fun() -> ok end,
+ Pid1 = spawn(DummyFunction),
+ Pid2 = spawn(DummyFunction),
+ Pid3 = spawn(DummyFunction),
+ % adding some consumers
+ AddConsumer = fun({CTag, ChannelId}, State) ->
+ {NewState, _, _} = apply(
+ #{index => 1},
+ make_checkout({CTag, ChannelId},
+ {once, 1, simple_prefetch}, #{}),
+ State),
+ NewState
+ end,
+ State1 = lists:foldl(AddConsumer, State0,
+ [{<<"ctag1">>, Pid1}, {<<"ctag2">>, Pid2},
+ {<<"ctag3">>, Pid2}, {<<"ctag4">>, Pid3}]),
+ {State2, _, Effects2} = apply(#{index => 2}, {down, Pid1, noconnection}, State1),
+ % one monitor and one consumer status update (deactivated)
+ ?assertEqual(3, length(Effects2)),
+ {_, _, Effects3} = apply(#{index => 3}, {nodeup, node(self())}, State2),
+ % for each consumer: 1 effect to monitor the consumer PID
+ ?assertEqual(5, length(Effects3)).
+single_active_cancelled_with_unacked_test(_) ->
+ State0 = init(#{name => ?FUNCTION_NAME,
+ queue_resource => rabbit_misc:r("/", queue,
+ atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME, utf8)),
+ release_cursor_interval => 0,
+ single_active_consumer_on => true}),
+ C1 = {<<"ctag1">>, self()},
+ C2 = {<<"ctag2">>, self()},
+ % adding some consumers
+ AddConsumer = fun(C, S0) ->
+ {S, _, _} = apply(
+ meta(1),
+ make_checkout(C,
+ {auto, 1, simple_prefetch},
+ #{}),
+ S0),
+ S
+ end,
+ State1 = lists:foldl(AddConsumer, State0, [C1, C2]),
+ %% enqueue 2 messages
+ {State2, _Effects2} = enq(3, 1, msg1, State1),
+ {State3, _Effects3} = enq(4, 2, msg2, State2),
+ %% one should be checked ou to C1
+ %% cancel C1
+ {State4, _, _} = apply(meta(5),
+ make_checkout(C1, cancel, #{}),
+ State3),
+ %% C2 should be the active consumer
+ ?assertMatch(#{C2 := #consumer{status = up,
+ checked_out = #{0 := _}}},
+ State4#?STATE.consumers),
+ %% C1 should be a cancelled consumer
+ ?assertMatch(#{C1 := #consumer{status = cancelled,
+ lifetime = once,
+ checked_out = #{0 := _}}},
+ State4#?STATE.consumers),
+ ?assertMatch([], State4#?STATE.waiting_consumers),
+ %% Ack both messages
+ {State5, _Effects5} = settle(C1, 1, 0, State4),
+ %% C1 should now be cancelled
+ {State6, _Effects6} = settle(C2, 2, 0, State5),
+ %% C2 should remain
+ ?assertMatch(#{C2 := #consumer{status = up}},
+ State6#?STATE.consumers),
+ %% C1 should be gone
+ ?assertNotMatch(#{C1 := _},
+ State6#?STATE.consumers),
+ ?assertMatch([], State6#?STATE.waiting_consumers),
+ ok.
+single_active_with_credited_test(_) ->
+ State0 = init(#{name => ?FUNCTION_NAME,
+ queue_resource => rabbit_misc:r("/", queue,
+ atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME, utf8)),
+ release_cursor_interval => 0,
+ single_active_consumer_on => true}),
+ C1 = {<<"ctag1">>, self()},
+ C2 = {<<"ctag2">>, self()},
+ % adding some consumers
+ AddConsumer = fun(C, S0) ->
+ {S, _, _} = apply(
+ meta(1),
+ make_checkout(C,
+ {auto, 0, credited},
+ #{}),
+ S0),
+ S
+ end,
+ State1 = lists:foldl(AddConsumer, State0, [C1, C2]),
+ %% add some credit
+ C1Cred = rabbit_fifo_v0:make_credit(C1, 5, 0, false),
+ {State2, _, _Effects2} = apply(meta(3), C1Cred, State1),
+ C2Cred = rabbit_fifo_v0:make_credit(C2, 4, 0, false),
+ {State3, _} = apply(meta(4), C2Cred, State2),
+ %% both consumers should have credit
+ ?assertMatch(#{C1 := #consumer{credit = 5}},
+ State3#?STATE.consumers),
+ ?assertMatch([{C2, #consumer{credit = 4}}],
+ State3#?STATE.waiting_consumers),
+ ok.
+purge_nodes_test(_) ->
+ Node = purged@node,
+ ThisNode = node(),
+ EnqPid = test_util:fake_pid(Node),
+ EnqPid2 = test_util:fake_pid(node()),
+ ConPid = test_util:fake_pid(Node),
+ Cid = {<<"tag">>, ConPid},
+ % WaitingPid = test_util:fake_pid(Node),
+ State0 = init(#{name => ?FUNCTION_NAME,
+ queue_resource => rabbit_misc:r("/", queue,
+ atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME, utf8)),
+ single_active_consumer_on => false}),
+ {State1, _, _} = apply(meta(1),
+ rabbit_fifo_v0:make_enqueue(EnqPid, 1, msg1),
+ State0),
+ {State2, _, _} = apply(meta(2),
+ rabbit_fifo_v0:make_enqueue(EnqPid2, 1, msg2),
+ State1),
+ {State3, _} = check(Cid, 3, 1000, State2),
+ {State4, _, _} = apply(meta(4),
+ {down, EnqPid, noconnection},
+ State3),
+ ?assertMatch(
+ [{mod_call, rabbit_quorum_queue, handle_tick,
+ [#resource{}, _Metrics,
+ [ThisNode, Node]
+ ]}] , rabbit_fifo_v0:tick(1, State4)),
+ %% assert there are both enqueuers and consumers
+ {State, _, _} = apply(meta(5),
+ rabbit_fifo_v0:make_purge_nodes([Node]),
+ State4),
+ %% assert there are no enqueuers nor consumers
+ ?assertMatch(#?STATE{enqueuers = Enqs} when map_size(Enqs) == 1, State),
+ ?assertMatch(#?STATE{consumers = Cons} when map_size(Cons) == 0, State),
+ ?assertMatch(
+ [{mod_call, rabbit_quorum_queue, handle_tick,
+ [#resource{}, _Metrics,
+ [ThisNode]
+ ]}] , rabbit_fifo_v0:tick(1, State)),
+ ok.
+meta(Idx) ->
+ #{index => Idx, term => 1,
+ from => {make_ref(), self()}}.
+enq(Idx, MsgSeq, Msg, State) ->
+ strip_reply(
+ apply(meta(Idx), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_enqueue(self(), MsgSeq, Msg), State)).
+deq(Idx, Cid, Settlement, State0) ->
+ {State, {dequeue, {MsgId, Msg}, _}, _} =
+ apply(meta(Idx),
+ rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {dequeue, Settlement}, #{}),
+ State0),
+ {State, {MsgId, Msg}}.
+check_n(Cid, Idx, N, State) ->
+ strip_reply(
+ apply(meta(Idx),
+ rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {auto, N, simple_prefetch}, #{}),
+ State)).
+check(Cid, Idx, State) ->
+ strip_reply(
+ apply(meta(Idx),
+ rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {once, 1, simple_prefetch}, #{}),
+ State)).
+check_auto(Cid, Idx, State) ->
+ strip_reply(
+ apply(meta(Idx),
+ rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {auto, 1, simple_prefetch}, #{}),
+ State)).
+check(Cid, Idx, Num, State) ->
+ strip_reply(
+ apply(meta(Idx),
+ rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(Cid, {auto, Num, simple_prefetch}, #{}),
+ State)).
+settle(Cid, Idx, MsgId, State) ->
+ strip_reply(apply(meta(Idx), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_settle(Cid, [MsgId]), State)).
+credit(Cid, Idx, Credit, DelCnt, Drain, State) ->
+ strip_reply(apply(meta(Idx), rabbit_fifo_v0:make_credit(Cid, Credit, DelCnt, Drain),
+ State)).
+strip_reply({State, _, Effects}) ->
+ {State, Effects}.
+run_log(InitState, Entries) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun ({Idx, E}, {Acc0, Efx0}) ->
+ case apply(meta(Idx), E, Acc0) of
+ {Acc, _, Efx} when is_list(Efx) ->
+ {Acc, Efx0 ++ Efx};
+ {Acc, _, Efx} ->
+ {Acc, Efx0 ++ [Efx]};
+ {Acc, _} ->
+ {Acc, Efx0}
+ end
+ end, {InitState, []}, Entries).
+%% AUX Tests
+aux_test(_) ->
+ _ = ra_machine_ets:start_link(),
+ Aux0 = init_aux(aux_test),
+ MacState = init(#{name => aux_test,
+ queue_resource =>
+ rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, <<"test">>)}),
+ ok = meck:new(ra_log, []),
+ Log = mock_log,
+ meck:expect(ra_log, last_index_term, fun (_) -> {0, 0} end),
+ {no_reply, Aux, mock_log} = handle_aux(leader, cast, active, Aux0,
+ Log, MacState),
+ {no_reply, _Aux, mock_log} = handle_aux(leader, cast, tick, Aux,
+ Log, MacState),
+ [X] = ets:lookup(rabbit_fifo_usage, aux_test),
+ meck:unload(),
+ ?assert(X > 0.0),
+ ok.
+%% Utility
+init(Conf) -> rabbit_fifo_v0:init(Conf).
+apply(Meta, Entry, State) -> rabbit_fifo_v0:apply(Meta, Entry, State).
+init_aux(Conf) -> rabbit_fifo_v0:init_aux(Conf).
+handle_aux(S, T, C, A, L, M) -> rabbit_fifo_v0:handle_aux(S, T, C, A, L, M).
+make_checkout(C, S, M) -> rabbit_fifo_v0:make_checkout(C, S, M).