path: root/deps/rabbit/test/temp/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbit/test/temp/')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/test/temp/ b/deps/rabbit/test/temp/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6698b88b7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit/test/temp/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# Tests for the SLA patch which adds the head_message_timestamp queue stat.
+# Uses both the management interface via rabbitmqadmin and the AMQP interface via Pika.
+# There's no particular reason to have used rabbitmqadmin other than saving some bulk.
+# Similarly, the separate declaration of exchanges and queues is just a preference
+# following a typical enterprise policy where admin users create these resources.
+from datetime import datetime
+import json
+import pika
+import os
+import sys
+from time import clock, mktime, sleep
+import unittest
+# Uses the rabbitmqadmin script.
+# To be imported this must be given a .py suffix and placed on the Python path
+from rabbitmqadmin import *
+TEXCH = 'head-message-timestamp-test'
+TQUEUE = 'head-message-timestamp-test-queue'
+TIMESTAMP1 = mktime(datetime(2010,1,1,12,00,01).timetuple())
+TIMESTAMP2 = mktime(datetime(2010,1,1,12,00,02).timetuple())
+DURABLE = False
+def log(msg):
+ print("\nINFO: " + msg)
+class RabbitTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ parser.set_conflict_handler('resolve')
+ (options, args) = make_configuration()
+ AMQP_PORT = int(options.port) - 10000
+ self.mgmt = Management(options, args)
+ self.mgmt.put('/exchanges/%2f/' + TEXCH, '{"type" : "fanout", "durable":' + str(DURABLE).lower() + '}')
+ self.mgmt.put('/queues/%2f/' + TQUEUE, '{"auto_delete":false,"durable":' + str(DURABLE).lower() + ',"arguments":[]}')
+'/bindings/%2f/e/' + TEXCH + '/q/' + TQUEUE, '{"routing_key": ".*", "arguments":[]}')
+ self.credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(options.username, options.password)
+ parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(options.hostname, port=AMQP_PORT, credentials=self.credentials)
+ self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
+ =
+ def tearDown(self):
+ parser.set_conflict_handler('resolve')
+ (options, args) = make_configuration()
+ self.mgmt = Management(options, args)
+ self.mgmt.delete('/queues/%2f/' + TQUEUE)
+ self.mgmt.delete('/exchanges/%2f/' + TEXCH)
+class RabbitSlaTestCase(RabbitTestCase):
+ def get_queue_stats(self, queue_name):
+ stats_str = self.mgmt.get('/queues/%2f/' + queue_name)
+ return json.loads(stats_str)
+ def get_head_message_timestamp(self, queue_name):
+ return self.get_queue_stats(queue_name)["head_message_timestamp"]
+ def send(self, message, timestamp=None):
+, '', message,
+ pika.BasicProperties(content_type='text/plain',
+ delivery_mode=DELIVERY_MODE,
+ timestamp=timestamp))
+ log("Sent message with body: " + str(message))
+ def receive(self, queue):
+ method_frame, header_frame, body = = queue)
+ log("Received message with body: " + str(body))
+ return method_frame.delivery_tag, body
+ def ack(self, delivery_tag):
+ def nack(self, delivery_tag):
+ def wait_for_new_timestamp(self, queue, old_timestamp):
+ stats_wait_start = clock()
+ while ((clock() - stats_wait_start) < TIMEOUT_SECS and
+ self.get_head_message_timestamp(queue) == old_timestamp):
+ sleep(0.1)
+ log('Queue stats updated in ' + str(clock() - stats_wait_start) + ' secs.')
+ return self.get_head_message_timestamp(queue)
+ def test_no_timestamp_when_queue_is_empty(self):
+ assert self.get_head_message_timestamp(TQUEUE) == ''
+ def test_has_timestamp_when_first_msg_is_added(self):
+ self.send('Msg1', TIMESTAMP1)
+ stats_timestamp = self.wait_for_new_timestamp(TQUEUE, '')
+ assert stats_timestamp == TIMESTAMP1
+ def test_no_timestamp_when_last_msg_is_removed(self):
+ self.send('Msg1', TIMESTAMP1)
+ stats_timestamp = self.wait_for_new_timestamp(TQUEUE, '')
+ tag, body = self.receive(TQUEUE)
+ self.ack(tag)
+ stats_timestamp = self.wait_for_new_timestamp(TQUEUE, TIMESTAMP1)
+ assert stats_timestamp == ''
+ def test_timestamp_updated_when_msg_is_removed(self):
+ self.send('Msg1', TIMESTAMP1)
+ stats_timestamp = self.wait_for_new_timestamp(TQUEUE, '')
+ self.send('Msg2', TIMESTAMP2)
+ tag, body = self.receive(TQUEUE)
+ self.ack(tag)
+ stats_timestamp = self.wait_for_new_timestamp(TQUEUE, TIMESTAMP1)
+ assert stats_timestamp == TIMESTAMP2
+ def test_timestamp_not_updated_before_msg_is_acked(self):
+ self.send('Msg1', TIMESTAMP1)
+ stats_timestamp = self.wait_for_new_timestamp(TQUEUE, '')
+ tag, body = self.receive(TQUEUE)
+ sleep(1) # Allow time for update to appear if it was going to (it shouldn't)
+ assert self.get_head_message_timestamp(TQUEUE) == TIMESTAMP1
+ self.ack(tag)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main(verbosity = 2)