path: root/deps/rabbit/test/unit_config_value_encryption_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbit/test/unit_config_value_encryption_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/test/unit_config_value_encryption_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbit/test/unit_config_value_encryption_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7536005797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit/test/unit_config_value_encryption_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2011-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+all() ->
+ [
+ {group, sequential_tests}
+ ].
+groups() ->
+ [
+ {sequential_tests, [], [
+ decrypt_start_app,
+ decrypt_start_app_file,
+ decrypt_start_app_undefined,
+ decrypt_start_app_wrong_passphrase,
+ decrypt_config,
+ rabbitmqctl_encode
+ ]}
+ ].
+init_per_testcase(TC, Config) when TC =:= decrypt_start_app;
+ TC =:= decrypt_start_app_file;
+ TC =:= decrypt_start_app_undefined;
+ TC =:= decrypt_start_app_wrong_passphrase ->
+ application:set_env(rabbit, feature_flags_file, "", [{persistent, true}]),
+ Config;
+init_per_testcase(_Testcase, Config) ->
+ Config.
+end_per_testcase(_TC, _Config) ->
+ ok.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Test Cases
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+decrypt_config(_Config) ->
+ %% Take all available block ciphers.
+ Hashes = rabbit_pbe:supported_hashes(),
+ Ciphers = rabbit_pbe:supported_ciphers(),
+ Iterations = [1, 10, 100, 1000],
+ %% Loop through all hashes, ciphers and iterations.
+ _ = [begin
+ PassPhrase = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(16),
+ do_decrypt_config({C, H, I, PassPhrase})
+ end || H <- Hashes, C <- Ciphers, I <- Iterations],
+ ok.
+do_decrypt_config(Algo = {C, H, I, P}) ->
+ ok = application:load(rabbit),
+ RabbitConfig = application:get_all_env(rabbit),
+ %% Encrypt a few values in configuration.
+ %% Common cases.
+ _ = [encrypt_value(Key, Algo) || Key <- [
+ tcp_listeners,
+ num_tcp_acceptors,
+ ssl_options,
+ vm_memory_high_watermark,
+ default_pass,
+ default_permissions,
+ cluster_nodes,
+ auth_mechanisms,
+ msg_store_credit_disc_bound]],
+ %% Special case: encrypt a value in a list.
+ {ok, [LoopbackUser]} = application:get_env(rabbit, loopback_users),
+ {encrypted, EncLoopbackUser} = rabbit_pbe:encrypt_term(C, H, I, P, LoopbackUser),
+ application:set_env(rabbit, loopback_users, [{encrypted, EncLoopbackUser}]),
+ %% Special case: encrypt a value in a key/value list.
+ {ok, TCPOpts} = application:get_env(rabbit, tcp_listen_options),
+ {_, Backlog} = lists:keyfind(backlog, 1, TCPOpts),
+ {_, Linger} = lists:keyfind(linger, 1, TCPOpts),
+ {encrypted, EncBacklog} = rabbit_pbe:encrypt_term(C, H, I, P, Backlog),
+ {encrypted, EncLinger} = rabbit_pbe:encrypt_term(C, H, I, P, Linger),
+ TCPOpts1 = lists:keyreplace(backlog, 1, TCPOpts, {backlog, {encrypted, EncBacklog}}),
+ TCPOpts2 = lists:keyreplace(linger, 1, TCPOpts1, {linger, {encrypted, EncLinger}}),
+ application:set_env(rabbit, tcp_listen_options, TCPOpts2),
+ %% Decrypt configuration.
+ rabbit_prelaunch_conf:decrypt_config([rabbit], Algo),
+ %% Check that configuration was decrypted properly.
+ RabbitConfig = application:get_all_env(rabbit),
+ ok = application:unload(rabbit),
+ ok.
+encrypt_value(Key, {C, H, I, P}) ->
+ {ok, Value} = application:get_env(rabbit, Key),
+ {encrypted, EncValue} = rabbit_pbe:encrypt_term(C, H, I, P, Value),
+ application:set_env(rabbit, Key, {encrypted, EncValue}).
+decrypt_start_app(Config) ->
+ do_decrypt_start_app(Config, "hello").
+decrypt_start_app_file(Config) ->
+ do_decrypt_start_app(Config, {file, ?config(data_dir, Config) ++ "/rabbit_shovel_test.passphrase"}).
+do_decrypt_start_app(Config, Passphrase) ->
+ %% Configure rabbit for decrypting configuration.
+ application:set_env(rabbit, config_entry_decoder, [
+ {cipher, aes_cbc256},
+ {hash, sha512},
+ {iterations, 1000},
+ {passphrase, Passphrase}
+ ], [{persistent, true}]),
+ %% Add the path to our test application.
+ code:add_path(?config(data_dir, Config) ++ "/lib/rabbit_shovel_test/ebin"),
+ %% Attempt to start our test application.
+ %%
+ %% We expect a failure *after* the decrypting has been done.
+ try
+ rabbit:start_apps([rabbit_shovel_test], #{rabbit => temporary})
+ catch _:_ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ %% Check if the values have been decrypted.
+ {ok, Shovels} = application:get_env(rabbit_shovel_test, shovels),
+ {_, FirstShovel} = lists:keyfind(my_first_shovel, 1, Shovels),
+ {_, Sources} = lists:keyfind(sources, 1, FirstShovel),
+ {_, Brokers} = lists:keyfind(brokers, 1, Sources),
+ ["amqp://fred:secret@host1.domain/my_vhost",
+ "amqp://john:secret@host2.domain/my_vhost"] = Brokers,
+ ok.
+decrypt_start_app_undefined(Config) ->
+ %% Configure rabbit for decrypting configuration.
+ application:set_env(rabbit, config_entry_decoder, [
+ {cipher, aes_cbc256},
+ {hash, sha512},
+ {iterations, 1000}
+ %% No passphrase option!
+ ], [{persistent, true}]),
+ %% Add the path to our test application.
+ code:add_path(?config(data_dir, Config) ++ "/lib/rabbit_shovel_test/ebin"),
+ %% Attempt to start our test application.
+ %%
+ %% We expect a failure during decryption because the passphrase is missing.
+ try
+ rabbit:start_apps([rabbit_shovel_test], #{rabbit => temporary})
+ catch
+ throw:{bad_config_entry_decoder, missing_passphrase} -> ok;
+ _:Exception -> exit({unexpected_exception, Exception})
+ end.
+decrypt_start_app_wrong_passphrase(Config) ->
+ %% Configure rabbit for decrypting configuration.
+ application:set_env(rabbit, config_entry_decoder, [
+ {cipher, aes_cbc256},
+ {hash, sha512},
+ {iterations, 1000},
+ {passphrase, "wrong passphrase"}
+ ], [{persistent, true}]),
+ %% Add the path to our test application.
+ code:add_path(?config(data_dir, Config) ++ "/lib/rabbit_shovel_test/ebin"),
+ %% Attempt to start our test application.
+ %%
+ %% We expect a failure during decryption because the passphrase is wrong.
+ try
+ rabbit:start_apps([rabbit_shovel_test], #{rabbit => temporary})
+ catch
+ throw:{config_decryption_error, _, _} -> ok;
+ _:Exception -> exit({unexpected_exception, Exception})
+ end.
+rabbitmqctl_encode(_Config) ->
+ % list ciphers and hashes
+ {ok, _} = rabbit_control_pbe:list_ciphers(),
+ {ok, _} = rabbit_control_pbe:list_hashes(),
+ % incorrect ciphers, hashes and iteration number
+ {error, _} = rabbit_control_pbe:encode(funny_cipher, undefined, undefined, undefined),
+ {error, _} = rabbit_control_pbe:encode(undefined, funny_hash, undefined, undefined),
+ {error, _} = rabbit_control_pbe:encode(undefined, undefined, -1, undefined),
+ {error, _} = rabbit_control_pbe:encode(undefined, undefined, 0, undefined),
+ % incorrect number of arguments
+ {error, _} = rabbit_control_pbe:encode(
+ rabbit_pbe:default_cipher(), rabbit_pbe:default_hash(), rabbit_pbe:default_iterations(),
+ []
+ ),
+ {error, _} = rabbit_control_pbe:encode(
+ rabbit_pbe:default_cipher(), rabbit_pbe:default_hash(), rabbit_pbe:default_iterations(),
+ [undefined]
+ ),
+ {error, _} = rabbit_control_pbe:encode(
+ rabbit_pbe:default_cipher(), rabbit_pbe:default_hash(), rabbit_pbe:default_iterations(),
+ [undefined, undefined, undefined]
+ ),
+ % encrypt/decrypt
+ % string
+ rabbitmqctl_encode_encrypt_decrypt("foobar"),
+ % binary
+ rabbitmqctl_encode_encrypt_decrypt("<<\"foobar\">>"),
+ % tuple
+ rabbitmqctl_encode_encrypt_decrypt("{password,<<\"secret\">>}"),
+ ok.
+rabbitmqctl_encode_encrypt_decrypt(Secret) ->
+ PassPhrase = "passphrase",
+ {ok, Output} = rabbit_control_pbe:encode(
+ rabbit_pbe:default_cipher(), rabbit_pbe:default_hash(), rabbit_pbe:default_iterations(),
+ [Secret, PassPhrase]
+ ),
+ {encrypted, Encrypted} = rabbit_control_pbe:evaluate_input_as_term(lists:flatten(Output)),
+ {ok, Result} = rabbit_control_pbe:decode(
+ rabbit_pbe:default_cipher(), rabbit_pbe:default_hash(), rabbit_pbe:default_iterations(),
+ [lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Encrypted])), PassPhrase]
+ ),
+ Secret = lists:flatten(Result),
+ % decrypt with {encrypted, ...} form as input
+ {ok, Result} = rabbit_control_pbe:decode(
+ rabbit_pbe:default_cipher(), rabbit_pbe:default_hash(), rabbit_pbe:default_iterations(),
+ [lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [{encrypted, Encrypted}])), PassPhrase]
+ ),
+ % wrong passphrase
+ {error, _} = rabbit_control_pbe:decode(
+ rabbit_pbe:default_cipher(), rabbit_pbe:default_hash(), rabbit_pbe:default_iterations(),
+ [lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Encrypted])), PassPhrase ++ " "]
+ ),
+ {error, _} = rabbit_control_pbe:decode(
+ rabbit_pbe:default_cipher(), rabbit_pbe:default_hash(), rabbit_pbe:default_iterations(),
+ [lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [{encrypted, Encrypted}])), PassPhrase ++ " "]
+ ).