path: root/deps/rabbit_common/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbit_common/')
1 files changed, 582 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit_common/ b/deps/rabbit_common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..2e7bad69e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit_common/
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+## This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+## License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+## file, You can obtain one at
+## Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+from __future__ import nested_scopes
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+from amqp_codegen import *
+import string
+import re
+# Coming up with a proper encoding of AMQP tables in JSON is too much
+# hassle at this stage. Given that the only default value we are
+# interested in is for the empty table, we only support that.
+def convertTable(d):
+ if len(d) == 0:
+ return "[]"
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Non-empty table defaults not supported ' + d)
+erlangDefaultValueTypeConvMap = {
+ bool : lambda x: str(x).lower(),
+ int : lambda x: str(x),
+ float : lambda x: str(x),
+ dict: convertTable
+ _checkIfPython2 = unicode
+ erlangDefaultValueTypeConvMap[str] = lambda x: "<<\"" + x + "\">>"
+ erlangDefaultValueTypeConvMap[unicode] = lambda x: "<<\"" + x.encode("utf-8") + "\">>"
+except NameError:
+ erlangDefaultValueTypeConvMap[bytes] = lambda x: "<<\"" + x + "\">>"
+ erlangDefaultValueTypeConvMap[str] = lambda x: "<<\"" + x + "\">>"
+def erlangize(s):
+ s = s.replace('-', '_')
+ s = s.replace(' ', '_')
+ return s
+AmqpMethod.erlangName = lambda m: "'" + erlangize( + '.' + erlangize( + "'"
+AmqpClass.erlangName = lambda c: "'" + erlangize( + "'"
+def erlangConstantName(s):
+ return '_'.join(re.split('[- ]', s.upper()))
+class PackedMethodBitField:
+ def __init__(self, index):
+ self.index = index
+ self.domain = 'bit'
+ self.contents = []
+ def extend(self, f):
+ self.contents.append(f)
+ def count(self):
+ return len(self.contents)
+ def full(self):
+ return self.count() == 8
+def multiLineFormat(things, prologue, separator, lineSeparator, epilogue, thingsPerLine = 4):
+ r = [prologue]
+ i = 0
+ for t in things:
+ if i != 0:
+ if i % thingsPerLine == 0:
+ r += [lineSeparator]
+ else:
+ r += [separator]
+ r += [t]
+ i += 1
+ r += [epilogue]
+ return "".join(r)
+def prettyType(typeName, subTypes, typesPerLine = 4):
+ """Pretty print a type signature made up of many alternative subtypes"""
+ sTs = multiLineFormat(subTypes,
+ "( ", " | ", "\n | ", " )",
+ thingsPerLine = typesPerLine)
+ return "-type %s ::\n %s." % (typeName, sTs)
+def printFileHeader():
+ print("""%% Autogenerated code. Do not edit.
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+def genErl(spec):
+ def erlType(domain):
+ return erlangize(spec.resolveDomain(domain))
+ def fieldTypeList(fields):
+ return '[' + ', '.join([erlType(f.domain) for f in fields]) + ']'
+ def fieldNameList(fields):
+ return '[' + ', '.join([erlangize( for f in fields]) + ']'
+ def fieldTempList(fields):
+ return '[' + ', '.join(['F' + str(f.index) for f in fields]) + ']'
+ def fieldMapList(fields):
+ return ', '.join([erlangize( + " = F" + str(f.index) for f in fields])
+ def genLookupMethodName(m):
+ print("lookup_method_name({%d, %d}) -> %s;" % (m.klass.index, m.index, m.erlangName()))
+ def genLookupClassName(c):
+ print("lookup_class_name(%d) -> %s;" % (c.index, c.erlangName()))
+ def genMethodId(m):
+ print("method_id(%s) -> {%d, %d};" % (m.erlangName(), m.klass.index, m.index))
+ def genMethodHasContent(m):
+ print("method_has_content(%s) -> %s;" % (m.erlangName(), str(m.hasContent).lower()))
+ def genMethodIsSynchronous(m):
+ hasNoWait = "nowait" in fieldNameList(m.arguments)
+ if m.isSynchronous and hasNoWait:
+ print("is_method_synchronous(#%s{nowait = NoWait}) -> not(NoWait);" % (m.erlangName()))
+ else:
+ print("is_method_synchronous(#%s{}) -> %s;" % (m.erlangName(), str(m.isSynchronous).lower()))
+ def genMethodFieldTypes(m):
+ """Not currently used - may be useful in future?"""
+ print("method_fieldtypes(%s) -> %s;" % (m.erlangName(), fieldTypeList(m.arguments)))
+ def genMethodFieldNames(m):
+ print("method_fieldnames(%s) -> %s;" % (m.erlangName(), fieldNameList(m.arguments)))
+ def packMethodFields(fields):
+ packed = []
+ bitfield = None
+ for f in fields:
+ if erlType(f.domain) == 'bit':
+ if not(bitfield) or bitfield.full():
+ bitfield = PackedMethodBitField(f.index)
+ packed.append(bitfield)
+ bitfield.extend(f)
+ else:
+ bitfield = None
+ packed.append(f)
+ return packed
+ def methodFieldFragment(f):
+ type = erlType(f.domain)
+ p = 'F' + str(f.index)
+ if type == 'shortstr':
+ return p+'Len:8/unsigned, '+p+':'+p+'Len/binary'
+ elif type == 'longstr':
+ return p+'Len:32/unsigned, '+p+':'+p+'Len/binary'
+ elif type == 'octet':
+ return p+':8/unsigned'
+ elif type == 'short':
+ return p+':16/unsigned'
+ elif type == 'long':
+ return p+':32/unsigned'
+ elif type == 'longlong':
+ return p+':64/unsigned'
+ elif type == 'timestamp':
+ return p+':64/unsigned'
+ elif type == 'bit':
+ return p+'Bits:8'
+ elif type == 'table':
+ return p+'Len:32/unsigned, '+p+'Tab:'+p+'Len/binary'
+ def genFieldPostprocessing(packed, hasContent):
+ for f in packed:
+ type = erlType(f.domain)
+ if type == 'bit':
+ for index in range(f.count()):
+ print(" F%d = ((F%dBits band %d) /= 0)," % \
+ (f.index + index,
+ f.index,
+ 1 << index))
+ elif type == 'table':
+ print(" F%d = rabbit_binary_parser:parse_table(F%dTab)," % \
+ (f.index, f.index))
+ # We skip the check on content-bearing methods for
+ # speed. This is a sanity check, not a security thing.
+ elif type == 'shortstr' and not hasContent:
+ print(" rabbit_binary_parser:assert_utf8(F%d)," % (f.index))
+ else:
+ pass
+ def genMethodRecord(m):
+ print("method_record(%s) -> #%s{};" % (m.erlangName(), m.erlangName()))
+ def genDecodeMethodFields(m):
+ packedFields = packMethodFields(m.arguments)
+ binaryPattern = ', '.join([methodFieldFragment(f) for f in packedFields])
+ if binaryPattern:
+ restSeparator = ', '
+ else:
+ restSeparator = ''
+ recordConstructorExpr = '#%s{%s}' % (m.erlangName(), fieldMapList(m.arguments))
+ print("decode_method_fields(%s, <<%s>>) ->" % (m.erlangName(), binaryPattern))
+ genFieldPostprocessing(packedFields, m.hasContent)
+ print(" %s;" % (recordConstructorExpr,))
+ def genDecodeProperties(c):
+ def presentBin(fields):
+ ps = ', '.join(['P' + str(f.index) + ':1' for f in fields])
+ return '<<' + ps + ', _:%d, R0/binary>>' % (16 - len(fields),)
+ def writePropFieldLine(field):
+ i = str(field.index)
+ if field.domain == 'bit':
+ print(" {F%s, R%s} = {P%s =/= 0, R%s}," % \
+ (i, str(field.index + 1), i, i))
+ else:
+ print(" {F%s, R%s} = if P%s =:= 0 -> {undefined, R%s}; true -> ?%s_VAL(R%s, L%s, V%s, X%s) end," % \
+ (i, str(field.index + 1), i, i, erlType(field.domain).upper(), i, i, i, i))
+ if len(c.fields) == 0:
+ print("decode_properties(%d, <<>>) ->" % (c.index,))
+ else:
+ print(("decode_properties(%d, %s) ->" %
+ (c.index, presentBin(c.fields))))
+ for field in c.fields:
+ writePropFieldLine(field)
+ print(" <<>> = %s," % ('R' + str(len(c.fields))))
+ print(" #'P_%s'{%s};" % (erlangize(, fieldMapList(c.fields)))
+ def genFieldPreprocessing(packed):
+ for f in packed:
+ type = erlType(f.domain)
+ if type == 'bit':
+ print(" F%dBits = (%s)," % \
+ (f.index,
+ ' bor '.join(['(bitvalue(F%d) bsl %d)' % (x.index, x.index - f.index)
+ for x in f.contents])))
+ elif type == 'table':
+ print(" F%dTab = rabbit_binary_generator:generate_table(F%d)," % (f.index, f.index))
+ print(" F%dLen = size(F%dTab)," % (f.index, f.index))
+ elif type == 'shortstr':
+ print(" F%dLen = shortstr_size(F%d)," % (f.index, f.index))
+ elif type == 'longstr':
+ print(" F%dLen = size(F%d)," % (f.index, f.index))
+ else:
+ pass
+ def genEncodeMethodFields(m):
+ packedFields = packMethodFields(m.arguments)
+ print("encode_method_fields(#%s{%s}) ->" % (m.erlangName(), fieldMapList(m.arguments)))
+ genFieldPreprocessing(packedFields)
+ print(" <<%s>>;" % (', '.join([methodFieldFragment(f) for f in packedFields])))
+ def genEncodeProperties(c):
+ def presentBin(fields):
+ ps = ', '.join(['P' + str(f.index) + ':1' for f in fields])
+ return '<<' + ps + ', 0:%d>>' % (16 - len(fields),)
+ def writePropFieldLine(field):
+ i = str(field.index)
+ if field.domain == 'bit':
+ print(" {P%s, R%s} = {F%s =:= 1, R%s}," % \
+ (i, str(field.index + 1), i, i))
+ else:
+ print(" {P%s, R%s} = if F%s =:= undefined -> {0, R%s}; true -> {1, [?%s_PROP(F%s, L%s) | R%s]} end," % \
+ (i, str(field.index + 1), i, i, erlType(field.domain).upper(), i, i, i))
+ print("encode_properties(#'P_%s'{%s}) ->" % (erlangize(, fieldMapList(c.fields)))
+ if len(c.fields) == 0:
+ print(" <<>>;")
+ else:
+ print(" R0 = [<<>>],")
+ for field in c.fields:
+ writePropFieldLine(field)
+ print(" list_to_binary([%s | lists:reverse(R%s)]);" % \
+ (presentBin(c.fields), str(len(c.fields))))
+ def messageConstantClass(cls):
+ # We do this because 0.8 uses "soft error" and 8.1 uses "soft-error".
+ return erlangConstantName(cls)
+ def genLookupException(c,v,cls):
+ mCls = messageConstantClass(cls)
+ if mCls == 'SOFT_ERROR': genLookupException1(c,'false')
+ elif mCls == 'HARD_ERROR': genLookupException1(c, 'true')
+ elif mCls == '': pass
+ else: raise Exception('Unknown constant class' + cls)
+ def genLookupException1(c,hardErrorBoolStr):
+ n = erlangConstantName(c)
+ print('lookup_amqp_exception(%s) -> {%s, ?%s, <<"%s">>};' % \
+ (n.lower(), hardErrorBoolStr, n, n))
+ def genAmqpException(c,v,cls):
+ n = erlangConstantName(c)
+ print('amqp_exception(?%s) -> %s;' % \
+ (n, n.lower()))
+ methods = spec.allMethods()
+ printFileHeader()
+ module = "rabbit_framing_amqp_%d_%d" % (spec.major, spec.minor)
+ if spec.revision != 0:
+ module = "%s_%d" % (module, spec.revision)
+ if module == "rabbit_framing_amqp_8_0":
+ module = "rabbit_framing_amqp_0_8"
+ print("-module(%s)." % module)
+ print("""-include("rabbit_framing.hrl").
+ print("%% Various types")
+ print("""-export_type([amqp_field_type/0, amqp_property_type/0,
+ amqp_table/0, amqp_array/0, amqp_value/0,
+ amqp_method_name/0, amqp_method/0, amqp_method_record/0,
+ amqp_method_field_name/0, amqp_property_record/0,
+ amqp_exception/0, amqp_exception_code/0, amqp_class_id/0]).
+-type amqp_field_type() ::
+ 'longstr' | 'signedint' | 'decimal' | 'timestamp' |
+ 'unsignedbyte' | 'unsignedshort' | 'unsignedint' |
+ 'table' | 'byte' | 'double' | 'float' | 'long' |
+ 'short' | 'bool' | 'binary' | 'void' | 'array'.
+-type amqp_property_type() ::
+ 'shortstr' | 'longstr' | 'octet' | 'short' | 'long' |
+ 'longlong' | 'timestamp' | 'bit' | 'table'.
+-type amqp_table() :: [{binary(), amqp_field_type(), amqp_value()}].
+-type amqp_array() :: [{amqp_field_type(), amqp_value()}].
+-type amqp_value() :: binary() | % longstr
+ integer() | % signedint
+ {non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()} | % decimal
+ amqp_table() |
+ amqp_array() |
+ byte() | % byte
+ float() | % double
+ integer() | % long
+ integer() | % short
+ boolean() | % bool
+ binary() | % binary
+ 'undefined' | % void
+ non_neg_integer(). % timestamp
+ print(prettyType("amqp_method_name()",
+ [m.erlangName() for m in methods]))
+ print(prettyType("amqp_method()",
+ ["{%s, %s}" % (m.klass.index, m.index) for m in methods],
+ 6))
+ print(prettyType("amqp_method_record()",
+ ["#%s{}" % (m.erlangName()) for m in methods]))
+ fieldNames = set()
+ for m in methods:
+ fieldNames.update([erlangize( for f in m.arguments])
+ fieldNames = [f for f in fieldNames]
+ fieldNames.sort()
+ print(prettyType("amqp_method_field_name()",
+ fieldNames))
+ print(prettyType("amqp_property_record()",
+ ["#'P_%s'{}" % erlangize( for c in spec.allClasses()]))
+ print(prettyType("amqp_exception()",
+ ["'%s'" % erlangConstantName(c).lower() for (c, v, cls) in spec.constants]))
+ print(prettyType("amqp_exception_code()",
+ ["%i" % v for (c, v, cls) in spec.constants]))
+ classIds = set()
+ for m in spec.allMethods():
+ classIds.add(m.klass.index)
+ print(prettyType("amqp_class_id()",
+ ["%i" % ci for ci in classIds]))
+ print(prettyType("amqp_class_name()",
+ ["%s" % c.erlangName() for c in spec.allClasses()]))
+ print("""
+%% Method signatures
+-spec version() -> {non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}.
+-spec lookup_method_name(amqp_method()) -> amqp_method_name().
+-spec lookup_class_name(amqp_class_id()) -> amqp_class_name().
+-spec method_id(amqp_method_name()) -> amqp_method().
+-spec method_has_content(amqp_method_name()) -> boolean().
+-spec is_method_synchronous(amqp_method_record()) -> boolean().
+-spec method_record(amqp_method_name()) -> amqp_method_record().
+-spec method_fieldnames(amqp_method_name()) -> [amqp_method_field_name()].
+-spec decode_method_fields(amqp_method_name(), binary()) ->
+ amqp_method_record() | rabbit_types:connection_exit().
+-spec decode_properties(non_neg_integer(), binary()) -> amqp_property_record().
+-spec encode_method_fields(amqp_method_record()) -> binary().
+-spec encode_properties(amqp_property_record()) -> binary().
+-spec lookup_amqp_exception(amqp_exception()) ->
+ {boolean(), amqp_exception_code(), binary()}.
+-spec amqp_exception(amqp_exception_code()) -> amqp_exception().
+bitvalue(true) -> 1;
+bitvalue(false) -> 0;
+bitvalue(undefined) -> 0.
+shortstr_size(S) ->
+ case size(S) of
+ Len when Len =< 255 -> Len;
+ _ -> exit(method_field_shortstr_overflow)
+ end.
+-define(SHORTSTR_VAL(R, L, V, X),
+ begin
+ <<L:8/unsigned, V:L/binary, X/binary>> = R,
+ {V, X}
+ end).
+-define(LONGSTR_VAL(R, L, V, X),
+ begin
+ <<L:32/unsigned, V:L/binary, X/binary>> = R,
+ {V, X}
+ end).
+-define(SHORT_VAL(R, L, V, X),
+ begin
+ <<V:8/unsigned, X/binary>> = R,
+ {V, X}
+ end).
+-define(LONG_VAL(R, L, V, X),
+ begin
+ <<V:32/unsigned, X/binary>> = R,
+ {V, X}
+ end).
+-define(LONGLONG_VAL(R, L, V, X),
+ begin
+ <<V:64/unsigned, X/binary>> = R,
+ {V, X}
+ end).
+-define(OCTET_VAL(R, L, V, X),
+ begin
+ <<V:8/unsigned, X/binary>> = R,
+ {V, X}
+ end).
+-define(TABLE_VAL(R, L, V, X),
+ begin
+ <<L:32/unsigned, V:L/binary, X/binary>> = R,
+ {rabbit_binary_parser:parse_table(V), X}
+ end).
+-define(TIMESTAMP_VAL(R, L, V, X),
+ begin
+ <<V:64/unsigned, X/binary>> = R,
+ {V, X}
+ end).
+-define(SHORTSTR_PROP(X, L),
+ begin
+ L = size(X),
+ if L < 256 -> <<L:8, X:L/binary>>;
+ true -> exit(content_properties_shortstr_overflow)
+ end
+ end).
+-define(LONGSTR_PROP(X, L),
+ begin
+ L = size(X),
+ <<L:32, X:L/binary>>
+ end).
+-define(OCTET_PROP(X, L), <<X:8/unsigned>>).
+-define(SHORT_PROP(X, L), <<X:16/unsigned>>).
+-define(LONG_PROP(X, L), <<X:32/unsigned>>).
+-define(LONGLONG_PROP(X, L), <<X:64/unsigned>>).
+-define(TIMESTAMP_PROP(X, L), <<X:64/unsigned>>).
+-define(TABLE_PROP(X, T),
+ begin
+ T = rabbit_binary_generator:generate_table(X),
+ <<(size(T)):32, T/binary>>
+ end).
+ version = "{%d, %d, %d}" % (spec.major, spec.minor, spec.revision)
+ if version == '{8, 0, 0}': version = '{0, 8, 0}'
+ print("version() -> %s." % (version))
+ for m in methods: genLookupMethodName(m)
+ print("lookup_method_name({_ClassId, _MethodId} = Id) -> exit({unknown_method_id, Id}).")
+ for c in spec.allClasses(): genLookupClassName(c)
+ print("lookup_class_name(ClassId) -> exit({unknown_class_id, ClassId}).")
+ for m in methods: genMethodId(m)
+ print("method_id(Name) -> exit({unknown_method_name, Name}).")
+ for m in methods: genMethodHasContent(m)
+ print("method_has_content(Name) -> exit({unknown_method_name, Name}).")
+ for m in methods: genMethodIsSynchronous(m)
+ print("is_method_synchronous(Name) -> exit({unknown_method_name, Name}).")
+ for m in methods: genMethodRecord(m)
+ print("method_record(Name) -> exit({unknown_method_name, Name}).")
+ for m in methods: genMethodFieldNames(m)
+ print("method_fieldnames(Name) -> exit({unknown_method_name, Name}).")
+ for m in methods: genDecodeMethodFields(m)
+ print("decode_method_fields(Name, BinaryFields) ->")
+ print(" rabbit_misc:frame_error(Name, BinaryFields).")
+ for c in spec.allClasses(): genDecodeProperties(c)
+ print("decode_properties(ClassId, _BinaryFields) -> exit({unknown_class_id, ClassId}).")
+ for m in methods: genEncodeMethodFields(m)
+ print("encode_method_fields(Record) -> exit({unknown_method_name, element(1, Record)}).")
+ for c in spec.allClasses(): genEncodeProperties(c)
+ print("encode_properties(Record) -> exit({unknown_properties_record, Record}).")
+ for (c,v,cls) in spec.constants: genLookupException(c,v,cls)
+ print("lookup_amqp_exception(Code) ->")
+ print(" rabbit_log:warning(\"Unknown AMQP error code '~p'~n\", [Code]),")
+ print(" {true, ?INTERNAL_ERROR, <<\"INTERNAL_ERROR\">>}.")
+ for(c,v,cls) in spec.constants: genAmqpException(c,v,cls)
+ print("amqp_exception(_Code) -> undefined.")
+def genHrl(spec):
+ def fieldNameList(fields):
+ return ', '.join([erlangize( for f in fields])
+ def fieldNameListDefaults(fields):
+ def fillField(field):
+ result = erlangize(
+ if field.defaultvalue != None:
+ conv_fn = erlangDefaultValueTypeConvMap[type(field.defaultvalue)]
+ result += ' = ' + conv_fn(field.defaultvalue)
+ return result
+ return ', '.join([fillField(f) for f in fields])
+ methods = spec.allMethods()
+ printFileHeader()
+ print("-define(PROTOCOL_PORT, %d)." % (spec.port))
+ for (c,v,cls) in spec.constants:
+ print("-define(%s, %s)." % (erlangConstantName(c), v))
+ print("%% Method field records.")
+ for m in methods:
+ print("-record(%s, {%s})." % (m.erlangName(), fieldNameListDefaults(m.arguments)))
+ print("%% Class property records.")
+ for c in spec.allClasses():
+ print("-record('P_%s', {%s})." % (erlangize(, fieldNameList(c.fields)))
+def generateErl(specPath):
+ genErl(AmqpSpec(specPath))
+def generateHrl(specPath):
+ genHrl(AmqpSpec(specPath))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ do_main_dict({"header": generateHrl,
+ "body": generateErl})