path: root/deps/rabbit_common/include/rabbit.hrl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbit_common/include/rabbit.hrl')
1 files changed, 267 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit_common/include/rabbit.hrl b/deps/rabbit_common/include/rabbit.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..707f8099e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit_common/include/rabbit.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+%% Passed around most places
+-record(user, {username,
+ tags,
+ authz_backends}). %% List of {Module, AuthUserImpl} pairs
+%% Passed to auth backends
+-record(auth_user, {username,
+ tags,
+ impl}).
+-record(permission, {configure, write, read}).
+-record(user_vhost, {username, virtual_host}).
+-record(user_permission, {user_vhost, permission}).
+-record(topic_permission_key, {user_vhost, exchange}).
+-record(topic_permission, {topic_permission_key, permission}).
+%% Client connection, used by rabbit_reader
+%% and related modules.
+-record(connection, {
+ %% e.g. <<" ->">>
+ name,
+ %% used for logging: same as `name`, but optionally
+ %% augmented with user-supplied name
+ log_name,
+ %% server host
+ host,
+ %% client host
+ peer_host,
+ %% server port
+ port,
+ %% client port
+ peer_port,
+ %% protocol implementation module,
+ %% e.g. rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1
+ protocol,
+ user,
+ %% heartbeat timeout value used, 0 means
+ %% heartbeats are disabled
+ timeout_sec,
+ %% maximum allowed frame size,
+ %% see frame_max in the AMQP 0-9-1 spec
+ frame_max,
+ %% greatest channel number allowed,
+ %% see channel_max in the AMQP 0-9-1 spec
+ channel_max,
+ vhost,
+ %% client name, version, platform, etc
+ client_properties,
+ %% what lists protocol extensions
+ %% does this client support?
+ capabilities,
+ %% authentication mechanism used
+ %% as a pair of {Name, Module}
+ auth_mechanism,
+ %% authentication mechanism state,
+ %% initialised by rabbit_auth_mechanism:init/1
+ %% implementations
+ auth_state,
+ %% time of connection
+ connected_at}).
+ {class_id,
+ properties, %% either 'none', or a decoded record/tuple
+ properties_bin, %% either 'none', or an encoded properties binary
+ %% Note: at most one of properties and properties_bin can be
+ %% 'none' at once.
+ protocol, %% The protocol under which properties_bin was encoded
+ payload_fragments_rev %% list of binaries, in reverse order (!)
+ }).
+%% fields described as 'transient' here are cleared when writing to
+%% rabbit_durable_<thing>
+-record(exchange, {
+ name, type, durable, auto_delete, internal, arguments, %% immutable
+ scratches, %% durable, explicitly updated via update_scratch/3
+ policy, %% durable, implicitly updated when policy changes
+ operator_policy, %% durable, implicitly updated when policy changes
+ decorators,
+ options = #{}}). %% transient, recalculated in store/1 (i.e. recovery)
+-record(exchange_serial, {name, next}).
+%% mnesia doesn't like unary records, so we add a dummy 'value' field
+-record(route, {binding, value = const}).
+-record(reverse_route, {reverse_binding, value = const}).
+-record(binding, {source, key, destination, args = []}).
+-record(reverse_binding, {destination, key, source, args = []}).
+-record(topic_trie_node, {trie_node, edge_count, binding_count}).
+-record(topic_trie_edge, {trie_edge, node_id}).
+-record(topic_trie_binding, {trie_binding, value = const}).
+-record(trie_node, {exchange_name, node_id}).
+-record(trie_edge, {exchange_name, node_id, word}).
+-record(trie_binding, {exchange_name, node_id, destination, arguments}).
+-record(listener, {node, protocol, host, ip_address, port, opts = []}).
+-record(runtime_parameters, {key, value}).
+ {exchange_name, %% The exchange where the message was received
+ routing_keys = [], %% Routing keys used during publish
+ content, %% The message content
+ id, %% A `rabbit_guid:gen()` generated id
+ is_persistent}). %% Whether the message was published as persistent
+ {mandatory, %% Whether the message was published as mandatory
+ confirm, %% Whether the message needs confirming
+ sender, %% The pid of the process that created the delivery
+ message, %% The #basic_message record
+ msg_seq_no, %% Msg Sequence Number from the channel publish_seqno field
+ flow}). %% Should flow control be used for this delivery
+-record(amqp_error, {name, explanation = "", method = none}).
+-record(event, {type, props, reference = undefined, timestamp}).
+-record(message_properties, {expiry, needs_confirming = false, size}).
+-record(plugin, {name, %% atom()
+ version, %% string()
+ description, %% string()
+ type, %% 'ez' or 'dir'
+ dependencies, %% [atom()]
+ location, %% string()
+ %% List of supported broker version ranges,
+ %% e.g. ["3.5.7", "3.6.1"]
+ broker_version_requirements, %% [string()]
+ %% Proplist of supported dependency versions,
+ %% e.g. [{rabbitmq_management, ["3.5.7", "3.6.1"]},
+ %% {rabbitmq_federation, ["3.5.7", "3.6.1"]},
+ %% {rabbitmq_email, ["0.1.0"]}]
+ dependency_version_requirements, %% [{atom(), [string()]}]
+ extra_dependencies %% string()
+ }).
+%% used to track connections across virtual hosts
+%% so that limits can be enforced
+-record(tracked_connection_per_vhost, {
+ vhost,
+ connection_count}).
+%% Used to track connections per user
+%% so that limits can be enforced
+-record(tracked_connection_per_user, {
+ user,
+ connection_count
+ }).
+%% Used to track detailed information
+%% about connections.
+-record(tracked_connection, {
+ %% {Node, ConnectionName}
+ id,
+ node,
+ vhost,
+ name,
+ pid,
+ protocol,
+ %% network or direct
+ type,
+ %% client host
+ peer_host,
+ %% client port
+ peer_port,
+ username,
+ %% time of connection
+ connected_at
+ }).
+%% Used to track channels per user
+%% so that limits can be enforced
+-record(tracked_channel_per_user, {
+ user,
+ channel_count
+ }).
+%% Used to track detailed information
+%% about channels.
+-record(tracked_channel, {
+ %% {Node, ChannelName}
+ id,
+ node,
+ vhost,
+ name,
+ pid,
+ username,
+ connection}).
+%% Indicates maintenance state of a node
+-record(node_maintenance_state, {
+ node,
+ status = regular,
+ context = #{}
+ }).
+-define(COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE, "Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.").
+-define(INFORMATION_MESSAGE, "Licensed under the MPL 2.0. Website:").
+%% EMPTY_FRAME_SIZE, 8 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 1
+%% - 1 byte of frame type
+%% - 2 bytes of channel number
+%% - 4 bytes of frame payload length
+%% - 1 byte of payload trailer FRAME_END byte
+%% See rabbit_binary_generator:check_empty_frame_size/0, an assertion
+%% called at startup.
+-define(EMPTY_FRAME_SIZE, 8).
+-define(MAX_WAIT, 16#ffffffff).
+ rabbit_misc:get_env(rabbit, supervisor_shutdown_timeout, infinity)).
+ rabbit_misc:get_env(rabbit, worker_shutdown_timeout, 30000)).
+ rabbit_misc:get_env(rabbit, msg_store_shutdown_timeout, 600000)).
+-define(HIBERNATE_AFTER_MIN, 1000).
+-define(DESIRED_HIBERNATE, 10000).
+-define(CREDIT_DISC_BOUND, {4000, 800}).
+%% When we discover that we should write some indices to disk for some
+%% betas, the IO_BATCH_SIZE sets the number of betas that we must be
+%% due to write indices for before we do any work at all.
+-define(IO_BATCH_SIZE, 4096). %% next power-of-2 after ?CREDIT_DISC_BOUND
+-define(INVALID_HEADERS_KEY, <<"x-invalid-headers">>).
+-define(ROUTING_HEADERS, [<<"CC">>, <<"BCC">>]).
+-define(DELETED_HEADER, <<"BCC">>).
+-define(EXCHANGE_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS_COMPONENT, <<"exchange-delete-in-progress">>).
+-define(CHANNEL_OPERATION_TIMEOUT, rabbit_misc:get_channel_operation_timeout()).
+%% Max supported number of priorities for a priority queue.
+%% Max message size is hard limited to 512 MiB.
+%% If user configures a greater rabbit.max_message_size,
+%% this value is used instead.
+-define(MAX_MSG_SIZE, 536870912).
+-define(store_proc_name(N), rabbit_misc:store_proc_name(?MODULE, N)).
+%% For event audit purposes
+-define(INTERNAL_USER, <<"rmq-internal">>).
+-define(UNKNOWN_USER, <<"unknown">>).
+%% Store metadata in the trace files when message tracing is enabled.
+-define(LG_INFO(Info), is_pid(whereis(lg)) andalso (lg ! Info)).
+-define(LG_PROCESS_TYPE(Type), ?LG_INFO(#{process_type => Type})).
+%% Execution timeout of connection and channel tracking operations
+ rabbit_misc:get_env(rabbit, tracking_execution_timeout, 5000)).