path: root/deps/rabbit_common/mk/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbit_common/mk/')
1 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit_common/mk/ b/deps/rabbit_common/mk/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e17a27939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit_common/mk/
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+.PHONY: dist test-dist do-dist cli-scripts cli-escripts clean-dist
+DIST_DIR = plugins
+MIX = echo y | mix
+# Set $(DIST_AS_EZS) to a non-empty value to enable the packaging of
+# plugins as .ez archives.
+dist_verbose_0 = @echo " DIST " $@;
+dist_verbose_2 = set -x;
+dist_verbose = $(dist_verbose_$(V))
+MIX_ARCHIVES ?= $(HOME)/.mix/archives
+mix_task_archive_deps = $(MIX_ARCHIVES)/mix_task_archive_deps-$(MIX_TASK_ARCHIVE_DEPS_VERSION)
+# We take the version of an Erlang application from the .app file. This
+# macro is called like this:
+# $(call get_app_version,/path/to/
+ifeq ($(PLATFORM),msys2)
+core_unix_path = $(shell cygpath $1)
+core_unix_path = $1
+define get_app_version
+$(shell awk '
+/{ *vsn *, *"/ {
+ vsn=$$0;
+ sub(/.*{ *vsn, *"/, "", vsn);
+ sub(/".*/, "", vsn);
+ print vsn;
+ exit;
+}' $(1))
+define get_mix_project_version
+$(shell cd $(1) && \
+ $(MIX) do deps.get, deps.compile, compile >/dev/null && \
+ $(MIX) run --no-start -e "IO.puts(Mix.Project.config[:version])")
+# Define the target to create an .ez plugin archive for an
+# project. This macro is called like this:
+# $(call do_ez_target_erlangmk,app_name,app_version,app_dir)
+define do_ez_target_erlangmk
+dist_$(1)_ez_dir = $$(if $(2),$(DIST_DIR)/$(1)-$(2), \
+ $$(if $$(VERSION),$(DIST_DIR)/$(1)-$$(VERSION),$(DIST_DIR)/$(1)))
+ifeq ($(DIST_AS_EZS),)
+dist_$(1)_ez = $$(dist_$(1)_ez_dir)
+dist_$(1)_ez = $$(dist_$(1)_ez_dir).ez
+$$(dist_$(1)_ez): APP = $(1)
+$$(dist_$(1)_ez): VSN = $(2)
+$$(dist_$(1)_ez): SRC_DIR = $(3)
+$$(dist_$(1)_ez): EZ_DIR = $$(abspath $$(dist_$(1)_ez_dir))
+$$(dist_$(1)_ez): EZ = $$(dist_$(1)_ez)
+$$(dist_$(1)_ez): $$(if $$(wildcard $(3)/ebin $(3)/include $(3)/priv),\
+ $$(filter-out %/dep_built %/ebin/test,$$(call core_find,$$(wildcard $(3)/ebin $(3)/include $(3)/priv),*)),)
+# If the application's Makefile defines a `list-dist-deps` target, we
+# use it to populate the dependencies list. This is useful when the
+# application has also a `prepare-dist` target to modify the created
+# tree before we make an archive out of it.
+ifeq ($$(shell test -f $(3)/ \
+ && grep -q '^list-dist-deps::' $(3)/Makefile && echo yes),yes)
+$$(dist_$(1)_ez): $$(patsubst %,$(3)/%, \
+ $$(shell $(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(3) list-dist-deps \
+ APP=$(1) VSN=$(2) EZ_DIR=$$(abspath $$(dist_$(1)_ez_dir))))
+ERLANGMK_DIST_EZS += $$(dist_$(1)_ez)
+# Define the target to create an .ez plugin archive for a Mix-based
+# project. This macro is called like this:
+# $(call do_ez_target_mix,app_name,app_version,app_dir)
+define get_mix_project_dep_ezs
+$(shell cd $(1) && \
+ $(MIX) do deps.get, deps.compile, compile >/dev/null && \
+ $(MIX) -e -o $(DIST_DIR) --skip "rabbit $(ERLANGMK_DIST_APPS)")
+define do_ez_target_mix
+dist_$(1)_ez_dir = $$(if $(2),$(DIST_DIR)/$(1)-$(2), \
+ $$(if $$(VERSION),$(DIST_DIR)/$(1)-$$(VERSION),$(DIST_DIR)/$(1)))
+dist_$(1)_ez = $$(dist_$(1)_ez_dir).ez
+$$(dist_$(1)_ez): APP = $(1)
+$$(dist_$(1)_ez): VSN = $(2)
+$$(dist_$(1)_ez): SRC_DIR = $(3)
+$$(dist_$(1)_ez): EZ_DIR = $$(abspath $$(dist_$(1)_ez_dir))
+$$(dist_$(1)_ez): EZ = $$(dist_$(1)_ez)
+$$(dist_$(1)_ez): $$(if $$(wildcard _build/dev/lib/$(1)/ebin $(3)/priv),\
+ $$(filter-out %/dep_built,$$(call core_find,$$(wildcard _build/dev/lib/$(1)/ebin $(3)/priv),*)),)
+MIX_DIST_EZS += $$(dist_$(1)_ez)
+EXTRA_DIST_EZS += $$(call get_mix_project_dep_ezs,$(3))
+# Real entry point: it tests the existence of an .app file to determine
+# if it is an Erlang application (and therefore if it should be provided
+# as an .ez plugin archive) and calls do_ez_target_erlangmk. If instead
+# it finds a Mix configuration file, it calls do_ez_target_mix. It
+# should be called as:
+# $(call ez_target,path_to_app)
+define ez_target
+dist_$(1)_appdir = $(2)
+dist_$(1)_appfile = $$(dist_$(1)_appdir)/ebin/$(1).app
+dist_$(1)_mixfile = $$(dist_$(1)_appdir)/mix.exs
+$$(if $$(shell test -f $$(dist_$(1)_appfile) && echo OK), \
+ $$(eval $$(call do_ez_target_erlangmk,$(1),$$(call get_app_version,$$(dist_$(1)_appfile)),$$(dist_$(1)_appdir))), \
+ $$(if $$(shell test -f $$(dist_$(1)_mixfile) && [ "x$(1)" != "xrabbitmqctl" ] && [ "x$(1)" != "xrabbitmq_cli" ] && echo OK), \
+ $$(eval $$(call do_ez_target_mix,$(1),$$(call get_mix_project_version,$$(dist_$(1)_appdir)),$$(dist_$(1)_appdir)))))
+ifneq ($(filter do-dist,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
+# The following code is evaluated only when running "make do-dist",
+# otherwise it would trigger an infinite loop, as this code calls "make
+# list-dist-deps" (see do_ez_target_erlangmk).
+# Now, try to create an .ez target for the top-level project and all
+# dependencies.
+ifeq ($(wildcard $(DIST_PLUGINS_LIST)),)
+$(error DIST_PLUGINS_LIST ($(DIST_PLUGINS_LIST)) is missing)
+$(eval $(foreach path, \
+ $(filter-out %/looking_glass %/lz4, \
+ $(sort $(shell cat $(DIST_PLUGINS_LIST))) $(CURDIR)), \
+ $(call ez_target,$(if $(filter $(path),$(CURDIR)),$(PROJECT),$(notdir $(path))),$(path))))
+# The actual recipe to create the .ez plugin archive. Some variables
+# are defined in the do_ez_target_erlangmk and do_ez_target_mix macros
+# above. All .ez archives are also listed in this do_ez_target_erlangmk
+# and do_ez_target_mix macros.
+RSYNC ?= rsync
+RSYNC_V_0 =
+RSYNC_V_1 = -v
+RSYNC_V = $(RSYNC_V_$(V))
+ZIP ?= zip
+ZIP_V_0 = -q
+ZIP_V_1 =
+ZIP_V = $(ZIP_V_$(V))
+ $(verbose) rm -rf $(EZ_DIR) $(EZ)
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $(EZ_DIR)
+ $(dist_verbose) $(RSYNC) -a $(RSYNC_V) \
+ --exclude '/ebin/dep_built' \
+ --exclude '/ebin/test' \
+ --include '/ebin/***' \
+ --include '/include/***' \
+ --include '/priv/***' \
+ --exclude '*' \
+ $(call core_unix_path,$(SRC_DIR))/ $(call core_unix_path,$(EZ_DIR))/
+ @# Give a chance to the application to make any modification it
+ @# wants to the tree before we make an archive.
+ $(verbose) ! (test -f $(SRC_DIR)/ \
+ && grep -q '^prepare-dist::' $(SRC_DIR)/Makefile) || \
+ $(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(SRC_DIR) prepare-dist \
+ifneq ($(DIST_AS_EZS),)
+ $(verbose) (cd $(DIST_DIR) && \
+ find "$(basename $(notdir $@))" | LC_COLLATE=C sort \
+ > "$(basename $(notdir $@)).manifest" && \
+ $(ZIP) $(ZIP_V) --names-stdin "$(notdir $@)" \
+ < "$(basename $(notdir $@)).manifest")
+ $(verbose) rm -rf $(EZ_DIR) $(EZ_DIR).manifest
+$(MIX_DIST_EZS): $(mix_task_archive_deps)
+ $(verbose) cd $(SRC_DIR) && \
+ $(MIX) do deps.get, deps.compile, compile, \
+ -e -o $(abspath $(DIST_DIR)) --skip "rabbit $(ERLANGMK_DIST_APPS)"
+ $(gen_verbose) mix archive.install --force $(MIX_TASK_ARCHIVE_DEPS_URL)
+# We need to recurse because the top-level make instance is evaluated
+# before dependencies are downloaded.
+MAYBE_APPS_LIST = $(if $(shell test -f $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/apps.log && echo OK), \
+ $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/apps.log)
+ $(gen_verbose) \
+ if command -v flock >/dev/null; then \
+ flock $(DIST_LOCK) \
+ sh -c '$(MAKE) do-dist \
+ elif command -v lockf >/dev/null; then \
+ lockf $(DIST_LOCK) \
+ sh -c '$(MAKE) do-dist \
+ else \
+ $(MAKE) do-dist \
+ fi
+test-dist:: export TEST_DIR=NON-EXISTENT
+test-dist:: $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TEST_DEPS_LIST) test-build
+ $(gen_verbose) \
+ if command -v flock >/dev/null; then \
+ flock $(DIST_LOCK) \
+ sh -c '$(MAKE) do-dist \
+ elif command -v lockf >/dev/null; then \
+ lockf $(DIST_LOCK) \
+ sh -c '$(MAKE) do-dist \
+ else \
+ $(MAKE) do-dist \
+ fi
+do-dist:: $(DIST_EZS)
+ $(verbose) unwanted='$(filter-out $(DIST_EZS) $(EXTRA_DIST_EZS), \
+ $(wildcard $(DIST_DIR)/*))'; \
+ test -z "$$unwanted" || (echo " RM $$unwanted" && rm -rf $$unwanted)
+ifneq ($(filter-out rabbit_common amqp10_common,$(PROJECT)),)
+dist:: install-cli
+test-build:: install-cli
+install-cli: install-cli-scripts install-cli-escripts
+ @:
+ifeq ($(PROJECT),rabbit)
+ $(gen_verbose) \
+ if command -v flock >/dev/null; then \
+ flock $(CLI_SCRIPTS_LOCK) \
+ sh -c 'mkdir -p "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)" && \
+ for file in scripts/*; do \
+ cmp -s "$$file" "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)/$$(basename "$$file")" || \
+ cp -a "$$file" "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)/$$(basename "$$file")"; \
+ done'; \
+ elif command -v lockf >/dev/null; then \
+ lockf $(CLI_SCRIPTS_LOCK) \
+ sh -c 'mkdir -p "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)" && \
+ for file in scripts/*; do \
+ cmp -s "$$file" "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)/$$(basename "$$file")" || \
+ cp -a "$$file" "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)/$$(basename "$$file")"; \
+ done'; \
+ else \
+ mkdir -p "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)" && \
+ for file in scripts/*; do \
+ cmp -s "$$file" "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)/$$(basename "$$file")" || \
+ cp -a "$$file" "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)/$$(basename "$$file")"; \
+ done; \
+ fi
+ $(gen_verbose) \
+ set -e; \
+ if test -d "$(DEPS_DIR)/rabbit/scripts"; then \
+ rabbit_scripts_dir='$(DEPS_DIR)/rabbit/scripts'; \
+ elif test -d "$(DEPS_DIR)/../scripts"; then \
+ rabbit_scripts_dir='$(DEPS_DIR)/../scripts'; \
+ else \
+ echo 'rabbit/scripts directory not found' 1>&2; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ test -d "$$rabbit_scripts_dir"; \
+ if command -v flock >/dev/null; then \
+ flock $(CLI_SCRIPTS_LOCK) \
+ sh -e -c 'mkdir -p "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)" && \
+ for file in "'$$rabbit_scripts_dir'"/*; do \
+ test -f "$$file"; \
+ cmp -s "$$file" "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)/$$(basename "$$file")" || \
+ cp -a "$$file" "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)/$$(basename "$$file")"; \
+ done'; \
+ elif command -v lockf >/dev/null; then \
+ lockf $(CLI_SCRIPTS_LOCK) \
+ sh -e -c 'mkdir -p "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)" && \
+ for file in "'$$rabbit_scripts_dir'"/*; do \
+ test -f "$$file"; \
+ cmp -s "$$file" "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)/$$(basename "$$file")" || \
+ cp -a "$$file" "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)/$$(basename "$$file")"; \
+ done'; \
+ else \
+ mkdir -p "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)" && \
+ for file in "$$rabbit_scripts_dir"/*; do \
+ test -f "$$file"; \
+ cmp -s "$$file" "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)/$$(basename "$$file")" || \
+ cp -a "$$file" "$(CLI_SCRIPTS_DIR)/$$(basename "$$file")"; \
+ done; \
+ fi
+ $(gen_verbose) \
+ if command -v flock >/dev/null; then \
+ flock $(CLI_ESCRIPTS_LOCK) \
+ sh -c 'mkdir -p "$(CLI_ESCRIPTS_DIR)" && \
+ $(MAKE) -C "$(DEPS_DIR)/rabbitmq_cli" install \
+ PREFIX="$(abspath $(CLI_ESCRIPTS_DIR))" \
+ DESTDIR='; \
+ elif command -v lockf >/dev/null; then \
+ lockf $(CLI_ESCRIPTS_LOCK) \
+ sh -c 'mkdir -p "$(CLI_ESCRIPTS_DIR)" && \
+ $(MAKE) -C "$(DEPS_DIR)/rabbitmq_cli" install \
+ PREFIX="$(abspath $(CLI_ESCRIPTS_DIR))" \
+ DESTDIR='; \
+ else \
+ mkdir -p "$(CLI_ESCRIPTS_DIR)" && \
+ $(MAKE) -C "$(DEPS_DIR)/rabbitmq_cli" install \
+ PREFIX="$(abspath $(CLI_ESCRIPTS_DIR))" \
+ DESTDIR= ; \
+ fi
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -rf \
+ "$(DIST_DIR)" \
+clean:: clean-dist