path: root/deps/rabbit_common/src/rabbit_msg_store_index.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbit_common/src/rabbit_msg_store_index.erl')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit_common/src/rabbit_msg_store_index.erl b/deps/rabbit_common/src/rabbit_msg_store_index.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce9abe97a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbit_common/src/rabbit_msg_store_index.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+%% Behaviour module to provide pluggable message store index.
+%% The index is used to locate message on disk and for reference-counting.
+%% Message store have several additional assumptions about performance and
+%% atomicity of some operations. See comments for each callback.
+-type(dir() :: string()).
+-type(index_state() :: any()).
+-type(fieldpos() :: non_neg_integer()).
+-type(fieldvalue() :: any()).
+-type(msg_location() :: #msg_location{}).
+%% There are two ways of starting an index:
+%% - `new` - starts a clean index
+%% - `recover` - attempts to read a saved index
+%% In both cases the old saved state should be deleted from directory.
+%% Initialize a fresh index state for msg store directory.
+-callback new(dir()) -> index_state().
+%% Try to recover gracefully stopped index state.
+-callback recover(dir()) -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error2(index_state(), any()).
+%% Gracefully shutdown the index.
+%% Should save the index state, which will be loaded by the 'recover' function.
+-callback terminate(index_state()) -> any().
+%% Lookup an entry in the index.
+%% Is called concurrently by msg_store, it's clients and GC processes.
+%% This function is called multiple times for each message store operation.
+%% Message store tries to avoid writing messages on disk if consumers can
+%% process them fast, so there will be a lot of lookups for non-existent
+%% entries, which should be as fast as possible.
+-callback lookup(rabbit_types:msg_id(), index_state()) -> ('not_found' | msg_location()).
+%% Insert an entry into the index.
+%% Is called by a msg_store process only.
+%% This function can exit if there is already an entry with the same ID
+-callback insert(msg_location(), index_state()) -> 'ok'.
+%% Update an entry in the index.
+%% Is called by a msg_store process only.
+%% The function is called during message store recovery after crash.
+%% The difference between update and insert functions, is that update
+%% should not fail if entry already exist, and should be atomic.
+-callback update(msg_location(), index_state()) -> 'ok'.
+%% Update positional fields in the entry tuple.
+%% Is called by msg_store and GC processes concurrently.
+%% This function can exit if there is no entry with specified ID
+%% This function is called to update reference-counters and file locations.
+%% File locations are updated from a GC process, reference-counters are
+%% updated from a message store process.
+%% This function should be atomic.
+-callback update_fields(rabbit_types:msg_id(), ({fieldpos(), fieldvalue()} |
+ [{fieldpos(), fieldvalue()}]),
+ index_state()) -> 'ok'.
+%% Delete an entry from the index by ID.
+%% Is called from a msg_store process only.
+%% This function should be atomic.
+-callback delete(rabbit_types:msg_id(), index_state()) -> 'ok'.
+%% Delete an exactly matching entry from the index.
+%% Is called by GC process only.
+%% This function should match exact object to avoid deleting a zero-reference
+%% object, which reference-counter is being concurrently updated.
+%% This function should be atomic.
+-callback delete_object(msg_location(), index_state()) -> 'ok'.
+%% Delete temporary reference count entries with the 'file' record field equal to 'undefined'.
+%% Is called during index rebuild from scratch (e.g. after non-clean stop)
+%% During recovery after non-clean stop or file corruption, reference-counters
+%% are added to the index with `undefined` value for the `file` field.
+%% If message is found in a message store file, it's file field is updated.
+%% If some reference-counters miss the message location after recovery - they
+%% should be deleted.
+-callback clean_up_temporary_reference_count_entries_without_file(index_state()) -> 'ok'.