path: root/deps/rabbitmq_amqp1_0/test/system_SUITE_data/fsharp-tests/Program.fs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_amqp1_0/test/system_SUITE_data/fsharp-tests/Program.fs')
1 files changed, 481 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_amqp1_0/test/system_SUITE_data/fsharp-tests/Program.fs b/deps/rabbitmq_amqp1_0/test/system_SUITE_data/fsharp-tests/Program.fs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..19aa1009dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_amqp1_0/test/system_SUITE_data/fsharp-tests/Program.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+// Learn more about F# at
+open System
+open System.Threading
+open Amqp
+open Amqp.Sasl
+open Amqp.Framing
+open Amqp.Types
+let sleep (i: int) = System.Threading.Thread.Sleep i
+module RabbitClient =
+ open RabbitMQ.Client
+ let consume (m: IModel) queue autoAck f =
+ let consumer =
+ { new DefaultBasicConsumer(m) with
+ member x.HandleBasicDeliver(consumerTag,
+ deliveryTag,
+ redelivered,
+ exchange,
+ routingKey,
+ props,
+ body) =
+ f deliveryTag props body }
+ m.ContinuationTimeout <- (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 115.)
+ (* m.BasicQos(0u, 100us, false) |> ignore *)
+ let consumerTag = m.BasicConsume(queue, autoAck, consumer)
+ { new System.IDisposable with
+ member __.Dispose () =
+ m.BasicCancel(consumerTag) }
+module AmqpClient =
+ type AmqpConnection =
+ { Conn : Connection
+ Session: Session }
+ interface IDisposable with
+ member x.Dispose() =
+ try
+ x.Conn.Close()
+ x.Session.Close()
+ with _ -> ()
+ let connect uri =
+ let c = Address uri |> Connection
+ let s = Session c
+ { Conn = c; Session = s }
+ let connectWithOpen uri opn =
+ let c = Connection(Address uri, null, opn, null)
+ let s = Session c
+ { Conn = c; Session = s }
+ let senderReceiver ac name address =
+ let s = SenderLink(ac.Session, name + "-sender" , address)
+ let r = ReceiverLink(ac.Session, name + "-receiver", address)
+ r.SetCredit(100, true)
+ s, r
+ let receive (receiver: ReceiverLink) =
+ let rtd = receiver.Receive()
+ receiver.Accept rtd
+ rtd
+ let amqpSequence xs =
+ let l = Amqp.Types.List();
+ xs |> List.iter (l.Add >> ignore)
+ AmqpSequence(List = l)
+module Test =
+ let assertEqual a b =
+ if a <> b then
+ failwith (sprintf "Expected: %A\r\nGot: %A" a b)
+ let assertTrue b =
+ if not b then
+ failwith (sprintf "Expected True got False!")
+ let sampleTypes =
+ ["hi" :> obj
+ "" :> obj
+ "hi"B :> obj
+ ""B :> obj
+ Array.create 1000 50uy :> obj
+ true :> obj
+ 0y :> obj
+ 0uy :> obj
+ Byte.MaxValue :> obj
+ 0s :> obj
+ Int16.MaxValue :> obj
+ 0 :> obj
+ Int32.MaxValue :> obj
+ 0L :> obj
+ Int64.MaxValue :> obj
+ 0us :> obj
+ UInt16.MaxValue :> obj
+ 0u :> obj
+ UInt32.MaxValue :> obj
+ 0ul :> obj
+ UInt64.MaxValue :> obj
+ null :> obj
+ "\uFFF9" :> obj
+ Amqp.Types.Symbol("Symbol") :> obj
+ DateTime.Parse("2008-11-01T19:35:00.0000000Z").ToUniversalTime() :> obj
+ Guid("f275ea5e-0c57-4ad7-b11a-b20c563d3b71") :> obj
+ ]
+ let testOutcome uri (attach: Attach) (cond: string) =
+ use ac = connect uri
+ let trySet (mre: AutoResetEvent) =
+ try mre.Set() |> ignore with _ -> ()
+ use mre = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false)
+ let mutable errorName = null
+ ac.Session.add_Closed (
+ new ClosedCallback (fun o err -> errorName <- string err.Condition; trySet mre))
+ let attached = new OnAttached (
+ fun l attach -> errorName <- null; trySet mre)
+ let receiver = ReceiverLink(ac.Session, "test-receiver", attach, attached)
+ mre.WaitOne(1000) |> ignore
+ if cond = null then
+ receiver.Close()
+ assertEqual cond errorName
+ let roundtrip uri =
+ use c = connect uri
+ let sender, receiver = senderReceiver c "test" "roundtrip-q"
+ for body in sampleTypes do
+ let corr = "correlation"
+ new Message(body,
+ Header = Header(Ttl = 500u),
+ Properties = new Properties(CorrelationId = corr))
+ |> sender.Send
+ let rtd = receive receiver
+ assertEqual body rtd.Body
+ assertTrue (rtd.Header.Ttl <= 500u)
+ assertEqual rtd.Properties.CorrelationId corr
+ ()
+ open RabbitMQ.Client
+ let roundtrip_to_amqp_091 uri =
+ use c = connect uri
+ let q = "roundtrip-091-q"
+ let corr = "corrlation"
+ let sender = SenderLink(c.Session, q + "-sender" , q)
+ new Message("hi"B, Header = Header(),
+ Properties = new Properties(CorrelationId = corr))
+ |> sender.Send
+ System.Threading.Thread.Sleep 500
+ let cf = ConnectionFactory()
+ cf.Uri <- Uri uri
+ use c = cf.CreateConnection()
+ use m = c.CreateModel()
+ use h = new AutoResetEvent(false)
+ let mutable id : string = null
+ let con = consume m q false (fun deliveryTag props body ->
+ printfn "got %A" props.CorrelationId
+ id <- props.CorrelationId
+ h.Set() |> ignore
+ m.BasicAck(deliveryTag, false) |> ignore)
+ h.WaitOne() |> ignore
+ assertEqual id corr
+ ()
+ let defaultOutcome uri =
+ for (defOut, cond, defObj) in
+ ["amqp:accepted:list", null, Accepted() :> Outcome
+ "amqp:rejected:list", null, Rejected() :> Outcome
+ "amqp:released:list", null, Released() :> Outcome] do
+ let source = new Source(Address = "default_outcome_q",
+ DefaultOutcome = defObj)
+ let attach = new Attach (Source = source,
+ Target = Target())
+ testOutcome uri attach cond
+ let outcomes uri =
+ for (outcome, cond) in
+ ["amqp:accepted:list", null
+ "amqp:rejected:list", null
+ "amqp:released:list", null
+ "amqp:modified:list", null
+ "amqp:madeup:list", "amqp:not-implemented"] do
+ let source = new Source(Address = "outcomes_q",
+ Outcomes = [| Symbol outcome |])
+ let attach = new Attach (Source = source,
+ Target = Target())
+ testOutcome uri attach cond
+ let fragmentation uri =
+ for frameSize, size in
+ [512u, 512
+ 512u, 600
+ 512u, 1024
+ 1024u, 1024] do
+ let addr = Address uri
+ let opn = Open(ContainerId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
+ HostName = addr.Host, ChannelMax = 256us,
+ MaxFrameSize = frameSize)
+ use c = connectWithOpen uri opn
+ let sender, receiver = senderReceiver c "test" "framentation-q"
+ let m = new Message(String.replicate size "a")
+ sender.Send m
+ let m' = receive receiver
+ assertEqual (m.Body) (m'.Body)
+ let messageAnnotations uri =
+ use c = connect uri
+ let sender, receiver = senderReceiver c "test" "annotations-q"
+ let ann = MessageAnnotations()
+ let k1 = Symbol "key1"
+ let k2 = Symbol "key2"
+ ann.[Symbol "key1"] <- "value1"
+ ann.[Symbol "key2"] <- "value2"
+ let m = new Message("testing annotations", MessageAnnotations = ann)
+ sender.Send m
+ let m' = receive receiver
+ assertEqual m.Body m'.Body
+ assertEqual (m.MessageAnnotations.Descriptor) (m'.MessageAnnotations.Descriptor)
+ assertEqual 2 (m'.MessageAnnotations.Map.Count)
+ assertTrue (m.MessageAnnotations.[k1] = m'.MessageAnnotations.[k1])
+ assertTrue (m.MessageAnnotations.[k2] = m'.MessageAnnotations.[k2])
+ let footer uri =
+ use c = connect uri
+ let sender, receiver = senderReceiver c "test" "footer-q"
+ let footer = Footer()
+ let k1 = Symbol "key1"
+ let k2 = Symbol "key2"
+ footer.[Symbol "key1"] <- "value1"
+ footer.[Symbol "key2"] <- "value2"
+ let m = new Message("testing annotations", Footer = footer)
+ sender.Send m
+ let m' = receive receiver
+ assertEqual m.Body m'.Body
+ assertEqual (m.Footer.Descriptor) (m'.Footer.Descriptor)
+ assertEqual 2 (m'.Footer.Map.Count)
+ assertTrue (m.Footer.[k1] = m'.Footer.[k1])
+ assertTrue (m.Footer.[k2] = m'.Footer.[k2])
+ let datatypes uri =
+ use c = connect uri
+ let sender, receiver = senderReceiver c "test" "datatypes-q"
+ let aSeq = amqpSequence sampleTypes
+ (new Message(aSeq)) |> sender.Send
+ let rtd = receive receiver
+ let amqpSeq = rtd.Body :?> AmqpSequence
+ for a in amqpSeq.List do
+ List.exists ((=) a) sampleTypes |> assertTrue
+ let reject uri =
+ use c = connect uri
+ let sender, receiver = senderReceiver c "test" "reject-q"
+ new Message "testing reject" |> sender.Send
+ let m = receiver.Receive()
+ receiver.Reject(m)
+ assertEqual null (receiver.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds 100.))
+ let redelivery uri =
+ use c = connect uri
+ let sender, receiver = senderReceiver c "test" "redelivery-q"
+ new Message "testing redelivery" |> sender.Send
+ let m = receiver.Receive()
+ assertTrue (m.Header.FirstAcquirer)
+ receiver.Close()
+ c.Session.Close()
+ let session = Session(c.Conn)
+ let receiver = ReceiverLink(session, "test-receiver", "redelivery-q")
+ let m' = receive receiver
+ assertEqual (m.Body :?> string) (m'.Body :?> string)
+ assertTrue (not m'.Header.FirstAcquirer)
+ assertEqual null (receiver.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds 100.))
+ session.Close()
+ let routing uri =
+ for target, source, routingKey, succeed in
+ ["/queue/test", "test", "", true
+ "test", "/queue/test", "", true
+ "test", "test", "", true
+ "/topic/a.b.c.d", "/topic/#.c.*", "", true
+ "/exchange/amq.topic", "/topic/#.c.*", "a.b.c.d", true
+ "/topic/w.x.y.z", "/exchange/amq.topic/#.y.*", "", true
+ "/exchange/amq.topic", "/exchange/amq.topic/#.y.*", "w.x.y.z", true
+ "/exchange/amq.fanout", "/exchange/amq.fanout/", "", true
+ "/exchange/", "/exchange/", "", true
+ "/exchange/", "/exchange/", "a", true
+ (* FIXME: The following three tests rely on the queue "test"
+ * created by previous tests in this function. *)
+ "/queue/test", "/amq/queue/test", "", true
+ "/amq/queue/test", "/queue/test", "", true
+ "/amq/queue/test", "/amq/queue/test", "", true
+ (* The following tests verify that a queue created out-of-band
+ * in AMQP is reachable from the AMQP 1.0 world. Queues are created
+ * from the common_test suite. *)
+ "/amq/queue/transient_q", "/amq/queue/transient_q", "", true
+ "/amq/queue/durable_q", "/amq/queue/durable_q", "", true
+ "/amq/queue/autodel_q", "/amq/queue/autodel_q", "", true] do
+ let rnd = Random()
+ use c = connect uri
+ let sender = SenderLink(c.Session, "test-sender", target)
+ let receiver = ReceiverLink(c.Session, "test-receiver", source)
+ receiver.SetCredit(100, true)
+ use m = new Message(rnd.Next(10000), Properties = Properties(Subject = routingKey))
+ sender.Send m
+ (* printfn "%s %s %s %A" target source routingKey succeed *)
+ if succeed then
+ let m' = receiver.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds 3000.)
+ receiver.Accept m'
+ assertTrue (m' <> null)
+ assertEqual (m.Body :?> int) (m'.Body :?> int)
+ else
+ use m' = receiver.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds 100.)
+ assertEqual null m'
+ let invalidRoutes uri =
+ for dest, cond in
+ ["/exchange/missing", "amqp:not-found"
+ "/fruit/orange", "amqp:invalid-field"] do
+ use ac = connect uri
+ let trySet (mre: AutoResetEvent) =
+ try mre.Set() |> ignore with _ -> ()
+ let mutable errorName = null
+ use mre = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false)
+ ac.Session.add_Closed (
+ new ClosedCallback (fun _ err -> errorName <- err.Condition; trySet mre))
+ let attached = new OnAttached (fun _ _ -> trySet mre)
+ let sender = new SenderLink(ac.Session, "test-sender",
+ Target(Address = dest), attached);
+ mre.WaitOne() |> ignore
+ try
+ let receiver = ReceiverLink(ac.Session, "test-receiver", dest)
+ receiver.Close()
+ with
+ | :? Amqp.AmqpException as ae ->
+ assertEqual (ae.Error.Condition) (Symbol cond)
+ | _ -> failwith "invalid expection thrown"
+ let authFailure uri =
+ try
+ let u = Uri uri
+ let uri = sprintf "amqp://blah:blah@%s:%i" u.Host u.Port
+ let c = Connection(Address uri)
+ failwith "expected exception not received"
+ with
+ | :? Amqp.AmqpException ->
+ ()
+ let accessFailureSend uri =
+ try
+ let u = Uri uri
+ let uri = sprintf "amqp://access_failure:boo@%s:%i" u.Host u.Port
+ use ac = connect uri
+ let dest = "/amq/queue/test"
+ ac.Session.add_Closed (
+ new ClosedCallback (fun _ err -> printfn "session err %A" err.Condition
+ ))
+ let sender = new SenderLink(ac.Session, "test-sender", dest)
+ sender.Send(new Message "hi", TimeSpan.FromSeconds 15.)
+ failwith "expected exception not received"
+ with
+ | :? Amqp.AmqpException as ex ->
+ printfn "Exception %A" ex
+ ()
+ let accessFailure uri =
+ try
+ let u = Uri uri
+ let uri = sprintf "amqp://access_failure:boo@%s:%i" u.Host u.Port
+ use ac = connect uri
+ let dest = "/amq/queue/test"
+ let receiver = ReceiverLink(ac.Session, "test-receiver", dest)
+ receiver.Close()
+ failwith "expected exception not received"
+ with
+ | :? Amqp.AmqpException as ex ->
+ printfn "Exception %A" ex
+ ()
+ let accessFailureNotAllowed uri =
+ try
+ let u = Uri uri
+ let uri = sprintf "amqp://access_failure_not_allowed:boo@%s:%i" u.Host u.Port
+ use ac = connect uri
+ let dest = "/amq/queue/test"
+ let receiver = ReceiverLink(ac.Session, "test-receiver", dest)
+ receiver.Close()
+ failwith "expected exception not received"
+ with
+ | :? Amqp.AmqpException as ex ->
+ printfn "Exception %A" ex
+ ()
+let (|AsLower|) (s: string) =
+ match s with
+ | null -> null
+ | _ -> s.ToLowerInvariant()
+let main argv =
+ match List.ofArray argv with
+ | [AsLower "auth_failure"; uri] ->
+ authFailure uri
+ 0
+ | [AsLower "access_failure"; uri] ->
+ accessFailure uri
+ 0
+ | [AsLower "access_failure_not_allowed"; uri] ->
+ accessFailureNotAllowed uri
+ 0
+ | [AsLower "access_failure_send"; uri] ->
+ accessFailureSend uri
+ 0
+ | [AsLower "roundtrip"; uri] ->
+ roundtrip uri
+ 0
+ | [AsLower "roundtrip_to_amqp_091"; uri] ->
+ roundtrip_to_amqp_091 uri
+ 0
+ | [AsLower "data_types"; uri] ->
+ datatypes uri
+ 0
+ | [AsLower "default_outcome"; uri] ->
+ defaultOutcome uri
+ 0
+ | [AsLower "outcomes"; uri] ->
+ outcomes uri
+ 0
+ | [AsLower "fragmentation"; uri] ->
+ fragmentation uri
+ 0
+ | [AsLower "message_annotations"; uri] ->
+ messageAnnotations uri
+ 0
+ | [AsLower "footer"; uri] ->
+ footer uri
+ 0
+ | [AsLower "reject"; uri] ->
+ reject uri
+ 0
+ | [AsLower "redelivery"; uri] ->
+ redelivery uri
+ 0
+ | [AsLower "routing"; uri] ->
+ routing uri
+ 0
+ | [AsLower "invalid_routes"; uri] ->
+ invalidRoutes uri
+ 0
+ | _ ->
+ printfn "test %A not found. usage: <test> <uri>" argv
+ 1