path: root/deps/rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2/
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+# OAuth 2.0 (JWT) Token Authorisation Backend for RabbitMQ
+[![Build Status](](
+This [RabbitMQ authentication/authorisation backend]( plugin lets applications (clients)
+and users authenticate and authorize using JWT-encoded [OAuth 2.0 access tokens](
+It is not specific to but developed against [Cloud Foundry UAA](
+An OAuth 2.0 primer is available [elsewhere on the Web](
+## Supported RabbitMQ Versions
+The plugin targets and ships with RabbitMQ 3.8. Like all RabbitMQ [plugins](, it must be enabled before it can be used:
+``` shell
+rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2
+## How it Works
+### Authorization Workflow
+This plugin does not communicate with an UAA server. It decodes an access token provided by
+the client and authorises a user based on the data stored in the token.
+The token can be any [JWT token]( which
+contains the `scope` and `aud` fields. The way the token was
+retrieved (such as what grant type was used) is outside of the scope
+of this plugin.
+### Prerequisites
+To use this plugin
+1. UAA should be configured to produce encrypted JWT tokens containing a set of RabbitMQ permission scopes
+2. All RabbitMQ nodes must be [configured to use the `rabbit_auth_backend_oauth2` backend](
+3. All RabbitMQ nodes must be configure with a resource service ID (`resource_server_id`) that matches the scope prefix (e.g. `rabbitmq` in `*/*`).
+### Authorization Flow
+1. Client authorize with OAuth 2.0 provider, requesting an `access_token` (using any grant type desired)
+2. Token scope returned by OAuth 2.0 provider must include RabbitMQ resource scopes that follow a convention used by this plugin: `configure:%2F/foo` means "configure permissions for 'foo' in vhost '/'")
+3. Client passes the token as password when connecting to a RabbitMQ node. **The username field is ignored**.
+4. The translated permissions are stored as part of the authenticated connection state and used the same
+ way permissions from RabbitMQ's internal database would be used.
+## Usage
+The plugin needs a UAA signing key to be configured in order to decrypt and verify client-provided tokens.
+To get the signing key from a running UAA node, use the
+[token_key endpoint](
+or [uaac]( (the `uaac signing key` command).
+The following fields are required: `kty`, `value`, `alg`, and `kid`.
+Assuming UAA reports the following signing key information:
+uaac signing key
+ kty: RSA
+ e: AQAB
+ use: sig
+ kid: a-key-ID
+ alg: RS256
+ value: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
+-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
+ n: ANnT_r0Z_io_kv6BnePZKuvgijQHbggta2i30x-wd6o5mWJuOcg5fl5oCvQjZh15IaPar5oXZLHcw1bHXg5YSiHXCFmnYag83bZ9YY_9tolMK4R9G3eO-YZSnLImfqMv7HYBoAM75pk0JnTKhF6ldgfavShQZqOAIYf-vneMDNax_ZMZdEbzACi3vnWqCByI6JPIQju
+ HCkEBMPxKwXuEhdnK98EMAnxdalbuHgFTVX8X8v7hLxt0O8dNOT903CvkHGICcWr95YnLUouXcli4BkAL5JJ1oraUSvClS8qRI-Vino-ghfJ6t9LrZ9eRUINCZB6Ks8Igqqnnp_BiD7XiO1c
+it will translate into the following configuration (in the [advanced RabbitMQ config format](
+ %% ...
+ %% backend configuration
+ {rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2, [
+ {resource_server_id, <<"my_rabbit_server">>},
+ %% UAA signing key configuration
+ {key_config, [
+ {signing_keys, #{
+ <<"a-key-ID">> => {pem, <<"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
+-----END PUBLIC KEY-----">>}
+ }}
+ ]}
+ ]}
+If a symmetric key is used, the configuration will look like this:
+ {rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2, [
+ {resource_server_id, <<"my_rabbit_server">>},
+ {key_config, [
+ {signing_keys, #{
+ <<"a-key-ID">> => {map, #{<<"kty">> => <<"MAC">>,
+ <<"alg">> => <<"HS256">>,
+ <<"value">> => <<"my_signing_key">>}}
+ }}
+ ]}
+ ]},
+### Resource Server ID and Scope Prefixes
+OAuth 2.0 (and thus UAA-provided) tokens use scopes to communicate what set of permissions particular
+client has been granted. The scopes are free form strings.
+`resource_server_id` is a prefix used for scopes in UAA to avoid scope collisions (or unintended overlap).
+It is an empty string by default.
+### Scope-to-Permission Translation
+Scopes are translated into permission grants to RabbitMQ resources for the provided token.
+The current scope format is `<permission>:<vhost_pattern>/<name_pattern>[/<routing_key_pattern>]` where
+ * `<permission>` is an access permission (`configure`, `read`, or `write`)
+ * `<vhost_pattern>` is a wildcard pattern for vhosts token has access to.
+ * `<name_pattern>` is a wildcard pattern for resource name
+ * `<routing_key_pattern>` is an optional wildcard pattern for routing key in topic authorization
+Wildcard patterns are strings with optional wildcard symbols `*` that match
+any sequence of characters.
+Wildcard patterns match as following:
+ * `*` matches any string
+ * `foo*` matches any string starting with a `foo`
+ * `*foo` matches any string ending with a `foo`
+ * `foo*bar` matches any string starting with a `foo` and ending with a `bar`
+There can be multiple wildcards in a pattern:
+ * `start*middle*end`
+ * `*before*after*`
+**To use special characters like `*`, `%`, or `/` in a wildcard pattern,
+the pattern must be [URL-encoded](**
+These are the typical permissions examples:
+- `read:*/*`(`read:*/*/*`) - read permissions to any resource on any vhost
+- `write:*/*`(`write:*/*/*`) - write permissions to any resource on any vhost
+- `read:vhost1/*`(`read:vhost1/*/*`) - read permissions to any resource on the `vhost1` vhost
+- `read:vhost1/some*` - read permissions to all the resources, starting with `some` on the `vhost1` vhost
+- `write:vhsot1/some*/routing*` - topic write permissions to publish to an exchange starting with `some` with a routing key starting with `routing`
+See the [wildcard matching test suite](./test/wildcard_match_SUITE.erl) and [scopes test suite](./test/scope_SUITE.erl) for more examples.
+Scopes should be prefixed with `resource_server_id`. For example,
+if `resource_server_id` is "my_rabbit", a scope to enable read from any vhost will
+be `*/*`.
+### Using a different token field for the Scope
+By default the plugin will look for the `scope` key in the token, you can configure the plugin to also look in other fields using the `additional_rabbitmq_scopes` setting.
+ {rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2, [
+ {resource_server_id, <<"my_rabbit_server">>},
+ {additional_rabbitmq_scopes, <<"my_custom_scope_key">>},
+ ...
+ ]}
+ ]},
+### Using Tokens with Clients
+A client must present a valid `access_token` acquired from an OAuth 2.0 provider (UAA) as the **password**
+in order to authenticate with RabbitMQ.
+To learn more about UAA/OAuth 2.0 clients see [UAA docs](
+### Scope and Tags
+Users in RabbitMQ can have [tags associated with them](
+Tags are used to [control access to the management plugin](
+In the OAuth context, tags can be added as part of the scope, using a format like `<resource_server_id>.tag:<tag>`. For
+example, if `resource_server_id` is "my_rabbit", a scope to grant access to the management plugin with
+the `monitoring` tag will be `my_rabbit.tag:monitoring`.
+## Examples
+The [demo](/demo) directory contains example configuration files which can be used to set up
+a development UAA server and issue tokens, which can be used to access RabbitMQ
+### UAA and RabbitMQ Config Files
+To run the demo you need to have a [UAA]( node
+installed or built from source.
+To make UAA use a particular config file, such as those provided in the demo directory,
+export the `CLOUDFOUNDRY_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable. For example, to use symmetric keys,
+see the UAA config files under the `demo/symmetric_keys` directory.
+`demo/symmetric_keys/rabbit.config` contains a RabbitMQ configuration file that
+sets up a matching signing key on the RabbitMQ end.
+### Running UAA
+To run UAA with a custom config file path, use the following from the UAA git repository:
+CLOUDFOUNDRY_CONFIG_PATH=<path_to_plugin>/demo/symmetric_keys ./gradlew run
+### Running RabbitMQ
+RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE=<path_to_plugin>/demo/symmetric_keys/rabbitmq rabbitmq-server
+## Or to run from source from the plugin directory
+make run-broker RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE=demo/symmetric_keys/rabbitmq
+The `rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2` plugin must be enabled on the RabbitMQ node.
+### Asymmetric Key Example
+To use an RSA (asymmetric) key, you can set `CLOUDFOUNDRY_CONFIG_PATH` to `demo/rsa_keys`.
+This directory also contains `rabbit.config` file, as well as a public key (`public_key.pem`)
+which will be used for signature verification.
+### UAA User and Permission Management
+UAA sets scopes from client scopes and user groups. The demo uses groups to set up
+a set of RabbitMQ permissions scopes.
+The `demo/` script can be used to configure a demo user and groups.
+The script will also create RabbitMQ resources associated with permissions.
+The script uses `uaac` and `bunny` (RabbitMQ client) and requires them to be installed.
+When running the script, UAA server and RabbitMQ server should be running.
+You should configure `UAA_HOST` (localhost:8080/uaa for local machine) and
+`RABBITMQCTL` (a path to `rabbitmqctl` script) environment variables to run this script.
+gem install cf-uaac
+gem install bunny
+RABBITMQCTL=<path_to_rabbitmqctl> demo/
+Please refer to `demo/` to get more info about configuring UAA permissions.
+The script will return access tokens which can be used to authenticate and authorise
+in RabbitMQ. When connecting, pass the token in the **password** field. The username
+field will be ignored as long as the token provides a client ID.
+## License and Copyright
+(c) 2016-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
+Released under the Mozilla Public License 2.0, same as RabbitMQ.