path: root/deps/rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2/demo/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2/demo/')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2/demo/ b/deps/rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2/demo/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..5df538dde5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2/demo/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+gem list cf-uaac | grep cf-uaac || exit 1
+gem list bunny | grep bunny || exit 1
+# export to use a different ctl, e.g. if the node was built from source
+# Target the server
+uaac target $target
+# Get admin client to manage UAA
+uaac token client get admin -s adminsecret
+# Set permission to list signing keys
+uaac client update admin --authorities " clients.secret clients.write uaa.admin clients.admin scim.write uaa.resource"
+# Rabbit UAA user
+# The user name and password needed to retrieve access tokens,
+# RabbiMQ does not have to be aware of this credentials.
+uaac user add rabbit_super -p rabbit_super --email
+uaac user add rabbit_nosuper -p rabbit_nosuper --email
+# Create permissions
+# Uaa groups will become scopes, which should define RabbitMQ permissions and tags.
+uaac group add "*/*"
+uaac group add "rabbitmq.write:*/*"
+uaac group add "rabbitmq.configure:*/*"
+uaac group add "rabbitmq.write:uaa_vhost/*"
+uaac group add "*"
+uaac group add "rabbitmq.tag:administrator"
+# Assigning groups to users.
+# rabbit_super will be able to read,write and configure any resources.
+# They will be able to connect to the management plugin as well.
+uaac member add "*/*" rabbit_super
+uaac member add "rabbitmq.write:*/*" rabbit_super
+uaac member add "rabbitmq.configure:*/*" rabbit_super
+uaac member add "rabbitmq.tag:administrator" rabbit_super
+# rabbit_nosuper will be able to read uaa_vhost resources starting with some
+# and write to any uaa_vhost resources
+uaac member add "rabbitmq.write:uaa_vhost/*" rabbit_nosuper
+uaac member add "*" rabbit_nosuper
+# Configure RabbiqMQ
+# Add uaa_vhost and other vhost to check permissions
+$ctl add_vhost uaa_vhost
+$ctl add_vhost other_vhost
+# add e.g. --access_token_validity 60 --refresh_token_validity 3600 to experiment with token validity
+uaac client add rabbit_client --name rabbit_client --scope 'rabbitmq.*' --authorized_grant_types password,client_credentials --authorities rabbitmq --secret rabbit_secret --redirect_uri 'http://localhost:15672'
+# Set guest user permissions to create queues.
+$ctl set_permissions -p uaa_vhost guest '.*' '.*' '.*'
+$ctl set_permissions -p other_vhost guest '.*' '.*' '.*'
+# Get access tokens
+uaac token owner get rabbit_client rabbit_super -s rabbit_secret -p rabbit_super
+uaac token owner get rabbit_client rabbit_nosuper -s rabbit_secret -p rabbit_nosuper
+echo "Auth info for rabbit_nosuper user
+This user will have read access to uaa_vhost resources,
+which name start with some and write access to all uaa_vhost resources.
+Use access_token as a RabbitMQ password, the username is ignored"
+uaac context rabbit_nosuper
+echo "Auth info for rabbit_super user
+This user will have full access to all rabbitmq vhosts.
+Use access_token as a RabbitMQ password, the username is ignored"
+uaac context rabbit_super
+# Create queues
+ruby demo/declare_queues.rb uaa_vhost/some_queue uaa_vhost/other_queue other_vhost/some_queue other_vhost/other_queue