path: root/deps/rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2/test/add_uaa_key_command_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2/test/add_uaa_key_command_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2/test/add_uaa_key_command_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2/test/add_uaa_key_command_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba46715db1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2/test/add_uaa_key_command_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+-define(COMMAND, 'Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Ctl.Commands.AddUaaKeyCommand').
+all() ->
+ [validate_arguments,
+ validate_json_key,
+ validate_pem_key,
+ validate_pem_file_key
+ ].
+init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:run_setup_steps(Config, []).
+end_per_suite(Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:run_teardown_steps(Config, []).
+validate_arguments(_) ->
+ {validation_failure, too_many_args} =
+ ?COMMAND:validate([<<"one">>, <<"two">>], #{json => <<"{}">>}),
+ {validation_failure, not_enough_args} =
+ ?COMMAND:validate([], #{json => <<"{}">>}),
+ {validation_failure, {bad_argument, <<"No key specified">>}} =
+ ?COMMAND:validate([<<"foo">>], #{}),
+ {validation_failure, {bad_argument, <<"There can be only one key type">>}} =
+ ?COMMAND:validate([<<"foo">>], #{json => <<"{}">>, pem => <<"pem">>}),
+ {validation_failure, {bad_argument, <<"There can be only one key type">>}} =
+ ?COMMAND:validate([<<"foo">>], #{json => <<"{}">>, pem_file => <<"/tmp/key.pem">>}),
+ {validation_failure, {bad_argument, <<"There can be only one key type">>}} =
+ ?COMMAND:validate([<<"foo">>], #{pem => <<"pem">>, pem_file => <<"/tmp/key.pem">>}).
+validate_json_key(_) ->
+ {validation_failure, {bad_argument, <<"Invalid JSON">>}} =
+ ?COMMAND:validate([<<"foo">>], #{json => <<"foobar">>}),
+ {validation_failure, {bad_argument, <<"Json key should contain \"kty\" field">>}} =
+ ?COMMAND:validate([<<"foo">>], #{json => <<"{}">>}),
+ {validation_failure, {bad_argument, _}} =
+ ?COMMAND:validate([<<"foo">>], #{json => <<"{\"kty\": \"oct\"}">>}),
+ ValidJson = <<"{\"alg\":\"HS256\",\"k\":\"dG9rZW5rZXk\",\"kid\":\"token-key\",\"kty\":\"oct\",\"use\":\"sig\",\"value\":\"tokenkey\"}">>,
+ ok = ?COMMAND:validate([<<"foo">>], #{json => ValidJson}).
+validate_pem_key(Config) ->
+ {validation_failure, <<"Unable to read a key from the PEM string">>} =
+ ?COMMAND:validate([<<"foo">>], #{pem => <<"not a key">>}),
+ CertsDir = ?config(rmq_certsdir, Config),
+ Keyfile = filename:join([CertsDir, <<"client">>, <<"key.pem">>]),
+ {ok, Key} = file:read_file(Keyfile),
+ ok = ?COMMAND:validate([<<"foo">>], #{pem => Key}).
+validate_pem_file_key(Config) ->
+ {validation_failure, {bad_argument, <<"PEM file not found">>}} =
+ ?COMMAND:validate([<<"foo">>], #{pem_file => <<"non_existent_file">>}),
+ file:write_file("empty.pem", <<"">>),
+ {validation_failure, <<"Unable to read a key from the PEM file">>} =
+ ?COMMAND:validate([<<"foo">>], #{pem_file => <<"empty.pem">>}),
+ file:write_file("not_pem.pem", <<"">>),
+ {validation_failure, _} =
+ ?COMMAND:validate([<<"foo">>], #{pem_file => <<"not_pem.pem">>}),
+ CertsDir = ?config(rmq_certsdir, Config),
+ Keyfile = filename:join([CertsDir, <<"client">>, <<"key.pem">>]),
+ ok = ?COMMAND:validate([<<"foo">>], #{pem_file => Keyfile}).